Why do you dream about cherry blossoms? Why do you dream of cherries according to the dream book? Dried Fruit, or Cooled Feelings

At the beginning of sleep, I am always with my childhood friends, my boy classmates, with whom I mostly hung out in those years. Only we have all grown up and are in our present age today. Nevertheless, our communication is permeated with the same spirit of playfulness and carefree pampering. We start some games with jokes, laugh, make fun of each other. Then evening comes and we all go to bed in the same room, receiving obvious erotic pleasure from close proximity, but without making physical contact. (But this often happens in life! It is not at all necessary to have sex with a person for some kind of exchange of erotic energies to occur. I hope I explain clearly 8o) Night passes. Morning comes and everyone wants to go swimming at some nearby pond. I hesitate and arrive there later than the others, many are already getting ready to leave. The reservoir is filled with sea water and gives the impression of an artificial pool on one side, turning into something like a sea bay on the other. Dark, cool water creates a feeling of depth and fullness. Meanwhile, a strong wind rises, and dark pre-storm clouds appear on the horizon to my left. And in the same direction, wherever you look there is an endless open space, like an endless steppe, from where the wind and thunderstorm come. The whole air is filled with freshness and a feeling of the power of nature. Thunder is about to strike and a pre-storm squall will blow. People begin to get out of the water and leave the beach. I am overcome with wild excitement, the desire to “connect” with wild nature, and at the same time show off in front of my friends. (I’ve done this in my life, I almost killed myself a couple of times 8o) I tell them that now is the coolest time to swim and that’s what I’ll do. They look at me with delight and fear. Satisfied with the effect produced, I take off my clothes, remaining in only my shorts (for an additional effect), I dive from the high bank straight into the dark, restless water. In the water, an icy current picks me up with incredible force and pulls me somewhere through the depths back up. I feel a mixture of fear and delight, a rush of adrenaline, like riding a roller coaster. Then I hear someone’s voice saying that it’s dangerous and you might not be able to swim. I become more serious and begin to consciously fight the current and swim to the shore with all my might. Slowly and with difficulty, but I manage to get out. There is no one on the shore anymore, I am alone. And in the sky from the open space, a real light show unfolds. The horizon turned red, as if before sunset, the thunderclouds dissipated slightly, their remnants lined up in the sky in bizarre fantastic shapes. Where the thunderstorm came from, now there is a huge ghostly pillar, similar in shape to a tornado. Not far from him, a mysterious light is pouring from the sky, coming from nowhere. Everything seemed to freeze before a hurricane. A light wind is blowing, a harbinger of a storm. I again feel excitement, a mixture of fear and delight and anticipate something big. It seems to me that I saw all this in some kind of dream and I know what will happen now, a storm will begin, death will sweep through, then an alien ship will arrive... I want to go somewhere where my friends are and tell them about all this. I walk through an endless field, and the wind intensifies, all forms, clouds, clouds move, mix, shadows rush past me, like tornadoes. And now I already know that aliens have arrived and I see that they are little black men who are following me. In front of me is a building like a cinema, my friends are sitting there waiting for the show. I open the door, aliens come in after me, and a gust of wind sweeps through the hall. I expect that now everyone will be shocked by my appearance in this company, but no one really reacts to us. Then I start telling everyone: “Look, there are aliens here.” Someone laughs: “Yes, yes, of course, aliens!” I turn around and see that the aliens are actually my own children and their friends, dressed in black Halloween costumes. They take off their masks and laugh merrily.

Mei Answer

People, I think I understood this dream! He was

PROPHETIC! A storm in consciousness and life gathered and broke out, but

decisive moment. There was an exam, and I don’t understand whether I passed or failed!!! God,

how to understand!

AnaLitik Answer

The dream touches on complex issues. The first of them is psychic copulation (spiritual erotic action in which the body does not participate, but direct emotional capture occurs). Despite the outward innocence and complete impeccability from the point of view of public opinion, this method of communication is a “soft” form of vampirism.

Outwardly, it looks like intimate pleasure that arises from being together with a certain person in the same room, at a meeting, at dinner, while chatting together in a friendly manner. The more experienced partner knows how to create such intimate experiences in the weaker one. He, having learned this method, does it with his friends, and an endless chain arises. Loss of caution always threatens the loss of identity.

The second difficult question concerns “connection” with nature. True connection does not inflame the subject, but leads to a state of calm contemplation and relaxation. The feverish desire to surrender to the natural elements (when the subject is not transcendental in relation to it in his mind) leads to the fact that nature kills him. Nature also kills in the case of the psychic eroticism described above, but there everything happens more slowly.

Unfortunately, people are more often attracted to the dialectics of struggle, games, and theatricality. Life is for the game, but not for yourself. Many simply do not have any experience of consistently moving forward guided by a strategy for their own success.

The third question concerns aliens. Instead of comments (part of them are in the article about incubation), I will give one journalistic remark:

But pasaran, aliens!

Now the most interesting and unsteady thing in the theory of ontopsychology. All these horror stories with a matrix, a deviation monitor - where did such nasty things come from? In Meneghetti, the answer brings us... to the diversity of life, including on our old planet. Maestro Antonio claims that earlier, before the appearance of foreigners on Earth, man was free from harmful matrices and monitors. For the last few tens of thousands of years we have been under the yoke of someone else's mind. It was the newcomers from other cultures and civilizations who “imposed” a code of basic values ​​on earthlings and developed universal morality and moral criteria. To free ourselves, we need to “remember everything.”

