How to talk to the soul of a deceased son. How to talk to the dead. Meetings with the souls of the dead in dreams

It is quite difficult for almost each of us to say goodbye and let go of a loved one after his death. Our brain is unlikely to be able to process and accept the idea that the person who was so close is now lost forever. People often ask questions about where exactly the soul goes after and whether it is possible to restore contact with loved ones after their death.

Someone did not have time to say something important, apologize or confess to something, and this is one of the most important reasons that people seek opportunities to contact the deceased. There are several ways to talk to a deceased person. But we must remember that the afterlife is very dangerous for the living and any ritual can result in dire consequences.

How to talk to the dead in a dream?

In most cases, the death of loved ones takes us by surprise, even if it is expected when a person, for example, is terminally ill. One of the simplest and relatively safe ways to get in touch with the deceased is to see him in a dream. Our dreams are a fine line between the familiar world and its reflection. It is on this periphery that a person can communicate with, provided that he can call upon them.

In order to talk to the deceased in a dream, you should use a few simple rules:

  • Learn to separate your emotions from thoughts. When you go to bed, you should be in a state of absolute calm. Any unnecessary thought can disrupt the necessary mood.
  • At least a week before the planned contact, you should begin to train your consciousness with long meditations. This way you can better feel your mind and body, bring them to complete harmony and interaction. Self-control is what you will need first of all when communicating with the deceased. You must be sure that you can wake up at any time if something goes wrong.
  • Start training your memory + imagination. The memory must be excellent so that you do not forget your dream. For at least a week, say out loud every morning what you dreamed. This will give your brain the mindset it needs. Imagination is also necessary, since yours is the ability of consciousness to process information received over time in a given way.
  • Learn to turn off your thoughts. During contact with the deceased, your consciousness should not only be open, but also empty. Thoughts about work, children, a loved one or problems can greatly prevent you from getting into the right frame of mind. Several times a day, try to turn off your own thoughts, not think about anything and not regret.
  • On the day you plan to contact the deceased in a dream, go to bed with a certain mindset. Many scientists believe that when falling asleep, a person sees at night what he was thinking about for the last 10-15 minutes. Push your brain, give it the necessary attitude. Remember your last conversation or meeting with the deceased, mentally call him into your dream.

The most important thing to remember is that seeing a dead person in a dream is not considered a good sign. Be careful and careful. In most cases, the dead visit us to warn us of impending danger, to warn us against the machinations of ill-wishers. After such contact, you need to cleanse your energy balance - go to church and light a candle for the repose of the deceased, or visit and lay flowers on his grave.

How to talk to someone who recently died before 40 days?

There is an opinion that it is best for the deceased to make contact if 40 days have not passed since death. According to Christian teachings from the Bible, the soul of the deceased remains on the periphery of the world of the living and the world of the dead for 40 days after death, awaiting the Last Judgment. After it, the human spirit goes either to heaven or to hell, or, if you look at other religions, it moves into a new, newly born body and begins life anew.

While the soul of the deceased has not yet completely completed its cycle, the person can contact him in several ways:

  • See it in a dream. The simplest and safest method. Contact occurs in the subconscious of a person. You are in complete control of communication and can interrupt it at any time.
  • See during a trance. There are several hypnosis techniques that can, at a certain level, separate a person's consciousness from the body, allowing him to find contacts with ephemeral entities. At such moments, the person is completely dependent on the hypnotist, since he cannot get out of the trance state on his own.
  • Write a letter. This method is based on the idea that a person is able to transfer his own emotions to paper and endow what is written with energy. All unexpressed feelings and unspoken desires should have been put into such a letter. Once written, it should be burned, as the power and information it contains will be transferred to the recipient after the paper is purified by fire.
  • Conduct a séance. To do this, it is best to contact a professional psychic. Acting on your own here is very dangerous, since you do not know all the rules in communicating with the soul of the deceased. The slightest mistake and the consequences can be dire.

Is it possible to communicate using paper?

Another way to talk to the deceased is this is a common fortune telling using paper and saucer. You will need whatman paper or a large sheet of white A5 paper. Draw a large circle in the center of the sheet; you can use a compass or do it by eye. Write all the letters of the alphabet around its perimeter.

