The strongest prayer to John the Baptist. Prayer to Saint John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord

The prayer to John the Baptist the Baptist is one of the greatest in Orthodoxy. It contains love for the Lord and righteous faith, which give strength and hope to every Christian. She is filled with repentance and humility, which lead a person to repentance and God's forgiveness.

Prayer to the Prophet John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord
Prayer to the saint has truly enormous power, and everyone who turns to it finds long-awaited help and finds peace. Her story is great and tragic at the same time. John the Baptist was one of the closest predecessors of Christ, who predicted the coming of the Messiah. For a long time The martyr lived in the desert, completely dedicating himself to God, led an ascetic lifestyle and found true happiness in prayers to the Lord.

John became one of the main symbols of Christianity. Being quite famous for his sermons, he performed sacred immersions in water (ablutions), which are designed to cleanse the body and soul of a person from sins and grant a person repentance. This church rite has survived practically unchanged to this day under the name “sacrament of baptism” and has become one of the most revered and performed.

After all, every Orthodox person goes through it in order to get closer to God and receive invisible protection from him throughout his life.

The life of the Baptist himself had a tragic end - he was beheaded on the orders of the Jewish queen and her daughter. The truncated head of John became an honest symbol of Orthodoxy and also had its own complex and interesting history:

The pious Joanna was the first to find her and, putting her in a vessel, buried her on the Mount of Olives;
Then it fell into the hands of one of the ascetics, who found it while digging a ditch to lay the foundation of the temple. He kept the relic until his death, but then, fearing the destruction of the shrine by non-believers, he hid it in the same place;
During the reign of Constantine, the Baptist himself appeared to one of the monks who came to Jerusalem to worship the Holy Sepulcher and pointed out the location of its head.

It was this period that became key in the history of Orthodoxy, for it marked the beginning of the celebration by Christians all over the world of the First Finding of the Head of John the Baptist.

Prayer to John the Baptist for headaches
Very often people turn to the prophet in order to relieve the physical pain that comes from the head, for he suffered torment and became a shrine that can heal the body and calm the soul. Even the image of John, which is presented on the holy faces in the form of the head of a suffering person, symbolizes an appeal with a request to relieve a headache.

They also come to him in order to find their own repentance, understand their thoughts and sort them out, because mental peace and physical healing give harmony, and it opens up the world in a new way, changing a person in better side. The ancestors revered him for his invaluable help in preserving the human race and economic affairs (crops, fertility, apiary).

John the Baptist is a prophet who has been glorified by the Church and people throughout the centuries. His righteousness lies in honesty, and this, as we know, is the sure path to righteous faith and eternal grace.

Prayers to the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John:

Prayer 1

To the Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind: for I am a den of evil deeds, by no means have an end to the sinful custom, for my mind is nailed down by earthly things: what I will do, I do not know.

And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all who were born, for you were honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God.
Pray to him for my sinful soul, so that from now on, at the first ten hour, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, the teacher of fasters and hermits, the teacher of purity and the close friend of Christ, I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, having fallen into many sins; renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, of which you are the ruler: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed; Cleanse me with the sins of the defiled and force me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
Prayer 2

Holy Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John! This preacher of repentance, do not despise us who repent, but pray to the Lord Christ for us, unworthy slaves, sad, weak, fallen into many sins. We fear death, but we are not sick of our sins and we do not care about the Kingdom of Heaven: but do not despise us, the Baptist of Christ, honorable Forerunner, born in pain of all, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ.
We pray to you, we resort to you: do not reject us who ask for your intercession, renew our souls with repentance, which is the second baptism: by your intercession before the Lord, ask for the cleansing of our sins. Unworthy lips cry out to you, and a humble soul prays, a contrite heart sighs from the depths: stretch out your most pure right hand and protect us from enemies visible and invisible.
Hey, Lord Jesus Christ! Through the prayers of St. John Thy Baptist, and even more so of Thy Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, save us, Thy sinful servants who repent of our sins. For You are the God of the repentant, and in You, the Savior, we place our hope, glorifying Your Most Holy Name, with Your Originless Father, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
The Lord is always with you!

