Bronislav name and zodiac sign. Name for a boy Bronislav: meaning, character and destiny. Famous people with this name

This male name is originally Russian. His homeland is ancient Greece. The meaning of the name George reveals a neat and very diligent personality. Gosha will complete the task given to him exactly on time. To keep his promise, this man will do any tricks.

Goga is not capable of revenge. Even a serious offense can be forgotten after some time. The meaning of the name Georgiy for a boy reveals a rather unsociable child who prefers to play by himself, without peers. But this does not at all indicate natural tightness. It’s just that Gasha is afraid to be the first to approach the guys and invite them to join the game together.

The interpretation of the name allows us to judge such a man as having a cheerful disposition and a wonderful sense of humor. He has a good memory and this man definitely has a valuable ability to keep secrets. Unknown people cause fear and wariness in Goga.

The meaning of the name George for a child makes the boy friendly and good-natured. Thanks to these qualities, a large number of friends and girlfriends always gather around George.


Gosha attracts women with his outward cheerfulness and ease of communication, in addition to his romanticism. For the fair sex, interesting conversations are also important in relationships with such men.

Goga always has large selection partners, which has a serious impact on the choice of a life partner. This is what often pushes people to make mistakes in choosing a woman. He likes girls who are cheerful and easy-going, which means he is intolerant of bores and brawlers.


Due to Gaucher’s great popularity among women, it is not easy to make a successful choice of a life partner. This means that married life rarely goes well. This situation can be changed if Goga reconsiders his attitude towards family life and begins to appreciate the woman next to him more. Mutual respect is of great importance in such a marriage.

Goga usually shifts the rights and responsibilities of a leader in family life to his wife, but is also not against sharing them equally. In such a family, it is the wife who keeps the money. Transfer of disposal rights family budget the woman finds Goga comfortable.

Gosha communicates with children only for a short time. Loves to walk with them on the street and in parks. It is of great importance what kind of woman Gosha chooses for marriage. Zhora’s family life can develop with Vera, Varvara, Nina, Natalya and Svetlana.

Business and career

Gaucher should choose for himself a professional activity that involves the need to use his developed imagination. It's easy for Zhora to succeed in scientific activity. In addition, Goga often makes a military career, which means he is able to regularly carry out the orders of his superiors.

Origin of the name Georgiy

The origin of the name George is ancient Greek. History reports that the dialect originated from Γεώργιος (Georgeios). God, whose name was Georgos, in the mythology of Ancient Greece was the main conqueror of agriculture.

Its etymology is "farmer". Where this name came from and its exact designation allows us to speak of a man named exactly as loving, generous and generous man. In addition, the secret of the name also allows us to judge the unsociability of these representatives of the stronger sex.

Characteristics of the name Georgiy

Gosha is quite squeamish. Moreover, this quality manifests itself from childhood. It doesn't even matter how related a person is. Zhora will never drink from the same glass with him and eat one pie for two.

The characteristics of the name Georgiy reveal a person who is able to listen and keep everything he hears secret. This quality is especially appreciated by Goga’s friends. In adolescence, she always senses when relationships with people around her may deteriorate and takes measures to establish contacts.

The pros and cons of her character will give Goga the qualities of a pleasant interlocutor. This person knows how to beautifully express his thoughts and has great responsibility for the actions done and words spoken. Gosha loves to gossip, but there is no anger in such conversations.

To achieve their goal, such men are capable of cunning. Moreover, a big trick or a small one doesn’t matter to George. Zhora cannot stand lies. Having learned that someone told him a lie, he quickly loses his temper, but also quickly calms down.

Gosha loves to spend time in fun companies. Usually does not miss a single friendly party. It is of great importance for Goga that his partner also shares all his hobbies.

If Zhoret is unpleasant for some reason to this or that person, he can make fun of him, but there is no malice in these jokes. Use alcoholic drinks makes him thoughtful and silent.

Gosha is a little unstable nervous system. Those born in winter are endowed with a well-developed sense of proportion. They are distinguished by commitment and pedantry. “Autumn” Gogis are able to sensibly assess their life opportunities and firmly move towards their desired goal. These men should try themselves as a trainer, massage therapist or manager.

Goshas born in summer can be compliant and endowed with the gift of good style. “Spring” ones will make excellent speakers. They should try their hand at cinema or the circus. Also, Zhors may well become talented lecturers or writers.

The mystery of the name

  • Sapphire stone.
  • Name days January 12, 25 and 29, February 6, 11, 17, 24 and 28, March 6, 16, 18, 24 and 25, April 5, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 26, April 2, 6, 11, 26 and May 29, June 8, 18, 19 and 27, July 4, 9, 10, 15 and 23, August 2, 3, 13 and 30, September 6, 8 and 11, October 2, 11, 14, 16 and 29 , November 10, December 9, 16 and 31.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aries, Gemini, Capricorn and Sagittarius.

Famous people

  • Georgy Dronov is a director, film and theater actor. He starred in the TV series “Voronin”. Also known for his leading role in the television series “Sasha-Masha”.
  • Georgy Martynyuk is a Russian theater and film actor, as well as People’s Artist Russian Federation. He starred in such films as “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts”, “Once Upon a Time There Were an Old Man and an Old Woman” and others.
  • Georgy Millyar - People's Artist of the RSFSR, Russian theater and film actor. He starred in 123 films (“Ka-ka-doo”, “Detonator”, “Marya the Mistress”). He took part in dubbing 33 animated films.

