Meaning of the name Alfia from Arabic. What does the name Alfia have in store for its owner? Its meaning and origin. Alfia: the meaning of the name gives hope

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Alfia, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Alphia's zodiac is Leo
  • Planet – Sun
  • The color of the name Alfiya is red, yellow
  • The patron of the name Alfiya is the scarab
  • Talisman stone – amber

What does the name Alfiya mean?: sublime (the name Alfiya is of Muslim origin).

It is known that the name Alpha is derived from the name of the first letter of the Greek alphabet (“alpha”). Translated, this means “first”. Therefore, if we talk about Muslim origin, the meaning of the name Alfiya is “close to Allah.” It must be taken into account that Alya may be short form for other names.

Short meaning of the name Alfia: Alya

Alfie's Angel Day: the name Alfiya does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Character of the name Alfia: What does the name Alfiya mean? If we analyze the meaning of the name Alfia from the point of view of numerology, then this is a person who is full of energy and constantly wants to take active actions. It is worth saying that this is exactly what helps Alfie find a way out of even the most difficult situations. difficult situations. But still, psychologists do not recommend owners of this name to engage in business or risky activities. Leadership positions are also not very suitable for Alfie - she will feel much more confident as a subordinate. She doesn't always manage to earn a lot of money, but she gets better at spending it.

Alfia's main qualities are kindness, agreeableness and intelligence. True, under certain circumstances she can be impudent and eccentric. But even if Alfia flares up, she quickly calms down.

Alfia has a developed desire for creativity and also has intuition. She does not like to sit still, constantly striving for physical and spiritual comfort. It is extremely important for her to be in the center of attention and direct her energy into some area of ​​​​life. She is always in search of her destiny and does not waste time.

It is worth saying that Alfia subtly perceives the beauty of the world around her, has spirituality and sensitivity. For this reason, she often chooses some creative hobby for herself or even connects her professional life with creativity. Alfia can be safely called a generator of ideas, since her ideas are almost always successful and original. Alfia has very good artistic abilities, she likes to have fun, make others laugh and make them happy.

Alfie is characterized by honesty and openness, but sometimes she is also capable of slightly lying, although she will be guided by the best intentions, believing that a white lie is sometimes simply necessary. In general, Alfia can be called a peace-loving person. And although from the outside she may seem calculating and pragmatic, rest assured, at their core they are a romantic and gentle nature. However, at the same time, Alfiya always strives to achieve respect in society and shows some firmness in character and actions.

Alfia's love and marriage: IN family life Alfia is faithful and caring. She carefully chooses her husband, and therefore, as a rule, finds happiness in marriage. Alfiya tries to devote as much time as possible to her husband and children, to be an authority in the family and a hospitable hostess.

The fate of the name Alfiya in history:

  1. Alfiya Avzalova (Tatar singer, has a full-range alto voice timbre. She sang in 14 languages ​​of the world.)
  2. Alfiya Yulchurina ((born 1960) Bashkir singer, received the title of People's Artist of Bashkortostan in 2010)
  3. Alfiya Muryasova ((born 1988) Russian track and field athlete)
  4. Alfiya Khambaleeva ((1963-2013) Bashkir opera singer (soprano), was an Honored Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan and a soloist of the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater)
  5. Alfiya Bikbaeva ((1926-2004) Bashkir otolaryngologist, published more than 200 scientific works, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Awarded the title “Honored Scientist of the RSFSR”)
  6. Alfiya Ilyasova (Tatar artist)

Alfia: name meaning and characteristics

Alfiya is a predominantly Muslim name. It is quite rare and has extremely unusual magnetism, which affects all areas of the life of its bearer, which we will discuss in detail below.

Origin of the name: Greek theory

The etymology of this name is quite difficult to deduce, since it is lost somewhere in the mists of time in the Asian region. Most often, however, it is associated with “alpha,” the Greek letter at the head of the alphabet. Accordingly, if the name Alfia is interpreted in this way, the meaning of the name will be “first”. This version is confirmed by the fact that in Ancient Greece This name was often given to first-born girls.

