Why cut a finger on your right hand? What does it mean to cut a finger on your hand? Signs associated with specific fingers

Among the Slavic magical rituals Christmas ones are the most famous, and even a beginner can interpret wax fortune telling. The symbols and images that fortunetellers distinguish from a wax pattern contain energy and information corresponding real life. Only fantastic or fairy-tale characters or accessories have a special uncharacteristic meaning.

In the article:

Interpretation of fortune telling on wax - obvious and hidden patterns

The rules for performing fortune telling with wax both on Christmas Eve or Christmastide, and at other times are very simple. Apart from natural wax, spring water and privacy, no special conditions are required. You can pour wax melted in a spoon onto the water, or wax dripping directly from a burning candle.

The most painstaking task is to discern in the wax figure symbols or objects that are significant for predicting future events. Sometimes the image is impossible to identify, and the only way to understand what the figure represents is to look at its shadow through candlelight. The interpretation is as true as the pattern.

The meaning of the symbols in wax divination does not depend on the purpose of the ritual. Both in rituals for determining significant events in the future, and in rituals for detecting damage or the evil eye, drawings are interpreted in the same way. Only images of people can have opposite characteristics, both positive and negative.

Unambiguously positive meanings of wax figures in fortune telling

There are symbols that are always associated only with positive emotions and events. Is it possible to assume that the image Angela could mean something bad rather than good news and great news? As an eternal symbol of good luck, Horseshoe, can predict troubles, but a reliable symbol of marriage, Ring, anything else? Absolutely true: there are images whose interpretation is unambiguous.

Prospects for material well-being and the receipt of monetary profits are indicated by such figures as Grape, Coins, Wallet. Images tell about unconditional success in business and personal life Trefoil, Crowns, parrot. Signs of a happy development of love relationships, naturally, are Heart, Wreath, Tower, A Egg, Basket, Stork or Embryo are guaranteed to predict a new addition to the family.

Ladder- to career growth, Key- to solve the problem, Automobile, Ship- to travel. In fact, the meaning of symbols is precisely how it is associated in the human mind. If the image is positive, it predicts positive events related to the area in which its meaning is most natural.

Wax divination meanings warning of danger

No matter how wild human imagination may be, to assume that Coffin, Scull, Cross or Crow No one can show cloudless, happy events. That’s right - this is a set of the most unpleasant prospects regarding health, life and plans. The only positive aspect in such a situation is the timely interpretation of wax fortune telling and the opportunity to change the course of events.
If during the ritual an image is formed Bottles, Shot glasses or Glass, It is necessary to make every effort to combat the addiction to alcohol of someone close to you, whose life may go downhill due to this addiction. Eye, Fork, Bull, Monkey,Snake- insincerity, deception, hidden envy, insidious plans of secret enemies - unexpected threats from people who were considered friends or well-wishers. Rope, and even with knots, is as unfavorable as Mountains or Cell- these are difficulties that will definitely have to be overcome in order for everything to be fine in the future.

But with people's faces the situation is much more complicated. Here you should focus only on internal sensations. If the image of a person, be it a man or a woman, evokes a feeling of inexplicable anxiety or unpleasant emotions, problems are likely and difficult situations emanating from friends or close relatives. You need to be alert to those around you; you may be able to prevent threats.

Material symbols of fortune telling on wax

If the ritual is performed by melting a candle, a large number of separately frozen drops are obtained, which can be mistakenly labeled as coins. This will be an incorrect value. It is better to focus on the image in material matters Chest, A bag full or, oddly enough, Spider. It is these figures that always prophesy the receipt of money.

Spiral warns of possible fraud, there is a real threat of losing money. The same perspective shines when depicting Empty bag. The most unfavorable symbol for financial situation is Shark- a very influential and invincible person plans to destroy your material well-being.

The good thing about the wax ceremony is that it allows you to see in advance the impending danger of losing money or your own business. Even if it is not possible to prevent an unpleasant event, worries about this will be much easier than they could be.

