History of the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany and Germany. Political status and prospects for the expansion of Germany. Is the GDR a legitimate state?

Education of the GDR. After the surrender in World War II, Germany was divided into 4 occupation zones: Soviet, American, British and French. Berlin, the capital of Germany, was divided in the same way. In the three western zones and the American-British-French West Berlin (it is surrounded on all sides by the territory of the Soviet occupation zone), life was gradually improving on the basis of democratic principles. In the Soviet zone of occupation, including East Berlin, a course was immediately set for the formation of a totalitarian communist system of power.

The Cold War began between the former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition, and this had the most tragic impact on the fate of Germany and its people.

Blockade of West Berlin. I.V. Stalin used the introduction of a single German mark into circulation in the three western zones (currency reform on June 20, 1948) as a pretext for the Blockade of West Berlin in order to annex it to the Soviet zone of occupation. On the night of June 23-24, 1948, all land communications between the western zones and West Berlin were blocked. The city's supply of electricity and food products from the Soviet occupation zone stopped. August 3, 1948 I.V. Stalin directly demanded the inclusion of West Berlin in the Soviet zone, but was met with rebuff from his former allies. The blockade lasted almost a year, until May 12, 1949. However, blackmail did not achieve its goals. The supply of West Berlin was ensured via an air bridge organized by Western allies. Moreover, the flight altitude of their aircraft was beyond the reach of Soviet air defense systems.

The creation of NATO and the split of Germany. In response to the open hostility of the Soviet leadership, the blockade of West Berlin, the communist coup in Czechoslovakia in February 1948 and the build-up of the Soviet military presence in Eastern Europe in April 1949, Western countries created the military-political bloc NATO (“North Atlantic Treaty Organization” ). The creation of NATO influenced Soviet policy towards Germany. In the same year, it split into two states. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) was created on the territory of the American, British and French occupation zones, and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) on the territory of the Soviet occupation zone. At the same time, Berlin also found itself split into two parts. East Berlin became the capital of the GDR. West Berlin became a separate administrative unit, receiving its own self-government under the tutelage of the occupying powers.

Sovietization of the GDR and the growing crisis. In the early 1950s. Socialist transformations began in the GDR, which exactly copied the Soviet experience. Nationalization of private property, industrialization and collectivization were carried out. All these transformations were accompanied by massive repressions, with the help of which the Socialist Unity Party of Germany strengthened its dominance in the country and society. A strict totalitarian regime was established in the country, a command and administrative system for managing all spheres public life. In 1953, the policy of Sovietization of the GDR was still in full swing. However, at this time, economic chaos and a drop in production, and a serious decline in the standard of living of the population, had already clearly begun to manifest themselves. All this caused protest from the population, and serious dissatisfaction with the regime on the part of ordinary citizens grew. The most serious form of protest was the mass flight of the population of the GDR to Germany. However, since the border between the GDR and the FRG was already closed, the only way remained was to move to West Berlin (this was still possible) and from there move to the FRG.

Forecasts of Western experts. Since the spring of 1953, the socio-economic crisis began to develop into a political one. The Eastern Bureau of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, located in West Berlin, based on its observations, noted the widespread dissatisfaction of the population with the existing system, the growing readiness of East Germans to openly oppose the regime.

Unlike the German Social Democrats, the CIA, which monitored the situation in the GDR, made more cautious forecasts. They boiled down to the fact that the SED regime and the Soviet occupation authorities controlled the economic situation, and that the “will to resist” among the East German population was low. It is unlikely that "East Germans will be willing or able to carry out revolution, even if called for, unless such a call is accompanied by a declaration of war from the West or a firm promise of Western military assistance."

The position of the Soviet leadership. The Soviet leadership also could not help but see the aggravation of the socio-economic and political situation in the GDR, but they interpreted it in a very unique way. On May 9, 1953, at a meeting of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee, an analytical report on the flight of the population from the GDR, prepared by the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs (headed by L.P. Beria), was considered. It acknowledged that the fuss raised on this issue “in the press of the Anglo-American bloc” had good grounds. However, the main reasons for this phenomenon in the certificate are reduced to the fact that “West German industrial concerns are actively working to lure away engineering and technical workers,” and the leadership of the SED was too carried away by the tasks of “improving their material well-being,” without at the same time paying due attention to nutrition and uniforms for people's police officers. The most important thing is “the Central Committee of the SED and the responsible government bodies The GDR is not fighting actively enough against the demoralizing work carried out by the West German authorities." The conclusion was clear: to strengthen the punitive authorities and the ideological indoctrination of the population of the GDR - although both of them already exceeded all reasonable limits, precisely becoming one of the reasons for mass discontent. That is, the document did not contain any condemnation domestic policy leadership of the GDR.

Molotov's note. The note prepared by V.M. on May 8 had a different character. Molotov and sent it to G.M. Malenkova and N.S. Khrushchev. The document contained sharp criticism of the thesis about the GDR as a state of the “dictatorship of the proletariat”, which the First Secretary of the SED Central Committee W. Ulbricht spoke on May 5, emphasizing that he did not coordinate this speech with the Soviet side and that it contradicted the recommendations given to him earlier. This note was considered at a meeting of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee on May 14. The resolution condemned the statements of W. Ulbricht and contained an instruction to Soviet representatives in Berlin to talk with the leaders of the SED with a view to stopping the campaign to create new agricultural cooperatives. If we compare the documents addressed to the Presidium of the Central Committee L.P. Beria and V.M. Molotov, then we can perhaps come to the conclusion that the latter reacted to the situation in the GDR more quickly, sharply and meaningfully.

Order of the Council of Ministers. On June 2, 1953, Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 7576 “On measures to improve the political situation in the GDR” was issued. It contained a condemnation of the course of the East German leadership towards “accelerated construction” or “accelerating the construction” of socialism in East Germany. On the same day, a SED delegation headed by W. Ulbricht and O. Grotewohl arrived in Moscow. During the negotiations, the leaders of the GDR were told that the situation in their country was in a dangerous state; they must immediately abandon the accelerated construction of socialism and pursue a more moderate policy. The Soviet NEP, carried out in the 1920s, was cited as an example of such a policy. In response, W. Ulbricht tried to justify his activities. He stated that the fears of the “Soviet comrades” were exaggerated, but under their pressure he was forced to promise that the course of building socialism would become more moderate.

Actions of the leadership of the GDR. On June 9, 1953, the Politburo of the SED Central Committee adopted a decision on the “new course”, which was in accordance with the “recommendations” of the USSR Council of Ministers, and published it two days later. It cannot be said that the leaders of the GDR were in a particular hurry, but they did not consider it necessary to explain to either ordinary party members or the leaders of their organizations the essence of the new program. As a result, the entire party and state apparatus of the GDR was paralyzed.

