Angel Valery's day and name day according to the church calendar. Female name Valeria - which means: description of the name. Girl's name Valeria: secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, Nazi

As a child, Valeria is prone to mood swings, which occur with such frequency that those around her cannot get used to it. She is easy to offend even with the most in a simple word. And if she is offended, she will remain in this state for a long time. Even as she matures, Valeria does not get rid of these character traits. She is quick-tempered, constantly changes her mind, and is touchy. Her plans are different every day, and her opinion about certain things depends on her mood. Unfortunately, due to these characteristics, Valeria cannot be relied upon.

In relationships with a man, Valeria is vulnerable and sensitive. Reacts to his every word. It takes a long time for her to join a new team or company; it is difficult for her to get used to people and even more difficult to get along with them common language. Valeria's husband should be a man with iron patience and nerves. He must get used to all its features. But in such a person she will see not only her beloved husband, but also a good friend. She will love him and forgive him everything, turning a blind eye to all his shortcomings.

Fate: Valeria has a restive character and is quite a cheerful person. More often than not, Valeria’s romanticism does not dispose her towards housekeeping.

Angel Valeria Day

From Latin language- cheerful, strong. In ancient Rome, a woman from the Valeri family. Valeria has been a darling of fate since childhood. Beautiful, affectionate, cheerful, playful, like a kitten, the favorite of parents and older brothers or sisters. She always gets all the best - the most delicious piece on the table, the most beautiful dress etc. Valeria's name day is celebrated in the summer.

Valeria comes easily to science, first boys like her, then adult men. And Valeria herself likes their attention, since she is by nature very temperamental, amorous... Maybe that’s why she gets married early, gets divorced soon, and then marries again.

Often by the age of 30, Valeria has two children from different husbands, whom her third husband helps her raise. By the age of 40-45, Valeria has two dozen lovers and 3-4 husbands behind her. The older Valeria gets, the younger her lovers are. However, one of her legal husbands was always with her. Such leapfrog occurs for Valeria not because she is vicious, but because she is always in search of an ideal lover who would subjugate her, and not vice versa. She is looking for a man like the Scandinavian Vikings - strong, courageous, “wild” in passion, but reliable in the family.

Valeria is pleasant in communication - she is erudite, well-read, loves and knows poetry. She is very cruel and unfair towards women, if she considers them competitors (no matter what - in work, in love, in “charm”, in clothes, etc.). She can literally trample them, without choosing intelligent methods.

And in everything else - in relation to children, to work, to household (household) responsibilities, to the men she loves, to friends, of whom she has very few - Valeria is an ideal person. Loves to engage in cultural business (books, art, stylish clothes, antiques, etc.).

Every Christian, in addition to his birthday, also has a name day. Name day is a day on which the memory of the saint is honored, by whose name a person was named during the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. In the church calendar, almost every day is dedicated to the name day of a saint, sometimes several saints at once. Usually the day of remembrance is the day of the death of a saint on earth, that is, his transition to eternity.

The name with which a person is given at baptism not only remains with him for the rest of his life, but also remains with him after his death, serving as a guide for the person in better world. Name day is also called Angel Day: previously patrons of man in heaven they were called Angels. However, this is not entirely correct, since at baptism every baby has a Guardian Angel who stays with us all our lives and helps us, protects us from troubles, but we do not know his name.

The name Valery is from the Roman Valeo - strong, strong, vigorous. This word has another interpretation: “to surpass”, “to influence”. Valeria is a female name, derived from a male one.

Angel Valery's Day church calendar celebrated twice a year:

  • May 6 - they remember the Holy Martyr Queen Valeria;
  • June 20 - they remember the holy martyr known as Kaleria, who was killed in IV AD for her faith.

On this day, you can give girls gifts that symbolize faith, for example, personalized icons, holy calendar, vessels with holy water, blessed rings with church inscriptions, beautiful consecrated wax candles. It will also be a useful gift church book or a CD with spiritual recordings.

Orthodox men celebrate Valery’s name day on the following dates:

  • March 22 - in honor of the martyr Valery of Sebastia;
  • November 7 - martyr Valery;
  • November 20 - Great Martyr Valery Melitinsky.

