Programs for teaching children to read. Download Lelik learns to read. Stage of learning to read closed syllables

Explanatory note

He pestered adults with the question “why?”

He was nicknamed "the little philosopher"

But as soon as he grew up, they began to

Present answers without questions.

And from now on he is no one else

I didn’t bother you with the question “why?”

(S.Ya. Marshak)

The process of learning to read is the most interesting, but difficult and responsible. If children do not read correctly, fluently, and expressively, they will not be able to master competent writing and will not learn to solve problems. Teaching children to read means preparing them to independent work with text, instill a love of reading. Therefore, mastering reading skills is both a means and one of the conditions general development children. The reading process is very complex, since it involves thinking, speech, perception, memory, imagination, auditory and sound analyzers.

Psychologists believe that at 4-5 years old it is easier for a child to learn to read than at 7-8 years old, explaining this by the fact that a five-year-old child has already mastered speech well, but words and sounds are still interesting to him, he willingly experiments with them, and easily remembers whole words , and then begins to distinguish the letters in them, and the adult can only give his interest the direction necessary to master the skill of reading. At an older age, words and sounds become something familiar to the child and his experimental interest disappears. Intellectual development A preschooler’s learning is most successful during his play activities.

Learning to read is, without a doubt, one of the main conditions for successful early development of a child.

Effective learning to read directly depends on the development of children's cognitive abilities. At 4-5 years old, children can already analyze the properties of the objects around them. It is at this age that children show an interest in letters, so they can begin preparing to learn to read. Preparing to teach children to read preschool age, should include games that promote reading skills. They are aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking and fine motor skills.

By reading, the baby develops his speech, since reading is one of the types of speech (written);

By reading and memorizing new words, the child develops thinking, increases vocabulary;

Reading helps the child remember the standards for constructing sentences, and he himself begins to construct his speech correctly;

By repeatedly reading the same word, the child visually remembers its outline, which will help him write correctly in the future;

Reading is new look receiving information, now the baby can independently find out the information he is interested in.

Based on the positions stated above, the content of the course was developed for a two-year period of study (1st year of study - for children 4-5 years old; 2nd year of study for children 5-6 years old) on reading in game form.

Purpose of the program: teaching children to read in a playful way. Creating conditions for meaningful and conscious reading.

Objectives 1st year of study (4-5 years):

Preparing to Learn to Read: learning to read directly depends on the development of the child’s cognitive abilities, attention, memory, thinking, and fine motor skills.

Learning letters: useful for memorizing letters is laying them out from sticks, cubes, mosaics, buttons, peas, pebbles, modeling letters from plasticine (from sausages/flagella) or wire, tracing and coloring three-dimensional letters, shading them.

- remember the syllables: teach reading by memorizing a system of reading units - fusion syllables; syllables need to be memorized according to the same scheme that is used when memorizing letters: repeated naming of a syllable by an adult, searching for a syllable on the instructions of an adult followed by naming, independent naming - “reading” the syllable

By the end of the first year of school, children should be able to :

  • read syllables:
  • combination of two vowels;
  • combination of a vowel and a consonant in a reverse syllable;
  • combination of a consonant and a vowel in a direct syllable;
  • monosyllabic words of the SGS type (consonant-vowel-consonant);
  • two- and three-syllable words consisting of open syllables;
  • two-syllable words consisting of open and closed syllables;
  • understand what you read.

Objectives 2nd year of study (5-6 years):

Reading words: after the child has mastered a sufficient number of syllables to compose words, it is necessary to deliberately engage in learning meaningful reading.

- from phrase to sentence: the main task of this stage is to give the child the opportunity to learn to fully comprehend what he read.

- read short texts: When working with text, another level of comprehension of what you read appears - an understanding of the sequence and cause-and-effect relationships of the events described in the text.

- learning to “read” punctuation marks: the child learns to comprehend not only the words themselves, but also the grammatical forms in which they are found, conjunctions and prepositions included in sentences, punctuation marks, the sequence and cause-and-effect relationships of the events described.

