“Dream Interpretation I dreamed about dark water, why I dream about dark water in a dream. Dark water according to the dream book

Dream interpretation cold water

In the age of technocratic progress, it is becoming more difficult to understand why cold water is dreamed of. After all, until quite recently, the interpretation of such a dream, which was given by almost every dream book, was unchanged: to a good harvest.

Dreams with cold water come true much more often, along with other dream symbols. This night dream prophesies renewal, cleansing and deliverance from ailments and problems if it was clean in the dream. Feeling a chill on your skin from drinking a glass of ice water means finding yourself in a difficult situation.

Cold water multifaceted symbol. It can relate to human health as a harmonious organism, relationships as part of the psycho-emotional sphere, or important events in the near future as an influence on a person’s possible actions.

Depending on the size of the body of cold water in the dream, we can talk about the vastness of upcoming changes or events.

A glass of ice is a personal event, cold bath- a serious shock that will affect personal life, the river - the course of the dreamer’s entire life, and the frozen sea - global events, almost at the country level.

How do different dream books interpret this symbol?

If you dreamed of cold water

Almost every dream book says that no matter what form water appears in a dream, it must be interpreted based on its quality. Pure transparent means health and positive changes in life. If it is too cold, then getting to that state of mind to be ready to accept these changes will be difficult, and sometimes even painful. But, as among people, each dream book has an important opinion regarding details that can be very important.

Dream Interpretation of Veles - what the ancient Slavs are talking about

The symbol of water among the ancient Slavs means purity of thoughts and the possibility of the flow of life, says the ancient dream book of Veles. If the water in a dream is clean, the dreamer’s soul is ready to accept new knowledge and qualitatively develop life in this body. Cloudy or dark - dreams of a disease that may not always manifest itself on the physical level.

It is very important to pay attention to the amount of cold or frozen water in your sleep. Swimming in a cold river or swimming in a sea with ice floes may have a slightly different meaning.

Swimming in the river - looking for yourself throughout life

The ancient Slavs have many beliefs associated with swimming in the river. And even in a dream clean water in the river means the power of life, good health and the possibility of creation. If she is very cold, be prepared for the fact that in order to further follow fate, you will need to go through some painful situation.

  • Swimming in the river when the water is very cold - feeling fresh and cheerful - means excellent health and longevity. To feel that the cold is shackling your body is an inability to think soberly because some problem has been oppressing you for a long time.
  • Sailing along the river on a boat among the ice floes - be careful, the person from your environment is only pretending to good attitude to you.
  • Diving into an ice hole means you will fearlessly protect those who are weaker than you.

The icy sea is a series of useful difficulties

if you swam among the ice floes

If you dream that you have to swim in a cold sea, be prepared that trials will fall on your head one after another. But these ups and downs will not test your patience; they will quickly mobilize your strength and help you move to a qualitatively new moral level.

  • Swim decisively in the sea among the ice floes, without being afraid to dive and plunge headlong into icy water - you can quickly deal with all misadventures.
  • Jumping into the icy sea from a boat to help a drowning man - you are willing to risk your stability and good name just to defend the truth.
  • Cold gray sea, clearly hearing noise - a person from your close circle is slandering you, thereby creating a lot of difficulties.

Miller's Dream Book - cleansing

Family dream book - happiness

This interpretation has come from ancient times and is considered basic for family people. Clean, cold water is a dream of happiness. Washing with ice water means seeing the light (in the sense of people’s attitudes and one’s own worldview).

  • Swimming in an icy lake or river means you will encounter misunderstandings from your other half. If you are planning to swim in icy water together, nothing can interfere with your family happiness and spiritual harmony.
  • Sailing on a boat among ice floes or during ice drift - if the water was clear and you saw the bottom - it means that a matter that required determination and fortitude will be completed in your favor. If it was cloudy or black, give up any endeavors.
  • Accidentally falling into a frozen river and losing the ability to swim due to the cold, waiting for salvation to come is an unexpected turn of events. The one from whom you expected responsiveness will be cold towards you.

Analysis of personal feelings

Dreams with water are quite difficult to interpret without the personal attitude of the dreamer. Because this important archetypal symbol cannot be universal due to its ambiguity. So, for some people, water in reality is a pleasant element to which they are ready to give almost everything free time. But for others it is a frightening veil.

In any case, clean cold water is a positive sign. For people who have been sick for a long time, this is a symbol of recovery. And for those who have been looking for an answer to a serious question for a long time, important information will be given.