John the Baptist was a son of the Jewish people and a central figure in the New Testament.
Obeying his calling, the prophet John appeared on the banks of the Jordan River to prepare the people for the appearance of Christ. The river has long been considered the limit of the Holy Land. Many people came to bathe in the waters. This ritual was performed on those who believed in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the prophet was nicknamed the Baptist. Among the crowd stood Jesus, who took upon himself the sins of the world. John baptized him. Those who were baptized by the Forerunner promised to receive the Lord.
With the baptism of Christ, John ended his ministry. He opened it fearlessly human vices How ordinary people, and the rich. So the prophet of God condemned King Herod for cheating on his wife. The angry king ordered the saint to be executed and cut off.
Among other saints, John the Baptist has the greatest respect. Throughout the year, six dates are celebrated in his honor.

Listen to audio prayer online

First prayer

Baptist of Christ, honest Forerunner, extreme prophet, first martyr, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ! I pray to you, and when you come running, do not reject me from your intercession, do not forsake me, who have fallen through many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; Cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, even if nothing filthy enters. Amen.

Second prayer

Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind. Because I am a den of evil deeds, with no end to sinful customs, my mind is nailed down by earthly things. What will I do? We don't know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all those born, for you have been honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray for my sinful soul, so that from now on, in the first ten hours, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, a teacher of fasters and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, cast down by many sins. Renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, since you are the ruler of both: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed. Cleanse me, defiled by my sins, and force me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Father, comment on the article... Is it true that you can do this?


“The Lord loves us and He is merciful, now there are many healings of incurably sick people. For example, in our city there lives a girl who, from three to six years old, suffered from severe attacks of epilepsy. They demanded that the girl be taken to the hospital. Mother prayed for this girl and blessed her to go to the Pskov Pechersk Monastery and Diveevo. In Diveevo, the girl had to be led along a ditch dug by Seraphim of Sarov, since the Mother of God passed there. The girl lived in the Monastery for three weeks. There, all the psychotropic medications that, on the advice of a psychiatrist, the mother gave to her daughter every day, were asked to be thrown out, and the girl was given to drink goat milk. The elder said that the girl would no longer get sick if mother and daughter visited the Temple often. Now the girl is in eighth grade. And she fell ill after her aunt from Ukraine visited them and wanted to bring her father home. My father began to drink too much and go on walks. Mom was forced to divorce him. On nervous soil Mom went to the hospital.

At this time, the “healer” Stefania came to our city. The grandmother and granddaughter went to her, Lana left the hospital and then the whole family went to Stefania. She promised to return her husband. The husband arrived, but instead of reconciliation, they had a fight, in front of their daughter. Soon my daughter begins to have mild attacks of epilepsy. They go to another witch - the “healer” Baba Anna. For a month, the epilepsy attacks end, and then the first group of disabilities disappears, and the doctors suggested that the girl be taken to a psychiatric hospital.

The witchcraft of an aunt from Ukraine had an impact on this family, since they were atheists then. In addition, my mother had an abortion at the age of 17, and her father hanged himself. At one time he was “bewitched” by a wicked woman, and such men begin to rush between ex-family and a new mistress and many die tragically. Lana and I went to the Theological Seminary to get permission to perform our father’s funeral service in absentia.

Lana not only repented of the sin of infanticide, but ordered prayers “For health” for herself and all her relatives. She dedicated the first prayer service to Saint Barbara the Great Martyr - the Saint who protects people from sudden death (for a murdered child there was sudden death).

The second prayer service was dedicated to Anastasia the Pattern Maker. This Saint helps a woman give birth and helps prisoners in prisons. Unfortunately, our generation has lost a lot of Christian knowledge, and therefore we give birth with great complications.

Previously, women often went to Church and they knew that when they became pregnant, they had to pray in front of the icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God and ask the Queen of Heaven for help in carrying a child in the womb. And on the eve of the birth, she herself or her relatives ordered a prayer service to Anastasia the Pattern Maker. So our great-grandmothers gave birth - in the field and without complications.

