The name of the chemical element does not have a discoverer. Discovery of elements and origin of their names. Proper names of isotopes

Due to the increasing number of cases of attacks on women, it is necessary to be able to defend yourself. If you do not have the opportunity to take self-defense courses, then reinforce your knowledge with this article.

Remember, if a situation occurs that you are in danger and you decide to respond, then you need to do this with maximum confidence. If your gestures are hesitant, but are perceived as an attempt to resist, this can only further anger the enemy. If you hit, hit hard, remember - your life and health are at stake.

So, all girls know about the most sensitive point of men - groin. If your opponent grabs you, you can use this technique to get him to let you go. And then run away as quickly as possible. Because it is not yet clear how strong the blow you dealt and how quickly he can recover, but the fact that this will make him incredibly angry is for sure. Even if it seems to you that you have neutralized it, there is no point in standing and watching. We need to leave quickly. So, if the enemy is facing you, you need to hit him in the groin with a cupped palm. If the maniac is clearly taller, try to kick with all your might, while at the same time using your hands to yank the attacker’s clothes and shoulders down. Experts also recommend that in a critical situation not resist until the rapist undresses, which will help avoid aggression. Then you need to grab the scrotum, squeeze it tightly, pull it towards you and twist it to the side. After this you should quickly run away.

Following. If the enemy's throat is open, then you can use this against him. Place the fingers of your dominant hand in a pinch (all fingers together, fingertips touching each other) and poke firmly into the chest cavity from top to bottom or bottom to top (depending on the height of the offender) at an angle of 45 degrees. This technique causes severe coughing, watery eyes, sometimes bleeding from the throat and fainting.

Self-defense techniques for women very often include blows to the face. The enemy's weakest points are the eyes and nose. Thumbs both hands are stuck into the rapist's eyes, and the remaining fingers cling to the corner lower jaw the enemy is slightly below the ears and presses towards the movement of the thumbs. If for some reason you are unable to cope with the enemy, you can try this method: without letting go of his face from your hands, hit him against the wall with all your strength. Even the most fragile girl who grabs the attacker by the hair can take a person out of a capable state for a few seconds.

A blow to the ears. Cup both palms and forcefully strike the attacker's ears. Causes a painful shock, sometimes rupture of the eardrum. You can also grab the enemy’s ears with both hands and use a screw-like movement - sideways, towards you, down - twist them until he is on the ground.

A blow to the leg. If you are wearing heels, then use next appointment. Raising your foot, strike with force your heel on the instep of the opponent’s foot or on the toes, making trampling movements, as if you were squashing a cockroach. Also, if your shoes have a strong toe that is not too elongated, they can hit the lower third of a maniac’s shin.

If the enemy is facing you and is squeezing his throat to loosen his grip, punches to the eyes, nose, and throat (described above) will help. Then, simultaneously use your shoulder and forearm (if the opponent is holding you with his left hand, then you need to knock him down with his left shoulder) lean on the maniac’s hand, knock down the grip from top to bottom.

If you were attacked with a knife. Then you can try to force the enemy to throw it. Gotta try pinch his tendon. Grab his hand (which holds the knife), while turning your body to the left. Then try to hit your opponent's elbow with your right elbow. At the same time, continue to twist the maniac’s hand, while simultaneously moving the hand with the weapon back. Also remember that you can try to unclench the brush if you straighten it thumb and little finger.

Remember that in the event of an attack, you must consider any objects, either in your hand or lying nearby, as a potential weapon. If for you a bag is just a bag, then you will have a hard time. Let's assume that at some point you managed to get behind the enemy's back (for example, if there were two of you and he attacked a friend, or your husband is fighting with an attacker and you are behind), use your belt (can be a waist belt, or a bag). Place a belt around the enemy's neck and start making choking movements. The maniac will have difficulty breathing and will be temporarily neutralized. Or you can use the bag as a whip. Grab it tightly by the handles and hit the enemy's head with all your might several times.

