First aid classes for schoolchildren. Practical training in first aid. Learning new material

Abstract educational activity V preparatory group on the topic of:


Developed by: teacher of MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 42 “Crane”, Pskov PETROVA S.A.


Introduce children to basic first aid techniques medical care.


1. Reinforce the basic rules of safe human behavior in everyday life.

2. Foster a desire to be healthy, a sense of responsibility for personal safety, and a desire to provide help.

3. Make children understand that often first aid provided can save a person’s health and life.

4. Develop attention and observation, the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

5. Train in the ability to use the telephone.

6. Activate children’s speech, develop the ability to compose sentences according to a given beginning, and work on improving dialogic speech.

7. Develop finger motor skills.

Preliminary work:

Selection of material on the topic.

Conversations about healthy lifestyle.

Excursion to the medical office, conversation with the nurse.

Review of posters and brochures on first aid.

S/r games: “Hospital”, “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”.

D/i: “If the baby is injured,” “Give first aid.”

Learning the song “Naughty Guys.”



A reminder card with telephone numbers of a children's and adult clinic, an ambulance with symbols.

Ambulances on strings tied to pencils.

First aid kit with a set of medications.

Demonstration book “Give First Aid”.

A set of pictures from the d/i ​​“If the baby gets hurt.”

Cards depicting moments of first aid.

Doll of Doctor Zdravinka.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Educator. “Hello!” Guys, we just said hello and said the wonderful word “hello.” Who knows what this word means? ( wish you health

). They used to say “health”, hence the word “hello”.

Today we will talk about health. First of all, let's define what it means to be healthy.

*D/i “Continue the sentence” (the teacher says the beginning of the sentence, the children come up with the end and pronounce the whole sentence). – Being healthy means (, do not be sick).

don't cough, don't stay in the hospital, be strong, etc. plays sports, does not smoke, is strong, cheerful, etc..).

– U healthy person (no pain in the legs, no caries in the teeth, no bruises or wounds, good vision, etc..).

What can prevent us from being healthy? What factors influence our health? (≈ germs, weather, carelessness...).

– How do we tell the doctor that we are sick? (by phoneat or in a clinic).

– What do you need to know to call a doctor? (clinic telephone number).

What to report , when will you call the clinic? ( last name and first name, age of the patient,homeaddress what hurts).

2. Educator. Let's try calling a doctor by phone. And the “Medical Assistance” telephone card will help us with this. Fig.1

Fig. 1. Telephone memo

*Review of the telephone memo, determination of the meaning of symbols.

*Practical tasks for children (the teacher conducts a dialogue with the child over the phone on behalf of the receptionist): - “Suppose you have heat

. Call yourself a doctor."

– “Let’s say your mother has a sore throat. Call her a doctor."

- “And if your grandmother has a heartache. Where should I call to get her

provided emergency assistance?

After completing the task for the first time, discuss whether everything was done correctly. Pay attention to whether the child said hello, whether he used polite words: “please”, “thank you”, “be kind”, “goodbye”, whether he correctly explained the reason for the call, etc.

Draw children's attention to the fact that for adults, a doctor is called from an adult clinic, and in emergency cases, an ambulance.

3. Educator.

And now we will go to the “Emergency Station”. Who knows what an "Ambulance Station" is? Our city is large, there are many residents, and several people can get sick at the same time. Then the ambulances will rush to different parts of our city. Let's see how quickly ambulances travel to the sick.

* Finger game “An ambulance rushes like a bird along the highway to a sick person” (A rope is tied to a corrugated pencil, its other end is tied to an ambulance. Children twist the pencil in their hands, winding the rope - whose ambulance will arrive faster patient). Fig.2. DoctorHello.

first aid to the victim. Often, first aid provided can save a person’s health and life. I want to talk to you today about injuries and how to provide first aid in case of accidents. And my first aid kit and magic book will help us with this.

a) Examination of the contents of the first aid kit.

*D/u “What is this for?”

(bandage, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, adhesive plaster, cotton swabs, tablets)

This is hydrogen peroxide. It is needed for washing wounds.

- This is green. It is needed to lubricate wounds to kill germs.

- It's a plaster. It is needed to seal wounds. Etc.

Pay special attention to the fact that only a doctor prescribes the tablets; under no circumstances should they eat them themselves, and wounds should only be treated with clean hands.

b) Looking at and reading Dr. Zdravinka’s book. Fig. 3.

1 page.

The boy Petya rode proudly

On my bike

And then he began to get reckless -

I didn’t hold the steering wheel with my hands!

And fell onto the road

He skinned his feet

Fig.3. Doctor's bookHello. He clutched his knees with his hands,

“Oh, how painful it is!” shouted .

To avoid falling,

You have to hold the steering wheel tightly!

- Guys, Petya injured his knees. He needs help. How?

Abrasion, wound: 1.Tell an adult.

2. Rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

3. Lubricate the area around the wound with iodine or brilliant green (these liquids kill germs).

4. Cover with adhesive tape and bandage with a clean bandage.

-Who will play the role of Petya, who was injured in a fall from a bicycle? *Practical first aid: treatment with hydrogen peroxide, lubricating the edges of the abrasion with iodine, applying a bandage (a sticky red film is glued to the knees, you can bandage one knee and seal the other with a plaster).

Page 2.

Vanya was swinging on a swing,

Tanya ran up to him,

The swing took off and behold -

Tanyusha was hit in the forehead.

