Elections to the City Duma Bogdanovich. Shchipitsyna Olga Borisovna. Buslaev Alexey Sergeevich

This week in Bogdanovich was marked by a stabilization of the political situation: the head of the territory, Vladimir Moskvin, who was legally elected in 2012, returned to his office.

Let me remind you that on August 18, the regional court decided to declare the decision of our Duma illegal
No. 54 of July 6, 2017, which approved the changes made to the Regulations on the selection of the head. A week later, on August 23, the city court ruled to recognize two more decisions as illegal: the decision of the competition commission to elect Vladimir Golovanov as head of the Bogdanovich Municipality and the decision of the Duma to approve Golovanov as head. This was followed by the renunciation of power by the illegally elected head. After which Vladimir Moskvin returned to his office and began to perform his duties as head. Vladimir Aleksandrovich considered it necessary to explain to the Bogdanoviches what had happened through the media and answered questions asked to him by journalists from the newspaper “Narodnoe Slovo” and BTV.

- Vladimir Alexandrovich, give your assessment of what happened in the first three weeks of August in Bogdanovich?

I can only characterize what happened as a desire of a separate group of people to commit arbitrariness; I cannot call this situation otherwise. I would like to note that all administration employees withstood the pressure with dignity, did not give up and came out of the situation with honor, understanding that everything that was happening was illegal.

- The illegal head signed within three weeks various kinds documents. How legitimate are they?

Today we are reviewing these documents. Of course, all documents that are supposedly signed by the head of the territory are invalid. But there are a number of documents that have the right to life, we will evaluate them, maybe make adjustments, and I, as the head of the territory, will sign them. First of all, these are documents that relate to the appeal of citizens and, as a result, the adoption of any decision on their appeal. They will be reviewed as soon as possible. Everything that concerns the adoption of normative legal acts, I repeat once again, they do not work. Today I signed a resolution that invalidated the last two decisions of the Duma (ed.: see resolution below).

- Vladimir Golovanov, having left your chair, appointed himself to pay financial assistance, payment for unused vacation and so on. Can this be assessed as theft of budget funds?

I would not rush to evaluate and speak out on this matter. I repeat once again: we are now conducting an audit of all signed documents. I think the supervisory authorities will also give them their assessment. Only then will any decisions be made on each specific document.
I think it’s important now to figure out what happened. After all, it is no coincidence that we (me as the head and regional authorities) took the position that we will defend our legal rights exclusively by legal means, therefore, after the Duma made the notorious decisions, they immediately went to court. And the decisions that were made by both the regional and city courts confirmed that I acted within the law and, accordingly, the demands to cancel the decisions of the Duma are legal. Let me remind you that it all started with the desire of a separate group of deputies, I will especially note: it was a separate group, not all deputies took part in what was happening, to change a number of conditions in the Regulations on the selection of the head. But I believe that it is wrong to change the conditions in the midst of the election procedure. And everything that happened in August was a consequence of that incorrect decision of the Duma that never entered into force.

- Vladimir Alexandrovich, it is clear that everything that happened is a consequence of the illegal actions of a certain group of people. Will someone be held responsible for this?

I repeat: I would not immediately assess what happened; we need to understand everything in detail. And then talk about responsibility.

- The city court ordered our Duma to hold the second stage of the elections of the head within ten days...

No, the court did not entrust this to the Duma. The court ordered the Duma and the competition commission to take the necessary steps to eliminate the issues that impede the exercise of all constitutional rights of both the head of the territory and the candidates participating in the competition for the election of the head. And he ordered me to report to the court within ten days about what exactly was done. But this does not mean at all that deputies must hold the second stage of elections within ten days. When the chairman of the commission, who is Mikhail Semenovich Astakhov, decides to carry out the work of the competition commission, then this will happen. At the same time, the elections of the head must be held in accordance with the Regulations on Elections, and not as a separate group of deputies wanted. I must recall my position on the issue of elections of the head, which I have repeatedly voiced: I believe that the elections should be held by the Duma in a new composition, because it is this composition of deputies that will work with the head, whom they will also choose.

