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Almost every person knows that they need to cover mirrors if there is a deceased person in the house. Moreover, even those who do not know its designation follow the tradition.

Now there are at least three explanations for why it is necessary to curtain all mirror-reflecting objects at home.

  1. The first belief speaks of a soul leaving the body, which can live in position for some time. If a dead person looks at the soul in the mirror, he will be afraid.
  2. The second belief concerns the world of the living and the world of the dead. The mirror has always been a mysterious object, considered a portal between worlds. The soul of a person who has just died has not found peace, so the gate can captivate it forever. Mirrors have memory. This means that the reflection of the deceased will allow the spirit to visit its loved ones regularly.
  3. Mirror surfaces can also be associated with those living in the house. Some believe that if you see a dead person or his soul in a mirror, within a month he will take this person with him.

But in church records there is no mention of the need to cover mirrors, so the tradition is classified as folk. Therefore, everyone chooses to believe or not.

When did they first start covering mirrors in the house of a deceased person?

Traditionally, they began to hide from dead soul mirror surfaces not so long ago. There were two preconditions for such actions.

The first of them was the secret knowledge of mirrors; for a long time it was an outlandish luxury that had magical powers; some did not even look in mirrors more than once a week.

In the century before last, the upper strata of society began to become acquainted with the occult, using mirrors to tell fortunes and perform magical fortune-telling. Particular piquancy, along with popularity, was indulged due to the prohibitions of spiritual mentors. Even fortune telling on the surface of the water can be considered the use of a kind of mirror.

And also Jewish rituals contributed to the emergence similar rule V modern houses. In Judaism, loved ones of the deceased are required to mourn. During this period, personal care, the use of cosmetics, and colorful clothing are prohibited.

In Israel, one of the components of mourning is closing the mirror. Traditionally, this helps fight the temptation to admire oneself. Instead, we need to mourn the person who has died.

Closing mirrors in a home should be done a few hours after a person dies. But the opening of the surface must be carried out according to clear rules.

The sheet is removed from all mirrors only 41 days after death. It is important to consider that the bedspreads should not be dark in color; it is best to take a white cape. There will be no point in keeping the mirrors closed for longer than the specified period, since the spirit of the deceased is reflected only when the soul is in the house.

People are increasingly neglecting the tradition, since in most cases the body does not end up in the house, going straight from the morgue to the cemetery. But this cannot mean that the soul will not return to its native home.

In addition to mirrors, you need to make sure that all the water in the deceased’s house is poured out. But you can’t engage in absurdity by forbidding yourself to drink water in the house or not looking at the reflection for weeks. You can admire yourself after you leave the room where most of the deceased spent his life.

You need to curtain objects simply, without purchasing certain fabrics, without reading a prayer. This is not a church ritual, but a tradition with many legends and opinions.

The bedspread is washable, and the furniture itself can be wiped down. Whether or not to close a mirror is decided on an individual basis. But you shouldn’t worry about the fact that not all mirrors and surfaces are covered.

For people who honor folk beliefs that have come from ancient times, it is very important to know when you can remove fabric from mirrors, why hang them at all, and how Christianity relates to such manipulations. Many believe that the matter is removed after 9 days, but if fears overcome, then it is better to leave it for the entire 40 days. Even those people who are far from superstitions adhere to traditions. Popular beliefs are very firmly rooted in consciousness.

Why do they hang mirrors around the deceased?

There are many folk beliefs and signs associated with closing mirrors when a person dies.

  • The first superstition indicates that for the first three days after death, the soul remains in earthly life and visits its home. If she sees her own reflection in the mirror, she may get scared. The mirror itself represents the transition between worlds. The soul can get stuck and remain there forever.
  • Other superstitions say that if a living person sees the reflection of a deceased person in a mirror, then he himself will soon die. The soul of the deceased will take him away.

The Church prohibits performing rituals on dead people with an open mirror.

For many this seems ridiculous and ridiculous, but some people do not want to take risks and support popular superstitions.

Interesting! The superstition that a mirror opens doors to the other world came from the ancient Slavs. They believed that the soul that saw its reflection would be frightened and forever stuck in the mirror corridor. She will not be able to enter the Kingdom of God, and dead energy will settle in the house forever.

The practical meaning of covering mirrors is that a person, while doing things related to organizing the funeral of a loved one, is temporarily distracted from sorrowful thoughts. By force of will, he forces himself to do what is necessary, which helps him survive the pain of loss in the first days.

When and for how long do mirrors close?

The matter can be removed after some time. What the beliefs say:

  1. All objects that reflect must be covered while the body of the deceased is in the house. In this case, the fabric is thrown over televisions and other screens.
  2. The cloth is removed after the funeral loved one, when his body had already been taken out of the house. First you need to clean the room where the coffin stood. Other legends say that the material can only be removed after the 9th day from the moment of death. After this time, the soul leaves the world.

