How to change your thinking to a positive one - effective tips for people of action? How to change your thinking

In the article you will learn:

Greetings readers! I don't believe in magic (well, almost...). But I believe that everything in the world is interconnected. And if I call some event not a problem, but a situation, then in my life there really are no problems, but only situations that I solve. Today you will learn how to change your thinking to a positive one, make life happier and more enjoyable.

I realized that I was thinking negatively when, when I went to bed, I felt uneasy because nothing bad had happened during the day. And it interferes with life, you know! Just imagine! I was already in the mood for trouble in the morning. I was expecting them. And, naturally, they happened to me quite often.

What did positive thinking give me? And how will it help you? Looking back on your life Before and after, I see a huge difference:

  1. More situations are resolved effectively, because I’m less nervous and experience negative emotions less often.
  2. Past failures no longer bother me, a focus on the future has appeared, this has accelerated the development process.
  3. I began to notice how many good things were happening to me. I feel like I attract the positive like a magnet. (I used to pronounce positive statements quite often - affirmations, and then they joined the daily flow of my thoughts. I didn’t even notice how)
  4. From me whiners and dissatisfied people have fallen behind, but surrounded by cheerful people.
  5. I live in harmony with myself. I feel healthier and the symptoms that bother me have disappeared.

Accordingly, all these positive changes affected me as an individual. Smiling, good mood, humor, ease of solving situations, luck - these are the bonuses that fill me and accompany me through lifefor any difficulties.

Who thinks positively?

It is impossible to form positive thinking if you are a deeply unhappy person. Therefore, you need to start by understanding your internal needs, desires and motives. This is what we call “understanding yourself.”

Accordingly, being aware of your desires, you will automatically form the right positive thoughts that will lead to the right actions. And those, in turn, will make you happy. Thus, positive thinking is born from an internal state.

If you feel that it is difficult for you to figure it out on your own, contact a specialist with a specific request: define goals, outline a path. Otherwise, follow my recommendation: to understand your true desires, start taking action.

Yes, leave the “sofa” search for yourself and start a conscious movement, get experience. Even with mistakes, no one can do without them. As you move, you will understand what you want and what you are capable of. It is important.

  • You shouldn’t close your eyes when they advise you to ACT, because now many theorists have developed, but there is not enough practice. We need to upgrade this point! Forward.

And to speed up the process of transforming your thinking, I will share a couple of secrets.

Changing your thinking from negative to positive

I really like this method because it has a profound effect on ability thinkpositive. He opens up new knowledge and illuminates with discoveries. You will be able to find those weak points in yourself that hinder and hinder development.

So, the essence of the method in the right questions. And no need to make excuses now, like “too banal way.” You should actually try it first. When something happens to you and you habitually worry, get angry or panic, answer the following questions:

  1. Why did I need this situation? What good does she teach me?
  2. What is the cause and effect relationship? Which ones are there? solution options(there must be at least three).
  3. What am I I'm afraid? Model what will happen if your fear comes true and how you will feel then.
  4. Which one is the best best option, considering all the previous answers?

I would like to emphasize that now it is important not to tailor the answers to the questions, but to record in writing everything that comes to your mind. Even the most surprising things, in your opinion. Don't resist, trust yourself completely.

I will give one of my examples. With the help of this technique, I realized that I often got irritated by little things and got angry. This made me feel more unhappy, but I didn’t understand why. I had to sit down, take time and reflect in writing. Initially, I thought that the problem was with work, but this was only a superficial reason. Therefore, we answer, gain experience and learnthinkotherwise!

21 days without...

This method is very popular in different countries, including in Russia, but I haven’t tried it yet. Judging by the reviews, people change a lot. Therefore, I will be glad to see your comments and feedback!

The task is as follows: put a bracelet on your hand with the instruction to live for 21 days without criticism, whining, aggression, etc. Anything that has a negative meaning for you. However, every time you violate the setting: you catch yourself whining or aggression - change the bracelet to your other hand and start all over again.

People often ask why exactly 21 days. It is believed that this is the time needed to get rid of the habit. Rarely does anyone achieve continuous wear the first time. Mostly it takes up to 6 months, and on the first day you will be completely tired of changing clothes. The author of the method, for example, achieved the goal in three months.

