Cinquefoil potentilla fruticosa. Cinquefoil shrub and herbaceous care and cultivation types of cinquefoil with photos and names. Useful properties of cinquefoil and contraindications


It is difficult to imagine a shrub capable of blooming as long and abundantly as the best summer flowers. This is precisely the rare feature that the shrubby cinquefoil has. If the weather is favorable and proper care From the beginning of summer until the arrival of frost, the compact shrub is covered with a scattering of beautiful and delicate flowers. The shrub with its airy openwork crown and chintz ripples of flowers seems like a luxurious fabric come to life. Everything about cinquefoil is beautiful: textures, details, and character. Hardy and winter-hardy, it will easily become holiday decoration any ensemble.


It is impossible to find another shrub with such a long flowering period. How to find a culture with the same confusion in classification and names. Known as the cinquefoil bush, this beauty can boast of two more quite legitimate names - Kuril tea and five-leafed plant. The efforts of botanists, who “transferred” the plant from one genus to another and constantly changed its botanical name, created a confusion that is not so easy to understand. According to the latest data, the “correct” botanical name is just Kuril tea - Dasiphora fruticosa. But this name is disputed and is in an unresolved, controversial status. Therefore, you can call the cinquefoil, in fact, whatever you want - both the old name of the cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa) and even the bush cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides fruticosa). Today, all three names of this plant remain completely “legal”. But no matter how many different names the shrubby cinquefoil has, it is difficult to confuse it with some other shrub - its appearance and decorative talents are too special.

Kuril tea (or bush cinquefoil, or bush cinquefoil) is the most popular species of the genus. It is quite common in nature and is found from Central Asia to Western Europe. "Accustomed" to rocky soils, most often living on slopes, in pebbles, on screes, this is a compact, light-loving shrub plant and in the garden it largely requires conditions similar to its wild habitats.


Kuril tea is a compact, dense shrub, strongly branching from the very base of the shoots, which, thanks to active branching, forms a lacy crown. Rapid growth is observed only before reaching maximum height: the older the cinquefoil, the slower it grows. The height of the bushes is up to 1.5 m, although compact, squat varieties up to 80 cm high are more popular. Potentilla bushes by nature look like balls or loose pillows. The width of the crown almost always slightly exceeds the height of the plant, but even in tall varieties the crown is still hemispherical, very compact and beautiful. With a dense pattern of branches, Kuril tea does not look heavy, massive, or too voluminous. This is a very elegant plant, and this status can be assigned to it in any season. The bark on the branches is beautiful, reddish, very rarely gray-silver, peeling off on old shoots.

The foliage gives the shrub an even more delicate, translucent, curly appearance. All cinquefoils, without exception, have carved leaves, divided into 5, and in some varieties - into 3 or 7 lobes, somewhat reminiscent of geraniums, parsley and mantle at the same time. Lacy leaves on an openwork crown create a translucent, airy, weightless image. The leaf lobes are lanceolate, up to 3 cm in length, narrow, almost always with a solid edge and a short point at the apex, often the edges are slightly turned away. The ovoid stipules grow together with the cuttings. The color of the foliage is very interesting, muted green with silvery notes; thanks to the dullness of the leaves and edges, it seems especially mysterious. Young leaves are very bright and light, then they acquire a standard muted, but very beautiful color.

The flowering of the plant is sweet, romantic, surprisingly pastoral. The flowers, although simple in shape, seem unusually beautiful. In diameter they can reach 3.5 cm, in species plants - only about 2 cm. They consist of 5 round petals, forming an almost perfect flower. The flowers are flat and wide open with a very large fluffy center containing about 30 stamens. They bloom along the entire length of the shoots and seem to be scattered across the leaves one at a time or in very sparse racemes and corymbs, and the structure of the inflorescences is almost imperceptible. The number of flowers in good years and at the peak of flowering (which can last for months) is impossible to count. The entire openwork bush, like chintz fabric, is strewn with pretty flowers.

After flowering, prefabricated inflorescences are formed, including small achenes with an unusual curved apex, giving the fruit a sickle shape. Fruiting and even complete ripening of seeds does not in any way affect the rate of production of new flowers, does not spoil the attractiveness of the plant and does not lead to a stop in flowering either in summer or autumn. There is no need to remove the fruit.