Imagine that you were in Tanya's place. What are you going to do?

Bruise: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Apply something cold to the bruised area.

*D/i “Choose an object to apply to the bruised area.”

On the table various items: spoons, rulers, mugs (wooden, metal, plastic), spatula, coin, handkerchief, scoop, box, etc.). Children choose an object and apply it to their forehead. Why did you choose this particular subject? How can you use a handkerchief for a bruise? (wet it with cold water).

Page 3.

This is how Alena’s nose looks -

Blood suddenly began to drip.

Is the situation familiar?

But there's no need to cry.

What advice do you have for Alyonka?

Bloody nose: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Sit down with your chin down.

3. Apply cold to your nose.

4. Hold a handkerchief to your nose (adult: place a swab with hydrogen peroxide in the nostril).

*Exercise for fingers “Twist a tampon.”

Children are invited to try to twist a cotton swab. Remind you to do this with clean hands.

Page 4.

It's bitterly cold outside,

He bites his cheeks and nose.

But Vanya doesn’t go home,

Walks all day long.

And now my fingers are numb,

He doesn't know what to do.

Guys, do you know what to do?

Frostbite: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Gently rub the frostbitten area with your hand and a clean handkerchief until it turns pink. You can't rub it with snow!

3. Return to a warm room (drink hot tea).

What should you do if you just feel cold? ( jump, run)

Fingers are a little frozen

We’ll just rub them together / rub our fingers together

And let's clap our hands, / clap

Let's breathe warm air into them. / palms in a boat, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the palms

If the nose, the cheeks too / show the decree. fingers on nose and cheeks

Freezing in the cold, / pressed palms to cheeks

Let's rub them gently / rub our cheeks

But not with snow, but with a hand. / rub your nose

If your feet are cold - / roll from heel to toe

We need to run and jump. / run and jump on the spot

If you are still cold - / hug yourself

Get out of the walk! / walk to the chairs and sit down

5 page.

Kolya was playing by the fire

And I was pleased with the game.

And when the fire burned,

I couldn't stand the pain -

He screamed in pain

I started complaining to my mom.

“It’s good that Kolya ran to his mother.” What do you think mom will advise Kolya?

Burn: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Place under the stream cold water(15 minutes).

5. Hello.

Some of the guys in my book got into trouble because they weren't careful and didn't take care of their health. Are you like that too?

Educator. Our guys will now sing a song about naughty kids and about themselves.

Song with movements "Naughty guys". /Author Petrova S.A./

Naughty guys once went for a walk - /walk in place

Some climbed the tree, and some started throwing stones. /depicted “according to the text”

Petya walks along the fence, and Foma walks through the puddles, / arms to the sides, walking in one line;


Some children took the glass and their friends are playing with it, / strikes the horizon. palms of others

etc. + jugglers.

It’s not difficult for us to guess how the walk ended, / they spread their arms to the sides

Naughty kids shouldn't walk alone. /they threaten their fingers. a lion. etc. hands

The elevators are wet from a puddle, there is blood from the finger because of the glass, / pointing to the feet. + pointer finger up

Bumps, abrasions, bruises... - the kids went for a walk! / hands: on the forehead, knees, back + arms spread

We guys are not like that, and we party well. / spring

Well, if something happens, we can easily fix it, /swaying to the sides

We will provide first aid, we will go to the teacher, / they step forward

We will always help ourselves and will not let others down. / come back clapping

6. Doctor Zdravinka thanks the children for the song and wants to check how the children have learned the rules of first aid:

*D/i “Help those in trouble” (for a picture depicting a specific accident, the child selects cards depicting the necessary first aid). Fig.4. Rice.4 . Cards.

Hello. You guys need to study

Strive for excellence in techniques

In order to know and be able to

How to avoid trouble and survive.

If trouble happens to you -

Tell adults everything, always.

Wounds should be smeared with iodine,

If you have a cold, drink tea with honey.

And remember - medications

It is dangerous to give without a doctor.

But you can trust any child

Plaster and iodine, bandages and brilliant green.

Doctor Zdravinka says goodbye and wishes the children to always be healthy.

7. The teacher sums up the lesson and asks what the children remembered and liked most.

First aid training for the senior group.


Introduce children to basic first aid techniques.


1. Reinforce the basic rules of safe human behavior in everyday life.

2. Foster a desire to be healthy, a sense of responsibility for personal safety, and a desire to provide help.

3. Make children understand that often first aid provided can save a person’s health and life.

4. Develop attention and observation, the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

5. Train in the ability to use the telephone.

Progress of the training.

(Children enter the group and stand in a circle).

  1. Educator. "Hello!". Guys, we just said hello and said the wonderful word “hello.” Who knows what this word means? (“Hello!” Guys, we just said hello and said the wonderful word “hello.” Who knows what this word means? ( ). They used to say “health”, hence the word “hello”.

What do you think we will talk about today?(Children's answers).

Yes guys, today we will talk about health and learn how to provide first aid. First of all, let's define what it means to be healthy.

D/i “Continue the sentence”

(the teacher pronounces the beginning of the sentence, the children come up with the end and pronounce the whole sentence).

To be healthy means (don’t get sick, don’t cough, don’t stay in the hospital, be strong, etc.).

Healthy man (plays sports, does not smoke, is strong, cheerful, etc..).

In a healthy person (no pain in the legs, no caries in the teeth, no bruises or wounds, good vision, etc..).