Inside the circle, draw another one, but smaller. The numbers from 0 to 9 should be written around it. And finally, in the very center of the sheet, inside a small circle, write the word “Yes” in large letters, draw a straight line under it, turn the sheet over and write the word “No” above it. Your Ouija board for communicating with the spirit of the deceased is ready.

Now you can proceed directly to calling and contacting the deceased. Such sessions can be carried out both at night and during the day. But if you do this during daylight hours, curtain the windows, the room should be dark.

Lay a large piece of black cloth on the floor or table, depending on what you are on, and place a drawn Ouija board on it. Place a lit church candle in each corner of the sheet; red or yellow candles made from natural beeswax are best suited for this fortune telling.

To contact the other world, you will also need a small saucer. It is best to use a new one and under no circumstances eat or drink from it after the ritual. Draw a large arrow on it and place it in the center on a piece of paper. Sit opposite, put your hands on the saucer and mentally focus on the person you want to communicate with.

Now everything will depend only on how open your consciousness is and is able to perceive emanations from the world of the dead. Ask questions, you will feel the pressure on the saucer. Thus, the deceased will direct the arrow to a specific letter, number or unambiguous answer.

Other ways

You can also talk to a deceased person using a simple church candle. Such rituals work best on the night before major church holidays, for example, before Christmas, Epiphany, Easter or the Annunciation. Wait until midnight and light one long candle.

Mentally imagine the image of the deceased and call him. You need to invite him to your home, since few ephemeral entities manage to get into our world on their own, of their own free will.

You may feel a slight tingling sensation in your fingertips, a chill on your skin, trembling, a blow of wind in a closed room, or someone's gaze. All this will indicate that the spirit has made contact with you and is ready to communicate. Ask him questions that interest you. If the candle flame flickers, then the answer is positive; if it burns evenly, the answer is negative.

Church opinion

has a negative attitude towards any attempts by a person to contact the other world. The clergy teach us that we should release the soul of a deceased person in time, because otherwise it may be stuck in this world forever. If you disturb the peace of the deceased, grieve for him, cry, call - this will subject his soul to torment, deprive him of the peace that death should give.

In addition, according to the Christian religion, most often it is not the souls of dead people who come into contact with a person from the afterlife, but demons and other evil spirits. She does this in order to expose a living person to temptation, to seduce and seduce him. Often the unclean may even try to inhabit the body of the one conducting the seance. Such cases are known in religion as possession.

Be that as it may, it should be remembered that any contact with the dead is a very dangerous and energy-consuming activity. It takes a lot of vitality from a person; after the rituals you may feel very tired, dizzy and nauseated. This is because, having come into this world, the deceased will feed on your aura, which can be extremely fraught for people with poor health.

Can. The question is how, where and for what. Nobody forbids us to mentally or out loud communicate with the deceased, but from the outside it may not look very adequate, to put it mildly. The most correct way of communication is prayer. If we simply talk to the departed, it is not a fact that they hear us, but prayer, that is, its grace-filled effect, definitely reaches the addressee. The “safest” place for prayer is a temple: light a candle for the repose of your soul and talk if there is such a need. Why is it safe - because if you talk somewhere else, there may be temptations that entail consequences, for example, mental deviations after such “conversations” or the danger of unnoticed falling into pagan worship of spirits.

It is also important not to forget about one more aspect of “mourning” for deceased relatives. When we cry for the departed, we first of all feel sorry for ourselves - how much we will miss them. We must remember that they are not at all happy to see us cry. If we really love someone, then we try to help him, in this case, to alleviate his fate, and there is no better way than prayer for this.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy is especially useful for the deceased. During this service, the particles taken for the living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words: “Wash away, Lord, the sins of those who were remembered here with Your Honest Blood, with the prayers of Your saints.”

Alms given for the deceased are also very important. She helps him there, because the suffering person to whom you give it will pray for him. Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg devoted her entire future life to the repose of her dearly beloved husband - she distributed all her property to the poor.

