Clever phrases about food. Aphorisms and sayings of great people

2. Since patience is my greatest virtue and perfection is my goal, I was well equipped to handle culinary tasks. Marlene Dietrich.

3.High culinary art is the only human ability about which nothing bad can be said. F. Durrenmatt

4. When you get up from the table hungry, you are full; if you get up after eating, you have overeaten; if you get up after overeating, you are poisoned. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

5. A well-fed cat will not even think of rushing at the mouse, but a hungry mouse will even think of rushing at the cat. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

6. A hungry army is a terrible force. Konstantin Kushner

7. In case of major troubles, I deny myself everything, except food and drink. Oscar Wilde

8. Dining etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger. Delphine de Girardin

9. The most serious political decisions are usually made in cozy, quiet restaurants. Joseph Lafayette

10. A rich man can always share his food with a poor man, and a poor man can always share his appetite with a rich man. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

11. If you have nothing to eat for breakfast, then at lunch be sure to pay a courtesy visit to a friend - he will share his daily bread, and during dinner visit your enemy - he will voluntarily give it to you. Stas Yankovsky

12. Tame your appetite to obey your reason willingly. Plutarch

13. Fill two quarters of the stomach with food, one with drink, and leave one for the wind. Chzhud-shi, ancient Tibetan treatise

14. If a gourmet constantly counts calories in his dishes, then he is like Casanova, not taking his eyes off his watch. James Beard

15. War is war, and lunch is on schedule. Friedrich Wilhelm I

16. Above all teachings and rules on how to live correctly,

I chose to affirm two foundations of dignity:

It's better to eat nothing at all than to eat just anything

It's better to be alone than to be friends with just anyone

Omar Khayyam

17. It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to music without a good dish. Emmanuel Kant

18. Love and hunger rule the world. F. Schiller

19. Do not eat food from an envious person and do not be tempted by his tasty dishes. Solomon
20. Since a person is eternally condemned to constantly eat, it means that he must eat well! Brillat-Savarin

21. Excess food interferes with the logic of the mind. Seneca

22. It is better to undereat from time to time than to constantly overeat. Abul Faraj

23. When I had money, I bought books, and when there was no money, I bought clothes and food. Erasmus of Rotterdam.

24. If you want to live happily ever after, reduce your lunch time. Benjamin Franklin

25. Don’t feed words instead of bread. Aristophanes

26. Japanese cuisine is the ideal food for a ballerina. Maya Plisetskaya

27. Food is as necessary for health as decent treatment is necessary for an educated person. Kozma Prutkov

28. Eat little at lunch, and even less at dinner, because the health of the whole body is forged in the forge of our stomach. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

29. It would do well for everyone to take a closer look at themselves while eating. Eliav Canetti

30. Food is not only a means of life for us, but also a means of death. Plutarch

31. Overeating leads to illness, as practice shows. Hippocrates

32. If, after eating your fill, you think about food, then even delicious dishes will not awaken your appetite. Hong Zichen

33. Cooking is a matter of time. In general, the more time, the better the result. . John Eskin

34. I'm not going to starve myself in order to live a little longer. Airan Peter

35. No matter what you say to a hungry person, he will only hear the rumbling of his empty stomach. . Baurzhan Toyshibekov

36. On the Continent you are treated to good dinners, in England you are treated to good dining manners. George Mikes

37. Complete nutrition does not require nutritional supplements. Konstantin Kushner

38. A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This applies equally to both the mind and the body. Benjamin Franklin

39. Just as eating food without pleasure turns into boring eating, so doing science without passion clogs the memory, which becomes unable to assimilate what it absorbs.
Leonardo da Vinci

40. To think, you have to eat - there’s no escape! Yes, but then, how many different thoughts can be produced by the same piece of bread!
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

41. Feed your guest all night before asking questions. Ernst Heine

42. We eat for our own pleasure, dress for the pleasure of others. Benjamin Franklin

43. The table is the only place where we don’t get bored from the very first minute. Anselm Brillat-Savarin

44. We are what we eat. Li Bo

45. It’s bad if a wife knows how to cook, but doesn’t want to; It’s even worse if she doesn’t know how, but wants to. Robert Frost

46. ​​A gentleman never eats. He only has breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cole Porter

Cool Quotes and aphorisms about food and gluttony

N and day 5 of the diet, dreams of a sexual nature began: a large room... I’m lying in a bathtub... filled with borscht!

WITH alata from crab sticks... It’s good that it’s not made from sheep’s balls...

N and the culinary magazine says 12+ WHAT, WHAT IS THERE? NAKED CHICKEN?

N lack of food gives food for thought

TO what a table and what a chair.

N do you know how to lose weight? Drink a glass of water three days before meals.

WITH Listening to music while eating is an insult to both the cook and the violinist.

P looking for something that the body cannot digest, eats the one who ate it

IN Not a more standard figure from year to year...

IN It’s always like this: if I eat, it’s fun, if I don’t eat, it’s kind of boring...

WITH now we eat food genetic engineering, and then they will eat us.

U everyone has their own recipe for happiness... I have it written on the ceiling: tomorrow I’ll quit eating... Every morning, when I wake up, I see this inscription and think: it’s good that tomorrow, and not today

IN You won’t believe it, but today’s bread can be stored for six months - in your stomach.