During negotiations in Moscow, Soviet leaders pointed out to East German leaders that it was necessary to carefully investigate the reasons for the transfer of GDR workers to West Germany, not excluding workers of private enterprises. They proposed taking measures to improve the situation of workers, their living conditions, to combat unemployment, violations of labor protection and safety regulations, especially in overpopulated industrial areas and on the Baltic coast. All these instructions remained empty words.

Back on May 28, 1953, by order of the GDR authorities, a widespread increase in production standards at industrial enterprises. In fact this meant sharp decrease real wages. Thus, it turned out that the workers of the GDR turned out to be the only category of the population that did not gain anything from the “new course”, but only felt the deterioration of their living conditions.

Provocation. Some foreign and Russian historians They believe that such a strange feature of the “New Deal” proves deliberate sabotage of Soviet recommendations on the part of the leadership of the GDR. The course towards abandoning “barracks socialism” in the GDR, towards rapprochement with the Federal Republic of Germany, towards compromise and German unity threatened W. Ulbricht and his entourage with loss of power and withdrawal from political life. Therefore, they were apparently even ready to take the risk of far-reaching destabilization of the regime, just to compromise the “new course” and save their monopoly on power. The calculation was cynical and simple: provoke mass discontent, riots, then they will intervene Soviet troops, and of course there will be no time for liberal experiments. In this sense, we can say that the events of June 17, 1953 in the GDR were the result not only of the activities of “Western agents” (its role, of course, cannot be denied), but also of a deliberate provocation on the part of the then leadership of the GDR. As it turned out later, the scope of the popular movement went far beyond the intended anti-liberal blackmail and quite frightened the provocateurs themselves.

The German Democratic Republic, or GDR for short, is a country located in the Center of Europe and has been marked on maps for exactly 41 years. This is the most western country the socialist camp that existed at that time, formed in 1949 and became part of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990.

German Democratic Republic

In the north, the border of the GDR ran along the Baltic Sea; on land it bordered the Federal Republic of Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Its area was 108 thousand square kilometers. The population was 17 million people. The capital of the country was East Berlin. The entire territory of the GDR was divided into 15 districts. In the center of the country was the territory of West Berlin.

Location of the GDR

The small territory of the GDR had sea, mountains and plains. The north was washed by the Baltic Sea, which forms several bays and shallow lagoons. They are connected to the sea through straits. She owned the islands, the largest of which were Rügen, Usedom and Pel. There are many rivers in the country. The largest are the Oder, Elbe, their tributaries Havel, Spree, Saale, as well as the Main, a tributary of the Rhine. Of the many lakes, the largest are Müritz, Schweriner See, and Plauer See.

In the south, the country was framed by low mountains, significantly indented by rivers: from the west the Harz, from the south-west the Thuringian Forest, from the south the Ore Mountains with the highest peak Fichtelberg (1212 meters). The north of the territory of the GDR was located on the Central European Plain, to the south lay the plain of the Macklenburg Lake District. To the south of Berlin lies a strip of sandy plains.

East Berlin

It was practically restored from scratch. The city was divided into occupation zones. After the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany, its eastern part became part of the GDR, and the western part was an enclave, surrounded on all sides by the territory of East Germany. According to the constitution of Berlin (West), the land on which it was located belonged to the Federal Republic of Germany. The capital of the GDR was a major center of science and culture in the country.

Here were located the Academies of Sciences and Arts, many higher educational institutions. Concert halls and theaters hosted outstanding musicians and artists from all over the world. Many parks and alleys served as decoration for the capital of the GDR. Sports facilities were built in the city: stadiums, swimming pools, courts, competition grounds. The most famous park for residents of the USSR was Treptow Park, in which a monument to the liberating soldier was erected.

Major cities

The majority of the country's population were urban residents. In a small country, there were several cities whose population exceeded half a million people. Large cities of the former German Democratic Republic tended to have quite ancient history. These are the cultural and economic centers of the country. The largest cities include Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig. East German cities were heavily damaged. But Berlin suffered the most, where fighting took place literally for every house.

The largest cities were located in the south of the country: Karl-Marx-Stadt (Meissen), Dresden and Leipzig. Every city in the GDR was famous for something. Rostock, located in northern Germany, is a modern port city. World-famous porcelain was produced in Karl-Marx-Stadt (Meissen). In Jena there was the famous Carl Zeiss plant, which produced lenses, including for telescopes, and famous binoculars and microscopes were produced here. This city was also famous for its universities and scientific institutions. This is a city of students. Schiller and Goette once lived in Weimar.

Karl-Marx-Stadt (1953-1990)

This city, founded in the 12th century in the state of Saxony, now bears its original name - Chemnitz. It is the center of textile engineering and textile industry, machine tool manufacturing and mechanical engineering. The city was completely destroyed by British and American bombers and rebuilt after the war. Small islands of ancient buildings remain.


The city of Leipzig, located in the state of Saxony, was one of the largest cities in the German Democratic Republic before the unification of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany. 32 kilometers from it there is another large city Germany - Halle, which is located in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Together, the two cities form an urban agglomeration with a population of 1,100 thousand people.

The city has long been the cultural and scientific center of Central Germany. It is famous for its universities as well as fairs. Leipzig is one of the most developed industrial areas in East Germany. Since the late Middle Ages, Leipzig has been a recognized center of printing and bookselling in Germany.

The greatest composer Johann Sebastian Bach, as well as the famous Felix Mendelssohn, lived and worked in this city. The city is still famous today for its musical traditions. Since ancient times, Leipzig has been a major trading center; until the last war, famous fur trades took place here.


A pearl among German cities is Dresden. The Germans themselves call it Florence on the Elbe, as there are many Baroque architectural monuments here. The first mention of it was recorded in 1206. Dresden has always been the capital: since 1485 - of the Margraviate of Meissen, since 1547 - of the Electorate of Saxony.

It is located on the Elbe River. The border with the Czech Republic runs 40 kilometers from it. It is the administrative center of Saxony. Its population numbers about 600,000 inhabitants.

The city suffered greatly from US and British air raids. Up to 30 thousand residents and refugees, most of them old people, women and children, died. During the bombing, the residence castle, the Zwinger complex, and the Semper Opera were severely destroyed. Almost the entire historical center lay in ruins.

To restore architectural monuments, after the war, all surviving parts of the buildings were dismantled, rewritten, numbered and taken out of the city. Everything that could not be restored was cleared away.