On the day of the angel Valery, a man can be congratulated simply with words or given a personalized sample that will protect him throughout life. Congratulations must be sincere and not contradict the Seven Commandments of God.

Adult Christians on this day they visit the temple, you need to confess and receive communion on your name day. After communion, it is important to protect yourself from all worldly vanity, so as not to waste the festive grace. In the evening, you can invite your relatives for a meal; if the name day falls on fasting days, then the meal should be fast.

A girl named “Lera” may have an impulsive and impetuous character from early childhood. Her mood can change extremely quickly from cheerful and cheerful to gloomy and sad. Growing up, Valeria remains just as gusty and windy.

This is clearly visible in Lera’s relationship with the opposite sex: having many fans, it is very difficult for them to decide and choose one. A man with iron nerves and great patience is suitable as a companion for a woman. But having chosen just one, the girl completely dissolves in him and sees in him not only her husband, but also best friend . Often the fate of a woman named Lera develops in such a way that by the age of 30 she has one or two children from different husbands, and by the age of 40 she may have many lovers behind her. The older a woman gets, the younger her lovers are.

Lera fits into the team easily, loves communication and noisy fun. Women bearing this name are often good housewives, they love their home and enliven it, create comfort, and easily keep it clean.

The meaning of the name Valery

The name Valery is translated as “strong, healthy”; often men with this name have really good health, despite the fact that their lifestyle can be completely opposite. Men with this name have a complex, capricious character, they are very stubborn and have problems making friends and establishing contacts.

A man bearing this name is not suited for family life; he loves himself very much and can often offend his wife and children. Therefore, the Valeriev family life often ends in divorce.

In life, men with this name are quite purposeful, often achieve their goals, but they are absolutely not risky. They are good performers at work and like to perform complex tasks.

Silouan of Athos also wrote that the holy angels will see our lives, know all our sorrows and hear all our prayers. The saints in whose name we were baptized always remember us and pray for our sins. They see all our suffering on earth. The Lord gave them great grace; they embrace the whole world with their love.

Veneration of your saint is not only about praying to him, it is important to know his feat and imitate him. From the words of St. Ambrose of Optina: “Thy life will be according to your name.” That is why it is very important to carefully choose a name for a child, because the martyr saint, whose name is given to a person, is not only a patron, but also role model.

Rules of veneration

  1. Know about his exploits and honor them.
  2. Turn to the saint in prayer and always remember that you have an intercessor in heaven.
  3. Try to follow his example in life.

According to the nature of their deeds in the Christian faith, saints are divided into faces: prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, saints, holy fools and holy believers. The name Valeria belongs to the ranks of martyrs, so a person with this name can fearlessly profess his faith, always and everywhere follow the Christian commandments, without looking back at the dangers. First of all, martyrs must please God in everything, and not people, and should not pay attention to their ridicule or threats.

A short prayer to the holy martyr Valery for every day

Pray to God, our Savior, for me, holy saint Valery, as I earnestly ask you for help, I resort to your help, your quick helper and prayer book to the saint for my soul.

We all bear the names of saints who lived their lives and left their calling on earth, and each person must think about the meaning of his name, about that personality that is accessible only to his life. Because the saints are not only our heavenly prayer books and intercessors, but also the image of what kind of life we ​​need to adhere to.

Attention, TODAY only!

When is Valeria’s name day according to the church calendar?: June 20 – Valeria of Caesarea, martyr.

Characteristics of Valeria's birthday boy:

From the Latin language - vigorous, strong. In ancient Rome, a woman from the Valeri family. Valeria has been a darling of fate since childhood. Beautiful, affectionate, cheerful, playful, like a kitten, the favorite of parents and older brothers or sisters. She always gets the best - the tastiest piece on the table, the most beautiful dress, etc. Valeria's name day is celebrated in the summer.

Valeria comes easily to science, first boys like her, then adult men. And Valeria herself likes their attention, since she is by nature very temperamental, amorous... Maybe that’s why she gets married early, gets divorced soon, and then marries again.

