A pedagogical project in the middle group with a presentation on the topic: “My hometown is Slobodskoy. Presentation on the topic “Project middle group

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Project type: educational and research. Includes creative, educational and experimental activities. Type of project: group. Project duration: short-term (2 weeks). Project participants: middle school children, parents, teacher. Project goal: Development of children's cognitive and creative abilities in the process of familiarization and experimental activities with snow. Objectives: 1.Give children a basic understanding of a natural object - snow, its transformation into water, into ice. 2.Enrich vocabulary children on this topic. 3.Formate the cognitive activity of children when conducting experiments, experiments and observations. 4. Reinforce the concepts of “white”, “round”, “cold”, “ball”. 5.Introduce snowman sculpting. 6. Develop the ability to work in a team.

Relevance of the project The relevance of this project is that it allows, in educational conditions, educational process in a preschool educational institution to expand, enrich, systematize and creatively apply children’s knowledge about the snowman. Introduce elementary experiments with snow and water in order to develop interest in experimenting from natural material. Watching the snow from the window, the children began to ask questions: “What is snow?” “Why does it snow in winter?” Seeing a snowman in the picture, the children asked: “Who is this?” This is how the idea for this project came about. We wanted to introduce children to snow and a snowman.

Planning is educational - educational activities Joint activities of children and adults Independent activities of children Creating conditions for joint activities children Work with parents Conversations on the topic “Winter”, its signs and phenomena Drawing on the topic “Christmas tree”. Looking at illustrations. Adding illustrations, books, postcards, drawings to the group. Selection of illustrations, books for joint and independent viewing. Consultation on a collection of postcards with images of snowmen. Collective application “Snowman” Watching the cartoon “When the Christmas trees are lit” Riddles about winter. Compiling stories about winter using pictures. Examination of the painting “Winter in the City.” Invite parents to watch cartoons with their children.

Modeling “Snowman” Listening to songs about a snowman. Consultation on the production of crafts for the exhibition “Snowmen”. Drawing “Here are the different snowmen” Decorating windows for the New Year. Adding stickers, snowflakes, and snowmen to the group. Parents take part in decorating the group. Reading the fairy tale “School of Snowmen” by A. Usachev and V. Chizhikov. Coloring snowmen. Experiment: “How does snow turn into water?” Design of the mini-exhibition “Collection of Postcards”

Designing “Postcards” from paper Conversation on the topic of what a postcard is. Watching the cartoon “The Snowman to the Rescue.” Decoration of the group Folder - moving " Winter Games and fun" Viewing the presentation "The Story of the Snowman" Reading poems about the Snowman, guessing riddles. Design of the exhibition “Snowmen” Modeling a Snowman for a walk. Talking with children about the collection of postcards, looking at them. Christmas tree decoration. Making postcards. Consultation for parents “What to talk about with your child.”

Project implementation stages. Preparatory stage. Conversations with children to identify children's knowledge about snow. Preparation of attributes for games and activities. A selection of poems, fiction, riddles about winter, snow, snowman. Examination of plot pictures on the theme “Winter”. Listening to songs about winter, snowman, snowflakes.

Contents of the work Entertainment “Let's find friends for the snowman” Experience No. 1 “Snow and its properties” Outdoor game “A little white snow fell” Experience No. 2 “What is snow?” Application “Snowman” Viewing the cartoon “Snowman-Postman” Didactic game“Fold a snowman” Experiment No. 3 “What is ice?” Didactic game “Snowflakes” Viewing the presentation “The Story of a Snowman” BUT Modeling “Friends for a Snowman” Outdoor game “Snow is Spinning” Didactic game “Assemble a Snowman” Listening to songs about winter, snow. Reading a poem about a snowman. Exhibition creative works parents "Our friend - the Snowman"

Main stage Entertainment “Let's find friends for the snowman”

Experiment No. 1 “Snow and its properties” Experiment No. 2 “What is snow?”

Teamwork - application “Snowman”

Modeling “Friends for a snowman”

Entertainment “The Snowman Comes to Visit”

Screening of the presentation “The Story of a Snowman”

Reading poems and fairy tales about the snowman.