Flowering time
The flowering period of Kuril tea usually covers at least 2 months, and even then - in years with very bad weather. Each shrub is capable of blooming for as long as any annual plant - from the beginning of summer until the arrival of the first cold weather in October. Many cinquefoils in comfortable conditions greet even the first snow with several charming flowers. In the middle zone, the start of flowering of shrubby cinquefoil usually occurs in mid-June. Flowering and fruiting occur annually, but not always equally powerful.
It is believed that shrubby cinquefoil remains attractive from the beginning of the growing season (mid-April) until mid-October. But even bare bushes under the snow look surprisingly elegant.


Without exception, all shrubby cinquefoils - both species and varietal specimens - are light-loving plants. With some damage to the abundance of flowering, they can tolerate partial shade, but they feel better in warm, sunny or bright areas. Light shading protects their crowns from the heat, so the plants feel great in the company of other shrubs or trees, giving them light protection from the midday sun. At the same time, it is important that the Kuril tea be kept without shade for most of the day. Cinquefoil shrubs are not sensitive to drafts; they grow well in open areas, do not suffer from polluted air.

For them, it is necessary to select fertile and high-quality soils, avoiding the risk of water stagnation and excessive dampness in spring and autumn. Soil compaction and heavy clay soils are contraindicated for Kuril tea; the soil for it should be light and permeable. The plant is not sensitive to soil reaction, but even highly calcareous soils will be preferable to slightly acidic soils.

It is better to prepare for planting shrubby cinquefoil in advance by digging out planting holes at least 2 weeks in advance. The optimal planting period in the middle zone is early April, that is early spring, as soon as the soil thaws. To the south, shrubby cinquefoil can also be planted in late summer or early autumn.
For Kuril tea, a planting hole about half a meter deep and the same diameter is sufficient. The planting distance is from 1 m to 120 cm for free groups and 50 cm when creating continuous flowering arrays, borders or hedges.
At the bottom of the planting hole, even in rock gardens and rock gardens, a high layer of drainage made of crushed stone, pebbles, and bricks is laid. Optimal height drainage layer of about 20 cm. It is better to replace the soil from the planting hole with a fertile light mixture based on sand and sheet soil. The best soil is considered to be one consisting of equal parts of leaf soil and humus with half the share of sand. A double dose of complete mineral fertilizer (100-120 g) and any available organic fertilizer must be added to the soil.
The planting itself is carried out according to standard methods. Long roots on the seedling are first shortened. A thin layer of soil is poured over the drainage. The shrub is installed, making sure that the depth level remains the same, and the root collar is located at the same level as the ground line. Then fill all the free space with the prepared soil mixture and lightly compact it. After abundant watering, soil is added during shrinkage. Planting of shrubby cinquefoil is completed by mulching the tree trunk circle. This can be done even with the remains of the substrate or peat, not necessarily with bark or other mulching materials.


Humidity and watering
Kuril tea belongs to drought-resistant shrubs. It thrives in rocky soils of rockeries and rock gardens and does not require watering. Also likes humid air and loves light spraying and is not afraid of the flowers getting wet. In very hot weather, so that the cinquefoil remains covered with flowers until the end of the season, maintenance watering is carried out with abundant soaking of the soil. Frequency - 3 waterings per summer. Each plant uses about 1 bucket of water. It is better to carry out both watering and spraying in the evenings.

The mulch created at planting must be maintained throughout the year. Any possible ways. The rest of the care comes down to removing weeds, loosening the soil when compacted after heavy rainfall and watering.

Kuril tea needs fertile soil, so its access to nutrients must be maintained with fertilizing. When fertilized, the plant not only blooms more profusely, but also becomes more winter-hardy. Fertilizing is carried out at least once, optimally - twice a season, starting from the second year after planting. In early spring, complete mineral fertilizers are applied (instead of the standard dose of 50-60 g for cinquefoil, a dose of 100-150 g is recommended). The second time, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used, applying them immediately before flowering, but in the standard dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Kuril tea needs periodic anti-aging pruning, which is best done once every 5 or 6 years. In this case, the cinquefoil does not require any drastic pruning “to the stump”: it is enough to shorten the branches by a third of their length or even by 10 cm.
The plant does not need mandatory annual pruning, but it can be done. In September, the plant can be shaped to make the crown more strict and the bushes more compact. In addition, when freezing, you need to carefully trim the damaged ends of the branches.