Cabernet-navigator-lv Answer

there is a strong storm with rain, I am walking and carrying a child in my arms. I think I need to go somewhere and leave my bike, otherwise the wind will blow it away. I go into something that looks like a hotel. big building, I find some niche, leave the bike, go out - and the storm has stopped. I move on, but for some reason the child is no longer there, I just press my hands to my stomach - I know that I am pregnant:.

Alexander Answer

I'm sailing on a ship in a storm, where I don't know, and I don't care. I go to the pier, my friends and acquaintances are with me, no one says anything, but there is a feeling that we all know where to go and what to do. We run through a vacant lot, then through some kind of fence on which rags are fluttering... the rain is pouring down. Fun and scary at the same time. A house is visible ahead. It's small, but when we enter it turns out to be a real castle. The owner is a tall bearded man, he has a very low, deep voice, he looks like a bear. He strongly encourages everyone to try his soup. We go to the dining room, very cozy room with a blazing fireplace, a lamp with a bright orange lampshade hanging above the table, when I look at it I feel especially warm and safe. We sit down at the table, eat a very tasty soup, talk about trifles, and then I understand that the owner is not at the table, and that he is very angry with us. But that doesn't stop us from having fun. We begin to behave completely uncontrollably - overturning the table, throwing things at each other... a clear memory - a young man unfamiliar to me wraps me in a tablecloth and drags me along the floor to the bedroom with unambiguous intentions. But then we are interrupted by a knock on the door... The owner enters. IN next moment we find ourselves in big room, very similar to one of the rooms in the computer game “The Seventh Guest”. Moreover, this room is also filled with all sorts of puzzles that need to be solved in order to get out. One of my friends quickly solves a card problem... and I go to the old TV in the corner, look at the blank screen... and see a close-up of a woman’s face. She has a very unusual, elongated face shape, high forehead, huge blue eyes and skin blue color. I understand that she knows absolutely everything, and I become indifferent to what happens next. I turn to some kind of puzzle... it's a carousel toy... I spin it faster and faster, and when the colors are already merging into one solid spot, I wake up. The dream left a pleasant impression, but it seemed to me that I missed something, didn’t finish it... and I wanted to see the continuation of the movie. After that, I saw somewhat similar dreams, in terms of plot or individual elements, but for some reason this dream was remembered best. I am a woman, 18 years old, computer games I love them, but not to such an extent that I can live in them...

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about a Storm in a dream according to 30 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Storm” symbol from 30 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order personal interpretation sleep expert.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about a Storm?

Storm - after nervous tension associated with the anticipation of some important event for you, its successful completion. A dust storm means a dramatic deterioration in the quality of your life.

New dream book 1918

Hiding from the storm- unpleasant news, and sometimes a meeting with a strong enemy; see the storm while being safe- trust or peace of mind.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Storm in a dream?

Storm seen in a dream- may portend some unexpected danger to you.

See the storm while being safe- to trust and peace of mind.

Hiding from the storm- to unpleasant news or a meeting with a strong enemy.

Finding yourself in the eye of a storm- it is possible that you will have to endure an insult or avoid great danger.

A snowstorm in a dream can portend problems and failures at work.

If you see or are caught in a very strong storm- you need to take care of your health.

If in a dream a hurricane hits you and pulls you into the epicenter- you are facing a sharp change in lifestyle under the influence of passion or unusual circumstances.

Seeing from the side the consequences of a terrible hurricane in a dream- means that there will be some troubles or even disasters nearby, but they will not affect you and your family.

Typhoon seen in a dream- promises you a lot of work, including on yourself.

Suffering from a strong flood in a dream- warning: some troubles or life problems may await you.

Azar's Dream Book

A storm is a danger with a favorable outcome.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Dark, black storm- evil from strong and powerful people / allegories of thoughts about death.

Dream book for a bitch

Storm - you have to go through an important and difficult test, but you will definitely cope with it and achieve success.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Esoteric dream book

Storm - social events; with lightning - there may be a revolution; with thunder - civil war, riots with the use of weapons.

To be caught in a storm is to personally participate in these events.

Suffer damage from the storm, wounds- there may be unpleasant consequences associated with social disasters.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A storm is a danger with a successful outcome, an expectation of everyday struggle, from which, however, you will emerge victorious

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A storm in a dream foreshadows a serious everyday struggle, from which you will most likely emerge victorious.

Solomon's Dream Book

Storm is danger.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Storm according to the dream book?

Storm - strong emotional disturbances, experiences, shocks; change.

Watch from afar- misfortunes will pass or happen to someone.

The wind picked up and carried away- to very major changes depending on the ending; gently and smoothly lowered- favorable intervention of fateful forces, a good ending to all troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dream that you are at sea and caught in a storm- wait for an invitation to a picnic.

In a dream you watched a storm at sea from the shore- there’s a trip ahead to your dacha or your friends’ dacha.

Medieval dream book

Seeing a storm means wealth.

French dream book

A storm promises misunderstandings in love, a dangerous turn in business, and an inevitable lawsuit.

Ukrainian dream book

Storm - dispute, quarrel.

thrown into the storm deep well - tragic evil.

Electronic dream book

Storm - danger, test and successful outcome.

Erotic dream book

Seeing or hearing an approaching storm in a dream- prediction of a long quarrel with a loved one, failures in love, internal discord, which will cause your prolonged suffering.

If in a dream the storm subsides- your grief will not be so severe.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Storm according to the dream book?

Seeing a storm in a dream- this means that soon you will be faced with some great grief and great losses, but according to the dream book, such a dream also promises you courageous endurance in resolving these events.