In different languages

The translation of the name George from the ancient Greek language is “cultivator of the earth.” How the adverb is translated and how it is specifically written depends on the language:

In Chinese – 格奥尔基 (Geaorji) In Japanese – ゲオルギイ (Georugii) In French – Georges In Latin – Georgius In Arabic – جرجس (Jurjus)

Name forms

  • Full name – Georgiy
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Goga, Hera, Gorya, Herkava, Gora, Zhora, Georges, George, Jurger, Gyorgy, Jiri, Jerzy.
  • Declension of the name - Georgiy - Georgiy - Georgiya.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is George.

This information will be useful to mothers and fathers who are planning to name their son this way. She will also be interesting to men who are called that way. What does a name mean, what influence does it have on the character and fate of its owner? You can read the answers to these questions in the article.

What is the origin and meaning of the name George

First of all, it’s worth understanding where it came from. What is the origin and meaning of the name George? It is known that it has ancient Greek roots. Translated from this language, the meaning of the name sounds like “farmer.” This is one of the epithets of Zeus, the supreme deity Greek pantheon. The word “georgos” can also be translated as “plowman”.

The name Georgiy came into the Russian language simultaneously with the adoption of Christianity on our land. It is one of the most revered in the Orthodox faith. This is connected with a beautiful legend about one of the followers of Jesus Christ. We are talking about St. George the Victorious - a warrior who accepted martyrdom in the name of his religion.

Diminutive options

So, the meaning of the name George is “farmer”, “plowman”. At first it seemed too difficult for the Slavs to pronounce. Is it any wonder that such variants as Egor and Yuri appeared, which later acquired the status of independent names.

What can George's close people call him? Zhora, Zhorik, Goga, Gera, Gerya, Gosha - there are a lot of options. However, before using one of them, you should definitely clarify how the owner of the name feels about it. Not every George will like this.


Patron planet - Jupiter.

Talisman stone - sapphire.

Totem animal - eagle.

Flower - lily of the valley.

The tree is poplar.

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

The color of the name is blue.

As a child

What is the meaning of the name George for a boy? Obedient and quiet - this is how you can briefly describe this child. He can often be seen playing alone, as his shyness prevents him from joining in the fun of his peers. However, he feels great alone with himself.

What else can you tell about the meaning of the name George for a boy and the fate of its owner? As a rule, he does well at school. It cannot be said that this child is drawn to knowledge. However, his self-esteem does not allow him to get bad grades. Georgy's favorite subject may be physical education; he likes to participate in sports competitions. This is due to the vanity that the owner of the name is endowed with from the first years of life. The boy is also attracted by the opportunity to work with his hands; he constantly invents and designs something. Georgy will be happy to attend technology-related clubs.


In adulthood, its owner continues to be influenced by the meaning of the name. George's character remains almost the same as he was in childhood. The man is reserved, cold-blooded, and takes his own person seriously. He has a certain tendency towards narcissism.

What else can you tell about the adult George? He is serious, thorough, responsible, decent. These qualities help him make a great impression on the people around him. The owner of the name has a wide circle of friends, but few real friends. This is primarily due to the fact that Georgy allows only a select few to get close to him, and in the company of strangers he behaves with restraint. This man is infinitely devoted to his friends, but he expects the same from them. If he realizes that he is being deceived, the relationship will end.


The above describes the origin of the name George and its meaning. The secret of its owner is also of interest. His own arrogance is a secret that this man hides from others. Georgy tries to suppress this trait of his, but it still makes itself felt from time to time. This is especially noticeable when the owner of the name is intoxicated. Arrogance can create many problems in George's life, so it is necessary to fight it.

What other secrets does the man called that have? Another secret is his consumer attitude towards the people around him. Georgy evaluates each new acquaintance from the standpoint of the benefits that he can provide him. However, this attitude does not extend to friends. This man is extremely honest with his close people; they can always count on his help, including financial.

Choosing a profession

The meaning of the name George does not at all mean that he should connect his fate with agriculture. A man with this name is attracted to travel and adventure. Romantic professions are also of interest to the owner of the name. He can make an excellent archaeologist, geologist, pilot, sailor. This will make him feel like a hero from Jack London's adventure books.

It is safe to say that George is capable of achieving success in almost any field. It is rare that an employer will not appreciate his hard work and responsibility. Business, science, medicine, finance - almost everything suits the owner of the name.

It is important that the chosen profession really attracts a man. Georgy is not one of the people who are ready to work solely for money. If the work he is doing does not excite him, nothing good will come of it. This person should not change jobs often, as he has difficulty getting used to the new team. Georgy needs a lot of time to begin to trust his colleagues.

Love, sex

George, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which are discussed in this article, attaches great importance to intimate relationships. He is attracted to passionate and uninhibited ladies who can make him lose his head and who are not shy about showing emotions during lovemaking. At the beginning of a relationship, this man is ready to spend long hours in bed with his partner. He happily agrees to any experiments that allow him to experience new sensations.

What other requirements does George place on the fair sex? He can be charmed by a girl who agrees to follow him to the ends of the world. The beauty of the chosen one is not as important for this man as the presence of common interests. He is attracted to easy-going young ladies who readily go with him in search of adventure, leaving household chores behind. A girl should be an optimist and have a sense of humor.

