Why do you dream about the dining table? Why do you dream of a table full of food? Meaning of sleep Table

The images that appear to us in a dream give us clues at the subconscious level for solving all the adversities and difficulties that arise in life. In particular, in order to understand why you dream about food, you need to remember what exactly you cooked and ate in lately how appetizing the dish looked, and what gastronomic sensations you experienced while devouring the dish. After all, the dream book offers different interpretations sleep.

Despite the fact that food is a primary condition for the life of each of us, seeing it in a dream is evidence of good changes. Often, the interpretation of a dream directly depends on whether you felt the taste of the food you were eating and how much you liked it. Delicious food, first of all, speaks of the dreamer’s desire for self-improvement. Unpleasant taste - portends various troubles.

Abundance on the table

To the question of why you dream of a lot of food on the table, Aesop has an answer. According to his dream book, such a vision indicates excessive excitability and increased sexuality in the male dreamer. The sleeper needs to take strict control of his own sensual impulses in life.

Another option for interpreting sleep is unexpected visitors.

Table laden with food

In accordance with the interpretation of the dream according to the People's Interpreter, a table covered with food in a dream symbolizes success and prosperity in reality for the dreamer.

I dreamed that you were sitting at big table with food and are busy eating? Such a dream foreshadows an important event in reality and the associated fuss and worries that will burden the sleeper. Sometimes such an episode is a harbinger of a waking illness.

Did you dream that you were sitting at a table and there was a plate of food in front of you? In accordance with the opinion of the Modern Dream Book, you should expect pleasant meetings and acquaintances in the foreseeable future.

Did you see a plate of soup in your dream? Expect unexpected financial gains in your everyday life.

But why do you dream about taking food out of the refrigerator? This plot foreshadows the arrival of a close friend. Did you happen to put food in the refrigerator in a dream? In reality, success awaits you in any field of activity and good dividends.


If you happen to fry something in your night dreams, then in reality you should pay more attention to your own health. Otherwise, everything may end in problems at work. gastrointestinal tract. And according to the interpretation of sleep according to Esoteric dream book the dreamer needs to be on his guard. After all, in the future he may have conflicts and squabbles with loved ones and relatives.

A dream in which a woman fries food for her man foreshadows troubles with her own chosen one.

Thinking about what dreams of cooking mean? Contact the People's Interpreter for an answer. Such dreams symbolize nice chores in the future. In addition, there is a high probability of the arrival of long-awaited guests. However, try to remember in what mood you were busy in the kitchen. So, if something didn’t work out for you while cooking or everything completely fell out of your hands, then in reality you may also be haunted by problems and disappointments.

But if in a dream the dish turned out to be spoiled: over-salted or burnt, then real life you can't avoid scandals. Why do you dream of a strong burning smell? To squabbles and protracted scandals.

A full pan on the stove, which you saw in a dream, promises a good reward for your work.

Did you happen to salt food in a dream while cooking it? In reality, you will face many difficulties and quarrels in your service.

Still wondering what over-salting food in a dream symbolizes? Aesop believes that such an episode brings a warning to the dreamer. So, in everyday life you should be more vigilant. Behind your back, envious people are weaving intrigues that are very capable of harming you.

Cooking food in a dream is a sign of possible achievements in the future. Most likely, all your endeavors will bear fruit.

Food from the dead

Sometimes in the kingdom of Morpheus the dead also visit us. Visions of a deceased person preparing food are also common. No matter how strong the anxiety is, there is no need to panic. After all, such an episode brings only good things to the dreamer’s life. Don’t be afraid if the deceased offers to share a meal in a dream. Such a dream promises the dreamer ironclad health and financial independence.

But if in your night dreams you dreamed about how the sleeping person prepares food for the deceased, then in this case you need to be wary. Such a dream predicts serious health problems, which do not exclude death in the future.

