The name Adelina means a child's name. The meaning of the name Adeline, character and destiny. Adeline: the meaning of the name character and fate

Adeline is a girl with a happy destiny. She is kind, sociable and smart, so luck will always be on her side. A girl’s cherished dreams, as a rule, come true, as she puts a lot of effort into realizing them and always strives for success in all areas of life.

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Adeline is characterized by such traits as endurance, perseverance, and hard work. Their negative characteristics of the owner of the name include touchiness and rancor.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    There are two main versions about the origin and meaning of the name Adeline:

    1. 1. The name is derived from the ancient German name Adela (Adela), which translates as “noble”.
    2. 2. The name Adeline is a form of the name Adelaide, the meaning of which when translated into Russian is “coming from a noble family.”

    The name Adelina has no national or religious affiliation - it is common among Muslims and Christians all over the world. However, if among the Orthodox it sounds like Adelina, the Muslim name is Adela, which means “noble”, “pious”.

    Name forms: Adela, Adele, Delya, Ada, Lina, Alina, Adelita.

    Famous women

    Famous owners of the name have gained fame all over the world:

    • The greatest opera singer of her time is Adelina Patti. The best roles in her performance: Rosina (The Barber of Seville by Rossini), Margarita, Juliet (Romeo and Juliet by Charles Gounod), etc.
    • Adeline Jury - ballet dancer, teacher-choreographer, performed in the Bolshoi Theater troupe. In 1945 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
    • Adelina Sotnikova is a figure skater who went down in history as the first Russian Olympic champion in women's singles individual skating. She was awarded the honorary title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

    Name days and patron saints

    In the Orthodox calendar there is no saint with the name Adeline, so at baptism the girl receives a middle name. Accordingly, in Orthodoxy the owner of the name does not celebrate the day of the angel.

    In Catholicism, Adeline celebrates her name day according to church calendar twice a year: September 2 and October 20.

    Patron saint names in Catholicism:

    • Blessed Adelinda, day of veneration - August 28.
    • Saint Adele (8 September).
    • Saint Adeline (October 20).
    • Saint Adelheid (December 16).

    Signs and symbols

    Amulets, symbols and talismans of the name are presented in the table:

    Sign, mascot or symbol Interpretation
    Patron planet - VenusIn astrology, the planet Venus symbolizes the emotional side of the personality. People ruled by this planet love luxury and comfort. They are prone to long-term relationships, so they put a lot of effort into building a strong and happy family with their loved one.
    Talisman stones - pearls and amberPearls symbolize love, happiness and prosperity. Products made from it strengthen marriage bonds and bring harmony and mutual understanding to family life. Amber gives its owner vitality, optimism and self-confidence. The stone also enhances a person’s intuition and helps him achieve his goals.
    Name number - sixSix people are responsible and disciplined, which helps them succeed in their profession. They have a keen sense of justice, so they are ready to come to the aid of a person in trouble free of charge.
    Colors - lilac and blueThe color purple gives a person stubbornness, bordering on self-confidence. Such people are quick-tempered, so any conflict is resolved through a heated argument rather than concessions. Because of their temperament, it can be difficult for them to build harmonious relationships with others. The blue color of the name is the personification of sensitivity and sincerity. Such people are trusting and kind, which is often used by others for their own selfish purposes.
    Flower - lilyThe delicate and feminine lily in esotericism personifies peace, tranquility and innocence. An amulet made from a dried flower protects its owner from evil, lies and negative energy, and also attracts wealth into his life
    Metal - ironIron corresponds to the decisive and firm character of the owners of the name, who never stop there and achieve their goals in life. An amulet made from this metal has a beneficial effect on human health and protects it from negative external influences.

    Talismans and amulets can be worn on the body as jewelry or used for interior decoration at home or at work.


    Little Adeline is a modest and gentle girl who does not like to attract attention to herself and tries not to stand out from her peers. She feels comfortable in the company of relatives and friends, where mutual understanding and a joyful mood reign.

    The secret of the name lies in the acute need of its owner for the love and support of loved ones. The love and faith of her parents is the main incentive for Adeline, the source from which she draws strength.

