Fortune telling on the full moon: how the moon can help. Fortune telling according to the lunar calendar for love, desire

Full moon - a magical period that sharpens intuition and allows you to successfully perform rituals and fortune telling. It has a beneficial effect on the positive results of rituals dedicated to attracting wealth, enhancing attractiveness, and also helps fill talismans protective properties.

Study the lunar calendar carefully to understand which days you can practice magic and which days you should not tempt fate.

Ideal for fortune telling on a day during a full moon (tell fortunes on those evenings when the moon is round and bright in the sky).

2 (second)Fortune telling is carried out with complete certainty; the moon makes it possible to find out the near future.7 (seventh)The evening of the seventh day of the full moon gives precise answers. Ask relational questions, such as “Who is my friend?” or “Who is my future husband?”
5 (fifth)This period will tell about the future for a long period of time. The veracity of the information received can be checked the next day by repeating the ritual.10 (tenth)Fortune telling on this day is successfully carried out by the whole family. You can predict future wealth or ask a question about moving. For girls who have recently gotten married, the fortune teller will answer the question: “Who will be born: a boy or a girl?”
6 (sixth)The most successful evening for fortune telling. You can cast a spell on both love and material wealth by using various methods fortune telling.11 (eleventh)Suitable for divination using the fire element.

The months considered favorable for sessions are: October, November, January and February. Love fortune telling is best done in January or April. It is dangerous to cast a spell on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, since there is a high risk of getting into trouble.

How to properly tune in to fortune telling

All types of fortune telling, if taken seriously, require special preparation. Failure to follow the rules leads to unpleasant consequences.

  • Keep the fast for three days before the day on which you plan to cast a spell. At the same time, do not leave your loved ones and relatives hungry.
  • Take a vow of silence three hours before the ceremony begins. You can break it the next morning.
  • No one should know about your intentions to tell fortunes. Make sure that you will not be disturbed during the divination.

Tell fortunes on the full moon using various attributes: mirrors, candles, threads and other objects.

Simple and truthful fortune telling at home

Fortune telling in the cold with a mirror

Carry out the session in winter in frosty weather. On the night of the full moon, pour water over the mirror and take it outside. After some time, patterns will appear on the object. In order to have time to decipher the drawings you see, look at them quickly, since they will disappear in the warmth.

The meaning of frosty patterns:

Circles or ringsThe coming year will bring material prosperity.TrianglesGood luck will accompany you in all areas of life!
OvalsExpect harmony and happiness in your personal life.Spruce branch drawingThere will be a lot of work.
QuadrilateralsA difficult period will come, you will have to make a lot of effort to overcome adversity.Chaotic patternsMonitor your health, there is a risk of getting sick.

Ritual with needles

Method of testing feelings young man. Conduct fortune telling on the full moon. Tune in to the process, direct your thoughts to your loved one, sincerely believe in the success of the prediction so that the result turns out to be true.

Prepare a saucer filled with water. Take two needles from a new package of different sizes. The smaller one acts as a fortune-telling girl, the larger one is responsible for the image of a loved one.

Lubricate both needles with oil or lard and place them in a container filled with water. The seriousness of a man’s intentions can be interpreted from how objects behave.

The needles do not sink, but lie on the surface in an unchanged position.The feelings will not fade away, but will remain as before.The products are completely closed.Love is sincere and strong, for the rest of your life.
The needles touched slightly.Expect to get closer to a young man, perhaps you will tie the knot.One of the needles goes to the bottom.Whichever needle sinks, whichever of the two people will lose their senses.

Fortune telling using mirrors

The practice is dangerous and requires careful moral preparation. You will need two mirrors of different sizes. Put more in front of you, and less behind you. A mystical tunnel is formed through which the image of the future chosen one will come.

Before starting fortune telling, prepare dinner for two, set the table beautifully, placing two plates, a knife, a fork and a glass. One of the attributes will be candles - place them on the sides large mirror.

Turn off the lights, sit between the mirrors and invite your betrothed to have dinner with you:

“My betrothed, come to dinner with me!”

Look in the mirror carefully. Waiting for the image takes a long time. When the image of a young man appears in the mirrored corridor and begins to approach you, quickly say: “Cheer me!” so that the image disappears.

Only a brave girl can dare to do such fortune-telling, since there is a belief that an otherworldly force appears in the guise of a guy.

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When the purpose of divination is entertainment, there is no need to follow the rules. To get true predictions, consider these tips to avoid mistakes that lead to unpleasant consequences.