And then, so that there would be milk, they prayed in front of the icon Mother of God Mammals. And there was no need to transfer the children to artificial nutrition. And Artificial nutrition is not only the cause of Bad Teeth in Children, but also of Allergies and Dysbacteriosis in Children.

Lana ordered the third prayer service to John the Baptist with a request to baptize the murdered child. During this prayer service, Lana was told from Above the name of the child - John. And then Lana ordered a prayer service for Simeon the God-Receiver (He took Jesus Christ in his arms) and Anna the Prophetess. Then the children we killed seem to stop being offended by us, and pray before the eyes of the Lord for us, the lost sheep. Lana, cleansing her soul from the sins she had committed and the soul of her late father, was able to free her daughter from the captivity of Satan.”


Prayer to the Prophet and Baptist John

Prayer to the Prophet and Baptist John

Hello, dear visitors of the Orthodox island “Family and Faith”!

On September 11, the Holy Church remembers a sad event: the beheading of John the Baptist. But, at the same time, this event is celebrated as a Great Holiday! Victory of truth over lies, good over evil.

For a description of the history of this holiday, read the article: Beheading of the Baptist John

Below are two prayers to this great saint, who has great boldness before the Lord Jesus Christ.

They pray to the Baptist of the Lord for all diseases of the head. When you have a headache, the first prayer is to John the Baptist. But the Holy Prophet not only heals the head, but heals the thoughts - helps to repent, change the way of thinking, direct all consciousness to Christ, and comprehend one’s life in the light of Christ’s Truth.

TO Restorer of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind: for I am a den of evil deeds, by no means have an end to the sinful custom, for my mind is nailed down by earthly things: what I will do, I do not know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all who were born, for you were honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray to him for my sinful soul, so that from now on, at the first ten hour, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, the teacher of fasters and hermits, the teacher of purity and the close friend of Christ, I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, having fallen into many sins; renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, of which you are the ruler: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed; Cleanse me with the sins of the defiled and force me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

WITH Holy Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John! This preacher of repentance, do not despise us who repent, but pray to the Lord Christ for us, unworthy slaves, sad, weak, fallen into many sins. We fear death, but we are not sick of our sins and we do not care about the Kingdom of Heaven: but do not despise us, the Baptist of Christ, honorable Forerunner, born in pain of all, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ. We pray to you, we resort to you: do not reject us who ask for your intercession, renew our souls with repentance, which is the second baptism: by your intercession before the Lord, ask for the cleansing of our sins. Unworthy lips cry out to you, and a humble soul prays, a contrite heart sighs from the depths: stretch out your most pure right hand and protect us from enemies visible and invisible. Hey, Lord Jesus Christ! Through the prayers of St. John Thy Baptist, and even more so of Thy Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, save us, Thy sinful servants who repent of our sins. For You are the God of the repentant, and in You, the Savior, we place our hope, glorifying Your Most Holy Name, with Your Originless Father, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Through the prayers of the holy, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, Lord direct our path to salvation, to Eternal Life!

There were 4 comments left on the entry “Prayer to the Prophet and Baptist John.”

Father, comment on the article... Is it true that you can do this?


“The Lord loves us and He is merciful, now there are many healings of incurably sick people. For example, in our city there lives a girl who, from three to six years old, suffered from severe attacks of epilepsy. They demanded that the girl be taken to the hospital. Mother prayed for this girl and blessed her to go to the Pskov Pechersk Monastery and Diveevo. In Diveevo, the girl had to be led along a ditch dug by Seraphim of Sarov, since the Mother of God passed there. The girl lived in the Monastery for three weeks. There, all the psychotropic medications that, on the advice of a psychiatrist, the mother gave to her daughter every day were asked to be thrown away, and the girl was given goat’s milk to drink. The elder said that the girl would no longer get sick if mother and daughter visited the Temple often. Now the girl is in eighth grade. And she fell ill after her aunt from Ukraine visited them and wanted to bring her father home. My father began to drink too much and go on walks. Mom was forced to divorce him. Due to nervousness, my mother was admitted to the hospital.