Special fortune telling with wax on water - interpretation of damage and the evil eye

A very important type of fortune telling with wax is pouring out damage and the evil eye. This ritual differs from the standard one in minor details. The wax should be poured onto the water over the head of the person who is suspected of having magical effects, it is advisable to place three icons on the table, and before the ceremony the 90th Psalm should be read. There are no clear time conditions for damage and the evil eye.
Typically this ritual shows an image of the body parts or organs that have been attacked. Head indicates the impact on thoughts, Heart- the ability to love, hands - for the opportunity to work, legs- move around. A pattern that is difficult to distinguish is visible in the same way as when ordinary fortune telling: through the light as a shadow.

Quite often, such a ritual helps to see where the damage came from. By carefully studying the image, you can actually see the face of a person who wishes evil. But if clearly imprinted on the wax Boomerang- you'll have to blame yourself. As in life, this attribute means the return of negativity that was sent by you, consciously or unwittingly.

Fortune telling with wax is a traditional Old Slavonic entertainment before Christmas. Both young girls and mature ladies resort to him. Even beginners can interpret Christmas fortune-telling using wax and water. You just need to show your imagination and use your imagination to recognize the formed wax figures. The most favorable time for wax casting is the night before Christmas. By folk beliefs, the line between the otherworldly and outside world is most subtle on this night.

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    Wax fortune telling

    For this fortune telling you will need a minimum of available means: water, wax candle or natural wax. You need to carry out the ritual at night, without strangers, left alone with your thoughts and concentrating on own desires and goals.

      The color of the candle depends on the purpose of fortune-telling: a red or pink candle is suitable for questions about love, a green candle is suitable for questions about health, and a yellow or golden candle is suitable for clarifying the financial situation. If a fortuneteller has a lot of questions of various nature, he can light several colored candles.

      You can melt the wax in a separate container and pour it into water. Another option: light a candle and wait until it starts to melt (about an hour). First you need to formulate a clear question and say it out loud. The wax should be poured in one place, the hand should remain motionless. Then you need to wait a while for the wax patterns to be marked and carefully analyze the resulting images. Sometimes symbols can have a double meaning - in this case, you should listen to your inner voice and choose the appropriate interpretation.

      If a figurine formed from molten wax has a favorable meaning, then it should be preserved; if it has a negative meaning, it should be buried away from home to avoid unpleasant consequences.

      Interpretation of wax symbols and signs

      The meaning of figures and various signs according to the alphabet.

      Letter A:

  1. 1. Apricot. This symbol is typical for a temperamental and hot-tempered nature. These character traits will bring many problems to a woman. If a fortune-telling girl has a soulmate, the chosen one will disdain the close people and relatives of his beloved.
  2. 2. Stork. An excellent sign that promises family well-being, the birth of a healthy child and testifies to a person’s enormous creative potential.
  3. 3. Car. Image vehicle portends a short trip or a romantic trip, an outing with friends.
  4. 4. Angel. A sign of dramatic changes in the life of a person who should not always rely on the help of family and friends, but needs to learn independence and take responsibility for his actions.
  5. 5. Amphora. The chosen one is not ready to build a serious and long-term relationship with the girl, he is simply fooling her.
  6. 6. Arch. Traveling abroad, the onset of a new stage in life.
  7. 7. Watermelon. This berry testifies to the strength of spirit, determination, ambition and leadership qualities of a young lady.
  8. 8. Pineapple. The lover constantly doubts his feelings, he cannot decide on his preferences and will cause a lot of suffering to the girl.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Eggplant. The girl underestimates herself, she should be more confident in own strength. If wax is poured to tell fortunes on a lover, this vegetable is a bad sign and promises misunderstanding, disagreements in relationships and alienation.
  2. 2. Ballerina. Great dependence on other people's opinions, inability to make decisions independently, useless pastime, failures in professional activities.
  3. 3. Bow. You should show more care and kindness towards people from your close circle, so that in difficult times they will come to the rescue.
  4. 4. Banana. The past will remind itself in the near future; past events will negatively affect the girl’s love relationships. A young lady is capable of betraying her chosen one and causing him severe mental pain.
  5. 5. Drum. Loss of reputation due to the fault of your loved one, hypocrisy, gossip, other people's gossip.
  6. 6. Battery. There will always be a person next to the girl whom you can rely on in difficult situations. life situation, he is loyal and honest, he will never betray.
  7. 7. Bank. Deep disappointment, vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams.
  8. 8. Tower. Internal changes, spiritual growth and self-development, emotional uplift, rapid rise up the career ladder.
  9. 9. Shoe or boot. Life changes, a sense of security and justice.
  10. 10. Loaf. If a married lady saw such a sign, it means that she has connected her life with a superficial and frivolous person whose family occupies one of the last places in his life. The lover does not pay enough attention to his wife and children, he is cold and cruel. If the sign appeared during fortune telling for an unmarried girl, then she needs to be careful in choosing a life partner.
  11. 11. Binoculars. You should carefully weigh your decision and not exaggerate your capabilities.
  12. 12. Damn. The young lady will have to be alone for a long time.
  13. 13. Bomb. You need to control your emotions, otherwise a huge scandal will happen. The girl risks ruining her relationships with all her loved ones due to her explosive nature.
  14. 14. Glass. Great prospects for the future, amazing opportunities. Fate gives you a unique chance, you can’t miss it.
  15. 15. Bagel. The young lady will be deeply disappointed in her lover, because he is not what he seems.
  16. 16. Letters or numbers. Clear symbols promise positive changes, good news, while blurred symbols promise negative changes, sad news. If there are dots next to the letters, this portends a big profit. Numbers can foreshadow events that will occur on a date that is associated with these symbols, and letters can mean the name of the person who will play important role in the life of a fortuneteller.
  17. 17. Bottle. You should not give in to temptation, you need to control yourself and limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  18. 18. Bouquet. An invitation to a special event, a nice gift from a loved one, a romantic date.
  19. 19. Alarm clock. You should put everything aside and pay due attention to your health, otherwise serious problems may arise.
  20. 20. Bust. Neglect family values for the sake of material benefits. We must not forget about loved ones, because they can turn away from a person and he will remain completely alone.

