How to take revenge on your neighbors and ruin their lives. How to teach noisy neighbors a lesson? I'm fed up with my downstairs neighbor, what should I do?

No wonder they say that it’s not enough to buy a new one good house- it’s better to buy wonderful neighbors. But what to do if you have no luck in this matter, how to reason with the raging people living next to you? How to teach your upstairs neighbors a lesson about making noise, preferably while remaining unnoticed? Human imagination is limitless, and you can come up with a lot of ways, here are some of them.

Is it worth declaring war?

Before resorting to decisive action and searching for a practical answer to the question of how to annoy neighbors above for noise and commotion, it would be most reasonable to try to resolve the conflict peacefully. It is likely that your neighbors are reasonable people, and a calm conversation with reasoned claims will be more than enough.

  1. You shouldn’t run to sort things out as soon as you hear the sound of a drill and hammer drill. Your neighbors also have the right, including the right to carry out minor and major repairs in their apartment, if necessary. If the upstairs neighbors make noise during legally permitted hours, you will have to put up with it, at least for a while.
  2. If the noise continues for a long time, try talking to your neighbors and calmly explaining that their actions are causing you significant discomfort. They may not even realize that you react so painfully to loud noises.
  3. If you are "lucky" to live in a house with thin walls and ceilings, then every sound, even not very loud, made by your neighbors will echo loudly in your apartment. In such a situation, even the most ordinary household noise will seem unbearable. In this case, it is best to think not about how to take revenge on neighbors above, below or through the wall for the noise, but about how to provide your home with additional sound insulation. For example, you can place a thick carpet on a wall or floor, and “sew up” the ceiling with plasterboard, while laying an additional layer of insulation.

Most often, it is the people living above us that irritate us. Typically, neighbors upstairs stomp, jump, move furniture, walk on laminate flooring in heels, or regularly flood. Any object that falls with a roar above causes severe sound discomfort to those living below.

For law-abiding citizens

If your neighbors regularly make loud noise and do not react in any way to requests to stop the outrage, first of all you need to try to resolve the issue legally. By law, it is prohibited to make noise between 22.00 and 06.00. If your neighbors love to have noisy parties that end well after midnight, call the police. In addition, be sure to take the application to the local police officer in the morning. Repeat similar actions until the disgrace stops.

Sometimes, however, representatives of law enforcement may not come to the call. If this is the case, you have every right to file a complaint about the inaction of law enforcement officers themselves to the prosecutor’s office. Proving the fact of the call will not be difficult - all calls to the police are recorded on tape, and the prosecutor's office has the authority to demand it. Believe me, after such an appeal they will come to you and your neighbors even when they were not invited.

Small dirty tricks

What to do if neither persuasion nor the police help? How to punish neighbors upstairs for noise and commotion? Let's move on to action:

  1. To begin with, you can try to create conditions that are uncomfortable for the troublemakers. For example, you can print out and hang around the entrance various cartoons and caricatures describing exactly how the neighbors from apartment No. ** interfere with the life of the entire entrance.
  2. If this does not help, place advertisements in local newspapers and on websites for the sale of apartment No. ** at a very attractive price - the flow of potential buyers is very annoying.
  3. Using the Internet, sign up your neighbors for a huge number of advertising catalogs and unnecessary newspapers, and even better - order a lot of purchases from online stores to their address. The entire period of time that they will spend running around to process refusals and returns, you will live in peace.
  4. Another rather unpleasant way to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors: take a can of caustic and smelly paint and write a well-known three-letter word with a “y” in the middle on the wall next to the offenders’ apartment. Which? Of course, “noise”, and even draw an arrow indicating the place exactly where it comes from. Some recommend doing the same on the door of a neighbor’s apartment, but here you must be prepared for the fact that your actions may be regarded as hooliganism and damage to someone else’s property. If it is proven that it was you who did this, a fine cannot be avoided.

If this doesn’t bother you, let’s move on to more stringent measures.