More interpretations

If you dream of a dust storm- the dream promises you a lot of petty problems and inconveniences that will not bring you any pleasure.

Hiding from this natural disaster in a dream- means that you will soon receive some bad news or unexpectedly meet your sworn enemy.

Being at the center of a storm in a dream- in the near future you will easily avoid some serious threat affecting you personally.

If in a dream the elements raged in the sea- some worries await you, but they will be resolved well.

Suffering losses from a storm in a dream- according to the dream book, it means to suffer some annoying consequences in reality, which will directly depend on the catastrophe in your society.

According to the dream book, snow storm- confusion in feelings and emotions. You need to take a break and think things through.

Sandstorm in a dream- Beware of unexpected incidents. Your plans may be disrupted various kinds troubles.

Video: Why do you dream about a Storm?

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Did you dream about a Storm, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Storm in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    The sky was dark, several swirling funnels (storms) were approaching from the horizon, sweeping away everything in the distance. I thought I needed to hide, but I didn’t go anywhere, then the craters disappeared, and in the dark sky, what seemed like several moons began to appear, and then other pictures, like the outline of some saint and something else

    I was walking along the road and suddenly it began to carry dust. I fell under this dust. I tried to hide, there was also one young woman with me. I gave her a scarf so that she could cover her head and cover her own head with a hood. Gradually the storm subsided.

    I saw in a dream a type of airplane that was unfamiliar to me; it was as if they were recording everything that was happening below them right now. Then they fly away, I’m there with my sister and grandparents. We wonder what this is for. Then I notice in the distance, on the horizon, a huge dark cloud of either dust or clouds, because the color is too dark for dust. And we start hiding. I collect everyone who is dear to me. We manage to hide in a windowless room, my grandfather and I hold the door. Then everything calms down - I open the door, and behind it everything is clean, green, the sun is shining brightly.

    Anxiety. The sky is becoming very quickly black, but these are not clouds, but mad, insanely strong gusts of wind sweeping away everything in the way. I see the roof of my house from which I am watching what is happening, it moved, but still remained in place. The only solution is to quickly go to the basement, but I see that the storm has immediately receded. The internal state was very uncomfortable and alarming - this bothered me more.

    I’m on my dad’s balcony on the 6th century, it’s gloomy, there’s a strong wind, it’s dark and it’s gloomy, the antenna on the balcony starts to flutter and starts to move around the space, I’m trying to catch it and not there are

    Hello, I dreamed at first it was a very dark and scary night, some woman was hiding me in the bushes from whom I don’t know, then the dream switched as I was already in a boat and a layer of men, a sharp rise of waves with snowstorms, one pushed us away and I found myself in some barn watching from the tornadoes when I looked back again everything suddenly became quiet

    Hello Tatyana.
    I remembered my dream from the moment when I was standing in the corridor of the house (wooden). I look towards the door leading to the street, it is open. The wind (not cold) is blowing from the street. I go to the door (the door opens outward), I want to close it, the door is stuck. I look outside, there is a large green field. The grass is tall and blown in waves by gusts of wind. And in the sky, in contrast to the green field, there are dark clouds that move at very high speed towards me (it was beautiful). But for some reason I’m not scared. I tried to close the door again and woke up.
    I don’t know if it can be called a storm, because the wind was not that strong and there was no rain. The only thing was that the clouds were very dark.
    I didn’t see the house itself, just a little corridor and a door.
    Thank you.

    Dobrij den! Ja shla po ulice i vdrug nacalas pescannaja buria krutila varonki(Ja zabezala v dom!(eto t dom bila besedka iz detstva v realnoj zizni) i cerez okno nabliudala za etoj burej! Vdrug podruga otkrivaet dveri i gorvorit mne, Posmotri kak strashno ! letiat v dver!!! ja ej skazala shtob ona pobistrej zakrila dver!

    I dreamed that I was walking along a street in the city center and a strong wind began, almost a storm, and rain. I run towards the old house of my childhood (it no longer exists), I run, overtake people, take off and fly over the sidewalk - to make it faster...

    In the dream, it turned out that an incomprehensible crisis had come in the world (or just our country), it seemed like everyone had everything, but everyone began to unite in groups, look for supplies, but in reality it turned out that everyone was walking or sitting idle in the streets , and so I moved a little away from our group, it was a sunny winter day, the snow sparkled, as it should in reality, and now everyone took cover, and I was standing in the center of the street and was being carried away by a huge snow storm, nothing was visible and I couldn’t hold on succeeded, I grouped myself so as not to get injured, I felt that I was rolling very quickly over the bumps, and then I was thrown into the middle of the sea, quite deep, there was little oxygen, because I did not expect such a turn of events, I tried to swim out, but At first I was pulled down, a little fear and excitement began to appear, even though I’m not afraid of water. But suddenly I began to be able to swim, I was able to breathe a little underwater, take gulps of air, and eventually swam to the surface, came back to my village, it turned out that only I was carried away, and everyone walked around as if nothing had happened. Well, after a while I woke up (I accidentally indicated in the checkbox that this was not the first time I had had a dream - this is not so, I rarely see dreams, each of them is realistic and makes you think.)

    Hello. I’m standing in front of the mirror, my reflection is in it, I’m wounded on the left side of my chest, there’s no blood. There's a rope mark on my neck, and the rumble of an approaching storm outside the door. Next to me is a comrade with whom we go out through the door into the street, look at the sky and I say WAR!

    on the horizon, clouds thickened, then suddenly these clouds “collapsed” into one pillar, which spun in the form of a tornado, literally a few seconds and the pillar again turned into clouds that quickly dissipated...

