Alevtina is an Orthodox name or not. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Alevtina

Onomastics experts suggest that the female name Alevtina is one of the modifications of another name - Valentina, which in Latin means “strong” or “strong”. Naturally, the characters of the owners of both names should be similar, but in fact they have practically nothing in common. So where did the name Alevtina come from, what is its meaning and what awaits the woman who bears it in life?

Origin of the name

There is a version that the name Alevtina came into our lexicon from Ancient Greece. Indeed, literally translated from the Greek language, it means “a woman who sweetens her body with incense.” And Alevtina, as if confirming this meaning of her name, is a big fan of various cosmetic procedures and pays a lot of attention to her appearance.

Another argument in favor ancient origin serves the fact that the name Alevtina existed during the times of the Great Roman Empire. It was, in particular, worn by one of the great martyrs, about whose life her modern namesakes will be interested to learn.

Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea

The Roman Emperor Maximin II Galerius continued the policies of his predecessor Diocletian and led an open struggle with adherents of the faith in Jesus. Christians were dealt with especially cruelly in African countries.

At that time, two sisters lived in Egypt - Alevtina and Chionia. Both of them revered Christ and took an active part in spreading his teachings among infidels and pagans. More than once, women were persecuted by the indigenous inhabitants of the country, who continue to sacredly honor the ancient Roman gods. They were called atheists, witches, and were accused of all sorts of crimes, including hexing children. Courageous women, with prayer on their lips, endured all reproaches and continued the work of enlightenment.

Despite the fact that the sisters did not cause any harm, they were accused of malicious intent, arrested and brought to the Palestinian city of Caesarea to be tried by Maximin himself. First, with promises and then with threats, they tried to force women to renounce Christ and recognize the Roman gods. When Alevtina and Khionia refused, they were subjected to severe torture.

The eyes of the martyrs were gouged out, their skin was torn off alive, they were burned with fire, but they could achieve nothing. Then they were brought to a pagan temple and demanded to bow to pagan idols and make sacrifices to them. In response, Alevtina took a handful of stones and threw them into the sacred fire.

Realizing that all efforts were in vain, Maximin ordered the execution of the women. And on July 29, 308, the sisters Alevtina and Khionia were burned in the city square. Several centuries later these martyrs were canonized Orthodox Church and canonized as saints.

Women bearing this name come to the icon of the martyr Alevtina to pray and ask for help in family matters. And in church calendar July 29 is considered the name day of all Alevtins.

Variety of names

The short form of the name Alevtina is Alya. In addition to this, there are other options - Ala or Tina. Quite rarely, instead of Alevtin, the abbreviated name Tia is used.

The affectionate diminutive name for a girl or woman is Alevtinochka, Alevtinonka, Alechka, Alyonochka, Alyunya or Alka. Sometimes they say briefly Tinonka, Tinusya, Tinunya or Tinka.

The name Alevtina is used in only three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Moreover, in the Belarusian language it is written not Alevtina, but Alyautsina or Alyautyna. In Ukrainian it sounds unchanged.

Famous namesakes

The name Alevtina is one of the rare ones. Maybe that's why among famous women only a few have it.

  1. Alevtina Viktorovna Kolchina (born 1980) is a Russian singer, composer, and poetess.
  2. Alevtina Gennadievna Leontyeva (born 1977) is a Russian TV presenter, singer, lead singer of the group “Alevtina”.
  3. Alevtina Alekseevna Rumyantseva (1929-2011) - Soviet and Russian actress.
  4. Alevtina Pavlovna Kolchina (born 1930) – Soviet skier, Olympic champion.
  5. Alevtina Nikitichna Nesterova (pseudonym Marye Levtina) (born 1945) – Chuvash poetess, playwright.
  6. Alevtina Konstantinovna Konstantinova (born 1936) is a Soviet and Russian actress.
  7. Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina (1941-2013) – Russian politician and statesman.

The name Alevtina was also used in literary works. It belongs to one of the heroines of Yuri German’s trilogy “My Dear Man”. In addition, in Irina Velembovskaya’s story “Women” the main character’s name is Alya Yagodkina.