Letter B:

  1. 1. Vase. Mental harmony, calmness, peace, contentment with your life.
  2. 2. Bicycle. You need to show more perseverance and hard work to achieve your goal.
  3. 3. Rope. A negative sign that promises troubles, mental and physical suffering, insurmountable obstacles.
  4. 4. Wreath. Joyful, happy event, fun pastime, fulfillment cherished desire, nice chores.
  5. 5. Fan. Major troubles in professional activities, clarification of relations with household members, misunderstanding in relationships with a lover, his coldness.
  6. 6. Grapes. Big love, family wealth, well-being, abundance and prosperity.
  7. 7. Fork. You should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Among these people there is a man who wishes harm to the fortuneteller and weaves intrigues against him.

Letter G:

  1. 1. Kettlebell. The person has a difficult character and cannot find common language with others. There is no need to be so rigid and categorical so as not to complicate your life.
  2. 2. Nail. A loved one uses a young lady for his own selfish purposes; he is greedy and hypocritical.
  3. 3. Guitar. Family harmony, complete understanding with the lover and household members, peace of mind, tranquility.
  4. 4. Eye. In your close circle there is an ill-wisher, a deceiver, a hypocrite.
  5. 5. Mushroom. Long and happy life a fortune-telling person and people dear to him, a joyful surprise, an unexpected event positive character.
  6. 6. Pear. A sign of monetary profit, harmonious relationships and the successful completion of an important stage in life.
  7. 7. Coffin. Bad sign, foreshadowing a serious illness and imminent death.
  8. 8. Goose. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected developments, receiving an invitation to an important event.
  9. 9. Lips. Sensuality, passion, intimate caresses, a sign of a temperamental nature.

Letter D:

  1. 1. Sofa. Passive lifestyle, laziness, indifference, apathy.
  2. 2. Door. A new stage of life will soon begin, which can bring both positive and negative changes.
  3. 3. Tree. If the branches are directed upward - a happy event, if they are lowered - deep sadness, a boring pastime, irresistible melancholy.
  4. 4. Home. Buying real estate, changing place of residence, marriage, household chores.
  5. 5. Road. Unique opportunities open up before a person, fate gives a chance to improve life. You should take advantage of it so that you don’t regret the lost time later.

Letter Z:

  1. 1. Acorn. Creative inspiration, new business idea, useful pastime.
  2. 2. Woman. Friend or rival.