  • Perform the ritual alone with yourself. If you are telling fortunes with a group, involve only close people who sincerely believe in fortune telling.
  • Assess whether there is an urgent need for fortune telling? Magic is an unpredictable and dangerous phenomenon; it takes something in return for truthful answers.
  • By performing a ritual, a person interferes with fate. Don't guess without good reason.
  • A common mistake is fear of a negative outcome. When you receive bad news, try to forget about it. You have the power to change the situation, and, therefore, your attitude towards it.
  • Choose your fortune telling method seriously. There are dangerous methods that not every girl will decide to do. There are fortune telling that can only be used once. Casting a fortune two or more times can lead to disaster.

The planet that gives silvery light and magic - powerful source energy, manager water element, capable of both helping and harming. The moon is able to give honest answers during the ritual. But you should be careful, as there is a risk of collision with negative consequences great Don't guess to kill free time, just for fun.

Before you decide to cast a fortune, think about whether invading the future is worth the disastrous consequences? And if you are determined, then study the rules and follow them. This will help you maintain your personal safety.

September 7, 2016

Full moon

The full moon is the phase of the lunar month when the Moon has the most pronounced influence on humans and nature.

The full moon is the time when, having reached its apogee, the energy of the moon begins to gradually weaken. Most often, the full moon falls on the 15th or 16th lunar day - this is the middle of the entire lunar cycle.

It is an indisputable fact that the Moon influences emotional background and a person’s physical well-being, his mood changes depending on the lunar phases, lunar days and the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located. And the full moon is always a difficult period for a person; after all, it is on the days of full moons that the psycho-emotional sphere becomes the most vulnerable, on the state of which the correctness of the actions and actions taken depends.

Full moon and health

During the full moon, you need to treat your health with all care and responsibility - on the days of the full moon, chronic diseases often worsen, the emotional and mental sphere undergoes fluctuations, and changes occur in work gastrointestinal tract, disturbances in the water balance in the body may occur.

The full moon is a time of increased injury; You should be careful even in everyday work that does not require special concentration. In addition, during the full moon, the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the body increases, so even a minor injury can later bring quite a lot of trouble and trouble.

During the full moon, most people become emotionally vulnerable; Sentimentality, tearfulness, touchiness, irritability increases - joy can very quickly give way to disappointment. To avoid various troubles, you need, first of all, to rest more, preferably with your closest family and friends, avoid stressful situations, physical and emotional fatigue.

In order to balance the energy balance, you should follow a diet during the full moon.

Full moon diet - important condition to maintain water balance in the body. On full moon days, swelling often increases, and excessive fluid accumulation in the body can lead to intoxication, headaches, fatigue and irritability. To avoid these troubles, you need to limit your salt intake, but you should never give it up completely - a lack of salt is just as harmful to the body during a full moon, as is its excess. During the full moon, you should eat more plant-based and fermented milk foods - fresh, stewed, boiled vegetables, fresh and ripe fruits, low-fat yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, etc. The full moon diet involves giving up coffee, black tea, alcohol, hot spices, herbs, meat, fatty desserts and other heavy foods. On full moon days, you should try to have regular meals, but small portions. The stomach and intestines are very vulnerable during this period; During the full moon, the likelihood of food poisoning increases, so you should treat the foods you eat with special responsibility.

Magic on the full moon

During the full moon, all magical actions gain greater power, so the full moon is considered the most favorable time for performing magical rites, rituals, conspiracies and spells. Full moon magic is the most effective; at this time you can spend , , however, in order to remove damage or other negative energy effects, such as the evil eye, slander, etc., it is better to wait until the Moon begins to wane. Removing negative energy effects during a full moon is ineffective and sometimes even dangerous, especially if the magician does not have enough knowledge and experience in performing magical rituals.

For magic on the full moon a necessary condition is a cloudless, clear night when the Moon is clearly visible in the sky.

During the full moon, you can make amulets, talismans, and install energy protection.

Full moon is good time in order to make a wish, this is the simplest magical ritual that does not require much experience and knowledge in magic. To do this, you just need to decide what you sincerely desire, try to concentrate on your desire, imagine as if your desire is already coming true and mentally say it while looking at the full Moon. Usually wishes made on the full moon come true during the lunar month.

