An unusual abbreviation of the name Tatyana. Tatyana: the meaning of the name, fate and character. Famous people named Tatyana

Today we will talk about the name, which from rare became widespread in the 19th century thanks to the work of Pushkin. If you decide to name your daughter Tatyana: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the girl.

“So, she was called Tatyana, For the first time with such a name We willfully consecrate the tender pages of the novel.”

The popularity of the name continues to grow; now it is found not only in Russia, but also in the West and in the USA.

The name Tatyana: it comes from the Greek word “tattoo”, which translated means “founder”, “organizer”.

In Russia, Saint Tatiana, the patroness of all students, is especially revered among young people.

Therefore, many believe that Tanya should be an unusually smart and capable girl from birth. This is why this name is still used so often.

Personal Description


This is a stubborn, domineering and selfish woman. She practically has no friends, since she sees every stranger as a potential rival. There can be friendship with men, but it will always hide sexual overtones, temptation and a desire for intimacy. She knows exactly what she wants and achieves what she wants by hook or by crook. Capable of deception.


IN love relationships She is very inventive with the opposite sex. If she wants to get strong man, she becomes flirtatious, sweet and defenseless with him. As soon as a man falls into her network, she tries to break him, suppress him with her will. If he desperately resists the onslaught, then she retreats, at the same time, not forgetting to do him some kind of meanness as a souvenir.

This is why Tatyana is rarely happy in her personal life. She can have more than one marriage. If she has a child from her first unsuccessful marriage, then most likely she will not need him. Being carried away by new novels, she will not find either time or energy to raise a child.

She will make an excellent wife and mother only if the man and child meet her ideals, and this is almost impossible.


May have many interests and hobbies. First of all, for her it will be great value status of the occupation.

If she goes on vacation, then only in best hotel, if she plays sports, then only in the best sports club. An environment of rich and influential people is important to her. She will be more willing to make acquaintance with them.


IN professional field may be interested in completely different areas: from journalism to scientific research, she has the gift of adapting and transforming.

Can become an excellent event organizer, teacher and physician. Strictness and diplomacy, as well as creativity in its working methods can contribute to success.


Possible problems with nervous system due to excessive stress and stress. She often suffers from headaches and insomnia, and is prone to alcoholism. Weak lungs and smoking are strictly contraindicated for her.

Influence of date of birth

  • spring - cunning and purposeful, loves to dominate, can get carried away by advertising;
  • summer - used to always being in first place and receiving praise for it;
  • autumn - serious and stubborn, a fighter for his truth, can succeed in law and journalism.
  • winter - may be too rude and withdrawn, it will be difficult for her to find her purpose in life, she may suffer from mental illness.

How will her life turn out?

The patron planet of the name Tatyana is Mars.

It cannot be said that an enviable fate awaits Tanya. A sweet and smart girl can over time turn into a domineering woman with an unbalanced psyche.

She will most likely be the eldest child in the family, and she will really miss the care and attention from her always busy parents, and caring for her younger brothers or sisters will greatly irritate her.

A good relationship with the mother will last a lifetime, since the mother will always feel guilty for all her daughter’s failures.

Tatyana is not getting married too early. Before marriage, she must definitely taste all the joys of a free, unencumbered life. As a husband, she is attracted to a strong and generous man with good income and property.

You will most likely develop a bad relationship with your mother-in-law; the women will not see eye to eye on their personalities, will compete for the man’s attention, and may even have conflicts.

As soon as Tatyana gives birth to a child and plunges headlong into everyday life and household chores, she will understand that this is not at all what she always dreamed of. During this period, she will try with all her might to escape from her hateful life, and in the end a difficult divorce will be inevitable.

He will enter into subsequent marriages either after carefully calculating the benefits for himself, or out of great and crazy love.

Work can become an outlet for all her sorrows. It is very important that it is associated with communication and frequent business trips. She will try to reach heights in her professional activity, and may well achieve good results.

Tatyana will grow old very quickly, especially if she is negligent about her health, nutrition and lifestyle. The men in her life will change often. But the children will never leave her and will be there no matter what.

What will the girl be like?

This name gives the owner cunning and dexterity in managing life.

As a child, Tanya will be capricious and sick a lot. She will cause a lot of trouble for her parents. He will be a very stubborn and headstrong child.

It is important to instill in a girl discipline and patience, as well as obedience, from an early age.


At school, Tatyana will easily be able to stand up for herself; she will be distinguished by her fickle character, inconsistency and restlessness. He may study well for some time, and then completely lose interest in studying. She dreams of becoming an actress and swimming in fame and money.

Awkward age

Having become a teenager, Tatyana will begin to become interested in the opposite sex. During this period, she will discover the ability to manipulate people. And this will give her great pleasure.

