Serious phrases about life. Short but wise sayings about life

35 useful tips by Robin Sharma. Don't know each other? - then read below and gain experience shared by the writer and motivation specialist.

Here are the tips themselves:
1. Remember that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
2. Keep your promises to others and to yourself.
3. The thing that scares you the most needs to be done first.
4. Small daily improvements are the key to stunning long-term results.
5. Stop being busy just for the sake of being busy. This year, remove all distractions from work and life and focus your attention on the few things that matter most.
6. Read the book “The Art of War.”
7. Watch the movie “The Fighter” (2010).
8. In a world where technology is commonplace, some of us have forgotten how to act like humans. Become the most polite person.
9. Remember: all great ideas were first ridiculed.
10. Remember: critics scare dreamers.
11. Be like Apple in your obsession with getting everything right, even the little things.
12. Use 60 minutes every weekend to come up with a plan for the next seven days. As Saul Bellow once said, “A plan takes the pain out of choice.”
13. Let go of what's holding you back and love it. New Year. You can't foresee if you don't love.
14. Destroy or be destroyed.
15. Hire a personal trainer to be at your best. in better shape. Stars focus on the value they receive, regardless of the cost of the service.
16. Give your friends, clients and family the greatest gift of all - your attention (and presence).
17. Ask yourself every morning, “How can I best serve people?”
18. Every evening ask yourself: “What good (five points) happened to me this day?”
19. Don't waste your most valuable morning hours doing simple work.
20. Try to keep every project better condition what you started it with.
21. Have the courage to be different. Have the courage to create something significant in your chosen field that has never been created before.
22. Every job is not just a job. Each piece is a great tool to express your gifts and talents.
23. The fears you avoid limit your capabilities.
24. Get up at 5 am and spend 60 minutes fueling your mind, body, emotions and spirit. This is the most productive time. Be a superhero!
25. Write romantic letters to your family.
26. Smile at strangers.
27. Drink more water.
28. Keep a diary. Your life is worth it.
29. Do more than what was paid for, and do it in a way that will take the breath away of everyone around you.
30. Leave your ego at the door every morning.
31. Set yourself 5 goals every day. These small victories will lead you to almost 2000 small victories by the end of the year.
33. Remember the secret to happiness: do work that matters and be essential to what you do.
34. Don't strive to be the richest person in the cemetery. Health is wealth.
35. Life is short. The biggest risk is taking no risks and agreeing to be mediocre.

This section contains wise words about life from various great famous people. After all, many people wonder about the meaning of life. Read and think!

“Everything is returning to normal; no matter how much and how it arrives, so many will go away, a holy place is never empty, and for every strength... there will be... an even greater strength” (Russian folk wisdom).

“Everything goes on as usual, every thing has its place, every vegetable has its time” (Russian folk wisdom).

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die..." (Ecclesiastes)

“Everything that has a beginning has an end; No matter how much the rope twists, there will be a tip” (Russian folk wisdom).

“For everyone around us we create only rules, but for ourselves we create only exceptions” (Lemel)

“Nothing passes without a trace, something always remains” (Russian folk wisdom).

“Life is what happens when you make completely different plans” (J. Lennon)

“You should live your life in this way, so that later in old age you won’t be offended by the years spent uselessly.” (Maxim Gorky)

Wealth is not at all about what kind of fur coat you wear, what kind of car you drive, or what a cool phone you have in your hands...

"Like green leaves on dense tree- some fall, and others grow, so the race is of flesh and blood - one dies, and the other is born.” (Bible)

“God is not in power, but in truth” (a saying traditionally attributed to Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky)

a lot of people die throughout their entire life long life without saying a single thing wise words and without having performed a single truly good deed. And at the same time they still complain about the shortness of life! (Ali Apsheroni)

While we put off life, it passes. (Seneca)

3and sunset always comes with dawn.

Wealth means your living parents, healthy children, reliable friends and the strong shoulder of your loved one!

Truly, a person’s life lasts one moment, so live and do what you want.