Why do you dream about a dead person treating a sleeping person to food? Only to a happy outcome in reality. But if the deceased treats you to berries, expect some troubles. There is another interpretation of such a dream. He warns about the visit of relatives.

Buying groceries

Did you dream about how you choose products in a shop, store or market? In reality, prepare yourself for an acute shortage of money. In this case, according to the interpretation of the dream according to the Wanderers’ dream book, you should refrain from thoughtless purchases and investments.

Do you remember more precisely what you purchased in your dream? After all, if you dream of buying ripe fruits, then in reality, even if you cannot avoid additional expenses, they will at least be justified.

Did you see yourself buying something baked in a dream? Grishina is convinced that even a banal bun in a dream can portend both income and ruin. Freshness is important here appearance baking. Stale food always marks losses in the future.

Share the treat

Sharing food in a dream, feeding someone, means being successful in reality. The universal interpreter claims that the work done will be rewarded quite worthy. In addition, such a dream indicates the dreamer’s responsiveness and willingness to help.

Eat food

Why do you dream fish food. According to Miller's interpretation, such an episode speaks of changes for the better that are just around the corner. Most likely, the dreamer will be brought good news. If in a dream you eat fish very quickly, then in reality you will have to deal with minor troubles.

Did you happen to eat meat in a dream? Surely you cannot avoid health problems. Did you have to feed someone meat in a dream? In reality you will lose your reputation. I had to fry meat in a dream - expect noisy parties in reality.

Eating canned food in a dream portends some kind of winning in reality. And according to the Wanderers’ dream book, you can get practical advice in real life.

Did you dream about eating in the dining room? Expect some social gatherings.

Ask for food

Did you have to beg in a dream? Expect in reality serious difficulties in financially. However, if such an episode was dreamed by those in need, then in reality it is possible for the dreamer to receive outside help.

If in a dream you happened to beg from passers-by, then in reality you probably missed good prospects.

Did you dream about how a dead man asks for food in a dream, and you don’t refuse him? A serious illness awaits you in the future.

Did you see a deceased person asking for food in a dream? Be alert in your daily life. Trouble awaits you. It would be a good idea to visit the grave of the deceased or “remember” him in church.

According to interpretations dream book XXI centuries, theft in dreams foreshadows disappointment in real life.

Spoiled food

Often, spoiled food in a dream carries a negative sign for the dreamer.

So, the interpretation of sleep, why do you dream worms in food, Grishina also has it. She believes that the dreamer has envious people in his close circle who are constantly trying to do harm. Try to get rid of such “friends” as quickly as possible.

If you dreamed of worms, then don’t expect good things. Such a vision always represents only negativity.

But if a sleeper sees wormy fruits in a dream, then according to the interpretation of the dream according to Modern dream book he should compromise and improve relationships with his soul mate in real life.

Maggots in a dream also bring trouble. Such a dream warns of possible betrayal on the part of loved ones. Try to “open your cards” only to trusted people.

Why do you dream of flies in food? So, if a fly gets stuck in jam, then in reality you will witness how a liar will be led to clean water. If in a dream a fly crawls on food, then your persistence will probably not help you in everyday life. Your endeavors will not bear the desired fruits.

Have you ever found hair in food in a dream? An episode like this reflects the dreamer’s state of mind. And according to the data Psychological dream book you have actually come into conflict with your close circle.

Shereminskaya also has an interpretation of a dream about spoiled food. She believes that such food brings disappointment.

Rotten food indicates a possible illness. And if in a dream you are sorting out rotten food, then in reality you can quarrel with your friends. Even for life.

Sometimes the cause of bad dreams is a banal hearty dinner. Want to avoid repulsive visions? Avoid overeating.

Other interpretations of sleep

Miller believes that some dreams are a kind of warning about possible danger. Try to handle documents more carefully in reality. But according to the data People's dream book such an episode in a dream can bring good luck and prosperity to the dreamer’s life.

Did you happen to see a tray of food in a dream? You can prepare for the fact that all your plans in everyday life will bear the expected fruits.