- Vladimir Aleksandrovich, August is one of the important months of the year, when preparations for the heating season and the new academic year are in full swing, and active work is underway on setting up the budget for next year. Three weeks of the month were lost, how did this affect the work of the administration?

I have always said that a well-coordinated team of professionals works with me - my deputies, heads of departments, heads of local government bodies, who never ceased to monitor the progress of all the work necessary today. Today I spoke with the director of the education department, the heads of some schools and kindergartens where they are major renovations, I must say that everything is going according to plan. Now preparations are underway for September 1st.
Regarding heating season. Preparations for it are proceeding as usual; they are under the control of Bogdanovich specialists, the regional Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Energy, and the prosecutor’s office.
If we talk about budget layout, this work usually begins in the spring. We managed to do a lot long before the events occurred. Today I looked at the control figures for a number of indicators sent to us by the Ministry of Finance. I agree with some numbers, but not with others, because... Our plans were to increase specific indicators. We also still have to work with this, about which I have already held the first negotiations with the ministry.

- So today we can say that Bogdanovich is returning to a stable and calm life?

I can only say that the crisis of power is over. But it’s too early to talk about a quiet life, since a lot of work awaits us ahead. First of all, I am talking about the elections that will take place on September 10. We have serious steps to take: elect deputies to the Duma of our city district and the governor Sverdlovsk region. I am confident that the Bogdanovichites will show civic consciousness and express their position in the elections, because our lives over the next five years depend on today’s decisions.

On the legitimacy of decisions made

Based on the decision of the Sverdlovsk Regional Court dated August 18, 2017 in case No. 3a-397/2017, the decision of the Bogdanovichsky City Court of the Sverdlovsk Region dated August 24, 2017 in case No. 2a-653/17, guided by Article 28 of the City District Charter Bogdanovich,

Decisions of the Duma of the Bogdanovich Urban District of the sixth convocation: dated August 21, 2017 No. 71 “On the determination of the print media for the official publication of municipal regulatory legal acts of the Duma of the Bogdanovich Urban District”; dated 08/21/2017 No. 72 “On introducing amendments and additions to the decision of the Duma of the Bogdanovich City District No. 74 dated 09/22/2016 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for holding a competition for the selection of candidates for the position of head of the Bogdanovich City District” shall be considered invalid from the moment of their adoption.

V.A. Moskvin, Head of the Bogdanovich urban district.

22:00 — REGNUM

In the small Sverdlovsk town of Bogdanovich, with a population of 30 thousand, there is a huge political scandal. Mayor Vladimir Moskvin, elected in March 2012 and not resigning at the end of his five-year term only because the competition commission did not find a worthy candidate to take his place, is not going to give up power. For him - the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region and the directors of the city's leading industrial enterprises. Elected by the City Duma on August 3 Vladimir Golovanov is also not going to vacate the mayor's chair. He has already been inaugurated and signed a document stating that he has taken up his duties. But regional authorities and directors of local enterprises declare its illegitimacy.

Who's in the competition?

The background to the scandal is long-standing and is connected with the attempts of the previous team to return to governing the city. From 2000 to 2012, Bogdanovich headed Andrey Bykov. On March 4, 2012, he ran again in the elections, but lost. The majority of city residents cast their votes for Vladimir Moskvin.

This was the last direct election of the head in the history of the city. In 2016, the procedure was revised. Now the new mayor is “selected” by deputies of the city duma on the proposal of the competition commission.

The old team was thirsty for revenge and waited until Moskvin’s term ended on March 4, 2017. On December 19, 2016, the City Duma announced a competition to fill the position of head of the city district. The first stage of the competition took place from January 20 to February 24, 2017. More than 10 candidates applied for it, including Bykov and Moskvin. The second stage was already in April. And... the competition failed. The competition commission found that none of the candidates is suitable for the position of head of the municipality. They lack knowledge and skills, the commission decided.