Exhibition of creative works by parents “Our friend – the Snowman”

The final stage. Posting on the teacher’s website information about the entertainment “Let’s Find Friends for the Snowman.” Design of the exhibition of parents’ crafts “Our friend – the snowman”. Presentation of the project at the teachers' meeting.

Expected results: Children: know what snow is, what kind of snow (white, cold, melts in warmth, snow is frozen water). They know that a snowman is a snow building that consists of snow. They know how to sculpt a snowman from plasticine. Make a snowman from circles, know the parts of a snowman. Making a snowman applique. Parents: take an active part in making crafts on the theme “our friend - the Snowman”. Educator: creates conditions for the implementation of the project and the active inclusion of all participants in the work to implement the project.

Pedagogical project in middle group on the topic: “My hometown- Slobodskaya.”

Purpose: This project will undoubtedly be interesting for children preschool age, educators, teachers primary classes and teachers of additional education.
Problem: While walking along Cortot Street, the children asked “What other streets are there in our city? And is it possible to go to the city in a group? What kind of houses are there in our city?” So, from a conversation with children and parents, it turned out that children do not have a general idea, or know something partially, about the history of the city of Slobodskoye, about historical buildings and about their home.
Relevance of the topic: knowledge of the history of your hometown, cultivating pride and love for your hometown, the house in which you live, this means cultivating love for your small Motherland. The knowledge about their hometown acquired in preschool childhood not only arouses in children a deep, sincere interest in it, but also encourages them to learn as much as possible about their city and its history.
Analysis: What prevents you from getting results? What helps you achieve it?
Project duration: short-term, implemented during the development of the topic (1 week).
Project type: cognitive - informational, productive.
Project participants: children, parents, teachers.
Children's age: 4-5 years.
Project goal: Introduce children to their hometown and create its image through creative activities.
Give children an idea of ​​the interesting buildings of the city.
Expand and deepen knowledge about your home.
Activate children's vocabulary: names of streets, houses.
Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills hands, coherent speech.
Develop creative abilities in productive activities.
Develop curiosity and interest in your hometown.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards your hometown and the people living in it.
Develop the ability to come to the aid of each other.
Contribute to the formation of interest in your hometown.
Hypothesis. Children will be interested in the history of the city of Slobodskoye and its historical buildings. They will begin to ask adults questions and work with them to find answers.
For the teacher:
Give children knowledge about their hometown.
Develop curiosity and observation.
Develop children's creative abilities.
Expected result for children and parents:
Showing interest and interest of children together with their parents to continue studying the history of their hometown.
Increasing the level of knowledge of parents and children about their city.
Parents making models of their home and an interesting city building or structure.
Resource support.
Equipment for the teacher: laptop, camera, presentations, tape recorder, television and video equipment, video and audio recordings, Internet.
Equipment for children: books and illustrations with city views, models of buildings and structures.
Project activity product:
Drawing with felt-tip pens: “The house where I live.”
Presentation “My favorite city of Slobodskaya”
Model of the city of Slobodsky.
Layout of "Kindergarten"
Application “Two-story house”.
Making models of buildings and structures by parents.

Project implementation:

Who has ever seen the reflection of the moon on the river,
Who has ever heard the trill of a nightingale in the distance,
Who has seen a starfall over a sleeping river,
I fell in love with Slobodskaya forever.
This ancient city is always young.
The trees rustle their leaves along the road.
And wherever you go, everywhere with me
Childhood companion, my hometown.
(Harry Nissonovich Tsypukov)

Stage 1 – organizational.
1. Conversation with children about the city in which they live.
- What would you like to know about our city?
- What do you already know about him?
2. Consultation for parents: “How to make a model of a building or structure” Invite parents, together with their child, to make a model of a building or structure they like in the city.
3. On a day off, invite parents and their children to take a tour of the streets of their hometown.