By the end of the second year of study, children should be able to :

  • read monosyllabic words with consonant clusters;
  • a simple two-part sentence without a preposition;
  • simple sentence with preposition;
  • accessible texts (short stories, poems, fairy tales);
  • answer questions, understand what you read, retell what you read;

Principles of program construction:

Taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of children

Friendly climate

Inadmissibility of a mentoring position and censure

Positive assessment of any child’s achievement

Conducting classes taking into account the specifics of preschool age



Leading activity – playful, productive (drawing, modeling, tracing, coloring, shading, etc.)

Forms and mode of classes.

The main form of work with children is (classes), the duration of which corresponds to the age standards of the children:

1st year of study - 2 times a week for 20 minutes

2nd year of study - 2 times a week for 30 minutes

The classes include physical education minutes, which allow children to relax and the teacher to divide the lesson into structural and semantic parts.

A total of 72 classes 32 hours per year.

Curriculum for the first year of study

number of hours


Preparing to Learn to Read

Diagnostics of auditory and visual differentiation of perception (discriminating sensitivity) and analyticity of perception (ability to analyze). Development of phonemic hearing. Isolation and recognition of sounds. Pronunciation of tongue twisters and tongue twisters for the development of the articulatory apparatus. Onomatopoeia. Introduction to the alphabet and the elements that make up printed letters. Designing letters and memorizing them. Development of attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills.


formation of visual perception

Forming an idea of ​​your own body, using the example of your own body, learning to distinguish what is above, below, right, left, front, behind.

development of visual and visual-motor memory

learn sequence order seasons, months, days of the week, lay out a sequence of mosaics, beads, geometric figures according to the proposed pattern;

fold cut pictures and images from cubes

compose a story based on sequential pictures.

playing with non-speech sounds

development of fine motor skills, speech breathing, articulatory movements

sound training period

show that speech is “built” from sounds

highlighting certain sounds in words: onomatopoeia, main sound, first sound

learn to come up with words for a given sound, develop imagination, develop speech, highlight certain sounds in words.

II quarter III quarter

Letter period of study

continue work on the formation of phonetic hearing, introduce the alphabetical designation of letters, learn to read syllables and words with studied letters, develop reading skills, develop speech

teach children to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in class

"Live Sounds"

A, U, O, I, J

introduce children to vowel sounds

develop auditory attention,

"Live Sounds"

E, S

consolidate visual images of vowel letters; carry out work on the formation and differentiation of the concepts “sound” - “letter”.

form the concept of “vowel sound”,

develop auditory attention,

develop and correct phonemic hearing

sounds and letters - combinations of letters, into syllables “letters are friends”

M, N,

introduce children to consonant sounds

develop auditory attention,

develop and correct phonemic hearing

sounds and letters

M, N, T, K

distinguish between hard (strict) and soft (affectionate) consonant sounds by ear

practicing reading words with open syllables

sounds and letters

consolidate visual images of consonant letters and carry out work on the formation and differentiation of the concepts “sound” - “letter”.

practice matching pictures to a given sound.

develop attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills.

sounds and letters

learn to determine the hardness or softness of a consonant sound

practice selecting words for a given sound

develop the ability to perform creative gaming tasks

big and small letter

sounds and letters

form the concept of “consonant sound”

development of graphic skills (shading, graphic writing)

reading reverse and forward syllables, one-syllable and two-syllable words

sounds and letters

to consolidate in a practical way the knowledge that sounds and letters are vowels and consonants, vowels form a syllable - in a word

development of fine motor skills

closed syllable

sounds and letters

laying out letters from individual elements, small objects, counting sticks, strings, plasticine, adding missing elements, identifying correctly written letters among mirror-written ones, recognizing noisy letters, identifying letters with symbol pictures

Curriculum for the second year of study

number of hours


Remembering syllables

Reading a direct open syllable at the level of automation as an integral pronunciation element. Working with a syllable table (composing syllables and their classification). Composing words from syllables. Correlating sounds with letters.


syllable basic unit of reading

conscious, correct, smooth syllabic reading of words starting with a new letter; mastering the reading of words of various syllabic structures:

"Live Sounds"

vowels of the 2nd row

consolidate visual images of vowel letters; carry out work on the formation and differentiation of the concepts “sound” - “letter”.

introduce children to the vowel sounds of the second row

form the concept of “vowel sound”,

develop auditory attention,

develop and correct phonemic hearing

formation of ideas about the syllabic composition of a word

sound and letter

learn to pronounce a word syllable by syllable

“reducing” the subject by adding a certain syllable.