- What can prevent us from being healthy? What factors influence our health? (germs, weather, carelessness, poor diet).

How do we tell the doctor that we are sick? (by phone or in a clinic).

What do you need to know to call a doctor? (clinic telephone number).

- What to report, when will you call the clinic? (last name and first name, age of the patient, home address, what hurts).

  1. Educator. (Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.)

Guys, let's try to call an ambulance by phone.

The game is a re-enactment of “Ambulance”.

Hello, Ambulance is listening!

Help, I need a doctor!

I have a stomach ache!

Are there adults at home?

No, mom and dad are at work.

How old are you?


First and last name?

- ________

Home address?

- ________

Wait for the ambulance to leave.

Educator: - Thanks guys! Tell me, what should a child know to call an ambulance?

Children: - Your last name, age, address.

3. Educator. And now we will go to the “Ambulance Station”. Our city is large, there are many residents, and several people can get sick at the same time. Then the ambulances will rush to different parts of our city. Let's see how quickly ambulances travel to the sick.

A game “Ambulance is like a bird, rushing along the highway to the patient.”

(A rope is tied to the pencil, its other end is tied to the ambulance. Children twist the pencil in their hands, twisting the rope - whose ambulance will arrive to the patient faster).

4. Educator. (There is a knock on the door.)Doctor Pilyulkina came to visit us.

Doctor Pilyulkina:Hello guys. Are you all healthy? Do you have any bumps, abrasions, or cuts? Are you taking care of your health? I heard that Dasha was recently playing around with her brother at home and got her finger caught in the door. And Polina burned her hand with a hot kettle at home. Doctors will undoubtedly help you cope with the disaster, but before they arrive, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim. Often, first aid provided can save a person’s health and life. I want to talk to you today about injuries and how to provide first aid in case of accidents. And my first aid kit and magic book will help us with this.

Reviewing the contents of the first aid kit.

Did. exercise “What is this for?”

(bandage, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, adhesive plaster, cotton swabs, tablets)

- This is hydrogen peroxide. It is needed for washing wounds.

This is green. It is needed to lubricate wounds to kill germs.

This is a patch. It is needed to seal wounds. Etc.

Pay special attention to the fact that only a doctor prescribes the tablets; under no circumstances should they eat them themselves, and wounds should only be treated with clean hands.

Reviewing and reading Dr. Pilyulkin’s book.

Doctor Pilyulkina:Guys, I wrote a book especially for you that will help you learn how to provide first aid.

(Look at illustrations from the book)

1 page.

The boy Petya rode proudly

On my bike

And then he began to get reckless -

I didn’t hold the steering wheel with my hands!

And fell onto the road

He skinned his feet

He clutched his knees with his hands,

“Oh, how painful it is!” shouted.

To avoid falling,

You have to hold the steering wheel tightly!

Guys, Petya injured his knees. He needs help. How?

Abrasion, wound: 1.Tell an adult.

2. Rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

3. Lubricate the area around the wound with iodine or brilliant green (these liquids kill germs).

4. Cover with adhesive tape and bandage with a clean bandage.

(Practical implementation)

Doctor Pilyulkina:Now let's try to provide first aid: treatment with hydrogen peroxide, lubricating the edges of the abrasion with iodine, applying a bandage.

Page 2.

Vanya was swinging on a swing,

Tanya ran up to him,

The swing took off and behold -

Tanyusha was hit in the forehead.

Imagine that you were in Tanya's place. What are you going to do?

Injury: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Apply something cold to the bruised area.

Did. game “Choose an object to apply to the bruised area.”

There are various objects on the table: spoons, rulers, mugs (wooden, metal, plastic), coin, handkerchief, scoop, box, etc.). Children choose an object and apply it to their forehead. Why did you choose this particular subject? How can you use a handkerchief for a bruise?(wet it with cold water).

Page 3.

This is how Alena’s nose looks -

Blood suddenly began to drip.

Is the situation familiar?

But there's no need to cry.

What advice do you have for Alyonka?

Bleeding from the nose: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Sit down with your chin down.

3. Apply cold to your nose.

4. Keep a handkerchief near your nose(adult: place a swab with hydrogen peroxide in the nostril).

Page 4.

It's bitterly cold outside,

He bites the cheeks and nose.

But Vanya doesn’t go home,

Walks all day long.

And now my fingers are numb,

He doesn't know what to do.

Guys, do you know what to do?

Frostbite: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Gently rub the frostbitten area with your hand and a clean handkerchief until it turns pink.You can't rub it with snow!

3. Return to a warm room (drink hot tea).

What should you do if you just feel cold? (jump, run)

Doctor Pilyulkina:Now let's rest!

Physical education minute.

Fingers are a little frozen/ move the fingers of both hands

We'll just crush them/ rubbing fingers together

And let's clap our hands,/ clap

Let's breathe warm air into them./ palms in a boat, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the palms

If the nose, cheeks too/ show decree. fingers on nose and cheeks

Freezing in the cold/ pressed palms to cheeks

Let's rub them carefully/ rub cheeks

But not with snow, but with a hand./ rub your nose

If your feet are cold -/ roll from heel to toe

We need to run and jump./ run and jump on the spot

If you are still cold - / hug themselves

Get out of the walk!/ walk to the chairs and sit down

Doctor Pilyulkina:Let's continue looking at my book.

5 page.

Kolya was playing by the fire

And I was pleased with the game.