Often by the age of 30, Valeria has two children from different husbands, whom her third husband helps her raise. By the age of 40-45, Valeria has two dozen lovers and 3-4 husbands behind her. The older Valeria gets, the younger her lovers are. However, one of her legal husbands was always with her. Such leapfrog occurs for Valeria not because she is vicious, but because she is always in search of an ideal lover who would subjugate her, and not vice versa. She is looking for a man like the Scandinavian Vikings - strong, courageous, “wild” in passion, but reliable in the family.

Valeria is pleasant in communication - she is erudite, well-read, loves and knows poetry. She is very cruel and unfair towards women, if she considers them competitors (no matter what - in work, in love, in “charm”, in clothes, etc.). She can literally trample them, without choosing intelligent methods.

And in everything else - in relation to children, to work, to household (household) responsibilities, to the men she loves, to friends, of whom she has very few - Valeria is an ideal person. Loves to engage in cultural business (books, art, stylish clothes, antiques, etc.).

Congratulations on Valeria's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Valeria's name day and congratulate Valeria on Angel's Day.

Good genetics is in Lera’s blood,

She gifted the girl with abilities beyond measure:

She is smart, incredibly charming, beautiful,

Either reserved, or deliberately playful!...

And the media keeps repeating:

"According to many opinions,

Stages starry sky,

Favors Valery!

You don't have Grammy awards, but I believe:

A new star will light up soon - Valeria!

Valeria - today is your day and everything is here for you!

Happy name day, my dear!

Good luck, joy, luck, goodness!

Let this world be all for you!

Let your wishes come true

And let your dreams come true!

So that I never knew about despair,

And everyone gave you flowers!

These are paired names with a common origin and meaning. In the history and origin of the name Valery we will find what they mean.

The name Valeria is a name of Latin origin and is derived from the word valeo, which translates as “strength” or “health”. It is believed that the meaning of the name Valeria is “strong”, “strong” or “healthy”. In our culture there is another name derived from the word valeo - this is the name Valentin and its female form Valentina .. But this is only the beginning of a fascinating story. Many names that have survived to this day are names derived from generic names. The name Valeria is just one of them. IN ancient rome there was a genus of Valesios and Valerius, and to be precise, it was from them that the name Valeria came. But these generic names, in turn, come from the word “valeo”.

The meaning of the name Valeria for a girl

Little Lera is a wonderful, cheerful child. She is a joyful, lively and at the same time quite obedient girl. He loves active games with other children. Running, jumping and playing catch are her element, but quiet games do not please her. Surprisingly, Lera conscientiously does housework and, in principle, really likes “women’s” work. Lera is a little housewife.

In her studies, Valeria has average grades, but she can study well. If you find a teacher who brings a speedy and competitive element to your classes, then Lera will like it. She doesn’t like to study well for who knows what, but for example, she can count faster than anyone else. All in all more activity to class!

Lera's health is quite good, but she has problems with her weight. They are especially noticeable in adolescence during the period of hormonal changes. Sports and proper nutrition. Lera is great for dancing and aerobics, but other sports will also be useful.

Short name Valeria

Lera, Lerka, Lerukha, Leka, Valya, Valera.

Diminutive pet names

Lerushka, Lerchik, Lerochka, Lerunya, Lerusya.

Name Valeria in English

IN English the name Valeria is written as Valerie, but read as ValerI, with the emphasis on the last syllable.

Name Valeria for international passport- VALERIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Valeria into other languages

in Arabic - فاليريا‎‎
in Belarusian - Valeria
in Bulgarian - Valeria
in Hungarian - Valéria
in Greek - Βαλέρια
in Yiddish - וואַלעריאַ
in Spanish - Valeria
in Italian - Valeria
in Chinese - 瓦萊里婭
in Korean - 발레리아
Latin spelling - Valeria
in German - Valerie, Valeria
in Polish - Waleria
in Romanian - Valeria
in Serbian - Valeriya
in Ukrainian - Valeria
in French - Valérie and Valère
in Finnish - Valeria
in Japanese - バレリア (Ba-re-ri-a)

Church name Valeria(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This church name and authorized baptismal name. And what name Valeria took at baptism, you can find out from her herself.