As a result, Moskvin remained as head. And on April 27, the Duma announced a second competition. By June 8, 15 people had submitted documents to participate in it. Among them are Moskvin, as well as Vladimir Golovanov, who during the time of Andrei Bykov headed the financial department of the mayor's office. Between the first and second stages, an event occurred that the media did not write much about. On July 6, deputies changed the regulations on the competition. However, Moskvin vetoed these amendments. Despite this, it was published without the signature of the head and not in the official publication of the administration of the Bogdanovich urban district.

At that time, few people imagined that this would become the impetus for a political scandal, dual power and lawlessness.

Are MPs outlaws?

On August 2, according to the amended, but not approved by the mayor, competition regulations, a meeting of the competition commission was held. It took place without representatives of the governor. Its participants presented two candidates to the deputies: Vladimir Moskvin and Vladimir Golovanov. On August 3, a meeting of the City Duma took place. The deputies voted unanimously for Golovanov; no one supported Moskvin.

The illegality of changing the regulations on the competition has already been confirmed by the prosecutor's office. The Duma did not hold a second meeting to override the city mayor’s veto on the amendments, and even published a decision that he had not made, not in official newspaper Bogdanovich “People's Word”, and in the newspaper “Our Bogdanovich”. Thus, the procedure for acceptance and publication was violated normative act, the supervisory authority calculated. Chairman of the City Duma Vladimir Grebenshchikov The prosecutor's office submitted a motion demanding that violations of the law be eliminated.

“Within the powers of Part 13 of Art. 35 Federal Law dated 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles local government organizations in Russian Federation» Head GL Bogdanovich, using the exclusive right of veto, promptly returned the normative legal act with justification to the representative body on July 14, 2017 ( by email) and 07/17/2017 (on purpose).

However, the Duma of the Bogdanovich city district ignored the requirements of the law - without holding a second meeting, it published the above decision of the Duma without the signature of the head of the Bogdanovich city district.” , says Bogdanovich’s prosecutor’s office’s submission to the Chairman of the City Duma Grebenshchikov.

The prosecutor's office demands that the city council eliminate the identified violations of the law. This means that deputies will have to cancel the decision they made.

Four of the eight members of the competition commission also had their say, without whom, on August 2, candidates were identified for presentation to the City Duma. “In the election of the head of the Bogdanovich city district, an unacceptable situation has arisen involving a gross violation of the current legislation,” they said in an appeal addressed to Moskvin, city Duma deputies and city residents.

“After the announcement of the competition, during the work of the competition commission, on the eve of the second stage, when the commission, in the presence of representatives of the public, hears the candidates’ programs, the Duma of the Bogdanovich City District made changes to the procedure for holding the competition. The procedure and practice of holding competitions for the selection of candidates for the position of heads of municipalities do not provide for changes in the conditions of the competition during its holding. Changing the procedure for holding a competition during the competition is contrary to both the law and common sense.” , says the text of the appeal.

“Mikhail Semenovich Astakhov, Chairman of the competition commission for the selection of candidates for the position of head of the Bogdanovich city district, Manager of the Southern Administrative District of the Sverdlovsk Region, informed the members of the commission that meetings of the commission in accordance with the “new” regulations cannot be attended, because all decisions will be made in advance in violation of the law. However, some of the commission members who were appointed by the City District Duma, guided by the amended provision that was contrary to the law, met without a quorum and, by a minority of votes, decided to present to the City District Duma a candidate for the post of head of the city district. Duma deputies voted for this candidate, despite warnings about the illegality of these actions. We believe that the commission for selecting candidates for the post of head of the Bogdanovich city district did not make a legal decision to present the Duma of the city district with a candidate for the post of head of the city district. We believe that the Duma deputies of the Bogdanovich urban district should not have voted for a candidate presented on the basis of an illegal decision. The prosecutor's office made a presentation to the Duma of the Bogdanovich urban district about a violation of the law. We call on the Head of the Bogdanovich city district, V.A. Moskvin, and the deputies of the Duma of the Bogdanovich city district to do everything necessary actions to restore order and legality during the election of head Bogdanovich" , - said in the appeal.