The character and fate of Alevtina

The owner of the name Alevtina is not used to listening to the opinions of others. On any issue, she has her own point of view, which she considers to be the ultimate truth. Therefore, in the life of this woman there are many conflict situations, from which she has to constantly “climb out.”


The girl Alya grows up quiet, sweet and harmless. Both in appearance and character she resembles her father and, probably, that is why she is more attached to him than to her mother. Since childhood, she has liked men's work more than women's hobbies. As a teenager, Alechka can easily hammer a nail, fix an electric kettle, or figure out the wiring. But cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning do not appeal to her at all.

Sometimes in early childhood a girl is embarrassed by her rare and, as it seems to her, common name. But then he sees exclusivity in him and begins to behave accordingly. As a result of this, Alya grows up to be quite selfish and categorical in her judgments.

Another quality that manifests itself already in school years is causticity. Possessing a caustic tongue and a fair sense of humor, which often turns into sarcasm, Alechka makes apt remarks left and right, literally dumbfounding not only her peers, but also adults. This does not help her find friends, since many classmates simply avoid Alya.

Teachers also don’t always like Alina’s “performances,” so even despite her extraordinary intelligence and diligence, she studies, jumping from three to four. But Alevtinka does not consider school grades the most important thing in his life. The girl begins to develop a craving for creativity or sports early. If her parents pay attention to her abilities in time and send her to a section or music school, then Ali can turn out to be quite a talented singer, musician or athlete.


Even without deciding to devote her life to creativity, our heroine tries to choose a profession where she will have the greatest opportunity to achieve career heights. After all, the most important thing for Alevtina is to be the first, no matter what field of activity it concerns. A girl can become a journalist, a financial worker, or go into politics. Possessing a masculine mentality and strong character, she will certainly achieve her goal.

Alevtina often starts her own business. However, her imperiousness and inability to take into account the opinions of others will lead to problems in the team and will not bring much success. It happens, however, that Alya replaces the authoritarian method of leadership with a democratic one, which benefits not only the entire company, but primarily the boss herself.

With age, Alya does not lose her causticity and hones this quality on acquaintances and strangers. She knows how to get worked up out of the blue and does not calm down until she pours out the whole range of witticisms and caustic remarks on her interlocutor. Moreover, Alevtina does not understand ranks and titles and is capable of being rude even to her own boss.

A woman named Alevtina has a very attractive appearance. She knows how to dress elegantly and tastefully and will never appear “loose” in public. Her hairstyle and makeup are always sophisticated and do not look pretentious or vulgar. As soon as a financial opportunity arises, Alya buys herself fashionable and expensive things, believing that it is impossible to save on appearance.

Love and family

Men like beautiful, relaxed and sociable Alevtina. She discovers all the attractiveness early love relationship and skillfully puts into practice the acquired skills. Alya doesn’t even try to fall in love with her boyfriends; she simply collects them for her own whim or to annoy her friends.

Having had enough fun, the girl begins to think about marriage and look for a suitable candidate for the role of a life partner. Again, not caring about feelings, Alevtina puts the practical side at the forefront. And since it is not easy to find a candidate who meets the high demands of our heroine, Ali’s marriage happens quite late.

Alevtina approaches housekeeping with all the practicality inherent in her nature. She takes finances into her own hands and tracks her husband's expenses. Trying to become a zealous housewife, she learns to cook and, to her credit, achieves considerable skill. The woman treats her children with love, but raises them strictly, punishing them for any pranks or bad grades at school.

Name compatibility

A man who wants to tie himself into family ties with Alevtina should know that in a home environment her explosive, sarcastic character will not go away. Moreover, it will manifest itself more strongly, since it is on the members of the household that our lady will be able to sharpen her tongue and vent evil with almost impunity.

Such a moral burden can only be sustained, patient and to a loving person. Who is suitable or not suitable for this role can be seen from the table.

Despite her eccentricity, Alevtina will be faithful to her husband. And if he finds out about his adventures, he will throw a huge scandal and expel the traitor from the house “without the right to pardon.”

Health and hobbies

As a child, Alya got sick a lot, her weak point was her throat, hence the sore throat and other illnesses. At an early age, she needs to have her tonsils removed to avoid complications from colds.