Letter Z:

  1. 1. Castle. New acquaintance new love, change of activity, transition to a new job.
  2. 2. Child embryo. The embryo symbolizes the birth of a new idea, plans, a new stage in life. A clear drawing - all endeavors will be crowned with success, a vague one - you need to analyze your goals and desires and not make hasty decisions.
  3. 3. Star. The fulfillment of a secret desire, the achievement of an intended goal, the implementation of plans, career growth.
  4. 4. Umbrella. Minor household troubles, disputes, occurrence conflict situation in a relationship with a loved one, a tense atmosphere at home.
  5. 5. Question mark. Changeability, uncertainty, indecision.
  6. 6. Comma. Mystery, riddle, intrigue in a relationship with a lover.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Needle. The person is too vulnerable and susceptible to other people's comments.

Letter K:

  1. 1. Drop. Many small ones - to financial profit, one big one - easy money, receiving an inheritance.
  2. 2. Stone. The girl's lover is impractical, he does not possess strong character and succumbs to momentary weaknesses.
  3. 3. Cabbage. Cheerfulness, positive thinking, good nature.
  4. 4. Card (playing card). The chosen one does not reciprocate, he is cold and indifferent.
  5. 5. Saucepan. Material losses, loss of a valuable item, large waste of money.
  6. 6. Square. Comfort, stability, family well-being.
  7. 7. Key. Believing in yourself will help you fulfill your cherished dream and achieve great success in your work.
  8. 8. Book. Self-education, self-improvement, acquiring new skills and knowledge, broadening one’s horizons.
  9. 9. Wheel. The onset of a new stage of life, big changes.
  10. 10. Ring. A sign of an imminent marriage, a magnificent wedding. If the ring is broken, the marriage will not last long. If there are many dots next to this image, the person will receive a lucrative business offer.
  11. 11. Ship. Romantic trip, long-term business trip, forced separation from loved ones.
  12. 12. Comet. An unexpected turn, a rapid development of events.
  13. 13. Crown. Respect and general recognition, rapid career growth, material prosperity. Everything planned will become a reality in the near future.
  14. 14. Wallet. Spending money, a long-awaited purchase.
  15. 15. Cross. Unsuccessful life period, chronic bad luck, deteriorating health, troubles at home and at work.
  16. 16. Circle. Completion of a stage in a person’s life, achievement of a goal.
  17. 17. Bed. A person needs good rest and change of scenery.

Letter L:

  1. 1. Lemon. Strong envy, moral dissatisfaction, mental anguish, dissatisfaction with one’s life.
  2. 2. Leaves. Happy event, luck, financial prosperity.
  3. 3. Spoon. Unexpected guests, dinner party, family feast.

Letter M:

  1. 1. Medal. Your hard work will be greatly appreciated.
  2. 2. Lightning. Irresponsibility and frivolity of a person will lead to disastrous consequences.
  3. 3. Hammer. You need to be responsible for your words and take responsibility for your actions.
  4. 4. Monster. The dark side of personality, vicious hobbies.
  5. 5. Man. A new admirer, a short-term romance or a long and strong relationship with your lover.
  6. 6. Ball. An unsuccessful life period will soon be replaced by positive events and great joy.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Handcuffs. Addictions, violation of the law, disregard for ethical and ethical standards, restriction of freedom of action.
  2. 2. Scissors. A person should decide on his desires and goals and get rid of negative memories. Need to do difficult choice to move on and develop.

Letter O:

  1. 1. Cloud. Emotional uplift, creative inspiration, burst of energy. Great inner potential, dreamy and receptive nature.
  2. 2. Glasses. Illusory perception of reality, self-deception.

Letter P:

  1. 1. Web. Unjustified risk, participation in an adventure, dubious event. The ill-wisher weaves intrigues behind the back of the fortuneteller.
  2. 2. Palm tree. A serene and happy life, a family vacation, a romantic trip, a trip with friends, exciting adventures, a holiday romance, a fun time, vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions.
  3. 3. Feather. Low level of concentration, inability to bring work started to its logical conclusion.
  4. 4. Hourglass. It's time to make a responsible decision.
  5. 5. Pistol. A huge family scandal, great danger.
  6. 6. Train. Business trip, moving to another city or country.
  7. 7. Horseshoe. A favorable period in the life of a fortuneteller, successful business negotiations, family idyll, material stability.