And when the fire burned,

I couldn't stand the pain -

He screamed in pain

I started complaining to my mom.

It’s good that Kolya ran to his mother. What do you think mom will advise Kolya?

Burn: Place under running cold water (15 minutes).

Doctor Pilyulkina:Well, guys, we've reviewed my book. You have learned to provide first aid.

You guys need to study

Strive for excellence in techniques

In order to know and be able to

How to avoid trouble and survive.

If trouble happens to you -

Tell adults everything, always.

Wounds should be smeared with iodine,

If you have a cold, drink tea with honey.

And remember - medications

It is dangerous to give without a doctor.

But you can trust any child

Plaster and iodine, bandages and brilliant green.

Doctor Pilyulkina says goodbye and wishes the children to always be healthy.

5. The teacher sums up the results and asks what the children remembered and liked most.

Ways to stop bleeding:

    Arterial bleeding - blood is bright red, ejected in a pulsating stream, the size of which depends on the diameter of the vessel;

    Venous bleeding - blood is dark cherry in color and flows out calmly;

    Capillary bleeding is observed with shallow skin cuts and abrasions;

    Mixed - characterized by signs of arterial and venous bleeding.

    There are also external and internal bleeding.

    External occurs when sharp object, such as a knife or broken bone, punctures the skin and damages other organs.

    Internal bleeding occurs with a closed injury and with a sharp blow, for example, in the case of a car accident, when the driver is thrown against the steering wheel or when a person falls from a great height.

First medical aid for bleeding depends on its nature and consists of temporarily stopping it and transporting the victim to the nearest medical facility.

Severe arterial bleeding from the vessels of the upper and lower extremities is stopped in two stages: 1) first, the artery above the site of injury is pressed against the bone to stop the flow of blood to the site of injury, 2) and then a standard or improvised tourniquet is applied. It is best to press the arteries to the bony protrusions at certain (most convenient) points; It is in them that the pulse can be clearly felt. The temporal artery is pressed thumb in front and just above the auricle on the temple. The carotid artery should be pressed to the left or right on the side of the neck. Pressure with the fingers should be applied towards the spine, while the carotid artery is pressed against the spine.

Attention! It is permissible to press the carotid artery only on one side.

The subclavian artery should be pressed in the fossa above the collarbone to the first rib.
The axillary artery is pressed against the head of the humerus along the anterior edge of hair growth in the armpit when bleeding from a wound in the area of ​​the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle.

The brachial artery is pressed against the humerus with inside from the biceps muscle during bleeding from wounds of the middle and lower third of the shoulder, forearm and hand.

The radial artery is pressed against the underlying bone in the wrist area thumb with bleeding from hand wounds.
The femoral artery is pressed in the area of ​​the inguinal fold in its middle part when bleeding from wounds in the thigh area. Pressing is done in the groin area in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the protrusion ilium.
The popliteal artery is pressed in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa during bleeding from wounds of the leg and foot.
The arteries of the dorsum of the foot are pressed against the underlying bone when bleeding from a wound on the foot.

Finger pressure makes it possible to stop bleeding almost instantly. But even strong man cannot carry it out for more than 10-15 minutes, as the hands get tired and the pressure weakens. In this regard, this technique is important mainly because it allows you to gain some time for other methods of stopping bleeding.

In case of arterial bleeding from the vessels of the upper and lower extremities, pressing the arteries can be done in another way: in case of bleeding from the artery of the forearm, put a pack of bandages in the elbow bend and bend the arm as much as possible at the elbow joint; do the same for the arteries of the leg and foot - put two packs of bandages in the popliteal area, and bend the leg as much as possible at the joint. After pressing the arteries, a tourniquet should be applied.

    The harness is only used to stop arterial bleeding and only on the extremities!

    A tourniquet is applied at the upper border of the wound 5 cm higher.

    Do not apply a tourniquet directly to the skin, always under the tourniquet put the cloth. Otherwise, serious damage to the skin at the site where the tourniquet is applied occurs.

    Do not put a bandage on the tourniquet, the tourniquet should be visible.

    On the victim's body two prominent places write down clearly and legibly, and not remember or say the time of application of the tourniquet. Inserting pieces of paper is highly undesirable - they get lost, get wet, etc. during transportation.

    The tourniquet is applied on the upper extremities for up to 1.5 hours, on the lower extremities for up to 2 hours. In cold weather, the duration of application of the tourniquet is reduced by 30 minutes. When the time is up, remove the tourniquet for 15 seconds. Further application time is reduced by 2 times from the initial one. Compliance with this regime is strictly necessary. Longer application of a tourniquet threatens the development of gangrene and subsequent amputation of the limb.

    When a tourniquet is applied, the patient experiences severe pain. The victim will try to loosen the tourniquet - you need to be prepared for this.

    Signs of proper tourniquet application: There should be no pulsation below the wound! The fingers on the limbs turn white and become cold.
    The persistence of pulsation below the point of application of the tourniquet, even if the bleeding has stopped, also threatens in the future negative consequences for the victim.

    On the forearm and lower leg, applying a tourniquet may not be effective due to the radius bones, so in this case, if the first attempt is unsuccessful, the tourniquet can be applied in the lower third of the shoulder or in the lower third of the thigh.

When a tourniquet is applied, there is no stopping the bleeding as such, it is only delayed. Only the following can really stop arterial bleeding: professional doctors in hospital settings. Therefore, after applying a tourniquet, it is necessary urgent transportation the victim to a medical facility.