How to properly pray for the dead

Professor A.I. OSIPOV

Indeed, it is not in vain that the Church prays for the departed. If it were impossible to change the spiritual state of the soul, then why would there be a prayer? However, at every liturgy the Church commemorates the departed and calls all believers to prayer, teaching them how to do it correctly. She says that prayerful assistance to the soul is especially important during the first 40 days after the death of a person. It is, of course, necessary afterwards. What kind of prayer are we talking about?

When a person dies, very often relatives limit themselves only to ordering funeral services, memorial services, magpies, submitting funeral notes, giving money to monasteries, churches, etc. All this is good, but good only if the main thing is not abandoned. After all, it is clear that the Lord God does not need any money.

What is the most important thing? What should a person who wants to help the deceased do? We touch upon an extremely serious question: who can help the deceased and how? What does it mean to pray for him? If God is love, then, it seems, why should we pray to Him, for He will already do everything that needs to be done. And if nothing can be done, then what is the point of praying? Protestants, by the way, rejected prayers for the dead. From the very beginning of its existence, the Orthodox Church affirms the need to pray for them. And there are serious reasons for this.

The Church claims that the condition of a person who finds himself in bonds of passion after death can be changed. After all, who does the Church call to pray for? For the saints? No. For sinners. That is, she claims that our prayers can help the soul get rid of the passionate demon-tormentor. How? To this the Lord directly answered the disciples who were unable to cast out the demon: “This generation is driven out only by prayer and fasting”(Matt. 17:21). By this He explained that the liberation of a person from demonic possession, or, what is the same thing, from slavery to passions and tormenting demons, requires not only prayer (which, alas, is often replaced only by proskomedia commemoration - without prayer - or by performing, for example, a memorial service and presence on it - without prayer), but also fasting, that is, ascetic life. It is no coincidence that the gift of casting out demons was given by God only to rare ascetics.

Here, for example, is an amazing incident that is described in the ancient life of St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome (who lived in the 6th century, that is, before the division of the Churches). He prayed not for anyone, but for Emperor Trajan - one of the cruel persecutors of Christians and at the same time the best emperor in terms of justice, who also persecuted Christians due to his justice and confidence in the need to fulfill the law. It was his justice and honesty, rare for Roman emperors, that became the reason for prayer for him. Trajan once stood up for a poor defenseless widow who was in a desperate situation, and St. Gregory was so touched by this act of his that he began to pray intensely, with feat, for him. As a result, it was revealed to him that his prayer was accepted. How to understand this? After all, Trajan not only was not baptized, but was also a persecutor of Christians. But what do we hear: “Let no one be surprised when we say that he (Trajan) was baptized, for without baptism no one will see God, and the third type of baptismthis is a baptism of tears.” Whose tears? - St. Gregory. This is the power of prayer combined with fasting! “Although this is a rare case,” explains Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), “But it gives hope to those whose loved ones died outside the faith.”. Saint Isaac the Syrian wrote: “Every prayer in which the body was not weary and the heart was not grieved is counted as one with the unborn fruit of the womb, because such prayer does not have a soul in it.”

A Christian has three birthdays: physical, spiritual (in baptism) and the day of death (birth into eternity). It is no coincidence that the days of remembrance of saintsthese are the days of their death. Death is not a dead end, deaththis is the door. In Christian experience it is revealed that death is not the antonym of life, death is a part of life.(Protodeacon Andrey Kuraev)

After physical death, the soul does not die, it continues to live and develop in new conditions. What they will be depends on the experience of earthly life. We carry heaven and hell within us today and therefore take them with us into eternity. A person who carries evil within himself is outside of God and remains alone with this evil. Courtthis is a permanent phenomenon. And our clash with good and evil, when we have a choice in the way,this is a court. Therefore, one should not think that the courtthis is only at the end of the story.(Archpriest Alexander Men)

At birth, a person receives human life from his parents. This is a temporary and imperfect life, but we have the opportunity to receive from GodHis eternal perfect incorruptible life (divine life). We can receive this perfect life only by being “born again” (John 3:3-8), i.e. To do this, you need to be born of God, becoming His child. Every person who believes in Jesus Christ as God revealed in the flesh and died for our sins on the cross receives forgiveness of sins, finds God as his Father and receives the gift of ETERNAL DIVINE LIFE (Rom. 6:23). There is NO other way to receive this gift. Whether you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ or not will determine where you will spend eternity: in the presence of God in the New Jerusalem or in the lake of fire. For this choice we are given human life.