It is stupid to live in this dream-like world, encountering troubles every day and doing only what you don’t like. (Hagakur)

Lifetime is a chance to express your time here in the most adventurous, most creative way possible to your imagination.

All people make big plans for many years in advance. But none of us can know whether he will live to see tomorrow morning or not. (Author - Lev Tolstoy)

Everything that happens to us contradicts logic and wise foresight. (Sarah Bernhardt)
If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.

Life is a mountain, you go up slowly, you go down quickly. (Guy de Maupassant)

Life is not about the days that have passed, but about those that are remembered. (P.A. Pavlenko)

Life is a moment. It cannot be lived first in a draft and then rewritten into a white paper. (A.P. Chekhov)

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. (Bernard Shaw)

Life is a fabric of good and bad threads. (William Shakespeare)

Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living. (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

Life consists of what a person thinks throughout the day. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Life's truths are experienced, not taught. Life is to be lived. (Ali Apsheroni)

Living means thinking.

Do you know what is the worst thing in life? - Don't have time.

Every moment of life is another opportunity.

The world is a mirror, and it returns to everyone his own image. Frown and he, in turn, will look at you sourly; laugh at him and with him - and he will become your cheerful, sweet comrade. (William Thackeray)

Wise is someone who knows what is needed, and not much.

The wisdom of life is always deeper and broader than the wisdom of people

Don't expect it to get easier, simpler, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise you won't have time.

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.

Surround yourself with those who will lift you higher. The world is already full of those who want to drag you down.

The basis of all wisdom is patience.

The first half of your life you ask yourself what you are capable of, but the second - who needs it?”

According to Leibniz, wisdom is “knowledge of the highest good”

Everyone has their own hell - it doesn’t have to be fire and tar! Our hell is a wasted life!

To be able to enjoy the life you have lived means to live twice. (Martial)

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

“... it’s time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself.” (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

Life is the art of extracting significant benefits from minor circumstances.

Wisdom tends to open its eyes, but foolishness tends to open its mouth.

This section contains the wisest words about life. These quotes will help you answer many questions. Read and reflect!

Every person's life can be moderately difficult and moderately good. The most important thing is to be able to extract the experience that various situations bring us, so that they are not repeated in the future, or vice versa - repeated if this good situations. We have collected phrases that will be useful to you in different cases life.

Appreciate people who can see three things in you: the sadness behind the smile, the love behind the anger, and the reason for your silence.

Learn to ignore people who don't like you. Because people who don’t like you are of two types: they are either stupid or envious. The fools will love you in a year, and the envious ones will die without knowing the secret of your superiority over them.

Cherish every second of life, if you love, love, if you miss, tell me, if you hate, forget, don’t waste time on hatred, because there is so little time to live...

My life is a train. In my best moments, it seemed to me that I was in control of him. At worst, I imagined myself as a passenger. And sometimes I realize that I’m lying on the rails.

While you are thinking about whether you are on the right path with the person or not, he has time to stop wanting to go somewhere with you...

Strong people speak to their faces. Weak people open their dirty mouths behind their backs. When suddenly the desire to live disappeared...

When life hits you painfully from all sides... And everything suddenly becomes indifferent to your heart... Be patient and believe that this will all pass!

Don't be afraid to lose those who weren't afraid to lose you.

What is wealth? Wealth is the health of a mother, respect from a father, the loyalty of friends and the love of a dear person.

Fate is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. There is no need to wait for it, it needs to be created.

If a smart thought comes to you and you are looking for somewhere to write it down, this is an aphorism, and if you are thinking about how to implement it, this is a really smart thought.

Don’t listen to anyone, have your own opinion, your own head, your own thoughts and ideas, plans for life. Never chase anyone. Go your own way and don’t care what they say behind your back. They talked, they talk and will always talk. You shouldn't worry about that. Love. Create. Dream and smile more often.

A man who gives his woman wings will never wear horns!

There is no need to be afraid of anything. Take risks, even if you make a mistake. This is life.

Before pouring out your soul, make sure that the “vessel” is not leaking.

Not necessarily the person who raised his son, built a house, planted a tree - a real man. Very often this is an ordinary woman.

