Nut lotus plant - beneficial properties of fruits and leaves, cultivation and care at home. Lotus - a symbol of purity and enlightenment White lotus on the water

For more than three thousand years, the lotus has been a symbol of wisdom, happiness and eternal life.

The reason for this was natural feature lotus - always turn towards the sun. Thanks to this feature, the Egyptians considered this plant sacred.

Nefertiti wore a lotus flower. The lotus symbolized Upper Egypt and adorned the country's coat of arms. The Greeks believed that lotus flowers have the rare gift of expelling grief, sadness, and resentment from the soul.

General characteristics of lotus

The lotus family (Nelumbonaceae), isolated from the nymphaeaceae family, is represented by only one genus - lotus (Nelumbo) and two species - nut-bearing lotus (N. nucifera) and yellow lotus (N. lutea).

The types differ mainly in the color of the flowers: the nut lotus has pale pink flowers, the yellow lotus has cream or yellow flowers; as well as the region of distribution: the first is found in Eurasia and Australia, the second in the New World.

The homeland of the lotus was undoubtedly located in the tropical climate zone. The northern border of lotus growth coincides with the border of grape cultivation (the lower temperature limit is minus 15°C).

Lotus naturally grows in swampy lakes and slow-flowing rivers. Its creeping rhizomes are immersed in the sandy muddy bottom. When water bodies become shallow, the lotus develops normally on land for some time, but dies after a few years - apparently when the supply is depleted nutrients in the rhizomes.

The rhizomes are powerful, up to 5 cm in diameter, highly branched: numerous roots radiate from clearly visible nodes in bunches. Substances that will nourish the plant throughout the winter are deposited in the rhizome.

By autumn, tuberous thickenings form on it. In spring, leaves grow from the buds at each node, and leaves and flowers grow from large buds.

Lotus leaves are of two types. Some - underwater sessile scale-like - tightly cover young buds and growth points of the rhizome. Others - surface floating or aerial - rise high above the water on flexible petioles. The floating leaves are flat, rounded-shield-shaped, and the aerial leaves are funnel-shaped.

Lotus leaves are not wetted: the water falling on them, like mercury, collects in large drops and slides down the groove; a sheet dipped in water is covered with a silvery airy film. This is explained by a strong waxy coating on the leaves. In addition, their tissues have air cavities.

The average height of the plant is about 1.5 m. Lotus flowers are up to 30 cm in diameter, with delicately colored petals, with a weak but refined aroma with notes of cinnamon.

There are only two sepals, and 20–30 petals; the latter, as well as numerous large stamens, are arranged spirally.

A lotus flower lives from four to five days, then fades, and lotus fruits appear - nuts that remain viable for a long time.

However, under natural conditions, the lotus reproduces mainly by branching the rhizome. Sometimes plants of the same thicket have a common, unusually extended system of rhizomes.

Tasty and healthy

Lotus seeds, leaves and rhizomes are suitable for food.

From rhizomes get flour, starch, butter. Lotus rhizomes are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, and contain free amino acids, potassium salts, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. They are prepared like other root vegetables, such as Jerusalem artichoke.

Young leaves eaten like asparagus. Nuts They click like seeds. Leaves are used to wrap food for heat treatment or storage.

Stamens used for herbal teas and black tea flavoring.

IN folk medicine All parts of the lotus plant are used to treat diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, for headaches and as a tonic.

Fragrant oil is obtained from flowers and fruits - an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic agent.

Lotus breeding

The selection of lotus flowers has reached an unprecedented level: there are varieties from snow-white to intense purple, with many shades. Dense lotuses and flowers with corrugated petals have already appeared.

Many varieties are created based on hybrids of the nut lotus and the yellow lotus. The varieties are propagated by dividing the rhizomes (with seed propagation the offspring turns out to be heterogeneous).

IN artificial reservoirs For lotus soil is prepared from silt, sand, a small amount of clay and gravel. The water should be clean and low flowing. It should be taken into account that lotuses grow quickly and can choke out other pond plants.

Growing from seeds

Lotuses grown from seeds bloom in the 3rd–5th year. Before germination, the seeds are cut (carefully so as not to damage the embryo), placed in a jar of warm water, which is placed on a sunny windowsill.

After a few days, the shell bursts, small leaves appear, and after another two to three weeks, roots appear.