If in a dream you eat, but the dish has no taste, and you are offered seasoning too late - after eating, then prepare for the fact that your hopes will not come true.

Saw it in a dream. Why are you distributing food? Night vision confirms your willingness to make certain sacrifices in real life.

If you treat food to strangers, expect waste. In another interpretation, such a dream indicates your laziness and lack of initiative.

If you see a table set for dinner in a dream, it means that pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you soon.

If you see empty tables in a dream, beware of quarrels and disagreements.

If in a dream you clear the table, this promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.

Eating at a table without a tablecloth in a dream means that you will soon achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.

If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, it means that you will soon experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes.

A torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family.

A broken table means decline, change for the worse.

Hearing tapping on the table in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon change your attitude towards your friends, and your destiny will be in jeopardy.

This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends.

If in a dream you sit down at your desk- this warns you and encourages caution.

Money lying on your table portends that you will happily get out of difficulties.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Tables in dreams are symbols of recreating the dreamer's intended goals. How the sleeper sees the table, how well-groomed it is - your affairs are in a similar state, and this also predicts future ways of solving your problems.

Why do you dream about a table according to Miller’s dream book?

Is the table in the dream already set for lunch time? This is a sign that very soon the sleeper will have amazing acquaintances, and very pleasant ones at that; expect success in everything you plan - there are excellent opportunities for this.

When the table in front of you is empty, quarrels with everyone will soon begin. The image of you clearing the dishes from the table hints to you that calmness and fun will be replaced by despondency and indifference. Is the “Hand of God” not covered with a tablecloth? Very soon you will occupy such a high position that even the success of others will not upset you as before.

The table moves on its own without anyone’s intervention - you don’t like the course of your own life, and you will try to change it. If in a dream you see holes in the tablecloth, then expect family discord. Is the integrity of the table broken in the dream? A dark streak awaits you in life.

Hearing knocking on the table in a dream is a sign that changes are ripe in friendships and your life is under threat. The dream predicts that you will lose a lot if you turn away from close friends. The dreamer sees himself sitting at a writing desk - the dream gives a sign that you should beware of something.

But the money lying on the table means that you will be able to safely get out of difficult circumstances.

Table in a dream - Freud's dream book

Freud considered the table to be a symbol of the feminine essence. If the table is broken, then for women this dream is a danger of symptoms of genital disorders.

In a dream " main character"Inverted - this means that you are too passionate about anal pleasures. A table prepared for a dinner meal means excellent health and a frantic desire for sex on the female side. If in a dream the table is covered with oilcloth or not covered at all, the dreamer is indifferent to sex.

What does it mean to dream about a table - Vanga’s dream book

Vanga referred to a dream in which a table appears as a feast. If the table is rich in treats, then fate is about to begin to bestow the dreamer and his family with all sorts of benefits that will appear thanks to high patronage. However, if the table is strewn with scraps or is poor, then a series of misfortunes should be expected.

Why do you dream of a table in Moroz’s dream book?

The table is set solemnly and with a tablecloth - the well-being of your home will not leave. And vice versa, a completely empty table means poverty.

Sitting at a table rich in treats means participating in a lively, relaxed atmosphere with friends. Collecting dirty dishes after a feast, on which there are leftovers - the costs of the sleeper will exceed the income.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a table in Medea’s dream book

The table dreamed by the sleeping person reflects social views, meetings with friends. This is the zone where a person “expresses” his own thoughts, point of view, and aspirations.

The image of a broken or empty table foretells that you will lose friendships. Sitting at the table and talking means making peace with a loved one and gaining business success.

Why do you dream of a table in the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A chicly set table is a harbinger of imminent success in everything. Looking at the table and not feeling hungry, but a feeling of satisfaction - this image symbolizes that some intentions will turn out to be successful and promising.