Letter P:

  1. 1. Child. The appearance of offspring, an early pregnancy, a new business project.
  2. 2. Rose. The fulfillment of a secret desire in the near future.
  3. 3. Hand. Strong friendly connection, comradely help and support.
  4. 4. Mermaid. Temptation, deception, cunning of an ill-wisher, gossip, slander, female deceit.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Airplane. If you are directed upward - a quick journey, if downward - defeat, collapse of hopes, broken dreams, vain expectations.
  2. 2. Heart. With heartfelt affection, sincere and bright feelings, great and mutual love.
  3. 3. Candle. A gala event, a significant event, an imminent wedding.
  4. 4. Cigarette. A person cannot make the right decision and complete what he started; he gets distracted by trifles and does not notice the true state of things.
  5. 5. Sickle (lunar). Life changes of a fundamental nature are coming.
  6. 6. Rock. Life obstacles on the way to the intended goal, insurmountable difficulties.
  7. 7. Sun. Talents, creativity, great opportunities, the birth of a child, a favorable stage in all areas of life.
  8. 8. Spiral. Everything secret will soon become clear, the past will make itself felt.
  9. 9. Glass. Poor health, emotional vulnerability, physical malaise, moral devastation.
  10. 10. Wall. A symbol of alienation, misunderstanding, conflicts with household members and disagreements in the work team.
  11. 11. Arrow. Bad news, unpleasant incident.
  12. 12. Steps. Climbing the career ladder, increasing one's position, general recognition, respect from people close to one another.

Letter T:

  1. 1. Telephone. An important event, a serious conversation. A person does not always say what he really thinks.
  2. 2. Point. Financial profit, appearance additional source income.
  3. 3. Axe. Problem situations at home and at work. Conflict and harshness of character will bring a lot of trouble to the young lady.
  4. 4. Pumpkin. Dramatic changes of a positive nature, new job, love relationship, change of scenery.

Letter F:

  1. 1. Flag. Risk of injury and physical injury. For unmarried girls such a symbol promises a wedding with a military man.

Letter X:

  1. 1. Bread. Good sign, symbolizing abundance, financial well-being, good health and longevity.

Letter C:

  1. 1. Flower. Brilliant opportunities positive mood, peace of mind, tranquility. The desired will soon become a reality, plans will come true.
  2. 2. Church. Oath of fidelity and devotion, wedding ceremony, spiritual heritage.

Letter H:

  1. 1. Cup. Small joys in life, pleasant time with friends.

Letter Ш:

  1. 1. Pants. A dual situation, a person has to make a difficult choice.

Letter I:

  1. 1. Apple. A symbol of health, success, prosperity, happiness and love. If the fruit is bitten or wrinkled, a person needs to resist temptation or momentary temptation in order to achieve what he wants.
  2. 2. Egg. Radical changes are coming, a new stage of life, new ideas and opportunities, brilliant prospects.
  3. 3. Anchor. High position in society. The personality is socially significant and enjoys success with the opposite sex. Temporary difficulties, which will soon be replaced by great joy.
  4. 4. Pit. The imminent death of the fortuneteller or a person from his close circle.

The meaning of animals and birds

Deciphering the appearance of wax outlines of birds and flying creatures in the water:

  1. 1. Stork. Family happiness, life harmony, bursts of creative inspiration, creation.
  2. 2. Raven. Deep sadness, difficult life period, health problems.
  3. 3. Dragon. A person has high ambitions, he cannot sit in one place for a long time and constantly strives to develop and reach the top. The young lady knows what she wants and is used to always winning.
  4. 4. Chicken or chicken. Mutual understanding in personal relationships, establishing business connections.
  5. 5. Swan. A long-awaited letter, positive news from distant relatives or friends.
  6. 6. Bird. Good news, a pleasant meeting with an old friend or school friend.
  7. 7. Duck. Luck, success in all endeavors.
  8. 8. Heron. A negative attitude towards life and past grievances prevent you from fully developing and achieving greater heights. A girl needs to change from the inside to become successful.