Seedlings are planted either directly into a pond (if the water is warm enough), or in pots that are placed in vessels with water.

As the lotuses grow, add water or transplant the plants into new containers: the leaves should float on the surface.

Vegetative propagation

At vegetative propagation It is better to first plant the rhizome segments in a container for rooting. The buds should be level with the surface of the pound.

During the period of rooting and growth of rhizomes, it is recommended to feed lotuses with special fertilizers for aquatic plants.

In the zone temperate climate Water from reservoirs with lotuses is drained for the winter and the bottom is covered with a thick (at least 50 cm) layer of fallen leaves.

Sometimes lotuses are planted in containers, which are transferred to basements for the winter and stored in damp sand at a temperature of 5–10°C.

IN winter gardens lotus is grown in large aquariums, in which the layer of water above the ground surface must be at least 30 cm.

In our country, the lotus grows in the Volga delta, in the North Caucasus (at the mouth of the Kura), on Far East and in the Kuban estuaries on the eastern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov.

In the Astrakhan region, before lotus thickets were declared protected, they were destroyed on the vine, fed to livestock and poultry. However, the lotus multiplies quickly, and now its area there reaches 1,500 hectares. It grows along the banks of numerous channels and lakes in the Volga delta, on the seaside.

In the Far East, the lotus is found in the Amur region, along the lower reaches of the Ussuri, on Lake Malaya Khanka. Here it has been preserved since the Tertiary period; at that time the climate was warmer, but the lotus adapted to local conditions and became winter-hardy.

Usually the bottom layer of silt, in which lotus rhizomes overwinter, does not freeze.

Lotuses settled in the Azov region and on the Taman Peninsula about 40 years ago. Initially, they were planted in a fresh lake near the Sadki farm (Primorsko-Akhtarsk region).

Attempts to plant lotuses in the Kuban estuaries have been made before. So, in 1938, hydrobiologist S.K. Troitsky grew lotus populations from Astrakhan seeds. But due to environmental disturbances in this region, they did not survive.

In the freshwater Akhtanizovsky estuary in the territory Krasnodar region floating lotus leaves in shallow water reach 80 cm in diameter. - local landmark.

LOTUS, LOTUS a, m. lotus, lotos m. lat. lotus, gr. 1. Southern water plant with large flowers, considered sacred in some countries. Sl. 18. Lotus. An Egyptian plant, divided into many generations... The most glorious of these growing on... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (Greek lotos). A plant from the family pitcher; among the Egyptians and Hindus it is revered as a sacred object. The land of the lotus is a fabulous land of lotophages, so charming that it made foreigners forget about their fatherland. Dictionary of foreign words,... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Lotus- (Gelendzhik, Russia) Hotel category: Address: Sovetskaya Street 77, Gelendzhik, Russia ... Hotel catalog

Genus of perennial amphibians herbaceous plants lotus family. The flowers are large, up to 30 cm in diameter. 2 species, in temperate and tropical zones of both hemispheres. In South East. Asia, Northeast Australia and southern Europe, including the Volga delta,... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The main and, apparently, original value of this mythopoetic symbol the creative force associated with the feminine principle, hence the more special symbolic meanings L.: the womb as the place of origin of life; fertility, prosperity, offspring, longevity... Encyclopedia of Mythology

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Lotus- (Khosta, Russia) Hotel category: Address: Cheltenham Alley, 5B, Khosta, Russia ... Hotel catalog

Lotus- (Anapa, Russia) Hotel category: 3 star hotel Address: Sportivnaya Street 14, Anapa, Russia ... Hotel catalog

LOTUS, lotus, husband. (Greek: lotos). The name of several species of flowering herbaceous marsh and aquatic plants of hot countries with edible fruits, from the family water lilies. Egyptian lotus. Indian lotus. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

The rhizomes of this water lily of East Asian origin are often used in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. As a rule, perforated rhizomes are cut into transverse slices, which thanks to this look decorated with a decorative pattern.… … Culinary dictionary

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  • Lotus of Brahma. Dilogy (Seven days in the Himalayas. Signs of Christ), Sidorov Valentin Mitrofanovich. The fates of the documentary stories that formed the duology developed differently. The first - "Seven Days in the Himalayas" - miraculously broke through the censorship slingshots, was published in 1982 in...