Origin of the name: Arabic theory

On the other hand, this name is most widespread in Muslim countries, so it is often interpreted differently. For example, the meaning of the name Alfiya in the Tatar language is “close to Allah.” Although actually this is not entirely Tatar name, since it is still traced back to the Arabic root and is considered as a feminine form male name Alfir. If you follow this version, then the name Alfiya will be one of the forms of the name Alfira. There is one more, or rather, two versions of the origin of this name, also Muslim. According to the first, this name means something like “long-liver,” and more specifically, a woman independent of the passage of time. The second translation is very romantic and figurative. He interprets the name Alfiya as "a poem of a thousand lines."


Since childhood, Alfia has been distinguished by her energy and activity. She is restless and is not averse to doing some pampering. On the other hand, if you manage to earn authority in the eyes of this girl, she will readily show obedience. Cleverness and cunning are what distinguishes little Alfia from the first days of her life. The meaning of the name affects her relationships with other children and leads to the fact that she often takes a leading position among her friends, and even among boys. The teachers will not have any difficulty in explaining to little Alfie what they want from her. But her understanding does not in any way guarantee that she will show readiness to heed and fulfill what is required. Therefore, the girl needs to be constantly looked after.

School years pass in the same vein. The meaning of the name Alfia and her fate generally easily fit into the indicated framework. Over time, the girl’s intuition develops more and more sharply, which helps if she has a desire to achieve noticeable success in her studies. On the other hand, Alfia’s diplomatic flair and sense of tact are in great short supply, so spontaneity and striking straightforwardness are features of her attitude towards people.

Alfia herself is kind, energetic and positive. She does not seek to harm anyone unless she is seriously provoked to do so. She is sociable, open, loves to talk about herself and generally loves to attract the attention of others.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Alfia and the nature of her love relationships are also connected. And the first thing to note is the girl’s predisposition towards older men. Quite early, she begins to have affairs, which can often contrast with more serious, long-term romances. At the same time, there are no moral restrictions for Alfia. In other words, having several lovers on the side as opposed to the main man is quite in her spirit. It goes without saying that the consequences of this approach make themselves felt in the form of various mistakes and difficult situations, which, however, the girl has developed a habit of since childhood.

Alfia, whose name meaning, character and destiny are closely intertwined, always tries to be on top and live to the fullest. She never waits for her prince, but she herself takes the first step towards the person she likes. Most often, she is the first to break off the relationship. This continues for quite a long time until, having matured considerably, the woman calms down and settles down. However, if Alfia is lucky enough to truly fall in love and outgrow superficial emotions, she changes dramatically - her loyalty, sincerity and self-denial know no bounds and are truly impressive.


It must be said that Alfia, the meaning of whose name dominates her personal life, usually marries early. Being a hasty and thoughtless act, this union most often quickly declines and ends in a break in relations. Alfia's romantic youthful ideas about family are in severe dissonance with reality, and, as a rule, she cannot withstand the tension. But the girl prepares to the fullest for her second marriage, taking into account all the previously accumulated experience. Alfia, the meaning of whose name makes her so reckless in early period life, by the age of thirty he becomes much wiser. At this time, she builds long-term relationships and consciously, with full responsibility, assumes the responsibilities of a wife and mother.


As for her career, here the girl with this wonderful name is trying to choose something interesting and creative for herself that will bring her joy. If this fails, she will pursue a hobby and leave her job only as a source of income. If fate is favorable to her, and she takes exactly the position she wants, then it will be almost impossible to find a more reliable and professional employee. On the other hand, relationships with colleagues are her weak point. Being completely devoid of tact, and having no work experience at the beginning of her career, she risks completely ruining her relationship with the team, although she is characterized as a responsible and punctual employee.

What does the name Alfia have in store for its owner? Its meaning and origin

Have you ever noticed that we like or hate a given name just because it is associated with a certain person? It has long been proven that a nickname, to some extent, determines the future fate of an individual. Therefore, many parents do the right thing by weighing the pros and cons before choosing a name for their child. And who doesn’t wish their offspring health, goodness and happiness? In this article we will look at the name Alfia. What fate is in store for a person with such a nickname?

What does the name Alfiya mean?