If the troublemakers have a car

There are several ways to take revenge on neighbors upstairs for noise, if they have a car and often leave it in the yard:

  1. You can start with a warning - place a brick on the hood of the car (you can even lay a newspaper under it so as not to scratch it).
  2. If the neighbors did not understand the previous point, sprinkle the roof and hood of the car with some grain or crumble some bread. All the birds in your yard, or even in the area, will be happy to fly in for a treat, but your neighbor is unlikely to be happy with the marks of beaks and claws or waste products.
  3. You can also generously sprinkle your car with valerian - close communication with a pack of angry cats of all stripes will give your neighbor many “pleasant” minutes.
  4. One of the most radical ways can be considered coating car windows with a mixture of sand or “silver.” It is not possible to tear this off the glass after it dries - the glass will have to be completely replaced.

Telephone "terrorism"

The easiest way to influence the nerves and psyche of other people has been known to everyone since childhood - you just need to call and be silent on the phone. Moreover, it is best to make calls at two in the morning or at half past five in the morning.

Still don't know how to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors? A good option is "Auto dialer". This is a special program that is easy to find on the Internet. All you need to do is “enter” the offender’s phone number (both mobile and landline) into it. That's it - then the program will automatically call this number at the most inopportune time of day.

If you can connect to telephone line neighbors, you can regularly call a taxi or order pizza to their address... Let them explain.

If you are knowledgeable about electricity

The next method, which tells you how to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors for noise, is suitable for those who have a good understanding of what is connected where in the electrical panel. If the neighbors upstairs are listening to deafening music or drilling something at one in the morning, you can solve the problem radically - deprive them of electricity. Moreover, you need to cut out such a piece of wire that it is difficult to twist it back.

Another newfangled method of revenge is purchasing a GSM jammer. This is a device that can deprive neighbors of mobile communications and the Internet. After a couple of days, leave a note at the door of the troublemakers saying that if the noise does not stop, they will never have Internet, and they will start calling on the next street.

Physics lessons can be useful

Quite an exotic way to punish upstairs neighbors for noise and loud music. And it is based on the knowledge gained in physics class. The gist of it is this:

  • take a metal pan with a capacity of about 10-12 liters and fill it with water;
  • Pour enough water so that a gap of one and a half to two centimeters from the edge is empty;
  • place the pan on a cabinet or stepladder so that the edges are pressed tightly against the ceiling;
  • take the headphones and use tape to secure them to the walls of the container;
  • turn on music (preferably rock) on full power, and calmly go about your business.

Believe me, the strongest hum and vibration will not allow them to live in peace. The noise in their apartment will be such that it will be possible to make out both the melody and the words, while in yours there will be silence. It is best to carry out a similar procedure in the middle of the night, when the rowdies finally fall asleep.

A quiet way for those who believe in magic

One of the quietest and most proven ways to take revenge on neighbors upstairs for noise is suitable for those who are quite superstitious. Regularly throw salt, soil, feathers, garbage, and other “mystical garbage” onto your neighbors’ rugs. Draw pentagrams, scatter needles and leave notes with all sorts of “conspiracies”. If your neighbors are superstitious, such actions will very quickly lead to success.

Rules of conduct for “people's avengers”

Of course, these are not all the ways to take revenge on neighbors above for noise and regular leaks. However, when looking for new ways to “annoy” your neighbors, do not forget about some rules:

  • Don't get caught. If you don’t need an open war with your offender, try not to let anyone see you.
  • Don’t start right away with radical methods - perhaps a small hint will be enough.
  • Don’t forget to explain your actions with at least a note - the person probably doesn’t even realize that his actions are affecting others.
  • Do not get personal, do not use obscene language.
  • Never create a situation in which people or animals may be harmed - this is a serious crime.

No matter how much you would like to personally punish the offender, it is still best to act within the law and involve law enforcement agencies. And, of course, do not forget that a good half of conflicts can be resolved through negotiations. Remember the favorite saying of the cat Leopold and live together.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what a good neighbor should be, and often they can be completely opposite. Most often there are two most preferable options:

Invisible Man

He leaves early and returns home late, or is mostly silent in his apartment. In general, you see him very rarely, you forget what he looks like, and sometimes you even suspect that he has moved to another area. There is never loud music coming from his apartment, no one is stomping around there, and besides, no noisy companies visit the “elusive” neighbor. You don’t know his name and are convinced that he has no idea about your name or the details of your life. Having met by chance, you barely say hello or completely ignore each other, and these two options suit you quite well.