Lotus - the sacred flower of Buddhism surprises scientists all over the world; its leaves and petals always remain clean. The flower serves as a symbol of the spirit, rising above the sensory world, since it retains its unsullied white flower emerging from muddy water. This is explained by its rough surface, visible through a microscope, from which all dirt is washed off by rain.

Photo of a pink lotus in the sun. For three days, soft pink or white flowers open in all their splendor in the morning and close in the evening. But already on the fourth day the beautiful flowers wither. And this is not surprising, because lotus flowers spent a lot of energy...

Lotus is a relative of water lilies and grows in Africa in the waters of the Nile River. The lotus leaves are concave in the middle, 1.5 m wide, and its pinkish or white flowers reach 35 cm in diameter. When the Nile flooded, carrying fertile silt to the fields, lotuses began to bloom along the banks of the river, in ditches and ditches. A proverb has been preserved since ancient times: “There will be many lotuses on the water, and there will be great fertility.”

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote: “When a river overflows its banks and floods the plain, a large number of lilies grow on the water, called “lotus” by the Egyptians. They cut them, dry them in the sun, then break the poppy-like seeds extracted from the middle of the lotus and prepare a dough that is baked over a fire. The root of this plant is also edible and has a rather pleasant sweetish taste, it is round and the size of an apple." The plant provided people with tasty food and a cure for many diseases.

Lotus flowers are amazingly beautiful and always face the sun. Purity and beauty are what make it sacred. Although the lotus grows from muddy water, it always remains dry and radiates purity and freshness. The reason for this is the special structure of its petals and leaves: they can repel water and self-clean. The water collects in drops and flows off, collecting everything from the leaf that could contaminate it.

The sacred lotus flower has been worshiped for many centuries; it has occupied an honorable place in religious rites, traditions and legends, as evidenced by numerous monuments of writing, architecture and art. More than five and a half thousand years ago, the Egyptians depicted lotuses on tombs, and on the altars of sacrifices it symbolized the resurrection from the dead, although in Egyptian hieroglyphs it meant joy and pleasure. Women, going to visit, decorated their hair with lotus flowers and held their bouquets in their hands.

The sacred lotus of the ancient Egyptians, from which the god Ra was born and which served as the throne for the fertility goddess Isis and the sun god Osiris, who was depicted sitting on a lotus leaf, and the god of Light of the Mountains - on a flower. This expressed the connection of the flower with the sun, which, like the water lily flower, opens in the morning and sinks into the water in the evening. Even in ancient times, the Egyptians noticed that the lotus is very light-loving; it can open both at sunrise and at moonrise.

The flower became a symbol of Egypt and in state emblem Since ancient times, five lotus flowers have been adorned, and the scepter - a sign of the power of the Egyptian pharaohs - was made in the form of a flower on a long stem. The flower and buds were stamped on Egyptian coins; its image was used to decorate the columns of Egyptian palaces and temples, at the base of which there were lotus leaves, and in the upper part - a bunch of stems with flowers and buds.

In addition to the white one, in the Nile Valley there is also a blue Nile lotus, which the Egyptians call the “heavenly lily”, and even bright red lotuses grow in Tibet, India and Mongolia. In India they are loved and revered, still chanting it in ritual dances. The red lotus is still the emblem of modern India. There is even a saying: “Lotus flowers are a ship on which a drowning person in the ocean of life can find his salvation.”

Mythopoetic tradition Ancient India imagined the earth as a giant lotus blooming on the surface of the waters, and paradise as a huge lake overgrown with beautiful pink lotuses, where righteous, pure souls live.

The ancient Indian epic Mahabharata describes a lotus that had a thousand petals, shone like the sun and scattered a delicious aroma around. This lotus, according to legend, lengthened life and restored youth and beauty.

White lotus- an indispensable attribute of divine power. In India, a flower is a symbol of purity - growing out of dirt, it is never dirty, and therefore it is compared to a chaste person to whom no filth sticks. Indian mythology endowed the goddess Sri, or Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu, who was considered the patroness of fertility and prosperity, with such chastity. She was called “lotus born”, “standing on the lotus”, “lotus colored”. In one of the temple medallions, Goddess Sri is depicted standing on a lotus. Surrounded by leaves and flowers, she swims across the ocean.