consolidate in a practical way knowledge about sounds and letters

development of fine motor skills, auditory attention, phonemic hearing

practicing reading words with closed syllables

sounds and letters

consolidate the visual image of a letter: analysis of its elements, determination of similarities and differences between letters

reading skill development

laying out letters from individual elements, small objects, counting sticks, strings, plasticine, adding missing elements, identifying correctly written letters among mirror-written ones, recognizing noisy letters, identifying letters with symbol pictures

reading syllables beginning with a vowel

sounds and letters

matching a visual image to a letter

fixing the image of letters (cutting, sculpting, laying out sticks, laces, beans, buttons)

typing syllables

II quarter

Reading the words

practicing reading skills by syllables

sounds and letters

develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception, gross and fine motor skills

recognition of unfinished, superimposed letters

read short texts sounds and letters

selecting the desired letter from a series of letters

reading skill development

typing syllables, words

III quarter

From phrase to sentence, from sentence to text

Learn to fully comprehend what you read.

understanding the sequence and cause-and-effect relationships of the events described in the text.

learns to comprehend words and the grammatical forms in which they are found, conjunctions and prepositions.

sounds and letters

familiarization with the graphic image of letters: selection of a reference picture

analysis of the size and arrangement of letter elements; selection of a visual image for the letter

poetic description of the graphic image of a letter

image of letters by children (“live” letters)

constructing letters from elements

introduction to a simple two-part sentence without a preposition

typing letters, syllables, words, sentences

composing and typing words with a given syllable

from phrase to sentence

acquaintance with a simple sentence with a pretext

development of prerequisites for readiness to master reading and writing.

Early teaching of reading to preschool children with properly selected methods and the use of special visual aids ensures the formation of conditions for successful learning at school.

Mastering the beginnings of literacy important stage in mental and speech development children. While learning to read and print, children learn quite complex system graphic symbols - letters denoting speech sounds, divide sentences into words, words into syllables, and syllables into sounds. By acquiring basic technical reading skills, they learn to understand the meaning of written words and short sentences.

Learning to read contributed to the development of arbitrariness of mental processes,

because the acquisition of literacy is due to the high degree of arbitrariness of the act of reading: it is necessary to voluntarily focus visual attention on the section of the word being read and distribute attention over the entire word or sentence being read.

Familiarization with graphic signs (letters) helps to clearly see that our speech consists of syllables, words, sentences. Getting to know letters with the help of drawings-symbols and comic poems contributes to the formation of an optical-spatial image of letters. Typing letters, syllables, words, sentences became possible with sufficient development of fine motor skills.

The methods and techniques used in teaching reading contribute to the development of children's cognitive abilities, which will allow them to avoid mistakes in reading and writing in the future while studying at school.

1. Bezzubtseva G.V., Andrievskaya T.N. Developing a child’s hand, preparing it for drawing and writing. - M. Ed. GNOM and D, 2004.

2. 18 famous alphabets in one book. - M.: AST-PRESS, 1996.

3. Voskresenskaya A.I. Diploma in kindergarten. – Publishing house

"Education". Moscow. 1965.

4. Entertaining alphabet learning. / Comp. V.V. Volina - M. Enlightenment. 1991.

5. Teaching preschoolers literacy. L. E. Zhurova and others - M.: Shkola-Press, 1998

6. Letters and syllables. A preschooler's notebook for teaching literacy Gavrina S. E., Kutyavina N. L., Toporkova I. G., Shcherbinina S. V.

Bardova Lidiya Georgievna

There is no need to pester your mother,

No need to shake grandma:

“Read, please read!”

No need to beg your sister:

“Well, read another page.”

No need to call

No need to wait

Valentin Berestov

“Teaching a child to read” is an effective and accessible program for teaching preschoolers to read fluently and consciously

About problems in teaching reading to young children.

Reading is an amazing means of learning about the world. We use this tool every day in a variety of situations. At any moment we can satisfy our curiosity by opening a book or turning on the computer. Over many years of study, the reading process has become automatic. We read without difficulty, and sometimes it seems to us that there is nothing easier than reading.

If a preschooler is growing up in a family, then the parents are faced with the question: how to teach their child to read. In the old days, children were taught to read at school, but now, following some unwritten rule, a child must enter 1st grade reading.