    It was as if I was riding a bicycle at an intersection, a strong wind blew, the sky was light and there were large light and dark clouds, it became very cold, I hid and ended up in some store, and drops fell from the sky like balls of gold, then everything calmed down, I lost mom, she left, I found her, I asked where Vitya was my husband, she said that he had an accident and he had to stay in the hospital, he had a headache and that was it

    Hello. I dreamed that a storm found me, I was with my child, I laid him on the ground and covered him with myself, but the whirlwind carried me and the child away separately. I woke up on my own and started looking for him. I was very scared. But at the end of the dream it turned out that someone had found him and was taking care of him, and I was worried that I needed to feed him and take him away quickly.

    1. I’m digging clay, loose, red, by the road. She scolded me unknown woman I also responded rudely to her for pouring clay. And I threw the clay away.
    2. I see an approaching storm, dark clouds, the whole sky has darkened. I’m waiting for my husband, I’m worried about how we’ll go in this weather. But the sky is gradually brightening, everything has passed by.

    I am in an area unknown to me. An ordinary day is coming to an end. For some reason, you have to settle down on the street for the night. Suddenly, someone’s voice, like the voice of a voice-over announcer, reports: night in these parts comes abruptly, without transition, just everything is plunged into darkness. And then this darkness comes, a wild howling wind, in the black sky everything sparkles, sparkles and thunders. But this is not a thunderstorm. There is no rain. It's just cold and scary. For some reason, it seems that the main task is to prevent the wind from tearing off my blanket. And I succeed. Morning comes just as quickly. And on the sea (I’m sure it was the sea) many white swans descend. They were flying and were caught by this storm. Among the swans there are emaciated ones. There are few of them, but they exist. These exhausted swans lie on their sides in the water, and the uninjured ones seem to say goodbye to them. Then the lying swans, and they are already dead (this is clear), go under water, but alive fly away

    I had a dream today on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. I am on the territory of a former pulp mill (destroyed buildings) and see a severe sea storm. Waves hit the territory of the former plant with force. I try to run away from the water, the water rolls over me, I run away, wet and cold. The thought appears of going into a destroyed building and climbing to the top, but I don’t remember whether I climbed or not. But I saw some people being washed away by the water into the abyss. I remember that I survived, but I don’t remember the rest. Sincerely

    I work on a ski slope, and I had a dream about how I was standing on the street and a storm was coming, I couldn’t run away from it, because it was moving too quickly towards me, I saw how everything was rising up with dust, capturing everything on its own ways. And suddenly I feel like a feather in the air and that’s it.

    I dreamed about a lake, it was very big. The embankment is beautiful on the shore of the lake. It suddenly became dark, the lake became almost black, the wind rose, the sky was darker than night. I turn back, and there big wave coming. My bag fell and the water was already rising to my feet. I ran for my bag. She grabbed it and ran to her friends. We quickly ran to a village to warn the resident about the approaching storm. But the village was surprisingly calm. There was no such sky. The cloud passed her by. There was no lightning, no thunder either.

    I entered the bridge on the Araks River, reached the middle of the bridge, at first there was a sharp stench, then I wanted to get down from the bridge, a strong wind blew, I grabbed the bridge fence and a storm began, cold, dark with pieces of snow, I tried to hold on to the bridge fence and woke up

    The storm broke large trees, carried away branches, people, and I walked because I just had to. Everything was gray, like at night, there were big clouds too dark colors. I came out intact, without a single scratch or fatigue.

    My parents, my fiancée and I woke up in the old house of my grandmother (who is still alive, but no longer lives in this house), from a strong storm. Our windows opened and lightning was visible. Through open window I got rained on and it was clean. It seemed like a natural disaster. I called my brother, he said that they were flying to America because of all this.
    Then I dreamed that the four of us and many strangers were on a plain surrounded by mountains and a stream was pouring towards us dirty water, but my fiancée and I managed to get to the very top without getting wet, and my parents disappeared.

    If I’m not mistaken, the person I like and I were visiting and sitting and relaxing. We quarreled a lot and he left.
    And then it began...Thunder, lightning, winds, doors opened.
    A huge Kamaz truck drove into the room and broke through the wall. It made a circle and drove away. There was sparkling light everywhere

    In a dream, I was walking with a friend in a place very familiar to me, suddenly a very strong wind rose, clouds were approaching, but it was all ahead. The lighting changes to incredibly warm and cozy. The storm is dominated orange shades. It's unrealistic to see beautiful view. A bright, relief field of dark green and very shiny grass (uniform). The orange-blue hues shimmer indescribably beautifully in the sky, and birds fly in the distance. A strong, warm, slightly humid and very pleasant wind is blowing.
    For some reason our movement then accelerates. I ask my friend to quickly take a photo of this beauty, he picks up the tablet, turns to the side and takes a photo from the side where the view is not very beautiful. I shout to him, give me the camera here, take it, and photograph the center itself, exactly what I wanted, the most beautiful place. After this moment, the dream suddenly becomes delusional and ends immediately.

    This storm landscape in my dream is the most beautiful thing I have seen

Why does a woman dream about a storm:

Seeing a storm at sea is a sign of unrest with a favorable ending.

1 Storm by Solomon's dream book

Seeing a storm in a dream means:


1 Storm by Danilova's children's dream book

It speaks of the coming of times of great changes in your destiny, and, if you cannot cope with yourself in extreme situations, what is happening can harm you.

Dust storm - life's little things and minor troubles will soon overcome you and bring a lot of displeasure. Don’t let the gray everyday life overcome you; be above the little things.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation for Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Dreaming of a storm means:

Seeing the elements rampant in a dream means earthly disasters.