Stage 2 - project implementation.
As part of continuous educational activities: Social and communicative development:
"Creating a city model."
Conversation: " Famous people our city."
Role-playing game: “We are drivers”
Board game on traffic rules: “On the streets of the city”
Examination of illustrations: “Attractions of the city of Slobodskoye”
Excursion along Cortot Street: “Diversity of houses, how they are similar, how they are different”
Word game: “Good - bad”
Cognitive development, FEMP: “How to find out how many floors there are in a house, and there are windows on each floor and much more”
Didactic games: “Say kindly”, “Opposites”, “Which house? What roof? What building?”, (Wooden, brick, mixed structure, large-panel, block..) “Make it up from geometric shapes”, “Select by color, by shape”, “Which building is gone?”, “What has changed?”
A story about the local historian of the city of Slobodsky - A. Reva, with a presentation: “Vyatka Bells.”
A story about the coat of arms of the city of Slobodsky and its author V. M. Evlakov.
Games with counting sticks: “We are building a house, a big house, it has a porch and a chimney”
Artistic and aesthetic development:
Application: “Two-story house.”
Drawing: “The house where I live.”
Paper construction: “Kindergarten model”.
Paper folding using the origami method: “House”.
Unconventional drawing: “Evening city.”
Speech development: compiling stories based on models: “I’ll tell you about...” (Talking about a model of a building brought by a child.)
Conversations and discussions with viewing of the presentation: “My favorite city of Slobodskaya”
Reading poems: G.N. Tsipukov “About the city of Slobodsky”
Reading fiction: “The Three Little Pigs”
Physical development: Verbal game with a ball “Tell me, if there are five floors, what is the name of this house?...”, “Who lives in what house?”, “What floor do you live on?”, “What materials are houses built from in our city?” .
Outdoor games: “Sit-downs” (“I’m in the house”), “Droplets are walking in circles.”
Finger games: “Once upon a time, there were little gnomes in a house...”
“In the morning you get up and leave the house...”
Breathing exercises: “Giant crane.”

Stage 3 – generalization.
1. Presentation of the project “My city of Slobodskaya”
2. Exhibition of crafts and drawings: “House”, “The house where I live”, “Night city”, “Two-story house”.
3. Design gaming environment group: “On the city streets.”
4. Report on children’s activities during the project (show presentation)
Project results:
During the project, the children became acquainted with the city of Slobodsky, and their vocabulary expanded. A more sustained interest in the city, in the location of the streets and houses on them, appeared. Together with the teacher, we made a model of the Rodnichok kindergarten, and we also made models together with the parents. We drew pictures of our houses.
The children participated in the project with great pleasure, showing initiative and creativity in games and artistic and creative activities.
Parents began to take more interest in the life of their children in the group, take initiative, and gladly contribute to the educational environment.
Bibliography (literature).
1. “Favorite City” I. Khasapetyan. Preschool education, 2001№11 p.103
2. With love for Russia: methodological recommendations. – Moscow: Education of a preschooler, 2007. - 128 p.
3. My country. Revival of national culture and education of moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children: a practical guide for educators and methodologists. - Voronezh: Teacher, 2005. - 205 p.
4. Kontsirskaya L. A. “Where the Motherland Begins,” M. T. Ts. Sfera 2005.
5. Rybakov I. Familiarization with one’s hometown as a means of patriotic education, Preschool Education, 2003 No. 6 pp. 44-55
Thank you for your attention. I wish you creative success!