Almost a relative

Of course, for any person the option to which he considers himself will be closer. If you are not interested in your neighbors' lives, then you will not want them to show any interest in you, and vice versa.

How to understand that your neighbors have gone beyond what is permitted

Noise, stomping and loud music. In most cities in the CIS countries, the law establishes a rule according to which it is not allowed to disturb the peace of neighbors from 11 pm to 7 am. It makes no difference - we are talking about a private house or an apartment in a high-rise building. If you see that it is night outside, and the arrow has already crossed the threshold of the permissible limit, then you can safely call the police. Such a violation of the law threatens your neighbors with a fine. Just in case, find out during what period it is prohibited to make noise specifically in your city, so as not to get into trouble.

Repair work at night or on weekend mornings. However, a similar rule applies here and the same liability threatens. Are your neighbors making noise at inappropriate times, thereby disturbing your peace? Well, write a complaint against them!

Small dirty tricks- they don’t clean the corridor or section, they constantly litter, they smoke a lot, leaving cigarette butts everywhere, etc. First, try to influence them with a simple warning, explaining why you should not do this. If your arguments are unconvincing, you will have to take more serious measures. In almost every entrance there are activist grandmothers who are ready to deal with any lawlessness. If they still haven’t paid attention to the dirty tricks that your neighbors are doing, it’s time to discuss this issue with them and get advice on what method of influence to take. Surely, you will be able to assess their awareness of this issue and get help.

The neighbors are fed up with what to do to teach them a lesson.

Constant partying, alcohol and a sea of ​​guests

If this happens at night, then call law enforcement - they will be able to sort out the situation. If this option is excluded for some reason, then try to act more radically - unscrew the plugs, ending their fun on a high note.

Neighbor - Grandma Gossip

Feed her absurd information. If she doesn’t communicate with you, then talk to friends who can do it. Let them come to her one by one (of course, she should not know that these are your “envoys”) with incredible information: her neighbor Lyuba is a refugee who is wanted by her native state, her neighbor Vitya is conducting secret experiments, and the like. Make sure that the information is conveyed as plausibly as possible and without witnesses. Soon after her fantastic stories, no one will take her seriously, which means that her gossip will lose its previous effect.

Game on musical instruments or singing

If it is not possible to reach an amicable agreement, then you will have to respond to your neighbors “in the same coin,” and when they least expect it.

Own a dog that barks constantly

This problem can be resolved very quickly. There is a whistle that only animals respond to. Now your neighbors will have to worry about the problem of barking - start “giving signals” to the dog while its owners are sleeping sweetly. Surely, after such “tricks”, they will finally take the dog to a dog handler and he will instill in it basic standards of decency.

Floods very often

If such a situation occurs with enviable frequency, then one can only sympathize with your nerves. in the case when such a story occurs due to the fault of neighbors, and we are not talking about problems related to the operation of joint property, it is worth making an attempt to resolve this issue without outside interference - the “offenders” should compensate you for the damage caused by the accident. Did your arguments have no effect? This means that you should go to court and solve the problem in this way. And if you prove that such situations happen regularly, then the neighbors risk being evicted.

Revenge on neighbors who interfere with a peaceful life and constantly make noise

The neighbors live upstairs. You can take revenge on troublemakers without going beyond the law. First, try knocking on the battery - often this trivial method turns out to be very effective. You can also tap the mop on the ceiling. Are your neighbors ignoring you? Take the time to do this as a last resort: post advertisements in the area about your neighbors’ apartments for rent at an attractive price. Indicate their number and note that you can call at any time, and late evening is even preferable. You can also indicate the address - just to be sure.

Neighbors live downstairs. Similar revenge will be effective against the neighbors below. But it is easier for them to take revenge in other ways - by rearranging the furniture at the “allowed” time, by stomping, jumping.

Punish using a vibrating column

Do your neighbors like to listen to music loudly and do not respond to your requests to stop this torment? Buy a vibrating speaker and start turning it on at the time permitted by law. Choose a repertoire that is clearly not to the taste of your neighbors (you have undoubtedly managed to study their preferences)

Mischief the car owner by ruining his car

You can choose a lighter version - break a few eggs on the windshield of your car. If you understand that such revenge is not enough in your case, then you can puncture a tire, scratch the door, or pour cans of paint on your car.