This word has dual roots. In the Greek alphabet, “alpha” is the first letter, accordingly, the girl is destined to be a leader, achieve her goals, be successful career growth. This name is very common in Muslim countries. According to the Arabic version of the interpretation, this is “close to Allah.” Muslims are sure that this name prophesies a long and happy life for the girl.

Name Alfia. Meaning for a child

As is already clear from the above, Alfia is a leader. Moreover, it is pronounced. Already in childhood, she is able to organize a large number of people for a specific action. It costs her nothing to convince everyone that she is right. And she does this not senselessly and with the help of empty words, but consciously and with a specific purpose. The girl has excellent speaking skills. She simply loves to be the center of attention. Alfia is constantly on the move. Aimless pastime is not for her. It’s probably not even worth mentioning that Alfiya is a great student at school; she also takes extra classes in some subjects. The girl also has talents in the field of art. She can easily learn to dance, sing, play the extraordinary musical instrument. If she wants to play sports, she will be the first there too!

Name Alfia: meaning and character of the girl

The older Alfia gets, the less clearly she flaunts her leadership qualities. The girl prefers to think everything over several times, and only then make it public. Alfia easily makes contact with people, she is friendly and sociable. She usually has a lot of friends, since the girl does not like to quarrel or be offended, she always makes concessions with ease. However, this is only if the issue is not fundamental. And she simply considers conflicts a waste of time. She is not alien to a sense of tact, the girl will not be a hypocrite, she will always try to adequately and clearly explain her point of view. If you hear about a girl who has a spirit of adventurism and audacity in her actions, then we can only talk about beautiful lady, whose name is Alfia. The meaning of the nickname also leaves its mark on relationships with the opposite sex. The girl wants to be a leader here too; she is looking for a strong, generous, reliable man.

Name Alfia. Meaning for an adult woman

The older she is, the wiser she becomes. Alfia becomes a more impressionable person who has a fine mental organization. No matter what profession she devotes her life to, a woman will always know her worth. And even if some people don’t particularly like her for her desire to lead, for her luck in life, Alfiya will simply ignore such behavior and any criticism addressed to her. It is also worth noting that women with this name are excellent housewives, wives, mothers, for whom family and home are sacred.

Name Alfia: meaning, origin, interpretation

What will the name Alfia give to a girl or woman? Its meaning will give the bearer many positive characteristics. Alfia is smart and flexible, hospitable and lucky. Will this woman escape professional troubles and everyday storms? Will she be happy in her personal life?

Name Alfia: meaning, origin

The name Alfiya has Muslim roots, but is translated differently. In one version it sounds like “first”, “close to Allah”. There is a version that Alfia is translated as “magnificent poem”, “sublime”. And another version of the name is interpreted as “long-liver,” “one who will live a thousand years.”

This different interpretation brings its own nuances to the character of the bearer of the name Alfia. Such a woman is sensitive and kind. But she can be harsh and intractable. Spontaneity and extravagance are bestowed upon its bearer by the name Alfia. Its value will be added to personal qualities capriciousness and temper, a sense of inner dignity and romance.

Name in numerology

What number does the name belong to? The vibrations of which number will influence the life of a woman whose name is Alfia? The meaning of the name and destiny will be subject to vibrations of the number 1.

“Units” are friendly, sociable people. They are smart and have a good sense of humor. They love to reign in society and give advice to others. The “units” are characterized by outbursts of anger - they are impulsive and quickly react to negativity. But they soon move away and do not harbor any grudges against their offenders.

Ambitious. They strive for self-improvement in their profession, which is why they often occupy leadership positions. Such people know how to defend their opinions and rarely listen to others.

“Units” have their pros and cons. Such people have optimism, enthusiasm, romance, a desire for creativity, courage, and leadership qualities. Their disadvantages are arrogance, egocentrism, quarrelsomeness, boastfulness, and stubbornness.

Girl's character

The meaning of the name Alfia for a girl will give curiosity and inquisitiveness. She learns easily and quickly memorizes numerous poems and songs. From an early age, parents must take into account the girl’s sensitivity - Alfiya reacts sharply to quarrels between loved ones. She deeply experiences the disagreements and shouting of her parents.