Many Indian gods have traditionally been depicted standing or sitting on a lotus or holding a flower in their hand. Buddha sits on it and Brahma rests. Vishnu, the demiurge of the universe, holds a lotus in one of his four hands. “Lotus goddesses” are depicted with a flower in their hair. A copious rain of lotuses fell from the sky at the moment of Buddha's birth, and wherever the divine newborn set foot, a huge lotus grew.

And in China the lotus was revered as sacred plant. There, the flower also personifies purity, chastity, fertility, and productive power. In addition, it is a symbol of summer and is one of the eight emblems of successful prediction.

In Taoist folklore, the virtuous maiden He Xiangu was depicted holding in her hands the “flower of open heartfulness” - a lotus or a staff with elements of this flower. His image plays important role in Chinese, Buddhist art, in particular in painting: - in the western part of the sky, ancient Chinese artists painted a lotus lake. The lotus growing on this lake, according to their ideas, communicated with the soul of a deceased person. Depending on the degree of a person’s virtue in earthly life, flowers bloomed or withered.

Colorful photos of blooming lotuses will give you happiness and good luck in your quest to comprehend all the secrets of nature. .

Lotus in human life

How medicinal plant, the flower was known in China several thousand years before new era. In traditional Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Arabic, and Tibetan medicine, all parts of the plant were used to prepare medicines - whole seeds or their large mealy germs, receptacle, petals, pedicels, stamens, pistils, leaves, roots and rhizomes.

In addition, it is a valuable food and dietary plant. Its root and fruits are used as food. After successful pollination, the plant produces edible seeds the size of a hazelnut. Boiled in sugar, they are considered a favorite children's treat in Asia.

In Japan and China, various dishes are also prepared from the roots and leaves of this plant. Rural populations in China, India and Japan still use their seeds and rhizomes to make flour and obtain starch, sugar and oil. The rhizomes are often used to make soup or serve as a side dish. They say that among confectionery in China, candied lotus rhizomes, cut into small slices, are famous for their taste, reminiscent of marmalade. In addition, the Chinese eat the stamens and stem, believing that this food restores beauty and youth to old people. Chinese women decorate themselves with its flowers, as the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians once did.

In Ancient Greece, stories were common about people eating lotus - "lotophagi" ("lotus eaters"). According to legend, anyone who tastes lotus flowers will never want to part with the homeland of this flower.

An ordinary lotus has fruits that are not sweet, but the lotus flower is another species (lotus tree) that has sweet fruits. The lotus tree, along with the flower, has considerable symbolism. In the same Greek mythology The nymph Lotis (Lotis), fleeing from Priapus who was pursuing her, turned into a lotus tree.

It is not without reason that in almost all traditions the lotus is a symbol of purity. He is able to cleanse the space around him from negative vibrations. The aura of this plant exudes such a powerful energy field that no evil can coexist next to it. The room where the lotus is located becomes sacred just from its presence, which is why the lotus is so often used to consecrate the altar.

The lotus is often used to protect against witchcraft. The biofield of this plant is capable of neutralizing any negative energies. Where the lotus is located, no black magic works; any attempts to create any evil will be nullified.

Lotus is often used to get rid of depression, melancholy and sadness. Moreover, its property is such that it brings you out of a depressed state very smoothly, gradually. This allows the human body and psyche to correctly adapt to the surrounding reality. But if you come out of depression abruptly, that is, from melancholy immediately into wild joy, then this will only give a negative result, since this is already an extreme, while health is harmony.

The lotus aura can change a person’s consciousness and direct his thoughts to more spiritual spheres. It is not without reason that in the East, from ancient times to this day, the lotus has served as the most popular symbol of Spiritual development, as well as a symbol of almost all Eastern deities.

The use of lotus is especially recommended for those people who are too mired in material world who all the time think only about work, money and profit, completely forgetting about the second side of their personality - the spiritual. If such a person carries lotus petals with him or sits near this plant for at least half an hour, then gradually his character and consciousness will change. His nature will become more refined, he will gradually begin to turn his attention to spiritual matters.

Lotus Life Power

In 1881, during excavations of the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses II and Princess Nsi-Khonsu, several dried blue lotus buds were found, which had lain in the ground for 3,000 years and retained their color. Among the dazzling riches of the tomb, these flowers made the greatest impression. Such is the magical power and charm of flowers.