Get revenge by breaking the lock or shitting under the door

To do this, it is enough to push needles into the keyhole and break them off so that they cannot be removed. Most likely, now the offender will have to change the lock.

This is a completely savage revenge, and, perhaps, is only suitable if the neighbor is a truly disgusting person. However, in this case too, dog excrement is enough. But do not forget that your neighbor may have a video camera, which will turn into a problem for you.

Get by telephone or doorbells (at night and early in the morning)

You can do this yourself or ask local boys to do such dirty tricks, paying them “for their troubles.” It is better to do this through a third party so that you are not exposed.

Annoy in other ways

Fill the syringe with a raw egg, after which the contents of the syringe should go into the upholstery of the neighbor's door. Undoubtedly, the smells that will eventually wander near the apartment will prompt the neighbors to some thoughts.

Taking precautions, place an ad on a dating site, creating a profile there in the name of your neighbor, and indicating that he is looking for a man for a serious relationship. Surely this situation will infuriate your enemy. However, things may turn out in a completely unexpected way for you, and you will improve your neighbor’s personal life, which will also benefit you.

If your dacha neighbor acts dishonestly towards you, then throw saltpeter on his plantings. Such “fertilizer” will undoubtedly spoil his entire harvest.

Do you have the opportunity to sneak into your neighbor’s property unnoticed, and you know for sure that he has a toilet on this property? It's just a matter of little things - throw a pack of yeast directly into the toilet, into the pit, without skimping (choose a kilogram pack). Soon your opponent's yard will be filled with indescribable smells.

Scatter seeds of weeds and plants that grow quickly and are difficult to remove on your neighbors' property. If the beauty of his yard is important to him, now he will have to spend more than one hour putting things in order.

Calm neighbors through dialogue and courtesy visits

Before starting “military actions” you must be completely sure that no other civilized methods have any effect on your neighbors. A long confrontation with neighbors is often quite exhausting, and if it can be avoided, then it would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity.

So, call your neighbors and ask when they have a chance to talk to you. Tell them that you can visit them yourself or that you would be happy to host them as a guest. Having agreed on a meeting, buy delicious pastries, brew tea and wait for guests (if you are expected to visit, take the pastries with you). Over a cup of tea, explain to the troublemakers what you want from them and see if they are willing to make any compromises. Tell them exactly what inconvenience you are experiencing because of their behavior and ask them to treat this with understanding. After such a polite visit, more or less adequate people significantly reconsider their attitude towards their neighbors!

Have a quiet time of day everyone!
I would like to add one more method of dealing with the unruly neighbors below.
The method is great. Humane and refined. For the connoisseur.
The method is simple and does not require large expenses.
To implement it you will need:
1. Camera from soccer ball(this is the one with the ponytail), or an inflatable ball
(which is dense large size) or a rubber glove, basically anything that can be inflated.
2. A piece of durable and flexible rubber tube. The length of the rubber tube should be selected depending on the distance of the object (the neighbor’s apartment below). The main thing is to correctly calculate the length so as not to flood yourself. I bought a tube that looked like an IV at a car parts store.
3. A piece of metal tube for a strong connection between the rubber tube and the camera, or a rubber band with many layers of electrical tape and adhesive tape to prevent air from escaping and to hold tightly.
4. Volleyball pump.
That's all.
Now assembling the device:
1. Firmly connect the camera and the rubber tube through the adapter (hack work is unacceptable, you can
harm neighbors on the 1st floor).
2. Connect the other end of the tube to the pump.
1. Inflate the chamber with a pump (checking how many pumping times it takes for the chamber to inflate to 10-15cm
in diameter.
2. Deflate the chamber by disconnecting the pump from the tube
The device is ready for use.
1. Flush the camera into the toilet, having first secured your end of the tube well,
so as not to run after new camera etc.
I put a rubber glove on my hand and helped the device get into the pipe with my hand, periodically flushing the water so that the device stood up evenly and so that the outlets of the toilets are different.
2. When the camera descends into the depths of the sewer below the drain level of the neighbor’s apartment,
by 50-70 centimeters, pump it up with a pump (calculated number of pumps).
3. Flush the toilet (you can go small and big).
4. Go to the site to smoke and watch as the neighbors below take your poop out into the street in a bucket (because there is nowhere else to go).
5. Repeat the manipulation as many times as necessary to increase the effect.
After use, deflate the device, pull it back out, wash it and store it for future use.
The device was manufactured and tested personally.
The effect is enhanced if the case occurs after 20:00 (the plumber on duty is already
you'll find hell, but everyone on the floors above came from work...
The neighbor caught poop all over the apartment + almost got punched in the face by the neighbor downstairs for a specific leak. The neighbors below received money for repairs from the neighbor who flooded them.
The length of the tube should be selected according to the formula:
Ceiling height multiplied by the number of floors to the neighbor + 50-70 cm + length of the tail
will remain in your apartment and in your hands.
Be sure to secure the tube to your side so you don't have to catch poop.
to the neighbor on the first floor (if you miss it, she will get stuck on the 1st floor).
Monitor the plumber's visits to your neighbors,
When he arrives, deflate the camera (without pulling it out); when he leaves, swearing that he was called in in vain, inflate it again.
I did this 4 times a night, the effect is simply great.
They start listening to music with a subwoofer at night and screaming songs from the balcony, I calm them down with poop.
Use it, it really helps.
With respect and good night wishes, and at any time of the day.


