About Pluto and fatal love. Man's Sun trine woman's Pluto

Most significant aspects

Man's Sun trine woman's Venus
This comparative combination allows the formation of relationships between people based on romantic feelings, physical attraction and the desire to create a family union. Both individuals enjoy communicating with each other and look to the future with bright hopes. Mutual respect, a sensual attitude towards each other and the absence of any signs of emotional incompatibility - these are the main colors of the palette of these vibrant relationships. The sphere of their mutual interests includes everything elegant and aesthetically beautiful.
They may well become excellent partners in business, especially if it covers the area of ​​their common interests. They take great pleasure in raising their children and the relationships in their family are simply excellent. They succeed in social self-expression, since each of them stimulates each other to this very actively.

A man's Venus conjunct a woman's Moon
By and large, this is one of the most favorable comparative aspects. The “lunar” individuality is capable of very skillfully ensuring the everyday and emotional security of the “Venusian” personality, which, for its part, with its love and expression ensures absolute mutual understanding of each other. It is likely that a strong emotional connection will arise between them. If other factors are positive, then romantic and physical mutual attraction also arises between partners. In the process of relationships, these people become so close to each other that the sphere of their common interests and worldviews begins to cover more and more new areas, including the spiritual and emotional-sensual. This comparison works very effectively in the field of financial and business relationships, if, of course, other factors of the horoscope contribute to practical organizational activities (especially comparative aspects including Saturn and Mercury). People can cooperate quite effectively in such areas as art, restaurant business, real estate, jewelry, sewing fashionable and expensive clothes, etc.
This comparative combination is very favorable when creating family relationships and marriage, as well as any relationships that may arise among people living and working under the same roof. Peace, love, harmony and mutual understanding will be the basis of such relationships. Both individuals are by no means confined to their “happy nest” - they are socially active and have many common friends and associates. The negativity of this aspect will cause weaknesses and promiscuity of partners, in particular in relation to food and drink, as well as mediocre lazy pastime and search for carnal pleasures.

Man's Venus square woman's Uranus
In this variant, an unexpected, stormy, but very short-lived romantic infatuation arises in people's relationships. Very often, partners simply confuse the concepts of romantic interest and friendship. In a number of cases, a certain wave of magnetism runs between them, forming a passionate infatuation, which, however, does not guarantee its duration. This aspect is not considered favorable for business and financial activities, because Partners are more likely to promise more than they can actually deliver. Unexpected and unpredictable situations constantly disrupt their plans. Ill-conceived and unreliable ideas and projects cannot lead to any significant success.
If partners are sincere friends, then the advice that they give each other with the best intentions is not always wise and practical, and therefore following them leads to disappointing consequences. The “Venusian” personality considers the “Uranian” person to be fickle, unreliable and unbalanced, and she, for her part, views the “Venusian” person as hypersensitive, and overly emotional with possessive and acquisitive tendencies.

A man's Venus trine a woman's Neptune
In this option, relationships are formed between people based on a sensory-spiritual-emotional-intuitive connection. Partners “attract” each other under the influence of enchanting magnetism. Often these relationships are idealistic and romantic to the core. Individuals constantly discover new horizons of worldview, forming common interests and hobbies. Romantic and marital relationships are most often characterized by tenderness of feelings and emotions and full compatibility nature
The combination reveals the manifestation of the most positive characteristics of the sign of Pisces due to its dual influence on this comparative trine. The “Neptunian” personality brings feelings of mysterious intuitive insight, trepidation and spirituality into relationships, and the “Venusian” personality brings feelings of charm, beauty, warmth and harmony. Partners are excellent travel companions, excellent parents and educators of their children, and constantly strive to improve their intellectual level. This combination is considered promising in business relationships. If, in addition, there are positive aspects of Saturn and Mercury in the comparison, then a sense of responsibility, discipline and practicality fills the necessary niche when shaping the business inclinations of partners.

Jupiter of a man in trine to Venus of a woman
With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed between individuals based on common interests in cultural, educational, intellectual, psychological and social spheres life activity. Partners stimulate each other's activity, especially if it is related to social activities.
In relation to each other, attentiveness and goodwill prevail, creating a stable intuitive-emotional-sensual connection.
The “Venusian” personality helps the “Jovian” personality to show more interest in the spiritual-aesthetic and intellectual-educational aspects of life and to use their talents and abilities more effectively and purposefully, and that, for its part, helps the “Venusian” personality to express itself more aesthetically and culturally. effectively and efficiently. This combination is distinguished by harmony in the formation of romantic and marital relationships, when the compatibility of partners is traced in the process of joint life.

Neptune for a man conjunct a woman's Venus
With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed between individuals on the basis of magnetic attraction, as a result of which a psychotelepathic and sensory-emotional connection is formed between them. The dual influence of Pisces on this combination is expressed in the formation of a sensory-emotional mutual understanding of the parties, based on deep sympathy.
The intuitive sensitivity of the “Neptunian” personality helps the “Venusian” to express themselves more spiritually and lovingly. And “Venusian” helps “Neptunian” to more effectively express creative and intuitive ideas in practical form, and also become more socially relaxed.
This is an excellent combination for constructive and creative activities in the field of beauty.