Marriage, family

Does the meaning of the name George affect the family life of its owner? Men who are called this way are prone to early marriages, which often end in divorce. They find happiness already when they get married for the second time.

Overall, George makes a good husband. It’s easy and interesting to be with him, he doesn’t make high demands on his wife, and is ready to turn a blind eye to her shortcomings. The other half of George, in turn, will have to learn to ignore his temporary hobbies that will arise periodically. In this case family life will be calm and pleasant. Jealous ladies should remember that this man is not capable of remaining faithful to one woman for years.

A man named George is a responsible and caring father. He readily educates his heirs and takes care of them. This person is unlikely to spoil his children, but he always strives to provide them with everything they need and provide them with an education.


What kind of women are suitable for a man named George, whose name meaning and fate are interconnected? He can pay attention to the following representatives of the fair sex:

  • Elizabeth;
  • Rose;
  • Love;
  • Nina;
  • Natalia;
  • Faith;
  • Marina;
  • Olesya;
  • Varvara;
  • Galina.

Of course, there are also ladies whom it is better for the owner of the name to avoid. It is unlikely that his alliance with Victoria, Ekaterina, Inna, Svetlana, Lydia will be successful.


The meaning of the name George is associated with earth. Its owner needs to spend as much time as possible outdoors. He is in excellent health, and he takes good care of it. early years. A man whose name is so attracted to sports, which also cannot but have a positive effect on his well-being.

The name George is very common. It endows its owner with masculinity, generosity, and responsiveness. The opinions of others rarely matter to George. A man has his own point of view on everything, which he will adhere to until the end. Distinctive features George's character can be described as honesty and integrity, but sometimes he can show cunning and ingenuity.

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    The history of the name Georgiy

    The history of the origin of the name Georgiy goes back to the distant past. Ancient Greece. It is formed from the Greek word “georgos”, which means “farmer”, “ploughman”, “cultivator of the land”. In Rus', this name, like many others, appeared after the adoption of Christianity. Initially it sounded like Georgi, but after some time it split into two independent name forms: Georgiy and Yuri.

    In ancient Rus', only the descendants of noble families were named Georgies; commoners gave their children the name Yegor.

    Name forms

    Derivatives from the name Georgiy:

    Patronymic names formed from the name Georgiy: Georgievna, Georgievich.

    Name day and heavenly patrons of George

    According to the Orthodox calendar, Gosha celebrates his name day several times a year:

    • January – 1, 21, 30;
    • February - 4,10,17;
    • March - 6, 23, 24;
    • April – 5, 17, 18, 20;
    • May - 2, 6, 10, 26, 29;
    • June - 8, 19, 27;
    • August - 3, 13, 31;
    • September – 6;
    • October – 15;
    • November – 10, 16;
    • December – 9, 31.

    George is under the patronage of 16 saints. One of the most revered is St. George the Victorious - the legendary defender, after whom the order is named, awarded to military personnel who have distinguished themselves in the service of the Fatherland. According to legend, Saint George was brought up in a wealthy family. His parents were true believers, so they tried to introduce their children to God from early childhood.

    At a young age, Georgy entered military service. During the same period, King Diocletian issued an order to exterminate Christians. Having learned about this, George publicly declared himself a follower Orthodox faith. Having distributed all his wealth to the poor and freed the slaves, the warrior went to the ruler and accused him of cruelty and injustice. Diocletian became furious and ordered George to renounce the Christian faith. Having received a refusal, the king first ordered the saint to be subjected to the most severe torture, and then his head to be cut off.

    However, even after finishing his earthly journey, St. George the Victorious did not stop helping those in need. The day of his memory is popularly called "St. George's Day". On this date, peasants dissatisfied with their landowner could leave for another owner.

    Celebrities named George

    Famous personalities with the name George:

    • Georgy Tovstonogov – director;
    • Georgy Vitsin – actor;
    • Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov - Soviet military leader;
    • Georgy Markov – writer;
    • Georgy Yartsev is a football player.

    Childhood and youth

    The boy's character will depend not only on the meaning of the name, but also on what his parents call him at home. If they call him by his full name - George, the child will be a real angel. This is an obedient and shy little boy who will not cause any trouble for adults. He is not attracted to noisy pastimes. Georgy prefers calm and mind games. He can always occupy himself without bothering adults over trifles and without interfering with their questions.

    George's friends are much older than him. An inquisitive, well-read, erudite boy is simply not interested in being with his peers. His main qualities are honesty, reliability, fairness. The guy will never reveal other people's secrets and will not weave intrigues behind his back.

    If in the family the boy is called Zhora or Gosha, his characteristics will be completely different. He won't give anyone peace. Such a child is restless and a bully. During childhood and adolescence, parents will often have to listen to complaints from others about their son’s behavior. His main qualities are arrogance, stubbornness, and love of adventure.

    Zhorik, despite the analytical mind given to him by nature, is not a very good student. He is more attracted to various sports sections, where he can throw out his energy.

    Character and destiny

    The adult Georgy is a fair, principled, self-confident person. He is purposeful, if fate gives him a chance, he will definitely take advantage of it. Despite these character traits, the man is modest and does not like to stand out from the crowd. In unfamiliar company he behaves very reservedly and even a little distantly. However, among close friends he is always cheerful and friendly.