It must be said that among the members of the commission left behind by Bogdanovich’s Duma were well-known people with positions. This is the Minister of Public Security of the Sverdlovsk Region Alexander Kudryavtsev, Director of the Department for Interaction with Local Government Bodies of the Governor Natalia Sokolova, as well as director of the department domestic policy Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Anton Tretyakov.

Conflict from 2012

Relations between Moskvin and the City Duma have been difficult before. And by the end of his reign they completely deteriorated. At the June meeting of the local representative body, deputies gave the head of the city an unsatisfactory assessment for his work in 2016.

To understand the reason for the friction between the head and the deputies, you need to remember the history of the city’s development over recent years. From 2000 to 2012 the municipality was led by Andrey Bykov. He was going to lead the city for the fourth time. But in the elections that took place on March 4, 2012, fortune turned away from him. With a voter turnout of 56.76%, only 7,130 people or 30.94% of citizens who cast their votes voted for him. 58.47%, or 13,474 voters decided that the independent candidate Vladimir Moskvin should become the head of the city. Their votes decided the fate of the elections and the city.

(cc) Used

The fact that Andrei Bykov lost is not surprising, say local residents. According to them, by the end of his reign, Bykov “turned from an excellent mayor into an ordinary one.” The city economy was destroyed. The city's maternity hospital and some other important institutions for the territory were closed. The municipality has accumulated multi-million dollar debts for gas.

Vladimir Moskvin came to the mayor’s office from OJSC Ogneupor, where from 1994 to 2012 he worked his way up from a foreman to the head of an energy department. He had to clean up the difficult legacy of his predecessor. The debts were paid, and the city economy began to gradually revive. It was not possible to solve all the inherited problems, but, as the townspeople admit, they breathed freely - Bogdanovich began to be reborn.

The positive dynamics are indirectly reflected in the city budget figures. The volume of revenues for 2017 approved in December 2016 is 1 billion 429 million 328.5 thousand rubles, and expenses are 1 billion 436 million 400.5 thousand rubles. The budget deficit is 7 million 072 thousand rubles - twice as much as it was in 2016.

But, as local residents note, representatives of the old team did not give up trying to take revenge. On the same day, March 4, 2012, he was elected new line-up Bogdanovich's thoughts. The mayor of the city periodically had conflicts with her. Deputies even complained about the mayor to the head of the region Evgeniy Kuyvashev. Nevertheless, Moskvin completed his term of office. In the spring he had to either be elected for a new term or give way to a successor. In 2016, the scheme for electing the head of the city changed: now the mayor is not popularly elected in direct elections, but is selected by city Duma deputies on the proposal of a competition commission.

Both Moskvin and Bykov entered the spring competition. The second stage of the competition took place in April. Some deputies of the City Duma spoke in support of Bykov. In a letter to the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, they noted his services to the city during his 12 years of rule. But members of the competition commission came to the conclusion that none of the candidates has sufficient skills and knowledge to work as the head of the city.

As a result, Moskvin continued to lead Bogdanovich. In May, the City Duma announced another competition. 15 people applied for him, including Moskvin and Vladimir Golovanov, who under Bykov headed the financial department of the mayor's office. Bykov himself did not apply for participation in the competition this time.

Before the second stage of the competition, on July 6, the Duma deputies changed the situation. The chairman of the commission was deprived of the right to cast a decisive vote, and the quorum for decision-making was also significantly softened. The Duma decision was sent to Moskvin for signing. But he vetoed the document. Following the legal procedure for overcoming a veto, the Duma publishes its new document in an ordinary private newspaper. Thus, violating the procedure for the adoption and publication of a normative act.