Less significant aspects

Man's Sun sextile woman's Saturn
This comparative combination is very favorable for the formation of business relationships and relationships based on professional activities. The “Saturnian” personality stabilizes, disciplines and skillfully guides the “solar” personality in every possible way, which, in turn, helps the latter to express itself more openly and confidently. This combination works very successfully in relationships between people when the real practical mutual responsibility of the parties is obvious (especially when the “Saturnian” person is older and is a teacher, parent, boss).
This aspect in itself does not form a romantic relationship, but it may well serve as a kind of guarantee of stability and duration of family relationships of these individuals. Both individuals, thanks to conscious mutual responsibility, can work very successfully and effectively in teams of like-minded people and have excellent friends and comrades.

Moon of a man conjunct Jupiter of a woman
This comparative aspect is highly preferable for those who want to form harmonious relationships, since the feeling of mutual trust and responsibility among partners in this case is very high. They can equally appreciate the advantages of family, home and a strong rear, since their ideology of existence and worldview is based, in fact, on the same life values. They sympathize emotionally with each other and have many common interests. The “Jupiterian” personality infects with its optimism and captivates with emotional clarity, while the “lunar” personality skillfully creates coziness and comfort, which are the basis for active work"Jovian" personality. In itself, this aspect does not at all guarantee the emergence of romantic feelings of the highest standard, however, one can still count on the duration of a relationship if it is present, since it forms them not on the basis of physical attraction, but on the basis of spiritual and aesthetic connections. In addition, this aspect is very favorable when forming parent-child relationships, especially if the parents are “Jovian” individuals. This aspect is also well suited for business relationships. Both partners, as a rule, have approximately the same ideological family roots and upbringing (or equally strive to implement similar principles of upbringing). They may well be excellent travel partners.

A man's Moon trine a woman's Mercury

A man's Mercury sextile a woman's Moon
This comparative combination is very effective in relationships where people have to deal with each other every day, whether within the family or professional business.
The “Mercurian” personality helps the “lunar” one to better understand and make sense of emotional habits and everyday reactions that arise in reality.
The “Lunar” personality provides a reliable everyday basis for more effective intellectually active development of the “Mercurian” one.
The desire and ability to jointly solve any emerging emotional problems allows partners to form a strong spiritual connection in their relationship, which helps to overcome any difficulties that arise in their lives. life path.
This comparative combination does not imply, in itself, the emergence of physical attraction between individuals, but will contribute to this if other comparison factors are favorable in this regard.
The comparative aspect is favorable for the formation of business and professional relationships, especially in such areas as the restaurant business, real estate, household items, etc., as well as in all those that are directly related to real-life activities.

A man's Mercury trine a woman's Pluto
With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed based on a mutual passion for the occult, reincarnation, immortality of the soul, as well as other sciences based on the manifestation of the highest level of the human mind. It is not surprising that a strong telepathic connection is often established between these people, with the help of which they are able to jointly solve all sorts of problems. complex tasks from the sphere of spiritual and mystical life. The “Mercurian” personality helps the “Plutonian” to implement and formulate their ideas and projects in practice, and she helps the “Mercurian” to more deeply and thoroughly understand many of their internal problems based on a psychophilosophical view.
This aspect is very promising in the formation of relationships based on constructive and creative activity in various spheres of life.

Mercury of a man in opposition to Neptune of a woman
Deception and confusion of feelings and consciousness are often the main characteristic features these relationships. There can be no talk of any honesty and openness in the relationship between these individuals. This also applies to their mutual understanding. The “Neptunian” nature is evasive, secretive, absent-minded and is in constant confusion when communicating with the “Mercurian”, which seems to the “Neptunian” personality to be abstruse, unsympathetic, lacking imagination and intuition. Sensual and emotional outbursts that originate at the subconscious level and are formed on the basis of the experience of past years, as well as the neurotic reactions of the “Neptunian” personality irritate and confuse the “Mercurian” personality, which the “Neptunian”, in turn, considers to be a superficial and petty-minded nature. It is quite natural that partners do not have a common view not only on real existence, but also on the spiritual, mystical and religious sides of life. If, nevertheless, these individuals become inflamed with a desire to participate in the joint process of active life, then they need to work more honestly and thoroughly on themselves. The “Neptunian” person will have to overcome all the problems associated with a lack of practicality, and the “Mercurian” person will have to try to develop a sense of intuition and imagination.

A man's Venus sextiles a woman's Pluto
With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed between people based on a strong physical and romantic attraction to each other. The combination is considered promising for financial, business and professional relationships related to the sphere of beauty.
The “Venusian” personality helps the “Plutonian” to become more diplomatic and sensitive, and she, for her part, helps the “Venusian” to develop spiritually in the process of positive self-expression. The “Plutonian” personality introduces a certain element of occult mysticism into relationships, and the “Venusian” person tries in every possible way to give them harmony and a creative and positive orientation.