A few words about defensive weapons. Gas weapons. It has many advantages, but it is useless to use for self-defense in enclosed spaces. The enemy, of course, will receive his share of coughing and pain in the eyes, but you will completely share it with him. When using weapons in open space, you should take into account the strength and direction of the wind. The wind can carry the gas curtain away from the enemy, or direct its effect towards you. In addition, the gas has little effect on alcoholics and drug addicts. Stun gun. Perhaps the most effective remedy. A two-second exposure will give about five minutes to escape. By using a stun gun, you protect yourself in a specific situation, preventing possible problems in the future (there are no traces left on the maniac except redness), which almost inevitably arise when using trauma. Trauma is, of course, very effective. But, I must warn you that now in legal practice there are many cases when the victim herself comes under investigation for inflicting grievous bodily harm on the attacker.

Remember the basic principles of self-defense:

  1. If you don’t want to be a victim, then try not to react to insults and attacks. It’s better to let it hurt you mentally than physically.
  2. It goes without saying that you should not visit sparsely populated, gloomy places.
  3. No matter how romantic it may be, you should not meet men on the street. There are a million known stories of cases where such a sweet acquaintance ended badly for a girl.
  4. If it is possible to avoid a fight (for example, by running away), then it is better to do so.
  5. If a company attacks you, you should identify the initiator-leader and be the first to neutralize him. The rest may hesitate after this and retreat.
  6. If you enter a sparsely populated room, such as an entrance, and see a group of people there, be prepared to repel a blow and try not to turn your back on the potential aggressor.
  7. If a fight is inevitable, look your enemy in the eye with confidence.
  8. Remember that the most effective strikes come from the elbow, knee and head.
  9. If you are attacked and you cannot respond, then try to cover your vital organs and call for help. Practice shows that when attacked by a maniac, the cry “Fire!” evokes more responses than shouting “Help!” But you can use anything as long as it helps.
  10. And of course, you shouldn’t put strangers in the car and open the door for strangers. No matter how nice and polite people may seem to you, remember that this may only be their mask. If you look at the criminal chronicles, you will see that the serial killer maniacs detained after many years looked completely normal.

In conclusion, I wish you never to encounter such situations. Be careful, good luck!

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In the previous article, we looked at common cases of hooligan harassment of girls, which can develop into a threat to their health. However, it is often clear from the outset that the attack will entail serious consequences, incl. threat to life. These are cases when a person (a girl, in this case) finds herself in a borderline situation, and her continued existence in this world depends on how decisively and automatically (without thinking) she acts.
It is precisely such situations that require especially careful training with a much stronger opponent, and most importantly, psychological preparation.
Moreover, there can be no real psychological preparation apart from
practices. Accordingly, the only thing we can recommend that can
work in a real situation - constant intense training under
qualified management. Everything else is just a means of complacency,
valid until the moment of attack, after which - lethargy, numbness or panic, and - a tragic end...
So, let's look at some typical cases of threats from a man. Basically, they are an attempt at rape, or transportation (for example, a way to drag into an entrance, a car, etc.). Most often, a bladed weapon is used for this - a knife or its “substitute” - a screwdriver, a sharpener, etc. Only in the case when the attacker has a great advantage in strength, is confident in himself, does he rely on his bare hands.

The attacker grabbed the girl by the back of her hair (braid) and put the knife point to her throat (photo 1). Grasping the arm of your attacker with both hands, pull the knife down while
moving to the side (photo 2). In this position, the knife temporarily ceases to be dangerous.
As you continue to move sideways and back, lower your center of gravity into a wide, stable position (Photo 3). At the same time, press the knife as tightly as possible to yourself, as shown in photo 4.
Roll under the attacker's hand, using the flat of the knife as a lever, twist
his hand and force him to release the weapon (photo 5). If aggression continues, feel free to use a knife in self-defense!

Photo 6 shows such a grip: it allows you to simultaneously control the elbow with one hand and perform a choke with the other hand. The attacker, bending over, presses the girl tightly to himself and drags her forward.
Pulling the captured hand towards you, turn sideways towards the attacker and free
use your hand to strike or poke him in the eyes (photo 7).
Now rotate in the other direction, under the rapist's hand, as in the previous technique. Bend the captured arm and pull it towards the stomach, and with your free hand grab his hand, as shown in photo 8. Continuing to rotate, dive under his hand and pull it towards you, twisting the hand and pressing on the elbow (photo 9). In this way, you can break the grip or bend the attacker.
Hitting the bridge of the nose with the shin or toe of a shoe can serve as one of the simplest and most reliable methods of completion (photo 10).