The old city was a flat area on which most of the monuments were gradually restored. The GDR government came up with a proposal to revive the old city, which lasted almost forty years. New neighborhoods and avenues were built for residents around the old city.

Coat of arms of the GDR

Like any country, the GDR had its own coat of arms, described in Chapter 1 of the constitution. The coat of arms of the German Democratic Republic was a superimposed golden hammer, representing the working class, and a compass, representing the intelligentsia. They were surrounded by a golden wreath of wheat, representing the peasantry, intertwined with ribbons of the national flag.

Flag of the GDR

The flag of the German Democratic Republic was an elongated panel consisting of four stripes of equal width, painted in the national colors of Germany: black, red and gold. In the middle of the flag was the coat of arms of the GDR, which distinguished it from the flag of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Prerequisites for the formation of the GDR

The history of the GDR covers a very short period of time, but it is still studied with great attention by scientists in Germany. The country was severely isolated by Germany and the entire Western world. After the surrender of Germany in May 1945, there were occupation zones, there were four of them, since the former state ceased to exist. All power in the country, with all management functions, was formally transferred to the military administrations.

The transition period was complicated by the fact that Germany, especially its eastern part, where German resistance was desperate, lay in ruins. The barbaric bombings of British and US aircraft were aimed at intimidating the civilian population of cities that were being liberated Soviet army, turn them into a pile of ruins.

In addition, there was no agreement between the former allies regarding the vision of the future of the country, which is what subsequently led to the creation of two countries - the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.

Basic principles of German reconstruction

Even at the Yalta Conference, the basic principles of the restoration of Germany were considered, which were later fully agreed upon and approved at the conference in Potsdam by the victorious countries: the USSR, Great Britain and the USA. They were also approved by the countries participating in the war against Germany, in particular France, and contained the following provisions:

  • Complete destruction of the totalitarian state.
  • Complete ban on the NSDAP and all organizations associated with it.
  • Complete liquidation of the punitive organizations of the Reich, such as the SA, SS, and SD services, since they were recognized as criminal.
  • The army was completely liquidated.
  • Racial and political legislation was repealed.
  • Gradual and consistent implementation of denazification, demilitarization and democratization.

The solution to the German question, which included the peace treaty, was entrusted to the Council of Ministers of the victorious countries. On June 5, 1945, the victorious states promulgated the Declaration of the Defeat of Germany, according to which the country was divided into four occupation zones governed by the administrations of Great Britain (the largest zone), the USSR, the USA and France. The capital of Germany, Berlin, was also divided into zones. The resolution of all issues was entrusted to the Control Council, which included representatives of the victorious countries.

Parties of Germany

In Germany, to restore statehood, the formation of new political parties which would be democratic in nature. In the eastern sector, the emphasis was on the revival of the Communist and Social Democratic Parties of Germany, which soon merged into the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (1946). Its goal was to build a socialist state. It was the ruling party in the German Democratic Republic.

In the western sectors, the main political force was the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) party formed in June 1945. In 1946, the CSU (Christian Social Union) was formed in Bavaria on this principle. Their main principle is a democratic republic based on market economics with private property rights.

Political confrontations on the issue of the post-war structure of Germany between the USSR and the rest of the coalition countries were so serious that their further aggravation would have led either to a split in the state or to a new war.

Formation of the German Democratic Republic

In December 1946, Great Britain and the USA, ignoring numerous proposals from the USSR, announced the unification of their two zones. They began to call it “Bisonia” for short. This was preceded by the refusal of the Soviet administration to supply agricultural products to the western zones. In response to this, transit transportation of equipment exported from factories and factories in East Germany and located in the Ruhr region to the USSR zone was stopped.

At the beginning of April 1949, France also joined “Bizonia”, resulting in the formation of “Trisonia”, from which the Federal Republic of Germany was subsequently formed. So the Western powers, conspiring with the big German bourgeoisie, created a new state. In response to this, the German Democratic Republic was created at the end of 1949. Berlin, or rather its Soviet zone, became its center and capital.

The People's Council was temporarily reorganized into the People's Chamber, which adopted the Constitution of the GDR, which was subject to popular discussion. On September 11, 1949, the first president of the GDR was elected. It was the legendary Wilhelm Pieck. At the same time, the government of the GDR was temporarily created, headed by O. Grotewohl. The military administration of the USSR transferred all functions for governing the country to the government of the GDR.

The Soviet Union did not want the division of Germany. They were repeatedly made proposals for the unification and development of the country in accordance with the Potsdam decisions, but they were regularly rejected by Great Britain and the United States. Even after the division of Germany into two countries, Stalin made proposals for the unification of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany, provided that the decisions of the Potsdam Conference were respected and Germany was not drawn into any political or military blocs. But Western states refused this, ignoring the decisions of Potsdam.

Political system of the GDR

The form of government of the country was based on the principle of people's democracy, in which a bicameral parliament operated. The country's political system was considered to be bourgeois-democratic, in which socialist transformations took place. The German Democratic Republic included the former German states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Brandenburg, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The lower (people's) house was elected by universal secret ballot. The upper house was called the Land Chamber, the executive body was the government, which was made up of the prime minister and ministers. It was formed through an appointment made by the largest faction of the People's Chamber.

The administrative-territorial division consisted of lands consisting of districts divided into communities. The functions of the legislative bodies were performed by the Landtags, the executive bodies were the state governments.

People's Chambersupreme body state - consisted of 500 deputies, who were elected by secret ballot by the people for a period of 4 years. It was represented by all parties and public organizations. The People's Chamber, acting on the basis of laws, made the most important decisions on the development of the country, dealt with relations between organizations, compliance with the rules of cooperation between citizens, government organizations and associations; adopted the main law - the Constitution and other laws of the country.

Economy of the GDR

After the division of Germany, the economic situation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) was very difficult. This part of Germany was very much destroyed. The equipment of plants and factories was exported to the western sectors of Germany. The GDR was simply cut off from its historical raw material bases, most of which were located in the Federal Republic of Germany. There was a shortage of natural resources such as ore and coal. There were few specialists: engineers, executives who left for Germany, frightened by propaganda about the brutal massacre of the Russians.

With the help of the Union and other commonwealth countries, the economy of the GDR gradually began to gain momentum. Enterprises were restored. It was believed that centralized leadership and a planned economy served as a restraining factor for economic development. It should be taken into account that the restoration of the country took place in isolation from the western part of Germany, in an atmosphere of fierce confrontation between the two countries and open provocations.

Historically, the eastern regions of Germany were mostly agricultural, and in the western part, rich in coal and metal ore deposits, heavy industry, metallurgy and mechanical engineering were concentrated.