Presentation on the topic: My hometown

Presentation of the pedagogical project: “My Mommy.” Educators: Tatyana Pavlovna Zakharova, Olga Valentinovna Borzova, secondary group “Polyanka”, MDOU “Kindergarten No. 17”, Leninsky district, Saratov, 2014 Model of 3 questions What do we know? -Mom works where they sell bags and shoes. (Ulyana D. 5 years old) - She goes to the store and buys me tasty things. (Amina M. 4 years old) - Mom is good, she works at work. (Sasha S. 5 years old) -Mom loves to vacuum and keep things in order. (Sonya L. 5 years old) - My mother cooks very tasty food. (Andrey F. 5 years old) What do we want to know? How do we know this? - I want to know everything. (Nikita P. 5 years old) - Ask your grandmother. (Polina P. 5 years old) -Where does she work? (Vova Ch. 4.5 years old) -From TV. (Zhenya M. 4 years old) -What does she do at home when I go to kindergarten. (Yana A. 5 years old) -Mom will tell you. (Varya P. 5 years old) -What does she do at work. (Seryozha P. 5 years old) How does she make pies? (Ulyana T. 5 years old) - Look on the computer. (Roma A. 5 years old) - Read it in a book. (Dasha B. 5 years old) Problem arises: A dispute arose between the children: whose mother is better, more beautiful, kinder. We had a conversation with the children. From a conversation with children, we found out that children do not have enough knowledge about the professions of their mothers, their interests and hobbies. Together with the children we decided to create and implement the project “My Mommy”. Project participants: Children from the Polyanka secondary group. Teachers of the secondary group "Polyanka". Parents of the secondary group "Polyanka". Musical director. Project type by method: creative By number of participants: group. Duration: short-term (02/24 to 03/07/14). Project goal: To cultivate love and respect for the closest person on Earth - mother. Objectives: 1. Enrich children's knowledge about the role of mother in their lives. 2.Formulate in children a kind, caring attitude towards their mother. 3.Develop cognitive activity. 4.Create conditions for the social and moral development of children in the process of nurturing a caring attitude towards the closest person - their mother. 5. Cultivate a feeling of love and affection for a loved one - mother. Expected result: Enrichment of children's knowledge about the role of mother in their lives. Children's awareness of a kind, caring attitude towards their mother. Development of children's creative abilities in productive activities. Development of children's cognitive activity and communication skills. Creating conditions for the social and moral development of children in the process of nurturing love and mutual understanding with the closest person, mother. We divided all work on the project into the following stages: 1. Preparatory. Introducing parents to the project. Replenishment of the development environment, selection of materials, toys, attributes for games, illustrated material, fiction. 2. Practical activities to solve the problem (interaction with families, joint activities with children, educational activities) Conversations Reading fiction Memorizing poems Direct educational activities Joint and independent artistic and productive activities Musical holiday “Mom is my sunshine” CONVERSATIONS “My mommy, what a she". "Talking about Mom." "How I help my mother." "Mom's day off." "Mom's profession." “What my mother loves and knows how to do (hobbies).” READING FICTION A. Barto "The Little Mermaid". A. Barto "Mom Sings". V. Berestov "Feast of Mothers". G. Demykina "Mom". B. Emelyanov "Mom's hands". S. Mikhailov "What do you have." E. Moshkovskaya "I offended my mother." N. Sakonskaya "My Mother". Memorizing poems Memorizing quatrains for the matinee “Mom is my sunshine” by V. Russ “My Mother”. . E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence." DIRECT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 1. Educational field "Communication", "Cognition". Topic: “We need different mothers...”. Program content: Clarify and expand children's knowledge about their mother's profession. Activate children's passive and active vocabulary. Cultivate a friendly, caring, caring attitude towards your mother. 2. Educational field "Communication". Topic: "My beloved mother." Program content: Develop children's dialogical speech. Encourage children to monologue. Learn to answer questions clearly. Compose a descriptive story about mom, her profession based on photography using a diagram.. Activate adjectives and verbs in children’s speech. Cultivate love and pride towards the mother. 