3. THREAT with a knife while sitting on TOP (PHOTO 11).
Push your armed hand into the elbow (photo 12) when the attacker loses his balance
and rest his other hand on the ground, stick your fingers into his eyes, this may disorient him for a moment.
Press tightly against the attacker, wrap your arms around him, pressing his shoulder to his head (photo 13). Having choked it a little, sharply bend at the waist, throwing your hips up, and turn on your stomach towards the clamped hand (photo 14).
Continue to apply pressure to his shoulder, preventing his arm from bending, and twist him to his side (Photo 15). One of the painful holds on the elbow will be the end of the technique. For example, shift your entire body weight forward, pressing sharply on the elbow of the opponent’s straightened arm (photo 16).
If he does not release the weapon this time, strike the bridge of the nose (photo 17), and then take the weapon away without losing control of the elbow (photo 18). By the way, one of simple options At the end of this technique (especially if the opponent cannot be turned onto his side), the elbow lever is “crossed”, pinching it between the legs, known and popular, for example, in judo, and therefore does not require additional description.

4. THREAT of a knife from the SIDE of the legs.
It is often used during rape attempts as a sure-fire means of “persuading” the victim not to resist (photo 19).
Grab the armed hand tightly by the wrist with both hands and, placing your knee on the rapist's chest, pull it towards you (photo 20).
Pressing your hand tightly to your shoulder to prevent cutting movements,
throw your leg over the attacker's head and bring your knees tightly together, pressing on his elbow (photo 21). Now, turning on your side, push his elbow until you knock the opponent onto his stomach (photo 22). This is quite possible, because you act not only with your legs, but with your whole body on one of the opponent’s elbow joints. Take the knife under threat (or after!) of a broken arm (photo 23).

5. THREAT with a knife from the SIDE of the legs (DEFENSE OPTION).
The opponent attacks as shown in photo 19. Having grabbed his hand (photo 20), cross your legs on his neck in a triangle (photo 24). Having strangled the rapist with your feet, strike him with your fist (photo 25), and then, breaking his elbow, force him to release the weapon (photo 26).

6. NECK CLAMP under the armpit with HAIR GRIP (PHOTO 27)
Perhaps a blow to the groin (photo 28) will make the technique somewhat easier to perform. In any case, break free or restore balance when heavy and strong man presses the neck down, not really. Therefore, grab his genitals or, as a last resort, his pants (photo 29), sit down even lower and perform a tackle, pushing your leg between his legs as deep as possible. At the same time, turn your entire body in the direction
throw (photo 30).
Hitting the head on the ground should shock the aggressor enough to break his grip (photo 31).
If he ends up on his side, grab him top hand(photo 32), press it down with your knee (photo 33), hit the Adam’s apple with one hand and, squeezing it, deliver the finishing blow with the other (photo 34 - main drawing). Sometimes, however, it would be more accurate to flee, freeing yourself from the “bear hug”!
This manual can hardly serve as a manual for self-defense; rather, it is a “manual” for an instructor. After all, only a qualified interpretation of the technique will make the technique work.

The technique is demonstrated by a multiple winner of the Russian, European and World Games, holder of a black belt in jujutsu Maria Shkvarunets.

Tair Narimanov
international jujutsu instructor, 6th dan
Magazine "Martial Arts of the Planet"


Self-defense is actions taken to protect oneself, loved ones or property against an aggressor. It is incorrect to understand self-defense as only strikes, painful holds or shots from a weapon. From many dangerous situations You can get out through negotiations, persuasion, and finally, just run away.

However, if you are determined not to retreat or give up, you should start learning self-defense by assessing your own physical condition, according to which you need to choose the path along which you will develop. For strong young people, studying or (disciplines closest to) is suitable, while for fragile young people it is better to take up aikido, or study methods of defense using self-defense weapons.

There are a lot of video courses on self-defense, and choosing among them can be difficult. Immediately weed out those that offer guaranteed results in the shortest possible time. Miracles do not happen, and any professional knows that it takes months of training to perform the simplest blows. At the same time, you should not choose particularly exotic and complex martial arts, designed for very high level physical training. So, for example, in one of the Wushu schools, a beginner is asked to perform a backflip in the third lesson. In most dangerous situations, such abilities will not be useful to you. Select golden mean, for example, the same boxing.