It must be said that the parents themselves learned the basics of reading many years ago, and, naturally, forgot what a labor-intensive and complex process it is. Therefore, many of them enthusiastically begin to teach their child this “simple” process, as they consider it. And if the child is easy to learn, then the parents cope with this work without problems.

However, many parents face great difficulties when teaching their children to read. This forces them to search necessary information on the Internet and bookshelves, where there are countless of them now, by the way. However, often this information is either difficult for home use or very ineffective. Therefore, some of the parents whose family budget allows you to do this, resort to the help of tutors.

What should other parents do? Who will teach their children to read?

It turns out that preschoolers have become hostages of this difficult situation.

An effective children's education program.

This manual has been developed for parents who would like to help their child learn to read. When compiling it, the experience of the most successful teachers was used primary classes, as well as tutors preparing children for school. This program is based on the well-known rule: any difficult work will become easy if:

Divide it correctly into parts, i.e. - dose it correctly;

And then arrange these parts in a strictly defined sequence.

In the proposed program, the sequence of learning letters and syllables differs significantly from the generally accepted traditional system at school. And the volume of material for each lesson is dosed taking into account the fact that at this age children’s attention is extremely unstable. Therefore, you need to work with your child for about 10-15 minutes a day.

It was precisely this sequence of each lesson and precisely this dosage of these sessions that became the main advantages of this program.

And another advantage is that an adult does not have to have a pedagogical education to work under this program: he just needs to show a reading sample and get it repeated.

  1. Create and maintain a positive atmosphere in class. Show maximum patience, do not rush the child while reading, prompt him in critical moment. Never scold him, praise him with or without reason.
  2. Currently, various gadgets do nothing to awaken a child’s interest in reading. Moreover, some children openly express a stubborn reluctance to read. Considering this circumstance, classes must be started in a gentle manner, without pressure or coercion, reaching agreement with the child, taking into account his wishes, but at the same time showing some persistence. And, due to the fact that these classes are short in time and small in volume, after just a few days the child perceives the reading process positively.
  3. Set yourself and your child up for daily activities (except weekends), make them mandatory item daily routine.
  4. Educators and psychologists claim that each child has his own pace of learning. That is why this program does not indicate a time frame for completing a particular lesson. But, to achieve good results, one thing must be observed: important rule: due for next lesson switch only when the syllables and words of the previous The child reads the lessons without errors and at a good pace. Throughout all classes, this is the most important rule. Strict adherence to it leads to the formation of one of the most important skills in a child - the skill of confident reading. And this is the foundation on which fluent reading is subsequently easily developed.

The word belongs to the adults.

The goal of this program is to make the work of learning to read as easy as possible, not only for children, but also for adults. It includes 28 lessons that clearly show how much work remains to be done small child in order to learn to read. For example, more than 150 variants will need to be learned for two-letter syllables alone.

If parents decide to walk this path with their child, then they deserve the deepest respect and respect. And as a reward for this work, parents will have to repeatedly experience feelings of joy for each success, as well as pride in themselves and their child. And then all the difficulties that have to be overcome during this time are forgotten.

And one more important factor: such joint activities and successes significantly bring adults and children closer together.

Experience shows that love for a child, patience and regular lessons necessarily lead to the fact that by the end of learning to read according to this program, the vast majority of children read at the level of a student completing 1st grade, and some even better . Surprisingly, this result is achieved with just 10-15 minutes of exercise a day! Of course, such a result justifies any time spent on these activities.

Good luck to you and your child!

Classes on teaching reading to preschoolers

The number of syllables and words selected for each lesson is quite enough to learn to read, but this is provided that the rule mentioned above is observed: the next lesson should be started only when the child reads the syllables and words of the previous lesson without errors and confident.

Lesson 1.

First we learn 20 consonant letters. They must be pronounced briefly, abruptly, without overtones. You can’t pronounce Be, Ve, Ge...

At first, we learn only capital letters along with the corresponding picture, then we read them without pictures.


P R S T F H Ts Ch Sh Shch

Lesson 2.



Class 3.

We inform the child that a capital letter at the beginning of some words means that this word is someone’s name.






Class 4.


Lesson 5.



Lesson 6.