The secret of the technique is that most often during the day you pay attention to your hands. And looking at the bracelet, you will inadvertently wonder “ Didn’t I complain today, didn’t I get angry?».

The bracelet needs a rubber one so that you can easily take it off and put it on, and also not be afraid of ruining it. It's better to choose a color violet, it is associated with freedom and independence.

In the first days you will feel surprised and confused, and the bracelet will constantly send signals to your brain that everything is fine, the world is beautiful. Your thoughts will begin to change gradually, but inevitably.

And finally

As they say, if a person wants to live, then medicine is powerless. So it is in our case.

  • If a person wants to be happy, then nothing can stop him.

Always keep the main goal in mind.

Monitor unpleasant thoughts and emotions and, before becoming overly concerned, give yourself a break, take a break and let the whole world wait. To begin with, breathe evenly and moderately, think about something abstract, then remember what other options for reacting to this case may be and adopt the most acceptable one.

Allow yourself to become a different person, happy, calm, with a cheerful outlook on everything around you. Allow yourself this, just like you allow yourself to enjoy a delicious cake. After all, you deserve it!

With love, your June!

There are two types of thinking: ambivalent and black and white.

People with black and white thinking know exactly what is good and what is bad. They quickly make their choices and are prone to firm decisions that they do not think about again. Therefore, black and white thinking makes the world simpler.

Ambivalent (gray) thinking is the ability to see a situation from several sides at once. A person who knows how to think ambivalently can accept the opponent's position and look at the problem from his point of view. Despite what ambivalent thinking does to us, it is very useful. After all, only those who learn to move into the “gray zone” will become smarter and wiser.

Gray thinking can be learned. After all, each of us initially possessed the skill of ambivalent thinking when we were small.

Kids do it like this

They love to torment their parents with questions. The chain of “whys” can be endless.

- Why does the dog stick out its tongue and breathe?

- She's hot.

- Why? I'm hot, but I didn't stick my tongue out.

- Yes, but the dog has fur and doesn’t sweat.

- Why does the dog have fur?

- To keep her warm.

- Then why don’t I have wool?

- Well, that's enough!

Parents will probably recognize this dialogue: similar conversations with children happen often. For a child, the world is not black and white, and he easily tries everything on himself. There is still so much unknown. There are no foundations, no unambiguous truths. The worldview has not yet been formed.

How the world becomes black and white

As we grow older, our views become harsher. Certain frameworks are imposed on us from the outside. For example, students are asked to take exams consisting of test questions. This forces us to think in black and white. The correct answer is always A, B, C or D, it cannot be otherwise.

The main symptom of such a worldview is thinking in certain categories:

  • War is bad. War is good.
  • Capitalism is bad. Capitalism is good.
  • Higher education necessary. Higher education is a waste of time.

As we grow up, we think in slogans. They replace our understanding of the problem, the thinking process itself. After all, in order to think, you need to strain. And when it is clear what is black and what is white, there is no need to think.

Is it bad to have strong beliefs?

No, not bad. But the real world is not black and white. It is very difficult to find a question to which you could give the only correct answer. Our life is a gray area.

This is very difficult to accept: in schools and universities we are taught to believe that there are right and wrong answers. And only when faced with reality do we begin to suspect that the world is not so simple.

Clear answers and slogans are no longer suitable. If you know history well, you will not be able to unequivocally say that war is bad. Most likely, now you will say: “War is bad, but at some stages of the development of the state it was necessary, so it can be considered a complex and ambiguous phenomenon.”

From this answer it becomes clear: you are not inclined to make hasty conclusions. Ambivalent thinking is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can spend ages choosing between kefir and fermented baked milk. On the other hand, you have the ability to see the world from multiple perspectives and judge more wisely.

How to learn ambivalent thinking

Learning to think ambivalently is quite difficult, especially if you are prone to radical judgments. But this will help you see the situation from all sides and not rush to conclusions. Therefore, it’s still worth learning gray thinking, and here’s how you can do it.

1. Stop judging the world harshly

2. Think about the event or phenomenon in perspective

Consider phenomena, events and concepts from the point of view of time. Determine their significance, taking into account both the good and the bad.