3. Educational field "Artistic creativity". Topic: “Flowers for my beloved mother.” Program content: Learn to draw flowers, conveying their structure. Learn to follow consistency when drawing. Encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings towards to a loved one- mother. Game pedagogical situations, situational conversations with children “Tender words”, “What is the best gift for mom.” Listening to music and singing songs about mom, learning dances for moms. Role-playing games “Daughters - Mothers”, “Family”, “My Home”. Proverbs: The sun is warm, the mother is good. There is no friend like your own mother. The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother. Mother's affection knows no end. Maternal anger what spring snow : and a lot of it falls out, but it will soon melt. Book Corner: Books for reading, viewing and discussion: Artyukhova “A Hard Evening” Barto A. “Separation” Barto A. “Mom Sings” Berestov V. “Feast of Mothers” Blaginina E. “Mother’s Day” Demykina G. “Mother” Emelyanov B. “Mom’s hands” Mikhalkov S. “What do you have? » Moshkovskaya E. “I offended my mother...” Sakonskaya N. “Talking about Mom” Uspensky E. “If I were a girl” Tsyferov G. “How to become big” JOINT AND INDEPENDENT ARTISTIC-PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITY. Modeling "Tasty treat for mom." Drawing “Flowers for dear mother”, “Our palms” Application “Napkin for mother”, “Greeting card” Group work of children (design) “Bouquet for the cutest ones”. Album design: “My mother is the best in the world”. Design of a greeting wall newspaper for Mother's Day (Participation in coloring the elements of the newspaper). Thematic screen "Mom's Holiday". Meeting with Andrei Filippov's mother (Elena Nikolaevna) "Mom's skillful hands" Design of a congratulatory newspaper for mothers Design of the album "My mother is the best in the world." "My mother's name is Olya. My mother calls me “my bunny.” My mother is kind and beautiful. I like to clean the apartment with my mother. (Dasha Badikova) My mother’s name is Marina. Mom loves flowers and tulips. I want to wish her health. (Vasilisa Melikhova) My mother’s name is Yulia, and at work she is called the boss. She likes to sew clothes. (Anya Rusyaeva) My mother’s name is Irina. Anatolyevna. My mother works in the kindergarten, sets the tables, washes the floors. My mother is an adult. She loves it when I help her. I want to wish her not to get sick. (Polina Popova). My mother's name is Maria Alexandrovna. Dad affectionately calls her “Mommy.” My mother is beautiful, she loves flowers and walking with the whole family in the park. I don't like it when she scolds me for the way I argue with dad during the game. I want everything to be normal and for her not to swear at me. (Sasha Solodilov) My mother’s name is Yulia. Dad calls her “my kitten.” My mother is my favorite. She loves to iron and wash. I want to wish my mother that she will always be healthy. (Matvey Klemeshev). My mother's name is Elena Nikolaevna. My mother is happy. She loves knitting most of all. She knitted me a sweater with bullfinches. She also loves to cook cabbage soup, soup, mashed potatoes and pasta. I want to wish her that she will always be beautiful. (Andrey Filippov). My mother's name is Tanya. My mom is good. I like that she loves me. Mom likes that Dasha and I were born to her. And I want her to never get sick. (Sergey Palagin) My mother’s name is Mom Tanya. I don’t know what kind of mother I have. My mother likes any flowers. I don't like it when she puts me in a corner. I want to wish her well and health. (Sonya Lokteva). My mother’s name is Ksyusha, and I call her “princess”. My mother loves soup and Uncle Dima. She is so affectionate, she is already an adult and walks in heels. Her favorite color is black, but I don't like it. I would like to wish my mom health and happiness. (Ulyana Dushkina) My mom’s name is Oksana Yuryevna, my dad calls her Oksana or mommy. Mom has a beautiful face when she smiles; There is no such thing as an ugly mother. She can do a cartwheel. I wish her happiness. (Sasha Zubova) My mother’s name is Nina. My mother is good, beautiful, kind. My mother loves everything: my drawings, flowers, playing with me, cooking pies, soup, cabbage soup. I like the way she bakes pies. I want Santa Claus to give her a gift. And on her birthday, give your mother a cake. (Roma Popov). 3. Final stage. 1. Presentation of the project. 2. Celebration for March 8th “Mom is my sunshine”