If a person is used to swimming in slightly cool water and dreams of diving into an ice hole, a dream in which he had to swim among ice floes may simply reflect his desires. Therefore, you should not look for additional interpretations if you often think about it.

To be very frightened by a cold body of water, to be chilled to the bone - to experience a shock in your usual life. The feeling that the cold has gone straight into the heart and it has shrunk means that your personal life will be under threat. Where you hoped to receive love and understanding, there will be completely different feelings.

Drink cold water from a glass or from a bowl - find a solution important problem. But this is only if you enjoy the feeling of coolness that spreads throughout your body. If the feelings are unpleasant, it means that you will stumble upon an obstacle in solving an important matter.

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Dreams about black or simply dark viscous water are among the most frightening and mystical for humans. To the dreamer, such dreams seem mysterious, shrouded in mystery and filled with sacred meaning. In many ways, this attitude has developed due to the fault of modern cinema, which quite often uses the image of dark or black water in the frame.

In fact, such a symbol as dark or black water in a dream has long been known and described in collections of interpretations. The meaning of a dream with such a plot is made up of a combination of the meaning of images of water, darkness and other details of a night dream.

An important point for the correct interpretation of what black water means in dreams is that dark color is not analogous to turbidity, dirt, liquid bloom and other similar characteristics. Dark water can be cloudy, clear, dirty or anything else.

What is more important for interpretation

To understand water, you need to take into account every detail of the dream. However, the main core symbol in such dreams is the water itself, and the rest is secondary. But the concept “secondary” does not mean at all that the color of the water and other details of the dream are not important. They are the strokes that create the whole picture; without taking them into account, the meaning of the dream will not be entirely complete or the dream will be misinterpreted.

Black, paradoxically, is a completely neutral symbol. Although it is he who attracts the dreamer’s attention, forcing the person to look for the meaning of the dream after waking up. That is, the human subconscious colors the water in black or dark shades in order to draw the dreamer’s attention to this symbol and emphasize its importance.

Accordingly, what black water means in dreams is similar to the meaning of dreams without this shade. But dreams in which water appears viscous, dark or black are important. With the help of this image, the dreamer's subconscious tries to focus his attention. Such dreams cannot be left without decoding; they always warn about something important. The black color itself means restraint, neutrality in relation to the outside world.

In addition to the characteristics of water, that is, viscosity, temperature, purity, depth and other nuances, you should pay attention to what is its source. Whether liquid is flowing from a tap or is it a fountain, you dream of standing water in a lake or swamp, or is it a river. Other plot details also matter. But the decoding should begin with the image of the water itself.

Miller's collection

According to Miller's collection of dream interpretations, a dream in which clean water is present promises prosperity, good life prospects and pleasures. For a more specific understanding of the image, details are required. For example, if the water in a dream was in a deep mountain lake, then general meaning complement such concepts as serenity, peace, contemplation. If you dreamed, then the dream foreshadows rapid movement in life, a quick change of impressions, activities, moving, that is, dynamics.

Muddy water portends something completely different. This symbol predicts despondency and melancholy, a lack of clarity in a person’s life. Accordingly, what one dreams of about black water, not clear, but cloudy, is the lack of clear prospects, ideas about one’s own future, and understanding of what is happening around. The black color indicates that this state of a person is important or poses a danger to the dreamer himself, that is, it urgently needs to be changed.

Transcript in Loff's collection

According to this collection of dream interpretations, water is a symbol of human energy, his strength and life in general. A positive image in dreams is controlled, controlled water. That is, according to what the dream book says, black water from the tap is a good sign, a dream with good meaning. Its meaning is that the dreamer has control over all the most important things in his own life.

However, in this dream it is worth considering the details. Are the valves broken? Is the sink broken or still there? Is water flowing down the pipe or filling the sink? Does it overflow or not? Contacts with flowing water is he a dreamer or just watching her?

These details contain what the dream warns about. For example, if the valves are broken, then the dream means the illusory nature of control over the most important things in life. In the case when a shell is broken in a dream, the dream suggests that devastation reigns around the person, but he does not notice it, as if it does not concern him. However, the cracks in the sink will begin to grow and this will lead to the fact that everything most valuable in life will literally flow out through them. Water flowing into a pipe indicates that a person is not doing anything that could become his legacy. This means it’s time to think about what will remain in this world after the dreamer. As the shell says, not overflowing, this is a symbol of a full bowl. Perhaps the meaning of such a dream is that it is necessary to stop the water supply for a while, that is, to moderate your life ambitions.