Class 7.




Class 8.



Class 9.




Lesson 10.



Lesson 11.

This activity may cause some difficulties, because soft and hard consonants will alternate in these words. Usually it requires 2-3, and possibly more sessions.




Lesson 12.



Lesson 13.




Lesson 14.



Class 15.



Lesson 16.



Lesson 17.




Lesson 18.



Lesson 19.




Lesson 20.

In this lesson you need to enter small letters a, b, e, f.

te-cha be-ryo-za ba-ra-ba-ny cheeks bu-sy chu-de-sa go-lu-bi gu-by teeth toad-ba for-da-cha ba-na-ny shu-ba fish-ba ra-bo-ta for-bo-ry

Lesson 21.

cancer house smoke rice whale juice forest poppy honey varnish soup son cheese mouth nose cat dog our beetle world shower hour noise chalk

Lesson 22.

bub-lik ban-tik bal-kon sus-lik zon-tik par-ket per-sik kov-rik koz-lik secret-ret kar-ton bar-suk

las-tik air-duh doc-tor far-tuk fan-tik mos-tik journal-nal shash-lyk lan-dysh dozh-dik kar-man

Class 23.

river-ka rep-ka pal-ka stove set-ka half-ka weight-on vet-ka fork-ka sum-ka ban-ka kuk-la book-va man-ka metro boch-ka mis-ka nit -shor-you brush-hey

shash-ki bowl-ka hat-ka sushi-ki

dance mouse cat

Lesson 24.

ba-nan puppy sha-lash ma-lysh sa-lat sa-lyut smell bu-ket bu-fet cock-thump pi-rog then dy-tel tu-man

ve-ter ve-cher sa-har ry-bak ka-tok ko-tik

Lesson 25.

yu-la u-shi ut-ka az-bu-ka um-ni-tsa game-ra ik-ra el-ka ar-buz A-li-na u-li-tsachay my may may-ka your tea-nick sa-paradise bunny white game-paradise good Yu-la mu-ra-vey yours

Lesson 26.

salt dust shadow day king horse goose stump pain pain but more day finger fingers lie down ki-sel drinks pours drinks seven family wind-ha

Lesson 27.

brother sleeps table chair laugh knock thunder doctor elephant rook grandson March wolf tiger bridge elephant umbrella park cake colors trumpet animals eyes tears bees trousers gru-sha books school roof

Lesson 28.

ek-ran this e-that e-tazh ek-za-men

E-dick E-la ate the entrance entrance ate-la

At this stage we finish learning the letters, as well as various options syllables and words with them. It remains to say that the letter Y is also a consonant letter, but, unlike other consonants, it does not form an independent two-letter syllable with vowels.

Great consolidation.

Reading skills can be strengthened using various manuals. For example, in books O. Perova « Primer-simulator" And Bakhtina "Primer" assembled excellent material for these classes. Classes still need to be held regularly, for about a month. The material should be given in small volumes to avoid overtiring the child. And remember: even 10-15 minute daily exercises give very good results.

Developing reading fluency (step by step instructions).

  1. To work on reading fluency, stories of 4-6 sentences are selected. Suitable material for this is, for example, in the “Primer” by N. S. Zhukova.
  2. We tell the child the following goal: “You’re doing great, you read well. But you grow up, and that’s why today we start learning to read like adults.” The child reads the selected story, and we ask him 2-3 questions about the content of the story. "About what (or about what) written in this story? What about him (about them) said? Next we say: “Read the story again, but read a little faster.” We praise the child and ask him to read the story again, but a little faster.
  3. As a result, the child read the story 3 times. Undoubtedly, the child himself will like the fact that he can already read some words as whole words. After this, the child should be praised and the lesson should end there. At this stage, it is very important to observe the following rule: you cannot demand, let alone force, a child to read whole words. Over time, the transition from syllabic reading to whole word reading occurs naturally.
  4. We begin the next lesson by working on the story from the previous lesson. Remind your child that he read this story very well, almost like adults, in the last lesson and ask him to read it just as well now. After this, praise the child and we don’t work with this text again in this lesson, even if the child did not read it very quickly. Let's move on to working on the next story. We read it 3 times in the same way as in the previous lesson.
  5. The next lesson we begin again by working on the story from the previous lesson.