N While at work, there was a note on the pie in the refrigerator: “Don’t eat me.” Now there is an empty plate with a note: “The pies will not boss me around!”

AND Of all the suicide weapons, the most popular are the knife and fork.

I I don’t eat after six. I have a fasting hour from 6 to 7!

N and for every yogurt with live bacteria there is a doctor with antibiotics.

ABOUT days they eat to live. Others are starving for the same purpose.

X A spoonful is good for lunch, and a glass before lunch.

H The appetite also comes when there is no food.

B the fast meal ends in a slow funeral procession.

I I usually don’t improvise, but trust my mother to cook the food. This old, proven recipe was inherited from my dad.

L It’s better to eat a lot, but often.

N To spite your enemies, eat dinner yourself.

T As soon as I took hold of the eggs, the oil immediately disappeared.
Alexander Lukashenko

E We need to eat and drink enough so that our strength is restored and not suppressed. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

I replaced zucchini with zucchini.

ABOUT The trouble in Russia is not the food, but the time of day.

N and your favorite food usually lacks health.

P The horns mostly come out sideways.

X good things cannot be called bad.

E If you are afraid of gaining weight, drink 100 g of cognac before meals. Cognac eases fear.

A Ppetite - unlike hunger, it is not satisfied.

H The human body grows up to 25 years. Only neither the stomach nor the ass know about this.

M Elijah, let's agree: I say it's very tasty, but you never cook it again.

ABOUT, dissolve me at least a little coffee!...
Vladimir Vishnevsky

X There are far fewer empty stomachs than good food.

TO urica is a creature that is eaten either before its birth or after its death.

WITH The hottest topic of the day: pies.

AND You need to get up from the table with a heavy feeling of slight hunger.

D Ieta is a scientifically developed program for the fight between the brain and the stomach, which is obviously doomed to failure.

L love comes and goes, but you always want to eat

AND"cheese-", and "gum-", that's it - fatburger!

T It feels like I have an alarm clock in my head, set for 11:00 pm, with a reminder: “Don’t forget to eat at night!”

Z Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and dinner with a friend.

P omni! Opening the refrigerator after 18.00. turns the princess into a PUMPKIN!

ABOUT bottom calorie - one cal. A thousand calories is one cal.

R The secret of olives and olives is hidden: olives have an olive color, but black olives do not.

ABOUT Bzhora digs his own grave with his teeth.

N and nothing dulls hunger like thirst.

I I want a sandwich. But no, it seemed... I WANT FIVE SANDWICHES

I I WANT TO EAT!!! Because I wanted to eat half an hour ago.

G nuts are food for others to think about your personal qualities!

IN All mushrooms are edible, but some are only eaten once in a lifetime.

New and rediscovered aphorisms and quotes from books and the press


I'm pretty sure that in the second before death, a dieter thinks, "Damn, why did I give up blueberry donuts 17 years ago?"

A man is what he eats.
Der Mensch ist, was er isst.

If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals.

The table is the only place where people don’t get bored from the very first minute.

Since we are condemned to eat, let us eat well.

After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, even your relatives.

Some eat to live, others starve for the same purpose.

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to one without a good dish.

Evil people live in order to eat and drink, virtuous people eat and drink in order to live.

Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people they know how to eat.

The diet is a scientifically developed program for the fight between the brain and the stomach, which is obviously doomed to failure.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Appetite comes with eating.

You have to love what you eat or love the person you cook for. Cooking is an act of love.

Where there are pancakes, there we are, where there is porridge with butter, there is our place.
Russian proverb

If a country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, then the country has reached the end of its rope.

The invention of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.

The rule of three “Cs”: only the one who can prepare a salad, sauce, soup is considered a real cook.

To become tasty, fish must swim three times: in water, in oil and in wine.
Fish, to taste good, must swim three times in water, in butter, and in wine.

The most delicious cakes in my life were the cakes in the Warsaw confectionery in 1913 and these rats. Rats gave us the opportunity to survive, the cakes gave us a guide to why...
Aunt KATYA, siege survivor. Quote from: The New Times, 2010 No. 15, page 60

I love food. The food is delicious.
I Like Food. Food Tastes Good.
English book title

On the continent [Europe] people eat well, in Britain there are good table manners.

In case of major troubles, I deny myself everything except food and drink.

To live well, you need to eat well.

A person should know no less about food than about mathematics or his native language.
GORDON RAMSAY, British chef, to Igor Serdyuk in an interview “In pursuit of extremes.” Quote from: Vedomosti, August 7, 2009

Cook quickly, eat slowly.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.
Cibi condimentum est fames.

He who eats and drinks hastily does not live long in the world.
Czech proverb

Obesity in developed countries is a sign of poverty. When there is plenty of food, the wealthier prefer to eat not as much as possible, but as best as possible.
JOHN KAY, Financial Times columnist. Quote from: Vedomosti, September 26, 2008, p. 4

You usually don’t have enough health to buy your favorite food.

The dishes should be beautiful, the rest is not important.
Alena, daughter of Alexander Galich, about the principle of a father who is unpretentious in food. Quote from: Story, 2008, No. 5, p. 105

They throw a stone at you, throw food back at you.
Bashkir proverb

“Eat simple food and you can do anything.”

“To stay in shape, you need rest, good food and, most importantly, no sports.”

If you want to know me, eat with me.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

God created food, and the devil created cooks.