In the absence of a tourniquet, a belt, scarf, or strip of durable fabric is used to stop bleeding. The belt is folded into a double loop, put on the limb and tightened. A scarf or other fabric is used to apply the twist (Fig. 7). With internal bleeding, blood from a damaged artery, vein or capillary does not leave the skin. Minor internal capillary bleeding causes bruising under the skin and is not serious. However, deeper arterial or venous bleeding may result in greater blood loss.

Internal bleeding. Signs of internal bleeding are: bluish skin (bruising) in the area of ​​injury; tenderness, swelling, or hardening of soft tissues; the victim feels nervous or uneasy; rapid weak pulse; rapid breathing; pale or blue skin that feels cool or moist to the touch; nausea and vomiting; feeling of unquenchable thirst; decreased level of consciousness; a fall blood pressure.

For internal bleeding, follow these recommendations:

    apply pressure to the area of ​​bleeding (leads to its reduction or complete stop);

    elevate the injured limb (helps reduce bleeding);

    use cold (to relieve pain and swelling); When using ice, wrap it in gauze, towel or cloth before applying to the damaged area; apply cold for 15 minutes every hour;

    examine the victim (in order to determine whether he has internal injuries);

    Call an ambulance if the victim complains of severe pain or cannot move a limb, or if you think the injury is serious enough.

Applying a pressure bandage- another simple and reliable way to stop bleeding, reduce pain and create peace for the damaged part of the body. The bandage can be applied to any part of the body: head, eyes, chest and stomach, arm or leg. There are more than twenty-five of them in total. Before applying a bandage, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate (thoroughly dissolve 2-3 grains in a glass of preferably boiled water). After this, a sterile napkin or a small piece of bandage should be placed on the wound. And only then apply a bandage.

In all cases of superficial wounds of the upper or lower extremities, one of possible ways stopping venous bleeding is to give an elevated position to the limb. The injured arm is raised up slightly above the head. A small cushion rolled up from some material is placed under the injured leg (you can use a bag, backpack, blanket, pillow, armful of hay). The leg should be higher than the chest. In this case, the person should lie on his back.

Attention! To reduce the risk of disease transmission when providing assistance for bleeding, the following precautions should be followed:

    place a gauze pad or other clean and dry cloth between your hand and the wound, or use the victim’s hand; You can also use cellophane wrap, rubber or disposable gloves as protection;

    immediately after providing first aid, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, even if they were wearing gloves; do not wash your hands near food;

    Avoid eating or drinking while receiving care; After this, wash your hands thoroughly.

First aid for wounds


One of the most common reasons for providing first aid is injuries (wounds). Wound is called mechanical damage to the integument of the body, often accompanied by damage to the integrity of muscles, nerves, large vessels, bones, internal organs, cavities and joints. Depending on the nature of the damage and the type of wounding object, wounds are cut, punctured, chopped, bruised, crushed, gunshot, lacerated and bitten. Wounds can be superficial, deep, or penetrating into the body cavity.

The causes of injury can be various physical or mechanical influences. Depending on their strength, nature, characteristics and places of application, they can lead to various defects of the skin and mucous membranes, injuries to blood vessels, damage to internal organs, bones, nerve trunks and cause acute pain.

Incised wounds. An incised wound usually gapes, has smooth edges and bleeds profusely. With such a wound, the surrounding tissue is slightly damaged and is less prone to infection.

Puncture wounds are the result of penetration of piercing objects into the body. Puncture wounds often penetrate into cavities (thoracic, abdominal and articular). The shape of the entrance hole and wound channel depends on the type of wounding weapon and the depth of its penetration. Puncture wounds are characterized by a deep canal and often significant damage to internal organs. Internal bleeding in the body cavity is not uncommon. Due to the fact that the wound channel is usually tortuous due to tissue displacement, leaks may form between the tissues and the development of infections.

Chopped wounds. Such wounds are characterized by deep tissue damage, wide gaping, bruising and concussion of surrounding tissue.

Bruised and lacerated wounds are characterized big amount crushed, bruised, blood-soaked tissues. The bruised blood vessels are thrombosed.

With a gunshot wound the victim needs urgent qualified medical care.

Rules and techniques for applying bandages to wounds

The bandage consists of two parts: the inner part, which is in contact with the wound, and the outer part, which secures and holds the bandage on the wound. Interior the dressings must be sterile. The process of applying a bandage to a wound is called dressing. Gauze, white and gray cotton wool, lignin, and scarves are used as dressing materials.

The general rules for applying bandages are as follows:

    when applying a bandage, you must stand facing the victim to see his condition; if the bandage is very tight, you need to loosen it or stop bandaging;

    The part of the body fixed with a bandage (most often an arm or leg) should be in a comfortable position, since the muscles are relaxed and there will be less pain during bandaging;

    the head of the bandage should be held in the right hand, and the beginning in the left; bandage from left to right (in relation to the bandage) and from bottom to top;

    the head of the bandage should seem to roll along the surface being bandaged, without moving far from it;

    Any bandage begins with fixing moves, i.e. the first turn (round) must be secured by bending the tip of the bandage and fixing it with the second round;

    the next round of bandage is applied to half of the previous one. due to which a double layer of dressing is obtained;

    the bandage must be done with both hands at the same time ( right hand rolls out the head of the bandage, the left one straightens the bandage, breaks the puffs);

    start and end the bandage on a narrow part of the body; tied at some distance from the damage, i.e. in a healthy, undamaged place;

    after applying a flat bandage, apply a tubular bandage of the corresponding number;

    if the upper limb is significantly damaged, it must be tied up in a scarf.

