The genre of the scene in the role-playing lyrics of N. Nekrasov and its compositional features. Analysis of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Before the Rain” in elementary school

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Studying the creativity of N.A. Nekrasova at school

The educational manual proposes an original approach to the study of the life and work of N.A. Nekrasova. Nationality as a criterion of truth artistic creativity The poet can be traced in the system of lessons based on the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”. From these positions, the author proposes a study of the biography and lyrics of N.A. Nekrasova. The content and forms of classes were tested in secondary schools No. 7, 9, 20 in the city of Shuya, Ivanovo region.

From these positions, the author proposes a study of the biography and lyrics of N.A. Nekrasova.<...>When studying the biographical material and lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov, students should come to the conclusion that<...>Nekrasov This is noted, for example, in the work of Z.Ya. Res "Lyrics N.A.<...>Drawing a parallel with the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov, we will show students the peculiarity of the plot “Who lives well in Rus'<...>Even in the lyrics of N.A.

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Analysis of literary text and creative work at school. 5th grade. Teacher materials

The manual reflects the system of analysis of literary text in school in relation to creative works (essays) different types). The purpose of analysis is, first of all, the ability to see the aesthetic side of the text, to read it as artistic. Attention to the artistic structure of the text, in turn, develops the ability to express oneself in words (to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the child’s abilities and inclinations). One way or another, the ability to read a work is directly related to the ability to construct one’s own text. Of course, in this process it is absolutely necessary to connect literature lessons with lessons in the development of speech, the Russian language, and world artistic culture.

terms, the features of the lyrics are defined as follows: “The lyrics depict individual states of character in a certain<...>Nekrasov “Frost, Red Nose” Poem by N. A.<...>Nekrasov "Frost, Red Nose".<...>Poetry of the world and peace in poetry (lyrics of Russian poets about nature) N. Yazykov “Storm”, F.<...>Expressive means in lyrics: A. Pushkin “ winter road"…………………………………………………… A.

Preview: Analysis of literary text and creative work at school. 5th grade. .pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 11 [New literature on social and human sciences. Literary criticism: Bibliography. decree, 2012]

“Aching Spirit”: About the lyrics of E.A.<...>On the history of cooperation between N.A. Nekrasov and F.<...>Nekrasov "Schoolboy" // M.V.<...>Civil lyrics by N.A. Nekrasov in the assessment of A.V.<...>Early lyrics by B.L.

Preview: New literature on social sciences and humanities. Literary criticism Bibliography. decree. No. 11 2012.pdf (1.8 Mb)


No. 4 [Young people in librarianship, 2003]

Nekrasov, Izhevsk, Central City Library of Omsk.<...>N.A. Nekrasova, Moscow.<...>N.A. Nekrasova (city)<...>Nekrasova, who transferred about 4 thousand copies. books.<...>But we would not have achieved this if we had remained with our old view of the great lyricist.

Preview: Young people in librarianship No. 4 2003.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 9 [New literature on social and human sciences. Literary criticism: Bibliography. decree, 2011]

It is a continuation of the bibliographic indexes “New Soviet literature on literary criticism” and “New foreign literature on literary criticism”. Published monthly. Contains information about domestic and foreign literature on the theory and history of literary criticism, literature of all countries and peoples, folklore, received by the INION RAS library. The publication is intended for use in scientific, educational, bibliographic and reference activities. The index includes information about books and articles from magazines and collections. Each issue is equipped with auxiliary author and subject indexes.

Nekrasova) // Vestn. Orenburg. state un-ta. – Orenburg, 2010. – No. 11 (117). – pp. 12-15.<...>Ostrovsky A. N. 546 Code: 07107634 Nekrasova A.M.<...>Lunar motifs in the lyrics of K. Balmont and Vyach.<...>The concept of "Wandering" in the lyrics of N.<...>Motives of the lyrics by I.F. Annensky and A.A.

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The genre of the scene in the role-playing lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov and his compositional features

The article raises the question of identifying the sketch genre among the role-playing poems of N.A. Nekrasova. Signs of this unconventional genre are emerging. Particular attention is paid to the compositional features of the scene.

As is known, role-playing lyrics occupy a special place in Nekrasov’s poetry.<...>Grigoryan in the article “On the question of genres in Nekrasov’s lyrics” wrote: “In the formation of Nekrasov’s poetic genres<...>Corman Lyrics N.A. Nekrasova. Voronezh, 1964. – 388 p.; Garkavi A.M.<...>On the question of genres in Nekrasov’s lyrics // Nekr. Sat. 4. – L.: Science. – 1967. – P.145-157. 6.<...>Lyrics by Nekrasov. – M.: Artist. lit.. – 1977. – 117 p.

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On the problem of composition and genre of a lyrical work (results of studying the composition of the epigram and elegy of N.A. Nekrasov)

The article poses the problem of the relationship between composition and genre of a poetic work. To pose and solve this problem, the results of the author's study of the composition of two stylistically polar genres - epigram and elegy - are summarized.

Nekrasova.<...>Nekrasova.<...>Composition of lyrics by N.A.<...>On the question of genres in Nekrasov’s lyrics / K.N.<...>Lyrics Nekrasova / B.O. Corman. – Izhevsk: Udmurtia, 1978. – 300 p. 12. Lotman Yu.M.

Preview: On the problem of composition and genre of a lyrical work (results of studying the composition of the epigram and elegy of N.A. Nekrasov).pdf (0.2 Mb)


Graphics of poetry by N.A. Nekrasov monograph

The publication is a monographic study of graphic appearance based on the poetry of N.A. Nekrasov, his predecessors and contemporaries. Graphic means (“ladder”, italics, graphic equivalent of text) are considered from the point of view of the tradition of their use in Russian poetry, creative history, structure and functions of these techniques. The author offers his own methodology for analyzing graphic means in relation to other verse formants and in connection with the artistic world of the work.

The majority of three-syllables are found in Nekrasov’s lyrics (Table 4).<...>In all of Nekrasov’s lyrics, this percentage is somewhat lower – 60.5%.<...>Lyrics by Nekrasova / B. O. Korman. – Izhevsk, 1978. – 299 p. 217 Corman, B. O.<...>Ideological and artistic originality of N. A. Nekrasov’s lyrics / I. V. Trofimov, A. M.<...>Specificity of artistic space and time in Nekrasov’s lyrics // Modern reading of Nekrasov

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Theory of literature and practice of reading activity. allowance


The manual raises the problems of the theory of children's literature: the specifics of literature included in the circle of children's reading are considered, ways of researching children's literature are outlined, etc. Based on literature for children, the features of the system are considered work of art and the principles of its functioning in literature and culture. The manual contains the lecture course program, methodological developments practical classes, material for organizing independent work (a system of exercises and final questions, options test tasks etc.). The subject of analysis is mainly works from children's reading circles. The manual is aimed at theoretical and literary training of future teachers primary classes, as well as teachers of Russian language and literature.