There are many ways to take revenge on your neighbors, it all depends on your imagination and ingenuity, and your anger at the dirty tricks. Life is a complex thing, its basis is relationships between people. And more often than not, the most pressing issues are relationships with your significant other, at work and, of course, with your neighbors. Everyone has the latter.

Simple ways to take revenge on your neighbors

We are never left alone anywhere; the neighbors seem to be deliberately following us and disturbing us. Either they turn on music early in the morning, then they take up a parking space, then they fry stinking fish, then they flood the apartment, then they forget about changing the light bulb in the entrance.

I can think of many situations that irritate me. And so that life does not become a real torment, play minor tricks on your neighbors. Let's consider simple ways revenge that will help show neighbors their wrong behavior.

If you have a nosy granny neighbor, then cover her peephole with tape on the door and hang a sign that says “Peeking is not good.”

If your neighbors constantly disturb your sleep, walk around at night, or listen to music at full volume, then you can call the sanitary and epidemiological station or the tax office with a complaint about them. They will constantly call and come with checks. Very soon they will get tired of such attention and stop bothering you.

There is one more original way for music lovers and guests. You need to insert needles coated with superglue into the lock and break them off. The lock will have to be changed, and after several similar cases, perhaps understanding will come.

Another method is to post notices around the area with the text “A young man wants to meet a man to start a family.” Don't forget to write your neighbor's address. Revenge is quite sophisticated, but you can enjoy the reaction to the emergence of those who want to start a family.

A more humane method is to sell living space, cars, etc. The calls won't let you live in peace yet for a long time.

How to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors

If you don’t know how to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors, then these methods will help you deal with the situation:

the old method of knocking on radiators has not gone away and still works;
An interesting method is to purchase a GSM signal jammer. It makes it impossible to access mobile communications within range. Let your neighbors know that in addition to communication, you can also take away their Internet. Perhaps it will work;
Another one old way– cut wires from the intercom, telephone, antenna, Internet, etc. Such actions need to be repeated more than once;
If you are constantly being flooded from above, but do not respond to your requests, then pour water over your bathroom to flood the neighbors below. Show streams from the ceiling. Perhaps redoubled pressure will help calm down the “swimmers”;
If you have enough funds, then an excellent option would be to purchase quality system sound. Even those who love music won't be able to stand it loud sound columns.

As for repairs, there are many situations where a neighbor does not allow the entire house to live in peace for months. And if the noise of a rotary hammer and drill in the apartment does not subside even for a second, then the nerves quickly give way. Here are the most vindictive methods of re-education:

the method already mentioned above about selling your neighbors’ apartment at a low price;
You can invite your friends over and sing at the top of your lungs at karaoke. Mandatory during the period when your intruders are at home;
turn off the light in the panel from time to time. If people don't agree to take a break, then you can simply turn off the lights for them in those moments when you need silence.