There may be manifestations of cruelty and envy, especially towards girls more successful than her. She will be capable of rash actions and will be reckless. At first she will ignore her failures; the ability to draw conclusions and learn from her mistakes will come to her much later.

Famous namesakes

  1. T. Anatolyevna Dogileva (born 1957) - Russian theater and film actress;
  2. T. Yakovleva (1906 - 1991) - beloved of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky;
  3. T. Larina - beloved A.S. Pushkin’s heroine of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”, about whom he wrote: I love my dear Tatyana so much!
  4. T. Doronina (born 1933) is a Russian theater and film actress.

The story about such an extraordinary girl as Tatyana should begin... with Natasha Rostova. Few people know that this heroine has her own real prototype. The great Tolstoy relied heavily on the character of the writer Tatyana Kuzminskaya when creating his immortal creation, which became a classic not only of Russian but also of world literature.
Why did the popular writer like her so much? Everything becomes clearer if you get a little acquainted with the meaning and secret origin of the name Tatyana. And it is useful for future parents to know how the meaning of the name Tanya influences the character and fate of the girl. It is no secret that the most important word in a person’s life largely determines one’s personality traits. We'll talk about this in more detail below.

Initially, the origin of the name Tatyana is associated with the male form of Tatiya. But as often happens, the female version of the name took on a life of its own. Today we can say for sure that when translated into Russian the word means “organizer”, “founder” and even “mistress”. It is no coincidence that the main university of the country - that same Moscow State University - is named in honor of Lomonosov, but it was opened (established) precisely on Tatiana's day in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana of Rome.

In the varieties of the name, you can pay attention to the sweetest, most affectionate forms: Tanechka, Tanya, Tanyusha, Tatyanka, Tanyushka. In common parlance they also like to call her Tanyukha, Tata Tasha and even Tusya. But ultimately, only she herself can choose how to properly call the bearer of the name.

Signs, talismans, patrons

When choosing a name for a girl or simply studying the nature of the girl Tatiana, it is useful to pay attention to the meaning and also to those signs and heavenly patrons that have a beneficial effect on her life. It is no secret that any word, as a certain set of frequencies and sounds, has its own connection with certain talismans. And to penetrate deeper into these secrets, you just need to know about some of the signs that patronize Tanya:

  1. Among the zodiac signs, the most influential is the mysterious, serious and very organized Capricorn. Astrologers call representatives of this sign the most responsible people who do not give up halfway, are punctual and always respect the limits of decency. Capricorns do not go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules; for them, agreement and certainty are the basis of relationships. Improvisation, irrepressible creativity and sudden changes in events are unlikely to please Tatyana. She believes that everything should go as usual because this is the normal order of things. That’s why our heroine is a talented organizer, a girl with the makings of a leader. Her opinion is respected because she knows what she is talking about. That is why Tanya achieves success in life.
  2. And in the sky, Tanya is patronized by the planet Mars, which personifies confrontations and even wars. But in the case of our heroine, this energy takes on more stable, constructive forms. In life, Tanya quite persistently and consistently defends her position. She rarely doubts herself, and if she has already decided the issue, she is unlikely to step back. And Tatyana surrounds herself with people who are persistent and courageous. That is why among her friends there are many representatives of the stronger sex who sincerely respect this unusual girl.
  3. The colors of luck for this lady are shades of crimson - the color autumn leaves, decorating the forest with unusual combinations. This color represents a person’s belonging to a noble family, his high position, which he can occupy thanks to his aspirations.
  4. IN flora patronizes clover - a symbol of rare luck, that very happy occasion that can change the course of events overnight. A favorable tree for Tanya is elm.
  5. And in the animal world, the gopher brings good luck.
  6. The ruby ​​is considered the talisman stone that protects Tatiana throughout her life. This gem symbolizes wisdom, prudence and honesty. Ruby attunes the energy of courage - thanks to its beneficial effects, a person can decide on difficult actions, but at the same time make a balanced, thoughtful decision.

Name day

The well-known Tatiana's day is not the only one among name days. Tanya can remember her heavenly patrons much more often:

  • January 18;
  • February 8;
  • July 17;
  • September 14 and 23;
  • October 3, 11 and 21;
  • December 3 and 23.


On the legendary Tatyana's day (January 25), which also became the day Russian students, there are some signs. For example, if the weather is sunny, spring will come early, and the birds will arrive very soon. If it snows, you can expect a rainy summer.