LYRICS AS A KIND OF LITERATURE.<...>Nekrasov “Frost, Red Nose” of the majestic 1 Ibid. P. 32. 2 Chukovsky K.<...>Nekrasov "Skis". What function does the absence of punctuation serve?<...>Nekrasova 2. In the textbook L.F. Klimanova and other nearby poems by V.<...>Bryusov, “true lyricism is always poetry, but “poetry” is not only lyricism” 1.

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Library life in Kuzbass. Vol. 3 (20): collection

In issue 3 collections "Library Life of Kuzbass" for 1998 examine the problems of school and youth libraries in the modern library and information space, distance learning for teachers in the education system Kemerovo region, environmental education and enlightenment.

Grossman", "Lyrics of B. Pasternak", "Methodological techniques in studying the work of L.N.<...>Nekrasova, “Garnet Bracelet”, “Olesya”, “The Pit” by A.I.



M.: Publishing House "Children's Literature"

The book of the great Russian poet, “sorrower of the people’s grief” N. A. Nekrasov included about a hundred well-known poems. Among them are “The Poet and the Citizen”, “Reflections at the Front Entrance”, “The Railway” and others.

“Nekrasov’s lyrics of the 70s,” notes N.N.<...>Folk life in Nekrasov’s lyrics of the 70s is also depicted in a new way.<...>Lyrics by Nekrasov. Izhevsk, 1978. P. 106.)<...>Lyrics by Nekrasov. P. 210.) B. Ya.<...>Lyrics by Nekrasov. P. 71.) “If tormented by rebellious passion...”

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Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born in the town of Nemirovo, Kamenets-Podolsk province. His father, a poor landowner, served at that time with the rank of captain. Three years after the birth of his son, he retired as a major and settled permanently on his family estate, Greshnev. Here, in the Yaroslavl province, the poet spent his entire childhood. The master's son was not allowed to be friends with the children of serfs, but the boy often ran away to his village comrades, swam with them in the river, and made “mushroom raids”

Selected Lyrics. – M.: Det. lit., 1990.<...>Lyrics: Favorites. Text analysis: Essays: A reference guide. – M.: Publishing house. House "Bustard", 1997.<...>“Happy day, I distinguish it”: Evening of love lyrics by N.<...>“The heart breaks from agony”: Lyrics Nekrasova in the 10th grade // Literature: gas.<...>Nekrasov “Russian Women” // Literature: gas.


No. 5 [Man and the modern world, 2018]

International scientific research journal "Man and modern world» is an electronic periodical. The main goal of the magazine is to cover and discuss a wide range of problems in socio-humanitarian knowledge, human studies, ecology, psychology and other scientific problems relating to the world of modern man.

.: edition of "Works of Nekrasov" (first posthumous edition, St. Petersburg, 1879; detailed bibliographical instructions

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The works of Thomas Moore in Russian translations of the first third of the 19th century. allowance


The textbook examines the peculiarities of the perception of the works of Thomas Moore (in particular, the cycle of “Irish Melodies” and the poem “Lalla Rook”) by Russian poets and translators of the first third of the 19th century. A detailed analysis of a large amount of factual material dating back to the 1810-1830s made it possible not only to fit the work of a foreign writer into the context of the development of Russian romantic literature, but also to partially clarify ideas about the “golden age” of Russian poetry.

<...>Lyrics and poems. – L., 1939. – P.XXVII.<...>Lyrics of Pushkin's time.<...>In 1852, a series of two articles about Thomas Moore was published in Sovremennik by N.A. Nekrasov and I.I. Panaev<...>Lyrics of Pushkin's time.

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Russian literature. Course of lectures [textbook. allowance]

M.: Prospekt

The textbook, in the form of lectures, reveals the main programmatic issues of the academic discipline “Russian Literature”. Indispensable when preparing for exams, tests, and seminars.

Problems of N. A. Nekrasov’s lyrics He works until he’s dead, He drinks until he’s half to death!<...>NEKRASOV Speaking about the fate of the poet in Nekrasov's lyrics, it should be borne in mind that throughout his<...>The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of N. A. Nekrasov on the fate of the people.<...>Problems of the lyrics of N. A. Nekrasov .............................. 114 Lecture No. 33.<...>The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of N. A. Nekrasov .................. 118 Lecture No. 34.

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Analysis of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Before the Rain” in elementary school

Nekrasov “Before the Rain” in elementary school Analyzing a lyric poem at school poses particular difficulties<...>Nekrasov's lyrics contain many wonderful landscape sketches that speak of deep and tender<...>Autumn paintings, which are most often found in landscape poetry, best correspond to sadness and melancholy<...>Pay attention to how Nekrasov’s objects of nature “come to life”.<...>In the Complete Works of Nekrasov, the comments say that “the poem talks about the gendarme

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Journalism. Collection of educational programs (in 3 parts). Part II

Lyrics N.A. Nekrasova (1821–1878) Nekrasov’s place in the history of Russian literature.<...>The poetics of the “natural school” and its reflection in Nekrasov’s lyrics (“On the Street”).<...>The seminar lesson involves reading and analyzing the lyrics of Nekrasov and Fet. Topic 11. Dramaturgy A.N.<...>Lyrics N.A. Nekrasova. 37. Lyrics by A.A. Feta. 38. Roman I.A. Goncharov "Ordinary History".<...>Lyrics N.A. Nekrasova. Voronezh, 1964. Skatov N.N. Nekrasov. Contemporaries and successors. M., 1986.

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The article defends the understanding of the lyrical plot as a movement of feeling, the development of emotion. Elements of descriptions of the external world (portrait, landscape, detail) become carriers of lyrical experience. As an example, the lyrical plot in A. Blok’s poem “Here the night is dead. My words are wild..." The poem mentions a “black monk,” which gives grounds for comparing the figurative structure of the poem with A. Chekhov’s story “The Black Monk,” especially since the writer’s “prose of moods” is characterized by a musical (sonata) composition, which was proven by N. Fortunatov. Some similarities in the details of these two works only emphasize fundamental difference epic and lyrical types of plot. The event plot in Chekhov's story is completed, the lyrical plot in Blok's poem is compressed into one point and leaves the lyrical hero in a situation of “crossroads”. Analysis of the poem shows that the plot of the poem (increasing despair and a cry bursting from the chest) is realized not in the event outline, but in the very intonation structure of the text

Exploring the performative origins of lyrics, V.I.<...>In a word, the lyrics tend towards monologue. However, the subjective sphere of lyrics becomes more complicated. B.O.<...>Corman brilliantly analyzed the role-playing hero in Nekrasov's lyrics; at the beginning of the twentieth century. is finally being formed<...>the lyrical subject is compositionally separated from the words of the character-narrator, as, for example, in Nekrasov’s poem<...>Lyrics in historical light // Theory of literature. T. III.