Cinquefoils almost never get sick, but under unfavorable conditions, dense soil and dampness, or in the vicinity of diseased pine trees, they suffer from rust. You can fight it by spraying with copper-containing preparations.


Cinquefoil is considered a winter-hardy shrub, which is grown in cultivation almost in the Arctic Circle region. It grows equally well in the middle zone, in the southern regions, and in the north. All shoots of the plant, the development of which stops already at the beginning of September, manage to fully ripen by winter. The older the plant gets, the more winter hardiness it acquires.

Such characteristics are the advantage of only those cinquefoils that are adapted to your climate. Plants imported from other countries and even regions may show much worse performance. Winter hardiness parameters should always be clarified when purchasing. Even the same varieties from two different areas can winter differently. New varieties with white, light yellow and golden flowers are said to be hardier than red, pink and orange varieties.

If you do not know the winter hardiness of the cinquefoil, then in the first winter you need to cover it, providing a layer of mulch up to 10 cm and hilling the base of the bushes. Low-winter-hardy plants can be covered with an air-dry method like roses for the first few years, until they become more hardy and adapt to a specific climate.


Cinquefoil shrub, especially varietal plants, are propagated only vegetatively. Species can be propagated by seeds, but the process is very complicated and is usually used only on an industrial scale and with professional equipment. For Kuril tea use:
- green cuttings;
- lignified cuttings;
- layering;
- divisions from adult bushes and separated root shoots.

Cuttings are simple. When covered with a cap and maintaining light soil moisture, it occurs quickly even without additional treatment. The resulting plants bloom the next year. You can take cuttings in spring and early summer by cutting off branches with two internodes.


Today, most common shrub cinquefoils are represented by varietal specimens. You can choose plants based on the color of the flowers and the height of the bushes. When purchasing, be sure to check the degree of winter hardiness of a particular plant. This check is especially important for plants that are ordered from Western catalogs.

The most interesting and fashionable varieties of shrubby cinquefoil include the following (varieties are arranged from highest to lowest, the number in brackets indicates the image):

“Veitchii” is a one and a half meter variety with an almost perfectly round translucent crown and snow-white flowers;
“Mount Everest” - a one-and-a-half meter variety that naturally looks like a perfect sphere with touching white blooms;
“Jackman” (1) - a one and a half meter spreading variety with unique silver leaves and medium-sized light yellow flowers that bloom in late spring;
“Primrose Beauty” (2) - a bush that blooms only in mid-June with a spherical crown about 120 cm high with light, yellow, small flowers;
"Maanly"s" - a variety 110-120 cm high with a wide dense crown and watercolor flowers, in which light cream along the edge turns into dark yellow in the center;
“Goldfinger” (3) - a variety with a height of 1 m with a very dense cushion-shaped crown, unusually dark leaves and bright yellow huge flowers, the diameter of which can reach 5 cm;

“Abbotswood” (4) - a meter-long variety with a denser cushion crown, light greenery and white-cream flowers;
“Klondike” is a meter-long variety with light yellow flowers, in which the leaves change color from light green to dark green (blooms from May);
“Goldstar” (5) - a variety slightly less than 1 m high with a lacy graceful crown of a slightly flattened, prostrate shape, grayish foliage and pastel light yellow color of very large flowers;
“Daydawn” (6) - a seventy-centimeter variety with a very sloping, more than 1 meter in diameter crown with yellow flowers, the outer side of the petals of which is painted bright orange;