Jupiter of a man in opposition to Saturn of a woman

Saturn of a man in opposition to Jupiter of a woman
This aspect forms relationships between people that cannot be called successful, perhaps in any area of ​​life. The “Saturnian” personality considers the “Jupiterian” to be too liberal, and that, for its part, naturally considers the “Saturnian” to be too conservative. What kind of agreement can there be between conservatives and liberals? The "Jovian" personality views the "Saturnian" as negative and unsympathetic, while the latter views the "Jupiterian" as unrealistic, impractical, and hypocritical. With this combination, there is no need to talk about any positivity in the relationship between the parties, because the parties will never find common language- neither in work nor in everyday life.

Uranus of a man in trine to the Sun of a woman
Since this comparative combination implies an exciting relationship based on romanticism and friendship, it is not difficult to assume that people met each other under very unusual circumstances, which were a kind of reason for their magnetic mutual attraction. The “Uranian” personality inspires the “solar” one with the originality of creative ideas, while the “solar” one constantly feeds it with its energy, giving the opportunity to express oneself and feel more confident. Both individuals have common areas of interest in intellectual and educational activities, including astrology, occultism and esoteric research, and can cooperate quite fruitfully in practice, organizing business groups in these areas. Although this comparative combination contributes to the physical attraction of people to each other and the emergence of a romantic relationship between them, we can talk about their stability only if other comparison factors are favorable. Friendly feelings and mutual respect enable partners to feel free and independent.

Neptune sextile a man sextile a woman's Saturn
With this aspect, individuals form their relationships on the basis of cooperation in the field of psychology, medicine, everything unknown, occultism, mysticism, religion, etc. The intuitive abilities of the “Neptunian” personality help the “Saturnian” in its more effective advancement in professional activities, instilling in it confidence in its abilities, and it helps the “Neptunian” personality to express itself more effectively thanks to its abilities - intuition, imagination and the desire to create, and also better understand from the standpoint of the reality of being in the internal psychological problems.
Patience and sensory-emotional compatibility of the parties help them form strong marital and family relationships. They are accompanied by success and good luck in financial matters, they are excellent companions in travel and leisure activities.

Neptune for men square Jupiter for women
With this combination, relationships are formed between individuals based on spiritual, religious and philosophical mysticism, which sometimes takes cult forms, when the trends of the guru or teachings become more important than anything else. It is clear that in such a situation there can be no talk of any practical positive creative activity of the partners. Individuals not only, as they say, “sneezed at this whole world,” but by complementing each other they can gradually turn into vagabond pilgrims and outcasts of society. The “Jovian” personality considers the “Neptunian” to be living in her own idealized world and has completely lost all sense of the reality of existence, and she considers the “Jupiterian” to be dogmatic and incapable of awareness inner essence spiritual world due to attachment to the realities of the physical world.

Man's Pluto square woman's Mercury
With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed, characterized by the fact that the “Plutonian” personality tries to dominate intellectually over the psycho-emotional side of the “Mercurian” worldview, which, for its part, begins to consider it as unbearable and prone to dictatorial habits.
The “Plutonian” person views the “Mercurian” person as a superficially thinking and frivolous person. Suspicion, mistrust and the desire to find out each other's secrets permeate their relationship, and therefore they are not able to constructively and calmly openly discuss any serious issue concerning their joint life. In addition, there is no proper mutual understanding between the partners in the spiritual worldview. All this, supplemented by endless empty disputes and debates, does not at all contribute to the formation of any reliable and long-term constructive relationships between these people in any sphere of life.

A man's Pluto trine a woman's Mars
In this option, relationships are formed between people based on the dynamic mutual self-expression of the parties in all spheres of their joint life activities. They actively encourage each other to improve themselves in all respects. This aspect is considered very promising for constructive and creative joint activities in business and personal conditions. The “Plutonian” personality helps the “Martian” to thoughtfully and purposefully solve practical problems, and the latter helps to practically implement all the ideas and theoretical projects of the “Plutonian” personality. In romantic and marital relationships, this aspect implies physical attraction between the parties.

Here the forces of light and darkness mingle together to develop a feeling of unified strength that helps both partners experience the best of both worlds. A man brings out raw energy in a woman, which helps her realize her power. By polishing her natural talents and developing strength, she lifts her partner to the greatest heights. There are many transformations associated with this aspect. Truth and light men can use the raw energy symbolized by Pluto to make discoveries. A woman's subconscious energy needs to be developed and cut before it can sparkle like a diamond.

Woman's Sun trine man's Pluto

With this aspect, a constant regeneration similar to sexual power is brought to the surface and brought to awareness. A woman realizes that a man has the qualities necessary for her transformation. When a man subconsciously tries to control the light of a woman, he unintentionally comes to the truth. The result of this aspect can be wisdom, wealth and strength, and both individuals eventually come to realize the richness of their inner existence.