No. 8 [Leisure at school, 2010]

A newspaper for teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities in elementary, middle and high schools.

Master of Vocal Lyrics.<...>Lyrics of nature and love Design: Portraits of Nekrasov by Kramskoy (1), illustrations for works<...>Lyrics of love and Russian nature occupy a significant place in Nekrasov’s work.<...>The peculiarity of Nekrasov’s lyrics is that it seems to destroy the lyrical isolation,<...>This is clear to me from your book,” Chernyshevsky wrote to Nekrasov about his love lyrics.

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The final book in the poetry of the last third of the 19th century: architectonics and genre dynamics

Omsk State University

The problems of formation, development and genre transformations of the lyric book as a sovereign artistic structure are considered based on the material of poetry of the last third of the 19th century. A definition of a book of poetry is given in contrast to other component meta-genre formations: a cycle, a collection of poems, etc. The extensive material of the unique ensemble of final lyric books identified for the first time is examined. A methodology and technique for analyzing the lyrical book as a systemic multi-level artistic whole in the author's and historical-literary contexts is proposed.

With varying degrees of a priori, they can be attributed to Nekrasov’s lyrics “The Beginning of the Poem (She again, dear<...>Nekrasov "Last Songs".<...>Nekrasova, A. Feta, Ya.<...>Nekrasova, “Evening Lights” by A.A.<...>“Dreams and Sounds”, “Lyrical Pantheon”, “Gammas” - metaphorical titles of the debut editions of Nekrasov’s lyrics

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Literature of the second half of the 19th century textbook

Publishing House LIK

Tutorial is a set of lectures on literature of the 19th century and is intended for students of secondary vocational education with the aim of developing their information competence. Work on sections of the course that include works by writers of different trends, aesthetic positions and socio-political views allows for the widespread use of comparative analysis and students to develop a comprehensive, objective understanding of the development of literature.

Nekrasova). 4.<...>HOW TO READ LYRICS (based on the lyrics of N.A.<...>This is not in the lyrics!<...>Lyrica Nekrasova took the next step.<...>Innovation in the lyrics of N.A.

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Russian word in lyric poetry of the 19th century. 1840-1900 academic years allowance

The book is dedicated to the art of words in Russian poetry of the Golden Age, which made the greatest, incomparable contribution not only to Russian, but also to universal human culture. The textbook covers the post-Pushkin era (1840-1900), when literary norms and tastes changed noticeably. Stages of the evolution of Russian poetry in the 19th century. The book is interpreted from the perspective of historical poetics with its introduction into linguistic poetics, into the theory of interpretation and understanding of a poetic text; the diversity of a wide variety of individuals and creative talents is outlined - from luminaries to lesser-known, sometimes almost forgotten poets.

Nekrasov, in landscape lyrics developed as the main theme of the rural landscape, which found<...>if you look at all of Nekrasov’s early love lyrics, you can notice a fusion of linguistic elements in it<...>For its time, love lyrics by N.A. Nekrasova was innovative.<...>Nekrasova. The development of social themes in Nekrasov's lyrics was close to Nikitin.<...>Copyright OJSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 537 by nature expert N.N. Skatov: “Lyrics of Nekrasov

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Journalism: collection of educational programs. Part 1

Training profiles “Television and radio broadcasting”, “International journalism”, “Sports journalism”, “Music journalism”, “Journalism in the socio-cultural sphere”, “Literary and artistic criticism”

Ostrovsky 1 1 1 4.5 Lyrics by N.A. Nekrasova 1 1 1 4.6 Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”<...>Ostrovsky 1 3 4.5 Lyrics by N.A. Nekrasova 1 3 4.6 Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?” 4 4.7 Full name<...>Its traditions in modern theater. 4.5 Lyrics by N.A. Nekrasova Beginning creative path. <...>Feta (1820–1892) involves reading and analyzing the lyrics of Nekrasov and Fet.<...>Lyrics N.A. Nekrasova. 37. Lyrics by A.A. Feta. 38. Roman I.A. Goncharov "Ordinary History".

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Nekrasova.<...>His opponents contrasted the civic pathos of Nekrasov’s lyrics with the pathos of Pushkin’s famous poems:<...>(Nekrasov himself implied Gogol in the poem).<...>Chekhov, of course, could not ignore Nekrasov’s poetry.<...>Chekhov’s attitude towards Nekrasov’s work is ambiguous.



Two poets of completely different eras - with their own tasks and aspirations, representing two different social groups, two paths to the artistic development of manifestations of national life. Even one size gives both different rhythm, tempo, and intonation. But “functionally”, each in his own century was called upon to fulfill almost the same artistic mission.

And among them, to the literary heritage of the democratic lyricist and epic poet N.A. Nekrasova.<...>An examination of Tvardovsky’s lyrics allows us to supplement the scientist’s observations.<...>The presence (primarily in Tvardovsky’s lyrics) of Nekrasov motives is another matter.<...>Lyrics by Alexander Tvardovsky. Vologda, 1989. William-Wilmont N. Notes on the poetry of A.<...>Nekrasov and the lyrics of Mikhail Isakovsky, the epic of Alexander Tvardovsky // Skatov N.N.


Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Literature: theory of literary criticism, tests on the history of literature, essay topics. Exam for “excellent” academic. allowance


The manual is intended for schoolchildren and applicants preparing for a literature exam: final dictation, Unified State Exam or creative exam. The manual contains the necessary theoretical information on literary studies for an applicant and a practical part that updates knowledge of the history of literature and directions for developing test-taking skills and the ability to write essays, which ensures comprehensive preparation of the applicant for the exam.

Nekrasova. Creativity M.E.<...>Lyrics.<...>Chukovsky, speaking about Nekrasov’s lyrics: The secret of his [Nekrasov’s] rhythm is that he takes the most<...>Nekrasov thematically refers to: a) philosophical lyrics; c) civil lyrics; b) love lyrics;<...>Nekrasova. Creativity M.E.