Women bearing the name Alevtina are prone to hypochondria, that is, they are always looking for the source of an imaginary illness in their body and have the habit of discussing it for a long time with others. Alya not only loves going to doctors, but also studies medical literature herself, being interested in new pharmacology and applying them on herself.

Explosive character sooner or later becomes the cause of nervous and cardiovascular diseases. At an older age, problems with the intestines and joints may occur.

The passion for sports that our heroine had in her youth subsides over the years, and Alevtina turns into a heavy-going homebody. When vacationing at resorts, she travels on foot only between her hotel room, restaurant and beach, refusing excursions and sightseeing.

Alevtina's main character traits

The arrogance that characterized Alevtina in her youth smooths out over the years. A woman begins to understand that she needs to listen to the opinions of others and try to command less. Nevertheless, many negative and positive qualities inherent in the bearer of this name will remain with her for life.

As you can see, the description of the owner of the name Alevtina is not at all flattering. Many of the traits inherent in this lady not only do not help, but also prevent her from achieving success in life. However, if Alya comes to her senses in time and “takes control” of her shortcomings, then fate and luck will definitely smile on her.

In this material you will find information about the meaning female name Alevtina, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name- Alevtina

Short name - Alya

Origin - Greek, “fragrant”

Zodiac - Scorpio

Planet - Mars

Color - Red

Animal - Mouse

Plant - Nettle

Stone - Quartz

The origin of the name has several options. According to one of them, the name originates in Latin from the name Valentin, which later became Alevtina. According to another version, the name comes from ancient Greek language, which is practically not confirmed by anything. If you only link to this option greek god Hercules, whose descendant was called Alevton or Alet, translated the name means “wanderer”.

Love named after Alevtina

The girl is amorous, knows how to flirt, dresses stylishly, pays special attention to her hair, so she has no shortage of admirers. Yes, she herself feels better in the company of men than among women. She is attracted to men who are gentle and strong, who will constantly whisper to her that she is the most beautiful. It is important for her to feel that she is loved and under the protection of a strong and reliable friend. But in both friendship and love, this girl strives for dominance. She loves to lead her lover, and rarely will any young man endure Alevtina’s dictatorial ways for long if she does not moderate her ardor.

Sexuality of the name Alevtina

A woman is sexy and temperamental, and does not always comply with generally accepted moral standards. Despite the fact that in intimate relationships she tries to enter only out of love or at least being in love; in the absence of a partner for a long time, she can become close to an unfamiliar man, just to satisfy her sexual desire. The woman knows little about erotic games, but wants to be a leader in sex. She is more impressed by a gentle, affectionate man, with whom she can receive the highest pleasure.

Marriage and family named after Alevtin

A woman chooses a husband who is outwardly attractive and strong, but there should not be a hint of rigidity or prudence in his character. A gentle, kind, generous and generous person is suitable for her. This woman strives to occupy a commanding post in the family and, despite her homeliness, the ability to lead household as economically as possible, love for her children and spouse, yet her commanding habits and uncontrollable temper cause a lot of trouble to all her loved ones. Not every man can long time to withstand such an onslaught, therefore frequent quarrels and scandals arise in the family, which can lead to divorce if Alevtina does not humble her temper. He approaches the upbringing of children with rigor, especially paying close attention to their morality.

Business and career

This woman can succeed in any profession, but due to her character, she is more suitable for those that require authority and toughness. For example, a surgeon, law enforcement officer or tax officer, engineer. However, these qualities are not enough for her to be a professional. First of all, she should moderate her arrogance and learn to listen to people, so that the atmosphere in the team becomes more favorable and conflict-free. As a leader, Alevtina is not the best. In addition to authority and toughness, she also needs professional competence, which cannot be acquired without the ability to listen to the advice of colleagues.