At this time, the “healer” Stefania came to our city. The grandmother and granddaughter went to her, Lana left the hospital and then the whole family went to Stefania. She promised to return her husband. The husband arrived, but instead of reconciliation, they had a fight, in front of their daughter. Soon my daughter begins to have mild attacks of epilepsy. They go to another witch - the “healer” Baba Anna. For a month, the epilepsy attacks end, and then the first group of disabilities disappears, and the doctors suggested that the girl be taken to a psychiatric hospital.

The witchcraft of an aunt from Ukraine had an impact on this family, since they were atheists then. In addition, my mother had an abortion at the age of 17, and her father hanged himself. At one time he was “bewitched” by a wicked woman, and such men begin to rush between their former family and their new lover, and many die tragically. Lana and I went to the Theological Seminary for permission to perform our father’s funeral service in absentia.

Lana not only repented of the sin of infanticide, but ordered prayers “For health” for herself and all her relatives. She dedicated the first prayer service to Saint Barbara the Great Martyr - the Saint who protects people from sudden death (for a murdered child there was sudden death).

The second prayer service was dedicated to Anastasia the Pattern Maker. This Saint helps a woman give birth and helps prisoners in prisons. Unfortunately, our generation has lost a lot of Christian knowledge, and therefore we give birth with great complications.

Previously, women often went to Church and they knew that when they became pregnant, they had to pray in front of the icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God and ask the Queen of Heaven for help in carrying a child in the womb. And on the eve of the birth, she herself or her relatives ordered a prayer service to Anastasia the Pattern Maker. So our great-grandmothers gave birth - in the field and without complications.

And then, so that there would be milk, they prayed in front of the icon of the Mother of God of the Mammal. And there was no need to transfer the children to artificial nutrition. And artificial nutrition is not only the cause of Bad teeth in children, but also of Allergies and Dysbacteriosis in children.

Lana ordered the third prayer service to John the Baptist with a request to baptize the murdered child. During this prayer service, Lana was told from Above the name of the child - John. And then Lana ordered a prayer service for Simeon the God-Receiver (He took Jesus Christ in his arms) and Anna the Prophetess. Then the children we killed seem to stop being offended by us, and pray before the eyes of the Lord for us, the lost sheep. Lana, cleansing her soul from the sins she had committed and the soul of her late father, was able to free her daughter from the captivity of Satan.”

The beginning of the article does not contradict the purity of the Orthodox faith.

Many people seeking to be cured go to holy places (Sergius Lavra, Intercession Monastery, Diveevo), and plunge into healing springs, confess and receive communion, and ask the Lord for forgiveness of sins. And those pilgrims who partake of the shrines and sacraments of the Church, as a rule, no longer use medicine.

The middle of the story also speaks of the difficult and harmful truth that takes place in the modern secular world.

As for the third (and last) part of the article, this is, of course, a heresy that contradicts the purity of Orthodox teaching. Our Lord Jesus Christ and His holy apostles clearly said that only here on earth can one receive the Sacrament of Baptism. And no prayer services ordered for the Prophet John the Baptist and other saints replace the Church Sacraments. The only thing that the Church allows is to pray to the martyr Uar, read the canon to him; he has the boldness before God to pray for unbaptized people. I also advise you to confess and receive communion more often, and do good deeds.

Thank you, father, for your answer.. This is for general development.. It was the ending that confused me, they always mix truth with heresy.. And in the middle of the article there is a complete sin.. I think your comment will be interesting to many..

Holy Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John! Help us, dear ones, cope with everything that has befallen our family. Strengthen our souls for the glory of God. Our family needs your support right now. Pray for our family to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Prayer to John the Baptist

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The prayer to John the Baptist the Baptist is one of the greatest in Orthodoxy. It contains love for the Lord and righteous faith, which give strength and hope to every Christian. She is filled with repentance and humility, which lead a person to repentance and God's forgiveness.