Little Alfie combines wisdom and impulsiveness. The girl is growing up to be a practical and romantic person. She loves to read and fantasizes a lot. Parents should develop a sense of purpose in her. Carried away by her creative imagination, she may forget about real affairs. Therefore, it is worth developing the ability to set feasible goals and achieve them.

The basics of morality also need to be instilled in Alfie from childhood. Possessing a critical mind and observation skills, she is able to figure out some issues herself. Alfiya loves to study, so she can easily get 1-2 higher education degrees.

Character of a woman

What features will the name Alfia add to a woman? Its meaning will reward its bearer with sociability and gentleness. Alfiya takes the grief and experiences of the people around her to heart. She knows how to sympathize and help. Deep inside this woman is very tender and vulnerable. But she tries to hide her vulnerability with external practicality and sobriety.

Alfia is a bright, noticeable personality. She attracts the eyes and hearts of people. Energetic and active, she is always in the cycle of events. But in professional activity it's better to give preference to her individual work. You shouldn’t expect sudden ups and downs in your work. Calm, stable work will earn Alfie the respect of her colleagues.

This woman is an excellent diplomat. She cleverly uses lies in situations where it is impossible to tell the truth. She avoids scandals and strives to remain on good terms with others.

The mystery of the name

What secret does the name Alfia hide? Its meaning will give a young woman dreaminess and enthusiasm. She will be waiting for the “prince on a white horse.” But the first experience of marital relations will bring disappointment. Alfia's sublimity will not be able to harmonize with real everyday relationships. Therefore, a woman with that name often ends in a breakup in her first marriage.

However, experience will help her become more confident in relationships. Intelligence and a sense of humor will help you overcome a painful divorce. She will gain practicality and learn to critically evaluate the words and actions of men. By the age of 30, Alfiya will be fully matured to create a full-fledged marriage and have children.

Sexuality of the name

Will this woman be sexy? What does the name Alfiya mean? And him meaning and destiny women will reward her with early sensuality. Already in adolescence, Alfiya will stare at men and dream of love. As she gets older, she will turn into a brave girl who will not be afraid to be the first to approach a guy.

Alfia's charming appearance and naivety attracts members of the opposite sex to her. She quickly learns the basics of sexuality, learns to experiment - such qualities do not leave fans indifferent. Even after breaking up with Alfiya, they strive to maintain good relations with this pleasant woman.

Having successfully married and given birth to children, Alfiya devotes herself entirely to her family. She becomes a wonderful housewife - friends love to visit her house. She is a caring mother and intuitively senses the needs of children.

Interpretation of the name

What other mystery is hidden in the name Alfia? Its meaning and interpretation is associated with ambition and determination. Leadership qualities Alfia will be given a leadership position. She great value gives punctuality and will demand it from subordinates. Responsible Alfiya sometimes “goes too far,” and then her unpredictability and impulsiveness frighten the team.

The straightforwardness of this woman can play a cruel joke on her. Alfia speaks the truth face to face, without thinking about the consequences. It is characteristic that she rarely has bouts of straightforwardness - usually Alfia tries to smooth out unpleasant facts. But, succumbing to impulse, she can voice the truth in such a way that it sounds like an insult.

Name by seasons

"Winter" Alfia is calm and confident. She likes to organize others, create clubs or exhibitions. She has many friends and associates. This Alfia loves to be the center of attention. She often ignores the opinions of other people and leads an extraordinary lifestyle.

"Spring" Alfia is good-natured and spontaneous. She has a light and cheerful disposition. Thanks to her optimism, she finds friends and good acquaintances. Tries to avoid conflicts and always seeks compromise in controversial issues. Depending on upbringing, she can become a timid, indecisive person.

"Summer", she attaches great importance to love and sensual relationships. Such an Alfia disarms even her enemies with her openness and gullibility. Her life is calm and measured. The only weak point is financial expenses. A lot of money is spent on buying elegant trinkets, luxury items, and elegant outfits.