  1. 1. Butterfly. Positive changes in all areas of life, acceptance the right decision, getting rid of negative emotions.
  2. 2. Fly. Internal irritation, disharmony, gossip and intrigue, loss of reputation.
  3. 3. Spider. Stable financial situation, exposing a cunning enemy, he will not have time to carry out his insidious plan.
  4. 4. Bee. A person will become successful thanks to his hard work and determination.
  5. 5. Snail. Slowness, suspiciousness, lack of self-confidence.

Animals and magical creatures:

  1. 1. Alligator. Unforeseen circumstances, unexpected developments, emotional shock.
  2. 2. Ram. A person is stubborn and believes that any methods can be used to achieve his own goals and satisfy his ambitions, but such beliefs will become a big problem in building a serious relationship.
  3. 3. Badger. The chosen one is not ready to change for the sake of the girl, he lives in his illusory world and does not notice obvious things.
  4. 4. Squirrel. The girl is reasonable and thrifty, she knows how to think logically and worries about her future.
  5. 5. Hippopotamus. Love and strong affection, but the beloved is thick-skinned and does not know how to show tender feelings to his chosen one.
  6. 6. Bull. Great danger, a threat to the health and life of the fortuneteller.
  7. 7. Wolf. The girl’s chosen one is bold and courageous, he has great ambitions and always achieves what he wants. Due to the firmness of the lover’s character and his uncompromising nature, serious disagreements and scandals can arise.
  8. 8. Giraffe. Illusions, daydreaming, rich imagination, a sign of a romantic and subtle nature.
  9. 9. Hare. Internal fears, fear of approaching danger, bad feeling.
  10. 10. Snake. Great danger, enemy cunning, serious illness.
  11. 11. Hedgehog. You will have to show firmness and determination and go against the opinions of loved ones in order to protect your own interests.
  12. 12. Raccoon. You will make mistakes and not learn from them, you will be mistaken in your judgments.
  13. 13. Unicorn. Like-minded people who will help make great discoveries.
  14. 14. Kangaroo. Nothing can stop the young lady from realizing her own plans and plans.
  15. 15. Goat. A favorable period for concluding large transactions, making financial investments, and making responsible decisions.
  16. 16. Cow. Life in abundance, financial stability.
  17. 17. Cat. Betrayal by a close friend, disappointment in people close to you, an unpleasant event.
  18. 18. Lev. Hidden talents, inner strength, fortitude, endurance, self-control, wisdom and justice.
  19. 19. Horse. If a person is selfless and persistent, his life will soon change for the better.
  20. 20. Bear. Failures in personal relationships, the appearance of a very influential and wise patron.
  21. 21. Mouse. Unpretentiousness. The fortune-telling girl doesn't understand people well.
  22. 22. Rhinoceros. The appearance of a stubborn and strong admirer who does not take into account the opinions of others and will significantly complicate the life of a fortune-telling young lady.
  23. 23. Monkey. Deception, betrayal, deceit of a person from close circle. He is cunning and calculating, and can cause great harm to a young lady.
  24. 24. Deer. Stress resistance, life stability, family well-being.
  25. 25. Cancer. Serious problems on the love front, scandals, unpleasant events.
  26. 26. Dog. There is a devoted and faithful person in the girl’s life; she values ​​​​her friendship with him very much.
  27. 27. Owl. Imminent death, deep mourning, incurable illness, mental trauma.
  28. 28. Pig. In arrogance, pride, a person does not admit his own mistakes and does not learn from them.
  29. 29. Elephant. Life wisdom, invaluable experience.
  30. 30. Tiger. The animal symbolizes the enemy's strength and the danger of the enemy.
  31. 31. Lizard. An unpleasant meeting, a serious conversation, a visit from an ill-wisher.

Fish and sea life:

  1. 1. Shark. You should be careful, because the ill-wisher is insidious and dangerous, he is up to no good. The emergence of a strong competitor in business.
  2. 2. Dolphin. A person can always count on help and friendly support; he is surrounded by kind and devoted comrades.
  3. 3. Whale Reliability, calm, stability.
  4. 4. Jellyfish. You'll have to find out something that will prevent you from sleeping peacefully at night and keeping other people's secrets.
  5. 5. Fish. Comfortable existence, pleasant atmosphere, family coziness.

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