Reading children's books.

The purpose of these classes is instill a love of reading.

Children's books should be colorful and have appropriate fonts. During this period, you can read books without dividing words into syllables. And from time to time we remind the child that we try to read like adults because we are growing.

There are many different techniques and methods to increase interest in reading. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is the following way: an adult reads the beginning of some interesting story out loud, (for example, children's stories by Nosov, Suteev and other authors are suitable for this). Next, the adult, citing being busy, suddenly stops, preferably interesting place and laments that there will be no time to find out what happened next. If the child is interested enough, he continues reading on his own.

Also, to develop an interest in reading, you can invite children to read fascinating children's encyclopedias with short educational stories, and then ask the child to tell us what interesting things he learned. There are now a great variety of such encyclopedias on the market; we choose them in accordance with the age and preferences of the child.

This article covers the topic.

As always, in our digital age, computer technology comes to the rescue. Having scoured the vastness of the World Wide Web, I came across one rather interesting computer program for teaching reading, “Azbuka P,” developed by Andrei Kravtsov. Website of the program author

So, let's take a closer look at this computer program for learning to read. Installation of the program is standard for Windows OS and will not cause difficulties for an inexperienced user. During installation, the program is registered in the Start menu and on the desktop. After starting the program, a window appears with a large square in the center, in which six rectangles with pictures are presented. It seems that this idea with tiles was borrowed from the author of this program by the guys from Microsoft for their “Metro” interface used in MS Windows Phone.

Each of the program interface tiles provides access to learning certain things, ranging from simple level– letters and ending with a complex level – learning words. In addition, there is a function for teaching numbers, as well as letters of the English alphabet.

Learning letters

The purpose of this section is to introduce children to writing letters and to teach them to perceive letters by ear.

Teaching children to read: let's try it in a game

Where to start teaching preschoolers to read?
  • Whatever technique you choose, don't take it too seriously. Play, don't study!
  • Read in front of your child. Mother - best example for imitation.
  • If your child is sick or is not in the mood to study, it is better to postpone the “lesson”. As we have already said, you should not learn “through force.”
  • learn and get acquainted with existing teaching methods. It’s better to read the teachers’ texts. They will give you a fuller idea of ​​the plot than their notes on the Internet, and it will be easier for you to decide which of this variety will interest your baby.
  • Activities should be different, change tasks more often, because young children get tired quickly and their attention switches to the other side. So you will have to constantly keep the child interested in what you propose to do.
  • Learning to read can begin with learning letters. Colorful tables, posters, and cubes are well suited for these purposes. The material can be changed from time to time. And it is not necessary to teach children the alphabetical names of letters.
  • In parallel with reading, you can learn to write. A three-year-old child will be quite capable of completing simple tasks: trace them with your hand simple figures by points. You can “type” on an old keyboard. Labyrinth toys, in which small parts need to be lifted, for example, from bottom to top, or drawn from left to right, are a good way to prepare the hand for writing.
  • The basic rule for teaching children to read is defined as follows: “Don’t chase an instant result!” At the start, show your little student the alphabet. If he is interested, look at it, name the letters and syllables. It is better to start teaching reading to children under 4-5 years old on their initiative. The teacher's task is to support the initiative with excessive zeal.

Learning letters for kids - how to teach your child letters

To help your student remember letters, do the following:

  • lay them out from sticks, cubes, mosaics, buttons, peas, pebbles;
  • make letters from plasticine (from sausages/flagella) or wire;
  • trace and color three-dimensional letters, shade them.

In your arsenal of exercises aimed at developing children's fine motor skills, there will be those that captivate your child more than others.

Learning syllables by preschoolers. Preparing a child for school

You need to memorize them according to the same scheme that is used when memorizing letters:

  • name syllables repeatedly;
  • ask yourself to name and then read the syllable.
  • offer to find a certain syllable and then name it;

Write short stories with your child. For example, a consonant letter, traveling, meets vowels on its way, all in turn. In pairs they sing “songs” - syllables.

You can cut out letters from cardboard, with faces and handles, then the vowel and consonant will also “take hands and sing a song together” (that is, you will get a syllable). Soon, the little student will be able to tell stories about syllables on his own, and he will even be able to name new syllables.

You can search for a given syllable on the pages of the alphabet.