The meaning of the name Alevtina in character

By her character, this woman is more reminiscent of her father, who accepted the most direct participation in her upbringing. She is independent and confident in her abilities, does not tolerate people who are unnecessary, unpunctual, or dishonest. However, increased self-esteem can cause her a lot of inconvenience in communicating with others. She considers herself head and shoulders above others and worthy of having the best things in life. But such a desire is not welcomed by everyone, so she may have conflicts on this basis with friends and work colleagues. Thanks to her decisive and firm character, as well as high moral principles, she easily achieves her goals. But in a women's group, where all sorts of intrigues and veiled barbs are frequent, she is uncomfortable; for her, male society is more understandable.

Teen Alevtina

From an early age, the girl is distinguished by increased attention from her father, so she grows up to be a narcissistic and somewhat selfish person. She is characterized by a craving for beauty, she draws well and has a good ear for music, and begins to attend music school early. As she gets older, the girl becomes more and more intolerant of other people's opinions, suspicious, and distrustful of the people around her. She very categorically expresses her vision of any situation, so she has practically no friends or girlfriends, although she has enough acquaintances and friends. She prefers the company of boys, where she feels more comfortable with them. She hates girls' gossip and intrigue, but she firmly keeps the secrets entrusted to her by any representative of the opposite sex and concerning the female half of humanity.

Successful people and stars:
Alevtina Olyunina - Soviet skier, Olympic champion
Alevtina Dobrynina - Russian theater and film actress
Alevtina Kolchina - Soviet skier, Olympic champion
Alevtina Leontyeva - Russian singer, TV and radio announcer
Marye Levtina (real name Alevtina Nesterova) - Chuvash poetess, playwright, publicist

Ideal compatibility: Anatoly, Andrey, Victor, Ivan, Peter
Unsuccessful compatibility: Alexander, Valentin, Georgy

There are several versions regarding the origin of the name Alevtina. Some researchers tend to consider it to have Greek roots and associate this with the name of the descendant of Hercules Alevton (Aleta), which means “wanderer.” However, there is a more common belief that the name Alevtina is a modified form of the Latin Valentina and means "strong".

Although they call girls all over the world, Alevtina is common only in Russian-speaking countries. Based on the Greek roots, the meaning of the name Alevtina corresponds to the following translations: “rubbed with incense”, “anointed”, “alien to evil”, “reflection”.

The soft, melodious, euphonious name Alevtina sets you up for communication with a person who is in harmony with phonosematics. However, Alevtinka’s character is distinguished by a combination of incompatible qualities.

Given the name Alevtina, she gives the impression of a carefree, cheerful, very responsive girl. However, behind all this lies a scrupulous, independent, punctual person who does not recognize authorities.

Alevtina is also characterized by such qualities as:

  • self-criticism and critical attitude towards others,
  • knowing the value of words,
  • the ability to learn only from one's own mistakes.

The bearer of the name Alevtina can be proud, categorical in her judgments, nervous, explosive, extremely arrogant and intolerant of everything that contradicts her worldview.

Alevtina lives with confidence in her own rightness, and considers her word to be law, both for herself and others. Thanks to this property, she always keeps her promises.

She, as a rule, has excellent appearance, elegance of manners, sophistication of the wardrobe and the ability to make a good impression upon her first appearance in any company. From youth girls named Alevtina is surrounded by friends, but few of them can count on her complete trust.


Given the name Alevtina since childhood, she grows up to be a sweet and sickly girl, prone to hypochondria. Her appearance and habits are a copy of her dad, which largely explains her attachment to her father to a greater extent than to her mother.

Already during this period she began to show excellent musical abilities, passion for drawing. In order to develop these qualities, parents, as a rule, always find the time and money to educate their child in a prestigious music or art school.

Alevtina's growing up

Having “absorbed” from childhood opinions about their own exclusivity and irreplaceability, growing up girls named Alevtina gradually become more and more selfish, sarcastic and categorical in their judgments. Alevtina constantly shows dissatisfaction and makes excessive demands on others.

It is not typical for her to spend time with empty chatter and gossip. For this reason, despite a certain discomfort in communication, girls whose name is Alevtina are trusted among their few friends.

Such a complex character can be corrected towards its meaning as “alien bad” with the help of strict education in early childhood.

Professional area

When choosing a profession, the owners of the name Alevtina also remain true to themselves. This is a serious matter, they do not trust anyone and make the decision on their own. The name Alevtina allows her to realize her many talents in areas where her own view and opinion about the world and events is of particular value. It seems to direct their bearers to places where it is impossible to remain in the background.

