Spring thunderstorm. Fyodor Tyutchev - Spring thunderstorm (I love thunderstorms in early May): Verse

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbling in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder,
The rain is splashing, the dust is flying,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.

A swift stream runs down the mountain,
The noise of birds in the forest is not silent,
And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -
Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder...

(F.I. Tyutchev. Spring thunderstorm)

According to signs, the very first spring thunderstorm occurs on March 23, Vasilisa’s day. folk calendar. Spring has come finally and irrevocably, the first thunderstorm is a witness to this.

People sometimes say about the first spring thunderstorms:

  • “Until the first thunder the earth will not melt”
  • “The first thunder in spring is a sign of approaching warmth,”
  • “The frog doesn’t croak until the first thunderstorm,”
  • “If lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, then there will be a drought in the summer,”
  • “If the first thunder thunders for the first time from the south or east, there will be good year, and if from the west, it’s not good.”
  • “If in March the north wind blew and the first thunder thundered, spring will be protracted, and summer days will be cold.

“When thunder rumbles on a bare tree, it will be bad for the harvest,” say Poltava residents. The people of Sumy say: “A thunderstorm on a bare tree means famine” (a sign in Ukrainian sounds like this: “A thunderstorm on a bare tree means famine”). In general, the onset of thunderstorms too early, when the foliage on the trees has not yet developed, is considered a sign unfavorable for the expected harvest. I wonder, does this sign actually have at least some scientific basis or is it an erroneous invention of our ancestors? To answer this question, you just need to look around, show interest, and apply a little ingenuity and worldly experience. And “the little box begins to open...”

The first thunderstorm of spring often marks the beginning of the early "rain period" in the spring (March). And during this period, when sap flow is just beginning, foliage and grass have not developed at all, excess moisture in the soil and air is not only unnecessary, but sometimes even harmful (this is indicated by the saying “March is dry and wet - there will be porridge and loaf”). . In addition, the likelihood of a lack of precipitation and a lack of this very moisture during the period of rapid plant growth (in May) increases.

On the other side, in early spring The average daily temperature is still quite low and the abundance of additional moisture can lead to fungal diseases of both individual plants, trees, and the soil as a whole. During this period, there are often night frosts, which, together with rain, will lead to icing of the plants and the death of the swollen buds. Another negative consequence is the shift in sowing and planting dates to a later time. It is necessary for the soil to dry out so that it becomes possible to treat it with agricultural technology or simply with a tool. After all, delays in sowing time can lead to certain crops not ripening. This is far from full list possible reasons crop failure and famine after the “thunder on bare trees.” To date, consensus, as well as the scientific basis for the sign “Thunder on the bare forest - cold vesna” (as the Belarusians say) does not exist.

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
as if frolicking and playing,
Rumbling in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder,
The rain is splashing, the dust is flying,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.

A swift stream runs down the mountain,
The noise of birds in the forest is not silent,
And the din of the forest and the noise of the mountains -
Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder.

You will say: windy Hebe,
Feeding Zeus's eagle,
A thunderous goblet from the sky,
Laughing, she spilled it on the ground.

Lines familiar to everyone from 5th grade. Over time, you can forget the full text and the author’s last name, but the emotional message will be remembered forever - festive, bright, childishly sweet.


The legendary poem (sometimes called “Spring Thunderstorm”) was written in 1828 by F.I. Tyutchev. It must be said that the poet’s career was no less important than his poetic career. The diplomatic service is the main activity, and poetry, as they would now note, is a hobby of a government official.

Why is it that out of Tyutchev’s 400 poems, this one fills souls with a bright expectation of happiness? The author is only 25 years old at the time of writing. He is young and, apparently, in love. The state of constant love was characteristic of him, like Pushkin. Maybe this is where poets drew their source of inspiration? The enthusiastic, life-affirming tone, the beauty of epithets and metaphors - this is what attracts 4 stanzas of the poem.

A wonderful phenomenon of beautiful nature

The May thunderstorm is an impressive natural phenomenon. It is fleeting and delightful. Despite its terrifying power, a thunderstorm in May is a symbol of the rebirth of life. Spring showers water the young greenery with life-giving moisture. To describe his feelings, Tyutchev used iambic tetrameter.
The entire poem consists of 4 stanzas. Each has 4 lines. Stress falls on even syllables. The result is a laconic but colorful presentation of the poet’s thoughts.