    The girl studies well at school. She quickly learns new information and easily copes with teachers’ assignments. Thanks to her brilliant mind and hard work, Adeline can become one of the best students if she puts in enough effort. In addition to the main school subjects, she is attracted to additional creative activities: painting, dancing, music and acting.

    In adulthood, Adeline turns from a modest girl into a wise and determined woman who can cope with almost any task. She calmly and methodically solves problems that arise and never gives in to panic. When communicating with others, she is friendly and sincere. He never allows himself to offend his interlocutor or speak harshly to him.

    Adeline's characteristics:

    Influence of time of birth

    To get complete information about Adeline’s personality and learn about the characteristics of her character, it is necessary to take into account the time of year in which she was born:

    Time of year Characteristic
    WinterGirls born in winter are characterized by such character traits as sociability, responsiveness and friendliness. They find it easily common language with people, so they have a lot of good friends and acquaintances
    SpringIn spring, creative people are born who love music, dancing and handicrafts. They constantly improve themselves and never stop there. Weaknesses character of spring Adeline: vulnerability, inability to adequately perceive criticism and indecision
    SummerIn summer, gentle girls with a kind heart are born. Due to their inherent insecurity, they often withdraw into themselves and hide their true thoughts and feelings from others. Only when they are close to loved ones do they relax and allow themselves to be natural.
    AutumnAdeline, born in autumn, is endowed by nature with a strong and firm character. They have amazing endurance and determination, thanks to which they manage to achieve professional success and occupy a high position in society


    Adeline is the ownergood health, therefore in childhood and adolescence he rarely gets sick. In adulthood, problems with the spine and blood vessels may appear.

    The woman has a fairly balanced psyche, but sometimes she can be overly irritable and aggressive. An unstable emotional state can cause migraines and insomnia.

    An active lifestyle should play an important role in maintaining good health. Daily walks fresh air and giving up bad habits will have a beneficial effect on Adeline’s physical and emotional state and will help her maintain her attractiveness for a long time.

    Interests and hobbies

    Adeline loves art in all its forms. At home, she can often be found listening to music or watching movies. IN free time the girl enjoys visiting museums, theaters and art galleries. She draws inspiration and vital energy from creativity.

    Adeline loves to discover something new and share her knowledge with loved ones. You can often see her enthusiastically telling friends interesting story or shares with them little known fact, read from a book.

    The love of travel occupies a special place in the girl’s heart. She gets acquainted with the history and sights of different countries of the world with great enthusiasm. Travel broadens her horizons and opens up new horizons for her.

    Marriage and family

    Adeline is a sensual and emotional girl, so she has no shortage of fans. She is in no hurry to choose a life partner, because she dreams of meeting the ideal man who will become the embodiment of her teenage dreams. Once she finds her one and only, she immediately turns into a tender and caring lover. The girl puts a lot of effort into making her chosen one happy.

    Adeline’s partner must be patient and attentive to her, because in order to fully open up in sex and demonstrate her sensuality, she needs time. She must get used to her chosen one and completely trust him in bed.

    Family for Adeline is the main priority in life. Only surrounded by a loving husband and children can she feel truly happy. A woman devotes a lot of time to her children and makes efforts to develop their talents and give them a good education.

The article will answer the question: what gifts will the name Adeline bring to its owner?

The name Adeline belongs to the Catholic nomenclature.

According to one version, it has ancient Germanic roots. Translated from ancient German it means “fragrant”.

The second version of the origin of the name is from the ancient German word adal - noble.

Patron saint named Adeline

In this case, we are talking about locally revered saints who are revered by the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church in Germany.

  • Blessed Adelinda; day of veneration - August 28.
  • Saint Adele, in worldly life - Countess of Flanders; day of veneration - September 8.
  • Saint Adeline, abbess; day of veneration - October 20.
  • Saint Adelheide, in worldly life - Empress of the Holy Roman Empire; day of veneration - December 16.

When is Adeline’s name day, Angel’s Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

Unfortunately, the name Adelina is not in the Russian Orthodox calendar. At baptism, the girl is given a name based on the naming traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church. This means that the girl will have two names: the first - given at baptism, and the second - worldly - Adeline.

Congratulations on Angel Adeline's Day: short, in verse and prose

Regardless of whether the name Adelina is in the Russian calendar, congratulations on name days are a rule of good manners that no one has canceled. A few greeting cards below will help you find the right words for the birthday girl.