You need to eat more dense foods. You will immediately become a different person.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

Cheese is the corpse of milk.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

For a normal Japanese, there is nothing worse than rice that has lost its whiteness.
HARUKI MURAKAMI. Quote from: The New Times, 2008, No. 8, p. 61

Many of my views and habits were formed due to the fact that in my young years I was overfed with black caviar.

It is easier to imagine Britain without the Queen than without tea.
British joke

No one can convince me that a brilliant symphony has more content than a brilliant salad. If we erect a monument to Mozart, we are obliged to erect a monument to Mr. Olivier.

“Tea should taste bitter, just like beer, and sugar or milk kills its true flavor.”

“How can we hope for peace and prosperity on earth if our bodies are living graves in which slaughtered animals are buried?”

“Of course, the best English cuisine is simply french cuisine».
GEORGE ORWELL, quoting this phrase from a French book and objecting to it passionately

“You need to cook slowly, with feeling, from the freshest organic ingredients, and eat with those you love, sharing big table. By endlessly accelerating the rhythm of life, we deprive ourselves of life itself.”
CARLO PETRINI, founder of the Slow Food movement. Quote from: “Kommersant-Weekend”, 2007, No. 49, p. 28

"English cuisine is much better than its reputation."

“Gastronomic art teaches a person to manage his time rationally and prudently. It cultivates in us both wise patience and instant reaction.”
SERGEY PARKHOMENKO in the article “About pea soup, with which no one is in a hurry.” "Kommersant Weekend", 2007, No. 62, p. 49

“Classic vinaigrette: everything delicious in one plate.”

“Let them do what they want, but raising the price of coffee is too much.”
The heroine of SERGEY DOVLATOV

“I simply cannot eat caviar, but I have to force myself.”
The heroine of Audrey Tautou in the film “Fatal Beauty”

“It has long been known that in the kitchen quantity never turns into quality, rather the opposite.”
DARIA TSIVINA about the restaurant menu, where almost all the capitals of the world are represented. "Kommersant-Weekend", 2007, No. 36, p. 30

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Feel free to pave the same path to a woman’s heart.”
SVETLANA ZAKHAROVA, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater

“Be careful with a person who does not know how to eat or feed.”
Prince VLADIMIR ODOEVSKY, “Kitchen”, “Book Review”, 2007, No. 2, p. 19

"Too many cooks - goodbye stew."
English proverb

"Sauce hides a thousand sins."
An old cook's saying

“The second freshness - what nonsense! There is only one freshness – the first, and it is also the last.”
MIKHAIL BULGAKOV, "The Master and Margarita"

“For me, a restaurant is, first of all, about people. I want them to have fun."
ARKADY NOVIKOV, restaurateur. GQ, 2007, no. 4, p. 192

“You need to eat either fast food or black caviar. But both must be accompanied by fried potatoes.”
PARIS HILTON. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 35

“If you have unexpected guests and there is nothing at home, go down to the cellar and take a leg of lamb.”
ELENA MOLOKHOVETS. Quote from: “Kommersant Weekly”, 2007, No. 29, p. 39

“By ignoring walnuts, you are making one of the main mistakes in your life.”
Leaders of the Belgian Walnut Society. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 98

“Only fools are not gourmets.”
Norman wisdom

“The stuffing cannot be turned back.”

“An Italian has only two thoughts in his head; the second is spaghetti.”

“There is nothing heavier than an empty stomach.”
Malagasy saying

“Papanov and I worked abroad, we were paid little, so we ate canned food. One day he told me: “If you think that these canned goods are not reflected in our eyes, you are mistaken.”

"Don't waste your time trying to make the world's best spaghetti sauce - tastier than that“What’s sold in the supermarket around the corner won’t work anyway.”
From a fashion magazine

“A moonlit night and boiled rice always come in handy.”
Japanese saying

“You need to eat only good food and little by little, the same with books and movies.”
Krzysztof Zanussi

“He who does not feed the body does not feed the spirit.”
Chefs' favorite saying

“The plate should have one part cruelty – pepper, vinegar, spices, three parts strength and six parts tenderness.”

“A good cook has a lot of character and feeling.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant “Au Crocodile”, Izvestia dated August 12, 2005

“When you try a seemingly simple haute cuisine dish, you feel the greatness of the chef being revealed.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant “Au Crocodile”, Izvestia dated August 12, 2005

“Are there rehabilitation clinics for Coca-Cola drinkers? I drink six cans a day!”

I'm a vegetarian not because I love animals, I just hate plants.

If they don't have bread, let them eat cakes.
Allegedly, Marie Antoinette addressed the hungry poor of revolutionary Paris. In fact, the phrase had been circulating in the French press since 1760, that is, thirty years before the revolution. In addition, in the original there are not cakes, but brioche - white buns, that is, the same bread.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was not just food, but a celebration of the stomach and a name day for a discerning heart that understood culinary secrets. And there were people who could write about food (as it is called now) in such a way that it was simply breathtaking.

What kind of people were they, with a capital P? I’m talking about writers who knew a lot about food, and could write about the fascinating process of eating in such a way that the last prude did not have even the slightest bit of ground left to make a sour face and squeak at his favorite “problem of morality in literature”, which suggests that writing about food is cheesy.