Depending on the nature of the wound, weather and local conditions, outer clothing is removed or cut. First, remove clothes from the healthy side, then from the affected side. In the cold season, in order to avoid chilling, as well as in emergency cases, for those seriously affected, the clothing in the wound area is cut. Clothes that are stuck to the wound should not be pulled off; they should be carefully cut off with scissors and then a bandage should be applied. Put the removed clothes on in the reverse order, i.e. first on the affected side and then on the healthy side. The bandage is applied for wounds, bruises, sprains, ruptures, bone fractures, and dislocations. There are several types of bandages for different parts of the human body: on the head, chest, stomach and pelvis, arm and leg. A special type of bandage is used when the chest is wounded when it penetrates inside it. This bandage is very dense, and it is applied so that when inhaling air does not enter through the wound into the chest. For sprains and venous disease, elastic bandages are used. They make it possible to provide not only fixation of the damaged part of the body, but also some softness (mobility).

| First aid | Educational film library. First aid video tutorials

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First aid video tutorials

Why the video tutorial format?

Firstly. Video tutorials are the fastest and easy way training. If this is a video lesson recorded from a monitor screen, then you simply repeat what you saw; with this approach, you have no opportunity to miss anything, and at the same time you also receive all the necessary explanations. If this is a video lesson recorded in video lecture format, then you receive both verbal and non-verbal information, as well as all visual materials.

Secondly. They are clearly systematized, any information that you have already studied, but that you have forgotten, can be easily found, faster and easier than even in a regular book.

Third. Step by step and clear instructions for action. This distinguishing feature almost all video lessons. The authors do everything step by step. In their video tutorials they provide ready-made algorithms for action.

Fourthly. Even at such a seemingly fuzzy stage, training as a discussion of theoretical material, the authors of video lessons usually give step-by-step algorithms explaining the theory in simple and clear examples. And this is the practical implementation step by step creation more complex examples.

PMP tasks:

  • reduce his suffering
  • prevent the development of possible complications,
  • alleviate the severity of injury or disease,
  • save the victim's life.

PMP events:

  • temporary stop of bleeding,
  • dressings for wounds and burn surfaces,
  • artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage,
  • administration of painkillers (for shock),
  • transport immobilization.

Providing first aid is possible in more early dates is crucial for the further course and outcome of the lesion, and sometimes even for saving life. In case of severe bleeding, electric shock, drowning, cessation of cardiac activity and breathing, in a number of other cases, first medical aid should be provided immediately. If first aid is needed at the same time big number affected, then the urgency and priority of its provision is determined. First of all, assistance is provided to children and those victims who may die if they do not receive it immediately.

Conditions: All first aid techniques must be performed carefully and be gentle. Rough interventions can harm the victim and worsen his condition.

Standard means of providing first aid are dressings - bandages, medical dressing bags, large and small sterile dressings and napkins, cotton wool, etc. To stop bleeding, hemostatic tourniquets - tape and tubular - are used, and for immobilization, special splints - plywood, ladder, mesh, etc. When providing first aid, some medications are used - 5% alcohol solution of iodine in ampoules or in a bottle, 1-2% alcohol solution of brilliant green in a bottle, validol in tablets, tincture of valerian, ammonia in ampoules , sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in tablets or powder, petroleum jelly, etc. For personal prevention of injuries from radioactive, toxic substances and bacterial agents in the affected areas, an individual first aid kit (AI-2) is used.
The following can be used as available means of first aid: when applying bandages - a clean sheet, shirt, fabrics (preferably not colored); to stop bleeding - instead of a tourniquet, a trouser belt or belt, a twist made of fabric; for fractures, instead of tires - strips of hard cardboard or plywood, boards, sticks, etc.

The concept of asepsis and antiseptics

Asepsis– this is a set of measures aimed at preventing the entry of microbes into the wound. Thus, asepsis is a method of preventing wound infection. It is achieved by strict adherence to the basic rule - everything that comes into contact with the wound must be sterile (free from germs). Do not touch the wound with your hands, remove splinters or scraps of clothing from it, or use non-sterile material to close the wound.

Antiseptics is a system of measures aimed at reducing the number of microbes or destroying them in a wound. There are mechanical, physical, chemical and biological antiseptics. Mechanical antisepsis consists of primary surgical treatment of wounds. Physical antiseptics consists of using methods that create unfavorable conditions in the wound for the survival of microbes - drying the wound, draining it and draining the wound discharge. Kills germs sunlight and artificial ultraviolet irradiation. Chemical antiseptics are based on the use of various drugs that have an antimicrobial effect. These substances are called "antiseptic." The most widely used antiseptics are tincture of iodine, ethanol, solutions of chloramine, rivanol, potassium permanganate, etc. Antiseptics can consist of several substances, for example Vishnevsky ointment. Biological antiseptics include antibiotics that are used to prevent and treat wound infections.

The methods of asepsis and antisepsis complement each other in the fight against infectious contamination of wounds.

Principles of first aid in emergency situations

If you find yourself in an extreme situation, remain calm and think through your steps before acting. Ask yourself: "What do I need to do? How can I help?" The four principles of emergency care are your guide to action. They act as a plan of action in any emergency situation.