1 Storm according to Azar's Dream Interpretation

Storm dream meaning:

I dream of a stormy sea - stormy life, speaks of being unarmed against fate. If the storm subsides, your grief will not be so severe. Storm, wind on the bridge - contact with otherworldly forces. Seeing and hearing the storm that is approaching - a long illness, failure in work and discord with friends - all together will cause even greater suffering.

Danger with a favorable outcome

1 Storm by Russian dream book

Danger, trial and successful outcome.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Storm by Daniel's medieval dream book

Seeing a storm means wealth.

1 Storm according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Storm in a dream means:

A storm seen in a dream may portend some unexpected danger for you.

Seeing a storm while being safe is a sign of trust and peace of mind.

Hiding from a storm means unpleasant news or a meeting with a strong enemy.

Finding yourself in the epicenter of a storm means that you may have to endure an insult or avoid great danger.

A snowstorm in a dream can portend problems and failures at work.

If you see a very strong storm or get caught in it, you need to take care of your health.

If in a dream a hurricane hits you and drags you into the epicenter, you will face a sharp change in lifestyle under the influence of passion or unusual circumstances.

Seeing the consequences of a terrible hurricane from the outside in a dream means that there will be some troubles or even disasters nearby, but they will not affect you and your family.

A typhoon seen in a dream promises you a lot of work, including on yourself.

To suffer from a strong flood in a dream is a warning: some troubles or life problems may await you.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

You dream that you find yourself at sea and caught in a storm - expect an invitation to a picnic.

In a dream, you watched a storm at sea from the shore - a trip to your dacha or your friends’ dacha lies ahead.

1 Storm by Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

Why does a woman dream of a storm:

See also Lightning and Thunder. 1. In dreams, a storm is associated with the emotional release of the dreamer. We may feel pressured by events or emotions. However, storm also means anger. 2. When we find ourselves in difficulty, for example due to an existing relationship, a storm can bring relief. When arguments in everyday life are unacceptable, in dreams a storm can clarify the emotional atmosphere. 3. From a spiritual point of view, a storm means creative, creative energy. Thunder and lightning are instruments of the thunder or storm gods.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Storm by Magic dream book

Why does a woman dream about a storm:

To see a dream about you had a Storm - a danger with a favorable ending. Observe the storm from the side (for example, from a window) - take a wait-and-see attitude; being outside during a storm means actively participating in overcoming adversity. Anticipating the approach of a storm means anticipating everyday struggle. The storm subsides - victory over circumstances.

1 Storm according to Dream Book 2012

Seeing a storm in a dream means:

Showing strong emotions.

1 Storm by Modern dream book

A dream with a storm in the dream book is interpreted as:

Such a dream means danger, testing, but a successful outcome.

If you find yourself in the epicenter of a storm, avoid great danger; hiding from a storm means unpleasant news or a meeting with a strong enemy.

Seeing the storm from the outside means gaining someone’s trust and gaining peace of mind.

If the storm gradually subsides in a dream, your misfortunes will pass and dissipate without consequences.

1 Storm by Eastern dream book

Dreaming of a storm means:

For a young woman, a dream in which she is at home and sees that a storm is breaking out outside the window means that she should be prepared for troubles on the love front.

1 Storm according to the Online Dream Book

Storm dream meaning:

Seeing a storm in a dream means that soon you will be faced with some great grief and great losses, but according to the dream book, such a dream also promises you courageous endurance in resolving these events.

If you dream of a dust storm, the dream promises you a lot of petty problems and inconveniences that will not bring you any pleasure.

Hiding from this natural disaster in a dream means receiving some bad news soon or unexpectedly meeting your sworn enemy.

Being at the center of a storm in a dream means that in the near future you will easily avoid some serious threat affecting you personally.

If in a dream the elements raged in the sea, some worries await you, but they will be resolved well.

To suffer losses from a storm in a dream - according to the dream book, means to suffer some annoying consequences in reality, which will directly depend on the catastrophe in your society.

According to the dream book, a snow storm is a confusion of feelings and emotions. You need to take a break and think things through.

Sandstorm in a dream - beware of unexpected incidents. Your plans may be disrupted by all sorts of troubles.

1 Storm by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a storm:

Seeing a storm in a dream is a sign of a quarrel; being killed by a storm portends distrust of our words; to see a storm killing another is a sign of resentment and an important loss.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Storm by Dream interpretation for a bitch

What a storm can mean in a dream:

You have to go through an important and difficult test, but you will definitely cope with it and achieve success.

1 Storm by Idiomatic dream book

Storm in a dream means:

“Storm of passions”, “hurricane of thoughts”, “stormy love affair” - a huge rhythm of your life.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

If a girl dreams of a storm, it means:

Strong emotional disturbances, worries, shocks; change.

Watch from afar - misfortunes will bypass or happen to someone.

The wind picked it up and carried it away - to very major changes depending on the ending; gently and smoothly lowered - a favorable intervention of fateful forces, a good ending to all troubles.

1 Storm by Psychotherapeutic dream book

Why does a woman dream of a storm:

An explosion of emotions, desires or instincts. Strong mental agitation. Difficulties that arise unexpectedly in life. Strong storms. Fierce passions, a storm of emotions. Loss of control over unconscious impulses. Against the background of the storm, a spouse appears. A stressful, critical period of marriage, this is what the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

1 Storm according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing a storm in a dream means:

Expect everyday struggles, from which, however, you will emerge victorious.

1 Storm by Combined dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a storm:

This dream warns of serious danger, but nevertheless everything will end in your favor.