Prepared by Yulia KOKORINA

Traditionally, after Easter, on the ninth day comes Parents' Day\All Souls' Day. Many people visit cemeteries to remember their departed loved ones, sit on the grave and “talk.”

But as a rule, this “communication” is one-sided. We indulge in memories, regrets about what was not as we would like, about the fact that we can no longer be together, about what could have been more, but will never happen. What if you could really communicate with the souls of deceased people close to you? This thought will frighten some, but for others it will bring hope and deliverance from long torment and regrets.

Why bother the departed?

Surely many will say: “Why is it necessary to disturb the dead? You can't disturb them. This could all end badly. And in general, it smacks of devilry...” But there are situations when fear doesn’t matter, when one is ready to do anything just to receive news from the other world! For example, a loved one left, and you haven’t seen each other for many years, or worse, you were in a quarrel or disagreement, and never said goodbye. And maybe there is no longer any resentment, but there was just too much time. Or maybe you’ve accumulated so much to tell a person, or to ask your questions, but there’s no one left... And then you live with this burden on your soul, and it gnaws and presses. What if I could express everything and ease my soul?

Or maybe you can also receive forgiveness and an understanding that everything is long behind you, and that you can continue to calmly walk along your path without a burden on your conscience? Or, for example, you live without thinking that life is fleeting. Life, routine every day, many everyday worries. And somewhere there are old parents... You love them, remember, but you still don’t have time to call, much less break out and visit. But one day their last day comes... And you still didn’t have time to hug them, tell them how much you love them, thank them from the heart for sleepless nights, for putting in the strength and love, for always being there and supporting them with everything you could, without sparing yourself.

And there are also completely trivial cases: you cannot find important documents or some things that the deceased person knew about. And you really need his help, advice, information about something. Or perhaps you are interested in your family, doing genealogy or other ancestral practices. In such situations, sometimes there is a need to find out something about your ancestors, who they were, what their life was like, what happened in the family, what led to serious consequences, etc. You never know what other situations arise when you need the help of those who are not burdened with a more bodily shell or you simply need to feel their presence nearby, love and care.

How to communicate with deceased loved ones

And if the very thought of communicating with the dead does not frighten you, then the question arises - how to do this? There are different ways. If you are not in the know, it is best to contact a specialist.

For example, there are mediums - people through whom the spirit of your loved one can talk to you. First of all, get ready to shell out some cash. And secondly, and this is the most difficult thing, the main thing is not to run into a charlatan. You need to carefully choose a person you can really trust.

You can conduct a seance yourself, as many did in childhood, by drawing letters on whatman paper and an arrow on a saucer.

The third option is communication in a dream. Although more often there are cases when the dead themselves come in dreams and warn about something important. It's good if they do it in plain text! But sometimes the message is so encrypted that its meaning becomes clear only after everything has already happened... And in order to consciously get in touch yourself, you need to train a lot.

You can use the technique of unconscious writing, when you take paper and pencil, enter a meditative state, tune in to the person you need and, having clearly formulated your question, begin to write.

What comes out of the pen will be the answer to your request.

The simplest and most accessible way, which is valuable precisely for the living sensations of the presence of a loved one, is to call upon his soul in a state of meditation, tune in to his presence and try to feel, hear, talk with him.

For this, of course, you need self-confidence and training. But everything is quite doable.

The main thing to remember is that there are such concepts as mutual respect, ethics and, of course, love for everyone with whom we deal. And if there is light and love in your heart, then they will definitely respond, and everything will work out the way you wish.

Many people leave us suddenly and very unexpectedly, some unsaid things remain, maybe you didn’t have time to ask for forgiveness for some action, or maybe you just want to say goodbye for the last time. There is a belief that only the physical body dies, and she will always be close to her loved ones. But how to talk to a dead person? We will answer this question in this article.