Some people, who especially honor folk legends, remove the fabric only after 40 days after the death of a loved one.

Attention! There is no need to cover mirrors in any church books, nor is it established when they can be removed.

Basically, everyone adheres to the interpretation that is closer to him.

The attitude of the Orthodox Church towards hanging mirrors

Orthodox Christian canons strictly prohibit holding funeral services and other events in front of open mirrors. This is explained by the fact that the cross in mirror surfaces is reflected in reverse, and this is real blasphemy.

Important! Therefore, in churches and temples there are no mirrors or any objects that reflect.

There are two real reasons for covering mirrors with rags. The first has a spiritual basis, the second has a practical explanation. The spiritual thing is that evil spirits can be displayed in mirrors, acquiring one form or another. In this way they frighten people and tempt them. Magicians often use reflective surfaces in their demonic art.

After the funeral, the mirrors are opened on the 40th day

As for the practical explanation, it is due to the fact that it is indecent for a person who has lost a loved one to look in the mirror, with the exception of tidying up in the bathroom.

Do mirrors have memory?

Any person himself determines what and what to believe in. IN Orthodox faith there is no such thing as mirror memory. There are many beliefs, among which one says that the mirror that was inherited from grandmothers is the purest good.

About other traditions:

A long-lived sign is when a structure is broken. It is believed that this will lead to trouble.

Important! Historical information indicates when the belief arose. In the 13th and 14th centuries, during the period of internecine wars, mirrors were broken during an invasion of the opponents' house.

What is mourning in Orthodoxy

The question of the duration of mourning is significantly more important. The concept of “mourning” came from the people, it does not belong to the church. It means a time of special remembrance of the deceased, associated with certain actions - giving alms, distributing property to the poor. In addition, there are certain attributes - the color of clothing, inappropriate behavior in the form of laughter and fun.

In church life, the meaning of mourning is deeper - it is not only observing visible formalities, but also helping the deceased. Those close to him should pray for him, so that the Lord will have mercy and take him into the Kingdom of Heaven.

According to church traditions, forty days from the date of death it is necessary to intensively remember the deceased. They serve according to them, leave notes in the monastery, give alms, give to the needy and do other good deeds as best they can.

Mourning - deep sorrow for the dead

All blessed actions save the deceased, his soul will not suffer so much, his condition will improve. IN the afterlife she can find peace and salvation. The Lord will have mercy, seeing the efforts of living people to help the soul.

The offering of a bloodless sacrifice to the Lord for salvation has a particularly strong influence on the subsequent fate of the soul of the deceased. This is performed at the Divine Liturgy through the immersion of prosphora particles in the Blood of Christ. Thanks to this, human sins are washed away. They also commemorate not only the dead, but also living people.

Note! The saint said that there is an opportunity to ease the lot of the soul. To do this, you need to pray often, ask the Lord, . Then God will hear.

This is explained by God’s love for mankind. Many souls received relief and consolation when those remaining on earth prayed for them. In the Old Testament church there was a ritual of breaking bread over the body of the deceased and distributing it to the poor. A tradition was also established of fasting on the occasion of the death of a loved one. This was necessarily combined with prayers.

The biggest and most important difference between mourning and Christian commemoration lies in the worldly attitude towards death. Many perceive death as boundless melancholy, the hopeless loss of a loved one who has ended their existence. A Christian views care differently. For him, this is a prayerful memory of the one who passed into eternal life with hope of blessedness in Jesus Christ.

Christians should remember that there are no church regulations regarding hanging mirror coverings. But the tradition is firmly rooted and is followed by most people. They disagree on this issue - they do not confirm the custom, but they do not deny it either.

Why do they cover mirrors when a person dies in the house?

The tradition of covering all mirror surfaces in the house where a person died goes back to ancient times. We inherited superstition from pagan beliefs; many do not even remember the essence, but continue to strictly observe the ritual.

Why do they hang it up?

Any person who has lost a relative experiences grief and is depressed. In this state, some sensitive natures notice a certain image in the depths of the mirrors, see shadows.

Previously, mirrors were covered with mercury, and it was believed that it absorbed people’s energy, including dying emotions. They can be transmitted to a living person if they touch such a surface. Now manufacturing technologies have changed, but the signs remain.

What do folk signs say?