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The genre of the role passage in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov and his compositional features

The article raises the question of identifying the genre of the passage among the role-playing poems of N.A. Nekrasova. Particular attention is paid to the compositional features of the two passages. The originality of Nekrasov's passages is shown, and their connection with the tradition of their predecessors is established.

Orenburg State Pedagogical University The genre of the role passage in the lyrics of N.A.<...>Thus, Nekrasov immediately at the beginning of the work resorts to prosaicization of the lyrics.<...>Nekrasov's introduction of a name into a poem is a sign of the proseization of the lyrics.<...>Poetics of the composition of the lyrics by V.A. Zhukovsky: dis. candidate... philol. Sciences / R.A.<...>Nekrasova / O.V.

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Poetry. Translations. Poetica. Moralia. In 4 vols. T. 3. Poetica


The third volume of the four-volume edition of selected works by Olga Sedakova, continuing the centuries-old tradition of the poet’s thoughts on poetry, its title refers to classical examples - Aristotle’s “Poetics” or Horace’s “The Art of Poetry” (and in modern times - to the poetology of Rilke, Claudel, Eliot). The volume includes texts dedicated to poetry, poetics and individual Russian poets. The genres of these works are varied, from an almost formal philological study to a radio conversation and a short review.

This is the general tone of the lyrics of Pushkin’s great contemporary Baratynsky, this is the tone of the lyrics of our contemporary<...>This peculiar sobriety connects her verbal manner with the role lyrics of Nekrasov (“The Drunkard”, “Storm”<...>The linguistic, versification and psychological presence of Nekrasov marks the unbiased lyrics<...>“Hymn” by Nekrasov: Lord!<...>Nekrasov’s unexpected remark is represented by the “black lyrics” of Yu. Kuznetsov.

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Russian literature of the 19th century. 1840-1860.

The author of the book is Honored Professor of Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, laureate of the Literary Prize named after. I.A. Goncharova V.A. Nedzvetsky - previously published two lecture courses on Russian literature of the Soviet period (Budapest, 1986, 1989) and courses of lectures on Russian literary criticism of the 18th-19th centuries (M., 1994, 2008), as well as a special course on the work of I.S. Turgenev (Moscow-Sterlitamak, 2008). The last two lectures in the book (about N.A. Nekrasov and A.N. Ostrovsky) were written by Associate Professor of the Moscow City Pedagogical University E.Yu. Poltavets. Dedicated to Russian literature of the second third of the 19th century, whose creators (A. Herzen, I. Turgenev, I. Goncharov, N. Chernyshevsky, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, N. Nekrasov, A. Fet, F. Tyutchev, A. Ostrovsky and others) already during their lifetime became recognized leaders of the domestic and pan-European literary process, the lecture course by V. Nedzvetsky and E. Poltavets is distinguished by the subtlety of aesthetic analysis, consistency of concept and accessibility of presentation.

“Panaevsky” cycle of lyrics by N.<...>Tyutchev, he says, is a special kind of lyricist, a lyricist and thinker, and this is absolutely true.<...>Nekrasov's lyrics, stunningly innovative, piercing in feeling and at the same time always courageously restrained<...>In Nekrasov's lyrics, researchers note a large share of the dramatic element, epic tendencies,<...>the heroine of Nekrasov’s love lyrics is internally contradictory, her spiritual world is very complex, and Nekrasov

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Problem: the first translations of Russian poetry, made from other languages ​​with the aim of understanding the mentality of the Russian people, over time gave rise to interest in Russian culture as a whole, which contributed to the strengthening of relations between the two countries. The purpose of the article is to consider the process of penetration of Russian and Soviet poetry into the literary field of China, to determine the circle of authors by whom it was represented in this country. Using the review method, the author examines translations, publications and full-length scientific works on Russian and Soviet poetry in China. Results: the history of publications of Russian poets in China is analyzed.

Lyrics" (Chu Qin, 1989), etc.; “Selected Poems of Lermontov” (Yu Zhen, 1980), “Selected Poems of Nekrasov<...>"(Wei Huangnu, 1980), "Selected Poems of Nekrasov" (Ding Lu, 1980), three-volume "Collected Works of Nekrasov<...>Selected lyrics of Bunin" (Zhao Xun, 1985).<...>Pushkin”, “Selected Lyrics of Blok”, “Selected Lyrics of Yesenin”; “My age, my beast.<...>Noteworthy is the statement about Pushkin’s lyrics by Qu Qiubai: “Pushkin’s lyrics are his unprecedented



Nekrasova.<...>Bokarev interestingly analyzes the image of the Muse in the lyrics of S.<...>Paykov “Poetic topic in the lyrics of N.A.<...>Vershinina “Nekrasov about Zhukovsky” is about the influence of the poetics of romanticism on Nekrasov’s lyrics.<...>LuchenevskayaBurdina are dedicated to the creative relationships between Nekrasov and L.N.


Segmentation of lyric text as a way to solve composition problems

The problem of segmentation of lyrical text has been studied by many literary scholars since the middle of the 20th century. In the article, the author provides an analysis of various text segmentation techniques and interprets composition as a literary category.

Evseeva in her dissertation “The Poetics of the Composition of Lyrics by V.A. Zhukovsky". R.A.<...>About lyrics / L.Ya. Ginsburg. – L.: Sov. writer, 1974. – 406 p. 6. Silman, T.I.<...>Lyrics: poetics and typology of composition / Yu.M.<...>Nekrasova / A.M.<...>

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No. 3 [Russian speech, 2017]

Reminiscences from Nekrasov’s civil lyrics about hopeless peasant life, comparison of exercise<...>Following the romantics, “pure lyricists”, A.A.<...>Nekrasova completely changes its meaning.<...>Words by Nekrasova. This is the beginning of his poem “Peddlers,” written in 1861.<...>But Nekrasov’s next quatrain is: “Oh!

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No. 5 [Literature (ID September 1), 2018]

It is necessary, for example, to read more of Nekrasov.<...>not only new Russian journalism, Russian psychological prose, essays and meditative lyrics<...>with lyrics by A.<...>While working with tenth graders on Nekrasov’s lyrics, they themselves noticed a clear tendency towards prose<...>What will you look for in these bologna lyrics?!