What not to do on a full moon:

  • Quarrel and swear
  • To sort things out
  • Make important decisions
  • Start new things
  • Be physically and emotionally overtired
  • Drink too much liquid
  • Eat very salty and spicy foods
  • Drink alcohol
  • Take medications without a doctor's prescription
  • Perform surgical operations (not urgent)
  • Lend money
  • Make large purchases
  • Cutting, dyeing hair, perm
  • Carry out cosmetic procedures
  • Trim and graft trees

What you can do on a full moon:

  • Study creative work
  • Conduct presentations, conferences, briefings
  • Collect medicinal herbs
  • Do gardening
  • Cleanse your body with diet
  • Make wishes
  • Make long-term plans
  • Read conspiracies, prayers
  • Perform magical rituals
  • Make amulets and talismans
  • Meditate
  • Practice lucid dreaming

The full moon is a special time for lovers, especially if there is harmony and mutual understanding in the relationship. On the days of the full moon, physical attraction between lovers increases and therefore the full moon is a particularly favorable time for romantic dates and intimacy.

If you are planning to conceive a child, use the days of the full moon for this; During the full moon, the probability of conception is very high. Children conceived on a full moon usually have good health and have unusual abilities. Such children are considered gifted, as they have many talents, especially in the field of creativity and art.

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Since ancient times, fortune-telling on the full moon has been considered the most effective and truthful fortune-telling. It is during this period that all the most mystical and inexplicable things happen. This is the time of witches, warlocks and other dark forces. Even the new moon has a very high level energy, and during the full moon the power of the moon increases to its maximum.

Fortune telling by the full moon is a rather peculiar ritual. Not everyone dares to use it. Firstly, many are afraid to tell fortunes, especially on a full moon, for church reasons. After all, the church strongly recommends not resorting to any kind of magic, equating this to a great sin.

Many are afraid to tell fortunes on the full moon, not only for religious reasons, but also because of fear of dark forces. Indeed, any magic, and especially that used during the full moon, has enormous power and this causes fear. Therefore, people with weak psyches are not recommended to choose such a powerful ritual.

In order for full moon fortune telling for love to be truthful, it is necessary to follow some rules that are used by all fortune tellers and fortune tellers. Three hours before the fortune telling, you must take a vow of silence, and under no circumstances utter a word. You also need to take care of your food during the day on which the fortune telling is scheduled. All day you need to drink water and eat bread, without eating other foods.

Before starting fortune telling, it is necessary to remove all decorations, especially church ones. All icons in the house should be hidden. You need to guess in a quiet, secluded place. Under no circumstances should you cross your legs. Also, during fortune telling, the use of electricity is not recommended: it is better to light candles.

There are a huge number of fortune telling for love. Some of them have been proven for centuries and used by millions of people. Some are known to a few, passed down from generation to generation. Here will be given the most effective full moon fortune telling for love, which, if the right approach, they will definitely tell the whole truth.

Fortune telling on the full moon using needles to test feelings

To test your love and the seriousness of your loved one’s feelings, fortune telling with needles is used. It is held at home under moonlight from the window. Before you start fortune telling, you need to gather your thoughts and think only about your loved one. It is important to know that success is guaranteed only if you are completely confident in it.

For fortune telling, you need to take a deep saucer filled with water and two needles of different sizes. It is advisable that the needles are new and unused. The shorter needle means one’s own image, and the longer one means the image of a loved one for whom fortune telling is being carried out. Both needles need to be lubricated or butter. After this, you need to slowly lower the needles into a dish of water. By the behavior of the needles one should judge the seriousness of the loved one’s intentions. If both needles remain on the water in an unchanged state, the feelings will remain the same. If the needles touch each other, this indicates a closer relationship or marriage. If the needles are completely closed with each other, you can judge strong love, which may last a lifetime. If one of the needles sinks, this indicates a loss of feelings by the person whose needle sank to the bottom.

Full moon fortune telling with mirrors

This full moon fortune-telling for the betrothed is one of the oldest and most terrible fortune-telling. It allows you to see the spirit of your groom. Only the bravest girls decide to resort to it, since there are many scary stories that happened to those who used this fortune telling. Some claim that the spirit of the betrothed comes out of the mirror and kills the naive girl. There is a well-known story when a girl who decided to tell fortunes was slapped in the face by the image in the mirror and woke up only in the morning.

For fortune telling you need two mirrors different sizes. Both mirrors are placed on the table, opposite each other, forming a tunnel. Before starting fortune telling, it is important to set the table for two people: yourself and your betrothed. You also need to pour wine into glasses, light candles and sit down at the table.