A modestly set or completely empty table symbolizes that you have outlined your action plan incorrectly and it needs to be finalized. Seeing a desk or desk in a dream foreshadows a problem that you should solve now.

Papers scattered on your desktop tell you that you have lost your way in solving some important problem. Looking at the coffee table or bedside table - you are carried away by small entertainments or unimportant undertakings.

If you are conducting some negotiations on business issues at the coffee table, then you have overestimated their importance or did not approach the matter so seriously.

The table is broken - this picture prepares you for a serious conflict or miscalculation in business, which could cause a blow to your well-being. During this period, try not to openly clash with partners and conduct your business carefully.

Why do you dream of a table in the Bitch’s dream book?

A table as the central image of a dream hints that you will be able to make new acquaintances and find yourself in the orbit of a pleasant company.

  • Seeing an empty table means discord, quarrels out of nowhere.
  • Setting the table means favorable changes in the material sphere of life.
  • There is no tablecloth on the table - get good status and equally good income.
  • A broken table in a dream means the dreamer’s income will soon decrease.

A large number of people at the table symbolizes that you will receive support and success in a friendly circle.

Table in the dream book from A to Z

Setting the table for the arrival of guests indicates that there is an urgent need for large purchases. The table is generously set - for carefree leisure time in a friendly circle. An empty table means discord in the family circle.

Presence on the table dirty dishes with leftovers - you will lose the opportunity to earn good money. In front of you is a picture of a desktop, littered with books and papers - you do not have enough time to complete the “burning” work.

Looking at an old lame table means discord in the family environment. A polished new table means you are happy with your own life. Image coffee table- to losses, despondency.

The central image in a dream is a desk - you are not afraid of competition. A table made of marble is a welcome gift. A billiards table means squabbles among friends.

Why do you dream about a table according to the Tarot dream book?

If removed on the tabletop lie banknotes- then your life will be full of stinginess and insatiability.

The table is bursting with abundant treats - worries will arise with excess kilograms.

Why do you dream about a table according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

A table in a dream symbolically means home, family environment.

Bustling around the table before guests arrive means successful turns in your own destiny or for a wedding.

Why do you dream about a table according to the French dream book?

Served - portends adversity for you, because many events will not turn in your favor. The table is set sumptuously - to abundance, prosperity in everything.

Without a table cover - misfortune or loss of a spouse. If in a dream you see a picture of rotating tables, stunning news awaits you.

Table - Hasse's dream book

Bust around the table and set it - you will acquire some property.

  • Putting away the dishes means suffering a loss, deprivation.
  • Seeing yourself at a feast means a lively party in a friendly company.
  • Seeing an empty table is a sign of disadvantage.
  • Seeing a bureau desk means you have a good amount of knowledge.
  • A gambling table means prosperity.

Table made of marble stone - do not reveal to people the secrets of your family happiness.

Why do you dream about a table according to the esoteric dream book?

Observing a table in front of you that is strong in its strength means well-being and firmness in actions. A plastic table means indecision, material wealth comes to you with varying success, an unstable position in society.

The image of a dirty table, and even with leftovers, is a sign of trouble. Busy about setting the table - to the guests.

Why do you dream about a set table?

In a dream, the dreamer sees a picture of a luxuriously set table - signifies changes in life for the better. This is a sure sign that the house will not be left without wealth. When a feast is being prepared for the arrival of close relatives, this means that your loved ones value you and idolize the dreamer.

To see vases with bouquets of flowers on the table, fate promises you a cloudless life with your family. This dream is favorable even if there is no tablecloth on the table - this predicts that the dreamer’s well-being will increase even more.

The table is richly set and there are many people at it - a harbinger that in the near future the dreamer will meet friends with whom you will have a sincere conversation. Bad omen, if such a table disappears from your dream and you cannot find it, then there is reason to worry that your spouse may be taken away from your family. Or you may lose profit in business.

Why do you dream about a festive, wedding table?