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TWO OPTIONS FOR THE FINAL BOOK OF CLASSICAL POETS: “THE LAST SONGS” BY N. A. NEKRASOV AND “EVENING LIGHTS” BY A. A. FETA [Electronic resource] / O.V. Miroshnikova // Human Science: Humanitarian Research. .- 2018 .- No. 2(32) .- P. 10-15 .- doi: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2018.32.10 .- Access mode: https://site/efd/661249

Problem. The article is devoted to the analysis of two farewell books of great Russian poets: “Last Songs” by N. A. Nekrasov and “Evening Lights” by A. A. Fet. The relevance of studying the macrotextual specificity of lyrical creativity is due to the fact that in the poetry of the last third of the 19th century the process of cyclization and intertextual connections within the author’s lyrical systems are clearly expressed. The purpose of this study is to compare the final books of the 1870s–1890s by N. A. Nekrasov and A. A. Fet, the uniqueness of which is reflected in the thoughtfulness of the architectonics, the dynamism of the motif complex, and the expressiveness of the printing design. The tradition of lyrical cyclization at this time acquired various completed forms and became an influential factor in literary development. Conclusion. In the works of N. A. Nekrasov, A. A. Fet and others, intertextual connections within the author’s lyrical systems become more complex. This indicates that the tradition of lyrical cyclicity at this time acquired various complete forms, influencing the culture of consciousness and the publication of a whole book of poems, which would later become important for the poetics of symbolism.

Nekrasov and “Evening Lights” by A. A. Fet.<...>Nekrasov and A.A.<...>It can refer to poems of both lyrical-confessional, and lyrical-journalistic, and satirical<...>The melodic basis of the lyrics of the “poet-musician”, his opposition between word and sound, “rational<...>Nekrasova, A. Feta, Ya.


No. 6 [Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Literature and Language Series, 2016]

The oldest Russian general philological journal, founded in 1852 on the initiative of Academician I.I. Sreznevsky. As an organ of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences Russian Academy Sciences (OIPhN RAS), continues the academic traditions of fundamental Russian philology and reflects current state Russian and foreign research in the field of language and literature. Articles on problems of literary criticism, linguistics and folkloristics, reviews of fundamental philological works, reviews and chronicles, materials on the history of science, information on the activities of the Institute of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences are published. Included in the List of Higher Attestation Commissions for publishing works of applicants for academic degrees.

Nekrasova.<...>Nekrasov with the traditions of the elegiac genre.<...>About the lyrics. 2nd edition. L., 1974. .<...>For some subtexts from the psalms in Ivanov’s original lyrics, see also the article.<...>One of the results of this work was that he divided all classical Russian lyrics according to the type of melody.

Preview: News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Literature and Language Series No. 6 2016.pdf (0.8 Mb)


Terminological minimum for a philology student

Voronezh Publishing and Printing Center state university

The manual explains literary categories using examples familiar to the student from historical and literary courses. It includes a relatively small, but necessary for analysis literary work circle of terms. In the text, those that are covered in separate dictionary entries are highlighted in italics.

In the drama and lyrics of R.P. No.<...>The lyrics are especially rich in symbolism.<...>For example, “Borodino” by M.Yu. Lermontov, “Railway” by N.A. Nekrasov.<...>), but is widely developed in realistic lyrics, especially in the works of N.A. Nekrasov (“Kalistrat<...>lyrics, etc.

Preview: Terminological minimum for a philology student.pdf (0.4 Mb)


No. 6 [New literature on social and human sciences. Literary criticism: Bibliography. decree, 2011]

It is a continuation of the bibliographic indexes “New Soviet literature on literary criticism” and “New foreign literature on literary criticism”. Published monthly. Contains information about domestic and foreign literature on the theory and history of literary criticism, literature of all countries and peoples, folklore, received by the INION RAS library. The publication is intended for use in scientific, educational, bibliographic and reference activities. The index includes information about books and articles from magazines and collections. Each issue is equipped with auxiliary author and subject indexes.

A textbook for applicants “Russian literature of the 19th–20th centuries,” edited by B. S. Bugrov and M. M. Golubkov in 1998–2015. went through 13 editions (a unique case in modern publishing practice). It is well-deservedly popular among teachers and students, who believe every word of it. It is all the more important to note in this wonderful manual the shortcomings and errors that have been preserved and that have arisen again during reprints.

Pushkin) are sometimes on the verge of lyricism and lyric epic" (1st ed., II, 310).<...>In almost all of Nekrasov’s lyrics there is a synthesis of genres.<...>Of course, a tribute to a long tradition is that the “social activist” Nekrasov makes everything mandatory for everyone,<...>Lyrics. Theater. 2nd ed. M., 2008. P. 134).<...>Nekrasov, on the contrary, was strengthened, and with a suitable set: “On the road”, “You and I are stupid people...”


O. Ronen’s work “The Silver Age as Intention and Fiction” was devoted to the study of the history of this term and the possibilities of its practical application in modern literary criticism. Our article provides additional information about the use of the phrase in the 1920s, thereby expanding the range of sources for the study of Russian literary criticism and journalism. An article by I.N. is published in the appendix. Rozanov "Poets of the Silver Age".

(the anthology “Russian Lyrics” published in Paris with a foreword by D.<...>> made Nekrasov the only ruler of the thoughts of his time.<...>Sincerity, which appeared for the first time in Russian lyrics noticeably in Zhukovsky, is the most characteristic<...>Like Pushkin, he is not only a lyricist and constantly moves either to epic forms or to dramatic ones.<...>Russian lyricists: Essays. M., 1929. Ronen O.


For the eighth time in mid-August 2010 in Yaroslavl and the village. Borisoglebsky near Rostov, days of memory of the talented poet, translator and critic Konstantin Vladimirovich Vasiliev took place. The latest developments in modern Russian literature were discussed. The poet's peculiar color blindness was examined and his artistic philosophy was analyzed. Attention was paid to modern young prose.

Nekrasova and folk beliefs" Report by Prof. O.I.<...>Amanova (Tashkent) in the report “Roll calls of oriental poetry and lyrics by K.<...>Nekrasov, was the founder and director of the regional Center for Nekrasov studies, a large<...>Nekrasov "Karabikha". He raised and educated a whole generation of Yaroslavl teachers by his example.<...>It would seem that nothing new can be said about Nekrasov, but she managed to identify the broadest mythological context


No. 4 [Philological class, 2014]

“Philological Class” is published both for literature teachers and philological scientists. The journal strives to bring academic science closer to the direct practice of school teaching of the Russian language and literature.

<...>See Ks. nekrasovaya: FIGURE arable fields lay under the snow...<...>Polyphony in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasova // Korman B.O. Favorite works. theory of literature. - Izhevsk, 2006.<...>Semenova, “Drawing” Ks. nekrasovaya).<...>Polyphony in the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasova // Korman B.O. Favorite works. theory of literature. - Izhevsk, 2006.