Before we ask ourselves the question of how to talk to a deceased person after death, let's understand the very concept of the “soul” with which you want to contact. From the Orthodox point of view, this is an immortal principle that was created by the Lord God himself. As the scriptures say, God created a body from the dust of the ground and breathed life into it. This breath is our soul.

It is believed that it is formless, but has intelligence; only our soul, moving into the physical body, which tends to wear out, that is, grow old, gives it the opportunity to grow and develop both mentally and physically.


Based on the fact that our soul is immortal, we should fear not those who kill our shell, but those who can destroy our soul in fiery hell. How to talk to a dead person? What does the church think about this?

First, you need to clearly define the purpose of your conversation. No one can prevent you from communicating with the dead, but, as the church believes, you will not receive an answer in reality. You can talk to them anywhere and however you want, but the best place to communicate is the temple. Our words in the usual form may not reach the addressee, but in the form of prayer they will certainly hear us. What's the best way to do it? Come to the temple, light a candle for repose and talk mentally with this person.


How you can talk to a deceased person, taking into account the teachings of the church, was described above, but it is important not to forget some more points. We are talking about the tears shed after the death of people close to us. It is important to know that our tears make it very difficult for them, and our task, according to the church, is to make them happy in the new world.

Order a service in the temple, light candles for the repose, and be sure to leave alms so that your deceased will be mentioned during the service.


So, is it possible to talk to a dead person? The answer to this question will be both “yes” and “no”. Also these two answers are both true and false. To answer the question posed, we need to get acquainted with the concept of “consciousness”.

There is an opinion that our world consists of endless threads of consciousness. When a separate personality is created, these threads intertwine and create a knot. This lump is the consciousness of an individual person with its own characteristics and characteristics. We need the brain to hold this knot and set us apart from the general flow. What happens after our death? These lines straighten, transferring all the accumulated experience and knowledge, and we return to where we came from, that is, to God.

If you believe in Christianity, then this is final death, a person no longer exists, but Buddhists believe in reincarnation, that is, rebirth in another body. What to believe? It's up to you to decide. However, if we adhere to the idea that our world is a plexus of threads of consciousness, then we can confidently say that we have experienced the lives of all the people around us. The threads store the experience and knowledge of all living beings, therefore, when straightened, they do not change their consistency. Thus, it turns out that our soul is immortal and is stored in those very nodules.

In addition, some claim that if you train your brain, you can remember all your past lives.

Reincarnation of humans and pets

When wondering how to talk to the soul of a deceased person, we try to return the soul to the body, but this is only possible in the near future (within forty days). Our body limits our consciousness, and when the physical body dies, the consciousness wanders and slowly disperses into its original particles.

The consciousness of animals is much stronger, so with its power we can completely revive our pet in a new body. The pet will be different in appearance, but its consciousness remains the same.

If you try to do the same with a person, you may not get what you would like. Part of the consciousness, some skills will remain, but part of the soul already lives somewhere and accumulates new experience.

Communication with the deceased

So, how to talk to a dead person? Our consciousness disintegrates after some time, while it has not yet completely disintegrated, then communication is possible. It is worth remembering that by doing so we do not allow a person to leave; his soul does not develop and does not gain experience.

Many have wondered: They say that if you think badly about death, you can invite trouble upon yourself; when we die, then we will see. This is a mistaken opinion; if you don’t think about death and future life, then nothing will happen. Consciousness will almost instantly disintegrate into particles. If you want to walk through other worlds, see what is beyond our planet, get this unforgettable experience, then think about it, dream.

For the near future, about forty weeks, the souls of our loved ones are next to us, behaving in exactly the same way as they behaved during life. We don’t see them, but we feel them; the deceased come to us in our dreams to answer our questions. By speaking to the next forty weeks after death, you are truly communicating with the soul. We do not see them, since they are not in our dimension, but in the nearest layers.


Many people who have the ability to perform magic try to tie their knot of consciousness so tightly that after death it remains the same and does not change its characteristics. The person into whom the soul of the magician moves will be absolutely the same as he was, only his appearance changes.