His thunder behaves like a playful child - frolicking and playing. Why is that? He was just born - in May. “Young” peals of thunder do not frighten, but delight. I’m tempted to jump out of the house under the “pearls of rain” illuminated by the sun. How you want to start dancing, to wash your face and body with the moisture of a spring thunderstorm! Not only people rejoice at the downpour, but in the forest “the din of birds is not silent.” He “echoes the thunder cheerfully,” just like the echo in the mountains.

The poet resorts to a deep, beautiful metaphor, comparing the rain with the contents of Hebe's cup. Why did he turn to Greek mythology? It seems that the author associates the eternally young daughter of Zeus with the beauty of spring. The cup contains her divine nectar. The beautiful, laughing, mischievous Hebe sheds life-giving moisture on the earth. Tyutchev was an expert on the Greek epic, so he chose the most expressive image, in his opinion. It's hard to disagree with him.

Spring thunderstorm

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbling in the blue sky.

Young peals thunder!
The rain is splashing, the dust is flying...
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads...

A swift stream runs down the mountain,
The noise of birds in the forest is not silent,
And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -
Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder...

You will say: windy Hebe,
Feeding Zeus's eagle,
A thunderous goblet from the sky,
Laughing, she spilled it on the ground!

I love May's first storms:
chuckling, sporting spring
grumbles in mock anger;
young thunderclaps,

a spatter of rain and flying dust
and wet pearls hanging
threaded by sun-gold;
a speedy current scampers from the hills.

Such a commotion in the woods!
Noises cartwheel down the mountains.
Every sound is echoed round the sky.
You"d think capricious Hebe,

feeding the eagle of Zeus,
had raised a thunder-foaming goblet,
unable to restrain her mirth,
and tipped it on the earth.

I love a thunder – storm at the beginning of May,
when spring's first thunder,
as though play, in a frolic,
rumbles in the blue sky.

The young peals of thunder rattle.
Now it is drizzling,
dust is flying, pearls are hanging,
and the sun is gilding the threads.

A swift torrent rushes down the hill,
The birds’ clamor in the wood does not cease;
The clamor in the woods and the noise on the hillside
All gailly echo the thunder – claps.

You will say constant Hebe,
while feeding Zeus's eagle,
laughing, emptied a cup seeing things with thunder
from heaven on to the earth

I love a thunderstorm in May
When here the first spring's early thunder,
As though a joyful part of play,
Roars in the blue sky in its grandeur.

Being strong and young, it's thundering,
Look, rain has started, dust is flying,
The rainy pearls have hung as strings,
The sun is gilding threads by smiling.

A stream runs quickly down the hill,
The birds of wood don’t cease songs’ wonders,
And whistle from wood and sound of rill
Both gailly echo to the thunders...

It's carefree Hebe, you may say,
When feeding Zeus's noble eagle,
Below her on the earth’s huge tray
Has spilled a cup, it makes her giggle.

Wie lieb" ich dich, o Maigewitter,
Wenn durch den blauen Wolkenspalt
Wie scherzend unter Blitzgezitter
Der erste Lenzesdonner hallt!

Das ist ein Rollen, Knattern, Splittern!
Nun spritzt der Regen, Staub fliegt auf;
Der Gräser Regenperlen zittern
Und goldig flirrt die Sonne drauf.

Vom Berge schnellt der Bach hernieder,
Es singt der grünbelaubte Hain,
Und Bachsturz, Hainlaub, Vogellieder,
Sie stimmen in den Donner ein...

Hat Hebe in dem Göttersaale,
Nachdem sie Jovis Aar getränkt,
Die donnerschäumend volle Schale
Mutwillig erdenwärts gesenkt?

Lubię w początku maja burzę,
Kiedy wiosenny pierwszy grom,
Jakby swawoląc po lazurze,
Grzechoce w niebie huczną grą.

Odgromy młode grzmią rozgłośnie.
Już deszczyk prysnął, kurz się wzbił,
Zawisły perły dżdżu radośnie
I słońce złoci rośny pył.

Z pagórka potok wartki bieży,
Ptaszęcy zgiełk w dąbrowie wre,
I leśny zgiełk, i poszum świeży
Wesoło wtórzą gromów grze.

I rzekłbyś, że to płocha Heba,
Dzeusowe orlę karmiąc, w ślad
Piorunopienną czarę z nieba
Wylała, śmiejąc się, na świat!

Oluju volim ranog svibnja,
proljetni kada prvi grom
k"o da urezuje se, game,
Na nebu tutnji plavetnom.