What is written in the collection of Nostradamus

Swimming in water in a dream, communicating with the inhabitants of the underwater world, admiring corals, or collecting shells at the bottom is a harbinger of important events. Such a dream predicts that the dreamer will soon make some discovery.

Opening is completely optional new look microbes or a method of time travel. It is quite possible that a person will discover interesting activity or do something that will benefit the garden. For example, it will improve the irrigation system. It could also mean that the dreamer will find a good supermarket near his home or find a squirrel hollow in the park.

You can understand what exactly the dream is talking about with the help of small strokes and details. For example, if the reservoir was shallow, then the opening will be insignificant. If a person swam in his own bathroom, which turned out to be filled with an entire underwater world, then the discovery will have a direct bearing on his family and loved ones.

Swimming in water in a dream in a pool means a discovery related to work. Swimming in the ocean means that the discovery will have a wide resonance. Living underwater inhabitants symbolize people, and inanimate ones, that is, pebbles, shells, algae, are inanimate objects.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream book, water is a symbol of change or contradiction. It also means washing away sins from the soul, liberation from difficult thoughts or illnesses.

Drinking water in a dream is a symbol of renewal in the world around us, in which the person who saw the dream will become a direct participant. If you dream of water flooding your home, then this dream promises flows of information in reality. This could be news, any messages from family or friends.

In a dream with such a plot, you need to try to remember the source of the water. If it is an open tap with a broken valve, then this will be the defining symbol for interpretation. Accordingly, one should look for the meaning of the dream in dreams that talk about controlled, controlled water.

Interpretation in Hasse's collection

What black water means in dreams, according to this collection of interpretations, depends on the actions performed with it.

Spilling water is a sign of passion for a necessary and useful activity. Swimming in a pond is rehabilitation in the eyes of others, getting rid of slander. An important nuance there is such a moment - bathing and swimming are different actions. If you dream that a person enters a pond, plunges, splashes and comes ashore, then this is swimming.

The plots of dreams can be completely different. To find out what a dream warns and tells about, you need to use a dream book. Dirty water causes negative feelings not only in reality, but also in dreams. If you immediately interpret the dream correctly, you can protect yourself and prepare for unpleasant situations.

Why do you dream dirty water?

Such dreams are mainly associated with troubles in reality. At this time, it is worth gathering all your strength and believing in better times. If you fall into a dirty pool, this is a warning that you may make a serious mistake. A rash act will negatively affect all aspects of life.

If you drink dirty water, it means that in reality you should try to protect yourself from possible negative situations. Another dream can warn of illness in the near future. It is best to go to the doctor immediately to protect yourself from the development of complications.

If you see dirty water approaching your home, then you should be prepared for dangers and disappointments. Puddle with muddy water will tell you that in life you can make a fatal mistake, so carefully consider every action and decision. When you see dirty water in a well, this is a sign of impending failures in your personal life and at work. A bucket of muddy water from a well is a symbol that in the near future you will become a participant in a huge scandal.

Why do you dream muddy water from the tap?

Such a dream promises a rather difficult relief from moral stress. To free yourself from psychological pressure, you have to endure suffering and even pain. Another dream about dirty water from a tap can be a symbol of gossip that can ruin your life forever.

Why do you dream about dark water in a pond?

If dirty water flows calmly in the river, it means that in the near future there will be a time of alarm, that is, the current situation is practically not under control.

Why do you dream of black water?

Liquid of this color is a symbol of tears and loss. If such water flows in the river, it means that in reality you are suffering from worries about yourself and your family.

Why do you dream of rusty water?

Seeing water of this color flowing from a tap means real life your reputation may suffer greatly, take a closer look at the people who surround you.

Why do you dream of yellow water?

This is a symbol of betrayal, but don’t worry, everything will end well for you, it’s better to find out earlier what a person is like. The dream also warns that you should pay attention to your health.

The dark water that you saw in your dream has deep symbolism. To understand why such a phenomenon is dreamed of, you should take into account all the details. The dream book also advises paying attention to your own actions and emotions.

Remember the feelings

Why dream of swimming in opaque water? The interpretation of a dream depends entirely on personal feelings.

Swimming with pleasure and joy means elation and bold experiments; swimming with fear in your soul means difficult trials. If you happen to sail across the surface of the water using water transport, then you will successfully cope with the task.

Get ready!

If you had to swim in black waters, then expect trouble. What else could such a dream mean?