    The character of a guy is also influenced by the time of year during which he was born:

    1. 1. Winter. This person is romantic and sociable. He tries not to get into arguments, but if it doesn’t work out any other way, he defends his position with the help of “iron” arguments, and does not simply shout down his interlocutor.
    2. 2. Spring. A cheerful, generous and cheerful person. From early childhood he behaves like a real gentleman. The only problem is that such a person does not know how to understand people at all and often chooses the “wrong” friends.
    3. 3. Summer. An open and courteous guy. He knows how to empathize and will never refuse to help a loved one. However, in moments of rage he does not control himself and can say unnecessary things, which he later greatly regrets.
    4. 4. Autumn. A comprehensively developed, intelligent and talented person. IN professional field achieves great heights. Does not tolerate lies and betrayal, always keeps his promises.

    George's secret is his arrogance. He tries to hide this character trait in front of everyone, but in some situations this does not work well.

    Characteristics of George in various areas of life:

    Sphere Description
    Talents and hobbiesHe loves to draw, is interested in poetry, and often writes poetry himself.
    Professional qualitiesGosha can often change jobs in an effort to “find himself.” He will never take on a task if it is not interesting to him. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you give yourself completely to it. Zhora often combines hobbies with activities. He loves to travel, so he can become a sailor or geologist. He will also make a good engineer, teacher or doctor
    BusinessA man has all the makings of a good entrepreneur, so it will not be difficult for him to develop his business
    FriendshipsZhora is sociable, responsive, always ready to help
    LoveThe young man is not deprived of the attention of women. However, in his relationships with ladies he is modest and indecisive. Therefore, it is impossible to call him a ladies' man. Each of his connections is serious and thorough. He does not accept fleeting novels. Zhora likes long-term courtship, which gradually transforms into passionate feelings
    SexualityGeorgy is an emotional and passionate man. He loves liberated partners with whom he won’t be bored in bed
    MarriageGeorgy chooses his wife carefully. As a rule, his companion becomes an attractive and thrifty woman who could create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house
    FamilyGosha is an excellent family man. He helps his wife in everything, without dividing responsibilities into “male” and “female”. She adores children, but does not spoil them too much. Pays special attention to their education


    Compatibility of George with female names:

    Name Astrology

    Talismans and symbols that will bring good luck to George:

    Name horoscope

    Description of a man’s character depending on his astrological affiliation:

    Zodiac sign Character
    AriesLeads an active lifestyle and travels often. Sociable and cheerful, has a lot of friends and acquaintances around the world
    TaurusA little shy, prefers to communicate only with very close people. His work is a priority, his personal life is in the background.
    TwinsAn adventurer, he quickly changes his life goals and priorities. In relationships with women he is selfish, prefers to “take” rather than “give”
    CancerAmbitious, ambitious, never listens to other people's opinions, preferring to learn from his mistakes
    LionPersistent, determined, possessive leadership qualities. Able to achieve any goal set for himself
    VirgoA soft and indecisive person. Prefers to be in “second roles” because he does not like to take responsibility
    ScalesHe often goes to extremes and makes many rash decisions. Easily forgives insults, has no vindictiveness
    ScorpionA straightforward and principled man. Rarely makes compromises, believing that his opinion is the only correct one
    SagittariusHas a good sense of humor and imagination. His main disadvantages include laziness, which the young man does not even try to overcome
    CapricornA principled and active person who thinks one step ahead. At the same time, he is very touchy, so those close to him should be more careful about their words when talking to him.
    AquariusAn eloquent and sociable person. He doesn’t like conflicts, so he tries not to participate in disputes or easily gives in to his opponent
    FishA reckless romantic, charming and courteous. Often idealizes people, attributing to them non-existent merits and awards, which subsequently leads to disappointment

The meaning of the name George is “farmer” translated from ancient Greek. In Rus', the name began to be used with the introduction of the concept of Christianity. This name was borne by one of the most revered holy great martyrs - St. George the Victorious. After this, variations of the name spread throughout the world. The name George can be found in France - this is Georges, in Germany - Georg, in England - George, among the Scandinavians it is Yurgi. Today, the Slavs use two derivative names derived from George: Yegor and Yuri.

Most often, people belonging to the princely family were called by the name Georgiy; ordinary people usually bore the name Yegoriy. The origin and meaning of the name George is reflected in history, as it belonged to many outstanding personalities. Victorious, which means the name George in a certain sense, was forever assigned to him as the best characteristic.


The meaning of the name Georgiy for a very young boy is a restless bully. It is very important for him to attract attention. But in the process of growing up, this child becomes quieter and more obedient, his behavior turns into calm, but stubbornness begins to appear.

When a child goes to school, he simultaneously develops two not the best character traits - arrogance and isolation. Adults, in particular, teachers and parents, should be attentive to the little student and pay attention to this. While still just a child, he already shuns his school friends, secretly considering them unworthy company.

Georgy Burkov

Studying is difficult for him. He does not have a special predisposition to acquire knowledge about the meaning of the name Georgiy, so his performance at school is average or even poor. For boys, the meaning of the name George lies in a penchant for the humanities. He loves to read and has a good memory. He also loves sports and is attracted to all kinds of technology.

The meaning of the name George for a child in adolescence helps the boy and his parents survive this period without problems. It is quite possible that difficulties will arise in communicating with parents, since the hidden arrogance of a young man can develop into personal hostility or even disrespect for them. Therefore, Zhorik’s father needs not only to gain authority, but also to maintain it at an inviolably high level. This is the only way he will understand that it is worth listening to the opinions of adults. He will also begin to tell his father about his mental anguish and problems.