Without financial and financial assistance It would have been impossible for the Soviet Union to achieve a quick restoration of industry. For the losses that the USSR suffered during the war, the GDR paid it reparation payments. Since 1950, their volume has been halved, and in 1954 the USSR refused to receive them.

Foreign policy situation

The construction of the Berlin Wall by the German Democratic Republic became a symbol of the intransigence of the two blocs. The Eastern and Western blocs of Germany increased their military forces, and provocations from the Western bloc became more frequent. It came down to open sabotage and arson. The propaganda machine was working at full capacity, taking advantage of economic and political difficulties. Germany, like many countries Western Europe, did not recognize the GDR. The aggravation of relations peaked in the early 1960s.

The so-called “German crisis” also arose thanks to West Berlin, which, legally being the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, was located in the very center of the GDR. The border between the two zones was conditional. As a result of the confrontation between the NATO blocs and the countries belonging to the Warsaw bloc, the SED Politburo decides to build a border around West Berlin, which was a reinforced concrete wall 106 km long and 3.6 m high and a fence made of metal mesh 66 km long. It stood from August 1961 until November 1989.

After the merger of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany, the wall was demolished, only small area, which became a memorial " Berlin Wall" In October 1990, the GDR became part of the Federal Republic of Germany. The history of the German Democratic Republic, which existed for 41 years, is intensively studied and researched by scientists of modern Germany.

Despite the propaganda discrediting of this country, scientists are well aware that it gave Western Germany a lot. In a number of parameters, it has surpassed its Western brother. Yes, the joy of reunification was genuine for the Germans, but there is no point in belittling the importance of the GDR, one of the most developed countries in Europe, and many in modern Germany understand this very well.

Until the early 1970s, the Germans and I were the most best friends, almost every Soviet schoolchild had a pen pal in Germany: a briffreund.
However, after both Germany joined the UN, everything changed dramatically, and de-Germanization began, which the Soviet government carried out very cruelly.

Here's what the false official story says:

Germany in 1945-1949 - Wikipedia

Germany in 1945-1949 or the Occupation of Germany - (the unofficial name of this period is the “zero years”) was a territory in the center of Europe, divided into four zones of occupation, with a practically non-existent economy and destroyed infrastructure, without a full-fledged administration of its own.

German occupation zones.

From the very day the war ended, Germany found itself divided into two parts, controlled by two fundamentally different political economic systems:

three western zones of occupation under the control of England, France and the United States of America;
Eastern zone of occupation under Soviet administration.

These were years not only of economic recovery, but also of rethinking the past and the formation of a new way of life.

The “zero years” ended with the formation of two German states - West Germany (May 23, 1949) in the West and East Germany (October 7, 1949) in the East. The occupation forces liberated Germany and were stationed here with the official status of victors, but not liberators, which determined the nature of their relationship with the population. The orders issued by the command were aimed at isolating the troops in order to exclude mutual contacts in any form. However, the soldiers, despite the prohibitions issued many times, found ways to circumvent them.

But here’s what really happened, if you stop listening to Soviet propaganda and turn to irrefutable facts and memories:

The USSR was never a member of the United Nations. His membership in the League of Nations is a lie. (Wikipedia - USSR joined on September 18, 1934; expelled on December 14, 1939)

The USSR was formed in 1953 and from the very beginning was a bankrupt corporation, managed and financed from abroad.
Before 1953 there could be no USSR! Therefore, there could be no automatic membership in either the League of Nations or the UN.

The USSR was a member of the UN Security Council as the main responsible for the damage caused to the planet after its capture around 1950. Now the legal successor of the USSR is Russia (RF)

The USSR government issued loans it received from foreign banks, secured by territories, property, businesses, etc.
In case of non-payment of the debt, the territories left as collateral were seized and legally registered as members of the UN, automatically joining the megastate that settled them.

Both Germany, the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany were part of the USSR until 1973. That is, there were no separate Germanias. There was German Russia, or Russia was Germany.

I remember in the late 1960s and early 1970s, almost all children in the USSR had pen pals in Germany, they were called brief freund, but then suddenly this suddenly stopped.

I personally saw these letters from Germany, written in childish handwriting with a slant to the left.

We are told that the de-Germanization of the USSR began after the 2nd World War:

Deportation and expulsion of Germans during and after the Second World War - the process of forced deportation of the German population of countries Eastern Europe to Germany and Austria, which took place in 1945-1950. after Germany's defeat in World War II. In total, about 12-14 million Germans were subjected to forced eviction.

But this is not true. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Germans and I were best friends; de-Germanization could only begin after both Germany joined the UN in 1973; there had to be very compelling reasons for such harsh propaganda.

Here's what one blogger writes:

"It is quite difficult to believe today that literally in 20-30 post-war years the de-Germanization of the history of the twentieth century could have been carried out so effectively. (I judge by myself - my initial absorption of propaganda cliches took place in the seventies and I had not heard anything at all about the existence of IG Farben, and I thought of Weimar Germany as some kind of impoverished short-term formation like the Makhnovist republics). To make it easier to believe that propaganda can erase the memory of such important events so quickly and successfully, it is appropriate to draw a parallel with the traditional Soviet grievance - the belittling by Western propaganda of the role of the USSR in the Second World War. 40% of young Americans believed that the USSR fought on the side of Germany - this figure was announced in the 70s."

That is, the time indicated is 1965-75, which coincides with the time of both Germany’s accession to the UN. This means that the USSR lost these territories forever.

All dates must be shifted at least 20 years up the chronological scale:

In the so-called USSR, until 1933 and later (according to official history, the USSR was founded in 1922, but this is not true) there were thousands of cities and towns with German names. The so-called USSR from 1919 to 1933 was officially Germany, or rather, it was part of the Weimar Republic. What percentage of the territory of the USSR and other modern states was part of the Weimar Republic, it’s hard to say, but as for the former USSR, you can find thousands of settlements with German names and estimate on the map:

Soldiers of the Franco-Prussian War. Part 5_1. German occupation of Russia 1853-1917. German names of Russian cities.

Soldiers of the Franco-Prussian War. Part 5_2. German occupation of Russia 1853 - 1917 German names of Russian cities.

In 1973, both Germany joined the United Nations:

Raising two German flags near the UN building in New York on September 18, 1973

1973 Flags of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany at the UN.

Member states of the United Nations-Wikipedia

The Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) was admitted to the UN as an observer in 1955.
German Democratic Republic ( East Germany) was admitted to the UN as an observer in 1972.

After the annexation of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany on October 3, 1990, the territory of the GDR became part of the Federal Republic of Germany, today known simply as Germany.