"Autumn" Alfia is energetic and businesslike. From a young age she learns to lead people and she does it very well. She infects with her activity and confidence, and those around her boldly follow her. Such an Alfia calmly resolves the most complex and controversial issues. She is ready to take responsibility, but also demands the same from her subordinates.

Alfia: the meaning of the name gives hope

Nowadays, parents are trying to choose the best for their child. unusual name. It has become common to meet a baby on the street, whom his mother affectionately calls Panteleus, or a girl who cheerfully responds to the name Capitolina. Moms and dads often do this to make their child stand out from the large crowd of people. Trying to attract additional attention to the baby, parents do not think at all about how the child’s life will turn out in the future.

It has long been known that the name given at birth leaves its mark on a person’s fate over time. Each name is not a simple combination of sounds. It has its own history and secret of origin.

For example, Alfia - the meaning of the name implies that the baby must be a strong character and an extraordinary person in life. This word itself has dual roots. For the Greeks, “alpha” is the initial letter of the ancient alphabet, so the name Alfia can be translated as “first.” This says a lot about her future. A woman with this name is bound to achieve success and career growth. Whatever she does, fate will definitely give her a chance to prove herself, and there is no doubt that Alfia will definitely take advantage of it.

There is also an Arabic version of the interpretation of the name Alfia. The meaning of the name in this case prophesies to her long lifetempting prospect! Many would wish such a fate for themselves. Who doesn't want to live a hundred years? Oddly enough, women with this name actually live quite a long time. Perhaps this name gives them strength, or perhaps life itself.

The meaning of the name Alfia is quite multifaceted. On the one hand, it has life force and power. She is capable of original ideas and can think logically. Such a woman is very inventive and easily adapts to any conditions. It will not be difficult for her to find the right solution in a difficult situation. She always turns out to be right and it seems that the wise Alfia knows something about life that others do not know.

On the other hand, this is a very impressionable nature with a subtle spiritual organization. She - good friend, tender mother and loving wife. For her, home is holy place, and the family is unshakable. She is usually a wonderful housewife, and to maintain peace in the family she can even lie a little, but you won’t notice it. Her natural resourcefulness and sense of proportion will help her.

What else can you say about a woman named Alfia? The meaning of the name implies a deeply intelligent lady with a highly developed sense of self-esteem. She is not capable of hurting a person in vain and will always protect the weak. This life position allows her to always be a respected person in the team and enjoy well-deserved authority. When you meet a woman named Alfia, the meaning of the name makes you listen to her. Such a person inspires trust and you want to consult with him on any issues. For some reason she wants to believe.

Scientists have long been unanimous in saying that the meaning of a name can greatly influence the formation of a person’s character. Determined and strong individuals have a better chance of surviving in our complex world, and any mother will want to know in advance that her baby has a bright future.

A girl with the proud name Alfiya will always be able to achieve what she wants. The name itself may not sound very common these days, but you don’t have to worry about the person who bears it.

Meaning of the name Alfia

Marie smth red

Astrology and magic named Alfiya.
The heavenly patron of the name Alfia is the Sun.
Meaning: exalted, long-lived.
Stone - aventurine, heliodor, carnelian, topaz, zircon, amber.
The color of the name ranges from pale yellow to bright red.
House plants,
favorable for the name Alfia:
Zantedechia ethiopica
Impatiens (impatiens)
Mimosa bashful
Camellia japonica
Akalifa bristle-haired
Amaranthus caudate
Calceolaria hybrida
Chinese rose
Gardenia jasminoides
Pelargonium regal
Perfume for the name Alfia.
Smells: rose, incense, amber, patchouli, jasmine, coconut.
Perfume brands: Eternity, Miss Dior, Paris, Poison, Intuition, J*Adore.
The health vulnerabilities of a woman named Alfia are the heart, legs, back, especially the spine.
Good luck and bad luck for a woman named Alfia:
Lucky day is Sunday, unlucky day is Saturday.
Magical ornament named after Alfiya.
The first related house is Togo.
The second related house is Myanmar.
Foundation - Barbuda.
Walls - Rwanda.
Roof - Spitsbergen.
Magical harmony of the name Alfia.
The most suitable country property for a woman named Alfia.
Land plot rectangular shape very large size.
There is a forest in front, a river behind. Asphalt road.
Two-storey townhouse located in the south-eastern part of the land plot.
Large garage.
City apartment for a woman named Alfia.
New building in the southern part of the city.
Number of rooms - four.
The windows face west.
Eighth floor.
Investments in real estate are quite suitable for a woman named Alfia.
A car harmonious with the name Alfiya, made by IRAN KHODRO.
Color - golden metallic, bullfighting.
Car type - sedan.