How to talk to a dead person if during his lifetime he put such powerful protection on his consciousness? This is impossible, since not a single particle remains in the world lines; this is already a full-fledged other person. Why is this bad?

Each person accumulates experience and knowledge, sharing them along these same lines after death. Thus, a person who was not particularly intelligent during life can become a real genius in another body. If there is protection, then the soul does not develop, does not adopt the experience of others and does not share its own. Each new generation surpasses the past in some way, but these people remain the same.


How to talk to a dead person? Light magic offers some summoning rituals. Before moving directly to the rituals, let’s understand the very concept of “magic”, possible dangers, consequences, amulets and other terms that are necessary if you decide to take up this art.

White magic is the ability to intervene in the present in order to change the future. It is believed that any deliberate and deliberate action is magic. We are capable of casting a powerful spell or evil eye on a person with one careless word, action, envy or glance.

Every person, without exception, needs to have his own amulet or talisman, which protects against unintentional harm. How to choose it? The best option would be your pectoral cross, preferably a baptismal one. Do not show it, and under no circumstances let other people, even relatives, wear it. So, how to talk to a dead person at home using white magic?

Use the good method described in the next chapter.


What is it and can it be prophetic and carry meaning? Of course, it can, because this is our subconscious, walks through other dimensions. How to talk to a dead person in a dream? It’s very simple, because the souls of dead people are still very close, out of habit they remain close to us. In a dream, we can have a real, productive conversation with a deceased person. If the deceased himself does not want to get in touch, then you can ask him.

How to talk to a dead person in a dream, what is needed for this? If you don’t want to particularly disturb a person, then before going to bed, take something that belongs to him and ask him to come to you in a dream and tell you what you want to know, or ask your question. Even if the deceased himself did not come to talk to you, in most cases the answer lies in the interpretation of what he saw.

Note that during sleep other souls may come to you in the guise of the one you were waiting to see; such situations occur frequently and can confuse you. When the ceremony is performed, you open the door where all the restless souls and those whom you call strive. That's why you should use only white magic.


Unlike the previous option, this one is more dangerous. Why? Mirrors are used to perform dark magic rituals.

This ritual requires some preparation. It is necessary to communicate aloud with this person every day after sunset, ask your questions or explain the problem about which you want to disturb the deceased. This procedure must be carried out from three to forty days. How much do you have to do? It all depends on the problem, as a rule, during this time everything resolves itself, the deceased helps without making direct contact, which is very dangerous for you. You yourself will feel that you are ready for the ceremony.

If you decide to carry out a ritual, you must be prepared for the radiation of the soul. During the ritual there should be a complete absence of fear, even if you see the reflection of the deceased. Everything should happen after sunset. Your reflection should not be present in mirrors. You need to speak out loud and confidently. Even if there was no contact, ask for forgiveness and say goodbye to complete the ritual.

Technique: place two mirrors opposite each other, place candles on the sides of each, their reflections should not be visible. The mirrors form a corridor, illuminated by candle flames. There should be no windows, doors, fire or water behind the mirrors.

Invite the deceased to a conversation persistently and confidently; if you did not know the person during his lifetime, then take his thing and a photograph. The main thing is the absence of fear, confidence, and compliance with the safety of the ritual.


Another way to communicate is through a Ouija board. This ritual belongs to dark magic, like the previous one. If you don’t have a ready-made communication board, you can make one yourself.

How to talk to a deceased person on paper? For this we need:

  • at least four thick, unflavored;
  • whatman;
  • saucer;
  • felt-tip pen, marker or pen (pencil cannot be used).

Make a Ouija board, write the letters in a circle, they should be large and located quite far from each other. Place candles on the sides of the Whatman paper; the more there are, the stronger the connection.

When you are ready, call the spirit you need, be persistent and confident, this is the only way you will achieve results. Place your fingertips on the saucer. Ask your questions and wait for an answer.

It may not work out the first time, you need to train yourself. Try to completely clear your mind before the ritual, do not give free rein to your emotions. It seems that not thinking about anything is easy, but try it! This takes time.