The Federal Republic of Germany continues to remain a member of the UN while the GDR ceased to exist.
The question immediately arises: what about the 1st and 2nd World Wars, in which Russia (USSR) fought with Germany? Where are the tens of millions killed, where are the destroyed cities, factories, villages?
These wars did not exist, which the deceitful and vile Soviet intelligentsia told us about in order to hide from the judgment of history and deceive the captured population of the Soviet Union.

How could Germany fight against the USSR, when Germany was part of the USSR until 1973, just as 14 republics were part of the USSR before its collapse - this is all in our memory!

None of the former Soviet republics could voluntarily join the UN - this meant that it broke away from the Soviet of Deputies and went over to the side of the sworn enemy - America. Look in the English Wiki, almost all the former Soviet republics joined the UN only after the collapse of the USSR:

What happened instead of the 1st and 2nd World Wars? Why is there such destruction throughout the country, buildings and roads covered in silt and mud? Why was there a constant total shortage throughout the post-war years?

But the intelligentsia did not tell us about this.

If today's GDR and West Germany were part of the USSR, formed in 1953, until 1973, then where did Nazi Germany disappear to?

But she didn’t disappear anywhere.

The answer is that the USSR was that very Nazi Germany since its formation.
Remember, the USSR had a powerful military industry to the detriment of civilian production, which is why there was a constant shortage of consumer goods.

The USSR was increasing its military power in order to take revenge for the defeat after the capture of the planet.

The USSR government took loans from foreign bankers, with these funds they financed wars and revolutions around the world, helped “brotherly” countries, trying to make allies out of them. In the second half of the 1950s, all of Africa was on fire, then a revolution happened in Cuba, with the help of the USSR.
Then the production of mustard gas and phosgene began, which was used to poison all living things.

For this, the megastate took both Germanys from the USSR.

In order to cover up the traces of the criminal past and to appear legitimate and peace-loving in the eyes of posterity, the USSR government treated the peaceful Germans extremely cruelly. We heard that Stalin deported the Germans, and it was with this deportation that the deportation of Germans was covered up already in the 1970s, and not in the 1940s-50s.

I knew many Germans in the former USSR, when they began to leave for Germany in the late 1980s, it was a shock to everyone. Nobody knew that these were Germans, they did not stand out from the rest of the population in anything, except for accuracy, conscientiousness, honesty and diligence, they had no crime.

The Soviet government hid the truth about its criminal activities. In order to whitewash oneself and disown the past, it was necessary to find a scapegoat. They made a whole people of them - ordinary Soviet Germans, who did not deserve such a cruel expulsion from the USSR. The leadership and the middle staff - those who made decisions and carried them out - must answer for all crimes.
Simple Soviet Germans and I are friends in misfortune: we lived together in harmony in a country that was mistakenly considered a stronghold of world peace. But, as it turned out, behind this mask of peacefulness was hiding a well-armed, cruel bandit.

Cold War in Germany. The American occupation of 1945 actually happened in the 1960s and 70s
Who knows how peacefully the process of both Germany's accession to the UN took place?

Russian-language Wikipedia talks very vaguely about the membership of both Germanys in the UN since 1973, there seem to be links to resolutions, but they do not work.

Officially - German Democratic Republic German Democratic Republic (German: Deutsche Demokratische Republik)
Officially - Federal Republic of Germany (until 1990) Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland)

Security Council Resolution: S/RES/335 (1973) dated June 22, 1973
GA Resolution: A/RES/3050 (XXVIII) dated September 18, 1973

May 23, 1949 - The Federal Republic of Germany is founded in Trizonia, the three united zones of occupation of Germany (USA, UK and France).

October 23, 1955 - a referendum was held in Saarland (German: Saarland, a French protectorate), whose residents voted to join Germany

September 12, 1990 - The Treaty on the Final Settlement regarding Germany was signed between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, as well as Great Britain, the USSR, the USA and France.

October 3, 1990 - German reunification took place. The GDR ceased to exist and became part of the Federal Republic of Germany.

IG Farben - the main weapon of the 20th century

Germany in 1945

At the last stage of the Second World War, the territory fascist Germany liberated by all progressive forces. A special role belonged to Soviet Union, USA, UK and France. After signing the surrender in May 1945, the Nazi government was dismissed. Governance of the country was transferred to the Inter-Allied Control Council.

For joint control over Germany, the allied countries divided its territory into four occupation zones to transfer it to peaceful life. The division looked like this:

  1. The Soviet zone included Thuringia, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg;
  2. The American zone consisted of Bavaria, Bremen, Hesse and Württemberg-Hohenzollern;
  3. The British zone covered Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and North Rhine-Westphalia;
  4. The French zone was formed from Baden, Württemberg-Baden and Rhineland-Palatinate.

Note 1

The capital of Germany, the city of Berlin, was allocated to a special zone. Although it was located on lands transferred to the Soviet occupation zone, its management was transferred to the Inter-Allied Commandant's Office. It also housed the main governing body of the country - the Allied Control Council.

The occupation zones were administered by zonal military administrations. They exercised powers until the election of a provisional government and the holding of all-German parliamentary elections.

Education Germany

Over the next three years, the western zones of occupation (American, British and French) converge. The military administration is gradually restoring representative bodies (Landtags), carrying out reforms and restoring the historical territorial division of the German lands. In December 1946, the British and American zones merged to form Bisonia. Unified governing bodies and a united body of supreme power were created. Its functions began to be performed by the Economic Council, elected by the Landtags in May 1947. he was empowered to make financial and economic decisions common to all the lands of Bisonia.

In the territories that came under the control of the Western powers, the “Marshall Plan” began to be implemented.

Definition 1

The Marshall Plan is a program of US assistance to European countries for post-war economic recovery. It was named after its initiator, US Secretary of State George Marshall.

He served as a unifying factor. New authorities were created in Bisonia: Supreme Court and the Council of the Lands (government chamber). Central power was transferred to the Administrative Council, which reported on its actions to the Economic Council. In 1948, the French occupation zone joined Bisonia to form Trizonia.

The London meeting of the six victorious countries (USA, UK, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium and France) in the summer of 1948 ended with the decision to create a separate West German state. In June of the same year, monetary reform was carried out in Trizonia and the development of a constitution began. In May 1949, the West German constitution was approved, establishing the federal structure of the state. At the next session of the victorious states in June 1949, the split in Germany was officially recognized. The new state was named the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). The Federal Republic of Germany included three quarters of all German territories.