In addition to training in the self-defense course program, regularly perform general physical training exercises. Running, push-ups, pull-ups, working with dumbbells or a barbell are just as necessary as knowledge of combat techniques. After all, even without any special martial arts skills, you will be less likely to attract potential aggressors with your athletic appearance.


Karate is the oldest martial art that came to us from Japan. This art of defense and attack is based on punches or kicks, i.e. without using weapons. Anyone can learn karate techniques, from a child to a pensioner.


First of all, you need to get an idea of ​​both the type and means of self-defense. Read on the Internet thematic sites dedicated to different styles and karate schools. Choose the most for yourself suitable directions. And also remember those that are absolutely not suitable for you (for example, the Kyokushin direction is considered the most difficult and tough of all karate directions).

Next, when you have decided on the desired styles, you need a section. Check out local ads sports schools. They are constantly recruiting groups of both those who want to learn and more trained athletes who want to raise their level of skill. Or, if you heard about a certain section in your city, or about a karate school with good reviews, inquire there. If the result is worth it and the activities bring pleasure, then it is better to spend the extra time on the road.

Before making your final decision, be sure to meet the coach (in karate schools, the coach is called a “sensei”). It is imperative that you have developed a good relationship with your future mentor. Only an experienced sensei can not only teach good karate techniques and teach how to fight, but also educate.

Once you start training, don’t forget to continue educating yourself. Watch thematic films dedicated to the great karate warriors, the founders of karate schools, as well as films that educate the spirit of war. Ask your sensei to recommend you special literature on martial arts in general and karate in particular. And don't forget to spend time on general physical training. Without good physical shape, you will not be able to master basic karate techniques and learn how to fight well.


Once you have learned to fight, do not abuse your skills. Firstly, the enemy may be stronger. Secondly, the best fight is the one that was avoided.

Helpful advice

You can learn a lot useful information, attending seminars of recognized karate masters, as well as competitions and demonstrations. Being around great athletes boosts morale.


  • Website about martial arts and martial arts

A sword is a cutting weapon with a double-edged blade, the length of which should not be less than the length of the forearm. Role-playing games and reconstructed battles require the ability to hold a weapon. In such cases, different swords can be used, and each has its own characteristics. Most often, European weapons are used in re-enactments of European battles.

You will need

  • - textolite or wooden sword.


Regardless of whether the weapon is left-handed or right-handed, the sword is held in one hand. Bend your elbow halfway. Take the sword hilt, lift it with the blade up and tilt it slightly forward at an angle of approximately 30°C to the vertical. It should not be held too tightly in your hand. The coverage should be soft. Otherwise, the attacker can easily knock it out of your hands, severely hitting your hand.

Great importance has a stance - body position. Stand towards the intended enemy on the side in which hand you hold the sword. Spread your legs so that your heels are shoulder-width apart. If the sword is in right hand, the right foot is directed towards the enemy, and the left is perpendicular to it. If a left-handed person holds the sword, then there will be left hand s and left foot. This position provides maximum protection for the body, since it is, as it were, “in the shadow” of the sword. The ability to repel enemy blows is achieved with minimal movements of the hand holding the sword.

If the enemy strikes from above from the right or left side, reflect them by raising the sword up and moving the hand in the direction from which the blow is struck. This will place your sword in a position ready to counterattack from above. In the case of a low left or right blow, deflect the attack by lowering the blade down and deflecting the blow to the side from which the attack was made. In this case, your sword will be at the beginning of the trajectory, which will allow you to spin the enemy’s weapon. You can then attack with an overhead slash by stepping forward.

It should be noted that when working with a sword, it is necessary to ensure not forceful control of it, but correction of the movement of the weapon already spinning in the air. This simultaneously saves strength and protects the fighter from blows that could knock the sword out of his hand.

If you have a two-handed sword, take it in one hand too. The second hand in this case helps turn the sword, holding it by the pommel, or serves to intercept if the fighter confidently works with both.


Both when repelling a blow and when attacking, make sure that the elbow of the hand holding the sword is not vulnerable to the enemy. To do this, it is recommended to work more with the brush and move the whole body.

Remember the golden rule of knighthood: “The sword is an extension of the hand.”

Sometimes you can find yourself in a situation where you need to resort to forceful methods to solve the problem. Even if you have a categorically negative attitude towards this method and prefer to peacefully resolve conflicts through words, a fight with an aggressive opponent may be inevitable.

Is it worth using force?