The character and fate of Tatyana

In the meaning of the name Tatyana you can see quite a few traits that are usually considered masculine. This lady is confident in herself, prefers to plan every event, relies only on specific circumstances and generally does not like to reveal her feelings. Tanya is unlikely to succumb to an emotional impulse and make some important decision. She loves to think logically, and sometimes it seems that her main way of understanding the world is to create a rational scheme with finding all the unknowns.

Be that as it may, one can really only envy Tanya. She is smart, responsible, moves towards any goal slowly but surely. Tatyana doesn’t understand why there’s a rush and fuss. After all, any business takes time, and it is impossible to solve anything in a couple of days. Those around her may even reproach her for being too cautious and slow. And they will be even more surprised when the girl finally makes up her mind and takes such an important step that her life can be safely divided into before and after.

Indeed, Tanya plans every event. And if she has set a specific goal, she will go towards it, no matter what. She doesn't know what mood swings or a moment of weakness are. In any case, this does not affect matters in any way. The horizon is always clear, and our heroine’s plane calmly follows its course, shining in the rays of the rising Sun.

On the other hand, such a life attitude predetermines another interesting quality of Tatyana’s personality, which is largely reflected in her fate. She is tactful, polite, as if she listens to her interlocutors with pleasure. But he acts exclusively in accordance with his own will. You will never make this stubborn woman change her mind. And this is not at all connected with harmfulness - Tatyana is quite negotiable. She just thought through everything so well, calculated every little detail so carefully, that she simply couldn’t understand why something needed to be added to a brilliantly designed scheme.

Of course, each quality has both advantages and disadvantages. After all, life is not a black and white TV. In fact, all our days are filled with a mixture of different events. And the most interesting thing is that negative situations can have positive consequences over time. It is quite possible that Tatyana’s logic is based precisely on these principles. This girl is confident in herself, she knows that the Sun is always hiding behind the clouds. That’s why Tanechka is an incorrigible optimist. And her cheerfulness is of a special nature: our heroine does not wear rose-colored glasses, she can easily explain why everything will be fine. Apparently Tanya just checked this too.


It is important for Tanya to keep in mind that her responsible, organized approach to life sometimes leads to some selfishness, even stubbornness. This is not a matter of some bad qualities or lack of upbringing. It’s just that Tanya is used to pulling all the blankets on herself, not relying too much on those around her. This often works, but everything needs to be done delicately, right? Listening to friends, relatives, friends is not at all shameful. But to act without taking into account their good advice is not quite the right position. Don't forget that intelligence is good, but two is better.

Tatyana in love and marriage: compatibility with male names

Tanya can hardly be called an amorous, impulsive girl. Of course, who wasn’t into it when they were young? But even in the sweet state of love euphoria, this girl keeps her head cold. And despite all the man’s promises, vows of eternal love and simply beautiful eyes, she is still able to reason practically.

There is no pettiness or self-interest in Tatyana, she is far from the idea of ​​living at someone else's expense and enjoying idleness. On the contrary, this lady is looking for a wife, rather, an ally, a faithful associate who will help realize a common cause. Tanya wants to achieve a lot from life - she is driven by different motives, but if you express them in one word, you get something like “be better”, “be ahead”.

That is why our heroine approaches the choice of her soul mate with the utmost care. Fleeting hobbies, hasty decisions and frivolous decisions are alien to her. Everything needs to be done with sense, feeling, arrangement - and nothing else.

Due to characteristic features, which can be seen in the meaning of the name Tanya, a very important question arises about with whom our heroine’s marriage is possible. To do this, you need to pay attention to compatibility with male names. Tanechka has the greatest strength of feelings with the following representatives:

  • Boris;
  • Robert;
  • Egor;
  • Gleb;
  • Dmitry;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Nikolai;
  • Ilya;
  • Gennady;
  • Arseny;
  • Edward;
  • Joseph.

But relationships with these men will be less successful:

  • Georgy;
  • Demyan;
  • Arthur;
  • Anton;
  • Oleg;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Georgy;
  • Vladislav;
  • Plato.

Tatiana's professions

Tatyana can try herself in almost any field. However, her organizational talents will quickly require implementation, and therefore it is better for our heroine to focus on the opportunity career growth and achieving command positions. Tanechka will cope with her duties perfectly, because her hard work and responsibility can only be envied.

A girl can try herself in own business, however, it is important to keep in mind that you must sincerely like the matter. Tanya just can’t fake it and do work just for the money. She needs to feel useful - therefore, even with a large profit, she will not be able to do uninteresting things for a long time.

Famous Tatianas

Among the famous Tatianas you can find not only real women, but also literary characters. Everyone knows Tatyana Larina, Tanechka, who cries loudly, Tanya Sabaneeva from “The Wild Dog Dingo”. Well, there are even more famous talented girls called Tatyanas. These are Tatyana Vasilyeva, Doronina, Dogileva, Peltzer, Lioznova and many others.