Education of the GDR

At the same time, the formation of a state took place in the Soviet occupation zone. The Soviet Military Administration (SVAG) announced the liquidation of the Prussian state and restored the Landtags. Gradually, all power was transferred to the German People's Congress. The SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany) initiated the adoption of a Soviet-style constitution in May 1949. The inter-party National Front of Democratic Germany was formed. This served as the basis for the proclamation of the East German state of the GDR (German Democratic Republic) on October 7, 1949.

GDR, a state in Central Europe in 1949-1990, on the territory of the modern lands of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Pered-nyaya Pomerania niya, Sak-so-niya, Sak-so-niya-An-halt, Tyu-rin-giya Fe-de-ra-tiv-noy Res-pub-li-ki Germany.

The capital is Berlin (Eastern). Us. OK. 17 million people (1989).

The GDR arose on October 7, 1949 on the territory of the Soviet zone of the Ok-ku-pa-tion of Germany as a temporary state. formation in response to the training in May 1949 on an American, British base. and French zones ok-ku-pa-tion (see Tri-zonia) se-pa-rat-no-go z.-germ. state - Germany (for more details, see the articles of Germany, Berlin Crisis, German Question 1945-90). In admin. From now on, since 1949 it has been divided into 5 lands, and since 1952 - into 14 districts. East Berlin had a status department. adm.-terr. eat-n-tsy.

In po-li-tich. sis-te-me of the GDR leading role in the game of the Socialist United Party of Germany (SED), formation -Vav-shaya-Xia in 1946 as a result of the merger on the territory of the Sov. zones of the ok-ku-pa-tion of the Kom-mu-ni-sti-che-skaya party of Germany (KPD) and So-ci-al-de-mo-kra-ti-che-skaya Party of Germany (SPD). In the GDR, the actions are the same for the German party: Christian-sti-an-sko-de-mo-kra-tich. Union of Ger-ma-nii, Li-beral-no-de-mo-kra-tich. party of Germany and the newly created National-democratic countries. par-tiya Ger-ma-nii and De-mo-kra-tich. Christian party of Germany. All the parties gathered in De-mo-kra-tich. block and declared about the pri-ver-wives-no-sti ideal-lams of social-cya-liz-ma. Parties and mass organizations (Association of free German trade unions, Union of free German trade unions) -lo-de-zhi, etc.) entered the National. front of the GDR.

The highest for-ko-no-date. org-nom of the GDR was Nar. pa-la-ta (400 dep., 1949-63, 1990; 500 dep., 1964-89), from-bi-equal-shay by all-common direct secret vy- hog. The head of the state in 1949-60 was the president (this position was held by co-chairman of the SED V. Pik). After the death of V. Pi-ka, the post of president was divided, and Nar became the collective head of the state. pa-la-toy and under-reporting to her the State. council, headed by the head of the State Council: V. Ulbricht, 1960-73; V. Shtof, 1973-76; E. Ho-nekker, 1976-89; E. Krentz, 1990). The highest org-nom is-pol-nit. the power was the Council of Ministries, which also came from Nar. pa-la-toy and was under-what-ten to her (pre-se-da-te-li So-ve-ta mi-ni-st-row: O. Gro-te-vol, 1949-64; V. Shtof, 1964-73, 1976-89; H. Zinderman, 1973-76; H. Mod-rov, 1989-90). Nar. pa-la-ta from-bi-ra-la before. National co-ve-ta ob-ro-ny, prev. and members of the Verkhov-no-go su-da and the general-no-go pro-ku-ro-ra of the GDR.

Normal functioning is very strong due to suffering from the military. dey-st-viy eco-no-mi-ki East. Germany, and then the GDR, from the very beginning it was os-false-not-but you paid re-pa-ra-tions in favor of the USSR and Poland. In the wake of the decisions of the Berlin (Pot-hand-over) conference of 1945 USA, Great Britain and France so-ra-li re-pa-rac. from their zones, as a result of which practically all the burden of re-pa-rations fell on the GDR, from-on- chal-but-us-tu-fell-in-eco-no-mich. from the Federal Republic of Germany. As of December 31, 1953, the amount of re-pa-rations paid by Germany amounted to 2.1 billion German. ma-rock, at the same time as re-pa-rac. paid the GDR for the same period with 99.1 billion German. ma-rock. Do-la de mont-ta-zha prom. enterprises and from the current production of the GDR reached the beginning. 1950s kri-tich. volumes. An immeasurable load of re-pa-ra-tions, along with the mistakes of the leadership of the SED led by W. Ulbrich, took our course towards the “accelerated construction of social-cialis-ma”, leading to the transfer of eco-no-mi-ki res -pub-li-ki and you-called openly not-to-free-st-in-the-se-le-tion, which-appeared-in-the-course of- life 17.6.1953. The turmoil that began as a movement for the East Berlin builders. work against the increase in standards you-work-ki, oh-va-ti-li b. including ter-ri-to-rii of the GDR and when-about-re-li ha-rak-ter an-ti-pra-vi-tel-st-ven-nyh vy-stu-p-le-niy. The support of the USSR allowed the authorities of the GDR to play with time, re-build their own political system and then stand on their own -tel-but in a short time, establish a position in the re-public. The “new course” was announced, one of the goals of which was to improve the living conditions of the world -le-nia (in 1954 there was a line for the predominant development of heavy industry; however, it was restored -na). In order to uk-re-drink the eco-no-mi-ku of the GDR, the USSR and Poland from collecting the remaining part of the re-pa from it -ra-tions in the amount of 2.54 billion dollars.

Providing support to the government of the GDR, the leadership of the USSR, one-on-one, pro-vo-di-lo course for the restoration of the country -le-nie of one germ. state At the Berlin Council of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Four Powers in 1954, it again took the initiative -how to ensure the unity of Germany as mi-ro-lu-bi-vo-go, de-mo-kra-tich. state, not studying in the military. soyu-zah and blocks, and out-of-layer the proposal to create time. general-German-government-vi-tel-st-vo on the basis of do-go-vo-ren-no-sti between the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany and entrusted to there is no pro-ve-de-tion of free elections. Created according to the re-zul-ta-there election of the German-society National National. the council should have worked to establish a unified Germany and form a government -vi-tel-st-vo, the right-to-conclude a peace treaty. However, the proposal of the USSR did not receive support from the Western side. powers, on the flock of members of the united Germany in NATO.