What will the name Alfia give to a girl or woman? Its meaning will give the bearer many positive characteristics. Alfia is smart and flexible, hospitable and lucky. Will this woman escape professional troubles and everyday storms? Will she be happy in her personal life?

Name Alfia: meaning, origin

The name Alfiya has Muslim roots, but is translated differently. In one version it sounds like “first”, “close to Allah”. There is a version that Alfia is translated as “magnificent poem”, “sublime”. And another version of the name is interpreted as “long-liver,” “one who will live a thousand years.”

Such different interpretations introduce their own nuances into the character of the bearer of the name Alfia. Such a woman is sensitive and kind. But she can be harsh and intractable. Spontaneity and extravagance are bestowed upon its bearer by the name Alfia. Its meaning will add to the personal qualities of capriciousness and irascibility, a sense of inner dignity and romance.

Name in numerology

What number does the name belong to? The vibrations of which number will influence the life of a woman whose name is Alfia? The meaning of the name and destiny will be subject to vibrations of the number 1.

“Units” are friendly, sociable people. They are smart and have a good sense of humor. They love to reign in society and give advice to others. The “units” are characterized by outbursts of anger - they are impulsive and quickly react to negativity. But they soon move away and do not harbor any grudges against their offenders.

Ambitious. They strive for self-improvement in their profession, which is why they often occupy leadership positions. Such people know how to defend their opinions and rarely listen to others.

“Units” have their pros and cons. Such people have optimism, enthusiasm, romance, a desire for creativity, courage, and leadership qualities. Their disadvantages are arrogance, egocentrism, quarrelsomeness, boastfulness, and stubbornness.

Girl's character

The meaning of the name Alfia for a girl will give curiosity and inquisitiveness. She learns easily and quickly memorizes numerous poems and songs. From an early age, parents must take into account the girl’s sensitivity - Alfia reacts sharply to quarrels between loved ones. She deeply experiences the disagreements and shouting of her parents.

Little Alfie combines wisdom and impulsiveness. The girl is growing up to be a practical and romantic person. She loves to read and fantasizes a lot. Parents should develop a sense of purpose in her. Carried away by her creative imagination, she may forget about real matters. Therefore, it is worth developing the ability to set feasible goals and achieve them.

The basics of morality also need to be instilled in Alfie from childhood. Possessing a critical mind and observation skills, she is able to figure out some issues herself. Alfiya loves to study, so she can easily get 1-2 higher educations.

Character of a woman

What features will the name Alfia add to a woman? Its meaning will reward its bearer with sociability and gentleness. Alfiya takes the grief and experiences of the people around her to heart. She knows how to sympathize and help. Deep inside this woman is very tender and vulnerable. But she tries to hide her vulnerability with external practicality and sobriety.

Alfia is a bright, noticeable personality. She attracts the eyes and hearts of people. Energetic and active, she is always in the cycle of events. But in her professional activities it is better for her to give preference to individual work. You shouldn’t expect sudden ups and downs in your work. Calm, stable work will earn Alfie the respect of her colleagues.

This woman is an excellent diplomat. She cleverly uses lies in situations where it is impossible to tell the truth. She avoids scandals and strives to remain on good terms with others.

The mystery of the name

What secret does the name Alfia hide? Its meaning will give a young woman dreaminess and enthusiasm. She will be waiting for the “prince on a white horse.” But the first experience of marital relations will bring disappointment. Alfia's sublimity will not be able to harmonize with real everyday relationships. Therefore, a woman with that name often ends in a breakup in her first marriage.

However, experience will help her become more confident in relationships. Intelligence and a sense of humor will help you overcome a painful divorce. She will gain practicality and learn to critically evaluate the words and actions of men. By the age of 30, Alfiya will be fully matured to create a full-fledged marriage and have children.