A majestic, intelligent and incredibly responsible girl is a combination of the best human qualities that are relevant at all times. This is what she is - the unforgettable Tatyana.

Meaning of the name Tatyana: This name for a girl means “organizer” in Latin. Another meaning of the name Tatyana is “founder”, “to approve”, “to establish”.

Origin of the name Tatyana: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Tatyanka, Tanya, Tanyusha, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatusya, Tusya, Tasha.

What does the name Tatyana mean: A girl with this name strives to be the best in everything and does the assigned work perfectly and on time. She does not look for easy ways and chooses complex, responsible professions where her intelligence is useful. The girl competes with her friends and sooner or later they get tired of it. If the husband stops satisfying the woman, she will initiate a divorce.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Tatyana celebrates her name day once a year: January 25 (12) - St. Martyr Tatyana.

Signs: Tatiana's Day, according to centuries-old tradition, is a holiday for students. The sun will shine on Tatiana Kreschenskaya - for the early arrival of birds; and if it snows, there will be frequent rain in the summer.


  • Zodiac – Capricorn
  • Planet – Mars
  • Color - crimson
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Treasured plant - clover
  • Patron – gopher
  • Talisman stone – ruby

Characteristics of the name Tatyana

Positive features: The name Tatyana gives determination, self-confidence, openness, a cheerful disposition and a subtle sense of humor. A girl with this name has strong intuition, even clairvoyance. Many people trust her hunch. It’s easy to communicate with her; she seems to envelop the interlocutor with her charm. The name has a strong will, she believes in herself, and almost does not give in to outside influence. Even as a child, Tanya knows how to stand up for herself, she is practical and economical.

Negative features: Changeability of views and moods. Even her life principles depend on the moment's mood. She seems to be dissolved in the world around her and changes with it. Having matured, a girl named Tanechka becomes stubborn and domineering and does not tolerate objections. As a rule, Tanya does not listen to other people's advice, resists, can conflict and make enemies for herself.

Character of the name Tatyana: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Tatyana? A woman named Tatyana is stubborn, domineering, purposeful, does not tolerate objections, and is sometimes despotic. Egocentric, not sentimental, absolutely not insightful, although she considers herself to be such. Very subjective. Business acumen is amazing, the mind is sharp, the personality potential is colossal, but due to the nature of one’s character it is not always used. Favorite saying: “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky!”

Relationships with men are usually complicated by the fact that in each of them Tanya sees a possible admirer, or even a husband, and if the relationship goes wrong, she begins to despise, or even hate, her chosen one.

Since childhood, a girl named Tanya has been distinguished by her emotionality and at the same time the ability to stand up for herself; the girl is a real tomboy, but she cannot be called naughty. Among her peers, Tanechka is almost always a leader. During his school years, one after another he attends a wide variety of clubs, but does not complete anything and loses interest in these activities. The girl studies well at school, but is restless and has difficulty doing her homework. As a child, she dreams of becoming an actress.

Tanya has a sharp analytical mind. She doesn’t miss anything, she resists everything that interferes with her life. She is proud, can be vindictive, and very rarely follows other people's advice, no matter how useful it may be. At work, Tanya never stays away from emerging problems and conflicts. The girl has a very keen sense of the atmosphere in the team. The nature of her actions critical moment depends on the position held and may not be very peaceful.

He is an excellent organizer, administrator, and public figure. Often this is a good teacher, he knows how to communicate with children and make them listen to themselves. She is interested in biology and medicine. The meaning of the name Tatyana allows the girl to be an experienced engineer. She is an active, decisive, proud nature, all these qualities bring her success in her career. Sometimes Tanechka is somewhat self-confident, but this gives her optimism. Sometimes she is overly impulsive, which makes her life difficult. She attaches great importance to the fates of the people around her, strives to settle everything and relieve tension. In the family, Tanya is the center that unites everyone and gives everyone a feeling of confidence and awareness that he is not alone in this world.

Tanya has few friends; she will never refuse to help, but she will never sacrifice her own or her family’s interests. Tanya does not care what impression she makes on others, she rarely regrets anything and does not consider it necessary to correct the consequences. The girl is not insidious, she will not deliberately harm anyone.

Tatyana and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The greatest chances for a successful marriage named Tanya are with Anatoly, Valery, Miroslav, Sergey, Stepan. The name is also combined with Tikhon. A successful marriage of a name with Alexei, Bashilo, Bronislav, Gennady, Kirill, Stanislav, Philip is unlikely.