If you dreamed that you were at the epicenter of a storm, a great threat would pass you; hiding from the storm - unpleasant news or the appearance of a worthy and cunning enemy.

Watching the storm from the outside brings peace; people will begin to trust you.

If in a dream you see how the storm gradually subsides, your problems will be successfully resolved.

1 Storm by Big online dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a storm:

STORM - Hiding from a storm means unpleasant news, and sometimes a meeting with a strong enemy; seeing a storm while being safe means trust or peace of mind.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

A storm in a dream predicts:

Seeing or hearing an approaching storm in a dream is a prediction of a long quarrel with a loved one, failures in love, internal discord, which will cause your prolonged suffering.

If the storm subsides in a dream, your grief will not be so severe.

1 Storm by English dream book

Why do you dream about Storm:

This dream promises great sorrows and losses that you will bravely endure. Resentment and persecution are possible, but enemies will not be able to cause you much harm. A lover does not need to be afraid of rivalry, because the creature he loves will be able to avoid dangerous temptations and maintain his purity and charm.

1 Storm by Intimate dream book

  • You see a storm, in any case, has a negative meaning. IN in a general sense it warns of a serious conflict with your loved one. If you don’t have it, then it could be constant failures in love or internal mental discord, which will bring you a lot of long-term suffering.
  • The only one positive thing It can be considered that if in a dream you were able to wait for the end of the storm, you dreamed in a dream that it subsided and everything calmed down. In this type of dream, you can expect that although you will have to endure suffering, it will not last too long and will not be too severe.

1 Storm by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

After the nervous tension associated with the anticipation of some important event for you, its successful completion. A dust storm means a dramatic deterioration in the quality of your life.

1 Storm according to the Mayan Dream Book

Good meaning: If there is a storm at sea, then many pleasant surprises await you - those around you will be friendlier and kinder, management will make concessions to you, etc. To make this happen, wrap the ground coffee in a small napkin, add 5 drops of wine, put it in a cup and burn . After this, pour boiling water, give the drink a little time to brew, and drink.

Bad meaning: If a storm occurs on land, get ready for a series of unpleasant events - you will be robbed, you will get sick, there will be a scandal at work, you will quarrel with your family. To avoid this, dissolve in 0.25 cups hot water 2 tbsp. spoons table salt and place some decoration in the solution. When the water evaporates, eat the salt crystals that grow on this decoration.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Trouble, poverty, misfortune, quarrel, dispute, danger; the storm kills - they call you a liar; killed another - resentment, loss; throws it into a deep well - trouble, bad luck.

1 Storm by Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about Storm:

Social Events; with lightning - there may be a revolution; with thunder - civil war, riots with the use of weapons.

To be caught in a storm is to personally participate in these events.

Suffering damage from a storm, wounds - there may be unpleasant consequences associated with social cataclysms.

1 Storm by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Dark, black storm - evil from strong and powerful people / allegories of thoughts about death.

Thunderstorm and storm - the need to decide on something in business or in relationships with people / more changes in life than we would like.

A not very strong thunderstorm - an argument, a quarrel, irritation.

Whirlwind, tornadoes - a great sin / fight / trouble.

A tornado sucks the dreamer in - especially bad.

It is calm to contemplate from some distance the picture of a black storm with many tornadoes and downpours - the image of one’s own approaching death.

An extraordinary thunderstorm or storm, striking with force and swiftness, sweeping away everything in its path - the completion of a certain stage of life and spiritual development / a certain leap in knowledge / a new picture of the world will open before you / the transition from childhood to adolescence, from youth to maturity, etc. .

1 Storm by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

To dream of a strong storm or the consequences of this storm: broken trees, piles of garbage, broken wires, broken glass- to an earthquake.

1 Storm by Jewish dream book

If you see a storm, some kind of misfortune awaits you.

1 Storm by Imperial dream book

Elements - wind, fire. Emotions - anger. Organs - liver, gallbladder, heart. Planets - Jupiter, Mars. Explanation and interpretation Storm, blizzard, tornado - natural phenomena indicating an incorrect flow of qi energy - a violation of the homeostasis of the Earth as an integral organism. Nature seeks to purify itself - to destroy pathological energy, yin and yang fight fiercely, and a storm is born. On the one hand, the storm is the desire for purification and harmony - a manifestation of strength; on the other hand, it can lead to mutual depletion of yin-yang, and a person’s death. The interpretation of a dreamed storm depends on the particulars: getting into the cycle of natural phenomena, a person brings into them any emotions that prevail in him and receives a reverse influence on the corresponding emotion-dependent organs (remember your mood in a dream). The dreamer contemplates the storm as a spectator, and the spectacle of a natural phenomenon attracts him with its scale and power - the dream is interpreted as a very favorable chance to get rid of everything that interferes: the dreamer has strength, obstacles will be overcome. The storm is contemplated with displeasure and fear - the need to solve problems/correct things and complete internal reluctance to do anything, emptiness of both yang and yin energy. The consequences are deterioration in health/business/relationships. The dreamer is in the field of action of the storm - the situation is already unfolding not in his favor, which means in reality the need for an urgent solution to problems that have been delayed. Fighting the storm without fear is a dream solution favorable to reality: the strength to fight will be found if you have the desire to fight. Being in a panic and dying from a storm or waking up with a feeling of death is very unfavorable: emptiness of both yin and yang, imbalance in all body systems and loss of connection with cosmic information, which is only possible with the wrong attitude to the world and an incorrect assessment of one’s place in it . To wake up after a fierce struggle with a storm in a dream with a feeling of death, but without fear - the situation (enemies are possible) is stronger than the dreamer, despite the maximum efforts made on his part. But in this case, the dreamer has the right to receive, and will receive if he behaves correctly Supreme help. You should: do not be afraid and do not doubt; mentally ask God/Heaven/Cosmos for help. The last version of the dream can be interpreted as favorable: if help was not going to be given, why would they provide information in a dream? The dreamer is simply expected to respond to actions - confirmation of readiness to take them, confirmation of readiness to follow advice. A storm on large water (lake, sea, ocean) means the same as above, but an even more tense situation: the water washes away and cleanses, but indiscriminately washes away all information - both good and bad. An explosion of activity is required from the dreamer. A storm on clear water (no mud) - the tendency of the situation to a positive solution (recovery, improvement of affairs). A storm with masses of dirty water is very dangerous: an immediate revision of your worldview is required - your relationship with the Earth and Heaven/Space, at the same time a revision of personal connections.