A man's Sun is in opposition to a woman's Moon

This aspect emphasizes the need to overcome parental problems. The man works out the difficulties he had with his mother, while the woman works out the difficulties she had with her father. Because of this interaction, each can help the other grow and develop. There may be friction in this process. Each partner is forced to face the figures of anima (for a man) and animus (for a woman). There is a transformation of subconscious expectations regarding these figures. This aspect is difficult for a marriage because the natural harmony needed in the relationship is eclipsed by the need to free oneself from early childhood impressions.

A woman's Sun is in opposition to a man's Moon

This aspect brings out childhood memories of the man's relationship with his mother. The woman appears to dominate the relationship, while the man, against his will, begins to gain new insight into his childhood. The woman feels that she is burdened with a dual role: lover and wife, as well as mother. She may not like this role. This aspect is especially difficult for marriage.

Man's Sun in opposition to woman's Mercury

This is a particularly frustrating aspect for a woman, as she feels that her partner misunderstands her femininity and that her ideas are very different from his. Communication can be difficult because the man subconsciously refers to the “boy” rather than the woman. This aspect is difficult for any relationship, especially marriage.

A woman's Sun is in opposition to a man's Mercury

Here the woman often has pride, figure and importance, while the man behaves childishly, although perhaps this happens subconsciously. A man may feel some kind of threat from his partner and his own insignificance, these feelings force him to take a closer look at the inner strength that he might otherwise ignore. The woman is waiting for him to express what she already knows he will say. This aspect is not desirable for long-term relationships, but it can be beneficial for both individuals for a short period of time.

A man's Sun is in opposition to a woman's Venus

This aspect brings attraction and also indicates stagnation of the natural flow of love for light. Although a woman is attracted to a man, her concept of love is contrary to what he can give her. He must either stop being himself in order to be what she needs, or learn to accept the reserve and distance that neither of them really wants. Both partners can achieve great wealth, but real manifestation will be achieved only through labor. However, subconscious laziness can slow down their progress.

A woman's Sun is in opposition to a man's Venus

This aspect tests the role individuality of both partners. A woman, in order to be herself, must often go against her natural loving instincts, while a man, attracted by her strength, tends to yield to the “male will” that he sees in her. A man admires a woman, but lacks self-satisfaction.

This aspect brings a strong focus on enhancing the status of both partners. There may be a need to find some “right” level in life. A woman acts optimistically within the parameters set by a man. These relationships function seamlessly within general course and restrictions dictated by both partners. If this relationship ends in marriage, great wealth can be accumulated later.

Man's Sun trine woman's Uranus

With this aspect, the man is fascinated by the multifaceted experience that opens up to him due to contact with this woman. She provides the excitement he needs in life. He becomes her source of inspiration. These relationships can be interesting and progressive; both partners can change and grow in interaction with each other. A woman is always attractive to a partner because of her sense of isolation, which serves as an eternal mystery to him.

Woman's Sun trine man's Uranus

Here the woman is amazed at the man's adaptability to change. She views him as an unattainable ideal, and as a result, he becomes increasingly confident in his ability to transcend the traditional norms of society. This aspect requires a woman to have strength and self-confidence so that the relationship can be strong and lasting.

Man's Sun trine woman's Neptune

Here the forces of love and light are mixed into a soft aesthetic combination that is comfortable and calming for both partners. These relationships are characterized by an abundance of warmth, artistic creativity and even tacit understanding between people. A man is in love with a dream, and a woman imagines herself as part of this dream. The light emanating from a man illuminates her fantasies and strengthens his ego. This partnership includes silent participation, which is the essence of harmony.

Woman's Sun trine man's Neptune

Here a man makes a woman's dreams come true. His charm intrigues her, his unattainable quality puzzles her and challenges her Sun's power to shine with full brilliance. The more she tries to understand her partner, the more contact she gains with herself. A man sees some of his dreams take shape because of a woman's steady and focused realism. This aspect adds a note of romantic aura and idealization to the relationship.

Man's Sun trine woman's Pluto

Here the forces of light and darkness mingle together to develop a feeling of unified strength that helps both partners experience the best of both worlds. A man brings out raw energy in a woman, which helps her realize her power. By polishing her natural talents and developing strength, she lifts her partner to the greatest heights. There are many transformations associated with this aspect. Truth and light men can use the raw energy symbolized by Pluto to make discoveries. A woman's subconscious energy needs to be developed and cut before it can sparkle like a diamond.

Woman's Sun trine man's Pluto

With this aspect, a constant regeneration similar to sexual power is brought to the surface and brought to awareness. A woman realizes that a man has the qualities necessary for her transformation. When a man subconsciously tries to control the light of a woman, he unintentionally comes to the truth. The result of this aspect can be wisdom, wealth and strength, and both individuals eventually come to realize the richness of their inner existence.

Sun in opposition to the Sun

This aspect rarely leaves people indifferent. Either they begin to attract each other, like two opposites, or repulsion immediately arises. Undeveloped opposition will manifest itself as a constant struggle for leadership, in which everyone will stubbornly remain in their own opinion; there will be great difficulties in mutual adaptation. The main task of the aspect is the coordination of initiatives and decisions, the division of roles, in which each of the partners will alternately be either the initiating party or the supporting one. When worked out, the aspect gives a good unification of two people for their common tasks, based on the correct choice of trade-offs in their decisions.