3. Accept that you are not always right.

Accept your opponent's point of view. Try to believe that he knows the truth and you don’t.

4. Teach yourself that truth is ambiguous.

Look at the problem from all sides. Accept a different opinion. Remember how, and try to take at least a step towards ambivalent thinking.

Your thoughts and desires truly have power. By changing your thinking in positive side, you can change the world around you. But on the other hand, if you get bogged down in your old thoughts, they will destroy you, numb you, make you suffer, and instead of pushing you forward towards happiness and positive thinking, they will stunt your spiritual growth. In this article, I'll share seven destructive thinking patterns that I've struggled with in the past, and what I've done to overcome them or at least reduce their impact. I hope you find something useful in this article.

The world we create is a product of our thinking; this world cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

© Albert Einstein

1. You see the world in black and white

Instead of seeing life as it is - messy, with many different exceptions to the rules - you see everything as black or white. You are right, and someone else is wrong. Everything is either this way or that way and there are no exceptions or halftones.

With this approach, it is difficult to see the true meaning of what is happening and do the right thing. This outlook on life will make you less and less flexible over time. You will fall into its trap and thus may become terribly picky and unfair to yourself and other people. By creating disturbances in your mind and in your life, you will be unhappy and suffer much more than necessary.

How to deal with this?

Try to understand your interlocutor. Insisting on your own is easy. But you can understand another person, and at the same time yourself, if you try to perceive his point of view. This way, there will be less hostility and negativity in your relationship, and you will more easily achieve mutual understanding in which both parties will be satisfied with the solution to the problem.

Stay informed about what's happening. Just like the other tips in this article, staying aware of what's going on and paying attention to all the events of the day will help you change your thoughts and gain a new mindset.

Find exceptions. If you suddenly have a thought that you don't like the way you're studying, or that your family isn't helping you with your homework, stop for a few seconds before you get really angry. Then ask yourself: is everything always like this? Find one or more exceptions to those thoughts in black and white colors that eat you up. For example, you may remember that your husband or wife spends a lot of time cooking or doing repairs. Or remember that, although you need to improve your mathematics, you write quite competently and are making progress in geography.

2. You look for problems even when there are none.

It's all very confusing. I used to catch myself looking for problems where there really weren't any. I think a lot of this happens when you cling to an old worldview. For many years I have become accustomed to seeing more negativity everywhere than there really is and finding problems when there are none. Consciousness is accustomed to this way of thinking, and you act accordingly. And sometimes you suddenly catch yourself thinking that you are looking for a problem in some situation or area of ​​your life where there really is none.

How to deal with this?

What really helped me was writing a phrase in a visible place: “No problem”, which reminded me of this every day from the wall.

Now, if I start to be overwhelmed by thoughts about a problem, I tell myself: I don’t care! In most cases, I begin to realize that ultimately this problem does not exist at all.

I also think that the reason for this phenomenon may be that a person thinks too much about the development of his personality or that he needs to work towards developing his personality. You are so used to looking for solutions that your mind is tuned to looking for problems that these solutions can remove. This is an excellent material for personal development, but read and think about it in moderation, and not for days on end.

3. You're afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

If you are always thinking about how to feel and be truly safe, it is impossible to change your life in better side. The unknown and change cause inconvenience and frighten the imagination, because human consciousness is configured to ensure a stable existence and to ensure that a person as much as possible lived longer the way he lives.

How to deal with this?

Take small steps. Often we are prevented from leaving our comfort zone by fear or the expectation that, when faced with this fear, we will not be able to overcome it. By taking small steps, we expand our comfort zone and gradually remove the feeling of discomfort and fear.

Pay special attention to your positive experiences. Realize that getting out of your comfort zone will be exciting, despite what your mind and feelings tell you before you take action. Look back at the examples in your life when you broke out of your usual comfort zone. Focus on positive memories of what made you successful when you were able to take advantage of opportunities. And, probably, you will understand that there was nothing scary about it, in fact it was interesting and exciting, it was a new experience for you.

4. You think that how you currently feel is what it really is.

I used to think that what I feel at the moment is something unchangeable. This is how you actually perceive at the moment the world and you will perceive it in the near future. However, in reality, it is difficult to predict how you will feel in an hour or even fifteen minutes. Your consciousness is deceiving you, passing off the emotions that you are now feeling as true reality. This approach hinders your true perception.