“Elizabeth” (7) - a variety with bluish-gray leaves, a crown about 80 cm high, a cushion-shaped structure and large lemon-yellow flowers.
“Farreri” is a shrub about 80 cm high with a dense cushion-shaped light crown, silvery autumn color of leaves, literally hidden under a blanket of lemon flowers;
“Pink Queen” (8) - a variety up to 80 cm high with a very wide, one and a half meter in diameter crown and touching candy-pink flowers;
“Princess” is a variety about 75-80 cm high, whose uneven pink flowers change color throughout the plant, as if a wave of watercolor is passing through the dark green thick lace of the crown;
"Hachmann's Giant" is a golden-flowered variety about 70 cm high with very large flowers;
"Snowflake" - a variety about 70 cm high with a wide crown and white saucer flowers;
“Snowbird” is a light-leaved variety up to 70 cm high with large cream flowers that gradually fade to white;
“Golden Dwarf” is a variety about 60-70 cm high with a very wide crown and dense branching of pink shoots, light small leaves and golden flowers;
“Kobold” (9) - a variety slightly more than half a meter high with a medium-dense crown-cushion, light muted foliage color and light yellow “buttery” flowers, one of the fastest growing varieties that requires constant formation;

“Pretty Polly” is a light pink, pastel variety with a darker center color, creating a feeling of watercolor transition, with unique thin shoots and dark small leaves, forming a very spreading bush up to only 60 cm high;
“Red Robin” (10) - a variety in which, at a height of 60 cm, the crown is more than twice as large in diameter, with unique scarlet flowers;
"Red Ace" (11) - an extremely dense variety with creeping shoots forming a spreading bush just over half a meter high with light foliage and dazzling fiery red, with brick shades flowers;
“Goldteppich” (12) - a low-growing, half-meter variety with grayish leaves and bright golden flowers (blooming starts in May);

“Hopley Orange” (13) - a half-meter variety with different shades of orange on large flowers, blooming in May;
"Gilford Cream" - a half-meter variety with a very wide, outstretched crown and densely arranged bright foliage with creamy pastel flowers (one of the first to bloom, in May);
“Tangerine” (14) - an orange variety about 40 cm high, the flowers of which, thanks to the golden center, really resemble citrus fruits, in different lighting they show different colors from yellow to copper, with a beautiful spherical crown;
“Manchu” (15) is a spreading variety, in which, with a bush diameter of more than 1 m, the height does not exceed 40 cm, and the white-cream flowers seem radiant and silky;

“Floppy Disc” (16) - a low-growing, half-meter variety with light small leaves and watercolor pink flowers;
“Dart's Golddigger” (17) - a dense, cushion-shaped, half-meter variety with very light foliage and large golden flowers;
“Royal Flush” is a half-meter spreading variety with thin branches and scarlet flowers, changing their color as they bloom to dark pink and flaunting the brightest autumn foliage among all varieties;
“Tilford Cream” (18) - has a slow-growing bush up to half a meter high, with a diameter of about a meter; cream flowers up to 5 cm, numerous, long-lasting flowering;
"Rheinsberg" - dwarf variety height from 30 cm to half a meter, bright lemon flowers.


˅ as single “lace” decorations
˅ in free groups with conifers and other shrubs
˅ in dense flowering landscape-type plantings – flowering tracts
˅ in ground plantings and front garden compositions
˅ as an openwork flowering rootstock or undergrowth
˅ for visual softening and connection of massive shrubs and woody
˅ in mini flower beds
˅ in classic flower beds and mixborders as an abundantly flowering background or soloist accents
˅ in chintz flower beds and ridges
˅ in rockeries and at the foot of alpine slides
˅ for landscaping slopes
˅ in romantic “fairytale” lush ensembles
˅ in borders and hedges
V regular style like openwork flowering spheres
˅ against the backdrop of lawns


spirea actions roses ▪ thuja ▪ junipers ▪ yews ▪ barberries ▪ euonymus ▪ decorative willows▪ ornamental grasses ▪ mantle ▪ geranium ▪


Cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa) or Kuril bush tea is a plant that has long been introduced into cultivation and grown in nurseries as an ornamental tree and shrub. IN recent years It is used to prepare drinks and as a medicinal raw material.