Preview: Analysis of a lyric poem.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 6 [Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 9. Philology, 2014]

The journal is one of the most authoritative periodicals in which scientific articles on linguistics and literary criticism are published by scientists from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and representatives of other domestic and foreign universities and academic research institutes. The journal publishes scientific articles reflecting the most striking scientific achievements of professors and teachers, graduate students and students of the faculty; presented in detail scientific life Faculty of Philology of the oldest university in the country

The most important task of the Unified State Examination is an objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered educational programs secondary (complete) general education, based on control measuring materials of a standardized form (CMM). The use of CMM allows one to obtain multidimensional reliable information about the level of mastery of the Federal component by graduates state standard secondary (complete) general education and the degree of their readiness to continue education in higher education organizations with a humanitarian orientation

Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”, lyrics and poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, play by A. N.<...>Nekrasov was tested with tasks of three difficulty levels.<...>Nekrasov, but also in lyric poetry in general.<...>Nekrasov's songs and legends play?").


Analysis of the composition of a lyric poem in elementary school

The article raises the question of the importance of composition analysis when studying lyric poems in primary school. A three-part division of the lyrical text is proposed (beginning, theme development, ending).

Evseev’s dissertation “The Poetics of the Composition of Lyrics by V.A. Zhukovsky".<...>Nekrasov "Before the Rain".<...>In the Complete Works of Nekrasov, the comments say that “the poem talks about the gendarme<...>Nekrasova): dis. candidate... philol. Sciences / O.V. Elephant. – Orenburg, 2007. – 245 p. 9. Fedotov O.I.<...>Poetics of the composition of the lyrics by V.A. Zhukovsky: dis. candidate... philol. Sciences / R.A.Batyushkov's lyrics from fading.<...>Apollo Grigoriev appreciated Nekrasov for the fact that in his poetry “sounds great love to the soil."

I Poems from autopsychological lyrical subject: 1. the autopsychological subject is presented not as a person, but as a point of view, a “voice” (“In the capitals there is noise, thundering vitriol...” by Nekrasov). (In what follows, for brevity, we will call this face of the lyrical subject voice). The object of the image can be: o the external world, in which there are no people, although traces of their activities can be shown. Such are landscape poems (“Midnight Ringing of the Steppe Desert” by Bunin); o one or more characters that form the system. If several groups are depicted, then usually they are somehow compared, relationships can arise between them. Such a system of characters is presented in Nekrasov’s poem “The honest, valiantly fallen have fallen silent...”. The attitude of the autopsychological subject to the depicted, named characters is manifested in directly evaluative vocabulary and tropes (“honest, valiantly fallen”). 2. Autopsychological subject may be at the same time object images, in this case we should talk about autopsychological lyrical hero. He openly declares himself, his views, feelings, relationships with someone (“You have suffered, I am still suffering...”) The following varieties are possible here: o the lyrical hero is the only person, his thoughts and feelings are expressed directly, they are stable, and we can talk about character. This is Nekrasov’s poem “I’m so sad today...”. The character is recreated here: the lyrical hero is “tired of painful thoughts” about his serious illness, about his approaching death. The hero is in a melancholic state, understands his doom; o along with the autopsychological hero, the object of the image may also be other persons, i.e. characters, which is typical for messages, love lyrics. Some character(s) appear in the mind of the lyrical hero, relationships arise between them (“How long ago has it been to the magical sounds...” Feta. If a group of characters is shown, then the hero either realizes himself as a part of it, or opposes himself to its members. The case is also possible , when the views of the hero and the group are partially opposed. What is presented here is not personal relationships, but the process of self-awareness, self-determination (“The enemy rejoices, is silent in bewilderment...” Nekrasov’s similar distinction of concepts (subject / hero) can be proposed in relation to). role-playing poems. II. Poems with role lyrical subject, having a special speech manner that allows him to be correlated with a particular social or cultural environment. In relation to such poems they often talk about a two-subject construction. For example, in Nekrasov’s poem “The Moral Man” one can clearly hear irony and even sarcasm, which belongs to the speech zone of the autopsychological subject. But the autopsychological subject can be eliminated as much as possible; his voice is clearly heard in the title, but in the text of the poem he is practically inaudible. 1. Just like autopsychological, role subject presented only as point of view, view of the world, voice, it can be judged only by how the object of perception is described and evaluated. Such poems are distinguished to one degree or another by a touch stylization, which often manifests itself in following a certain genre and stylistic tradition (“In the Town” by A. Bely). The object of the image of a role subject can also be: o The external world in which there are no people; for example, Bunin’s poem “Fisherman,” which is part of the cycle “From Anatolian Songs.” Name the water easy maybe a person whose activities take place at sea. In summer it is easy to work here, the sea does not create additional difficulties, and therefore the water in it is light. o One or more characters. The position of the role subject can be expressed through his attitude towards the depicted (named) persons, which is manifested in vocabulary, tropes, etc. Thus, the poem “About the last Ryazan prince Ivan Ivanovich” by Bryusov (at the end of the page) has a beginning characteristic of folklore: “ Oh, you little strings, you are multi-stringed! // Balalaika is a know-it-all!” Use of diminutive suffixes, dialect words ( now), repeats ( thinks), characteristic of folklore. The plot (about an innocently murdered prince) is reminiscent of a historical song about the times of the strengthening of the Moscow principality. The sympathies of the narrating subject are on the side of the Ryazan prince; he is opposed by the cruel “people of Moscow”: a clear division of characters into positive and negative is also characteristic of folklore. Here the role subject expresses the people's point of view; this is a stylization of a folk historical song. Interesting poems with a role-playing subject can be found in children's poetry, where the author transforms into a child, expresses his point of view, view of the world (S.Ya. Marshak “What Grows on the Christmas Tree”). 2. If the role subject turns out to be both object images (talks about himself, his relationship with someone), then before us role-playing hero(“Gardener” by Nekrasov). o the role-playing hero is the only object of the image presented as a character, this is the most typical case. Just like in an autopsychological hero, thoughts and feelings can be presented as constant, always inherent in the hero, or they manifest themselves in some action, as in Mandelstam’s poem “Pilgrim”: “Clad in too light a cloak, // I repeat my vows." Vivid examples of poems of this type can be found in the genre of epitaphs written on behalf of the deceased. This genre was popular in antiquity, but even in the twentieth century you can find such poems, for example, “Inscription on gravestone“Bunin “I, who have known the silence of the grave, // I, who have perceived the sorrows of darkness, // From the depths earthly earth I preach the good news // Verbs of Unsunset Beauty!”; · in addition to the role-playing hero, other characters may also be the object of the image; some kind of relationship arises between them (“The Storm” by Nekrasov). The way the characters are depicted is influenced by the subjective organization of the lyrical work. Similar characters may be shown in different ways. For example, in Nekrasov’s poems “Troika” and “Katerina” peasant women are depicted, but if in the first poem view from the side, then in the second – from the inside. The structure of poems with a role subject is more complex, since here it can be represented sliding point of view, which is typical for epic works. In Nekrasov’s poem “The village suffering is in full swing...” the points of view of the autopsychological and role subjects are correlated, while formally there is only one speaker. PLOT: Voice and hero - what are the differences? But it's important remember that there are poems where, in the course of a lyrical statement, the subject organization is changing: at first the lyrical subject acts as voice, and then turns into hero. For example, in Fet’s poem “To Turgenev” (1864), the first two stanzas are dedicated to Turgenev, who at that time lived in Baden-Baden (“You were warmed by a bright ray of someone else’s day”). But starting from the third stanza, the author paints his portrait (“Poet! and I have found what I longed for…”), although sometimes he addresses the addressee (“ And believe!"). There are many autonomations in the self-portrait: “Here, knowing neither storms nor threatening clouds // With a soul accustomed to loss, // I would like to die like a moonbeam in the morning, // Or like a sunbeam at sunset.” Of course, the lyrics are very diverse, there are many transitional, borderline cases. But it is necessary first to define “pure” types in order to understand the interaction of different principles within the framework of one poem.