Smart thoughts come only when all the stupid things have already been done.

You will meet in 25 years the one whom you considered a prince at 18... and you understand - what a blessing it is that he rode on his horse... PAST!

Don’t be afraid to give warming words and do good deeds. The more wood you put on the fire, the more heat will return. © Omar Khayyam

No one knows how fate will turn out. Live freely and don't be afraid of change. When the Lord takes something away, don't miss what he gives in return.

No matter how strong a woman is, she waits for a man stronger than herself... and not so that he limits her freedom, but so that he gives her the right to be weak

Smart thoughts come only when stupid things have already been done.

Only those who make absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible. Albert Einstein

Good friends good books and a sleeping conscience - this is an ideal life. Mark Twain

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.

Upon closer examination, it generally becomes clear to me that those changes that seem to come with the passage of time are, in fact, no changes at all: only my view of things changes. (Franz Kafka)

And although the temptation is great to take two roads at once, you cannot play with both the devil and God with one deck of cards...

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself.
Without masks, omissions and ambitions.
And take care of them, they were sent to you by fate.
After all, there are only a few of them in your life

For an affirmative answer, only one word is enough - “yes”. All other words are made up to say no. Don Aminado

Ask a person: “What is happiness?” and you will find out what he misses most.

If you want to understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe and feel. Anton Chekhov

There is nothing more destructive and unbearable in the world than inaction and waiting.

Make your dreams come true, work on ideas. Those who used to laugh at you will begin to envy you.

Records are there to be broken.

You don't need to waste time, but invest in it.

The history of humanity is the history of a fairly small number of people who believed in themselves.

Pushed yourself to the brink? Don't you see any point in living anymore? This means that you are already close... Close to the decision to reach the bottom in order to push off from it and decide to be happy forever... So don’t be afraid of the bottom - use it...

If you are honest and frank, people will deceive you; still be honest and frank.

A person rarely succeeds in anything if his activity does not bring him joy. Dale Carnegie

If there is at least one flowering branch left in your soul, a singing bird will always sit on it. (Eastern wisdom)

One of the laws of life says that as soon as one door closes, another opens. But the trouble is that we look at the locked door and do not pay attention to the open one. Andre Gide

Don't judge a person until you talk to him personally because all you hear is rumors. Michael Jackson.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight with you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

Human life is divided into two halves: during the first half they strive forward to the second, and during the second they strive back to the first.

If you don't do anything yourself, how can you help? You can only drive a moving vehicle

Everything will happen. Only when you decide to do it.

In this world you can look for everything except love and death... They themselves will find you when the time comes.

Inner satisfaction in spite of the surrounding world of suffering is a very valuable asset. Sridhar Maharaj

Start now to live the life you would like to see in the end. Marcus Aurelius

We must live every day as if it were the last moment. We don't have a rehearsal - we have life. We don't start it on Monday - we live today.

Every moment of life is another opportunity.

A year later, you will look at the world with different eyes, and even this tree that grows near your house will seem different to you.

You don't have to look for happiness - you have to be it. Osho

Almost every success story I know began with a person lying on his back, defeated by failure. Jim Rohn

Every long haul It starts with one thing, with the first step.

Nobody is better than you. Nobody is smarter than you. They just started earlier. Brian Tracy

The one who runs falls. He who crawls does not fall. Pliny the Elder

You just need to understand that you live in the future, and you will immediately find yourself there.

I choose to live rather than exist. James Alan Hetfield

When you appreciate what you have, and not live in search of ideals, then you will truly become happy..

Only those who are worse than us think badly of us, and those who are better than us simply have no time for us. Omar Khayyam

Sometimes we are separated from happiness by one call... One conversation... One confession...

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes strong. Onre Balzac

He who humbles his spirit, stronger than that who conquers cities.

When a chance comes, you have to grab it. And when you grabbed it, achieved success - enjoy it. Feel the joy. And let everyone around you suck your hose for being assholes when they didn’t give a penny for you. And then - leave. Beautiful. And leave everyone in shock.