The position of the governments of the USA, Great Britain and France in Germany. in-pro-se and after-before-you in May 1955, the entry of Germany into NATO, prin-ci-pi-al-but from-meniv-neck military-en.- po-li-tich. si-tua-tion to the Center. Europe, is there a reason for the USSR leadership to re-examine the line in the matter? -di-ne-niya Germany. Su-s-st-v-va-nyiu of the GDR and located on its territory Group of owls. troops in Germany have become a center. element in the system of ensuring the security of the USSR in Europe. on the right. So-cia-li-stich. society the device has become regarded as complete. ga-ran-tiya from the absorption of the GDR, Western-German. state-vom and development of co-yuz-nich. from the USSR. In Aug. 1954 owls ok-ku-pats. The authorities are behind the process of re-re-da-chi of the GDR state. su-ve-re-ni-te-ta, on Sept. 1955 Sov. Union under-pi-sal with the GDR fun-dam. do-go-vor about the os-no-vah from-no-she-niy. Parallel-but the all-round in-te-gra-tion of the GDR in the eco-no-mich was promoted. and po-li-tich. structures from other European countries. so-cia-li-stich. states In May 1955, the GDR became a member of the Warsaw-based Organization.

About-sta-new-ka around the GDR and internally. si-tua-tion in the very re-pub-li-ke in the 2nd half. 1950s should I stay with my wife? There were circles on Za-pa-de ak-ti-vi-zi-ro-va-gi, which would-you go-to for military use . forces in relation to the GDR with the aim of connecting it to the Federal Republic of Germany. On the middle ground. are-not the government of the Federal Republic of Germany since the fall of 1955 on the pro-di-lo line for the isolation of the GDR and you-stu-pa-lo with pre-ten-zi-ey to a single-personal representation of the Germans (see “Hal-shte-na dok-tri-na”). A particularly dangerous si-tua-tion warehouse was located on the territory of Ber-lin. Zap. Berlin, which is under the control of ok-ku-pats. ad-mi-ni-st-ra-tions of the USA, Ve-li-ko-bri-ta-nii and France and not from the GDR state. the border has actually turned into the center of disruptive activity against it, both economically and and in-li-ti-che-skoy. Eco-no-mich. in the GDR because of the open border with the West. Ber-li-nom in 1949-61 with-sta-vi-li approx. 120 billion ma-rock. Through Zap. Berlin for the same period of the GDR is not-le-gal-but-ki-nu-lo ok. 1.6 million people This would be the main thing. qualified workers, engineers, doctors, trained honey. per-so-nal, teach-te-la, pro-fes-so-ra, etc., the care of some seriously impeded the function-ni-ro-va-nie all the state-ven-no-go me-ha-niz-ma of the GDR.

In an effort to improve the security of the GDR and defuse the situation in the Center. Europe, USSR in Nov. 1958 you stepped out with the initiative to pre-do-ta-vit Zap. Ber-li-well sta-tus de-mi-li-ta-ri-zov. freely, that is, turn it into a city of its own. po-li-tich. food that has a controlled and oh-so-great border. In Jan. 1959 Sov. The union presented a project for peace with Germany, which could be under the control of the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR or something their con-fe-de-ra-tsi-ey. However, the proposals of the USSR again did not receive support from the USA, Great Britain and France . 13.8.1961 according to the re-co-men-da-tion of the Council of the Sec-re-ta-ray com-mu-ni-stich. and working parties of the countries of Warsaw before (3-5.8.1961) government of the GDR in one side it in a row introduced a state regime. borders in the region of the West. Ber-li-na and came to the establishment of border-crossing borders (see Berlin Wall).

The construction of the Berlin Wall behind the ruling circles of the Federal Republic of Germany will re-look at its course as in Germany. in-pro-se, and in ot-no-she-ni-yah with so-cia-li-stich. countries of Europe. After Aug. 1961 The GDR gained the possibility of quiet development and internal con-so-li-da-tion. The Uk-re-p-le-niu of the GDR contributed to its agreement on friendship, mutual assistance and cooperation -no-thing with the USSR (12.6.1964), in which the non-connection of the borders of the GDR was declared one of the main. fact-to-ditch europ. safety. By 1970, the eco-no-mi-ka of the GDR according to the basic. because of them, the industrial level has risen. production from Germany in 1936, although its number in the village was only 1/4 of the former village. ray-ha. In 1968 there was a new Constitution, which was op-re-de-li-la of the GDR as a “socio-li-sti-che-go” -su-dar-st-of the German-nation” and for-cre-pi-la the ru-co-vo-dying role of the SED in the state and society. In Oct. 1974 in the text of the Constitution there was no clarification about the presence in the GDR of a “socio-li-sti-che-German na- tion."

The coming to power in Germany in 1969 by the government of V. Brand, who took the path of ure-gu-li-ro-va-niya from-no-she- niy with so-tsia-li-stich. country-on-mi (see “New eastern po-li-ti-ka”), sti-mu-li-ro-val in the-te-p-le-nie so-vet-sko -behind-the-West-German-from-no-she-ny. In May 1971, E. Honekker, who spoke for the norm, was elected to the post of 1st Secretary of the SED Central Committee. for the relationship between the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany and for the promotion of eco-no-mich. and social reforms for the purpose of strengthening socialization in the GDR.

From the beginning 1970s The government of the GDR began to develop a dialogue with the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, which led to the signing in December. 1972 to-go-vo-ra about os-no-vah from-no-she-niy between two go-su-dar-st-va-mi. Following this, the GDR was recognized in the West. der-ja-va-mi, and on September. 1973 joined the UN. Means. us-pe-khov res-pub-li-ka before-bi-las in eco-no-mich. and social spheres. Among the countries - members of the CMEA its industry and s. x-do-tig-li-highest-for-the-product-production-no-sti, as well as my very-high-degree -uch.-technical. development in the non-military sector; in the GDR there was the highest socialist. countries level of demand per capita per capita. According to the prom. development in the 1970s. The GDR came in 10th place in the world. However, despite the sign. progress, in terms of living standards to the end. 1980s The GDR is still seri- ous from the Federal Republic of Germany, which is not a problem for the situation in the village.

In the conditions, there are rows of rows between them. on-straight-womanhood in the 1970s and 80s. The ruling circles of the Federal Republic of Germany pursued a policy of “change through rapprochement” in relation to the GDR, making the main point. emphasis on expanding economic, cultural and “human relations” with the GDR without fully recognizing it -valuable state. With the installation of di-pl-ma-tich. from the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany they talked to me not in common, as is common practice in the world, but in hundred-yan-ny-mi before-sta-vi-tel-st-va-mi with di-pl-ma-tich. sta-tu-som. Gra-yes-not the GDR, in the West-Germany. territory, as before, without any conditions, could the Federal Republic of Germany become a city, be called mi to serve in the Bundes Wehr, etc. For the citizens of the GDR who visited the Federal Republic of Germany, the "welcome" payment was preserved veins of money", the sum of which to the end. 1980s co-sta-la-la 100 ma-rock of Germany for every member of the family, including infants. Active an-ti-so-tsia-li-stich. pro-pa-gan-du and kri-ti-ku po-li-ti-ki ru-ko-vo-dstva of the GDR ve-li radio and television-vid-de-nie of the Federal Republic of Germany, re-re- Yes, there were some people practically all over the territory of the GDR. Po-li-tich. circles of the Federal Republic of Germany support any manifestations of op-po-zi-tsi-on-sti among the citizens of the GDR and encourage them escape from the republic.