Eat a whole series belief that justifies total covering of all reflective surfaces:

  1. Any mirror can open a portal to another world , summoning the souls of the dead and letting through evil spirits that can harm living people.
  2. The soul leaving the body may become frightened by the sight of his own reflection.
  3. The spirit will take away living person, if he sees an otherworldly guest.
  4. The soul will forever remain in the mirror without entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Numerous reflections create a labyrinth with no exit, locking in dead energy.
  5. Reflective surfaces double the grief.
  6. Devils are capable of stealing a soul through reflection , and she won't go to heaven.
  7. The one who looks in the mirror first after the funeral service will soon die or become seriously ill, so first you need to offer the cat, because it has nine lives.
  8. Broken mirror within 40 days after death will bring another loss.

During mourning, one should not preen oneself; this is regarded as disdain for grief.

What the Church Says

The custom carries within itself a pure pagan rite ,having nothing to do with Orthodoxy, therefore, priests answer such questions evasively, recalling that this tradition is not spelled out in the canons of Orthodox rituals.

Some church ministers recommend covering mirrors on the ninth, fortieth day and while the deceased relative is in the house. According to the Christian religion, the soul remains on earth for 40 days, and then is “born” in heaven. At this time, prayers should be read and mourning should be observed.

To help the soul of the deceased withstand the tests and ascend to heaven, believers - relatives order a memorial service, litia, and magpie in the church for 40 days from the date of death. The countdown is from the date of death. Prayer is permitted for the baptized deceased.

How to observe this ritual

During the funeral everything that can reflect the image, is securely covered, the water splashes out. For the first 9 days the soul is next to the body, then it separates and leaves, at this moment dead energy disappears from the home. At this moment, open the TV and computer, since during a difficult period of life it is difficult to be in silence, you need to take a little break from gloomy thoughts.

According to the signs, it is necessary to wash the room where the coffin was located.

Opinions differ on the timing of the opening of mirrors. Some people think that waiting 9 days is enough; especially superstitious people wait 40 days. The choice remains with the mourning relatives. Admiring oneself and preening is considered a departure from mourning. Time should be devoted to prayer and reflection.

Deep grief after a loss puts a person in a slightly altered state. It is difficult for him to see the reflection of the room, especially if it includes a photograph of the deceased, candles, a wreath, a coffin. At this time, you should not observe your own darkened face, it worsens your health.

It has long been customary to cover all reflective surfaces in a house where there is a deceased person. Superstitious people perceive the mirror as a kind of portal - the border between two worlds. There are a number of signs that explain why it is necessary to close all the mirrors in the house after the death of a person.

Why do they cover mirrors when a person dies?

At funerals, all reflective surfaces are required to be covered. The interpretation of superstitions is as follows:

  • It is generally accepted that after a person’s death, his soul wanders the earth for 40 days, and then goes to another world and calms down. Once she gets into the Looking Glass through an uncurtained object, she will never find her way back.
  • According to signs, Through the Looking Glass was considered the habitat of the devil. If it is not hung after a person's death, dark forces may try to drag his soul with them. This is especially true if the deceased during his lifetime was a bright, positive and very kind person.
  • According to some versions, relatives cover mirrors, as the soul may be afraid of its reflection. This is due to the opinion that often people do not understand and do not accept the fact of their death.
  • In reflective surfaces that are not covered in a timely manner, ghosts and apparitions can be seen in the future.

Old-timers give their interpretation of the sign. Mirrors are curtained because during the service they reflect the cross in reverse projection.

Please note: in temples and churches there are no objects in which you can see reflections. It is believed that such a surface takes away all grace, which means that prayer will not have true power.

Some signs warn the living against using a mirror in the house of the deceased. According to interpretations, this can bring serious troubles to the person watching, even death.

People with an unstable psyche and a rich imagination should not look in the mirror. If you look first at the reflection of the deceased, and then directly at the deceased, you might think that he is smiling.

A more down-to-earth point of view says that when a person dies, his family does not have the time or desire to use a mirror. When there is a deceased person in the house, reflective surfaces are covered so that they do not attract attention.

What and how to close

To cover all reflective surfaces in the deceased's home, use a thick, opaque fabric. The best option There will be black matter, however, this will not be found in every home.

Sometimes they are covered with sheets or blankets. It is acceptable to use tablecloths and bedspreads.

Usually the veiling procedure begins immediately after the news of death. If a person died in a hospital from a long illness, this sign can be ignored.

How many days to close

The fabric can be removed after a certain time. Signs speak of the following dates:

  1. All reflective surfaces should be covered at all times while the deceased is in the home. Moreover, both the TV and the computer monitor should be covered. The fabric can be removed after the funeral, when the deceased is no longer in the room. You should first wash the room where the coffin stood.
  2. According to other legends, the period for which mirrors are hung is at least 9 days. After this time, the soul leaves our world, and the saints lead it to the Lord. This means you can look at your reflection without fear.
  3. Old-timers and especially religious people suggest removing covers from mirrors and reflective surfaces 40 days after death.

Not a single belief establishes the exact time. Everyone follows the interpretation that is closest to themselves.

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