Meanwhile, the candidacies of Golovanov and Moskvin are being put to the vote of deputies. On August 3, at their meeting, the deputies decided on their mayor. 11 of them voted for Golovanov. No one supported Moskvin. To be fair, we note that four deputies simply did not come to this meeting. In general, since the election of the deputy corps, the Duma has been undermined: out of 20 deputies, only 16 remained. Minus 20%.

Autumn is approaching. Not elective. Real

Observers have already regarded the latest events as an attempt by the previous team to return to governing the city. But the situation did not go according to their scenario. A number of experts consider the cause of the scandal to be pre-election. campaign: On September 10, Bogdanovich residents will have to elect a new council. It is possible that in this way some deputies decided to remind voters of themselves. However, it is possible that their attempt was a success, but with a minus sign. The heads of leading city enterprises have already announced that they will put a barrier in the way of those who provoked this scandal.

“On the eve of the elections of the new convocation of the Duma, the current deputies of the Bogdanovich city district deliberately violated the legislation on the election of the head and in a short time, in the absence of the chairman of the commission and all members of the representatives of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, without involving the public, elected a new head of the city district.

Today, the competent authorities are involved in everything that happens in our city. The prosecutor protested against the illegal actions of Duma deputies.

We believe that by such actions the deputies not only discredited themselves, but also called into question their professional qualities and care for the city district and its residents.

We, the leaders of large city enterprises and organizations, in the current situation, are making a serious decision to nominate and support worthy, competent, and heartfelt candidates from our enterprises and organizations for the new convocation of the Duma. We will do everything in our power to elect them.

We believe that the head of the city district should be elected by the new composition of the Duma - deputies in whom the population will express their trust by voting for them in the elections in September, and not by current deputies who have discredited themselves." , - says the statement of the “Board of Directors”.

No one can yet predict how the confrontation in Bogdanovich will end. The position of the leaders is known local factories. The position of the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region has been clearly stated. Regional officials recognize only Vladimir Moskvin as mayor: he will remain at the head of Bogdanovich until the court resolves the issue of challenging the actions of the competition commission committed under the new version of the regulation, which the prosecutor’s office recognized as illegal.

The hearing will take place in the Bogdanovich City Court either at the end of August or at the beginning of September. The parties are determined and do not intend to give up. Meanwhile, autumn is inexorably approaching. Not elective, but real, Ural.

Will they have time to prepare the city for the heating season amid political squabbles?


Born on June 18, 1976 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

Chairman of the Duma of the Bogdanovich city district.



Born on December 12, 1983 in the city of Bekabad, Uzbek SSR. Lives in the village of Troitskoye, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region.

Has higher education, graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Ural State Agrarian University in 2017.

Paramedic of the social rehabilitation department of the State Autonomous Institution SON SO "Center" social assistance family and children of the city of Bogdanovich."



Born on August 11, 1980 on the Koksunsky state farm, Michurinsky district, Karaganda region. Lives in the village of Oktyabrina, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region.

Has higher education, graduated from Karaganda state university them. Academician E.A. Buketova in 2005.

Director of the municipal educational institution Baynovskaya secondary school.



Born on December 28, 1972 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Ural State Technical University in Yekaterinburg in 1998.

Chief power engineer of Bogdanovich OJSC Ogneupory.

Member of the UNITED RUSSIA Party.


Born on April 26, 1984 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Ural Academy of Public Administration in 2011.



Born on April 23, 1983 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Humanitarian University of Yekaterinburg in 2010.

Nominated by the electoral association “Sverdlovsk Regional Branch Political party LDPR - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia."

Member of the Liberal Democratic Party.


Born on February 26, 1978 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Ural State Technical University-UPI in 2004.

Chief mechanic of OJSC "Bogdanovichsky Feed Mill".



Born on May 26, 1964 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

Has average vocational education, graduated from the Bogdanovich Mechanics and Ceramic College in 1983.

Individual entrepreneur.



Born on January 1, 1978 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

Has higher education, graduated from Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin in 2017.

Presser of refractory products at the Bogdanovichsky OJSC Ogneupors press-molding shop.