Never despair. And if you have already fallen into despair, then continue to work in despair.

A decisive step forward is the result of a good kick from behind!

In Russia you have to be either famous or rich to be treated the way they treat anyone in Europe. Konstantin Raikin

It all depends on your attitude. (Chuck Norris)

No reasoning can show a person a path he does not want to see Romain Rolland

What you believe in becomes your world. Richard Matheson

It's good where we are not. We are no longer in the past, and that is why it seems beautiful. Anton Chekhov

The rich get richer because they learn to overcome financial difficulties. They see them as an opportunity to learn, grow, develop and become rich.

Everyone has their own hell - it doesn’t have to be fire and tar! Our hell is a wasted life! Where dreams lead

It doesn’t matter how hard you work, the main thing is the result.

Only mom has the kindest hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart...

Winners in life always think in the spirit: I can, I want, I. Losers, on the other hand, focus their scattered thoughts on what they could have, could do, or what they cannot do. In other words, winners always take responsibility, while losers blame circumstances or other people for their failures. Denis Whately.

Life is a mountain, you go up slowly, you go down quickly. Guy de Maupassant

People are so afraid to take a step towards a new life that they are ready to close their eyes to everything that does not suit them. But this is even scarier: to wake up one day and realize that everything nearby is not the same, not the same, not the same... Bernard Shaw

Friendship and trust are not bought or sold.

Always, at every minute of your life, even when you are absolutely happy, have one attitude towards the people around you: - In any case, I will do what I want, with or without you.

In the world you can only choose between loneliness and vulgarity. Arthur Schopenhauer

You just have to look at things differently, and life will flow in a different direction.

The iron said this to the magnet: I hate you most of all because you attract without having enough strength to drag you along! Friedrich Nietzsche

Learn to live even when life becomes unbearable. N. Ostrovsky

The picture you see in your mind will eventually become your life.

“The first half of your life you ask yourself what you are capable of, but the second - who needs it?”

It's never too late to set a new goal or achieve a new dream.

Control your destiny or someone else will.

see beauty in the ugly,
see the river floods in the streams...
who knows how to be happy in everyday life,
he really is a happy man! E. Asadov

The sage was asked:

How many types of friendship are there?

Four, he answered.
Friends are like food - you need them every day.
Friends are like medicine; you look for them when you feel bad.
There are friends, like a disease, they themselves look for you.
But there are friends like air - you can’t see them, but they are always with you.

I will become the person I want to become - if I believe that I will become it. Gandhi

Open your heart and listen to what it dreams of. Follow your dreams, because only through those who are not ashamed of themselves will the glory of the Lord be revealed. Paulo Coelho

To be refuted is nothing to fear; One should be afraid of something else - being misunderstood. Immanuel Kant

Be realistic - demand the impossible! Che Guevara

Don't put off your plans if it's raining outside.
Don't give up on your dreams if people don't believe in you.
Go against nature and people. You are a person. You are strong.
And remember - there are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.

Either you create the world, or the world creates you. Jack Nicholson

I love it when people smile just like that. For example, you are riding on a bus and you see a person looking out the window or writing an SMS and smiling. It makes your soul feel so good. And I want to smile myself.

The article contains quotes on the topic - wise thoughts of great people:

  • I don't regret anything in my life. Mature women cannot have regrets, because maturity comes precisely when life has already taught you everything. Brigitte Bardot
  • We usually do the most when we think we are doing too little. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • Smart people do not so much seek solitude as they avoid the fuss created by fools. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Appearances can be deceiving. James Clemens "And Darkness Fell"
  • You cannot prevent others from thinking and saying anything about you, but you can always allow yourself not to pay attention to all this and do as you see fit. Oleg Roy
  • Already noted a long time ago smart people that happiness is like health: when it is present, you don’t notice it. But when the years pass, how you remember happiness, oh, how you remember! Mikhail Bulgakov
  • Life is too short to have the luxury of living it so badly. Paulo Coelho
  • Justice without force is helpless; power without justice is despotic. Blaise Pascal
  • Life is what we value most and cherish least. Jean de La Bruyère
  • A yearning woman is like a Rubik's cube that only one person can solve. Elchin Safarli
  • If you know life, give me your address. J. Renard
  • Only he can consider himself free from envy who has never studied himself. Claude Adrian Helvetius
  • Wise thoughts lead to right actions.
  • If you hate, it means you have been defeated. Confucius
  • Your thoughts become your life. Marcus Aurelius
  • Life is a tricky thing. When I have all the trump cards in my hands, she suddenly invites me to play checkers.
  • A statement containing a certain thought is a sign of intelligence...
  • Tears are like a thunderstorm: after them a person is always quieter. Ivan Turgenev
  • Life is a school, but you shouldn’t rush to finish it. Emil Krotky
  • The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky
  • Life is short and you have to take advantage of it. French folk proverb
  • Nobody destroys families... They destroy themselves. Erle Stanley Gardner "Axe of Vengeance"
  • Life, by and large, does not consist of facts and incidents. It consists mainly of that storm of thoughts that constantly rushes through your head. Mark Twain
  • The best thing you can give your enemy is forgiveness; to the opponent - tolerance; to a friend - your heart; to the child - good example; father - respect; mothers - behavior that will make her proud of you; self - respect; to all people - mercy. Benjamin Franklin
  • Let your food become medicine. Hippocrates
  • How important it is not to lose the ability to be surprised! The ability to peer into the world with interest and find delightful things in the simplest, at first glance, things... Oleg Roy
  • We underestimate what we have and overestimate what we are. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • When adversity overcomes, we should not forget that they, perhaps, save us from something worse; some monstrous mistake sometimes brings you more benefits than the most reasonable, in the opinion of many, decision. Winston Churchill
  • Sometimes it's good to lose everything to realize what you're really missing. Clive Staples Lewis
  • Memory is the scribe of our soul. Aristotle
  • My family is my strength and my weakness. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
  • Who gives great value people think it does them too much credit. Arthur Schopenhauer (Clever sayings of great people about other people's opinions)
  • Love cannot be measured. When you love a person, you love every little thing that surrounds him. Natalya Solntseva
  • Love is a disease that has new symptoms every time. A. Maurois
  • Love is torment for one, happiness for two, and discord and enmity for three. Washington Irving
  • Love your soul and match your appearance. Victoria Roa
  • People associate too much with sex, when real intimacy is deeper. She is in a gentle touch, in a calm look and even breathing next to you. E. Safarli
  • No matter what anyone says or does, nothing is more important than family. From the series “The Vampire Diaries”
  • We don't know what to do with our short life, but we still want to live forever. A. France
  • No problems are scary if they are waiting for you at home loving people. Shah Rukh Khan
  • Every family is a real little cult. Chuck Palahniuk “Rant: The Biography of Buster Casey”
  • The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life. M. Montaigne
  • Life consists of tears, sighs and smiles, with sighs predominating. O. Henry
  • A loved one is the one whose pain hurts you more than your own. M. Tsvetaeva
  • Life is beautiful when you create it yourself. Sophie Marceau - quotes wise people about life and the power of creation...
  • Today I offer you a selection of interesting and wise sayings about appearance.
  • Everyone's life is busy with tomorrow. People do not live, but are going to live. Seneca (Jr.)
  • Family is kinship not only by blood. From the series “Legend of the Seeker”
  • Life has exactly the value we want to give it. I. Bergman
  • Life is what happens when you make completely different plans. J. Lennon
  • Sleep heals the soul. Graham Joyce
  • Life is what people strive most to preserve and protect least. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Building a relationship is the same as building a house. Never skimp on this building of the strongest building blocks: understanding, trust, respect... and the ability to cook. Oleg Roy
  • Life is a deadly disease, and a damned contagious one at that. Oliver Holmes Sr.
  • What you want always seems necessary. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • If you want life to smile on you, give it yours first good mood. Spinoza
  • Hurry up to live, hurry up to love, because you don’t know how much time you have left. It always seems to us that there is still time, but this is not so. Guillaume Musso

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