Principles of first aid in an emergency

There are four principles of emergency first aid that should be followed step by step:

1. Inspect the scene of the incident.
2. Conduct an initial examination of the victim and provide first aid in conditions that threaten his life.
3. Call an ambulance.
4. Conduct a secondary examination of the victim and, if necessary, provide assistance in identifying other problems. Continuously monitor the victim and reassure him until the ambulance arrives.

This sequence of actions ensures your safety, the safety of the victim and others, and promotes the effectiveness of the responder, thereby increasing the victim's chances of survival.

Principle one: inspection of the scene of the incident

Once you have determined that there is an emergency and are prepared to act, check whether the scene of the incident poses a danger to you and others. Look around carefully and try to determine the following:

1. Is the scene of the incident dangerous?
2. What happened?
3. How many victims?
4. Are those around you able to help you?

As you investigate the scene, look for anything that could jeopardize your safety and the safety of others: exposed electrical wires, falling debris, heavy traffic, fire, smoke, noxious fumes, adverse weather conditions, deep water or rapid flow. If you are in any danger, do not approach the victim. Immediately call an ambulance and the appropriate emergency services or police to obtain professional assistance.

As soon as you approach the victim

Try to calm the victim. Be at his eye level. Speak calmly.

1. Tell me who you are.
2. Explain that you have completed a first aid course.
3. Offer your help (obtain the victim’s consent to provide assistance).
4. Explain what action you are going to take.

Before administering first aid, you should obtain the victim's permission to do so. A conscious victim has the right to refuse your service. If the victim is unconscious, then consider that you have received his consent to carry out first aid measures.

Principle two: conducting an initial examination

During the initial examination, you also check the airway.
Determine whether the victim is conscious by asking him the question: “Do you need help?”
If there is no response, lightly squeeze the victim's trapezius muscle.
the victim, the presence of breathing and pulse.

  • Step one: airway.
  • Step two: breathing.
  • Step three: pulse.

Check for signs of life without moving the victim. Only turn the victim onto their back if they are not breathing or have a pulse. If you need to turn the victim onto his back, support his head so that the head and spine are, if possible, on the same axis.

Step One: Securing a Patent Airway

Make sure the victim's airway is open. The respiratory tract is the air passages from the mouth and nose to the lungs. Any person who is able to speak or scream is conscious and has an open airway.
If the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to ensure that his airway is open. To do this, tilt his head back and lift his chin. In this case, the tongue stops closing the back of the windpipe, allowing air into the lungs. If you suspect that the victim has a neck injury, use another method to open the airway called jaw thrust without tilting the head." If a foreign body is lodged in the victim's airway, you should first remove it.

Step Two: Check for Breathing

The next step is to check for breathing. If the victim is unconscious, look for signs of breathing. The chest should rise and fall when breathing. In addition, you need to hear and feel breathing to ensure that the person is actually breathing. Bring your face close to the victim's mouth and nose so that you can hear and feel the air as you exhale. As you do this, observe the rise and fall of your chest. Do this for a full 5 seconds.
If the victim is not breathing, you must help him by blowing air through his mouth. Pinch his nostrils and make two full puffs first. Next, you should perform one injection at a time. This procedure is called artificial ventilation. About the procedure artificial ventilation you will learn about lungs in Chapter 5.

Step Three: Check for a Pulse

The last step in the initial examination of the victim is checking the pulse. This includes taking a pulse and looking for heavy bleeding and signs of shock.
If a person is breathing and their heart is beating, then you don't need to check for a pulse. If there is no breathing, you should feel the victim’s pulse. To determine the pulse, feel the carotid artery on the victim’s neck on the side closest to you. To do this, find the Adam's apple (Adam's apple) and move your fingers into the recess located on the side of the neck. A slow or weak pulse can be difficult to detect. If you are unable to find the pulse the first time, start again at your Adam's apple. When you think you have found the right point, feel the pulse for at least 10 seconds.
If the victim has no pulse, artificial ventilation of the lungs with simultaneous pressure on the sternum is necessary. This procedure is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If the unconscious victim has breathing and a pulse, do not leave him lying on his back. Turn the victim onto their side so that their airway is open. This position is called restorative. In this position, the victim's tongue does not close the airway. In addition, in this position, vomit, secretions and blood can flow freely from the mouth without causing blockage in the airways.

Signs And symptoms

  • the victim's behavior
  • appearance the victim,
  • complaints, i.e. subjective feelings that the victim tells you,
  • objective evidence of injury or illness that can be seen, felt, or heard.

Signs and symptoms help you determine if the victim has a problem that requires first aid.

Principle three: call an ambulance

Call "03" to call an ambulance. If possible, send someone to make a call while you treat the victim. In Chapter 2 you can read about the ambulance service, why and when to call for help.

Principle Four: Conducting a Secondary Inspection

During the secondary examination of the victim after first aid, continue to observe signs of life until the ambulance arrives. A person's condition may deteriorate gradually and suddenly become seriously life-threatening (for example, respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest). Don't reassure yourself that the victim is out of danger just because there appears to be no serious problem. Help the person remain calm and as comfortable as possible while they wait.

Lesson 3: Understanding Shock

Term SHOCK entered medical practice more than 200 years ago. In English and French this word is spelled the same and is translated as blow, shock or shock, “traumatic depression” after severe injuries.



Conditions: severe pain and fear of death, mental tension and stress, which are inevitable at the time of injury and damage.