However, today they don’t write about food at all. Here you need a special talent to tell in such a way that your imperishable creation touches the most hidden, most delicious, perhaps not yet realized, dreams and fantasies. So that they would disassemble it into quotes about food, steal it on the Internet like delicious appetizing pieces, savor it, smack it and ask for more. And they naively asked for the recipe, knowing deep down that “our chef won’t cook it like that.”

Food in literature is already, alas, a romantic past. I am glad that the past has not yet been forgotten. Honored and read by true lovers. Maybe not by everyone. However, here everything is as in real life- everyone eats, but not everyone becomes a gourmet, a person who understands the senses and knows the real taste.

Today I have “prepared” for you a truly exquisite feast, delicious, colorful. A feast for the mind and soul. I hope that all my “dishes” will please your heart.

Literary Quotes About Food

A.P. Chekhov "Siren"

When driving home, you must try to keep your head thinking only about the decanter and the snack. Once on the way I closed my eyes and imagined a piglet with horseradish, and my appetite became hysterical. Well, when you move into your yard, you want the kitchen to smell like something at that time, you know...

“Roast geese are masters of the smell,” said the honorary world leader, breathing heavily.

Don’t say, my dear Grigory Savvich, a duck or a snipe can give a goose ten points ahead. There is no tenderness or delicacy in a goose bouquet. Young onions smell the most when, you know, they start to fry and, you know, hiss, you scoundrel, all over the house.

Well, when you enter the house, the table should already be set, and when you sit down, now put a napkin behind your tie and slowly reach for the decanter of vodka. Yes, mommy, you pour it not into a glass, but into some antediluvian grandfather’s glass made of silver or into a pot-bellied one with the inscription “even the monks accept it,” and you don’t drink it right away, but first you sigh, rub your hands, look indifferently at the ceiling , then slowly, you bring it, vodka, to your lips and - immediately sparks come from your stomach all over your body... The secretary depicted bliss on his sweet face.

Sparks... - he repeated, squinting.

As soon as you drink, you need to have a snack now.

Listen,” said the chairman, raising his eyes to the secretary, “speak more quietly!” Because of you, I’m already ruining the second sheet.

Ah, it’s my fault, Pyotr Nikolaich! “I’ll be quiet,” said the secretary and continued in a half-whisper: “Well, and to eat, my soul Grigory Savvich, you also need to skillfully.” You need to know what to eat. The best appetizer, if you want to know, is herring. If you ate a piece of it with onions and mustard sauce, now, my benefactor, while you still feel the sparks in your stomach, eat the caviar on its own or, if you wish, with a lemon, then a simple radish with salt, then again herring, but best of all , benefactor, salted saffron milk caps, if you cut them finely, like caviar, and, you know, with onions, with Provençal butter... delicious! But burbot liver is a tragedy!

Hmmm... - the honorary peace officer agreed, squinting his eyes.

Also good for appetizers... sultry porcini mushrooms... - Yes, yes, yes... with onions, you know, with bay leaves and all sorts of spices. You open the pan, and steam comes out of it, a mushroom spirit... sometimes even a tear comes out! Well, as soon as they brought the kulebyaka out of the kitchen, you immediately need to drink a second one.

The devil knows, he only thinks about food! - grumbled the philosopher Milkin, making a contemptuous grimace. - Are there really no other interests in life besides mushrooms and kulebyaki?

Well, let’s have a drink before the kulebyak,” the secretary continued in a low voice; he was already so carried away that, like a singing nightingale, he heard nothing but his own voice. - The kulebyaka must be appetizing, shameless, in all its nakedness, so that there is temptation. You wink at her, cut off a little bit of it, and move your fingers over her like that, out of excess of feelings. You will eat it, and it will be buttery, like tears, the filling will be fatty, juicy, with eggs, with giblets, with onions...

The secretary rolled his eyes and twisted his mouth right up to his ear.

The honorary peace officer grunted and, probably imagining a kulebyak, moved his fingers. “It’s the devil knows what...” the district police officer grumbled, moving to another window.

“I ate two pieces, and saved the third for cabbage soup,” the secretary continued with inspiration.

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Please humbly have a bite,” said the hostess.

Chichikov looked around and saw that on the table there were already mushrooms, pies, skorodumki, shanishki, pryaglas, pancakes, flat cakes with all sorts of toppings: topping with onions, topping with poppy seeds, topping with cottage cheese, topping with skimmed eggs, and who knows what.

Unleavened egg pie! - said the hostess.

Chichikov moved towards the unleavened egg pie, and, having immediately eaten about half of it, praised it. And indeed, the pie itself was delicious, and after all the fuss and tricks with the old woman, it seemed even tastier.

What about pancakes? - said the hostess.

In response to this, Chichikov rolled three pancakes together and, dipping them in melted butter, put them in his mouth, and wiped his lips and hands with a napkin. Having repeated this three times, he asked the hostess to order the pawning of his chaise. Nastasya Petrovna immediately sent Fetinya, ordering at the same time to bring more hot pancakes.