The article was devoted to the topic "Programs for teaching children to read".

Application features Learn to read by syllables

  • teaching reading using an effective method;
  • colorful animated illustrations;
  • development of the child’s vocabulary and outlook;
  • independent preschool education;
  • something that kids and parents like.

The application Learning to read by syllables with professional voiceover will help moms and dads teach a child to read who already knows the alphabet or most of it. Collecting words: the game contains words of 3 and 4 letters containing hard syllables (vowels a, o, u, ы, e) and soft syllables (vowels e, e, i, yu, i). Children learn to read hard syllables faster and easier than soft ones. The game process is built on the principle of dividing words into warehouses (the famous Zaitsev cubes are based on this technique). The child learns to read by making words from cards with letters and syllables. Correct composition words are accompanied by animation, which makes learning to read more fun and different from a lesson or activity. From the first launch of the game, the baby can play and learn to read independently.

In the process of Learning to Read by Syllables, the child develops an analysis of words perceived by ear and the ability to quickly recognize basic speech structures associated with reading in Russian. Reading by words is much easier for children than reading by syllables. This teaching method contributes to the early development of children from 1 to 3 years old. Along with learning to read, the child’s vocabulary and horizons develop. The application will also help many children who have already started reading to avoid constant errors in reading, especially children who have speech therapy problems. Learning to read by syllables - every 4 words collected in the game, a reading check is enabled by default, which parents can turn off and on at their discretion.

Teaching reading to preschoolers in a playful way is fun and unusual option conducting classes. In entertaining lessons, children do not just memorize letters and put them into syllables. They are completely immersed in the process, trying to accomplish as much as possible. interesting tasks, acquire reading skills without pressure from parents and teachers. We will tell you in our article which games to teach reading for older preschoolers to choose.

Age characteristics of preschoolers

Future first-graders aged 5-7 years are interesting creatures. They are curious about everything new, they absorb information well, but this period has its own characteristics. They should be taken into account before planning the workload and drawing up a work plan for a reading lesson:

  • Kindergarten children speak well and constantly expand their vocabulary.
  • Attention becomes voluntary.
  • Kids love to reason and delve into the essence of a matter or question.
  • Self-esteem and awareness of oneself as an individual grows.
  • Play remains the main form of acquiring knowledge.

The following will help you succeed in learning to read: simple recommendations teachers and experienced parents:

  1. Make classes interesting, but full of new information. If a child gets bored, then attention will quickly switch to extraneous matters, conversations, objects. But this does not mean that a preschooler only needs to be entertained. Alternate games and serious tasks every 5-7 minutes.
  2. A variety of lesson forms will ensure high-quality knowledge acquisition. Don't use the same games. Little ones get bored with the same type of coloring books, puzzles, walkers, so make a rich library of games.
  3. It is better to exercise every day for 15 minutes than 2 times a week for an hour. Short daily lessons are more effective than lengthy learning sessions every now and then. Learning to read requires regular practice.
  4. Don't put pressure on children. Swearing, screaming, explanations on the verge of hysteria and misunderstanding of the reasons for mistakes, difficulties in assimilating information lead to rejection. The child will hate school and books even before he gets to know them thoroughly.
  5. Take breaks for exercise. Switching attention is necessary to relax the brain and eyes.
  6. Use different forms of presenting something new. Presentations, interactive games, online testers.
  7. Play in class not for fun, but for the sake of an accessible form of presenting information. The choice of tasks should be approached taking into account the children’s progress in reading, the speed of grasping new things, and the level of general development.

Game-based learning: pros and cons

Teaching a child to read at the age of 5-6, built in a playful form, has a lot of positive aspects. The effectiveness of the lessons can be explained by the age characteristics of older preschool children and the increased level of curiosity for everything new and bright.

Advantages of the method:

  • The child does not get tired or lose interest in the process of receiving new information.
  • Each lesson can be built according to an individual plan, choosing diverse tasks from a rich card index.
  • Preschooler takes direct participation in creating handouts and demonstration materials for the lesson. For example, draws letters, sculpts or cuts out of paper for applique.
  • Reading is not brought to the forefront of the lesson. Letters, syllables, words are learned gradually by the child.
  • During game lessons, a child develops intellectually, creatively, and psychologically.
  • The children's team unites.
  • If the lesson is taught in a group, you can focus on the competitive aspect of the games. Children have a desire to do well, read and learn better than others.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • The teacher may have problems with discipline. Excited children often play around and do not listen to the instructions of the teacher or parent.
  • Games and puzzles take up a lot of time.
  • Go to traditional ways presenting information necessary for learning to read is difficult for preschoolers to perceive; it takes time to switch attention.