When the table is set and the mirrors are arranged, you need to say in a loud, authoritative voice: “Betrothed mummer, come to me for dinner.” No image may appear in the mirror after the first utterance of the words, then you can repeat the cherished phrase several more times. Now you need to wait until the oval and facial features are outlined in the mirror. Usually you have to wait a long time: some are lucky to see their betrothed in the first minutes, while others wait all night. As soon as the young man’s face is outlined in the mirror, you need to throw a sheet or towel over the mirror and shout “Forget me!” Only after these words the image disappears. There are cases when girls looked at the image in the mirror for too long, which became clearer every second - this did not lead to anything good or kind.

This fortune telling has been used in our country for a very long time, but it originated in ancient Greece. The Greeks passed on fortune telling to other countries, and it gained enormous popularity. They resort to it especially often on the night before Christmas, when everything that is most mystical and extraordinary acquires maximum power.

Full moon fortune telling with fir branches and mirror

You should prepare a little for this fortune telling: collect several spruce branches. It is important to use fresh branches collected with thoughts of your loved one. On the full moon, from 00.00 to 01.00, you need to write the name of your loved one or a wish associated with him on a medium-sized mirror. After this, you need to put the mirror under the bed and cover it with fir branches. In the morning you should look at the result: if the inscription on the mirror is erased, love and happiness with the desired person are guaranteed; if the inscription remains, it is not your destiny to be with your loved one, but that means he is not destined at all. Sometimes there have been cases when a cross appears on the mirror in the morning - this speaks of an unkind sign concerning the person who was being divined.

Be sure to check it out

When the full moon appears in the sky, a magical time begins. At all times, these days, or rather nights, were considered the most magical. It is not for nothing that so many rituals are associated with this luminary (for example, the ritual is widespread).

Just try to go outside during the full moon and look around not with the eyes of a modern person, busy with affairs and problems, but with the eyes of a person who believes in miracles and magic! You will definitely feel that everything around you is filled with magical spells! Even the air (and in the city too) is saturated with a special expectation of a miracle, something different from the usual state.

It was precisely these spells of the big moon that they used before to attract love into their lives. Those who want the love of a certain person, that is, people who experience an unrequited feeling, can be advised not to turn to love spells, but to use the magic of the full moon. This will be both more honest and purer than forcing another person to unnatural feelings.

Love ritual under the full moon

This is the simplest spell for the full moon, which, nevertheless, works very well. It has been used by people of various nationalities for a long time. The good thing about it is that you don’t need practically anything to do it. You need to go for a walk in the evening under the full moon. You only need to walk under open air, mentally preparing for changes in life. You need to set yourself up very well (firmly). When you feel that you are ready, you have no doubts left, you simply move into another reality.

It's best to cross the "lane". The stripe can be anything. Many ancient sources describe how to cross a strip of fog with the words of the spell: “Moon face, lead me into love!” If there is no fog, then you can take advantage of any obstacle, for example, crossing a path in a park!

Spell to attract love on the full moon

During the full moon, you can use this spell, which is pronounced over a glass of water or wine. It is best if the drink communicates with the night luminary for some time. That is, place a glass of water on the windowsill so that the moon illuminates it; it is advisable to open the window for the full effect. Let it sit for half an hour. And at this time, imagine what exactly you want to get from the love spell. You need to present it in detail, emotionally coloring all events.

Now take the glass in your hands and pour water (another drink) and read the following words:

“Into the dark forest, into the old forest, you fly, Moon, you shine there! Let the forest witch, the witch of the night, come to the red clearing illuminated by you. You tell the Moon to the sorceress - the sorceress, let her leave the forest, let (name) achieve a happy fate for me! Let him fly across the seas and forests, let him bring the keys to love, and let him give it to you! You, Moon, give me the key to love, illuminate my heart with happiness! Let fate shine with a golden ray, let my betrothed (my betrothed) come to my home! Amen".

You need to drink water and immediately go to bed. After reading the plot correctly, you will definitely dream about it. Remember your dream well, even if the person himself did not dream. The night image will tell you where to look for your destiny, what event you should definitely take part in!

This spell for love on the full moon is recommended for those who suffer from unrequited feelings. If this feeling is destined for you, then your loved one will be with you, and if not, then it will gradually fade away and another feeling will enter your life, happier and more sincere!

Full Moon - perfect time for fortune telling. The Full Moon has long been considered a symbol of intuition.