Your pancakes, mother, are very tasty,” said Chichikov, starting to eat the hot ones that were brought.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Eh-ho-ho... Yes, it was, it was!.. Moscow old-timers remember the famous Griboyedov! What boiled portioned pike perch! It's cheap, dear Ambrose! What about sterlet, sterlet in a silver saucepan, sterlet in pieces, topped with crayfish tails and fresh caviar? What about cocotte eggs with champignon puree in cups? Didn't you like blackbird fillets? With truffles? Genoese quail? Ten and a half! Yes jazz, yes polite service! And in July, when the whole family is at the dacha, and urgent literary matters keep you in the city, - on the veranda, in the shade of climbing grapes, in a golden spot on a clean tablecloth, a plate of soup-prentanière? Remember, Ambrose? Well, why ask! I see from your lips that you remember. What are your little tits, pike perch! What about great snipes, woodcocks, snipes, woodcocks in season, quails, waders? Narzan hissing in the throat?!

A. Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo”

Franz's admiration grew: dinner was served with exquisite luxury. Convinced of this important circumstance, he began to look around. The dining room was no less magnificent than the drawing room he had just left; it was all made of marble, with the most valuable antique bas-reliefs; At both ends of the oblong hall stood beautiful statues with baskets on their heads. The baskets contained pyramids of the rarest fruits: Sicilian pineapples, Malaga pomegranates, Balearic oranges, French peaches and Tunisian dates.

Dinner consisted of roast pheasant surrounded by Corsican blackbirds, jellied ham of wild boar, roast kid with tartar sauce, superb turbot and giant lobster. Between the large dishes were plates of appetizers. The dishes were silver, the plates were made of Japanese porcelain.

Franz rubbed his eyes - it seemed to him that it was all a dream.

V.S. Korotkevich “The Wild Hunt of King Stakh”

- Why are you staring! - Dubotovk barked. – Have you seen the capital man, bears? Well, give it to the guest, put it on his plate with food that suits your taste.

The hairy mouths began to smile, the paws began to move. Soon on my plate lay a huge goose with lingonberry jam, a turkey leg with apples, salted mushrooms, a dozen sorcerers, and from all sides I could only hear:

- And here are the dumplings with garlic... And here, sir, a piece of wild boar ham, peppered, burns with fire. I conjure in the memory of my mother - take it. But here’s a wonderful one... But here’s an extraordinary one...

A.P. Chekhov "On Mortality"

Court Councilor Semyon Petrovich Podtikin sat down at the table, covered his chest with a napkin and, burning with impatience, began to wait for the moment when the pancakes would begin to be served... But finally, the cook appeared with pancakes... Semyon Petrovich, risking burning his fingers, grabbed the two top, most hot pancakes and deliciously plopped them onto his plate. The pancakes were crispy, spongy, plump, like the shoulder of a merchant’s daughter... Podtikin smiled pleasantly, hiccupped with delight and doused them with hot butter. Then, as if whetting his appetite and enjoying the anticipation, he slowly, sparingly coated them with caviar. He poured sour cream on the places where the caviar did not fall... Now all that was left was to eat, wasn’t it? But no!.. Podtikin looked at the work of his hands and was not satisfied... After thinking a little, he put the fattest piece of salmon, sprat and sardine on the pancakes, then, sweating and panting, he rolled both pancakes into a tube, drank a glass of vodka with feeling, grunted, opened his mouth...

Charles de Xotere "The Legend of Ulenspiegel"

Here they all started shouting with each other:

- Peas with lard, beef stew, veal stew, lamb stew, chicken stew! – What about sausages for dogs, or what? - And who, suddenly smelling the smell of sausage, no matter whether blood or liver, would not grab her by the collar? I saw her - alas! - when my eyes were still shining for me. -A koekebakk’is it on Anderlecht butter? They sizzle in the frying pan, crunch on your teeth, eat it and pop a glass of beer, eat it and pop a glass of beer! - And I’ll have scrambled eggs and ham or ham and scrambled eggs, faithful friends of my throat! - And the wonderful ones choices'There is? These proud meats swim among kidneys, cockscombs, veal glands, ox tails, legs of lamb, among a lot of onions, peppers, cloves, nutmeg, and all this was stewed for a long time, and the sauce for them was three glasses of white wine. – Do you have any divine boiled sausage? She is so meek that when you burst her, she doesn’t say a word. It comes to us directly from Luyleckerland’and from the nourishing land of blissful slackers, lickers of immortal gravy. But where are you, leaves of the past autumn? - I'll have fried lamb with beans! - And I want pork plumes, that is, ears! - And I want a rosary from ortolans, but let there be snipes instead of “Our Father”, and a fat capon instead of “I Believe.”

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

- Yes, make a pie with four corners. In one corner put me sturgeon and elm, in the other put buckwheat porridge, and mushrooms with onions, and sweet milk, and brains, and what else you know... Yes, so that on one side it, you know, would turn brown, and on the other let her go easy. Yes, from the underside, from the underside, bake it so that it crumbles, so that it is all penetrated, you know, with juice, so that you don’t even hear it in your mouth - it would melt like snow... Yes, just make me some pork rennet*. Place a piece of ice in the middle so that it swells well. Yes, so that the sturgeon has a richer lining, a side dish, a richer side dish! Cover it with crayfish, and a fried small fish, and fill it with minced meat from snowflakes, and add small chopped mushrooms, horseradish, and milk mushrooms, and turnips, and carrots, and beans, and isn’t there any other root there?..