Alevtina Gennadievna Leontyeva (Russian singer, works as a radio and television announcer)

  • They are given the opportunity to realize themselves where it is necessary to be only the one and only: art, sports.
  • It is in the creative sphere that qualities such as daydreaming, ambition, independence, and the search for opportunities for self-affirmation are in demand.
  • It is no coincidence that the name Alevtin can be found among famous artists, outstanding athletes and politicians.

But satisfying ambitions for the position of leader is not for Alevtin. After all, her external independence, firmness in decision-making, and self-confidence are nothing more than arrogance and imperiousness.

The main obstacle on this path will be Alevtin’s tendency to “get wound up”, to be caustic, and sarcastic. It is difficult for them to tame their temper even in the name of career growth. Therefore, if by the will of fate Alevtina becomes a leader, then the team is doomed to fruitless conflicts and lack of success in work.

Love, family

The thoughtfulness and high self-esteem bestowed by the name Alevtin can have the most favorable effect on relationships with representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Alevtina goes to her chosen one for quite a long time and in each case when the man does not live up to her expectations, she decisively changes her decision to be with him.

Contrary to her inner daydreaming, Alevtina chooses a life partner corresponding to her status. Here we are not talking about blind, all-consuming love, but only about a common-sense approach from the point of view of being able to choose once and for the rest of your life.

IN family life Alevtina's explosive nature can complicate relationships. However loving husband able to smooth out sharp corners or is forced to endure the attacks of his beloved. After all, Alevtina wonderful hostess, always pleases the eye appearance not only household members, but also guests.

Alevtina is a faithful wife, a caring mother, skillfully manages the household, and solves all everyday problems unnoticed by her husband.

If the husband is unable to withstand her commanding tone and categorical judgments, huge family quarrels may arise that can jeopardize the marriage.

Most durable family relationships at Alevtin with:

  • Anatoly, Artem,
  • Andrey, Victor,
  • Vladlen, Gleb,
  • We are proud of Dmitry,
  • Kirill, Kondrat,
  • Lazarus, Leo,
  • Leonid,
  • Nikolai, Peter,
  • Since childhood, Alevtina has been growing up as a nervous, sickly child, prone to throat diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis), ARVI. As you grow older, personality traits can negatively affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This often also gives rise to gastrointestinal and ophthalmological problems. However If Alevtina starts playing sports in her youth, these problems can be avoided.


    1. Zodiac sign – Virgo.
    2. She is ruled by the planet Mars.
    3. The colors of the name are white, red, blue; and green brings happiness to Alevtina.
    4. Favorable plants are poplar, angelica.
    5. The patron of the fauna is the mirror carp.
    6. Talisman stones – emerald, serpentine, jade. The closest in meaning of the name to “alien evil” is the serpentine, which blocks negative influences.

Name Alevtina supposedly got its origin from the Latin name Valentina, which translated means - strong, second variant of the origin of the name Alevtina, this is from the Greek language, translated means - reflection.

Energy name Alevtina It is quite soft and light, but there is a certain explosiveness in it. This name awakens in its owner dreaminess and individuality, unlike others. The fact that this name is quite rare makes Alya irreplaceable in any company. Most likely, it is this visibility of Ali that will have a great influence on the development of her pride. We should not exclude the possibility that her pride will be somewhat painful; she may feel uncomfortable in the circle of her friends, although deep down in her soul she will consider herself confident and unique. This name is significantly lacking in firmness and tension.

As a child, Alevtina is a sweet girl, although she can be a little nervous. In character and appearance, she is more like her father than her mother. The girl is quite talented, draws well, and has excellent hearing.

Growing up, Alevtina becomes somewhat categorical in her judgments; the opinions of others leave her indifferent. Alevtina has many friends, but she trusts practically no one. She is often dissatisfied with something and is quite difficult to please. She chooses a life partner for quite a long time, as she values ​​herself very highly.