:"It's hard to have small talk with someone you want to gently rape"

Synastry is a compatibility horoscope. This method involves combining data from two astrological charts in one picture, making it possible to study mutual aspects.

Since there are no same-sex horoscopes, it should be clear by roles)) I am a woman, You are a man

Venus conjunct Venus
This is one of the most beautiful aspects for a long-lasting and compatible relationship. Each partner has the same idea of ​​love. As a result, there is a natural agreement in everything that makes up the relationship. The partnership appears to be imbued general atmosphere kindness and tender understanding, since both individuals can reflect their feelings through the other.
Uranus conjunct Uranus
This aspect creates a strong electrification. Both individuals share a keen interest in life and can stimulate each other intellectually. The relationship is characterized by a rapid flow of ideas, discovery and learning, as each partner values ​​the other's open-mindedness and receptivity. There will be many unexpected changes in this relationship, but through them both partners will experience rapid development and increased awareness.
Neptune conjunct Neptune
This aspect is considered to reflect the beliefs and feelings of a generation. Both partners are receptive to the same life qualities. We have a strong telepathic or psychic connection with people whose date of birth is close to ours. Because beliefs are elusive, a person does not know for sure whether they are valid. However, this aspect allows the individual to confirm and justify his beliefs through another person. Sometimes the beliefs and impressions of a certain generation take on a spiritual direction. They may reflect a tendency that comes and goes within the more fundamental framework of a complete culture.
Pluto conjunct Pluto
This is a generational aspect and will occur in most relationships. Both partners are influenced by similar subconscious desires, reflecting their age and place in history. Thoughts and ideas can be measured in terms of their ultimate value in the greater scheme of things. An important undercurrent in this relationship is an inherent life purpose.
Man's Sun square woman's Mars
This aspect causes strong disagreements that make relationships almost impossible. The man feels that he is male power projected onto him instead of coming from him, while the woman may be desperately searching for her femininity. There may be strong sexual energy in a relationship, but because of its double positive polarity, neither partner fully understands how to balance this energy.
A man's Moon squares a woman's Pluto
This aspect seems to introduce elements of power into the relationship. On mental level each individual confronts and tests the other. A woman can be a destroyer of a man's concept of family security. The man, in turn, views her as everything he could be if he were more assertive. Sexual intensity is high, but so is rivalry and jealousy. The symbolic protective male instinct meets a worthy opponent in a woman who can actually protect herself.
Mercury square Mercury
This aspect causes irritation because both partners think differently. Expression unique ideas causes friction. The dynamic quality of relationships can produce growth. Due to the fact that this aspect causes frequent tension at the everyday level, it is especially difficult to establish harmony.
Venus of a man squares Uranus of a woman
This aspect creates a spontaneous attraction that often results in very troubled relationships. The man tries to hold the woman by reflecting the feminine nature that he feels she is seeking, while she fights for her mental space. As a result, relationships have a quality of simultaneous attraction and repulsion. Uncertainty on the part of both partners may be accentuated by the unstable and fickle nature of this aspect. Relationships can easily take on the quality of a hurricane that arises for no apparent reason.
Mars men square Uranus women
This aspect creates very excited and volatile relationships. Although there is a lot of excitement and intense attraction, there is an erratic quality to them that causes unexpected and unpredictable turns of events. A man may be disappointed by a woman's changing sexual nature. She has the ability to attract, but not the ability to obey. Although there are many sparks with this aspect, there may not be enough stability for a long-term relationship.
Jupiter for men squares Pluto for women
A man can expend a lot of mental energy trying to enlighten a woman. At the same time, she seeks to add depth to his superficial perception of truth. Both partners look at life from different perspectives. A man sees expediency and the external side of things. A woman sees the depths and true transformation that a person must undergo in order to achieve spiritual growth. Because of two different levels consciousness, a hidden tendency can develop in a relationship, which often causes disagreement, dissatisfaction, friction, ill will and ultimately disunity.
Man's Sun trine woman's Moon
Here we find cooperation without competition. True communication can occur on many levels, as each individual has the necessary qualities to balance the other. Parental residue in subconscious memories, which is integral part relationship, adds color, flavor, a sense of direction and meaning to what is already an excellent partnership.
A man's Moon trine a woman's Saturn
This aspect brings a sense of prudence and caution to relationships. Restraint and caution bind two people together in a way that can isolate them from the rest of the world, but neither feels dependent. A man welcomes a woman's projection of her father as it increases his maturity. The woman, in turn, is proud that he is growing to take on a worthy role. As a result, this aspect can create a fairly stable foundation for a strong partnership or marriage.
Man's Moon trine woman's Uranus
This aspect brings pleasant excitement to relationships. A note of unpredictability keeps each partner interested in the other. Thanks to her sparkling originality, a woman teaches a man to be more flexible with emotions. He, in turn, provides emotional stability so that she can safely express her individuality. While this aspect does not cement an otherwise shaky partnership, it does add potential for understanding through which both partners can grow.
Mars trine Mars
With this aspect, both partners can maintain their unique independence while interacting with each other. The relationship has a masculine orientation because the sense of progress, achievement, and fulfillment of desires becomes a stimulus for action through which each partner can help the other grow. A woman subconsciously identifies with her animus and plays out the needs of a man. If a woman has brothers, relationships can become a means of resolving complex problems past, resulting in her gaining a new sense of self-worth. Through a consistency of new beginnings, this relationship can maintain a youthful freshness that is stimulating for both partners.