Department of Russian Classical Literature and Theoretical Literary Studies of Yelets State University

(Narrativ Library)

[email protected]

The collection includes articles by Professor B. O. Korman (4922 - 1983), which reveal the main provisions of the author's problem developed by the scientist. The collection includes a number of previously unpublished works by B. O. Corman. The “Notes” section is designed taking into account modern requirements, contains indications of the place and time of first publication.

Intended for philologists, graduate students, students, and anyone interested in the history of Russian literature and culture.

B.O. Corman. Selected works on the theory and history of literature / Preface. and composition V.I. Chulkova. Izhevsk: publishing house Udm. Univ., 1992. 236 p.

© B.O. Corman, 1992

V.I. Chulkov, 1992


The scientific heritage of B. O. Korman, in addition to two monographs and three textbooks, includes about 80 articles published in small-circulation and mostly hard-to-reach scientific journals, peripheral interuniversity collections, etc. 1 For a university professor who combined research work with teaching, the picture is quite typical. However, in this case it requires additional comment.

The “plot” of B. O. Korman’s scientific activity is extremely rich: each of his “unit” articles is at the same time the next, not repeating the previous, step in the development of his own theory, and confirmation of its productivity. The theory made it possible to choose a new angle of view on a subject and see new content in it. This double novelty - the theory and the results of its application - provides a feeling of density and weight of the scientist’s articles that is disproportionate to the volume.

Of course, here, first of all, B. O. Corman’s individuality manifested itself. But there was another reason for this, hidden from many.

The time separating B. O. Corman’s first monograph from the second and last is not only a time of intense work devoted to the development, verification, on a broad historical and literary material, of one’s own ideas about the specifics of fiction, the logic of its development and ways of studying. This is also a time of struggle for the right to have and the opportunity to express these ideas.

1 Most full list works of B. O. Corman, see: The problem of the author in fiction. Ustinov, 1985.

Chronological framework of the period described: 1964 (publication of the 1st edition of Nekrasov’s Lyrics) - 1983 (year of completion of the book “Lyrics and Realism” and the death of Boris Osipovich). 1964 - 1983 are more than significant dates. For some, they measured the time that allowed them to “win awards and live happily,” for others they turned out to be the two ends of a noose, slightly loosened so as not to completely strangle, but still tight enough to prevent free breathing.

Boris Osipovich’s article on “Woe from Wit” is imbued with the pathos of rejection of stranglehold eras; support with them underlies his reflections on the subjective limitations of truth and the value of any, every human personality (articles about Pushkin and Dostoevsky). The dispute was based on the material of Russian literature of the 19th century, but the attentive reader understood what was fueling it and where the ideas developed by the scientist were rooted. And the fate of Boris Osipovich did not deprive attentive readers. But their goals were different.

V. Gippius, B. Gorodetsky, K. Chukovsky, A. (so! - V. Ch.) Dneprov, M. Zeldovich, V. Kranichfeld, Y. Lotman, Y. Mann, M. Nolman, M. Polyakov, A Pypin, S. Reiser, M. Romm, L. Sidyakov, B. Tomashevsky, Y. Tynyanov, M. (so! - V. Ch.) Uspensky, J. Elsberg, I. Yampoloky. This is broader than in the 1964 edition; there such a dense group of researchers with a fairly uniform orientation was not presented.” I think the unforgettable Chamberlain Mitrich would envy our reviewer’s vigilance. But maybe I'm making false accusations? After all, he admits: “...B. Korman is a serious and meticulous researcher, not at all of the structuralist kind...” True, he immediately hastens to add: “... but of a typical local university school, with a slight Gellerterian bias - but no more.” Like this. Therefore, the conclusion is clear: “...we have before us a book that is entirely (emphasized by the author - V. Ch.) unacceptable for the general reader, or a book that requires a return to its original form. But such a book already exists! This is the 1964 edition of Nekrasov’s Lyrics, which does not need to be repeated.”

It may seem that the review is a debate between representatives of different scientific directions. However, for the bureaucratic reader, to whom it was primarily addressed, what was fundamentally important was, firstly, an indication of the “composition of cited authors” and, secondly, a reproach that in the second edition of the book, references to revolutionary democratic criticism are formal character. Ideological ears were clearly sticking out from under the “scientific” cap. Such reviews rhyme with the time of creation, and with the present day, and with the personality of their authors themselves. And the rhymes come out simply perfect.

Then - in 1977 - the re-release of Nekrasov's Lyrics was defended. And here we cannot help but mention words of gratitude to A.M. Garkavi, A.L. Trishunina, U.A. Guralnik, B.F. Egorova, E.A. Maimina, D.E. Maksimova, N.N. Skatova, Yu.V. Manna, 3.S. Paperny, N.K. Silkina, U.R. Fokhta, S.E. Shatalov, who literally forced the then Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Publishing of the RSFSR V.N. Zvyagin to sign a letter of amazing meaning: “Dear Boris Osherovich! We inform you that, taking into account the numerous reviews of your book “Lyrics of Nekrasov” received by the State Committee for Publishing of the RSFMR, and the fact that the manuscript has been fully typed and material costs have been incurred, we have given instructions to the publishing house “Udmurtia”, in the form

exceptions (?!), publish your monograph in accordance with the thematic plan (?!).”