Nominated by the electoral association “Bogdanovichsky local branch of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA”.


Born on June 24, 1985 in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the village of Volkovskoye, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region.

She has a higher education, graduated from the Ural State Pedagogical University in 2008, and the Ural State Law Academy in 2013.

Director of the MKU “Education Department of the Bogdanovich Urban District”.



Born on July 22, 1946 in Moscow. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute named after. V.V. Vakhrushev in 1969.


Deputy of the Duma of the Bogdanovich urban district on a non-permanent basis.



Born on October 26, 1956 in the village of Novo-Feklino, Chanovsky district Novosibirsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Ural Academy of Public Administration in 2001.

Deputy General Director for Personnel Management and Social Issues of Bogdanovich OJSC Ogneupor.



Born on February 16, 1967 in the village of Bayny, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the village of Bayny, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region.

She has a higher education, graduated from the Ural State Pedagogical University in 2003.

Teacher additional education MBU DO CDT "Creative"

Nominated by the electoral association “Bogdanovichsky local branch of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA”.

Member of the UNITED RUSSIA Party.


Born on December 19, 1974 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the village of Kamennoozerskoye, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region.

Has higher education, graduated from Tyumen state institute arts and culture in 2006.

Head of the MKU “Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Information”.



Born on December 19, 1957 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

Has higher education, graduated from Sverdlovsk state orders Labor Red Banner Medical Institute in 1981.

Chief physician of the medical and sanitary unit of Bogdanovichsky OJSC Ogneupor.



Born on March 13, 1977 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Tyumen State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering in 1999.

Director of Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Blagoustroistvo".



Born on July 29, 1978 in the city of Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Ural State Technical University - UPI in 2004.

Head of the press-molding shop at Bogdanovich OJSC Ogneupor.

Nominated by the electoral association “Bogdanovichsky local branch of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA”.

Member of the UNITED RUSSIA Party.


Born on November 7, 1961 in the village of Yandukino, Sanchursky district Kirov region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

She has a higher education, graduated from the Ural State Vocational Pedagogical University in 1999.

Social teacher of the day care department of the CSPSiD city of Bogdanovich.



Born on December 14, 1985 in the village of Gryaznovskoye, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the village of Gryaznovskoye, Bogdanovichsky district, Sverdlovsk region.

He has a higher education, graduated from the Ural State Pedagogical University in 2007.

Director of MAOU-Gryaznovskaya secondary school.

Nominated by the electoral association “Bogdanovichsky local branch of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA”.


Born on May 7, 1957 in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region. Lives in the city of Bogdanovich, Sverdlovsk region.

She has a higher education, graduated from the Sverdlovsk State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute in 1980.

Deputy Chief Physician for the APC, Bogdanovichi Central District Hospital.

Nominated by the electoral association “Regional branch of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA in Sverdlovsk

Paradox: the first gubernatorial elections in 14 years are taking place in the Sverdlovsk region, but the most interesting ones political events last days are not connected at all with the gubernatorial campaign, but with the small town of Bogdanovich, where they cannot elect a new mayor.

Photo from Bogdanovich's official website

However, the word “choose” is not entirely correct. As you know, there are no more direct elections of mayors in the Sverdlovsk region. The heads of cities are either appointed or elected (the exact term for this procedure has not yet been invented) by the city duma, and the preliminary selection of candidates is carried out by a competition commission, which consists half of representatives of the governor, and half of representatives of the city.

In Bogdanovich, the competition commission was formed at the beginning of 2017. Representatives of the governor in it were the manager of the Southern District, Mikhail Astakhov, the Minister of Public Security, Alexander Kudryavtsev, the director of the local government department, Natalya Sokolova, and the director of the internal policy department, Anton Tretyakov.

Although the commission appeared in January, it was only possible to select/appoint a new mayor in early August. Before this, the competition was repeatedly disrupted. And finally, 65-year-old Vladimir Golovanov was elected as the new head of the city district, for whom the majority of deputies of the city duma voted.