Setting the table for a feast is a sign of stability, prosperity, and good luck that accompanies everything. When a sleeper feels anxiety during a feast, it is unfortunately, and also from the side from which you least expect it.

Seeing yourself at a table uncovered with a tablecloth indicates the independence of your views and independence. A dirty tablecloth means insubordination of younger family members or your subordinates.

A festive table from a dream is a successful life change or job change with a salary increase. Wedding reception table - to wealth.

Why do you dream of many tables?

Observing many tables is an unexpected acquaintance in public place. An abundance of tables means prosperity and favorable conditions for development.

To see in a dream a picture of laid tables and an incredible number of people at them - you will be accompanied by good business partners for a festive feast.

Why else do you dream about a table?

  • big table - when there are a lot of dishes on such a table, you know: your fate will change dramatically, and in the best side. Prepare for change!
  • a long table is a warning sign in a dream. Such an image in your dream “urges” you to be careful; you can give gossipers a reason to discuss your own person. To avoid this, skip a few parties and stay home.
  • a white table is a wonderful dream for a girl. It signifies that the day is not far off when she will meet the lover who is destined for her.
  • an empty table is a sign that soon disputes and squabbles will brew in the family over the material earnings of the spouses, both main and additional.

The answer to the question of why you dream about a table with food seems obvious: of course, to prosperity and profit. But not all dream books and not in all cases agree with this definition. There are stories where a richly set table is a warning of impending changes, and not necessarily pleasant ones. For more accurate interpretation such a “hospitable” image, it is necessary to take into account all the details seen in the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Pleasant and, most importantly, useful acquaintances await the dreamer who in a dream saw a full table of food laid for dinner. You can also count on pleasant surprises.

Did you dream that there was no tablecloth under the plates? This means that very soon you will have so much money that when you look at the wealth of others, you will not feel jealous. But plates full of leftover food mean quarrels and disagreements.

What was on the menu?

If you dreamed of a table with food, it is advisable to remember which dishes predominated on the menu. This is what some of them dream about, according to dream books:

  • meat dishes in a dream promise deliverance from problems and troubles;
  • fish delicacies - to success, but if you learn to keep secrets;
  • sweet products predict fun;
  • seeing alcohol in a dream means unjustified risk and disappointment;
  • soft drinks in a dream predict tears and resentment.

“Stolovsky” food as a symbol of surprise

Grishina’s dream book, explaining why you dream of a lot of food on the table in a public canteen, recommends paying attention to how appetizing it looked.

If you dreamed of a lot of different dishes that are not typical for eating in a canteen, and a long line of people with trays full of pickles, then this indicates that someone will pleasantly surprise you.

And if you see in a dream that in the dining room after dinner there is a lot of untouched, unappetizing food left on the table, then you should not expect from people what they are not capable of. Accept your friends as they are, the Wanderer’s dream book recommends.

Home cooking is a sign of acquiring connections

Interpretation of the dream offered by Pastor Loff's dream book, in which you are covering dining table white tablecloth and sit down to dinner, prophesies the following: very soon you will find yourself in a company that you have long dreamed of becoming a member of. Did you dream that you were having a leisurely conversation at lunch? You can rest assured that you will easily gain authority among your new friends.

Serving dinner in a dream, but not participating in it yourself is a sign that you cannot achieve your goal because you do not have a patron. But setting dinner and sitting at the head of the table is a positive sign: you will be able to make not only connections, but you will also gain a reputation as a person who can help in difficult times.

Holiday Abundance: From Riches to Needs

If you want to understand what a dream predicts of a festive table with food that amazes the eye with sophistication, then by looking for information in Miss Hasse’s dream book, you will find out: a huge fortune will soon “fall” on you, and you won’t put much effort into it.

But, not quite a festive event, but also crowded - a memorial feast, in honor of, for example, a deceased grandfather - a signal that if you want to change your life, then it’s time to stop clinging to the past. Sitting at a table with food in a dream, saddening, means you will have to fight the need; and if you sat at the wake, like at a wedding, then everything will turn out well.