M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"

On plates painted with heavenly flowers with a wide black border lay thin slices of salmon and pickled eels. On a heavy board is a piece of cheese with a tear, and in a silver tub lined with snow is caviar. Between the plates there are several thin glasses and three crystal decanters with multi-colored vodkas. All these items were placed on a small marble table, comfortably attached to a huge carved oak sideboard, spewing beams of glass and silver light. In the middle of the room is a table, heavy as a tomb, covered with a white tablecloth, and on it are two cutlery, napkins folded in the shape of papal tiaras, and three dark bottles.

Zina brought in a silver covered dish in which something was grumbling. The smell from the dish was such that the dog’s mouth immediately filled with liquid saliva. "Gardens of Babylon"! - he thought and tapped the parquet with his tail like a stick.

Here they are,” Philip Philipovich commanded predatorily. “Doctor Bormental, I beg you, leave the caviar alone.” And if you want to listen to good advice: pour not English, but ordinary Russian vodka.

The handsome man - he was already without a robe, in a decent black suit - shrugged his broad shoulders, smiled politely and poured a glass.

Newly blessed? - he inquired.

“God be with you, my dear,” responded the owner. “This is alcohol, Daria Petrovna makes excellent vodka herself.”

Don’t tell me, Philip Philipovich, everyone claims that it’s very decent - thirty degrees.

And vodka should be forty degrees, not thirty, firstly,” interrupted Philip Philipovich instructively, “and secondly, God knows what they poured in there.” Can you tell what comes to their mind?

“Anything,” the one who was bitten said confidently.

And I’m of the same opinion,” added Philip Philipovich and threw the contents of the glass into his throat in one lump, “ Dr. Bormental, I beg you, instantly this little thing, and if you say that it is... I’m your blood enemy for life.” "From Seville to Grenada..."

With these words, he picked up something similar to a small dark loaf of bread on a clawed silver fork. The bitten one followed suit. Philip Philipovich's eyes lit up.

This is bad? - Philip Philipovich asked, chewing. “Is it bad?” You answer, dear doctor.

“It’s incomparable,” the bitten one answered sincerely.

Of course... Note, Ivan Arnoldovich, only landowners who were not killed by the Bolsheviks eat cold appetizers and soup. A more or less self-respecting person handles hot snacks. And of the hot Moscow appetizers, this is the first. Once upon a time they were excellently prepared at the Slavic Bazaar.

I.S. Shmelev "Summer of the Lord"

There’s not a crumb anywhere from “Maslenitsa”, not even a breath left. Even the jellied sturgeon was given to the kitchen yesterday. The most common plates remained in the buffet, with brown spots and chips - Lenten ones. In the hallway there are bowls of yellow pickled cucumbers, with dill umbrellas stuck into them, and chopped sour cabbage, thickly sprinkled with anise - such a delight. I grab it in pinches and it crunches! And I promise myself not to fast throughout Lent. Why eat something that destroys the soul, if everything is already delicious? They will cook compote, make potato cutlets with prunes and sear, peas, poppy seed bread with beautiful curls of sugar poppy seeds, pink bagels, “crosses” on Krestopoklonnaya... frozen cranberries with sugar, jellied nuts, candied almonds, soaked peas, bagels and cod cakes, jug raisins, rowan pastille, lean sugar - lemon, raspberry, with oranges inside, halva... And fried buckwheat porridge with onions, wash down with kvass! And Lenten pies with milk mushrooms, and buckwheat pancakes with onions on Saturdays... and kutya with marmalade on the first Saturday, some kind of “kolivo”! And almond milk with white jelly, and cranberry jelly with vanilla, and... the great kulebyaka for the Annunciation, with elm, with sturgeon! And kalya, extraordinary kalya, with pieces of blue caviar, with pickled cucumbers... and pickled apples on Sundays, and melted, sweet, sweet “Ryazan”... and “sinners”, with hemp oil, with a crispy crust, with a warm emptiness inside!. Is it really possible that the place where everyone leaves this life will be so lean! And why is everyone so boring? After all, everything is different, and there is much, so much joy.

A.P. Chekhov "Siren"

As soon as you have finished with the kulebyaka, immediately, so as not to ruin your appetite, order the cabbage soup to be served... The cabbage soup must be hot, fiery. But the best thing, my benefactor, is beetroot borscht in the Khokhlatsky style, with ham and sausages. It is served with sour cream and fresh parsley with dill. The pickle made from giblets and young kidneys is also excellent, and if you like soup, then the best soup, which is topped with roots and herbs: carrots, asparagus, cauliflower and all sorts of similar things.

Yes, a magnificent thing... - the chairman sighed, taking his eyes off the paper, but immediately caught himself and groaned: - Fear God! That way I won’t write a special opinion until the evening! I'm spoiling the fourth sheet!

I won't, I won't! Guilty, sir! - the secretary apologized and continued in a whisper: - As soon as you have eaten borscht or soup, immediately order the fish to be served, benefactor. Of the dumb fish, the best is fried crucian carp in sour cream; just so that it doesn’t smell like mud and is delicate, you need to keep it alive in milk for a whole day.

It’s also good to have a sterlet ring,” said the honorary peace officer, closing his eyes, but immediately, unexpectedly for everyone, he rushed from his seat, made a brutal face and roared towards the chairman: “Pyotr Nikolaich, will you be soon?” I can't wait any longer! I can’t! - Let me cum!