Since childhood, the boy’s parents know that the name George means determination. This trait is clearly manifested in the behavior of children with this name, but in general is very rare. Despite his isolation, he always demands a respectful attitude towards himself, even when he is still very young. He will always be incomprehensible to unfounded claims, stupid demands that he simply will not accept.

The meaning of the name Georgiy implies good health, one might even say heroic. His love for sports affects his excellent physical condition; he likes to attend swimming, various wrestling or boxing sections.

Personal life

When communicating with women, Georgy is rather constrained, indecisive and modest. A person named Georgy has a name meaning and fate does not allow him to boast a large number women in life. But at the same time, George has always been and remains an excellent lover. A passionate woman who is easily turned on by his charm would be suitable for a union with his emotional character.

He will be interested in long flirtations, flirting and a kind of game. On very rare occasions he will show impatience or persistence. He belongs to the type of people who, having incredible sexuality, do not know how to properly manage it and direct it in the right direction. The sexuality of these people is slightly inhibited, most often this manifests itself in Georgies, who were born in winter. Therefore, such a man needs a partner who is as liberated as possible, more experienced and sexy.

Georgy in love relationships will always strive first to please the woman, and then to himself. It is important for him not just to have a good time with a woman, but to like her. Therefore, his sexual behavior will depend on many factors, including the environment and psychological state.

Thanks to the meaning of the name, George will become a wonderful family man who enjoys arranging his home and raising his offspring. Most often, such people have successful family relationships. As a spouse, he shows respect for his other half, he has no predisposition to act to the left, and by nature he is not a dictator or an owner, and does not strive to be an autocratic leader. A woman who finds herself in the place of George’s wife should be careful with lies and deceptions. Georgy perceives even minor deception sharply and negatively. Any lie can make him angry, especially one that he already knows about. Such a man will not forgive betrayal.

He is always open-hearted to friends. He likes to spend time in big company, at a noisy party. This man is easy going. Therefore, his family will often travel and go on hikes.

Women will always be interested in spending time with George, the main thing is that it’s easy. Georgy loves children very much, so after the birth of his first child his love of love disappears, and he turns into the best father and exemplary family man. For him perfect family with many children. His chosen one can have no doubt that all their children will receive an excellent upbringing thanks to Zhora.

Business and career

The special meaning of the name Georgy’s character and destiny allow a man to often have a stable financial position and a successful career in any chosen field. Most of all, Zhorik will be interested in the activities of the military, doctors, scientists, and businessmen. Choosing the ideal type of activity for the name Georgy means that it is necessary to associate the profession with adventure and romance. He is interested in doing work where his quick reaction can be used. He is attracted to knowledge of various mysterious natural phenomena, regardless of his main work activity. Therefore, he can establish himself well as a geographer, researcher, biologist, and geologist. A person with this name has good creative abilities, he is endowed with wonderful imagination and excellent imagination. These people often show themselves in the field of art, act as talented creators, and good military leaders. If they wish, they can easily win the recognition of society and will enjoy the assigned honors from their earned heights.

You may also like the professions of a sailor, journalist, researcher. Sometimes they make good lawyers, teachers, economists or psychologists.

The meaning of the name Georgy is prone to frequent changes of place of work, as well as professions. But in every professional endeavor he achieves success. A man's rich imagination allows him to skillfully convey his own thoughts to paper, which can be the beginning of his successful career as a writer. With a predisposition to the humanities, it is better for him not to delve into professions related to exact knowledge.


The meaning of the name George and the character of a man is revealed in such qualities as generosity, magnanimity, determination and self-confidence. Finding himself in an unfamiliar environment, a man will be distinguished by restraint and silence. But among family and friends he is a completely different person – cheerful and talkative. However, he will never be the life of the party. For a man, the name George means that in relationships with people around him, his balanced character and calm temperament will bring good luck.

Few people know what the name George all-forgiveness means. He loves cleanliness and order in the house, sometimes he even shows disgust. Power is not important to him at all; the opinions of others do not have any influence on George. He likes to keep to himself in many situations; he does not need to be a leader and get involved in various situations. People will never be allowed to mock, humiliate or insult him. It shows a core and internal strength that can spill out at any moment. He cannot stand people who are not sincere, as well as lies; he immediately notices deception. At the same time, he is able to forgive people for their weaknesses and shows condescension towards others. People appreciate him because he is not vindictive and has an excellent sense of humor even towards himself.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Georgiy lies in his arrogance, which he has been trying to hide from others since childhood by all means. But over time, this quality comes out, and people begin to notice it. This becomes especially noticeable when Georgy drinks a little alcohol. He needs to try to deal with the unpleasant feature and carefully control it, since because of it he will have to clean up more than once negative consequences throughout life.

Another secret of the name George is in its weak points. His health is generally good, but his psyche is quite vulnerable. He needs peace of mind more than other people. He always monitors his health, is indifferent to alcohol, follows a diet, and plays sports.

The meaning of the name George is manifested in such interesting facts:

  • a suitable zodiac sign for George is Sagittarius;
  • the planet named after him is Jupiter;
  • talisman stone – sapphire;
  • ideal colors are blue, blue, white and green;
  • the totem animal is the white eagle;
  • the corresponding plant is lily of the valley, from trees - poplar.