This is interesting! In America and Israel, the game moment is necessarily included in every lesson with kindergarteners and primary schoolchildren. Teachers even take a special exam for the “ability” to teach while playing.

Before starting a reading course, draw up a rough work plan, a program for 6 months or a year:

  1. Start by learning and memorizing letters. Use Zaitsev's cube technique as an assistant.
  2. Automate their search and naming. Make crafts from plasticine, decorate letter symbols, choose words that have the same sound.
  3. Gradually combine the sounds into syllables, invite the child to compose simple words independently, look for them in pictures, write. Play, search for letters, associations. This helps the sounds blend together.
  4. Read the words separately and in small sentences. At this stage, use tasks that involve finding names for pictures, solving puzzles, and crosswords.
  5. Try reading short texts. On initial stage Choose stories from the card index to read with your mother together, with pictures instead of words. Make the task more difficult gradually. Take Zhukova's ABC book to help.

Important! At 5-6 years old, do not demand reading speed from your child. The main task of teaching in the preschool period is skill automation. Tempo and technique will come on your own or with the help of special lessons later.


There are many interesting games for teaching reading to children 6-7 years old. We have collected the most exciting ones, those that preschoolers are sure to enjoy. Download the assignments from the website, print them on your home printer and study.

Learning letters

The preschooler's task: find pictures with a specific letter.

You need to select the images correctly: simple, understandable and familiar to the kindergartener.

You can start with these:

Kids can play individually or in pairs. In lesson 2-3, after learning a few letters, you can organize a competition.

Read by first letters

The game is unusual, but very effective for developing the speed of thinking and reading in the future. The child needs to remember the name of the objects, highlight the first letter in the word and pronounce only it, placing a card with the letter on the picture.

For example, take the first line on the form. Fox - Christmas tree - Sun. The preschooler should get a FOREST.

For variety, print out pictures for each pair of students rather than per class. Gradually make the game more difficult. Give the children words with 4-5 letters.

Find the letter

The child is offered educational cards, where the letters are mixed, printed in different fonts and formats. The preschooler's task is to find the desired sign and circle it with a pencil.

As an additional exercise: you can come up with a couple more words for a given letter, find objects in the room whose names begin with them. Use these fun cards for your lesson.

Collect words from letters

Purpose of the game: put the letters in the right order, sign the picture.
The child names the correct word, then listens to himself and selects letters to write in the boxes.

You need to create handouts together with the children. You will need pictures of animals, a couple of sheets of blank paper, and pencils. There is a “surprise” hidden under every syllable.

During the game, the child focuses on associations with animal sounds, learns letters and syllable reading. The game is suitable for children from 4 years old.

Board games

These can be walkers, lotto, homemade cards for folding in a certain order. It is the tabletop adventures that children perceive best. The game is fun, to complete the steps you need to be able to read syllables or learn letters in the process.

Print out the following walkers for the lesson:

To determine the sequence of moves and the number of steps, children will need dice and knowledge of counting. Adults will have to help the kids a little so that they don’t get confused and play according to the rules.

Let's read together

An exciting game that will appeal to adults and children. There is text printed on the sheet, some words are encrypted with pictures. When reading, you need to insert them in words so that the thread of the story is not lost. While playing, the baby develops attention, reading skills, and vocabulary.


Coloring books, puzzles, puzzles, and creative workshops increase a preschooler’s interest in the learning process and help create an atmosphere of friendship and understanding. Reading assignments have one important feature- they are multifunctional. Kids not only learn to read, but also develop motor skills, imagination, fantasy, thinking, and speech. Do without interesting ideas for exercises and games to teach reading to preschool children is simply impossible.

Find the letters and color them

Choose themed coloring pages. They may additional tasks, for example, color only those objects that begin with the letter “B”, color small images of letters, do not touch capital characters, etc.

Find the letters in the picture

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