Venus of a man in opposition to Jupiter of a woman
With this aspect, the man’s loving nature is opposed to the philosophical views, positions and beliefs of his partner. While he may be overly devoted to her free spirit, he may not be able to effectively commit her to the stable, lasting relationship he desires. The woman sees her feminine side in him, but this is not the kind of femininity that is consistent with her philosophical view of life. As a result, she tends to rush in different directions to avoid the possibility of being caught in what she sees as a Venus trap. A man stands in a valley, looking at the mountain he is about to climb, which may not contain everything he needs. A woman, looking down on her partner, dispassionately gives him her wisdom, but cannot understand the full value of the love or protection he offers her.
Mars for men in opposition to Jupiter for women
This aspect causes dissipation of energy as well as difficulty in understanding real essence relationships. A man acts through his ego, and a woman acts through her higher mind. But neither her ideas nor his impulses appear to be on the same wavelength. As a result, the man's efforts to impress her become sidetracked, making it difficult for both partners to understand their sense of purpose.
A woman's Sun conjunct a man's Moon
This aspect symbolizes relationships in which the woman dominates. Although there is a natural affinity between two individuals, the man ultimately becomes the woman's receptive follower. With this basis of relationships, various shapes resentment and indignation. If a man can assume a role that reflects the light and strength of a woman, this aspect can prove to be the basis for a compatible union.
Venus of a woman conjunct Mars of a man
This is one of the most compatible aspects in the zodiac. Each of the partners is in the most natural role for themselves, since Aphrodite symbolically softens the aggressiveness of Mars. Strong sexual attraction creates a passionate and dynamic relationship. The sexual aspirations of a man find the desired receptivity in the warm feelings of a woman.
A woman's Moon squares a man's Mars
This aspect causes a lot of sexual tension. Since Mars symbolizes the young energetic man and the Moon represents the mother, there may be some subconscious incestuous temptation hidden in this relationship. A woman receives her God of War, but cannot really be herself, because in some vague or subconscious way she may feel that she is violating the acceptable role in society that she wanted to play. Thus, she tries to convince herself that she is not suppressing her partner, while he, in turn, fights for dominance. This partnership can be filled with tension and subconscious fears.
Venus of a woman squares Uranus of a man
Here, a powerful magnetic attraction creates strong stimulation for relationships. A woman's instincts to warm, comfort, and perhaps even possess a man are thwarted by his sense of individuality and independence. He sees it as one of his aspirations, but when he reaches for it, he begins to worry about the idealization of personal freedom. Thus, on his part there is an almost dispassionate feeling of distant admiration, which he does not fully understand.
Women's Jupiter squares men's Uranus
In this aspect, the woman's position or point of view contradicts the man's belief in himself. A woman may be overly righteous, while a man strives for the freedom to which he is accustomed, protesting against her judgmental manners. He may withdraw from the relationship, destroying her sense of purpose and mental projects for the future. Both partners can learn a lot from each other, but the mental frustration this aspect creates prevents either of them from feeling confident.
A woman's Sun is square to a man's Pluto.
This aspect can bring deep understanding that initially causes misunderstandings. Every person must react to new internal sources before being able to properly understand the other. A woman can be seen by a man as a chaste maiden of light. He, in turn, is seen as the force that can overcome her virginity. She trusts him, but he may not trust himself. When light and dark forces interchange, great power arises that can help relationships flourish. But first, everyone must understand the personal concept of their Self.
A woman's Mercury squares a man's Pluto
With this aspect, it is difficult for a woman to understand the hidden side of a man. Woman feels outside Trojan horse and is afraid that he will encroach on the order in her mind, while she is still intrigued by this dark mysterious force that apparently knows everything that she does not know. As a result, she simultaneously feels attraction and repulsion. Therefore, she must use her wits to deal with the man's changing challenges. The relationship is characterized by intensity, passionate self-confidence and stubbornness, as each individual tries to communicate the importance of his thoughts to the other.
Woman's Moon trine man's Jupiter
Two people experience harmony in travel, philosophy and finding their place in life. A woman appreciates a man's free spirit and provides him with a cozy nest, while he helps develop her emotional self and expand her consciousness. This aspect does not bind the relationship, but can add pleasure and enjoyment to an otherwise stable partnership.
Mercury of a woman in trine to Saturn of a man
Here the man contributes in the form of a sense of purpose. It helps a woman shape her outlook on life so that she has more mature thoughts. As a result, she becomes a greedy student in the teacher-student relationship. Due to the karmic mixing of significant ideas, both partners experience spiritual evolution. A woman learns that all good things take time to build, and a man helps her build her consciousness.
Jupiter of a woman in trine to Saturn of a man
Through her openness and sincerity, a woman can show a man his worth. He may play up the role of his father or father-like figure to impress his partner with a sense of honor and dignity. However, what more woman expands his consciousness, the more he sees important reasons for observing the rules, traditions or habits that have permeated his existence. The karma that exists here combines prudence and wisdom. The woman plays a constructive role while the man plays a more receptive role (symbolizing a change in the established structure), but each balances the other as they achieve perspective and vision. This is an excellent aspect for a balanced and growing partnership.
Woman's Sun trine man's Uranus
Here the woman is amazed at the man's adaptability to change. She views him as an unattainable ideal, and as a result, he becomes increasingly confident in his ability to transcend the traditional norms of society. This aspect requires a woman to have strength and self-confidence so that the relationship can be strong and lasting.
A woman's Sun is in opposition to a man's Jupiter
This aspect adds an element of chance to the relationship and destroys the sense of security. Although both partners retain a sense of individual freedom, the woman often provides protection for both. Lack of communication and understanding causes two life styles to pull in opposite directions. If this relationship is going to work, each partner must re-evaluate their principles and philosophy over time.
Woman's Moon in opposition to man's Uranus
A man sees a woman as a symbol of the values ​​that his mother held in the past. He feels the need to protest against any form of domination and will fight to uphold his sense of freedom and originality. The relationship will not be boring, but a woman will not escape the final surprise if she becomes dependent on the unstable nature of a man.