Gromovi grme, tutnje mladi,
Prah leti, kiša lije, gle,
Sunašce niti svoje zlati,
I visi kišno biserje.

Sa gore hita potok brzi,
U šumi ne mre ptica pjev,
I graja šume, zvuci brdski -
Veselo groma prate sijev.

Zeusu orla pojila,
pa gromobujni pehar s sky,
Smijuć se, zemljom prolila.

Oluju volim ranog svibnja,
Proljetni kada prvi grom
Kao da zabavlja se, game,
Na nebu tutnji plavetnom.

Gromovi tutnje, grme mladi,
Prah leti, kiša lije se,
Sunašce svoje niti zlati,
I visi kišno biserje.

S planine hita potok brzi,
U šumi ne mre ptica pjev,
I žamor šume, zvuci brdski -
Veselo groma prate sijev.

Ti reć" ćeš: vrckava to Heba,
Zeusu orla pojila,
Munjonosni je pehar s neba
Smijuć se, zemljom prolila.

(Rafaela Sejić)

I love the bleached navalnitsa,
Kali on a bright May day,
The sky is walking and having fun,
thunder in the sky.

The rumble of the rumble of the young one,
all the rain is pouring, the chicken is ardent,
There are rich pearls in the sky,
And the sun is a thread of silver.

Zgary Byazhyts Ruchai Vyasyoly,
don't catch the haman,
And the forest is clear, and the noise is down -
all turue perunam.

You say: Hebe's wind race
grin, you arla feeders,
grymotnapenny cup from the sky
The edge was completely damaged.





       查良铮 译

“I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May...” - this is how one of the most popular works by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev begins. The poet did not write many poems, but they are all imbued with deep philosophical meaning and written in a beautiful style. He felt nature very subtly and was able to detect the slightest changes occurring in it. Spring is the poet’s favorite time; it symbolizes youth, freshness, renewal, and beauty. Perhaps this is why Tyutchev’s poem “Spring Storm” is filled with cheerfulness, love and hope for a better future.

A little about the author

Fyodor Tyutchev was born on November 23, 1803 in the Bryansk region in Ovstug, where he spent his childhood, but he spent his youth in Moscow. The poet was educated at home and also graduated from Moscow University with a candidate's degree in literary sciences. From his youth, Tyutchev was interested in poetry, took an active part in literary life, and tried to write his own works. It so happened that Fyodor Ivanovich spent almost 23 years of his life in a foreign land, working as an official of the Russian diplomatic mission in Munich.

Despite the fact that the connection with the homeland is for a long time interrupted, the poet described Russian nature in his works. After reading his poems, one gets the impression that he wrote them not in distant Germany, but somewhere in the wilderness of Russia. During his life, Tyutchev did not write many works, because he worked as a diplomat and translated the works of his German colleagues, but all his works are filled with harmony. Through his work, the poet tirelessly repeated to people that man is an integral part of nature; we must not forget about this even for a moment.

The history of writing the poem

“I love a thunderstorm in early May...” - this poem, or rather its first version, was written by Fyodor Tyutchev in 1828, at that time he was in Germany, working there as a diplomat. Reading the lines of the work, a person sees before his eyes a clouded sky, hears the roar of thunder and the murmur of rivulets of water that formed on the road after heavy rain.

It is difficult to imagine how the poet was able to so accurately convey the nature of Russia, being at that time far from his homeland. It should be said that the poem “Spring Thunderstorm” first saw the light in 1828, and immediately after writing, Fyodor Ivanovich published it in the magazine “Galatea”. After 26 years, the poet returned to his work again; in 1854, he added the second stanza and slightly changed the first.

Main theme of the verse

The main theme of the work is a spring thunderstorm, since for the author it is associated with change, movement forward, expulsion of stagnation and decline, the birth of something new, the emergence of other views and ideas. In almost all of his works, Fyodor Ivanovich drew a parallel between nature and the human world, finding some common features. Spring (judging by the love with which the poet describes this time of year) causes Tyutchev to tremble and lift his spirits.

And this is not just like that, because spring days are associated with youth, beauty, strength, and renewal. Just as nature loudly announces the arrival of warmth with the singing of birds, the rumble of thunder, the sound of a downpour, so a person, having stepped into adulthood, strives to publicly declare himself. Analysis of the poem “Spring Thunderstorm” by Tyutchev only emphasizes the unity of people with the world around them. What else can you say about this work?