While working on the project, children learned about pollution problems environment, we understood who and what harms nature, how we people in general and children in particular can help nature, animals, birds, insects, and sea inhabitants. Together with the parents, we composed stories - complaints on behalf of nature and its inhabitants. Developed rules for environmental protection. We won the asphalt drawing competition. (Grand Prix) Learned how to make crafts from natural and waste materials: shells, pebbles, cones, sticks, plastic bottles, vitamin jars, etc. Met with different techniques drawing with chalk, typing, drawing according to a diagram. Met with works of art: V. Bianki “Forest Houses”, K. Paustovsky “Hare Paws”, G. Skrebitsky “Forest Echo”, “Long-Nosed Fishermen”, N. Sladkov “Under Water”, “Forest Hiding Places”, “Naughty Kids”, “To Whom” help?”, V. Stepanov “Native Nature”; learned the poems: A. Berestov “Tree, flower, grass and bird...”, M. Marsh “Don’t let us down, my friend...”, “Don’t pick flowers, don’t...”; learned to write stories and engage in dialogue on the topic of the project.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 7 municipality Abinsky district


dedicated to Mother's Day

November 2015

Project passport

Project type: informational and creative

By number of participants: group

Project implementation period: medium term

(6.11.15 –27.11.15)

Project participants: middle group students and their parents, teacher, music director

Explanatory note

Relevance of the topic: On the eve of Mother's Day, I decided to have individual conversations with the children. During which I asked the children questions about their mothers (her full name, where and who she works for, her mother’s hobby, why they need a mother at all). And during these conversations, it turned out that children know practically nothing about their mothers. The reason is that children and parents have little time to communicate.

And then I decided to develop and implement a thematic project in my group. During the project, the tasks of expanding children's knowledge about their mother, raising the status of their mother, and instilling respect and love for her are being solved. After all, a child, from a very early age, must understand that the role of the mother in his life is quite large and has great value. The project will also provide an opportunity for children and mothers to communicate with each other both at home and in kindergarten, show mutual feelings for each other.


to cultivate a feeling of deep love, respect and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother


To deepen children's knowledge about the role of mother in their lives, through revealing the image of the mother in poetry, painting, music, and fiction;

Summarize the knowledge of preschool children about the international holiday - “Mother’s Day”;

Expand children’s knowledge about mothers’ professions;

Activate in speech words, concepts, generalizations related to the topic; develop coherent speech;

  • develop a sense of pride in your mother.

Develop the ability to understand and actively express the emotional experiences of loved ones;

To promote the development of creative abilities of pupils: to involve children in preparing for the holiday, in making gifts;

involve parents in joint creative activity with children;

To instill in children a desire to help their mother, to please her with their good deeds and deeds.

Project implementation forms:

Questioning of children and parents;

Joint event with parents “I offended my mother”;

Plot-role-playing games;

Visual activities;

Reading fiction and memorizing poems;

Musical activities;

  • didactic

(communicative and board-printed) games;

Finger gymnastics and dynamic pauses;

Entertainment “A Fairy Tale for Your Beloved Mother”;

And others.

Thematic meeting

“I offended my mother”

Communication on the topic:

“What kind of holiday is Mother’s Day? ",

“What does my mother do?”, “What will I do to please my mother?”

“How I Help Mom”, “Moms and Babies”,

“My mother loves...”, “My mommy,” etc.

Role-playing games:

“Family” (plots: “Mom at work”, “Mom and children”),

“Mothers and Daughters” (plots “Lullaby for a Daughter”,

“Help mom set the table”, “Help mom wash the dishes”)

and others.

Watching cartoons


"Mother for baby mammoth"

“And mom will forgive me”

Didactic games:

“Who can name more kind and kind words about mom”, “Give me a word” (on the topic “professions”), “Professions”, “What our mother can do!”,

“Who am I talking about”, “Who needs what”,

“Moms and Children”, “Describe Mom”, “Gift for Mom”

Reading and learning

works of fiction

Dynamic pauses:

“Our Mother”, “On the Window in Pots”

Finger gymnastics and games: “Big wash”, “Salad for mom”, “Helping mom”.

Organizing an exhibition of drawings and crafts

"Together with Mom"

Working on a photo book

"Mom's Helpers"

Mommy, I love you

Making the film "Mommy, I Love You"

Joint tea party with mothers


photo books

Project results:

The implementation of the project contributed to a deeper understanding by children of the ROLE of the mother in their lives, and by parents - the importance of an emotional and sensory response and support for their child.

The children not only got acquainted with this holiday, but also participated in various events with their mother, which contributed to the cohesion of parent-child relationships.

The guys realized that bringing joy is just as pleasant as receiving gifts. Through fiction, music, animation, play activity children acquired rich personal experience, which contributed to the development of the best moral qualities.

Parents and children were able to realize their desires and capabilities in artistic creativity, confirmed the opinion that MOTHER is always warmth, comfort, joy.

And the final event for the project - leisure “A Fairy Tale for a Beloved Mother”, showed high level interactions between parents, children and teachers.

Thank you for your attention!

November 2015

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