Zhora will be guaranteed a happy family life if he marries a woman named Galina, Vera, Natalya, Varvara, Svetlana or Nina.

Most likely, the relationship will not work out or the marriage will be too difficult and difficult with women named Lydia, Ekaterina, Inna, Victoria.

Georgiy should avoid and avoid all relationships with Lilia, Margarita, Yulia, Daria, Antonina, Elizaveta, Christina and Marina.

Gevorg, Gevork, Givi. Short and diminutive options: Gera, Grief, Zhora, Gosha, Gesha, Garya.

Patronymics: Georgievich, Georgievna.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport: Georgy.

Name George in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 喬治 (Qiáozhì). Japanese: ジョージ (Jōji). Georgian: გიორგი (giorgi). Kannada: ಜಾರ್ಜ್ (Jārj). Ukrainian: Georgiy. Greek: Γιώργος (Gió̱rgos). English: George (George).

Origin of the name Georgiy

The name George comes from the ancient Greek word “georgos”, meaning “cultivator of the earth”, “farmer”. In other countries, the name sounds like Georges, George, Georg, Jorge, Gyorgy, Jurger, Jiri, Jerzy. IN Ancient Rus' George was also called Gyurgi, Dyurgi and Duke; in Armenia the address Gevorg (Gevorg, Georg) is common, in Georgia - Givi. In addition to numerous diminutive forms, in the Russian language this name has two derivatives, which are now considered independent names: Yuri and Egor.

From each analogue of the name Georgiy were formed female names- , Giorgia, Jiřina, Georgina, Georgia, Georgiana, Georgina, Georgette, Horgelina, Györgyi, Jorga, Jorgina and others.

In Christianity, Saint George the Victorious, who was a Cappadocian warrior who suffered martyrdom in the 2nd century AD, is especially revered. After his death, Saint George appeared on earth to kill the monstrous dragon (serpent), which was devouring people on the territory of modern Lebanon, which later became a favorite subject of icon painters (“The Miracle of George about the Serpent”). Among the Orthodox, Saint George is considered the patron of warriors, farmers and shepherds, and in Catholicism he is also the patron of chivalry and knightly campaigns. St. George the Victorious is considered the heavenly patron of many countries and cities. The "St. George's Cross" is used in the flags of the English and Georgian navies.

Character of George

As a child, Georgy was an uncommunicative child. He likes to play alone, but not because he is quiet, but because his modesty does not allow him to ask the guys to play. Boys often choose George as the main keeper of secrets. He will not tell either a child or an adult what he was asked to remain silent about. Georgy is an attentive listener, he is good-natured and benevolent, so he is not left without friends and acquaintances, despite his modesty.

Georgy is neat and diligent. Will make every effort to complete the job thoroughly and on time. Such men make wonderful deputies who have to do a lot of things, but at the same time do not want to reap the benefits of fame.

Georgy is not vindictive, does not take offense at jokes and has a good sense of humor. At the same time, he has a wonderful memory, but his ability to keep secrets does not allow him to blurt out anything unnecessary. Georgy loves fun, in his company he is an open and sociable young man, but with strangers he is wary.

George's indecisiveness and shyness may prevent him from finding his soul mate. But thanks to the fact that he has many friends, it still becomes feasible. It is the friends who will introduce him and create an atmosphere where this chosen one will become “one of the people” in the company. And then it will be easier for George to communicate with her and explain himself. Georgy is unlikely to forgive betrayal by the woman he loves, so he looks for his passion especially carefully.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Name color: ruby
Radiation: 87%
Planet: Moon
Talisman stone: Sapphire
Plant: Lily of the valley
Totem animal: white eagle

The main character traits of George: decisive, proactive, unforgiving

Additional characteristics of the name:

Vibration: 110,000 vibrations/s
Self-realization(character): 97%
Psyche: extrovert, loves communication and likes to be in the center of the company
Health Georgy: you should protect your eyes

Positive traits of the name

Responsibility, decency, desire for self-affirmation. You can entrust him with an important task. Georgy values ​​relationships with old friends and is able to forgive insults. He is gentle and kind if he is not interfered with in achieving his goals.

Negative traits of the name

Excessive daydreaming, inability to do right choice, ambition. Georgy does not easily fit into the new team, he behaves arrogantly. He turns out to be quite severe if someone decides to interfere with him or tries to use him for their own purposes. Capable of evil irony. In a familiar environment he can relax. Alcohol has a suppressive effect on George - he becomes thoughtful and gloomy.

Choosing a profession by name

George has an inherent tendency to study everything mysterious in nature, regardless of what he will do in life. He can prove himself as a geologist, biologist, geographer-researcher. U. George has developed creative abilities, fantasy, and imagination. Among the Georgievs there are many talented people of art and military leaders. Such people usually rise to great heights in society and receive honors. Impact of a name on business: Financial situation George is usually stable.

The influence of a name on health

George's body is prone to rapid changes in condition. Likely viral diseases, herpes, flu, etc. In addition, it weakens quite quickly under any overload. It is better for him to avoid alcohol and stimulant medications. Psychology of the name: In communication, Georgy values ​​sincerity, frankness, openness, and keen interest. He himself likes to add “for the sake of words.” We need to maintain his faith in own strength, talent, abilities. George needs encouragement, praise, and gifts.