But the story didn't end there. The previous mayor, Vladimir Moskvin, refused to recognize the results of the competition and issued two appeals to city residents, in which he stated that there had been an illegal seizure of power in Bogdanovich. Moskvin was supported by the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region and the regional branch of the United Russia party. The former mayor held his office for three days, not allowing the new head of the city, Golovanov, into it. However, Moskvin then nevertheless left the administration building, but continued to consider himself the legitimate mayor.

The regional authorities also share the same opinion and insist on canceling the results of the competition. The question of canceling the decision to elect Golovanov was twice brought to the City Duma, but once the Duma was unable to gather a quorum, and the second time the deputies voted against it.

Without going into all the details of this plot, we can state: there is an obvious conflict between the regional authorities, which support Moskvin, and the local elite, which relied on Golovin. And the regional authorities were unable to win this conflict through political methods. Neither pressure, nor persuasion, nor appeals from “ United Russia"didn't give any results.

The political crisis in Bogdanovich can be called the first serious failure of the new team of the governor’s administration, formed in 2016. Obviously, one of the key tasks of the administration is to appoint candidates loyal to the regional authorities as mayors. In the case of Bogdanovich, the team did not complete this task. In the bowels of the administration there is probably a search for those responsible for the failure, and the entire internal political bloc is under attack - the head of the internal policy department Tretyakov, and the head of the local government department Sokolova (both of whom were on the competition commission), and the first deputy head of the administration Vadim Dubichev. The political bloc is supervised by the head of the administration, Vice-Governor Vladimir Tungusov. Leaders of the Sverdlovsk United Russia, including the head of the executive committee Alexander Kosintsev, also attended Duma meetings. But their presence had no effect.

Supporters of the regional authorities, in turn, are also looking for the culprits. The version most often heard in the press is that businessman Sergei Maizel, who has business interests in Bogdanovich, is behind the election of Golovanov. Meisel himself categorically denies this.

But it would be wrong to place all the blame only on specific officials, deputies or businessmen. Yes, they failed in their task - but this fact should not obscure the main question: why is the governor’s administration involved in appointing city mayors?

When mayoral elections were canceled in the Sverdlovsk region, the regional authorities colorfully described how this would improve the situation with local self-government and how it would make it possible to elect effective managers as city leaders. But it was clear that the goal was completely different - to make mayors completely loyal to the regional leadership. It was expected that the cancellation of the elections would be enough to completely subjugate the region's municipalities.

As it turned out, this was not enough. It turned out that appointment through a competition in itself does not provide a guarantee against conflicts and crises. And if the local elite has some interests of its own, then a call from the governor’s office may mean nothing to them. Regional authorities have become hostages of their own arrogance and self-confidence.

Politics without conflicts is impossible, even if we are talking about politics in a small city. No matter how much the higher authorities want to build everything into a smooth and even vertical, various groups local elites will quarrel with each other and try to gain control over the city in one way or another. This is inevitable, the question is what forms it takes. When regional authorities want to manage everything using administrative-command methods, these conflicts result in crises like the crisis in Bogdanovich. The system is failing and no one knows what to do.

Meanwhile, the history of mankind has developed an effective, albeit not ideal, way to resolve such conflicts. It's called elections. If there had been mayoral elections in Bogdanovich, then Moskvin and Golovin would have put forward their candidacies, one of them would have won, and the regional authorities would then work with him - either come to an agreement, or try to get rid of him. Yes, this would require some political effort and talent from the governor's team. But regional officials certainly wouldn’t look as helpless as they do now.

There is one more point that few people pay attention to - these are the residents of the city. No one asks them at all who they want to see as mayor. This is clear evidence of the complete degeneration of local self-government.

The crisis in Bogdanovich (which, by the way, is not over yet) may only be the first sign. The vicious system of appointing mayors will still make itself felt, and regional officials in the depths of their souls will more than once regret that they canceled the elections - but, of course, they will not admit it out loud.

Alexey Shaburov

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