Unity of the divine with nature

“I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May...” - Fyodor Tyutchev specifically used end-to-end images of water, sky and sun in the work in order to better and more clearly show the idea of ​​the unity of man with environment. Various natural phenomena in the poem they seem to come to life, the author attributes human traits to them. Thunder is compared to a baby who is playing and frolicking, a cloud, having fun and laughing, spills water, and the stream runs.

The poem is written in the form of a monologue by the main character; it consists of four stanzas. First, the image of a thunderstorm is introduced, then the main events unfold, and at the end the author refers us to ancient greek mythology, uniting nature with divine beginning, showing the cyclical nature of our world.

The sound fullness of the verse

An analysis of the poem “Spring Thunderstorm” by Tyutchev shows how the poet was able, with the help of pyrrhichium, to fill the work with melody and light sound. The author used cross rhyme, alternating feminine and male rhyme. Fyodor Ivanovich revealed using various artistic means.

To make the picture sound, the poet used a huge number and alliteration of “r” and “r”. He also resorted to gerunds and personal verbs, which created movement and development of action. Tyutchev managed to achieve the effect of rapidly changing frames in which the thunderstorm is depicted in various manifestations. Well-chosen metaphors, epithets, inversion, and personification also played a significant role in giving the verse expressiveness and brightness.

Analysis of work from a philosophical point of view

An analysis of the poem “Spring Thunderstorm” by Tyutchev shows that the poet in the work described only one of the many moments of life. To make him cheerful, full of energy, vigorous, the author chose a May day with rain and a rumbling thunderstorm. The verse must be considered from a philosophical point of view, because this is the only way to reveal the whole gamut of feelings, to understand what exactly Fyodor Ivanovich wanted to convey to the reader.

A thunderstorm is not just a natural phenomenon, but a person’s desire to break out of his shackles, run forward, open new horizons, invent different ideas. The warm May rain seems to finally awaken the earth from winter hibernation, cleans it, and renews it. Why a spring thunderstorm, and not a summer or autumn one? Perhaps Tyutchev wanted to show precisely the impulsiveness and beauty of youth, to convey his own feelings, because when he first sat down to write a poem, the poet was still quite young. He made adjustments to his work at a more mature age, looking at the days that had passed irrevocably from the height of life experience.

The emotional content of the poem

“I love a thunderstorm in early May...” - how many indescribable emotions are contained in this short line. The author associates spring thunder with a young man just spreading his wings, preparing to set out on a free voyage. The young man has just escaped from parental care, he is ready to move mountains, which is why he is experiencing such a surge of emotions. The stream running down the mountain is also compared to young people who have not decided what they will do, what business they will devote their lives to, but stubbornly rush forward.

Youth passes, and then a period of rethinking one’s actions begins - this is exactly what the author talks about in the poem “Spring Thunderstorm”. F.I. Tyutchev regrets his past youth, when he was healthy, strong, cheerful, free from obligations.

The poet's main idea

In this world, everything is cyclical, the same events are repeated, people experience similar emotions - this is what Fyodor Ivanovich wanted to warn his descendants about. No matter how many hundreds of years pass, every year people will hear the roar of May thunder, enjoy the sound of spring rain, and watch the nimble streams running along the road. Hundreds of years from now, young people will still enjoy freedom and think that they are the rulers of the world. Then the time will come for maturity and rethinking of one’s actions, but they will be replaced by new youth who have not known the bitterness of disappointment and want to conquer the world.

Tyutchev wanted to focus on what a spring thunderstorm gives a feeling of freedom, peace and internal cleansing. Analysis of the poem suggests that the author was nostalgic for the long-gone days when he was young. At the same time, Fyodor Ivanovich understands perfectly well that the processes of personality formation are inevitable. A person is born, grows, matures, gains life experience and worldly wisdom, grows old, dies - and there is no escape from this. In tens of years, other people will rejoice in the spring thunderstorm and May rain, make plans for the future and conquer the world. This makes me a little sad, but that’s how life works.

The beauty and deep meaning of the verse

You can write a huge work in a beautiful style, but it will not hook the reader, will not leave an indelible mark on his soul. You can compose a short poem with a deep philosophical meaning, but it will be too difficult to understand. Fyodor Tyutchev managed to find golden mean- his verse is small, beautiful, emotional, with meaning. It’s a pleasure to read such work; it stays in the memory for a long time and makes you think at least a little about your life and rethink some values. This means that the poet has achieved his goal.

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