Sexuality of the name

Will this woman be sexy? What does the name Alfia mean? Both its meaning and the woman’s fate will reward her with early sensuality. Already in adolescence, Alfiya will stare at men and dream of love. As she gets older, she will turn into a brave girl who will not be afraid to be the first to approach a guy.

Alfia's charming appearance and naivety attracts members of the opposite sex to her. She quickly learns the basics of sexuality, learns to experiment - such qualities do not leave fans indifferent. Even after breaking up with Alfiya, they strive to maintain good relations with this pleasant woman.

Having successfully married and given birth to children, Alfiya devotes herself entirely to her family. She becomes a wonderful housewife - friends love to visit her house. She is a caring mother and intuitively senses the needs of children.

Interpretation of the name

What other mystery is hidden in the name Alfia? Its meaning and interpretation is associated with ambition and determination. Alfia's leadership qualities will give her a leadership position. She attaches great importance to punctuality and will demand it from her subordinates. Responsible Alfiya sometimes “goes too far,” and then her unpredictability and impulsiveness frighten the team.

The straightforwardness of this woman can play a cruel joke on her. Alfia speaks the truth face to face, without thinking about the consequences. It is characteristic that she rarely has bouts of straightforwardness - usually Alfia tries to smooth out unpleasant facts. But, succumbing to impulse, she can voice the truth in such a way that it sounds like an insult.

Name by seasons

"Winter" Alfia is calm and confident. She likes to organize others, create clubs or exhibitions. She has many friends and associates. This Alfia loves to be the center of attention. She often ignores the opinions of other people and leads an extraordinary lifestyle.

"Spring" Alfia is good-natured and spontaneous. She has a light and cheerful disposition. Thanks to her optimism, she finds friends and good acquaintances. Tries to avoid conflicts and always seeks compromise in controversial issues. Depending on upbringing, she can become a timid, indecisive person.

"Summer", she attaches great importance to love and sensual relationships. Such an Alfia disarms even her enemies with her openness and gullibility. Her life is calm and measured. The only weak point is financial expenses. A lot of money is spent on buying elegant trinkets, luxury items, and elegant outfits.

"Autumn" Alfia is energetic and businesslike. From a young age she learns to lead people and she does it very well. She infects with her activity and confidence, and those around her boldly follow her. Such an Alfia calmly resolves the most complex and controversial issues. She is ready to take responsibility, but also demands the same from her subordinates.

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, soft lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Alfiya, manifestation in love

Alfiya, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

The meaning of the name Alfiya, like any other name that is not familiar to a Russian person, is of interest. It's good that there is anthroponymy. Thanks to it, you can find out not only the meaning of a given name, but also what imprint it leaves on the character of its owner. And since the topic is interesting, we will talk about it now.


The first thing you need to do is talk about it. The Muslim name Alfiya has several meanings, as well as versions of its origin.

One of the most popular says that it was formed from the name of a letter of the Greek alphabet. Alpha, as we know, means "first".

The second known version is rooted in Arab culture. The meaning of the name Alfiya in Islam is very deep - it is translated as “close to Allah.” By the way, there is a similar male version - Alfir.

In some nations it is beautiful female name sounds different. There are variations such as Alfina, Alfira, Alpiyat and Alpia.


The girl, whom her parents named Alfiya, has a good disposition and an easy-going character. She loves affection and attention, laughs a lot, and also pleases her parents with her activity and energy.

The baby starts talking early. It turns out that she has an excellent memory - she instantly remembers songs and poems, and then declares them with pleasure.

Alfiya respects adults and tries to please and help in everything. He is also friendly towards his peers - he actively makes new friends, but just as easily loses them.

Her character traits are formed from early childhood. It is almost impossible to somehow correct or change them over time. That is why parents must take a responsible approach to raising their baby. The most important thing is to instill in her the standards of high morality.


Continuing to study the meaning of the name Alfia, it is necessary to make a reservation that with age she does not lose her best qualities. Her memory is still good, as is her academic performance. The character is still soft, but there is more practicality in it. Despite her inherent kindness, Alfiya steadfastly faces life's difficulties and overcomes them.