How to take revenge on your neighbors below

For those who are looking for ways to take revenge on their neighbors below, we have prepared the most common and interesting ones:

it is easier to take revenge on such neighbors than on those above. Just move the furniture, dance, clean the apartment, jump, turn on the music;
fill them up! Then they will certainly come running, but you can pretend that everything is dry with you;
pour a raw egg into a syringe, then pour this miracle liquid into the upholstery or door frame. The egg will start to smell after a while. The neighbors will love it.

How to take revenge on neighbors for gossip

But it happens that nice and polite neighbors actually disturb the life of the whole house because they spread gossip. So, how to take revenge on them for this:

in this situation, it is better to turn to the law and punish for libel. But finding evidence of such a fact is not easy, so many choose the “tit for tat” method;
On behalf of the gossip, place an advertisement for acquaintance with an unambiguous promise. If the slanderer is a man, then you can write that he is looking for a “friend.” Such a rumor will definitely not leave him indifferent;
the most daring decision is to call for a confrontation. You need to come and demand proof of your gossip. It is better to bring a witness who heard such words. So the slanderers get scared and remain silent in the future so that this does not happen again.

Not everyone dares to defend their own rights. More often, secret methods of revenge are chosen.

How to take revenge on a neighbor who is a motorist

This topic is worthy of becoming main problem for an article on psychiatry. Scratched car busy place in the parking lot, howling alarms, etc. But how can you take revenge on a neighbor who is a motorist who breaks the rules:

a great way to make a hint is a brick on the car (you just need to put it down). This will be enough for the first warning. You can even place a newspaper under the pebble to show your intentions. If this doesn't work, then place the brick directly on the car;
Another option is to sprinkle the car with crumbs and cereals. All the birds will gather for a treat, and unsightly scratch marks from claws and beaks will remain on the machine. The intruder will quickly understand the hints;
this method works best. Silicate glue is mixed with sand and smeared on the windshield. The glue dries and you can't wash it off, so your neighbor will have to replace the glass and you can put your mind at ease. After this, it is unlikely that anyone will not understand the hint.

How to take revenge on your dacha neighbors

Yes, even in dachas there are harmful neighbors. Either they plant a tree that casts a shadow on your garden, or they breed pests, or they throw a party. We offer the most popular ways to take revenge on your dacha neighbors:

The simplest method is to disperse the herbicide onto neighbors' gardens. The young shoots cannot withstand such persecution, and the neighbors will not know who did it. In addition, you can douse the planting with saltpeter. Plant growth is disrupted by it;
Another option is to destroy trees. To do this, simply make a hole in the trunk and pour in the herbicide;
You can make a tree die by driving in a copper nail. Just hammer it into the trunk, the nutrition will be disrupted and the tree will wither, and the neighbors won’t know real reasons. The main thing is to act quietly so as not to be caught;
if your dacha neighbors are not fans of gardening, but are disturbing you with constant gatherings, drinking and noise, then there is a special way to solve this. A packet of yeast is thrown into the toilet (which is outside). After a couple of hours they will begin to ferment, and for this there is enough substrate in the toilet. As a result, all this will begin to increase in volume, grow and flow out of the toilet with a terrible smell. It's hard to keep the party going amid this.

As you can see, there are many ways to take revenge. But still, you should always try to find a verbal solution to the problem, and resort to such measures only in extreme cases.

How to resolve conflicts with neighbors

But before you start active fighting It’s better to try to come to an agreement with your neighbors, try to resolve the conflict with words. And you need to conduct such a conversation by following some rules:

You don’t need to immediately react to loud sounds and the noise of a hammer drill; don’t immediately knock on the radiator or the ceiling. Try to talk calmly at first;
if the noise continues for a long time and greatly annoys you, then contact the offenders and try to calmly explain to them that their behavior is disturbing other residents. Sometimes people don't realize that they are making others uncomfortable. In this situation, conversation helps resolve the issue;

the question of how to repay neighbors without breaking the law is decided by law. If they make noise after 10 pm, but do not listen to calm remarks, then call the police and warn your neighbors about it. If you were flooded or suffered other damage, then feel free to file a lawsuit;
even if people are constantly making repairs, listening to music all day long, and the rest of the time they are active and loud, then it is worth thinking not about methods of revenge, but about soundproofing the apartment.

The last method will certainly help get rid of quarrels and conflicts, and nerves, and will reduce heat loss in your nest.

January 18, 2014, 10:55

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