Sometimes lotus seeds are stored for hundreds of years and are fraught with scientific sensation. In 1933, a message flashed in magazines that in botanical garden At Kew, near London, Indian lotus plants bloomed, the seeds of which were four centuries old. When scientists doubted such a statement and decided to test it experimentally, they managed to germinate seeds that were 1040 years old!

American scientists from the University of California managed to grow healthy young plant from a 1,228-year-old lotus seed that was kept as a relic in one of the museums. They germinated the seed in four days, the small seed sprouted as if it had been born quite recently. Before this experiment began, several more ancient lotuses were grown from seeds brought from the Beijing Institute of Botany, from seeds of no less “venerable” age. This is probably the oldest germinated seed. It was found in a dry lotus pond in China. The seed lay there for many hundreds of years, and after four days it released a small green sprout.

Dropping my sleepy head
Under the fire of the day's rays,
Waiting for the twinkling nights.
And it just floats out
Red moon in the sky,
He raises his head
Waking up from sleep.
Glistens on fragrant leaves
His dew is pure tears,
And he trembles lovingly,
Looking sadly into the heavens.
G. Heine

This is amazing beautiful plant known since ancient times. The beautiful water lily is the only representative in the lotus family. In Buddhism, and not only, the lotus is a sacred flower - a symbol of purity. Growing from the swamp muddy water, the plant turns into pure beautiful flower, facing towards the sun. Its seeds represent a symbol of life due to their longevity. Noticing that the lotus blossoms when the sun sets, the Egyptians assumed that such a phenomenon had some mysterious connection with the celestial bodies and their movement.

It is known that botanist Jane Shen-Miller was able to germinate the seeds of a plant that had lain for several centuries at the bottom of a long-dried reservoir. The seeds sprouted, and scientists determined that one of the grains was over 1,200 years old! This article will present a plant - the nut-bearing lotus. But first, let's look at all the types.

Types of lotus

  • Yellow lotus, or American lotus, is common in the South and North America. The name of the flower itself speaks about its color.
  • Walnut, or Indian, is found in China and India. Its fragrant flowers have a beautiful pink color. The fruits of this lotus are shaped like the bell of a watering can. When fully ripe, small nuts appear in them.

General information about lotus blossoms

At the very beginning, the color of the petals of a lotus flower is bright pink, then it gradually fades, and the flowering thickets acquire a wide variety of pink shades.

There is a tradition (as with cherry blossoms) to admire the lotus during its blossoming, which lasts only 3 days. Then the beautiful petals fall, after which the seed box is exposed. The seeds fall to the bottom of the reservoir, where they can lie for quite a long time.

Nut-bearing lotus: description of the flower

The plant is the most beautiful and largest representative of the coastal flora. During its flowering period, magnificent pink flowers rise to a height of up to 2 meters above the surface of the water and against the backdrop of bright green leaves they present a delightful and indescribable sight.

The lotus flower is large (diameter is approximately 30 cm), semi-double, and stands on a high peduncle. Its color ranges from white to scarlet. It is similar in shape to a water lily, only its petals are wider and less pointed. When the inflorescence blooms completely, a flat pistil 5-10 cm in size opens in it, and stamens with yellow anthers are located around it.

Nut lotus has a flower that closes at night and has a rather pleasant aroma. One inflorescence produces several large (up to 15 mm) seeds, the dense shell of which, when the fruit is fully ripe, protects the plant embryo from low temperatures and drying out. These seeds (nuts) have a rather pleasant taste.

Leaves and rhizomes

Nut lotus has two types of leaves (see photo below).

  • The floating leaves have a flat, rounded shape. They are located both under the surface of the water and on the surface.
  • The leaves are airy, rising above the surface up to 2 meters. Their shape is funnel-shaped, the surface with a waxy coating is dense. The leaf diameter reaches approximately 55 cm. The color is rich green.

The thickened and strong rhizome grows several meters around the plant. It contains microelements, vitamins, sugars in large quantities, proteins and fats. Even under unfavorable conditions they can persist for a long time. Along the entire root there are embryonic buds that give rise to new plants. Freezing and complete drying of the reservoir is detrimental to of this plant.

Places of growth

It should be noted that the nut-bearing lotus is listed in the Red Book. This plant grows in standing and slow flowing waters, mainly in the tropical and temperate regions of southern Europe, Asia, as well as the Indian Ocean islands and northern Australia. It is this type of lotus that has been used in many countries in folk medicine for a long time. This plant is found in the tropics of both hemispheres of the Earth. It also grows in Russia - in the Volga River delta, in the Far East and in Transcaucasia.