Before using force, you need to make sure that it is really necessary. Maybe just saying a few words calmly is enough.

Apply physical strength necessary in several cases:
- if the enemy wants to take away property from you or your companion;
- if he swung at you or your companion;
- if he pesters you with threats to use physical force against you and does not respond to reasonable words.

If one of these situations occurs, you may use force to protect yourself and your companion.

If you are attacked by one enemy

If you find yourself in this position, there is no need to lose your composure. You should behave as calmly and coolly as possible. Because, in fact, the outcome of the fight largely depends on this. In addition, you need to confidently and aggressively look into the eyes of your opponent and not look away. This method greatly affects the enemy psychologically. There is a chance that this may simply make him scared and retreat without harming you, or his self-confidence will noticeably decrease.

To defeat your opponent in a fight, you need to have no pity for him. Otherwise, your blow will be too weak, and you will find yourself a target for your angry enemy. It should be remembered that in a situation where you are protecting your dignity, health or life, sentimentality is inappropriate.

Understanding that you are acting fairly will give you an influx of strength and an advantage over your opponent.

If your opponent is significantly superior to you in terms of physical characteristics, you need to attack as quickly and unexpectedly as possible. It's best to aim at the most vulnerable spot the enemy - for example, in the groin area, on the kneecap or in the throat.

You can hit your opponent in the nose with your fist. When your blow reaches its target, and it is delivered correctly - sharply and strongly, you will dominate your opponent. After this, it will be much easier to suppress your opponent psychologically, and it will become easier for you to fight. Don't miss the moment while your enemy recovers from the first blow. Give him a few more - this will give you a significant advantage over him. Most likely, after this the battle will be won by you.

If you are attacked by a crowd

It may also happen that several aggressive people approach you at once. In such a situation, perhaps the most the right decision there will be flight because it will be difficult for you to resist them. But if you couldn’t escape, you need to move some distance away from them. This is done to ensure that all opponents are in your field of vision. This will make your situation much easier and you will be able to easily dodge blows.

Remember: if you are attacked by several opponents, it is better to fight their leader first. When you defeat him, acting decisively and ruthlessly, the fight may end completely.

In addition, you should get rid of unnecessary things that may bother you. These include scarves, ties and long ones. After this, carefully look around. Perhaps there will be a stick or piece of reinforcement lying next to you, with which you can safely attack. Strikes must be struck confidently and calmly.

Remember that you don't have to hold your fist all the time.

To learn how to fight, you should seek help from a professional who will not only show and teach fighting techniques by personal example, but will also explain the theory in detail, because this is the foundation of any martial art. It is necessary to begin the physical part of the battle after comprehending its spiritual side.

It is a misconception to consider a fight as aimless waving of legs and arms. This attitude leads to losing the battle. To win, you need to study the enemy as much as possible, comprehend the purpose of the fight and the essence of victory. This is possible if you firmly grasp the philosophy of combat. Don't neglect the help of a professional. After all, it’s better to pay a small amount of money for an activity once than to pay with your health in the future when fate brings you together with a more experienced opponent.

How to quickly build muscle

Before starting a workout, it is worth remembering that the intensity physical exercise First of all, it must be comparable to the individual capabilities of the body. You should not overexert yourself during the first lessons; this will not increase the effect; on the contrary, sprains, injuries and severe muscle pain are possible.

It is worth noting that the growth rate muscle mass directly depends on the correctly selected set of exercises, proper nutrition during the training period and the number of approaches. You should not exclusively load one muscle group. At each lesson, it is necessary to maximally use several muscle groups, for example, when pumping up the biceps, it is also recommended to pump up the abs and back muscles. Experts recommend increasing the number of approaches gradually.

To quickly build muscle mass, it is worth increasing the consumption of animal and vegetable protein during the training period. In this case, horse meat, poultry and beef are most suitable.

You should temporarily reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume and forget about fats. To increase muscle size, never use hormonal steroids. The effect of these drugs is only temporary. Remember: steroids negatively affect all body systems.

To pump up muscles, you can use a simple bar. By pulling yourself up every day, you can see a positive result in just a short period of time. The exercise should be performed with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing inward. When doing pull-ups, do not forget about proper breathing. It should be smooth and calm. As we rise up, we take a deep breath. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. Pull-ups have a beneficial effect on the abdominal muscles, back and arms.

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