List of references used in the interpretation.

Such a comparative combination in its dynamic relationships is very similar to the combination, differing from it in the depth of its effects. The problems mainly lie in the fact that the “Plutonian” individuality strives for self-expression no less than the “solar” one. As a result, clashes of wills occur every now and then. Favorable development of relationships is impossible without mutual respect for individual rights and freedom. If individuals fulfill these conditions, then they joint activities will be very effective. Metaphysics, occultism and other sciences may well constitute their area of ​​​​common interests. A powerful psychoanalytic basis with obvious occult tendencies may well be laid at the foundation of the relationship between these people. IN intimate life strong physical attraction is evident, especially if the Fifth House of one or both personalities is included in the comparison (aspects of the Sun or Pluto with the ruler of the Fifth House or with the planets of the Fifth House, etc.).

The energy principle collides with the principle of reform and destruction, liquidation. A struggle for authority will arise, especially if both individuals have a strong-willed character. In close alliances, Pluto forces the Sun to change, transforming external circumstances or through shared experiences. In this case, even a transformation of the personality itself can occur. Whether this will be for good or evil depends on other mutual aspects in the comparison. The threat of conflict is possible if people belong to the same generation. Otherwise, as, for example, in the relationship between parents and children, we can rather talk about a natural conflict between generations due to different views on life. Pluto can have a hypnotic influence on the Sun, whether good or bad depends on the overall comparison. We sometimes find this aspect between people with great differences in cultural and educational background or between people of different nationalities.

Man's Sun conjunct woman's Pluto

This aspect speaks of the possibility of unstable relationships. The combination of the darkness of a woman's subconscious urges and the light of a man creates ardent extremes. Everything experiences the best and the worst. A man can transform a woman with his light, and she can lead him to depths he never knew existed. The fountain of truth flows from the well.

A woman's Sun conjunct a man's Pluto

This aspect suggests the possibility of an exploitative relationship because the man may be trying to find value in his partner that he cannot find in himself. At the same time, the woman tries to transform her partner by giving him her light. She usually suffers as he brings her into contact with forces for which she may not be prepared. If the relationship continues, she becomes stronger and may eventually learn to find the depths within herself that the man has revealed to her. It is only after experiencing what seemed like an eclipse at noon that the woman begins to understand the reason for the mystical depths she has experienced.

Sun sextile Pluto

This comparative aspect is characterized by the fact that in the process of relationships, individuals constantly stimulate each other’s volitional intentions in the direction of creative self-expression and self-improvement, in order to solve problems and tasks. Constantly supporting each other, they make every effort to ensure that all good initiatives of which they are the authors have constructive solution. This comparative aspect is most preferable for creative individuals working together in the field of art, especially performing arts. The “Plutonian” individuality tries in every possible way to increase the level of awareness of the “solar” one, which, in turn, helps the “Plutonian” individuality to make maximum, effective use of his insight in practice. The area of ​​their common interests often becomes science, including the occult.

Sun sextile or trine Pluto

The energy principle is harmoniously combined with the principle of reform. There is no strong mutual influence here. This aspect may be useful for partners to exchange ideas. It stimulates initiative, enterprise and ambition in both individuals. Can be favorable in business or political alliances, and especially if people are engaged in research or activities promoting goods and services.