Congratulations on Angel Adelina Day #1

Congratulations on Angel Adelina Day #2

Congratulations on Angel Adelina Day #3

Congratulations on Angel Adelina Day #4

Congratulations on Angel Adelina Day #5

The secret of the name Adeline

In this part of the review, we will try to reveal the secret of the name Adeline using a semantic-phonetic analysis of the name.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Adelina

What nationality is the name Adeline?

Etymology indicates the Germanic origin of the name.

Name Adeline: origin and meaning, popularity

Background information about the origin and meaning of the name is provided at the beginning of the review.

In addition to basic information:

  • In one of the African dialects, Adeline means “eldest daughter.”
  • In the Tatar language, the name Adeline means “honest.”

Apart from Germany, where every fifth newborn becomes Adeline, the name is popular in the following countries:

  • Scandinavian countries,
  • Italy,
  • Spain,
  • United Kingdom.

The name Adeline ranks 41st in the world ranking of names compiled by the Baby Name Wizard website in 2016.

Adeline - decoding of the name from Greek

The name Adeline does not have Greek roots; therefore, there is no decoding of the name from Greek. See the etymology of the name above in the text.

Name Adeline in English, Latin, different languages

Adeline and other forms of this name are quite popular in Western Europe. The tables below contain the most popular variations of the name Adeline in English and German.

The name sounds gentle and original in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.

Name Adeline in different languages

How is the name Adeline written in the passport?

Transliteration of the name Adeline for registration of a foreign passport: ADELINA.

Adeline: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

The name is so self-sufficient that it practically does not require abbreviations for daily communication. However, if you still like short pet names, try choosing one of the following options:

Ada, Adele, Adelka, Adin, Adochka, Adusha, Delhi, Delya, Ida, Lina, Eli.

Adelina: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Adeline is a maximalist and idealist. This is a combination of gift and punishment.

Adeline does not strive to make her little world perfect. No. She needs to make everyone around her happy! Anything less is not for Adeline.

What do such impulses lead to? To the endless pursuit of pie in the sky, to the misunderstanding between her and those close to her, to the feeling of being undervalued and to the constant need to sacrifice something. As a rule, you have to sacrifice your personal time, family and “earthly” joys.

In pursuit of the great good for everyone around, Adeline makes a lot of mistakes and loses a lot, but she does not understand her mistakes and does not realize her losses.

If the fixed idea of ​​​​becoming the savior of humanity passed Adeline by, it means that she will love: fiercely and recklessly. Love who or what? There is no clear answer here. Adeline may love her children or her husband, but her love is so strong that it makes the other side want to break free. Or maybe love God. So much so that he won’t even notice how he will become an ardent adherent of some sect.

Adeline has a developed sense of self-esteem and at the same time, she constantly succumbs to the flattery of others who manipulate her for their own benefit.

Adeline quickly adapts to any life situation. By and large, she is an adventurer who needs constant movement. Only in this case, Adeline feels alive and needed. This thirst for movement makes Adeline a kind of perpetuum mobile, capable of reviving any, even the most hopeless, enterprise.

An innate sense of justice pushes the bearer of the name to rebellious escapades. However, her charm, optimism and good nature soften the consequences of the riots.

From time to time Adeline needs a break. That's why she loves traveling. In her travels, she draws strength and inspiration, fills herself with new emotions and experiences. If there are no such pauses in Adeline’s life, this will lead to breakdowns, riots and breakups.

A sharp mind and a healthy sense of humor make Adeline an excellent conversationalist. In addition, Adeline is an excellent negotiator, capable of finding a compromise solution in any, even very delicate, situation.

Name Adeline: sexuality, marriage

Analysis of the name Adeline

Bright and sparkling - this is how men see Adeline. And they flock to its light like moths. But admiring the sun and living next to it are completely different things, and not all Adeline’s fans are ready for this.

Agree, not every man will agree to a threesome relationship: a man, a woman and the world in need of help. A marvelous combination that leaves virtually no room for male-female relationships. For some time, the partner is held back by Adeline’s relaxedness and inventiveness. intimate relationships. However, good sex is not all a man needs in life. family life. And the man leaves, and Adeline, busy saving everyone around, does not even have time to notice that she is left alone.