Characteristics of the name Valery

Valeria is very emotional and all her characteristics are clearly visible. She is sincere and this is probably her main characteristic. She is sincerely happy and just as sincerely sad. At the same time, the reasons may be very small, but you can’t tell from Valeria’s emotions. She is a wonderful friend and truly loyal. Her closest friends recognize Valeria, inaccessible to others. She is very vulnerable and wary of the world around her.

Such characteristic features name will help Valeria in her work if her (work) is connected with people. She works best with children and in sales. Even in her work, and in other things in life, Lera is helped by her intuition. She often takes right decisions in absolutely confusing and difficult situations.

Family occupies a very important place in Lera’s life. She will be a true life partner for her lover and even a support in difficult times. She loves children and enjoys raising them. She is quite jealous and easily notices the caring glances of envious women.

The secret of the name Valery

There is one secret that it is advisable to know about. Valeria, as we wrote, is a great friend, but if her friendship is betrayed, then she becomes an absolutely irreconcilable enemy. At the same time, her style of action changes radically. She will calmly, without unnecessary haste and with a cool head, plan and carry out retribution. Don't do this to Valeria for your own good.

Often, the reason for Valeria’s mood becomes a mystery to people. She may seem upset empty space. Those around her simply cannot determine the reasons why Lera is out of sorts. This is a daily emerging mystery that makes Leroux unpredictable, but very interesting.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Varan.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Figs.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- Pomegranate.

Guardian angel named after Valery and his patron will depend on your date of birth. If you know Valeria’s date of birth, then read the article “Patron of the name Valeria” on our website.

Career, business and money

Such women have a strong will, strong character. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that she has a masculine name. Punchy Valeria achieves great success in any business. She will become a good entrepreneur, but she is better suited for professions related to raising children. Valeria is an excellent teacher and educator.

Lera loves to travel, she is an adventurer. At the same time, where it is necessary to quickly make a decision, it has no equal. Owners of this name should try themselves in politics, television or stage. Well, if she decides to create own business, then he will achieve success much faster than any other person thanks to his intelligence and efficiency.

Marriage and family

Family occupies a very important place in Lera’s life. For her sake, she will go to any lengths, trying to create a cozy nest for herself and her loved ones. Her husband will definitely be lucky to have her, because she is a devoted friend, a wonderful lover, and a caring mother. Valeria combines all these qualities and shares them exclusively with her family. But God forbid you make Valeria jealous. In this case, one might think that the woman he loved was simply replaced. Lera will immediately forget about romantic feelings, lightness and begin to take revenge. And if the man is not guilty of anything, she will not calm down until she finds out absolutely everything.

Valeria is always patient with her children. She likes to educate them and teach them something new. She will always be an excellent friend for children, and for her parents she will forever become a reliable support.

Sex and love

Valeria is very interested in the opposite sex. Falling in love is a constant companion in the life of a woman with this name. But at the same time she is true. These women are not prone to cheating. In any relationship with a man, Valeria puts sex in a high position. Male friends will always feel interest on the part of this woman, but she can only share bed with someone whom she values ​​highly, in whom she is confident, with whom she is in love with all her heart.

Valeria is not one of those who will have only one sexual partner in her entire life. I’m ready to throw myself into the pool headlong, opening up to new feelings; this is only possible if Valeria is free. In marriage, she will never allow cheating, but would prefer to diversify her sexual family life in other ways.


Diseases that are common for Valeria are tonsillitis, flat feet, and scoliosis. Due to increased emotionality, she suffers nervous system. Complaints of stomach pain and gastritis are also typical for her. But colds in childhood and adulthood bypass Valeria.

Parents of girls with this name should pay attention to the nutrition of their children. Often among bearers of this name there are girls who are prone to being overweight. Thus, Valeria needs to lead an active lifestyle and exercise regularly.

Interests and hobbies

Valeria can safely be called a creative person. And if fate has decreed that she has to work in an ordinary job not related to creativity, she will try to do everything possible to realize her talents there too. Since she loves attention, Valeria can get carried away fine arts, photography, rush on stage. She will do everything to make her known as much as possible. more people. And everyone will certainly have to shower Valeria with applause, because she deserves it.

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