How to deal with this?

Remember discipline and use it to the fullest extent. For example, you don’t feel like going to the gym today. Your consciousness tells you: “Everything is fine, you don’t need this at all, you were there just three days ago.” And you continue to lie on the couch. But you can tell yourself: “No, I have a workout scheduled for today and I will go, even if I don’t feel like going or even if I don’t feel the need to.” And you go. And after being in the gym for fifteen minutes, you begin to enjoy the workout and are glad that you came.

Just realize that your consciousness does not always demand what will actually be the right decision for you. In our Everyday life consciousness often tries to find the easiest path. It turns out that it may seem: what you feel in this moment

- this is reality But despite this, emotions are fleeting and in just a few minutes or hours you can change them by doing something you don’t want to do - for example, going to the gym.

5. You think you already know everything

How to deal with this?

If you think you already know everything, your mind will not work to study the problem. No matter what you are told, your consciousness will rely on what you think you know. You only hear and learn what you want to hear and what you want to learn.

Whenever you are about to learn something new, it is advisable to temporarily forget what you already know and what is familiar to you. Try to keep your mind as open as possible. From my experience, I can say that thanks to this approach, the process of acquiring new knowledge is simplified and important information is not rejected.

Of course, your ego often wants to isolate itself and protect itself by making you think that you already know everything you are about to learn. You need to be vigilant and not trust your somewhat arrogant and arrogant inner voice.

Envy can be like a little demon that sits on your shoulder and whispers something in your ear, filling your soul with gnashing of teeth and bringing suffering and negativity into your life. Or envy may irritate and confuse you from time to time.

How to deal with this?

When you start comparing, focus your attention on yourself. Comparing what you have with what others have is the path to self-destruction. Your ego gets inflated when you buy a more expensive car, if you have a more prestigious job or something like that. For a while you feel just great. But this way of thinking and focusing on comparison leads to the fact that you begin to notice that there are people who have more than you. Such people have an even more expensive car and an even more prestigious job. And you no longer feel so confident. The whole point is that there will always be someone who has more than you. And you can never “win.” You just feel “high” for a while and then the feeling goes away. Most The best way comparisons are when you compare yourself to yourself. Look to what extent you have grown and what you have already achieved. Appreciate what you have done and what you have. Look back at the path you have already taken and compare it with what you are going to do. This approach will bring more positive thoughts and greater emotional stability because you are no longer comparing yourself to others or being jealous of what others have that you don't.

Be grateful for what you have. In addition to comparing yourself with yourself, it will also be useful to thank God every day for what you have and thus get rid of envy. Take a couple of minutes during your day to express gratitude for all that you have. At the beginning or end of the day, mentally make a list of what you have or write it down in your journal.

Change your lifestyle. If you think that life is passing you by and you deserve better, it’s easy to become depressed. Just if you fill your life more interesting activities, more interesting people and more interesting events, you will not have time and reasons to feel jealous. By changing your lifestyle, you also get other benefits: relaxation and not overreacting to little things. After all, you devote more time not to analyzing life, but to life itself and use it the way you want.

7. Too many thoughts

I used to think too much. It's a kind of chronic illness that prevents you from doing certain things because you overanalyze little things that make them seem big and terrible in your mind. In addition, too many thoughts lead to a negative perception of reality.

And yet, I managed to reduce the excessive amount of thoughts in my life or even completely get rid of this excess. Of course, the ego took time; but on the other hand, you have to be in the company of your thoughts day in and day out, so you can always work on improving the relationship between you and them.

How to deal with this?

How did I manage to deal with this? Probably the most important thing was that I devoted the bulk of my personal development year to reading and listening to books by Eckhart Tolle, such as What the Silence Says, A New Earth and The Sun Shall Die Too, and developing the habit of living in the present moment.

I listened to these books over and over again on my MP3 player while walking somewhere, riding the bus, or in any other situation where I could do so. This was convenient on two levels: I focused my attention on the author’s advice and they were spinning in my head throughout the day, so it was easier for me to realize my thinking model. In this way, Tolle has had a positive impact on my daily life. This is how your friend can influence your life with his positive or negative attitude, his energy or determination.