This is a perennial, strongly branching shrub up to 1 m tall, with shoots of a reddish-brown color.
and golden yellow flowers of the Rosaceae family. The leaves are pinnate, consisting of 5 (3-7) oblong-ovate leaflets, green above, sparsely pubescent, silky below. The flowers are lemon-colored, large, up to 3 cm in diameter, solitary or in small racemes or corymbose inflorescences. The fruits are numerous dry nuts. Flowering continues from late June to September.

A cold-resistant species and capable of growing in areas where there is permafrost. Undemanding to soil. It grows in nature in sparse coniferous and deciduous forests, on rocks, in subalpine and alpine meadows. In natural habitats, plants grow very slowly and by the age of 20 the height of the bushes is no more than 30 cm. When grown on personal plots in Belarus, by the age of 4-5 years, Kuril bush tea reaches a height of 70-90 cm.

or Kuril bush tea is valued and how ornamental plant. This beautiful flowering shrub with a long flowering period, suitable for single and group plantings, lining groups of taller plants and hedges, planting among stones in rock gardens. It easily tolerates decorative haircuts and is almost not affected by diseases and pests. There are hybrids and varieties with larger flowers of white, salmon, and orange colors.

Propagated by seeds and vegetatively - by cuttings or dividing the bush. Sowing of seeds is carried out in the spring without preliminary preparation in a film greenhouse. Used as a substrate leaf soil. Annual seedlings in unthickened crops reach 0.3-0.4 m and are suitable for planting on permanent place. Plants, especially when grown in a film greenhouse, in the first year of life can go through all stages of development from seed to flowering and seed ripening.

In Siberia, Kuril bush tea has long been used to prepare a tea drink. Brew it like regular tea. A well-infused drink has a pleasant taste, color and aroma. Gives vigor and increases performance, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. People call this plant "mighty".

Life Form:

deciduous shrub


Spherical, dense.

Growth rate:

Fast. The annual growth is 20 cm in height and 20 cm in width.

Height 1.5 m, crown diameter 1.5 m.


20 years


Flat round, golden yellow, 3 cm.


Elliptical, yellowish-green, 1 to 3 cm.


Cinquefoil shrub is decorative primarily due to its abundant and long-lasting flowering.


Single plantings, decorative groups.

The leaves of Potentilla fruticosa contain a lot of ascorbic acid, just like the black currant berries. In Siberia, tea is brewed from dried and fresh cinquefoil leaves.

Growing conditions

to light: light-loving, but grows well in partial shade

to moisture: demanding

to soil: demanding

to temperature: frost-resistant


Europe, Caucasus, Siberia, Far East, Central Asia, Mongolia, Japan.

Planting and care

Landing Features:

When creating hedges, the distance between plants is 60-70 cm.

Soil mixture:

Turf soil, humus and sand - 2:2:1.

A drainage layer of 10-20 cm of crushed stone is required.

Optimal acidity - pH 7-8.5


In spring, 100-150 g of mineral fertilizers are applied. Before flowering, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied.


It can survive without watering for a long time, but does not do well in dry air. In hot and dry summers, you should water 3-4 times a season, 1-1.5 buckets per plant. In the evening, it is recommended to spray, being careful not to damage the flowers. Watering norm.

Young plants require more frequent and abundant watering during dry periods.


Simultaneously with the removal of weeds to a depth of 5-10 cm.


After planting, a layer of 5-7 cm.


Once every 5-6 years, in the second half of April, they are pruned, leaving stumps of 15-20 cm. The branches grow quickly. After radical pruning, be sure to feed them with fertilizers. You don’t have to resort to radical pruning, but cut out weak and old branches every spring.



Preparing for winter:

Decorative forms are mostly winter-hardy; only in severe winters do the ends of annual shoots freeze. With age and thanks to fertilizing, frost resistance increases.

Similar materials

In the garden with your own

Potentilla fruticosa is a shrub of the Rosaceae family.

Cinquefoil ‘Tangerine’

Description and varieties.

This type of cinquefoil is a low (up to 1 m) shrub with a spherical crown and complex pinnate leaves consisting of small (about 0.5 cm in length) leaflets. The leaves of the cinquefoil are pubescent, bright green on top and silvery on the underside.

The original species has bright yellow flowers, 2–3 cm in diameter, with five petals. The plant develops quite quickly; grown from cuttings, it blooms in the second year and gives good growth.