I really want to help you. let this be a little help for you -
you asked me to tell you directly about the method - well, listen, I mean read:
This method has been known for a long time, and in order to communicate with spirits using it, you don’t have to be a psychic or a fortune teller, you just need a great desire for everything to work out and adherence to the rules. I think you have enough of the first - by the way, I remember the words of krafta about the thought form, but I don’t think that it has a place to be here - things just happened that people simply could not know about, for example, once my relatives were going to fly abroad to Christmas, well, the night before they called the spirit. they asked about everything they could, and when they said goodbye they said that tomorrow they were flying somewhere, and the spirit answered “no,” well, they didn’t understand anything, they thought he was joking again (some joke more, others don’t joke at all), so they asked “how so, why not?”, but no matter how they formulated the question (by the way, here you need to be precise and not suggest half the answer to the spirit), the spirit answered only one word: “wheel”, the relatives did not attach any significance to this, because it happens that spirits say incomprehensible things that never find an explanation - in general, they woke up in the morning, got ready, sat on the path and went down to the street, and here the following picture awaited them: their foreign car (which “spent the night” on the street , because they were afraid to be late) was lying on the belly, without wheels, with the doors broken, and some cute little girl was throwing sand into the car with a scoop! imagine their shock! They watched her do it for a long time and remembered one word: “wheel.” Of course, they didn’t fly abroad, because they had to deal with the car—
yeah, well, I got distracted again. you will need: whatman paper, a saucer, 2 candles, lipstick (red, good if it belonged to your wife), and at least 1 person who will call with you. yes, for the first time it’s better to have a person with you who has already guessed this way and knows some of the subtleties, but if you don’t have this among your friends, then you’ll have to try with the same amateurs. so, take whatman paper and draw 2 circles (the inner one, 5 cm (from each edge) should exceed the size of your dessert fortune-telling saucer; the outer one should be much larger than the first (you can outline a large frying pan). We write around the inner one (with something black that will be clearly visible in the twilight) all the numbers from 0 to 9 (evenly around the entire circle), around the outer one we write the entire alphabet from a to z, and on the sides of the alphabet we write: on the left “no”, on the right “yes”, on the bottom “no” I know." In general, I tried to depict here in the drawing (don’t pay attention to how I was in a hurry :-)) approximately what a fortune-telling Whatman paper should look like - these are preliminary preparations, well, let’s assume that today: January 8, 2006, night (after 12:00)-
we do the following. saucer, as I already said, a dessert saucer, well, ordinary, not a plate, it should have smooth edges, absolutely no patterns, white (neither outside nor inside, no gold rims!), we turn it upside down (so that it is in contact with the circle Whatman paper) and draw an arrow on top of it with red lipstick, which will indicate letters and numbers. place the saucer in the center.
Now we take 2 large candles, not for a cake :-), with a height of at least 15 cm and drop them onto whatman paper on the sides, as shown in the picture, and fix them there.
So, in principle, the attributes are ready, now it’s time to take charge of yourself:
1) yes, if you have animals, then it’s better to hide them away in advance, especially cats, because one poor thing, when her owners called on the spirit, started running around the apartment and ended up hiding under the bathtub, and until the owners stopped telling fortunes, she couldn’t extracted from there, while she had eyes the size of a 5-ruble coin - in short, the presence of animals is a big question (we just heard somewhere that they, on the contrary, help);
2) I don’t know how it will be better if your children are at home or not - hmm - at least we never have - they might get scared, if they were older, 15-16 years old, they could guess with you - ;
3) now the general rules (for men and women): no jewelry (especially crosses), fasteners, buttons, cosmetics (remove everything that has fasteners, etc.: belt, shirt, pants, shoes, chains, earrings, bra, elastic bands for hair, hairpins-). wear something that will be comfortable and not cold (with the window open);
4) for example, you will sit in the hall, put a table in the center of the room (put chairs around), put whatman paper on the table, put candles, a saucer; You should open the window in this room (the spirit must enter), turn off the lights, light the candles. sit opposite each other, let the one who reads sit opposite the Whatman paper, and let the others sit in a circle.