Tatyana's love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Tatyana promise happiness in love? Family is of particular importance to her. And, nevertheless, family life does not always work out successfully, since Tanya tries to impose her will on her husband or will constantly give him reasons for jealousy.

A woman is sexy, relaxed during intimacy, but only with the person she loves.

In marriage, the meaning of the name Tatyana helps to be calm about housework. She loves her children, usually two of them, very much, becomes a true friend to them, forgives them a lot, and constantly worries about them. She tries to subjugate her husband to her will, but this does not always succeed. However, Tanya is not inclined to divorce; she values ​​\u200b\u200bsteadiness and stability, material well-being. She gradually gets used to it and in adulthood finds a common language with her husband.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Tatyana early reveals the gift of imitation and reincarnation. She has a keen sense of music, but does not always realize these creative abilities on stage. Contrary to natural gift, she can choose the profession of an accountant, agronomist, or chemist. The girl Tanechka is able to do any job, clearly understanding what she needs in life.

Business and career: Tanya is lucky, she can win the lottery, she is lucky in gambling. As a rule, she marries successfully, giving her husband the responsibility and right to provide for the family.

Health and energy

Health and talents: The meaning of the name Tatyana from a medical point of view. Tanya is born restless. Cries constantly, takes a long time to fall asleep, but eats mother's milk well. Even seven-month-olds gain weight quickly. Some do not develop very well physically: they begin to hold their heads up late, their front teeth cut late. The "March" girl is prone to bronchitis. "April" with the name Tatyana is prone to obesity.

In childhood, inclined to infectious diseases. There are often minor injuries, including a broken arm. The tonsils are disturbing; there may be hormonal imbalances. Weak lungs, the girl needs to be protected from pneumonia.

After childbirth she usually gets better, but her metabolism is disrupted. A woman may suffer from dysfunction of the ovaries, then she faces the problem of infertility. There may be excess hair on the arms and legs. Tanya is not very happy in her personal life; she often has nervous breakdowns, stress, and depression. Some are prone to alcohol dependence and drug addiction.

Mental disorders are more common among the “Noyabrskaya” - with patronymics Vladimirovna, Anatolyevna, Nikolaevna. Having become an alcoholic, the one with the name Tatyana sinks and pulls the whole family with her. Tanya with such middle names can be registered with a psychiatrist. The worst thing is that Tanechka carries with her everyone who has weak character, ruins the lives of many, showing selfishness and dishonesty in relationships with people.

Tatyana's fate in history

What does the name Tatyana mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Tatyana A. Kuzminskaya, sister-in-law of L.N. Tolstoy (sister of his wife Sophia), always admired the great writer with her voice, liveliness, intelligence, all-conquering charm - and served as his prototype for the image of Natasha Rostova, the most charming heroine of the novel "War and Peace".
  2. Tatyana Larina - beloved A.S. Pushkin’s heroine of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”, about whom he wrote: I love my dear Tatiana so much!
  3. Tatyana I. Peltzer (1904-1992) - famous Russian actress. Of the roles she played on stage, we can mention Kukushkina in the play “Profitable Place” by A.N. Ostrovsky, Fedorovna in “Three Girls in Blue” by L. Petrusheskaya, Marcelina in “The Marriage of Figaro”. The latest performance, staged by Valentin Pluchek, has been shown on television more than once. One of the actress’s latest theatrical works is the play “Funeral Prayer.” Tatyana Peltzer made her film debut with a small role in the film “The Wedding” (1943), together with the famous Erast Garin and Faina Ranevskaya. Tatyana Peltzer has acted a lot, but among her many bright and richly played roles, there are very few main ones. However, even small episodes were remembered for a long time, for example, at the age of 65, she danced dashingly on the roof and climbed over fences in Ilya Frez’s cheerful children’s film “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase.” And the actress starred, albeit in episodes, with such directors as Joseph Kheifits, Alexander Rowe, Ilya Frez, Nadezhda Kosheverova, Svetlana Druzhinina. Among Tatyana Peltzer’s other works, it is worth noting the roles of Aniskin’s wife in the film “Village Detective”, Fedosya Ivanovna in Mark Zakharov’s wonderful film “Formula of Love”, as well as the roles of the 1980s in fairy tale films directed by Mikhail Yuzovsky.
  4. Tatyana Shchepkina-Kupernik (1874–1952) – Russian Soviet writer, translator.
  5. Tatyana Yakovleva (1906–1991) – beloved of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.
  6. Tatyana Samoilova (1934) is a Russian film actress.
  7. Tatyana Doronina (1933) is a Russian theater and film actress.
  8. Tatyana Mavrina (Lebedeva) (1902–1996) – Russian artist.
  9. Tatyana A. Dogileva (1957) is a Russian theater and film actress.