The meaning of the name George for life

Georgy is friendly, sociable and witty. He is not averse to gossiping among friends, but in unfamiliar company he is reserved and takes a long time to look closely at those around him. Always full of doubts, distrustful, sees a catch in everything. He approaches everything with his own standards, believes that there is no such thing as selfless friendship, that all relationships are based on someone else’s benefit, and therefore there is no point in wasting time on them. At the same time, Georgy is completely unforgiving; he perceives life and people as they are. He is cunning and indecisive with women, afraid of serious relationships and complications. He rarely changes sexual partners; regular and habitual sex is important to him. He carefully chooses his life partner and hesitates for a long time to propose. As a wife, he chooses a woman with a simple character, flexible, friendly, and as easy-going as himself. He does not seek to marry the first beauty, he does not seek benefits in marriage. He himself can provide for his family, however, provided that a favorable environment for fruitful work is created. Georgy knows how to earn money, is enterprising and practical. The only thing he will never forgive his wife is a lie, not to mention real betrayal. He is strict with children, tries to give them good education and continues to strictly monitor them even when they are already starting their own families. She loves her grandchildren and willingly fusses with them.

Meaning of the name George for sex

With a partner like George, a woman always experiences the highest pleasure. He achieves complete satisfaction with the one he has known for a long time. But first of all, he needs his partner to caress him, touch his body with her lips, and whisper crazy words. It’s rare that Georgy shows impatience and persistence; foreplay is usually very important to him; kissing his partner’s breasts excites him in particular. Georgy belongs to the type of man who does not light up right away (this is especially true for “winter” men), so his partner must master a whole variety of techniques and poses. His sexual behavior is largely determined by the environment in which intimacy occurs and his own psychological state. The experiences associated with George's success in sex make him more open, active, spiritual, and even efficient. His satisfaction with his sex life largely depends on whether he is able to regularly bring a woman to orgasm. The fullness of the partner’s erotic sensations is the greatest source of happiness for George. He is not inclined to change girlfriends often. He is attracted to women who are passionate, easily excitable, and capable of enjoying foreplay for a long time.

Compatibility of the name George and patronymic

Georgy Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yuryevich - a cheerful person, an amateur fun companies. He appreciates a good joke and often makes fun of those he doesn’t like, but no more. He doesn't try to offend anyone. A braggart, he likes to lie about his achievements. Always elegant, has a delicate taste. He chooses a wife who is cheerful and easy-going. He does not strive to be a leader in the family; he builds relationships on mutual trust and full understanding. He is jealous, although he carefully hides it. Responsive to requests, does not divide work into male and female. Can cook dinner, sometimes takes the initiative and covers it himself festive table. He takes care of the interior of the apartment and does the renovations himself. More often he gives birth to boys. Georgy loves children very much, especially small ones, and in his free time he willingly walks with them, but it’s not worth burdening him with such worries all the time, it tires him. He introduces teenagers to sports and tries to instill fighting qualities in them.

Georgy Alexandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Timofeevich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is flexible and sociable. Fun guy and red tape. It's fun and interesting to be with him. He is a good storyteller and a great listener. Tactful and gallant, loves to have fun, dances well. By nature, Georgy with such patronymics is not stingy, but he knows the value of money and does not spend it unless absolutely necessary. He loves attractive women and will not miss the opportunity to have an easy romance. Emotional and sexual, he spends a lot of time looking for new intimate entertainment. He knows how to look after beautifully for his beloved, in whom he sees his future wife, and is generous with expensive gifts. He meets with a potential wife for a long time, gives her the opportunity to get used to him, learn his habits, come to terms with his weaknesses, and learn to cook the dishes he loves. Georgy marries young, but quite successfully. As a rule, he has one son. Father Georgy is magnificent; he devotes his whole life to raising a boy who is very attached to his father. Family relationships are smooth and friendly. George treats his wife warmly and tenderly and will be able to make her happy.

Georgy Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich has a contradictory character: romance and sentimentality are combined with fortitude and willpower. He is unusually active, emotional, loves to argue over trifles, and is passionate; at the same time, he stands firmly on the ground and knows how to control himself. Through hard work he achieves material well-being and a stable position in society. Outwardly it seems cold and insensitive, but this is just a way to protect yourself from unnecessary disappointments. Trusting and sensitive, which many take advantage of. Therefore, George has to be on guard all the time, which gives the impression of being closed and withdrawn. In relationships with women, Georgy is also careful, preferring to have a long-term intimate relationship with a well-known partner. As a rule, she becomes his wife. Promiscuous intimate relationships are not for him. Sex plays a big role in the life of such a George; sexual satisfaction improves his well-being and provides an incentive for creativity. Georgy considers love and respect to be the main thing in family relationships. George gives birth to children of different sexes, with the daughter being spiritually closer to her father. Georgy is raising his son himself, strictly and carefully monitoring his intellectual development.

Georgy Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is talented, rational, practical. He is principled and finds it difficult to compromise. Energetic and emotional, but skillfully avoids trouble and does not like to conflict. Impressive, amorous. Dresses unconventionally, but with taste. Clean, fastidious. He is boastful, vain, and considers himself indispensable. The first marriage, as a rule, is unsuccessful. The second time, Georgy does not marry immediately. The first unsuccessful attempt to start a family seriously undermines his health, and a predisposition to cardiovascular diseases appears. He should avoid stress and nervous breakdowns. Georgy is looking for a girlfriend with whom he can experience true tenderness, find inner harmony, peace of mind. He often gives birth to girls. Free time Georgy spends time in nature, loves active recreation. He willingly receives guests, not only close friends, but also colleagues. He easily establishes warm relationships with his wife’s parents and is attentive to his family. He remembers all family dates and does not forget to congratulate the birthday people. The favorite of all relatives.