If a partner shows enough wisdom and patience, Adeline can become a wonderful wife and mother, because we all become wiser and more restrained with age.

Unfortunately, Adeline's old age is most often lonely, but she consoles herself with the fact that this is her own choice.

Name Adeline: health and psyche

Adeline is prone to outbursts of anger and irritability. He cannot deny himself a small weakness: a tendency to narcissism. Self-confident, especially in her younger years. Always has his own point of view on everything around him. She has an unbending will, which makes her an illustration of the expression “persistent, Nordic character.”

She is vindictive. Having in reserve a huge number of internal moral and ethical taboos, it does not forgive meanness and dishonesty.

Emotional outbursts and constant efforts to save the universe leave fatigue and frequent headaches. In addition, Adeline often suffers from insomnia, but tolerates it very poorly. In addition, she should also take care of her lungs.

Name Adeline: intuition, intelligence, morality

Intuition is well developed and Adeline’s advice is worth listening to. The bearers of this name often have psychic abilities.

Has an analytical mind.

Open to love and prone to sacrifice. Has a certain number of internal moral and ethical taboos and strictly follows them.

Name Adeline: hobbies, activities, business

Poem for Adeline

Adeline is a creative person. Besides, creativity is the safest way to improve the world around you.

Adeline never aspires to leadership positions, because she is frightened by the daily routine and attachment to the office. Although in the team she becomes an informal leader.

Monotonous work is absolutely not suitable for the bearer of this name. Adeline needs something that will make her heart skip a beat in anticipation of the result, and then Adeline will move mountains to achieve her goal.

Adeline will be a good event organizer, art gallery administrator, etc.

By and large, she is a very efficient worker and a good team player. The only thing Adeline will not tolerate in relation to herself and others is injustice.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Adeline: compatibility with male names

Male names that will enhance the energy of the name Adeline are presented in the table below.

What middle name is suitable for a girl named Adeline?

Song with the name Adeline

Of course, Adeline is one of those women who cannot help but appreciate the song given to them. Even if it’s not Adeline’s chosen one who sings. The small list below will help you create the right playlist.

  • Sweet Adeline; performer: The Fortunairs Barbershop Quartet.
  • Sweet Adeline; performer: Elliot Smith.
  • Ruby Adeline; artist: Minnie Driver.
  • Lost In Adeline; artist: Junction 18.
  • Adeline; performer: Army of Freshmen.
  • Adeline, Out of Tune; performer: The New Amsterdams.
  • Adeline; performer: Soul.

And this is just a small list of musical compositions dedicated to Adeline.

Tattoo with the name Adeline

Several sketches offered below will help with your choice.

Sketch of tattoo with the name Adeline #1

Sketch of a tattoo with the name Adelina #2

Sketch of a tattoo with the name Adelina #3

Sketch of a tattoo with the name Adelina #4

Sketch of a tattoo with the name Adeline #5

What zodiac sign does the name Adeline go to?

Adeline is ruled by the 12th house of Pisces. This house enhances Adeline’s psychic abilities, helps in creativity and spiritual pursuits. Together with positive features can also enhance negative ones: for example, lack of specificity in desires (I want, I don’t know what) and isolation from reality (I’ll save the whole world and come what may).

Talisman stone for the name Adeline

  • Aquamarine will help its owner cope with attacks of anger and irritability, relieve stress and help overcome night terrors. In addition, it is a stone for travelers and people of creative professions. Esotericists associate aquamarine with the Anahata chest chakra. In addition, the stone has positive influence on the general condition of the human immune system.
  • Pearls are considered a talisman for the fanatical and self-confident. Why? Because it is pearls that restore the ability to think soberly, clearly and objectively.
  • Amber earrings will protect Adeline from headaches. In addition, amber helps you realize your mistakes and gives you the strength and wisdom to correct them.

Flower, plant, tree talisman for the name Adeline

  • The lily flower is a truly feminine symbol. Magicians believe that the lily has the ability to purify and give peace of mind. Lily also helps to see prophetic dreams. In Christianity white lily symbolizes purity and purity, nobility and royalty. Very often the lily can be seen next to the Virgin Mary.
  • Flax, or rather flax seed, will help Adeline resist nightmares and “induced” dreams.
  • Willow is another living talisman for the bearer of the name Adeline. In Western European culture, willow was considered female tree, giving perseverance, wisdom and patience. In addition, willow was credited with the ability to protect a person from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Totem animal named Adeline

Horse mackerel, which is also a symbol of the feminine divine principle. It can give a person both sensuality and fertility, and greed and vanity.