Tatyana in different languages ​​of the world

Translation to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English translated as Tatyana, in Italian: Tatiana, in Ukrainian: Tetyana, in Polish: Tacjana.

Most people believe in the influence of various factors on their destiny: signs, horoscopes and date of birth. What do our names mean and how do they influence the future? Today we will find out what the name Tatyana means.

There are two versions of the origin of the name Tanya. According to one of them, it came from the Latin “Tatius,” the name of the Sabine king, the head of the Italic tribe. He was quite hot-tempered and aggressive, so the name Tatyana leaves the same imprint on his owner. This is easy to see by watching Tanya.

According to another version, its origin dates back to Ancient Greece from the word “tatyu”, which is translated as “to define and establish rules, to command.” This is what Tatyana is, the meaning of the name is determined precisely by these words. It is also worth noting that Tatiana has determination and a strong character.

The name Tatyana is very beautiful, bright and prominent. It gives a woman masculine character traits. Its owner combines modesty and at the same time assertiveness. Thanks to this, Tanya can always stand up for herself and for others who need it. He does not tolerate competition and eliminates any obstacle that stands in his way. Most often this concerns the sphere of personal relationships.

Basically, Tatyana’s opinion of herself is too high, they consider themselves to be the best in everything, but this image collapses as soon as they get into a bad situation. Due to her inherent impulsiveness, Tanya does not control herself, and all her negative qualities come to the surface.

By church calendar Tatyana can choose the following name day dates that are closer to her date of birth: January 25, December 3 and 23, October 3 and 21, September 14 and 23, July 17.

What other forms does it have? female name Tatiana? This:

  • Tasya, Tata, Tatka.
  • Tanyusha, Tanya.
  • Tatyanka, Tanya, Tanechka.

Fateful moments

What is the meaning of the name Tatyana for a little girl, and how does it affect her character? From early childhood, Tanya has been different from her friends. She has strong leadership qualities and wants everyone to obey her. However, this changes depending on her mood.

Another character quality that is of great importance for the name Tatyana is easygoing. She can walk gloomy all day if someone spoiled her mood, and then suddenly change her anger to mercy. She is reluctant to study at school, although she is quite smart. It is her temper and emotionality that prevent her from turning on her intelligence and intelligence in time.

Tanyush's character is often compared to a man's; they love to dominate and rule, especially when there is a not very strong-willed person nearby. Tatyana will quickly subjugate such a person to her will. Parents often find it difficult to cope with daughters who are disobedient and eccentric. But having found the right approach, it is quite possible to direct their energy in the right direction. Due to the fact that Tanya’s character is filled mainly with masculine traits, she often conflicts with girls, but in the company of boys she feels like she belongs.

Tatyana does not attach great importance to studies, but at the same time she grasps everything on the fly. She often does everything out of principle, and studying is no exception. She's bored in class, but outside of school she's a blast different ideas. She always finds when and what to do, and lives only here and now, leaving flying a dream for others.

For an adult woman, the meaning and origin of the name Tatyana also leave their mark. Her character has the same authority and core. She practically does not have close friends, since she sees each of them as a rival. She is friends with men, but communication with them almost always has sexual overtones. But in male company, her character softens a little and takes on feminine traits.

Tatyana is influenced not only by the origin of the name, but also by the planet Mars, so they are quite selfish, go ahead and achieve their goal in any way. The same applies to a man: if Tanya has set a goal, she will win his heart, no matter what the cost.

To do this, she will pretend to be the most tender, feminine and obedient, and when she achieves her goal, she will try to subordinate him to her will. If she fails, she will retreat. It is not easy to live with such women, so Tatyana’s fate is such that they often have more than one marriage.

Tanya is able to find herself in absolutely any profession, thanks to her ability to quickly absorb information and adapt to circumstances. They can have several hobbies and achieve success in each of them, but give up everything halfway if they lose interest in what they started.

Most often, women with this name find themselves in creative professions. They make excellent organizers, administrators, and presenters. But, having got married, our heroine gives the right to provide for a family to her man.

The fate of the owner of this name develops according to two possible scenarios. If for some reason a girl does not meet a person dear to her heart, then Tatyana can marry without love, for the status and wealth of a man. Love comes over the years, and then she is happy in marriage, bestowing this happiness on her family members.

If love does not come, Tanya leaves, despite all her husband’s attempts to win her back. She remarries quite rarely, but she is not deprived of the attention of fans.

Due to her temper and the influence of her name on her character, she often experiences stress and nervous strain, so she should pay special attention to her nervous system.

Love and marriage

What is the compatibility of the name Tatyana with male names? Let's look at some of them.