With constant practice, it is much easier to reduce excessive thoughts and use thinking as a tool and not let it control you.

An effective way to realign yourself in the present moment and get rid of the excessive number of thoughts that are swarming in your head is breath. Just sit for two minutes with your eyes closed, if you feel like it, and breathe deeply into your belly. During these two minutes, concentrate completely on inhaling and exhaling. This exercise will bring your mind and body to a peaceful state, and at this moment your return to the unfolding life here and now will occur.

Set short deadlines for making decisions. Another very useful technique is to set short deadlines for making decisions. Instead of thinking for days about a problem, imagine that, for example, you only have half an hour to think about it. After this you must make a decision.

I also use even shorter deadlines for small everyday tasks. I don't sit and think about the decisions I need to make if it involves doing a class, making a phone call, trying a new dish, or anything else that I don't feel like doing in some way. And I throw away all thoughts, make a decision within 10-30 seconds and begin to implement it.

I realized that this way you can become more decisive and avoid the paralyzing influence of overthinking.

Perhaps each of us has heard the saying: “If you sow a thought, you will reap an action; if you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny...”. Indeed, our thoughts have a huge impact on our lives and can easily change it both for good and for bad.

Let's give a simple example. If a person is unsure of his abilities, thinks badly about his work and colleagues, then he should not wait career growth, bonuses or warm relationships. This is the Law of Attraction at work. Everything we think about, we attract to ourselves. Most people constantly think about their problems, failures, or what they don't want. And this is only getting more.

How can this be changed, you ask? Change your way of thinking! Successful people focus on looking for opportunities to fulfill their desires, on the positive aspects of the situation that has developed. Use this approach and you will see how your well-being and self-perception change. You can start now with our 5-step plan for changing your thinking.

1. Understand your beliefs.

Analyze what leads you to failure and in what areas you most often fail. Reconsider such beliefs as “life is unfair”, “who has it easy nowadays”, “I don’t deserve this”, “I always have little money”, etc. It would be ideal if you take a short vacation and go to some place where you can meditate and look into yourself. We personally recommend Egypt, where a stunningly powerful place is located - the Abu Simbel temple complex. It is famous for its “solar miracle”: twice a year at 6 a.m. Sun rays illuminate the 65-meter corridor and sanctuary, painting the statues of Ra, Amun and Ramses II in pink color. At this moment, mystery and the birth of something new in life occur, allowing you to adjust your future. A 12-minute meditation carried out here will help remove blocks and free the subconscious from everything negative, as well as find strength for further achievements.

2. Define your goals

It is very important to know what exactly you want to achieve and how to feel. Make a list of your desires and goals, focus on the path of implementation and the emotions you expect to receive. Ask yourself how you will feel, for example, if you become the new head of a department. Joy? Inspiration? Enthusiasm? By feeling the clarity of desire, you can get exactly what you want. At this stage, it is very convenient to use tools such as a vision board, goal tree, Mind Maps, etc.

3. Be aware of your thoughts

Devote as much time as possible to your new thinking concept. You can meditate or visualize your desires. Avoid thoughts with “not” particles and the word “no”. Focus on those phrases that will attract good things into life. If you notice that you are thinking in the way that is familiar to you, do not panic - remember that it takes time to develop a habit. Just tell yourself “stop, I’m thinking negatively again.” In this way, you develop awareness, which means you improve control over your thoughts and feelings and can replace them with the opposite.

4. Take action!

Positive thinking has great power, but only if it is backed up with action. It’s not enough to sit in the lotus position all day and intensely send signals to the Universe. If you have difficulties, then mentally form a picture of the future, where they no longer exist, and then begin to resolve them. Even if the problem seems global to you, once you get down to business, you will notice that everything is not so scary, and your thoughts will attract the necessary resources and people to help you.

5. Stay calm

You have learned to formulate your thoughts in the right way and back them up with actions, so don’t forget to relax. You cannot control the time and form of implementation, but you can allow faith in miracles and confidence to settle in your heart. Let them become your constant companions, and you will notice that happiness is already knocking on your door.

Remember that everything is in your power! Dream, imagine, believe and create!

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