In adolescence, the girl is sociable, but does not impose her society on anyone. If she understands that those around her are indifferent to her, she simply stops communicating. But no offense.

The girl named Alfia has minor flaws. Sometimes she lies and gets irritated. May also suffer from excessive demands and excessive self-importance. And she doesn’t always manage to restrain her emotions.

But in general she is a very romantic, dreamy, peace-loving girl.


Above, something was said about the meaning of the name Alfia in Tatar, as well as how it affects its owner. What does she become as she gets older?

This woman is the life of the party, constantly in the spotlight. She is distinguished by her ingenuity and wit, she is able to generate different interesting ideas. However, with age, Alfiya becomes a very contradictory nature. So much so that sometimes it is not clear to her what she wants.

The girl’s speeches and thoughts can be chaotic; during a conversation she can change her mind ten times. But this quality does not negate her kindness and friendliness.

Her intuition and optimism also grow stronger with age. Thanks to these qualities, she overcomes difficulties with ease. She is moving up the career ladder successfully, but sometimes resorts to intrigue and lies for this.

Hobbies and work

This topic also needs to be given a little attention, talking about what the name Alfia means. Its owner is a creative girl. So her hobbies, as a rule, are various types art. The girl also loves to experiment and most often fulfills this desire by cooking.

What about work? Alfiya does not strive to achieve career heights. And he always chooses his profession by following his heart and ignoring the advice of strangers. I must say, she manages to prove herself in the most different areas activities. However, money is not the goal for this girl.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine her in the image of a businesswoman or leader. Alfia does not have the main qualities for this - the ability to lead people and instantly accept right decisions. And strategic thinking is not very developed.

Friendship and camaraderie

Considering in detail the meaning of the name Alfia, it is worth discussing what the owner of this name is like in friendly relationships.

She is very good friend. For the sake of her loved ones, a girl is capable of sacrificing everything. Unfortunately, many people know this and use it. And she, being a trusting person who doesn’t understand people well, often does not suspect anything wrong. When she makes a mistake, she becomes disappointed and then suffers from betrayal and misunderstanding.

But being a positive person, she does not lose faith in people. In adult life, communication is something like a hobby for her. She likes to make like-minded people and friends and spend time with them. Gaining experience, she begins to understand people well, and therefore leaves next to her only devoted, loyal, honest, trustworthy comrades.

And these friends really appreciate Alfia. She is honest and sincere, never imposes her opinion, does not insist on her own. On the contrary, it often even yields.


And this topic should be given a little attention when talking about the meaning of the name Alfia. This girl begins to be interested in guys early, and she herself has a magical effect on them. Almost every man who interests her instantly falls under Alfia’s influence.

She does not wait for the young man to make the first move. The girl is able to get acquainted herself, even make a date. By the way, first love may well end in marriage.

But if the young people do not get along in character, then Alfiya will not withdraw. After the divorce, she will continue to gain experience in relationships and will marry successfully the second time. Only a few things are important to her - loyalty, care and mutual respect.

Alfia herself is a caring and attentive wife. She is one of those ladies who find their calling in the role of a guardian hearth and home.

Astrological symbolism

Finally, it’s worth talking about this. The following astrological aspects correspond to the name Alfiya:

  • Talisman stones are topaz and amber.
  • Patronizing planet - the Sun.
  • Totem animal and plant - scarab and mimosa.
  • The favorable time of year is summer.
  • A good day for successful achievements is Sunday.
  • The patronizing element is air.
  • Suitable sign zodiac - Leo.

And the number of this name is one. It gives Alfia straightforwardness, perseverance and determination. These qualities may be hidden, but appropriate upbringing will help reveal them. Having become a leader, a girl can achieve impressive success and heights.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

b- easy-going, balanced and slightly shy natures. They have a good-natured attitude towards all people, and in every possible and impossible way they try to avoid conflict situations. In their work they pay attention to even the smallest details.

F- adapt well to conditions environment. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories they are able to embellish and lie a little. They really love helping people. There's never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

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