The ability to enjoy the simplest little things really brings people together. Tanya is responsible for everything homework and making important decisions, so Sergei often hears reproaches addressed to him in this regard. Compatibility will be impossible if the couple does not learn to tame their character and find a compromise in controversial situations, because both Sergey and Tatyana are quite emotional.

In a couple, Tatyana and compatibility are more likely to be absent than vice versa. The man in her is self-sufficient and independent. He is used to having his opinion taken into account and not contradicted. Tatyana knows what she wants and thinks first and foremost only about herself. The desires of her partner come second for her. Maxim does not accept such an attitude towards himself.

The woman in this couple loves to be the center of attention, but Maxim will not pursue a woman with her nose held high. He needs a partner who has a more flexible character, who respects his opinion and adapts to him. If both take these nuances into account, then in this case compatibility is quite possible, and fate may decide in such a way that the couple Maxim and Tatyana will be able to build a fairly strong relationship.

The name Tanya is considered to be poorly compatible with the following male names: Gennady, Vyacheslav, Stanislav, Timofey, Kirill. Author: Natalia Chernikova

The female name Tatyana is widespread in Russia. It arose in ancient Greece and since then has managed to leave a noticeable mark on history. Tatyana is a strong and talented woman. Her character and personal qualities allow her to be realized in many areas of life.

It is generally accepted that the origin of the name Tatyana is ancient Greek. With the advent of Christianity, it began to be used in Rus' and quickly became popular. But in Western countries the name is not widespread and is considered originally Russian.

It has acquired particular significance for Russian students. In 1755, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University. The event took place on January 25 and coincided with the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Tatiana.

Since then, this date has been called “Tatyana’s Day” and began to be celebrated first as the opening day of the university, and then as the day of Russian students. Saint Tatiana herself was declared the patroness of students.


What does the name Tatyana mean, what is the meaning of the name? According to the first version, it is translated from ancient Greek as “appointed”, “establisher”, “founder” and comes from the word “tatto” - to determine, to establish.

There is another version. According to her, the name comes from the king of the Sabines, Titus Tatia, and its meaning is “lady of the Tatia family.”


After reading the description of the name Tatyana, you can understand that she is a gifted and purposeful woman. She believes that everyone creates their own destiny and makes every effort to realize themselves in their career and life.

Decisiveness, perseverance, energy and business acumen help Tatyana in her professional activities. She can achieve success in journalism, film and television, medicine, administration, teaching and many other professions.

Tanya's health requires close attention. She is prone to illness respiratory system, excess weight gain, hormonal disorders. Problems in your personal life can lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.


Tatyana grows up as an active and emotional child, prefers active, “boyish” games, and from an early age shows leadership qualities. He usually studies well, but experiences difficulties due to restlessness.

Tatyana's hobbies change frequently. As a child, she attends many clubs and sections, and as she gets older, she shows interest in traveling.

Tanya also likes to attend entertainment events and make acquaintances, but she has few real friends. She is responsive, but will never sacrifice her interests.

Tanya is temperamental in love, but opens up only with a partner who has managed to win her heart. She considers the most important quality of her chosen one to be the ability to provide for his family.

In marriage, Tatyana strives to lead, which can cause conflicts with her husband. With age, this quality smoothes out. She values ​​family, easily copes with household chores and manages her budget wisely.

She usually has two children. Tatyana becomes a loving, caring mother. She often manages to build trusting, friendly relationships with children.

In general, Tanya is an optimist, which helps her overcome difficulties. She believes in herself, has a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor. But she, like any person, has negative qualities - self-confidence, pride, frivolity, hot temper.

Name day

When is Tatyana's name day? In the Orthodox calendar, which includes the days of remembrance of the new martyrs, they fall on the following dates: January 18 and 25, July 17, September 14 and 23, October 3, 11 and 21, December 3 and 23. The first date following the person’s birthday or coinciding with it is chosen as the Angel’s day (name day).

Name color

For Tatyana, the color of the name is red, crimson. People whose names are associated with this shade have a strong character and physical endurance. They are sociable, know how to win over their interlocutor, but are quick-tempered and easily lose their temper.

Nature generously endows people with red names with talents, but they are not always able to realize them. Family life is difficult; remarriages or loneliness in old age are possible. Under unfavorable circumstances, there is an increased risk of becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs.

Name flower

For Tatyana, the flower of her name is clover. It is simple and unpretentious, but charms everyone with its aroma and delicate petals. Like this flower, Tanya does not seek to put herself on display and yet rarely goes unnoticed.