Alevtina is not particularly suitable for the role of a leader, but her qualities such as authority and arrogance are often mistakenly mistaken for self-confidence, firmness, independence, willpower - that is, qualities inherent in a leader. In a team headed by Alevtina, conflicts are inevitable, even if she shows concern for her subordinates.

Alevtina is not always able to calmly endure the inherent women's team the exchange of various barbs, her lack of restraint and rather sensitive pride often allows her to get started at half speed, and in those cases where only slight discontent could have been managed, a rather serious conflict results. In this situation, it will be difficult to figure out what the cause and effect are, as a result, a kind of vicious circle turns out and the more conflicts arise, the easier it is for Alevtina to break into causticism. Most often, Alya stops communicating with the female sex altogether, preferring the male sex to them, since she feels much more confident there.

It will also be difficult to be married to Alevtina, even though she is a good mother, an economical housewife and basically a homebody. She is quite strict about her appearance, and will never go out unkempt. There are few men who can withstand her commanding habits.
To make Alevtina’s character more measured, she should be raised in strictness from childhood.

Famous namesakes There are not a lot of Alevtina, this is not surprising, because this name is quite rare. One of the Alevtinas who left a mark on history is Alevtina the Christian martyr. The day of the sixteenth of July in Orthodox calendars (according to the old style) is dedicated specifically to the memory of the martyr Alevtina. She was not distinguished either by healing the sick, or by performing any miracles, or by any other miraculous deeds. Nothing more than natural happened by her will, she just suffered on the sixteenth of July 308 in Palestinian Caesarea for her faith in Christ ordinary woman Alevtina, who, in the face of fear of death, even during execution, did not renounce her faith.

When communicating with men, they should not worry about Alevtina’s entrusted secret; even if she gossips with someone about it, it will be exclusively a male group. Also, before communicating with Alevtina, you should prepare yourself in advance for her barbs and causticity, because this can sometimes be quite painful.

Astrology says:

Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Virgo

Patron planet: Mars

Character Traits: Emotional, dreamy, impulsive

Name colors: Red and its warm shades, light green and blue all their shades

Lucky colors: Green and all its corresponding shades

Talisman stone: Jade and Emerald

The meaning of the name Alevtina for a girl, girl and woman. What does the name mean today, what is its origin? Full analysis character, compatibility and fate of the name Alevtin, read in this article!

Full name: Alevtina

Meaning: strong, strong, healthy

Similar names: Alena, Alya, Albina, Alisa, Alana

Church name: Alevtina

What does the name Alevtina mean?

The name Alevtina is not widespread in the territory Russian Federation and is almost unknown in other countries. If the parents of a newborn girl want her to have an unusual and interesting destiny, then they can safely call her by this name. Its origin is ancient Greek and is translated in different ways - smelling of incense, reflection, alien to evil. Often the last translation is chosen as the basis, which means that the girl named Alevtina does not accept bad habits and bad human inclinations. Parents often call their daughter Alya.

The name Alevtina in different languages ​​of the world

In Armenian: Ալեւտինան

In Belarusian: Alyautsina

In Ukrainian: Alevtina

In Greek: Αλεβτίνα

In Georgian: ალეტინა

In Spanish: Alevtina

In Italian: Alevtina

In French: Alevtina

Characteristics and astrology of the name Alevtin

Favorable day: Tuesday

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Patron Planet: Venus

Talisman stone: jade

Color: orange

Plant: carrot

Animal: fox

What does the name Alevtina mean for a girl, girl and woman?

As a girl, Alya behaves like a real princess. Her manner of speaking and walking mark her as a young aristocrat, although she may have been born in ordinary family ordinary workers. The girl has many natural talents that she loves to demonstrate. She easily makes new acquaintances, is sociable and cheerful.

Alya does not allow herself to be offended, not even kindergarten, neither at school, nor in the yard. And when the offender is stronger and taller than her, the girl can fight with particular cruelty. Of the parents, he loves his father more and constantly follows him like a tail. The girl loves to study and always brings home a diary full of A's and B's. Therefore, she performed control homework or no, it’s not necessary.

Alya takes her parents' assignments responsibly and loves to help her mom around the house and her dad in the workshop. But the girl is not always so sweet and flexible. If she doesn't get what she really wants, she can become irritable and moody. But daddy spoils his girl, so foot stomping rarely happens.