Sun square Pluto

The struggle for power is the most accurate characteristic of these relationships between people, described in the conditions of this comparative aspect. The “Plutonian” individuality not only resists the authoritarian tendencies of the “solar” one, but also tries in every possible way to remake and “remelt” it, encountering, in turn, no less powerful resistance. In short, “I found a scythe on a stone.” Hostile disagreement with an opponent on all issues of existence and worldview is complemented, moreover, by complete disharmony in the sensory sphere and area intimate relationships. Aggressiveness, demandingness and even physical confrontations.

Sun opposite or square Pluto

The creative principle conflicts with the principle of reform. In close relationships, people's influence on each other is accompanied by friction. Pluto opposes the authority of the Sun and will be jealous, envious, rebellious, demanding and even vengeful. Pluto resists comments coming from the Sun and will try to change it. In marriage, Pluto can undermine the Sun's trust and have an adverse influence on his moral and ethical ideas. Even in comparisons that are generally favorable, Pluto will try to change or reform the Sun. In this union, adultery may occur. Until the differences in temperament are understood, correctly perceived and adapted to each other, the reactions of the Sun and Pluto in these cases should be considered unfavorable. In friendship, these aspects indicate periodic trials that test people's tolerance and loyalty to each other.

Man's Sun square woman's Pluto

This aspect seems to increase subconscious paranoia towards the opposite sex. The attraction is so strong that the woman feels it to the very depths and withdraws into herself for protection. Both people are afraid of being too open with each other; being too open means being too vulnerable. They may have an almost obsessive interest in each other, while craving the distance that symbolizes security.

Woman's Sun square man's Pluto

This aspect can bring deep understanding that initially causes misunderstandings. Each person must respond to new inner sources before he can properly understand the other. A woman can be seen by a man as a chaste maiden of light. He, in turn, is seen as the force that can overcome her virginity. She trusts him, but he may not trust himself. When light and dark forces interchange, great power arises that can help relationships flourish. But first, everyone must understand the personal concept of his “I”.

Sun trine Pluto

This comparative combination works great to strengthen joint efforts in the creative sphere of activity both in the internal world of individuals and in the external world, promoting improvement. Individuals have a positive effect on each other, constantly stimulating the energy potential of each other’s will and personal ambitions. The sphere of their mutual interests includes, as a rule, intellectual and spiritual activity. In practice, this combination is very favorable for corporate financial activities of people. The additional duality of the Fifth Houses of their horoscopes implies successful cooperation in the field of art, especially performing arts.

This comparative aspect enhances the factor of physical attraction of partners in romantic relationships. It is very likely that there is a stable intuitive connection between these individuals.

Man's Sun trine woman's Pluto

Here the forces of light and darkness mingle together to develop a feeling of unified strength that helps both partners experience the best of both worlds. A man brings out raw energy in a woman, which helps her realize her power. By polishing her natural talents and developing strength, she lifts her partner to the greatest heights. There are many transformations associated with this aspect. Truth and light men can use the raw energy symbolized by Pluto to make discoveries. A woman's subconscious energy needs to be developed and cut before it can sparkle like a diamond.

Woman's Sun trine man's Pluto

With this aspect, a constant regeneration similar to sexual power is brought to the surface and brought to awareness. A woman realizes that a man has the qualities necessary for her transformation. When a man subconsciously tries to control the light of a woman, he unintentionally comes to the truth. The result of this aspect can be wisdom, wealth and strength, and both individuals eventually come to realize the richness of their inner existence.

Sun opposite Pluto

This dynamic comparative combination implies the emergence of such relationships between people in which a clash of energetic volitional potentials is simply inevitable. If the “Plutonian” personality is more dynamic and has greater volitional potential, then it will certainly try to dominate and mentally oppress the “solar” personality, which, naturally, will be expressed in a violent protest from the latter, who does not want anyone to try to change her personality in any way. one aspect or another. By exhibiting authoritarian and egocentric tendencies towards the “Plutonian” personality, the “solar” personality will certainly face a negative reaction from the other.

Man's Sun in opposition to woman's Pluto

This is a difficult aspect for a long-term relationship. It creates a strong sexual attraction, but a significant distance separates the two people. A man may have a tendency to humiliate a woman, as if showing her the most miserable past helps him find the noblest traits in himself. The struggle between the forces of light and darkness becomes a constant source of irritation. But even so, this relationship can lead to significant growth as both partners try to figure out whether night follows day or day follows night.

A woman's Sun is in opposition to a man's Pluto

This aspect seems to create an arena for animal instincts to come to the surface. The honor and nobility of a woman are literally destroyed by the rudeness of a man when he moves from the very bottom of the inner depths to come into contact with her light. At this time she can gain spiritual strength, as he begins to realize that there is more high levels Plutonian energy. With this aspect, sexual degradation sometimes appears, but if a woman has high moral ideals, she will be protected from it. If a woman gives in at the beginning of this relationship, she will eventually rise as her sense of honor and self-worth becomes stronger as a result of the challenges.

Various sources of synastric astrology.

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