We are all influenced by the Moon in one way or another, whether we admit it or not. Many people feel more energetic during the full moon. This is because our body and mind are inextricably linked to the cycles of the moon. Our body is approximately two-thirds water, and the Moon influences water. Remember the ebb and flow of the tides on the coasts - this is the action of the Moon.

The effect of magical energies intensifies during the full moon, any fortune telling becomes more accurate. Therefore, use the time of the full moon, it will help you get the right answers. You can see the full moon dates for 2019.

A good example fortune telling on the full moon there will be a crystal ball. Illuminated by moonlight, it is filled with special properties and gives correct readings.

Fortune telling on the full moon on the water

Using water or other reflective surface for divination is not new idea. Fortune telling on water has been tested for centuries. The ancient Romans used fortune telling when performing religious rituals; the Egyptian Book of the Dead mentions the magic mirror of Hathor, which showed the future. Even the great predictor Nostradamus prepared for divinations by looking at a bowl of water by candlelight to gain inspiration.

Full moon fortune telling on water is one of the simplest, but very reliable. It's best to guess outdoors, if at all possible. If you live near a body of water, for example, there is a lake or pond near your house, then you do not need a bowl of water. When the weather permits, tell fortunes there, by the water. If you do not have such an opportunity, guess at home. Choose a place where moonlight falls on you.

You can tell fortunes on the night of the full moon, on the previous night and on the night after the exact phase of the full moon - only three days every month. It is good if the Moon is visible in the sky, but if it is hidden by clouds, this is also acceptable, because in any case the Moon is in the sky, and its energy affects fortune telling. You can guess in days lunar eclipses, because they always occur during the full moon.

During the full moon you can tell fortunes about love, money, health and everything that interests you. Maybe you want to see the future or something in the past. Full moon fortune telling will show you everything you want.

For full moon fortune telling you will need:

Table or other flat work space

Dark bowl

Two white candles

Clean water to fill the bowl

Notebook or notepad and pen for notes

Prepare for fortune telling. There are no specific rules for preparation, just do what will set you up for fortune telling. Maybe you draw a magic circle around yourself or play your favorite meditation music. Sit comfortably at the table and place a bowl filled with water in front of you. Ideally, place it in such a way that the Moon is reflected in the water. Light two white candles and place them to the right and left of the bowl. White is the color of the Moon, so the candles should be white. It is important that the lighting in the room is turned off; when fortune telling on a full moon, there can only be candlelight. And the light of the moon, of course.

Close your eyes and tune in to the lunar energy around you. Feel the soft earth under your feet. Hear the rustle of the wind in the trees. Breathe in the aroma of grass and earth that floats in the air. Raise your arms to your sides, palms up, and feel the Moon above you. It will take you some time to gather this energy. It will be a tangible sensation, it just takes time for you to get it. Embrace the silver energy of the Moon as it rules the world on this full moon night. Acknowledge your oneness with the Moon.

When you are ready, open your eyes. Pay attention to the night and everything around you. You may experience extraordinary mental clarity and inner strength. Don’t be afraid of special sensations - it’s just the energy of the Moon that has begun to act. Lift up left hand Hold it over the bowl and become aware of the wisdom of the water. Now this water is charged with the energy of the full moon. Ask moon water to show you all the secrets.

Look at the water. After some time, patterns, symbols or some images will appear on it. You may see moving images, or perhaps even words appear on the water. Spontaneous thoughts will begin to come to you, perhaps even ones that you think are not relevant to your question. Don't push them away, they all matter now. Take paper and pen to write everything down. Spend as much time as you want telling fortunes while looking at the water. Maybe just a few minutes or even a whole hour. Stop if you start to feel restless or distracted.

When you finish your full moon reading, be sure to write down everything you saw, thought, and felt. Messages sometimes come from other worlds, and yet we are often unaware of them. Don't worry if you feel like the information you've received doesn't make sense. Come back to your notes in a few days and review them. Most likely, it all makes sense. It may also be that you received a message about something important not for you, but for someone else. Think about who it might be among the people you know.

After finishing the fortune telling, you can leave the water all night until the morning so that it is charged with lunar energy even more. Or thank the water and pour it onto the ground.

Online fortune telling

In addition to traditional fortune telling, you can tell fortunes online during the full moon. The advantage is that you can immediately get an answer or advice. If you have a simple question that requires a clear answer, guess with Yes and No. For more complex questions, Tarot fortune telling, love fortune telling using Tarot and Runes are suitable. If your question is more of a philosophical content, then this will suit you

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