In the conditions of the island ideo-logich. against-bor-st-va, in the center of something-ho-di-there was a pro-ble-ma ka-che-st-va of life and de-mo-kra- tich. freedom, the leadership of the GDR tried to regulate the “human relations” between the two go-su-dar-st-va-mi pu-tem og-ra-ni-che-niya po-ez-dok gra-zh-dan of the GDR in Germany, osus-sche-st-v-la-lo from to -with the power of the state org. safety-no-sti (“shta-zi”) increased control over the mood in the village, pre-following the activities -lei op-po-zi-tion. All this is just an intensification that has grown from the beginning. 1980s internal tension in the republic.

Re-building in the USSR most of the villages of the GDR met with encouragement, in the na-de-zh-de that she will contribute to the development of de-mo-kra-tich. freedom in the GDR and the removal of restrictions on travel to Germany. One-on-the-ru-co-dstvo of the re-pub-li-ki not-ga-tiv-but-did-not-go-to-the-processes, once-ra-chi-vav-shim- Xia in Sov. Soyu-ze, considering them as dangerous for the de-la social-liz-ma, and decided to take the path of pro-ve-de-re-forms. By the fall of 1989, the situation in the GDR had become critical. The elk has begun to flee to the village of the republic through the border opened by the government of Hungary Austria and the territory of the German Embassy in Eastern Europe. countries In the cities of the GDR there is a pro-ho-di-li mass de-mon-st-ra-tion pro-test. Trying to establish a bi-li-zi-ro-to-sta-nov-ku, the leadership of the SED 10/18/1989 announced about the os-in-bo-zh -de-nii E. Kho-nek-ra from all his duties. But E. Krentz, who replaced Kho-nek-ker, could not save the situation. 9.11.1989 in the conditions of the adm. the restoration of free movement across the border of the GDR with Germany has not happened and control points of the Berlin Wall. Crisis po-li-tich. sis-te-we re-grew into the crisis state. On December 1, 1989, the clause on the governing role of the SED was removed from the Constitution of the GDR. 12/7/1989 real power in the re-public was transferred to the creation of Evan-ge-lich. church Around the table, in which the old parties and mass organizations were represented -za-tions of the GDR and new non-formal po-li-tich. or-ga-ni-za-tion. At the 18.3.1990 par-lament elections of the SED, re-named into the Party de-mo-kra-tich. so-tsia-liz-ma, po-ter-pe-la po-ra-zhe-nie. Kva-li-fi-tsir. most tires in Nar. pa-la-te po-lu-chi-li side-ron-ni-ki entry of the GDR into the Federal Republic of Germany. Re-she-ni-em but-in-go par-la-men-ta was up-divided by the State. Council of the GDR, and its functions are re-da-ny Pre-zi-diu-mu Nar. pa-la-you. The head of the koa-persons. The leader of the Christian de-mo-kra-tov of the GDR, L. de Mezier, was elected as the prime minister. The new government of the GDR announced the ut-ra-tiv-shi-mi si-lu for-the-cons, for-the-cre-p-lyav-shie-tsia -li-stitch. state establishment of the GDR, entered into negotiations with the leadership of the Federal Republic of Germany on the conditions for the establishment of two -states and 18.5.1990 signed a state agreement with him. do-go-vor about va-lyut-nom, eco-no-mich. and so-ci-al-nom soyu-ze. In parallel, negotiations were carried out between the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic with the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and France. she cares about problems connected with the volume of Germany. The leadership of the USSR headed by M.S. Li-k-vi-da-tsi-ey of the GDR and member-st of the united Germany in NATO. By own ini-tsia-ti-ve it raised a question about you being from the territory of the GDR Sov. military-in-skogo kon-tin-gen-ta (since mid-1989 it was called the Western Group of Forces) and undertook to implement this water in a short time - within 4 years.

On July 1, 1990, the state government came into force. agreement about the union of the GDR with the Federal Republic of Germany. Western Germany began to operate on the territory of the GDR. eco-no-mich. right, and the payment medium has become a brand of Germany. 31.8.1990 government of two german states. state-states under-pi-sa-li do-go-thief about ob-e-di-ne-nii. 12.9.1990 in Moscow, representatives of six states (Germany and the German Democratic Republic, as well as the USSR, USA, Great Britain and France) put their under-pi-si under “Do-go-vo-rum about the window-cha-tel-nom ure-gu-li-ro-va-nii in from-but -she-nii Ger-ma-nii”, in collaboration with which der-zha-you - on-be-di-tel-ni-tsy in the 2nd mi- ro-howl-didn’t declare the termination of “their rights and responsibility in relation to Ber-lin and Germany as a whole" and the pre-dos-ta-vi-li of the ob-e-di-nyon-noy Germany "complete su-ve-re-ni-tet over its own mi internal-ren-ni-mi and external-ni-mi de-la-mi.” 10/3/1990 the agreement on the unification of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany came into force, the West-Berlin-li-tion took under oh -ra-well government. educational establishment of the GDR in the East. Ber-li-ne. The GDR as a state has pre-kra-ti-la its existence. Neither the GDR nor the Federal Republic of Germany spoke about this issue.

Further reading:

Is-to-ria of the German De-mo-kra-ti-che-res-pub-li-ki. 1949-1979. M., 1979;

Geschichte der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. B., 1984;

Socialism of the national flowers of the GDR. M., 1989;

Bahrmann H., Links C. Chronik der Wende. B., 1994-1995. Bd 1-2;

Lehmann H. G. Deutschland-Chronik 1945-1995. Bonn, 1996;

Modrow H. Ich wollte ein neues Deutschland. B., 1998.


In the Pre-zi-dium-me Ob-di-ni-tel-no-go (Uch-re-di-tel-no-go) congress of the SED. Berlin. 21.4.1946. On the left is V. Peak, on the right is O. Gros-te-vol. BRE Archive;

June 17, 1953 in Vost. Ber-li-ne. BRE Archive;

Para-rad of fighting workers' squads in the East. Ber-li-ne. August 1961. BRT Archive;

Flag of the German Democratic Republic. BRE Archive;

Berlin. Pa-no-ra-ma Alek-san-der-platz. BRE Archive.

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