An extreme situation in itself provokes the development of shock. When a person faces the threat of death - whether from an accident or fighting, - his body under stress releases a huge amount of adrenaline.

The vascular network of these and many other organs will be practically excluded from the blood circulation. And such vital centers as the brain, heart and partly the lungs will receive much more blood than usual.


A colossal release of ADRENALINE causes a sharp spasm of the precapillaries of the skin, kidneys, liver and intestines.

Happening CENTRALIZATION OF BLOOD CIRCULATION. This super-rational redistribution of blood has been developed over millions of years. Evolution has found a wise way of self-preservation - it is better to sacrifice some part of the body than to lose life.

Everyone knows how easily a timid lizard parts with its tail in a moment of danger, and not a single drop of blood is released from the remaining stump - the blood vessels spasm so strongly when frightened.

The role of the lizard's tail in our body is played by the skin, kidneys, intestines, etc. In a moment of mortal danger, when there is no urgent need for the full extent of their functions, these organs are sacrificed. Of course, in the hope that after overcoming the extreme situation they will be able to resume normal life activities again.


Only due to spasm of skin vessels and its exclusion from blood circulation is the loss of 1.5 compensated-2 liters of blood.

That is why, in the first minutes of shock, thanks to a spasm of the precapillaries and a sharp INCREASE in PERIPHERAL RESISTANCE (PR), the body manages not only to maintain the level of blood pressure within the normal range, but also to exceed it even with intense bleeding.




In the first 10-15 minutes after receiving an injury, emergency doctors are faced with the clinical paradox of shock: a man with a face as white as a sheet is excited, talks a lot and does not pay attention to the severity of the injury and severe pain. He cannot really assess the situation and his condition. Moreover, the victim experiences a marked increase in blood pressure.

The sharp pallor of the skin in no way corresponds to this behavior and high blood pressure. At the same time, bloodless skin (goose bumps) with many small pimples, as if from a chill, very quickly becomes covered with sticky cold sweat.


In a state of shock, CENTRALIZATION OF BLOOD CIRCULATION begins, during which the so-called shunting occurs - the discharge of arterial blood into the venous bed. Oxygen-rich arterial blood, bypassing the capillary network, immediately enters the veins. Scarlet arterial blood begins to flow through the veins. The “scarlet vein” symptom appears.


The phenomenon of self-anesthesia, when the wounded does not feel pain at all, is so mysterious and unusual, and its significance is so great in the further development of events that it makes sense to talk about it in more detail.


  • Sharp pallor of the skin.
  • Emotional and motor arousal.
  • Inadequate assessment of the situation and one’s condition.
  • No complaints of pain even with shockogenic injuries.


  • Severance or traumatic amputation of limbs.
  • Open fractures of limb bones.
  • Fracture of the pelvis and spine.
  • Penetrating wounds of the chest and abdominal cavity.


  • Lethargy and apathy.
  • The appearance of a marble pattern on the skin.
  • Decrease in body temperature and blood pressure.
  • Sharpening of facial features.
  • Complete cessation of urine output.



The organs that suffer most during shock are called



The discharge of venous blood into the arterial bed, bypassing the alveolar network, without proper oxygen saturation, leads to the withdrawal of a huge number of alveoli - “pulmonary vesicles” - from gas exchange.

A state of acute respiratory failure develops: shortness of breath, blue lips and fingertips appear.


Long-term exclusion of the capillary network of the kidneys from the blood circulation leads to acute renal failure and the accumulation of toxic substances in the blood, to a decrease in urine output, up to the development ANURIA(complete cessation of urine output).


Damage to bloodless liver tissue results in a gross violation of its protective functions, which will certainly cause acute liver failure and rapid accumulation of extremely toxic metabolic products in the blood.


Most effective for pain relief - effective pain relief is achieved using large doses ANALGINA(up to four tablets for an adult).


Give alcohol as an anti-shock agent during prolonged exposure to cold and in case of any bleeding .


Give the victim something to drink in cases of penetrating abdominal wounds.


  • If there is bleeding, immediately apply hemostatic tourniquets or tight pressure bandages.
  • For fractures of the bones of the limbs, pelvis and ribs, penetrating wounds of the chest and abdominal cavity, give pain relief to the victim.
  • Treat wounds and apply sterile dressings.
  • Apply transport tires.
  • Call an ambulance.


  • Disturb and force the victim to move unless absolutely necessary.
  • Move a victim with fractured limb bones without applying transport splints.




(The victim can be moved only after immobilization of the injured limbs and always on a stretcher.)



(Especially if he looks pale and is emotionally agitated.)



(Every second lost can lead to irreplaceable blood loss.)

Used Books:

  1. Textbook "Basics of life safety" 8th grade M.P. Frolov, E.N. Litvinov, A.T. Smirnov
  2. . Moscow. AST 1997, 2001. Textbook “Fundamentals of honey. knowledge and healthy lifestyle" grades 10-11. A.T.
  3. Smirnov, B.I. Mishin, P.V. Izhevsky
  4. Assessment of the quality of life safety training for primary school graduates. Moscow. Bustard.
  5. Fundamentals of life safety. Test control. 10-11 grades. E.I. Tupikin, A.T.
  6. Smirnov
  7. . Moscow. Education. 2002 “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and health care” grades 10-11 Moscow. Russian word.1995 Textbook “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge”

V.G. Bubnov, N.V. Bubnova . Moscow. AST 2005. Articles
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