As a girl, Alevtina is less capricious, but she knows how to influence her dad so that he buys her what she wants. The girl easily achieves her goals, is strong, attractive and beautiful. Hardworking, responsible, disciplined. In studies, she is diligent and obligatory.

Alevtina is sociable and friendly, but she can be secretive and withdrawn in the company of people she doesn’t know. Although, this is only the beginning, as soon as you start talking to someone, the girl blossoms and there is no stopping her. Having many friends, he only lets some of his peers into his circle of close friends. But someone who has become her true friend can trust her with her innermost secret.

Alevtina doesn’t pay attention to the guys, but they like her. When her girlfriends meet and send love notes, she thinks about her studies and her achievements in sports. The girl loves to catch the admiring glances of the opposite sex, but does not dare to accept an invitation even to a slow dance, which disappoints and upsets any guy.

Alevtina is a strong and powerful woman. Everything should be under her control. However, this is not enough to occupy a leadership position or create your own business. She is confident in herself, but does not show it to others, and therefore does not take a leadership position.

She lacks knowledge, experience and desire for entrepreneurial activity. Alevtina can hold a high position at the enterprise, but without a leadership function, because she simply does not know how to manage a team and under her leadership everything goes wrong.

A woman is capable of defending herself. There are friends in her circle, communication with whom continues for more than a dozen years. She considers such people as members of her family - their problems are her problems. Alevtina does not like noisy events and parties. He prefers to sit quietly at home with his friends and acquaintances, watch a movie, and discuss something interesting.

The character and fate of the name Alevtin

  • cheerfulness
  • romance
  • obligation
  • punctuality

Alevtina constantly comes up with something new and interesting. A creative and dreamy woman. If he does not hold a leadership position, he has trusting relationships with colleagues. He likes to joke, but does not support those who laugh at the human feelings or appearance of someone from the team.

The woman knows that her neighbors and colleagues are spreading various gossip behind her back, but this does not bother Alevtina. But if he hears some bad word addressed to his friend, he will definitely stand up for her in order to achieve justice and truth. Among a woman's friends more men, because it is easier for her to find a common language with the opposite sex.

  • snideness
  • moodiness
  • pride
  • excessive emotionality

Alevtina finds it difficult to accept criticism, especially as a teenager. The woman is hyper-emotional, so she often starts quarrels and conflicts at work and at home. Then he can’t calm down for a long time. The emotional state is not stable, especially during the period of premenstrual syndrome.

Alevtina does not notice when she switches from white humor to black, and thereby offends her interlocutor. She may be sarcastic in someone's direction, and then not understand why this person no longer wants to communicate with her. A woman loves to manipulate people who are weaker than her. The strong do not succumb to this kind of provocation. From such people she receives a worthy rebuff and understands that this person is too tough for her.

Alevtina's fate

Alevtina's fate is easy and relaxed. Since childhood, she has received all the best - beautiful dolls, bright outfits. In adolescence - a popular guy among boyfriends, in adulthood - a prestigious job with a decent wages. A woman is often called the darling of fortune.

She loves herself more than anyone. She is rarely ready to compromise and act to her own detriment. He will not compromise his own opinion and position. Life path shows her that such an attitude towards others is not always justified, but Alevtina continues to live as she lived. She is happy with her position and rejoices at everything she has achieved. Her dreams come true and her desires come true.


and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

He doesn’t like a lot of responsibility in his work and career and tries to shift some of it to another colleague. She wants to have a certain amount of power in the team, to become the leader of at least a small staff, but the wise director understands that such a position is contraindicated for Alevtina and does not give her such an opportunity.

Study entrepreneurial activity it won’t, because it requires a lot of labor and nerves. Even her husband cannot become a good assistant in business. It is better for her to work in production, from bell to bell, and where the managers do not have her friends and acquaintances, because in this case she will not be able to maintain subordination.

Working without a strict schedule is closer to Alevtina. This is something creative and not limited by time frames. She doesn’t know how to earn a lot of money, but thanks to the wise distribution of funds she has enough for everything. Not poor, but not luxurious either. Everything that needs to be bought is acquired.