Primary elements - earth. Elements - humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness. Organs - spleen, pancreas, stomach. Planets - Saturn. When the vital energy of the spleen is empty in summer season and the middle of summer, one dreams of frightening abysses, gorges, upturned and barren land, storms, tornadoes or other natural disasters. The emptiness of the spleen is physically manifested by overwhelming weakness, powerlessness, fatigue in the arms and legs, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and so on. The spleen warms the other four dense human organs (liver, kidneys, heart, lungs), determines the constitution of a person, stores his consciousness and physical strength. Consequently, with diseases of the spleen, the entire body as a whole suffers, and the painful manifestations in patients have a pronounced mental and physical character. The image of an abyss in a dream is a reified fear of the infinity of life’s manifestations and a reluctance to move forward; it is these emotions that have been destroying the spleen for a long time. Thunderstorms and storms in a dream in the spring season symbolize renewal, and in the mid-summer season they show the rampant nature of the disease. Tornadoes in no case evoke pleasant associations, but the worst thing in a dream will be the image of upturned, barren earth. A frightening abyss in a dream is a symbol of lack of initiative, inactivity, and spiritual laziness, which make it impossible to receive help and support. An abyss appears in a dream as a reflection of complete submission to the situation that has arisen and is a dangerous image - the threshold of a protracted illness. An empty spleen is an inability to make any actionable decision. Thunderstorms, tornadoes and storms in this medical form show the lack of will of the patient who has folded his hands in advance. The dream is unfavorable and warns of a possible future state of complete physical decline to the point of immobility and paralysis, if you do not urgently take measures to restore your psyche.

1 Storm by French dream book

Why do you dream about Storm:

It promises misunderstandings in love, a dangerous turn in business, and an inevitable lawsuit.

1 Storm according to Miller's dream book

Seeing and hearing means a long illness, failure, discord with friends, great suffering; subsides - your grief will not be so severe.

1 Storm according to the Small Dream Book

If you dreamed that you were caught in a snowstorm, then real life You should exercise extreme caution, as unforeseen circumstances can dramatically worsen the course of your affairs. A dream in which you listen to a weather forecast predicting a storm means that you are inclined to trust rumors rather than rely on existing official information. For a young woman, a dream in which she is at home and sees that a storm is breaking out outside the window means that she should be prepared for troubles on the love front.

1 Storm by Ukrainian dream book

Dispute, quarrel. Thrown into a deep well by a storm - a tragic evil.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

A quarrel with a loved one is possible.

Imagine that the storm subsides or passes by without touching the place where you are.

1 Storm by Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about Storm:

A storm at sea is an unexpected danger.

Take a life preserver with you when you sleep.

1 Storm by Astrological dream book

Problems await you that you can solve.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell

You see in a dream a storm that passes by - some danger has safely passed you; someone you know was hurt, but not you; another interpretation of the dream: complete peace of mind awaits you; you build relationships with business partners not so much on the basis of contracts, but on the basis of mutual trust; and your business is going well. You dream that a storm is coming towards you - the period of relative prosperity is over; the hardships and hardships that are coming will not seem enough to you. You see that the storm is gradually subsiding - the dream suggests that in reality you can expect an end to suffering; a new balance will come in your life, and it depends only on you, on your professionalism and determination, on endurance, at what level this balance will be established. It’s as if you are running away from a storm - unpleasant news awaits you in the coming days; You may have to fight a strong opponent, and you will not be at your best in this fight.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

If you dream of an approaching storm, you should prepare for everyday struggle. It will require a lot of effort from you and you will have to go through a lot of unpleasant moments. However, there is good news: the storm that is raging will not be scary for you in reality. In the end, you will be able to emerge victorious and very soon regain your position. Of course, only if you don’t lose heart, don’t give up and don’t give up at the very beginning of life’s storm.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • According to this interpreter, if you dream of a storm, this predicts various stormy social events, and if the Storm was with lightning, right up to the revolution.
  • Heard thunder in a dream - wait civil war or armed riots.
  • If you dream that you yourself are fighting a storm - accept direct participation in these clashes.
  • If you dream that you have suffered from a storm, in reality you may be wounded in battle or suffer some other damage, for example, losing your loved ones or losing property.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about Storm:

  • Seeing a storm in a dream means you will have to go through serious shocks in reality. These can be strong emotional experiences, or some kind of global life changes, not always desirable, quarrels, conflicts, and other similar events.
  • To dream that you were watching the storm from afar, from a safe shelter is a positive omen, saying that the events and adversities raging around you will pass you by. Although it is possible that you will witness misfortunes happening to someone from your environment.
  • If you dream that a storm picked you up and carried you away, such a dream has two meanings, depending on how everything ended for you in the dream.
  • If the wind gently lowered you into safe place- you will be able to get out thanks to someone’s influential intervention in the course of the matter.
  • But if you were thrown somewhere, you suffered, in reality the result may also not be very pleasant.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Dreaming of a storm while being safe means trust and peace of mind.
  • Hiding from a storm means unpleasant news or a meeting with a strong enemy.
  • Finding yourself in the epicenter of a storm means that you may have to endure an insult or avoid great danger.
  • A snowstorm in a dream can foreshadow problems and failures at work.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

According to this interpreter, if you dreamed of a storm, this also portends danger in reality. However, in his opinion, you will definitely successfully overcome all troubles and emerge victorious. And although the storm that you will have to endure in reality promises you many trials, you do not have to be afraid of it. Even if she manages to beat you up pretty badly, you will very soon be able to fully recover.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • If you dream of a storm, expect various misfortunes in reality. This can include a quarrel with a loved one, or conflicts in the family or at work.
  • Waiting for a storm - a dream warns of poverty or danger threatening you.
  • If you saw that a storm killed you, in life you will receive a reputation as a liar.
  • If you killed someone else in a dream, expect a quarrel with a friend or a serious loss in reality.
  • If you dream that a storm has thrown you into a deep well, a serious misfortune awaits you, which will be very difficult to cope with.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing a storm in a dream means major troubles and indifference of friends.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

If you dreamed of a storm at night, hurricanes were raging in your dream, and the elements were raging - this is a sign that some significant changes will soon occur in your destiny. A storm in a dream warns of the occurrence of difficult and sometimes extreme situations. To cope with them, you will need all your endurance, and perhaps even outside help. Otherwise, the destructive force of current events may harm you. Please try to exercise caution and prudence.

1 Storm by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Storm of passions - if you dreamed of this natural phenomenon, perhaps it predicts a turbulent period in your personal life.
  • I dreamed about a hurricane of thoughts - another well-known expression that says that a storm in a dream warns that you will have to experience certain events that will cause you rapid brain activity - in general, you will have something to think about. But we should not forget about borax in a glass of water. A dream may warn you against excessive emotions over a minor matter.

1 Storm by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

What does the dream in which a woman saw a storm mean? A storm in a dream is a symbol of a Storm in life. Therefore, do not be surprised if after a while you have to endure a real storm in your personal life or in some professional matters. However, there is some good news. According to this interpreter, if you dreamed of a storm, in reality you will definitely emerge victorious from it. Of course, if you make some effort for this, you will not lose heart and give up.

Many dream books give the meaning of “danger” to a storm seen in a dream. You can often also find interpretations that troubles will end happily. The dreamer needs to show strength of character in order to withstand troubles. Sometimes the explanation for why such a symbol is dreamed of is very favorable.

Don't be afraid, everything will be fine

Seeing a storm in a dream means you will face a difficult test, but you will be able to overcome it and achieve success. If it gradually subsides, the misfortunes will end and pass without a trace.

Why do you dream of a storm at sea? The dream book indicates: a person will have to worry because of the current circumstances. However, fortunately, everything will end well.

Storm at sea - good sign. The dreamer expects praise from his superiors, it is even possible career growth. It also foreshadows good attitude those around you.

Pay more attention to relationships

Why dream of hiding in a shelter and watching a hurricane from the side? The dream book explains: gain someone’s trust, gain peace of mind.

An approaching snowstorm in a dream promises unsuccessful love affairs, a long quarrel with a loved one, subsequent internal discord, and suffering. If the elements subside, the grief will not be so severe.

Did you dream about a sea storm? This means: in reality the sleeping person will be offended by the person from whom he least expected it. You need to decide whether to forgive the offender or stop all communication with him.

For a girl to dream that a strong wind, even a hurricane, is raging outside the window - foretells upcoming troubles in love.

Get ready for the challenge

Did you dream of a dust storm? The dream promises a deterioration in the dreamer's life. How events will unfold further depends on his behavior. You can resign yourself to considering yourself a failure, but you can fight and prove that this is far from the case.

Why do you dream of being caught in a strong storm? The dream book warns: problems at work may begin. Try to avoid conflicts, especially with your superiors, be responsible - and everything will gradually improve.

Running away from her in a dream means receiving unpleasant news. A collision with a strong enemy is possible - mobilize your forces.

Dusty - many small troubles will occur that cause displeasure. Try not to give in to them negative influence, be above these little things.

Changes are possible

If you dreamed that a hurricane pulled you into the epicenter, a sudden life change will occur due to unusual circumstances or strong passion.

Seeing a storm in a dream means: the dreamer is overcome internal conflicts, contradictions. Perhaps he is not doing what he wanted, so he wants to radically change his life.

Why do you dream of a storm with rain and thunder? The sleeper needs to decide to take some action in relationships with loved ones or in business. The dream book also emphasizes: a person experiences more serious changes than he would like.

An unusual storm in a dream: dusty, black, snowy or with rain, sweeping away everything, marks global changes. A certain stage of your life and internal development is coming to an end; a leap in understanding the world is possible, as a result of which you will see it completely differently.

Be careful in business

A dream about a snow storm, according to the dream book, warns: unforeseen circumstances will arise that will negatively affect your affairs. Extreme care should be taken to get out of the situation with minimal damage.

Miller's dream book gives the following explanation for a hurricane or snowstorm in a dream: major losses are coming, plans will fail. We must be careful: it is better to abandon the undertaking that has been started, even if money and time have been spent.

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