The shrubby cinquefoil has a subspecies - Manchurian cinquefoil (Potentilla mandshuriensis), which Russian botanists often classify as an independent species.

Modern varieties of cinquefoil have very different flower colors; they are united by the fact that they bloom for a very long time - from the beginning of June to the end of October. In this regard, cinquefoil outperforms many other shrubs.

Cinquefoil bush ‘Abbotswood’ (Abbotswood) - a very popular variety, shrub height 80 - 100 cm, white flowers, cushion-shaped crown.

L. shrub ‘Elisabeth’ (Elizabeth) - more low-growing variety- 60 - 80 cm, interesting bluish-gray-green foliage, yellow flowers.

Variety ‘Goldfinger’ (Goldfinger) It has a fast growth rate, taller than other varieties (up to 130 cm), the flowers are bright yellow.

L. shrub ‘Goldstar’ (Goldstar ) - gray-green leaves and very large, eye-catching yellow flowers. The height of this variety of cinquefoil is 80 - 100 cm.

L. shrub ‘Goldteppich’ (Goldteppich) - prostrate low (only 50 cm) shrub, yellow flowers, excellent for small rockeries and rock gardens.

L. shrub ‘Hopley’s Orange’ (Hopley’s Orange) orange flowers and leaves pubescent with silvery hairs (height 60 - 80 cm).

L. bush ‘Klondike’ (Klondike) - height 100 - 120 cm, light yellow flowers, crown has a somewhat elongated shape in the vertical direction.

Variety Potentilla bush ‘Kobold’ (Kobold) It has compact sizes (40 - 60 cm) and large bright yellow flowers.

L. shrubby ‘Longacre’ - this variety has pale yellow flowers, regular leaves, height 90 cm.

L. shrub ‘Lovely Pink’ (‘Pink Beauty’) - a very decorative low-growing (50 cm) variety with pink flowers unusual for cinquefoil.

Variety 'Manchu' - belongs to the subspecies Manchurian cinquefoil, with white flowers.

L. shrub ‘Mango Tango’ (‘Uman’) - unusual two-tone yellow-orange large flowers. The bush itself is dense, low (up to 60 cm), erect.

L. fruticosa ‘Marian Red Robin’ (‘Marrob’) - very beautiful deep red flowers, height 40 - 60 cm. Compared to the original species, this variety is less resistant to drought, frost and winter soaking, which should be taken into account when choosing a place for planting.

L. shrub ‘Pretty Polly’ - low-growing (40 - 60 cm), delicate light green foliage, pink flowers.

L. shrubby ‘Princess’ (Princess) - height about 60 cm, flowers are soft pink, in bright sun they can turn white.

L. fruticosa ‘Red Ace’ - red flowers, bush height 60 cm. Like the ‘Marian Red Robin’ variety, it is not very resistant to adverse environmental factors.

L. bush ‘Red Jocker’ (Red Joker) - Compared to other red-flowered cinquefoils, it is quite resistant to harsh conditions. The flowers are blood red.

Cinquefoil ‘Tangerine’ - tangerine (copper-orange) flowers, crown shape is spherical, dense, height 50 - 60 cm.

Variety 'Tilford Cream' It is distinguished by an outstretched crown about 40 cm high, cream flowers, dark green leaves.

Growing conditions and care.

Cinquefoil is light-loving, but can grow in partial shade. Perfectly adapted to urban conditions. Undemanding to soil. Prefers well-drained, fresh and moist, sandy or loamy, slightly acidic or neutral soils. Resistant to heat and drought. Tolerates alkaline soils.

It is practically not affected by pests and diseases. Reacts well to pruning. Watering is necessary only in dry summers. You can learn in detail from the experience of one of the visitors to our site; planting of this shrub is also described there.


The easiest way to propagate shrubby cinquefoil is by cuttings. Cuttings are cut from young shoots (from mid-June), three internodes are left and placed at an angle under a film in a rooting substrate, which is kept moist.