Prayer to the Prophet John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord

Prayer to the saint has truly enormous power, and everyone who turns to it finds long-awaited help and finds peace. Her story is great and tragic at the same time. John the Baptist was one of the closest predecessors of Christ, who predicted the coming of the Messiah. For a long time, the martyr lived in the desert, completely devoting himself to God, leading an ascetic lifestyle and finding true happiness in prayers to the Lord.

John became one of the main symbols of Christianity. Being quite famous for his sermons, he performed sacred immersions in water (ablutions), which are designed to cleanse the body and soul of a person from sins and grant a person repentance. This church rite has survived practically unchanged to this day under the name “sacrament of baptism” and has become one of the most revered and performed.

After all, every Orthodox person goes through it in order to get closer to God and receive invisible protection from him throughout his life.

The life of the Baptist himself had a tragic end - he was beheaded on the orders of the Jewish queen and her daughter. The truncated head of John became an honest symbol of Orthodoxy and also had its own complex and interesting history:

  • The pious Joanna was the first to find her and, putting her in a vessel, buried her on the Mount of Olives;
  • Then it fell into the hands of one of the ascetics, who found it while digging a ditch to lay the foundation of the temple. He kept the relic until his death, but then, fearing the destruction of the shrine by non-believers, he hid it in the same place;
  • During the reign of Constantine, the Baptist himself appeared to one of the monks who came to Jerusalem to worship the Holy Sepulcher and pointed out the location of its head.

It was this period that became key in the history of Orthodoxy, for it marked the beginning of the celebration by Christians all over the world of the First Finding of the Head of John the Baptist.

Prayer to John the Baptist for headaches

Very often people turn to the prophet in order to relieve the physical pain that comes from the head, for he suffered torment and became a shrine that can heal the body and calm the soul. Even the image of John, which is presented on the holy faces in the form of the head of a suffering person, symbolizes an appeal with a request to relieve a headache.

They also come to him in order to find their own repentance, understand their thoughts and sort them out, because mental peace and physical healing give harmony, and it opens the world in a new way, changing a person for the better. The ancestors revered him for his invaluable help in preserving the human race and economic affairs (crops, fertility, apiary).

John the Baptist is a prophet who has been glorified by the Church and people throughout the centuries. His righteousness lies in honesty, and this, as we know, is the sure path to righteous faith and eternal grace.

Prayers to the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John:

To the Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind: for I am a den of evil deeds, by no means have an end to the sinful custom, for my mind is nailed down by earthly things: what I will do, I do not know.

Pray to him for my sinful soul, so that from now on, at the first ten hour, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, the teacher of fasters and hermits, the teacher of purity and the close friend of Christ, I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, having fallen into many sins; renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, of which you are the ruler: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed; Cleanse me with the sins of the defiled and force me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Holy Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John! This preacher of repentance, do not despise us who repent, but pray to the Lord Christ for us, unworthy slaves, sad, weak, fallen into many sins. We fear death, but we are not sick of our sins and we do not care about the Kingdom of Heaven: but do not despise us, the Baptist of Christ, honorable Forerunner, born in pain of all, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ.

We pray to you, we resort to you: do not reject us who ask for your intercession, renew our souls with repentance, which is the second baptism: by your intercession before the Lord, ask for the cleansing of our sins. Unworthy lips cry out to you, and a humble soul prays, a contrite heart sighs from the depths: stretch out your most pure right hand and protect us from enemies visible and invisible.

Hey, Lord Jesus Christ! Through the prayers of St. John Thy Baptist, and even more so of Thy Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, save us, Thy sinful servants who repent of our sins. For You are the God of the repentant, and in You, the Savior, we place our hope, glorifying Your Most Holy Name, with Your Originless Father, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch another video prayer to the holy prophet John the Baptist:

Orthodox prayers ☦

4 prayers to John the Baptist

Prayer to John the Baptist for healing from headaches

“To the Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind: for I am a den of evil deeds, by no means having no end to the sinful custom, for my mind is nailed down by earthly things: what I will do, I do not know.