Georgy Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Vladlenovich, Veniaminovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is restrained in expressing feelings, somewhat withdrawn, laconic. Loves meaningful conversation, but never fully expresses his thoughts. He is quick-tempered and emotional, but knows how to control himself, is very secretive and cautious. It is not safe to test his patience. All his life he proves to himself and others that he was born for success. Willingly accepts flattery and admiration. Georgies with such patronymics are highly sexual and believe that sex is one of the most important aspects of life. Georgy is careful when choosing his wife. She must be beautiful, but faithful, smart, but recognize his superiority. With satisfaction he catches the glances of his friends admiring his chosen one. Georgy is the unconditional leader in the family; he will never put up with his wife’s dictates and will not allow him to be controlled. Jealous, but doesn't show it. Disdainful, meticulous, grumpy. His daughters are born. He loves being outdoors with his whole family, loves fishing, and enjoys hunting. He enjoys having fun with his children, and trusts his wife to raise them. Treats all relatives well, his mother-in-law's favorite son-in-law. Georgy is a devoted husband, a good father. She sees the meaning of her whole life in ensuring a comfortable existence for girls and in their education.

George and pets

Georgy usually loves dogs of large breeds, is very attentive to their upbringing, adheres to all the rules, gets vaccinations on time, and does not allow any deviations in feeding. He believes that it is better not to have a dog at all than to have one and not take care of it. He can raise a serious dog - a bull terrier, an Afghan hound and a wolfhound. He may not be keen on hunting, but he will certainly provide the exercise necessary for the dog’s health.

With dogs under nicknames Gamma, Addie, Alma, Berndon, Ada, Emma, ​​Claude, Limma, Alf - the relationship between the owner and the dog will develop favorably.

Name popularity and statistics

The name George, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: 27 (10th place)
1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (9th place, Egor)

Famous people with the name Georgiy

Saint George the Victorious, George of Cappadocia (Christian saint, great martyr, the most revered saint of this name)
Georgy Nikolaev (Soviet scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1979))
Georgy Brusilov ((1884-1914) Arctic explorer)
Georgy Vitsin (theater and film actor)
George Gurdjieff ((1877–1949) mystic and spiritual teacher, traveler)
Georgy Zhukov (Soviet military leader, Marshal Soviet Union(1943), Minister of Defense of the USSR (1955-1957))
Georgy Sedov (hydrographer, polar explorer (1877–1914))
Georgy Tovstonogov ((1913–1989) theater director)
Georgy Yumatov (Soviet film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
Georgy Weiner (one of the brother writers, authors of famous detective stories)
Georgy Yartsev (Soviet football player and Russian football coach)
Georgy Danelia (Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia)
Georgy Markov (Russian writer and public figure)
Georgy Graubin (writer and poet, author of poems for children)
George Noel Gordon Byron (English poet)
George Orwell (English writer)
George Bush Sr. (41st President of the United States)
George Washington (first US President)
George Lucas (American film director)
Jerzy Petersburski (during his years in the USSR known as Jerzy (Yuri, George) Petersburg, in Argentina - as George Petersburski; Polish conductor and composer, author of the tango music “Burnt Sun” and the waltz “Blue Handkerchief”)
George Harrison (English rock musician)
George de Godzinski (Finnish composer, conductor, professor (since 1985) and pianist)
George I (King of Great Britain since August 1, 1714, the first representative of the Hanoverian dynasty on the royal throne of Great Britain)
Jerzy Kosinski (American writer of Polish-Jewish descent)
Jerzy Mniszek, Jerzy Mniszech, Yuri Mniszek (Polish nobleman, castellan of Radom (1582), voivode of Sandomierz (from 1590), father of Marina Mniszek)
Georges Cadoudal (one of the Chouan leaders during the French Revolution)
Jiri Menzel (Czech film director, actor, screenwriter, one of the main representatives - along with Vera Chytilova, Milos Forman and others - of the new wave in Czech cinema of the 1960s, which largely coincided with the general renewal of European cinema in that period)
Jiri Labus (Czech actor and screenwriter)
Jiri Nemec (former Czech footballer, player of the national teams of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, currently engaged in coaching)
George Clooney (American film actor)
George Best (Northern Irish footballer)
Georgy Radov (known as Yegor Radov; Russian postmodernist prose writer)
Georgy Arbatov ((1923 - 2010) Soviet and Russian scientist in the field international relations, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Name days and days of the angel George are celebrated

George celebrates his name day on January 11, January 21, January 30, February 4, February 10, February 17, February 24, February 27, March 6, March 17, March 18, March 23, March 24, April 5, April 15, April 17 , April 18, April 20, April 26, May 2, May 6, May 10, May 26, May 29, June 8, June 18, June 19, June 27, July 4, July 9, July 10, July 16, 23 July, August 2, August 3, August 13, August 31, September 6, September 8, September 10, October 2, October 11, October 14, October 15, October 29, November 10, December 9, December 16, December 31.

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