Leftovers, or Learn to Trust and Make Concessions

Explaining why you dream of a luxurious buffet with food, but upon closer examination it turns out to be spoiled, then be prepared for disappointment, the Lunar Dream Book predicts. Seeing a large number of scraps in a dream or picking them up and sniffing them is a sign of distrust.

Table in everyday life plays quite a big role. Close people gather behind it, communicate, celebrate some holidays, and have fun. But this is in reality, but what could this piece of furniture seen in dreams mean? There are a huge number of interpretations, much will depend on the specific plot. In this review, we will try to tell you what to expect from the future if you start setting the table in a dream.

Much depends on the type

In a dream you can see the most different tables. The main part of the interpretation depends on this. Therefore, first of all, you need to remember what type of table you dreamed about.

  1. Quite often in dreams you can see a dining table. The dream is symbolic; it warns that you should limit your food intake. Many dream books recommend eating frequently, but the portions should not be large.
  2. Have you started setting the table in your dreams? If it's from the kitchen, get ready for a holiday soon.
  3. The memorial table indicates the presence of longing for a deceased relative or friend. Afterwards it is recommended to visit the grave loved one, which you continue to miss.
  4. A festive table in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s success. In the near future, only positive events will occur; your financial condition will not suffer.
  5. The buffet is a symbol of haste in business. The dreamer simply cannot plan; he has to make all decisions in a hurry.
  6. The wedding table serves as a harbinger of the end of a difficult life period; only success awaits ahead. Dream books report that even the most risky events will end successfully for the dreamer.

Shape and dimensions

Not only the type of table can play a role, but also its shape and size.

  1. A large piece of furniture signals the beginning of a discussion of important matters in reality. Perhaps negotiations will begin, which the dreamer has been waiting for a very long time.
  2. Have you started setting the table in your dream? If it is small, you should not attach importance to upcoming meetings of great importance, they will not become iconic or paramount for the dreamer.
  3. The new table serves as a symbol of quite interesting and promising proposals. There is a high probability that you will be able to find good partners.
  4. An old piece of furniture is a symbol of long-standing ideas that the dreamer cannot implement, but cannot discard them either. Such a dream can indicate old friends whom you have not seen for a long time, but want to.
  5. serves as a harbinger of financial success. The dreamer is able to realize promising idea and get a good profit from it. However, it will take a lot of effort.
  6. The white table symbolizes good deeds, the implementation of which the dreamer will begin in the near future.
  7. Seeing a black table set in a dream - expect a confrontation with betrayal. Perhaps dishonest partners will let you down.
  8. A dirty countertop acts as an omen of bad luck. It is better to leave the implementation of your plans, otherwise you will have to deal with a large number problems.

Condition of the tablecloth

Have you started setting the table in your dream? To understand what a dream promises, you need to take into account a variety of nuances. The tablecloth is considered a significant element.

  1. Is she clean? In reality, promising offers and lucrative contracts await.
  2. Is it dirty, wrinkled? You will have to face a wide variety of obstacles and misunderstandings.
  3. Is it torn? Expect quarrels with loved ones. The scandals may be too serious.

A table without a tablecloth serves as a symbol of well-being. Coming soon financial condition the dreamer will improve significantly. The profit from the implementation of profitable business can exceed all expectations.

A good symbol is a vase of flowers standing on a table. IN family life everything is going well, relationships with loved ones are prosperous and harmonious.


And what does the future promise if you dreamed of dining rooms symbolizes empty hopes. The dreamer in reality dreams of the impossible. If the table is set by strangers, expect an invitation to visit in the near future.

The emphasis was on the knife? Past failures do not allow you to meet people and build a personal life. Perhaps you simply do not trust others because of old grievances.

Availability of food

Did you start setting the table in your dream and arranging the food? Dream books usually interpret such a dream positively. But a lot will depend on the dishes that you managed to see in your dreams.