Potentilla fruticosa

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Synonyms: Kuril bush tea, bush cinquefoil, Dasiphora fruticosa, Pentaphylloides fruticosa L., Pentaphylloides floribunda (Pursh) A.Löve, Potentilla floribunda Pursh, Potentilla rigida Wall. ex Lehm., Moguchka, Dasiphora

(Potentilla fruticosa (L.) is a species of shrubs from the genus Cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides) of the Rose family (Rosaceae). The species was first described by Carl Linnaeus in “Sp. Pl. 1” 495. 1753. In culture

The range covers the entire eastern part of Siberia and the Far East, mountains in Central Asia, Mongolia, China, and Japan. Also found in North America, Europe and the Caucasus. It grows in meadows, forests, floodplains, along stream beds, on pebbles, stone deposits and in high-mountain tundras. It rises into the mountains to a height of 3600 m above sea level.

Author M. Skotnikova

It is an erect, less often spreading, highly branched shrub 10-150 cm in height. Lives up to 30 years. Root system superficial, dense, sensitive to soil compaction. The crown is erect, compact or more or less widely spreading, densely branched and heavily leafy. The branches are covered with reddish-brown or brownish-gray peeling bark. The shoots are short, often reddish, pubescent with white appressed hairs.

By T. Reeb

The leaves are pinnately compound, with 2 (less often 3) pairs of leaflets, the upper ones are sometimes trifoliate. The leaves are oblong or oblong-ovate, up to 30 mm in length and 1-10 mm in width, appressed-hairy on both sides, less often almost glabrous, short-pointed, light green to pure green, do not change color in autumn.

By T. Reeb

Flowers are 2-3 (4) cm in diameter, all shades of yellow, solitary or 2-7 in racemes or corymbose inflorescences growing on the tips of the shoots. The outer linear-lanceolate sepals are entire or double-notched at the end, almost the same size as the ovoid inner ones. The petals are round in shape, twice as long as the sepals. Formed on the shoots of the current year. Each flower has up to 30 stamens, which makes the center of the flower fluffy. Anthers oblong. The duration of flowering of an individual flower ranges from 6 hours to 2 days and depends on temperature and humidity. It blooms in June-October, very long and quite abundantly.

Author V. Bogdanovich

The fruits are brown aggregate achenes, covered with fine hairs. The achenes are very small with a bent apex; less commonly, an achene is slightly crescent-shaped, 1.5-2 mm long and 0.7-1 mm wide. The first seeds ripen at the end of August and until September.


  • Dasiphora fruticosa subsp. fruticosa
  • Dasiphora fruticosa subsp. floribunda (Pursh) Kartesz

Varieties: more than 130 varieties have been created. Low-growing - 'Beesii' ('Nana Argentea', silver-gray foliage), 'Coronaitin Triumph', 'Dart's Golddigger' (silver-gray foliage), 'Donard Gold', 'Dakota Sunrise', 'Goldfinger' (silver-gray foliage grey), 'Goldstar', 'Goldteppich' (silver-gray foliage), 'Jolina', 'Longacre' (silver-gray foliage), 'Reisenberg' and varieties 'Abbotswood', 'Beanii', 'Farrer's White', ' Rhodocalyx' with white flowers. Tall ones - Elizabeth' ('Arbuscula', 'Sutter's Gold') and 'Kathrine Dykes' (silver-gray foliage) with yellow flowers.

Frost resistance zone: 4a (-34°С)

Location: prefers well-drained, moist soils. Mesotrophic, however, can also grow on dry, poor soils, but in this case it grows slowly, is smaller in size and blooms poorly. It is preferable to plant in sunny places.

Landing: distance between plants 60-80 cm. Dimensions of planting hole: 50-60 cm. Drainage - layer broken bricks or pebbles 15-20 cm thick. Soil mixture: garden soil, humus and sand (2:2:1). Root collar at ground level. For poor soil add mineral fertilizer(up to 100 g per 1 hole). Planting or replanting is carried out in early spring, after the snow has melted and the soil has thawed, but cinquefoil can also be planted at the end of August - September.

Care: before flowering, plants can be fertilized: 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water.

Trimming: The bushes are trimmed once every three years. In September, non-lignified shoots are pruned by a third; if they are pruned in April, the shoots are shortened by 10-20 cm. Pruning promotes active growth and improved branching. Tolerates haircuts well.