Although the nut-bearing lotus is cultivated in many countries, the Red Book includes this relict plant in its lists. It has been preserved due to the fact that people have cultivated it for many millennia. There is an opinion that the lotus as a genus could die. The flower (both yellow and nut-bearing) grows in shallow water in small thickets on oxbow lakes, estuaries, lakes with silty soils (depth up to two meters) and well-warmed water.

Types and varieties

There are several types of nut-bearing lotus, which grow well in some parts of Russia.

  • The Caspian is common in the Volga delta and reservoirs of the Kuban. The flower is pink and the leaves are green and large. Very similar this type similar to Asian, but it is slightly smaller in size and adapted to cold weather.
  • Komarov's lotus is the most resistant to cold climates. Grows in the Far East and Primorsky Krai of Russia. This plant has large emergent leaves and white-pink flowers. It overwinters well in a thick silt layer, but dies when the soil freezes.

  • American is the only species with yellow flowers. Grows in the tropics of America. It was initially grown only in greenhouses, but propagation by seeds helped to successfully cultivate the flower in Kuban and Sochi. Today this type is very popular.

Useful properties and applications

The nut-bearing lotus blooms in July-August, the fruits fully ripen in September. Its large and hard seeds resemble a nut in taste. They are edible. Nuts are widely used in cooking, and lotus roots are considered a delicacy in Asian cuisine and are consumed only on holidays.

Beneficial properties of lotus nut:

  • diuretic;
  • astringent;
  • soothing;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-burn;
  • hemostatic;
  • strengthening;
  • antitoxic.

In folk medicine, lotus is used to treat liver and heart diseases, skin lesions, burns and diarrhea. The seeds are used for insomnia and excessive anxiety. Decoctions with rhizomes are useful for nervous exhaustion, convulsions, fever, bleeding and in the treatment of diseases of the spleen. These infusions are also used for snake and scorpion bites. Herbal infusions with lotus leaves are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases (including cancer), etc. In cosmetology, lotus is used in preparations that cleanse, moisturize and give the skin elasticity and firmness.

Conditions for artificially growing lotus

Nut lotus can be grown artificially. Below are the basic conditions necessary for growing this plant.

  • A non-freezing reservoir is required. Its depth should be 1.5-2 meters. Maintaining the water temperature at this level should not fall below 4 degrees so that the plant does not die.

  • A considerable layer (more than 50 cm) of nutritious soil at the bottom of the reservoir is required. This is necessary for good and powerful root development. A well-silted bottom is additional protection against possible freezing.
  • Good water heating and bright solar lighting required due to the long growing season of the plant.


How is the purity of a plant emerging from muddy muddy water maintained? The reason for this is the special glossy structure of the flower’s petals and its leaves. They are able to clean themselves by repelling water. This amazing plant deserves to continue its existence in nature. Otherwise, there would be much fewer such fabulously beautiful places on earth.

Publication 2019-03-23 I liked it 2 Views 6160

Lotus flower in ancient China

The lotus is the most mentioned plant in Indian literature; in China it is known as the bud of paradise. For many peoples, the lotus flower is still associated with righteous souls. It is important in traditional Arabic and Tibetan medicine, where medicines are made from seeds, roots and leaves. In Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam and India, blooming lotus is included in the diet menu and is considered a valuable food product.

The Chinese believe that lotuses are the souls of people

Esoterics vs science: flower symbol

IN esoteric practice The lotus flower eliminates negative vibrations. It is believed that a photo of a lotus or an art image of it can become a cleansing amulet. The plant can also be used instead of asparagus and marmalade can be made from its seeds.

How much amazing jewelry exists with this ancient symbol

This divine symbol in various religions carries its sacred meaning about:

  • life and health
  • rebirth and oblivion
  • fertility
  • masculine and feminine
  • spiritual self-improvement
  • awakening, the beginning of a new cycle
  • love and compassion

These flowers of extraordinary beauty are always drawn to the light

Blooming lotus - perennial, its diameter can reach 30 cm. In the photo you can see that its bud is always turned towards the sun. The lotus is listed in the Red Book, so it is already special. Science has confirmed that lotus preparations act as tonics, cardiotonics and general tonics.