5) in principle, everyone will be able to read, but you cannot get ahead of the thoughts of the spirit, that is, if you understand what word the spirit is writing, do not say it out loud until he completes it. the spirit will simply repeat what you said, and not what he wanted to say. You cannot offer him a choice of what to answer: just ask your questions correctly, best of all in such a way that the spirit can answer yes, no, or in words (possibly in combinations). there are questions that he simply will not answer, for example, I once asked what I would become, and he replied that I would be a good person, but I had to choose a profession myself. It happens that a person is not happy with what the spirit answered and then there is no need to torment the spirit by asking the question in different ways. and again there was a case when about 5 relatives asked the spirit questions, and someone asked why another relative was sick, and the spirit said that the mother-in-law, who was also sitting at the table, was to blame for this - you can imagine how she got nervous and started screaming that this is all on purpose - in short, there has been discord in the family, so be more careful about questions, think about them before fortune telling!
6) having called the spirit, you need to say hello, ask if he is okay, from time to time you need to ask if he is tired, if he says yes, then ask if it will be possible to call him tonight, but later, or better tomorrow. also a good question: “would you like to say something to me, or to someone else sitting at the table?” Everyone sitting can ask questions, or simply help the process. ask about dates, about people, whether any event will work out. REMEMBER: THE SPIRITS WARN, THEY CAN BE ASKED TO PROTECT FROM TROUBLE, TO HELP SOMEONE; BUT NOT EVERYTHING THAT THEY PREDICT COME TRUE, BECAUSE THEY SEE YOUR FUTURE AT THIS POINT OF TIME, AND WE OURSELVES CHANGE IT WITH THE PROGRESS OF TIME AND CHANGES IN UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES. THE SPIRIT CANNOT BE SURE OF YOUR CHOICE, SO IT SAYS WHAT HE THINK WILL BE.
7)by calling 2 different spirits, you can find out 2 different opinions about something, but you should not do what the spirit says, you just need to take note of it.
8) spirits are offended, spirits take revenge; if you offended them during your lifetime, then it is better either not to evoke such a spirit, it can ruin your life, or you should ask for forgiveness
9) more about the bad: one of those sitting may mentally resist the spirit’s answer, at least I can do this - although I know that this is bad - you may know that the spirit will now answer “yes”, but you want to see “no” “, which means you mentally resist the answer, then the saucer begins to spin as if enraged, because the spirit feels everything: especially if you are nervous.
10) it seems that I described everything that was necessary to know for the first time, well now about the technique: - the light is turned off, the candles are lit, you take a saucer and heat it on one of the candles until it becomes hot, then you put it in the center and those sitting at the table should touch it with two fingers (index and middle) of both hands, just do not put pressure on it, but barely touch it! then you say something like this: “Ivanova Anna Sergeevna (for example), we want to talk to you, are you here?” repeat these words until the saucer moves and indicates “yes”, then say hello and you can start a conversation - you can prepare a rough list, but I think you won’t need it - don’t let go of your fingers from the saucer, the contact will be broken!
11) just don’t ask where the spirit is in the room right now, because someone will definitely have a heart attack! one deceased husband answered his wife that he was standing behind her back, imagine what happened to her! she never called him again -
12) the spirit may not appear for many reasons: if you do not follow all (!) of the above rules, if someone present does not want it to appear or absolutely does not believe in it, if you forget to open the window, if someone crosses his arms or legs under the table, does not unfasten something, if the Whatman paper is badly prepared, if the saucer is bad, if there is an animal nearby, if today is not Christmas (January 7-19), in short, there are many reasons.


Here you go! I tried to make it more specific for you, but in the end I still gave a general form of fortune telling, but I think you’ll figure it out on your own. I just ask you not to summon the spirit before Christmas, call with a person you completely trust (I just remember your goal very well) - if you find the killer, then be sure that this person or people will not betray you sooner or later -
I understand that you will want some kind of “real” contact, but this is impossible, if you really want it, you can already feel the presence of the spirit. but please remember that this is no longer your wife!

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