Marriage and family

Alevtina has a hard time with the fact that, having become a mother, she needs to behave more seriously and take some steps. life situations look like an adult. Even after giving birth to several children, she talks about many things like a little naive girl. She lacks the desire and determination to reassess her worldview.

While raising children, she may be constantly busy with something (work, hobbies, training), so she resorts to the help of nannies, grandmothers or friends with children. But this does not mean that she does not pay enough attention to the children. When they are with her, she is completely immersed in games and conversations with her heirs.

When irritated, Alevtina can yell at the children and then regret it. A woman does not always choose the right words when explaining why a child is punished for a particular offense. Her excessive emotionality is not so clearly reflected in the children if the offspring are raised together with the spouse. They find golden mean in this matter.

Sex and love

Alevtina’s sex is a real tsunami, covering her partner completely. In no relationship can this woman be calm and completely balanced. Some conflicts and quarrels constantly arise with men. She is suited to someone who will be lenient towards her outbursts.

He wants to see his father’s charisma and habits in his chosen one. In his youth, he tries to introduce every guy to his dad, because he wants to get his approval for building a relationship. If the father does not like the chosen one, he breaks off friendship with him and begins to look for another candidate.

Alevtina can sort things out and quarrel with her man in front of her friends and colleagues. At such a moment, she is not interested in what others might think, because she is unrestrained and jealous. But after she calms down, she begins to apologize to everyone for her behavior. Which is puzzling. If Alevtina meets a man who fulfills all her desires, then she becomes calm and flexible.


Alya was healthy as a child. And when classmates one after another fall ill with the seasonal flu and miss classes, she doesn’t even suffer from a runny nose. Such strong immunity is given to her by nature and is supported by her parents, who advocate proper nutrition and hardening.

In adolescence, Alevtina may begin to have problems with nervous soil due to the stress associated with preparing for university entrance exams. The girl’s vision may deteriorate, headaches, migraines may begin, and her blood pressure may increase or decrease.

Any illness of Alevtina is connected with her emotional state, so doctors recommend that she not take everything to heart, not sort things out with her husband, and not yell at her children. But the woman is skeptical about this, because she understands that it is almost impossible to do this. Admit to herself that she simply does not want to behave calmer.

Interests and hobbies

Alevtina is a creative person. He remains like this until the end of his days. Likes to invent something. As a child, she can do everything - sing, dance, write songs and poems, do gymnastics, draw, play any musical instrument. A teenager may become interested in photography.

If Alevtina is naturally beautiful, she can try herself as a fashion model. But he will not dare to devote himself to this profession, because he will encounter a lot of lies and falsehood along the way. Often you will have to give up your desires and dreams, and the girl categorically disagrees with doing this. Spoiled since childhood, Alevtina will not be able to endure the tough schedule of filming and touring.

More than anything, a woman likes shopping - she can spend hours walking through hypermarkets. If she is lonely, she can spend the whole day walking around the shops. She loves beautiful and expensive things, which she spares no expense on. He knows how to earn enough to buy branded products. And if she can’t afford something, she turns to her dad again, just like in childhood. He won't refuse her.

Compatibility of the name Alevtina with male names

Alevtina’s relationships with Boris, Varlaam, Victor and Kuzma will be harmonious and joyful. The more non-standard and more unusual name chosen one, the closer the relationship between the woman and her partner will be.

Alevtina will be crazy about Bronislav, Vasily, Zakhar and Svyatoslav, but none of them will be able to withstand her emotionality and reluctance to sort things out without quarrels and conflicts. They will look for common ground with a woman, but will not be able to find it.

Among the men who could become a worthy husband for Alevtina and keep her character under control are Arthur, Plato and Julius. Quarrels are inevitable, but any of them will be able to find an approach to the woman, will be like her dad, and will thereby achieve respect and recognition from Alevtina.

A woman should avoid Igor, Dmitry, Andrei, Stepan and Rudolf, because during conflicts, having failed to calm the woman down, they will often resort to violent methods, for which, of course, they will pay before the law, but they will manage to inflict many emotional wounds on Alevtina, which provoke diseases associated with the nervous system.

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