Well, then I’ll go myself! To hell with you! The fat man waved his hand, grabbed his hat and, without saying goodbye, ran out of the room. The secretary sighed and, bending down to the ear of the comrade prosecutor, continued in a low voice:

Pike perch or carp with a sauce of tomatoes and mushrooms is also good. But you can’t get enough of fish, Stepan Frantsych; This is unimportant food, the main thing in lunch is not the fish, not the sauces, but the roast. Which bird do you adore more?

M.I. Vostryshev “Moscow is riotous”

Tavern Lopashev

Lunch menu in 1872:


Balyk, freshly salted sturgeon, white fish, freshly salted cucumbers, granular caviar, pressed caviar, butter, radish, cheese.


Hot fish soup with burbot livers.




Shoulders and underwings of chickens with scallops and sweet meat.


Cauliflower with different seasonings.


Boiled perches with roots.


Pig with porridge, small game with salad.

Sweet hot

Rice porridge with nuts.


Strawberries and cream.

Sweet cold

Creamy and berry ice cream.


Peaches, plums, pineapple, cherries, kings.

Coffee and tea

Russian treat

Volosh nuts, roasted nuts, pine nuts, walnuts, almond nuts, American nuts.

Raisins and sultanas.

Mint gingerbread.

I.A. Belousov “Gone Moscow”

...In Zaryadye, Kastalsky’s head shop was famous; at this shop there was a room in the form of a dining room, where you could get hot ham, brains and sausages for 10-15 kopecks, and during fasting - beluga or sturgeon with horseradish in red vinegar; For appetizers, cod or kalach were served.

Kastalsky was famous for his ham, and many Muscovites ordered hams from him for Easter. Muscovites considered a ham a necessity for the Easter table, just like a pig for Christmas.
There was another supplier of ham to the merchants, this was “Arsentich”: he had a tavern in Cherkassky Lane on Ilyinka. “Arsentich” ham was famous even outside of Moscow for its salting and aging.

In addition to the aforementioned “joys,” other merchants stood at the service of the craftsmen on the streets - tripe wrapped in tubes and tied with sponge, hot intestines stuffed with buckwheat porridge and fried in lamb lard.

All this food was sold to meat eaters, and traders left their posts with pea jelly, poured and chilled right in the trays. Buckwheat or, as they were pronounced, “sinners,” were sold from stalls; they were baked from buckwheat flour in special clay molds. The buckwheat was a column, fried on all sides, two inches high; It was narrower at one end and wider at the other.
For a penny, the trader would sell a couple of buckwheat, - at the same time, he cut them lengthwise, and from a bottle of vegetable oil, plugged with a stopper through which a goose feather was passed, poured oil over the inside of the buckwheat and sprinkled with salt...

V. A. Gilyarovsky “Moscow and Muscovites”, “Egorov’s Tavern and Testov’s Tavern”

... Moreover, Pyotr Kirilych left behind a special way of cutting pies as a souvenir for posterity.
In addition to pancakes, Yegorov's tavern was famous for its fish pies. This is a round pie the size of a plate, stuffed with minced fish and elm, and the middle is open, and in it, on a slice of sturgeon, lies a piece of burbot liver. The pie was served with a gravy boat of fish soup for free.

The clever Pyotr Kirilych was the first to come up with the idea of ​​“artistically” cutting such a pie. There is a fork in one hand, a knife in the other; a few waves of the hand, and in an instant the pie turned into dozens of thin slices, scattering from the central piece of liver to the thick ruddy edges of the pie, which retained its shape. This fashion spread throughout Moscow, but few people knew how to “artistically” cut pies as Pyotr Kirilych, except Testov - Kuzma and Ivan Semenych.

These were artists!

Isaac Babel "Odessa Stories"

... And now... we can return to the wedding of Dvoira Krik, the King's sister. Turkeys were served for dinner at this wedding. , fried chicken, geese, stuffed fish and fish soup, in which lemon lakes shone like mother-of-pearl. Flowers swayed like lush plumes above the dead goose heads. But is it possible that fried chicken is washed ashore by the foamy surf of the Odessa Sea? All the noblest of our smuggling, all that the earth is famous for from end to end, did its destructive, its seductive work on that starry, that blue night. The foreign wine warmed the stomachs, sweetly broke the legs, stupefied the brains and caused belching, sonorous as the call of a battle trumpet. The black cook from the Plutarch, which arrived on the third day from Port Said, carried pot-bellied bottles of Jamaican rum, oily Madeira, cigars from the plantations of Pierpont Morgan and oranges from the outskirts of Jerusalem beyond the customs line. This is what the foamy surf of the Odessa Sea brings ashore...

A.P. Chekhov "Siren"

If, let’s say, they serve a couple of great snipes with the roast, and if you add to this a partridge or a couple of fat quails, then you’ll forget about any catarrh, my word of honor. What about roast turkey? White, fat, juicy, sort of, you know, like a nymph...

Yes, it’s probably delicious,” said the prosecutor, smiling sadly. - I think I would eat turkey. - Lord, what about duck? If you take a young duck that has just had enough ice in the first frost, and fry it on a baking sheet along with potatoes, and so that the potatoes are finely chopped, so that they are browned, and so that they are soaked in duck fat, and so that...

The philosopher Milkin made a brutal face and, apparently, wanted to say something, but suddenly smacked his lips, probably imagining a roast duck, and, without saying a word, drawn by an unknown force, he grabbed his hat and ran out.