  1. Meat food portends good luck. The dreamer will cope with numerous problems and difficulties.
  2. Fish is a fairly broad symbol. A smoked dish predicts news; a fried dish predicts interesting travels. Salted fish acts as a harbinger of adventures in the amorous sphere. A large number of fish dishes on the table is a symbol of prosperity. Fish warns women about serious tests in reality. Delicious fish dishes indicate success, which will certainly come if the dreamer learns to keep secrets.
  3. Sweets communicate fun and pleasure.
  4. Alcohol is a harbinger of unnecessary risk-taking, which can lead to disappointment.
  5. The soft drink is a symbol of frustration and tears.
  6. Fruits symbolize profit and success in the financial sphere.
  7. Bread acts as a harbinger of profitable transactions. reports that rumors and gossip will begin to spread behind your back. Crumbs signal that mostly favorable events will occur in life. However, they will not become significant.
  8. A richly laid table in a dream with an abundance of different delicious dishes reports that pleasant events will begin to happen in life. Perhaps someone you know will surprise and delight you.

A few more interpretations

There are other interpretations for such a dream. Much will depend on the nuances.

  1. A large amount of food on the funeral table serves as a symbol of the changes that the dreamer needs. However, they won't happen unless he lets go of his past.
  2. The wedding table foreshadows changes that will occur in life without the dreamer's participation. Everything will happen unexpectedly.
  3. A banquet table with food reports success in all matters and areas.
  4. If food is on revolving tables in a restaurant or cafe, wait amazing discoveries and news. There is a chance that fate will give you an extraordinary gift.
  5. If they start setting a lot of tables, a new acquaintance will soon take place. And this will happen unexpectedly, in a public place.

In some situations, the table signals that everything necessary conditions created to succeed, you need to start taking action.

Tablecloth or oilcloth?

Do you have to set the table for guests in a dream? In real life, meetings and negotiations await you. And those who are at the table in dreams will most likely have a direct relationship to the affairs of the dreamer.

To dream of a table covered with a white tablecloth - expect positive events in all areas. Such a dream is a symbol of purity family relations. The dream also communicates the purity of the dreamer’s intentions. A happy period will soon come in your life.

The oilcloth on the table speaks of negligence, which is present in all the dreamer’s actions. There is no sincerity in his thoughts. If you manage to see that the table is moving in an incomprehensible way, then this means that the dreamer is experiencing dissatisfaction in real life. Perhaps he is not happy with current events.

What else can a dream tell you about?

There are some nuances on which the main details of interpretation will depend.

  1. Began to eat in company with a certain person? In the near future, relations with him will improve.
  2. If you dine alone, expect complications. Perhaps your health will deteriorate or your financial situation will worsen.
  3. Are you behind festive table? A favorable period awaits you in life; all difficulties will be left behind.
  4. Are you sitting at a set table? Success will accompany you in all your endeavors.
  5. If you are lying on a set table, in reality you risk getting into difficult situation, from which it will be very difficult to get out.
  6. A dream in which you have to stand on a table indicates that you feel impunity and think that everything is allowed to you.
  7. Have you started walking around the table? The usual way of life will soon be disrupted, unexpected events will begin to occur.
  8. If you are hiding under a set table, expect all your plans and ideas to come to life in the near future.
  9. Drink tea for empty table? Be prepared for severe disappointment. At the same time, some dream books advise forgetting about past failures.


A table seen in a dream can indicate a variety of events in the world. life path. A lot will depend on specific nuances, details of the dream, which should definitely be taken into account in order to get more full interpretation. We hope this review helped you understand what a set table means in a dream.

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Valentina Matvienko: biography, personal life, husband, children (photo)
Term of office *: September 2024 Born in April 1949. In 1972 she graduated from the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute. From 1984 to 1986 worked as first secretary of the Krasnogvardeisky district committee of the CPSU of Leningrad. In 1985