Diseases and pests: resistant to diseases and pests, but can be affected by rust.

Reproduction: seeds that are sown in the spring after 3 months of stratification or vegetatively - lignified and green cuttings, layering, root suckers, or by dividing the bushes.

Usage: highly ornamental plant. Used in borders, rock gardens, groups. A good honey plant.

Cinquefoil shrub: description

In nature Kuril tea (other names - cinquefoil , bloodroot And dasiphora ) is very widespread. It is found in Siberia and Far East, in the Altai mountains and Central Asia, in Mongolia, China and Japan, in Western Europe and North America. In total, about 15 types of Kuril tea are known. All of them are deciduous shrubs no more than one and a half meters high. Mature stems of Kuril tea are covered with grayish-brown flaky bark, yellow or white flowers have 5 petals. Inflorescences - in the form of an umbrella or brush - are located at the ends of the shoots.

Cinquefoil shrub: application

There are varieties with fountain-shaped and cushion-shaped and variants. The size and shape of a bush in an adult plant are very diverse, and the growth rate of many of them can border on. Fast-growing plants make low border hedges. They cut well and keep their shape well. These are excellent soloists in open spaces.

Slowly growing dwarfs will take their rightful place in and make an interesting company or brightly colored ones. Creeping or white-flowered varieties can be used to create compositions from or various ones, especially with blue needles. Beautiful combinations are created by yellow-flowered varieties with lilac flowers, or, as well as gray fescue and molinia. Among the shrubs, cultivars will become spectacular partners of cinquefoil.

An important advantage of cinquefoil remains its decorative appearance throughout the season. WITH Indian summer and until frost, the color scheme of plants becomes more and more saturated, and the leaves retain their attractive green tint with a silvery tint. Placing it in autumn ensembles will smooth out the contrasting transitions of foliage in other plants.

Cinquefoil shrub: care

For good flowering Potentilla should be planted in a sunny place in rich, moisture-absorbing soil. Regular fertilizing enhances flowering. In hot or arid climates, the bushes are regularly watered, and the tree trunk circle is mulched to retain moisture in the soil. To ensure abundant flowering and maintain the beautiful shape of the bush, regular spring pruning is needed. In April-May, the bushes are cut by half or a third of the length of their shoots, depending on the growth rate of the plant. By trimming the bush you can give it an interesting shape, such as a ball. Or grow a small “tree”. To do this, in the spring, several straight-growing shoots are selected, intertwined, and the rest are removed. At a height of about 40 cm, all buds and small branches are removed. The future crown is trimmed, leaving shoots 10-12 cm long. This “standard” blooms in the first year. In subsequent years, the buds that wake up on the stems are removed, and the crown is formed in the spring.

Green cuttings are the easiest way to get new plants. From the end of June until the last ten days of July, you can cut off young shoots and plant them in cuttings under film or in a greenhouse. Air humidity should be high, and the cuttings themselves should be shaded from direct sunlight. In just two weeks you will receive new young plants. They can be left in the cuttings for the winter or immediately planted in a new place. Creeping and spherical varieties also root well by layering. To do this, young shoots are selected from the lower part of the crown and pinned. The place where the cuttings are pressed to the ground is covered with soil. On next season the finished plant is separated from the mother liquor and planted in the garden.

Cinquefoil shrub: problems and solutions

Problematic varieties include cinquefoil varieties with red and pink flowers. The fact is that an increase in night temperatures in mid-July leads to a cessation of the production of the pigment responsible for the bright color of the petals. From this red-flowered varieties like Red Ace become orange or yellow rather than bright scarlet. This cannot be avoided if the plant is planted in full sun. However, do not be upset, as the correct color will return to the bush as soon as the cool August nights arrive. It is during this period that all brightly colored cultivars begin to actively bloom, striking everyone with the richness of their shades. The color of the petals becomes most intense during Indian summer.

Plantings are watered and mulched with peat. Further watering only in very hot weather. Rarely affected by diseases and pests (sometimes rust). Foliar treatment with potassium permanganate or boric acid makes plants resistant to fungal diseases.

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