If you happen to swim in winter, then they are coming difficult times, if in the summer, then the dream book promises material gain or a passionate affair. In general, swimming is a hassle, and the dark water itself will tell you what it will be like.

Rest assured!

If you happened to swim in black sludge and every stroke was difficult, then this is a sign of uncertainty in own strength. If you had a dream like this, then you lack knowledge.

By the way, the dream book is sure that great value has a direction in a dream. So, going with the flow means that you have submitted to fate and are not going to fight, if against it, then faith will help you achieve your goals.

Decoding by action

To figure out what else dark water means in dreams, the dream book advises taking into account other actions.

  • Seeing from the outside means change.
  • Falling into it means vain expectations.
  • Swim across - to complete the task.
  • Ford - to complete safety.
  • Drowning means difficulties in business.
  • To wash is to be the master of your destiny.
  • Standing means stagnation, inaction.

To health and happiness

Dark water, according to the dream book, may have various characteristics. They will help you understand why this dream is happening and what the river symbolizes for the dreamer.

Did you dream of something clean and quite transparent? Bright aspirations and positive feelings live in the heart. Clear water also reflects excellent health, a calm life and quiet happiness.

New perspectives

Dark water in a dream symbolizes some secret that hides your future. And the deep river reflects a new round of fate.

But if you were scared when you entered into it, then the changes will be negative, if it’s fun, then positive, if the dream caused indifference, then there is no reason to be sad at all.

In turn, the deep river personifies new knowledge, reflection on meaning and everything related to questions of existence.

Towards cleansing

Muddy, on the contrary, means conflicts and losses. It conveys difficulties in relationships and affairs, sadness and melancholy. Did you have to see a restless surface that was also muddy? According to the dream book, she predicts trouble.

Among the southern and western Slavs, Mora is a demon who strangles and torments a sleeping person, falling on his chest at night.

Poles and Kashubians believe that if six or seven daughters are born in a row in a family, the last one becomes Mora.

According to Czech beliefs, children born with teeth become Mora, and according to Serbian and Croatian beliefs, children born with a “shirt”, usually bloody or blue, become Mora.

The Serbs believe that Mora is a girl who was born in a bloody shirt, which the midwife burned in a fire.

Serbs and Croats also believe that Mora is the daughter of a Veštica, and also that Moras are children conceived by a woman on a holiday or during her period.

According to Polish beliefs, the girl who produces Mora has two souls - good and evil, while the evil soul flies out of the body of the sleeping Mora and harms people, but Mora herself does not suspect anything.

Mora's demonic properties manifest themselves at night, and the rest of the time she is no different from those around her.

Western Slavs believe that Moras strangle people against their will when their time comes.

According to Bulgarian and Polish beliefs, Moras are the souls of people who died without confession, were buried in violation of the funeral ritual, as well as children of unbaptized or incorrectly baptized infants.

Poles, Czechs and Lusatians also have beliefs about Moras - men.

The Poles believe that Mora is invisible or looks like a vaguely visible human shadow, she has a transparent body, she is thin, bony, she has abnormal long legs, hands, nails.

According to Serbian beliefs, Mora can take the form moth or mosquito, as well as animals associated with the other world: bat, cat, mouse.

Mora climbs onto the chest of a sleeping person, crushes and tortures him, drinks his blood, and sucks milk from women's breasts.

According to some beliefs, there are several varieties of Pestilence: one sucks and strangles people, another sucks the sap of trees, the third sucks vegetables and weeds.

Mora's victim turns pale, withers and soon dies.

Mora can enter a room through any, even the smallest, opening, including a keyhole.

Poles and Kashubians believe that Mora moves in a sieve, on a broom, a wheel from a wheelbarrow, a reel, a spinning wheel (cf.

Spinning wheel) or in a cart with one wheel.

As amulets against Mora, a knife, a needle stuck into clothing, an ax or other iron object, garlic, a belt placed on top of a blanket, bread, and a mirror are used.

To stop visiting Mora, you need to recognize her.

To do this, the person whom Mora is strangling must tell her: “Come in the morning, I will give you bread and salt.”

The first woman to come in the morning will be Mora.

She needs to give what she promised, after which she will no longer come to this house.

You can get rid of Mora by catching the animal she turned into and crippling it.

A newborn with teeth was given a piece of wood in his mouth so that the child’s harmfulness would be transferred to it.

Mora comes from double-minded people.

The Polish pestilence is strangling sleeping people.

The Croats baptized the mora with a fig three times, after spitting on it, which tormented the child.

Interpretation of dreams from

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