Yes, perhaps I would eat duck too... - the prosecutor’s comrade sighed. The chairman stood up, walked around and sat down again.

After the roast, a person becomes full and falls into a sweet eclipse,” the secretary continued. - At this time, both the body and the soul feel good. To enjoy, you can have a glass of three casseroles.

V. A. Gilyarovsky “Moscow and Muscovites”

In the old days, Dmitrovka was also called Club Street - there were three clubs on it: the English Club in Muravyov’s house, the Noble Club there, which later moved to the house of the Noble Assembly; Then the Clerk's Club moved to Muravyov's house, and the Merchant Club moved to Myatlev's house. The lordly chambers were occupied by merchants, and the lordly tone gave way to a merchant one, just as the exquisite French table switched to ancient Russian dishes.

Sterlet ear; two-yard sturgeon; beluga in brine; "banquet veal"; creamy white turkey, well fed walnuts; “halved rastegai” from sterlet and burbot livers; pig with horseradish; pig with porridge. Piglets for “Tuesday” dinners at the Merchant Club were bought at a huge price from Testov, the same ones he served in his famous tavern. He fattened them himself at his dacha, in special feeders in which the piglet’s legs were blocked with bars: “so that he wouldn’t kick the fat!” - explained Ivan Yakovlevich.

Capons and poultry came from Rostov-Yaroslavsky, and “banquet” veal came from Trinity, where calves were fed whole milk.

All this was served at “Tuesday” dinners, crowded and noisy, in huge quantities.

In addition to the wines that were being destroyed by the sea, especially champagne, the Merchant Club was famous throughout Moscow for its kvass and fruit waters, the secret of the preparation of which was known only to one long-term housekeeper of the club, Nikolai Agafonych.

When he appeared in the living room, where, after coffee and liqueurs, the merchants were digesting Lucullan’s dinner in their armchairs, several voices were immediately heard:

Nikolai Agafonych!

Everyone demanded their favorite drink. Who was given the fragrant leaflet: it smells like a blackcurrant bud, as if you were lying under a bush in the spring; to whom cherry - ruby ​​color, taste ripe cherries; for some raspberry; for some white rusk kvass, and for others sour cabbage soup - a drink that is so carbonated that it had to be corked in champagne bottles, otherwise every bottle would burst.

Sour cabbage soup hurts your nose and knocks out your hops! - the ten-pound Lenechka used to say, drinking this drink in half with frozen champagne.

Lenechka is the inventor of twelve-tiered kulebyaki, each layer has its own filling; and meat, and different fish, and fresh mushrooms, and chickens, and game of all varieties. This kulebyaka was prepared only at the Merchant Club and Testov’s, and it was ordered 24 hours in advance.

To be continued…

After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, even your relatives.

When I have big troubles in my life, I deny myself literally everything except delicious food and good drinks.

Oscar Wilde

Great people have always been abstinent in food.

Honore de Balzac

The best seasoning for food is hunger.

We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.

I eat to live, not live to eat.

Old people endure fasting very easily; in second place are adult people, more difficult are young people, and most difficult are children, and of these last - those who are distinguished by too much liveliness.


Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.

Not having dinner is a holy law,
Who values ​​light sleep the most?

The stomach of an enlightened person has best qualities a kind heart - sensitivity and gratitude.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

No one should exceed the limit in food or nutrition.

If a gourmet constantly counts calories in his dishes, then he is like Casanova, not taking his eyes off his watch.

James Beard

A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This position applies equally to the mind as to the body.

If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals.

Beer is another proof that the Lord loves us and wants us to be happy.

Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires.

Benjamin Franklin

Better time undereating from time to time rather than constantly overeating.

Eating in abundance harms the body just as abundance of water harms crops.

If it were not for the power of the stomach, not a single bird would fall into the hunter’s snare, and the hunter himself would not set the snare.

Food that the body does not digest is eaten by the person who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation.

Drunkenness is the mother of all vices.

Moderation is an ally of nature and a guardian of health. So when you drink, when you eat, when you move, and even when you love, practice moderation.

Abul Faraj

Our food substances should be medicines, and our medicinal products must be food substances.

The effects of dietary supplements are long-lasting, while the effects of medications are transient.


Drinking wine is as harmful as taking poison.

Excess food interferes with the subtlety of the mind.

Between a good lunch and long life The only difference is that at dinner the sweets are served at the end.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Love and hunger rule the world.

Friedrich Schiller

There is no love more sincere than the love of food.

Will we refuse food only on the grounds that, when we are full, we lose our appetite? Can we say that a field is wasted if it remains fallow?

George Bernard Shaw

Everyone eats what they eat.

Ludwig Feuerbach

Abstinence in eating is born either out of concern for health, or inability to eat much.

Francois De La Rochefoucauld

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to one without a good dish.

Immanuel Kant

Belonging to some kind of lunch club, even a literary club, inevitably ruins an aspiring writer. This fatal mistake was made by more than one talented young man, who, on his own initiative or on the advice of foolish friends, tried to “crawl” into the society of celebrities - he saved his stomach, but lost his reputation.

Herbert George Wells

We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored and not suppressed.

Marcus Tulius Cicero

We do not live in order to eat, but in order not to know what to eat.

When you get up from the table hungry, you are full; if you get up after having eaten, you have overeaten; If you get up after overeating, you are poisoned.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

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