And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all who were born, for you were honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God.

Pray to him for my sinful soul, so that from now on, at the first ten hour, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, the teacher of fasters and hermits, the teacher of purity and the close friend of Christ, I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, having fallen into many sins; renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, of which you are the ruler: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed; Cleanse me with the sins of the defiled and force me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen."

Prayer to John the Baptist to calm the soul

“To the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme prophet, the first martyr, a teacher of fasters and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray to you, and when you come running, do not reject me from your intercession, do not forsake me, who have fallen through many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; Cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, even if nothing bad enters. Amen."

Prayer to John the Baptist from prison

“To the Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John, preacher of repentance! You were thrown into prison innocently: I, thrown into this misadventure, worthy of my deeds, accept it as a criminal of truth and law. Instill in my heart a feeling of repentance for my sins! There is not a single malice or lawlessness that I, the accursed one, have committed; my sins are terrible. Teacher of truth! teach me the right to speak about myself before the judges. Do not cease to denounce the lawless Herod in prison, grant me, so that my conscience denounces me especially here, so that by denouncing it I will not be able to hide my crime for a long time. If I am condemned to bear punishment, grant me to be patient, as you yourself patiently bore the beheading of your head, desired by Herodias. To her, the Baptist of Christ! Extend me, your servant, the hand that baptized Christ my Savior, so that you may draw me from the depths of destruction. You are the greatest among all those born of women, you are the first according to the Mother of God, the righteous among men. For this reason I am running to you, because I need a great intercessor, for I am a great sinner. For now, may your grace, O Forerunner of the Lord, overshadow me, unworthy.”

Prayer to John the Baptist against drunkenness

“Holy John the Forerunner and Baptist of Christ! This preacher of repentance, do not despise us who repent, but pray to the Lord Christ for us, unworthy slaves, sad, weak, fallen into many sins. We fear death, but we are not sick of our sins and we do not care about the Kingdom of Heaven: but do not despise us, the Baptist of Christ, honorable Forerunner, born in pain of all, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ. We pray to you, we resort to you: do not reject us who ask for your intercession, renew our souls with repentance, which is the second baptism: by your intercession before the Lord, ask for the cleansing of our sins. Unworthy lips cry out to you, and a humble soul prays, a contrite heart sighs from the depths: stretch out your most pure right hand and protect us from enemies visible and invisible. Hey, Lord Jesus Christ! Through the prayers of St. John Thy Baptist, and even more so of Thy Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, save us, Thy sinful servants who repent of our sins. For Thou art the God of the repentant, and in Thee, the Savior, we place our hope, glorifying Thy Most Holy Name, with Thy Beginning Father, and with Thy Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Icon Image of St. John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord

Prayer to Saint John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord

To the Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind: for I am a den of evil deeds, by no means have an end to the sinful custom, for my mind is nailed down by earthly things: what I will do, I do not know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all who were born, for you were honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray to him for my sinful soul, so that from now on, at the first ten hour, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, the honest Forerunner, the extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, the teacher of fasters and hermits, the teacher of purity and the close friend of Christ, I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, having fallen into many sins; renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, of which you are the ruler: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed; Cleanse me with the sins of the defiled and force me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Another prayer to John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord

Holy Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John! This preacher of repentance, do not despise us who repent, but pray to the Lord Christ for us, unworthy slaves, sad, weak, fallen into many sins. We fear death, but we are not sick of our sins and we do not care about the Kingdom of Heaven: but do not despise us, the Baptist of Christ, honorable Forerunner, born in pain of all, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ. We pray to you, we resort to you: do not reject us who ask for your intercession, renew our souls with repentance, which is the second baptism: by your intercession before the Lord, ask for the cleansing of our sins. Unworthy lips cry out to you, and a humble soul prays, a contrite heart sighs from the depths: stretch out your most pure right hand and protect us from enemies visible and invisible. Hey, Lord Jesus Christ! Through the prayers of St. John Thy Baptist, and even more so of Thy Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, save us, Thy sinful servants who repent of our sins. For You are the God of the repentant, and in You, the Savior, we place our hope, glorifying Your Most Holy Name, with Your Originless Father, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer of a prisoner to the holy prophet John the Baptist