"Pink Lily of the Nile" - a sacred and miraculous plant

Its geography covers the waters of America, Hawaii and other parts of the world (more details in the photo). Flowering plant found in Asian countries, and Australia. The most amazing Lotus Valley is located in Russia, on the Taman Peninsula. This is an ideal place for travel, wedding ceremonies, and unforgettable photo and video sessions.

The flower of paradise lives in lakes and reservoirs

Who said you can't get away with it? In some photos you can see a waxy coating on the petals and beautiful pearlescent tints. Water does not linger on their surface, but rolls off in drops.

Egypt: the meaning of the blooming lotus and legends

For the Egyptians, this flower is a symbol of sleep and voluptuous oblivion. The Nile white lotus grows here, opening not under the scorching rays of the sun, but under the moonlight. In Egypt, it symbolizes the dying and resurrecting god Osiris, as well as Isis, the goddess of fertility. The Egyptians gave the blooming lotus great value during the harvest period. It was believed that the abundance of divine “lilies” during the Nile flood promised a well-fed year.

Lotus in the interior - both beautiful and harmonizes the space

The blooming sacred symbol is identified with the sun god Ra and establishes a connection with the sun. The meaning of flower magic is associated with light and it does not matter whether it is sunrise or moonrise. For the Egyptians, a blooming lotus is also a symbol of eloquence, so girls decorated their hair, clothes, and braided wreaths and bracelets with it. The Egyptians placed the flower in tombs, believing that the dead would awaken in the next world.

Lotus is also a medicinal plant

The symbol of the red water lily flower is the personification of infinite divine wisdom for many peoples and religions. It is not surprising that lotus symbols are so popular these days, as well as accessories, bedding and clothing (for example, trousers, knitted sweaters, etc.), which also carry sacred meaning. Photos of cool clothes can be found in Indiastyle showcases!

Want a t-shirt with a trendy sacred symbol? Search in the catalog
Lotus tattoos look very cool on the body.

Symbol of blooming lotus in India

In India, a blooming lotus even “climbs” a mountain, one and a half kilometers high. The symbol of India is a red flower. It is associated with the heart, love experiences, passion and compassion, purity of thoughts and life. According to Indian mythology, everything present lives in the rays of the “Fiery Sun”, and it is the blooming lotus that acts as the throne for Shakmuni Buddha.

The image of a blooming lotus can be placed on any part of the body

The symbolism of the flower in Indian mythology varies:

  • 5 petals - a symbol of the five stages of life - birth, learning, marriage, rest, death
  • 7 lotus petals symbolize the seven planets
  • 8 petals - this is the Heart of Existence, eternal oblivion
  • 9 petals - symbol of a person
  • 10 petals of a flower - identified with God and the Absolute

The lotus helps the human soul to get out of the darkness of ignorance.

Lotus flower in ancient China

The blooming lotus was revered in China long before the spread of Buddhism. Modern Chinese and Japanese even manage to cook this flower! They eat candied water lily roots and are convinced that this delicacy prolongs youth and preserves beauty. The flower has become a symbol of the victory of will over emotions, wisdom and intelligence over stupidity. Incense is still burned here to drive away evil spirits. The Chinese associate only the pink blooming lotus with Buddha.

Lotus flowers are a constant offering to the eastern gods

In other religions and beliefs, the flower managed to “be” the muse of Apollo ( Ancient Rome), a love bed for Zeus and Hera ( Ancient Greece). Tibetan knowledge associate meaning flowering plant with the Wheel of Life. According to the monks, the stages of existence (past, present and future) are also arranged, as is the structure of a flower (bud, flower and seeds). But for Christians, a blooming lotus has the sacred meaning of Light and is identified with the Trinity and Christ.

A blossoming lotus flower represents rebirth

The aura of this plant exudes powerful energy. A blooming lotus is a frequent “witness” of the consecrated altar; it protects against witchcraft and black magic. Cards, paintings and photos with lotus can protect a person from atrocities.

Lotus image - protection from evil spells and intentions

Born in water, a sacred flower, a “health tonic”, an important ingredient for Ayurveda, an image of creation, the emergence of the world - the blooming lotus has many names, sacred meanings And medicinal properties. Even in the photo you can see the nobility and grandeur of this flower.

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