Men pay attention to her, but she takes a long time to choose her one and only, trying to find the ideal. For her, the ability of a gentleman to beautifully look after and surround her with attention is important. Sometimes such pickiness lets Tanya down. She mistakenly chooses a man who is gallant, knows how to impress, but is unreliable, and ends up disappointed.

Church name, calendar

Tatiana will be baptized as Tatiana. This is the church spelling of this name. It is mentioned 10 times in the calendar, the exact dates are indicated above (see Name Day paragraph).

Translation of name in different languages

In the international passport this name will be written as TATIANA. In different languages, spelling and pronunciation also differ:

  1. Tatjana (Tatiana) - in German.
  2. Tatyana (Tatiana) - in English.
  3. Tatiana (Tatiana) - in Spanish, Italian, Polish.
  4. タチヤナ (Tatiyana) – in Japanese.
  5. Tetyana (Tetyana) - in Ukrainian.
  6. Tatstsyan - in Belarusian.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

Full name: Tatyana. In short, she can be called Tanya, Tata, Tusya, Tasha. The name has many affectionate forms - Tanyusha, Tanechka, Tatusya, Tanyuta, Tanyura, Tatunya, Tatula, Tatyanka, Tanyukha, Tanchik.

Name compatibility

A bright romance is possible with Gleb, Dmitry, Egor, Nikolai, Boris, Makar, Trofim. IN family life Tatyana’s compatibility is high with a man whose name is Arseny, Arkady, Vadim, Miron, Ilya, Rodion, Eduard, Valery, Ivan, Anatoly, Stepan or Grigory.

But serious relationships with Anton, Albert, Arthur, Kirill, Stanislav, Savely, Georgy and Vladislav are best avoided. Their marriage threatens to end in divorce.

How to incline

Declension of the name by case:

  • Tatyana – nominative;
  • Tatiana – genitive;
  • Tatyana – dative;
  • Tatyana - accusative;
  • Tatyana - creative;
  • Tatyana - prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Among the owners of this name there are many talented, extraordinary women. The most famous of them:

  1. Tatyana Fedorovna Pronchishcheva (1713-1736). The first woman to become a polar explorer. She took part in the Great Northern Expedition.
  2. Tatyana Lvovna Shchepkina-Kupernik (1874-1952). Russian writer and translator, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  3. Tatyana Alekseevna Mavrina (1902-1996). Artist-painter of the Soviet era, Laureate of the USSR State Prize.
  4. Tatyana Ivanovna Peltzer (1904-1992). Soviet film and theater actress. She is a laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree and a People's Artist of the USSR. Known for the films " Ordinary people", "Tiger Tamer", "Two Captains", "Aniskin and Fantomas", "12 Chairs" and others.
  5. Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya (1917-2005). Soviet and Ukrainian artist. Laureate of the USSR State Prize and two Stalin Prizes of the 2nd degree, Hero of Ukraine.
  6. Tatyana Mikhailovna Lioznova (1924-2011). Russian film director, screenwriter, teacher. Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. She worked on the films “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “Carnival”, “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”.
  7. Tatyana Valentinovna Bunina (1930). Soviet volleyball player, forward. World champion (1952) and European champion (1951), master of sports of the USSR.
  8. Tatyana Evgenievna Samoilova (1934). People's Artist Russian Federation, winner of the Jury Prize at the XI Cannes Film Festival. She starred in the films “The Cranes Are Flying”, “An Unsent Letter”, “Anna Karenina”.
  9. Tatyana Anatolyevna Dogileva (1957). Theater and film actress, film director. She starred in more than 100 films. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, winner of the Kinotavr Award.
  10. Tatyana Viktorovna Roganova, pseudonym Polyakova (1959). Russian writer in the detective genre. She has published more than 80 books, 9 of them were filmed.
  11. Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Pushkina (1964). Russian TV presenter. Led the program " Women's stories», « General cleaning", "Day after Day", "Two Wives".
  12. Tatyana Vitalievna Kuralesina, pseudonym Ustinova (1968). Prose writer, author of popular detective novels, translator, screenwriter and TV presenter. She published 49 books.
  13. Tatyana Ivanovna Bulanova (1969). Russian pop star, actress and TV presenter. Two-time winner of the Ovation Award, Honored Artist of Russia.
  14. Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka (1975). Soviet, Russian and Belarusian figure skater. Master of Sports of Russia, three-time champion of Russia and Europe. She took part in the ice shows “Stars on Ice”, “Ice Age”, “Ice and Fire”.
  15. Tatyana Albertovna Arntgolts (1982). Russian actress. She has starred in more than 40 domestic TV series and films.

Tatyana is a name with strong energy. It endows its owner with a complex character and many talents. IN recent years it has become less used, replaced by more exotic names, but the situation may change in the future.

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