John the Forerunner and Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance! You were thrown into prison innocently: I, thrown into this misadventure, worthy of my deeds, accept it as a criminal of truth and law. Instill in my heart a feeling of repentance for my sins! There is not a single malice or lawlessness that I, the accursed one, have committed; my sins are terrible. Teacher of truth! teach me the right to speak about myself before the judges. Do not cease to denounce the lawless Herod in prison, grant me, so that my conscience denounces me especially here, so that by denouncing it I will not be able to hide my crime for a long time. If I am condemned to bear punishment, grant me to be patient, as you yourself patiently bore the beheading of your head, desired by Herodias. To her, the Baptist of Christ! Extend me, your servant, the hand that baptized Christ my Savior, so that you may draw me from the depths of destruction. You are the greatest among all those born of women, you are the first according to the Mother of God, the righteous among men. For this reason I am running to you, because I need a great intercessor, for I am a great sinner. For now, may your grace, O Forerunner of the Lord, overshadow me, unworthy. Amen.

Troparion to Saint John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord.

Troparion, Tone 4:
First, the barren one, the barren ones, rejoiced: behold, you conceived the Sun as a lamp to appear, to enlighten the whole universe, which is afflicted with blindness. Rejoice, Zechariah, crying out with boldness: the prophet of the Most High is about to be born. (September 23/October 6; Conception of the Baptist and Baptist John)

Prophet and Forerunner of the coming of Christ, we are worthy to praise you, we are perplexed by the love we honor you: the infertility of the one who gave birth and the silence of the father was resolved by your glorious and honest birth, and the incarnation of the Son of God is preached to the world. (June 24/July 7; Nativity of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John)

Having risen from the earth, the Forerunner's head emits rays of incorruption to the faithful of healing: from above the angel gathers a multitude, and then convenes the human race, unanimously sending glory to Christ God. (February 24/March 9; First (IV) and second (452) finding of the head of John the Baptist)

Like a Divine treasure hidden in the earth, Christ opened your head to us, Prophet and Forerunner; All who have come together in this finding, let us sing the blessed songs of the Savior, saving us from corruption through your prayers. (May 25/June 7; Third discovery of the head of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (c. 850))

The memory of the righteous is with praise, but the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner, is sufficient for you: for you have shown that you are truly the Most Honest of the Prophets, as if you were worthy to baptize the Preached One in the streams. Moreover, having suffered for the truth, rejoicing, you preached the good news to those in hell of God revealed in the flesh, taking away the sin of the world and giving us great mercy. (January 7/20; Council of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John; August 29/September 11; Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John)

Before the unfruitfulness of this day, Christ gives birth to the Forerunner, and that is the fulfillment of every prophecy: Whom the prophets preached, placing their hand on Him in the Jordan, the prophet, preacher, and together with the Forerunner appeared of God’s Word. (June 24/July 7; Nativity of the honest, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John)

The glorious beheading of the Forerunner was a certain Divine sight, and even the coming of the Savior was preached to those in hell; Let Herodia weep, having asked for lawless murder: for he did not love the law of God, nor the living age, but a feigned, temporary one.

Troparion from the service for the transfer of the honorable right hand from Malta to Gatchina on October 12, 1799:
Glorify the Lord, thy right hand, glorified by incorruption, giving safe refuge to the faithful, having extended it to the south, grant us help from the Holy One, and grant that those who glorify thee may live comfortably in piety.
You have become wise in the midst of law and grace, and we therefore appeal to you, overcome by the law of sin, warring against the mind in our lives, be generous to the Baptist, and ask for the gift of grace to do your Divine desires.

We magnify you, John the Baptist of the Savior, and honor all your honorable heads.

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