It was also possible to defend the anthology “Examples of the study of the text of a work of art in the works of Soviet literary scholars” (Izhevsk, 1974), the struggle for which had been going on since 1971. “Professor of Moscow State University” S. Petrov threw his twig into the fire here: “The selection of ... “samples of analysis” is striking, to put it mildly, with extreme subjectivity, and in these samples the formalistic tendency is clearly noticeable. As examples, excerpts from the works of Bakhtin and Y. Lotman are given... It is surprising that the anthology completely ignores the experience of Soviet literature, the art of socialist realism, which, as is known, introduced a lot of new things into the “forms of expression of authorial consciousness” and literature, first of all the principle of partisanship." The reviewer is different, but the ears are the same.

Both successful episodes look accidental against the background of constant nagging, persistent demands to “remove”, “remove”, “add”, etc.

Commissioned by MGZPI in 1973 - 1975. B. O. Korman is revising the book “Study of the text of a work of art” (M., 1972, MGZPI), preparing its expanded version. The set of claims made against the manuscript is already familiar to us - you cannot quote Lotman, Ginzburg, Bukhshtab, you cannot publish an analysis of M. Tsvetaeva’s poem, you cannot refer to peripheral publications with works, in particular, by Ya. O. Zundelovich. In a letter concluding the correspondence with the editorial board to V. E. Lebedeva, the editor of the manuscript, who devoted a lot of effort to working on it, B. O. Korman wrote: “So, the comrades from MGEPI have their own view on the history of our science and on the history of the development of the author’s problem - a view that is in sharp contradiction with reality. It's their business, but what do I have to do with it? I am not going to publish a book adapted to views and positions that are alien to me. Of course, I would very much like to present my approach to literature in the book that we worked on. But not at this price. “If possible” and “at least something” - this is all right. But “in relation to meanness” - excuse me.” Ultimately, Boris Osipovich refused the publication and demanded the return of the already edited manuscript.

He found himself in the same situation. and in 1979 - 1981, preparing the book “Workshop on the study of literary genera.” The reviews came from the USSR State Committee for Publishing and were anonymous. But this

did not change the essence of the matter: “The work of B. O. Corman is a purely doctrinaire construction, emasculated from the content side. It is completely pseudoscientific, gives the worst provincial-student version of formalism and structuralism in literary criticism... The manual disorients the reader... It methodologically sharply diverges from existing textbooks on the theory of literature, completely ignores them and should be rejected. Along the way, the issue as a whole should be considered; Are formalism and scholasticism acceptable in regional universities in general? In this review, only the last fragment is new, the meaning of which is transparent: it’s time to draw organizational conclusions. This was not enough for Goskomizdat, and a second review of the same level appeared, also anonymous. B. O. Korman formulated their general pathos in one of the analyses: “The review was written without evidence, as if it was known in advance that the manuscript must definitely be rejected.”

Here, the positive reviews of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of the Kaliningrad University (signed by Prof. A. M. Garkavi), the head of the Department of Philosophy: Moscow Printing Institute V. I. Svintsov, S. G. Bocharov, E. A. Maimina and E. V. Slinina. And this book was not published.

It would seem, what's special here? B. O. Korman is not the first and not the last in a series of beaten, fooled, defamed. But that doesn't make it any easier. It was precisely this aggressive union of an official and a “colleague” (from an employee of an academic institute to a “colleague” in the department), heavily implicated in the habit of settling down “in relation to meanness,” that was the second reason why the quantitatively sharply predominant genre in the scientific heritage of B. O . Corman's article turned out to be in a small-circulation collection.

The future historian of the science of literature, I think, will pay attention to what is characteristic of the 60s and 70s. flourishing of provincial scientific collections. During these decades, the “province” took on the functions of the “center”, in particular, the function of searching for new, specifically literary, rather than illustrative and ideological ways of studying fiction. It is enough to name Tartu collections on semiotics, Kemerovo - on historical poetics, Daugavpils - on plotting, Gorky's "Boldino Readings", Kaliningrad, Perm collections. Adjacent to this series was a series of collections on the author’s problem (Boriso-

Glebsk - Voronezh - Izhevsk), in the publication of which B. O. Korman invested a lot of effort and time.

An article in a peripheral inter-university collection then turned out to be a genre for many that made it possible to shorten the time distance between the ripening of an idea and its textual embodiment, while the collection was elusive for censorship, which cared about the “purity of our science” no less than the purity of ideology. The collections saved ideas and gave their authors the opportunity to speak out. However, the limited circulation sharply narrowed the circle of readers, and the limited volume of the article distorted the scale of the concepts being developed and made it difficult to perceive them holistically.

The proposed collection of selected works by B. O. Korman is intended to show how, in the process of identifying and describing the forms of expression of authorial consciousness in fiction, the scientist formulated the principles of a system-subject approach to the artistic phenomenon and made a significant contribution to the development of domestic literary criticism.

Concluding the preface, I express my deep gratitude to Mila Mikhailovna Dynina, who provided us with manuscripts of unpublished articles by B. O. Korman and other materials from his archive,

Izhevsk: Publishing house Udm. University, 1992. - 236 p. Scanned text. The collection includes articles by Professor B. O. Korman (1922 - 1983), which reveal the main provisions of the author’s problem developed by the scientist. The collection includes a number of previously unpublished works by B. O. Corman. The “Notes” section is designed taking into account modern requirements and contains indications of the place and time of the first publication.
Intended for philologists, graduate students, students, and anyone interested in the history of Russian literature and culture.V. G. Belinsky about the emotional tone of lyric poetry
Some prerequisites for studying the image of the author in lyric poetry
(Understanding lyrics as a system)
On the relationship between the concepts “Author”, “Character” and the main emotional tone”
To the discussion about the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"
Results and prospects for studying the author’s problem
Subjective structure of Baratynsky's poem "The Last Poet"
History and theory in a book about lyrics
Author's consciousness in the lyrical system of I.I. Kozlova
Nekrasov's lyrical hero in Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground
On the generic nature of A. Blok’s poem “On the Railway”
On the integrity of a literary work
From observations of the terminology of M.M. Bakhtin
Towards a methodology for analyzing words and plot in a lyric poem
Creative method and subjective organization of the work
The problem of the author in the fiction of F.M. Dostoevsky
The crisis of genre thinking and the lyrical system (On the poetry of N.M. Muravyov)
The integrity of a literary work and an experimental dictionary of literary terms
The problem of personality in realistic lyrics
Romantic lyrics of the era of realism
Principles of analysis of a work of art and construction unified system literary concepts

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