Pendant with the name Adeline made of gold: photo

In addition to personalized pendants for Adeline, pendants in the form of a fleur-de-lis or horse mackerel fish are suitable.

Pendant with the name Adeline in gold #1

Pendant with the name Adeline in gold #2

Numerology of the name Adeline

Use the table below to assign a number to each letter in your name:

Sum up the resulting numbers: 1+5+6+4+1+6+1=24 → 2+4=6

The characteristics of the name number are given below.

Numerology of the name Adeline

Nickname for the name Adeline

Above in the text are tables with different options for the name Adeline, which will help you decide on the choice of a pseudonym or nickname for social networks.

Adelina Sotnikova - figure skater, Olympic champion

Video: Richard Clayderman - Ballade pour Adeline

What's mysterious about the name Adeline? What does it contain? Is it possible to name your child that, and what is Adeline’s fate like? Adeline belongs to the Germanic noun group. According to legends, among ancient Germanic settlements it was customary to name a baby depending on gender and clan affiliation. The concept “Adela” expressed noble origin, that is, from a noble family. Therefore, the meaning of the name Adeline is deciphered as noble or noble. Indeed, Adeline has a noble, brave, compromising character. She knows her worth and carefully chooses her life partner and her profession.

Adeline's main features are punctuality, restraint and self-demandingness. She is a faithful wife and friend, values ​​her family and friends. She is responsible in her work life, but does not strive to climb the career ladder. The secret of the name Adeline lies in a certain sacredness. Since ancient times, in Germanic settlements it was believed that the name brings good luck, wealth and happy life its owner. The girl, named Adeline, does not like noisy companies and big cities; Adeline prefers to live in solitude and spend free time with her family. She is a wonderful mother and housewife. Adeline's home is always clean and cozy. Thanks to her name, Adeline also has an independent character. She completes every task, does not tolerate laziness, and is sometimes overly domineering. Doesn't like unnecessary risks.

Some sources claim that the origin of the word Adeline originates from a flower. And to be more specific, from a white lily. The lily was considered the flower of the nobility, a sign of nobility and noble birth. It is alleged that when a girl from a noble class was given this name, she was presented with a lily flower, which has significance as a talisman and amulet. Also, the meaning of the name Adeline sounds like imperious, majestic. But this is only the case with the word form of the name “Adelaide”. Although the names have a similar origin, the characters and destinies of the girls named by these names are completely different. IN different countries In Europe, “Adeline” sounds different, but has the same root. For example, in Great Britain it is Edel, Edelia, Edela. In France Adelis, Adeline, in Germany Adelina, Adela. Adeline's name day is the second of September and the twentieth of October. Calling a girl Adeline is considered popular, and in Germany, for example, every fifth girl is named by it. For Slavic residents, Alina sounds more familiar. Different nationalities provide many word forms for this name. , is a Latinized version of Adeline mixed with Arabic roots. Petrovsky’s dictionary of names indicates that some Russian names, such as Akulina, also originated from the name Adelina. In Bulgaria it sounds like, in Poland.

The influence of a name on fate and character

The name Adeline represents the standard of femininity and nobility. She is characterized by sophistication, femininity, authority, practicality and romance. She does not like disorder, values ​​moral principles in society, and strives for self-improvement. She prefers professions related to creativity, such as designer, musician, artist, actress. Adeline loves everything mystical and unknown. May be interested in esotericism or magic. If she chooses a man, then this choice is very serious for her. This means that she does not accept fleeting connections and romances on the side, and will be faithful to only one chosen one. She doesn't need a lover, but a friend and life partner. A strong man's shoulder that you can rely on. She loves leadership in the family, and because of this, disputes and conflicts can arise. Respects the upbringing of children. He tries to teach them to play music or draw pictures. Adeline always tries to compromise and does not like conflicts and quarrels. Sometimes she overacts in communication; she combines practicality and excellent acting skills.

Symbols that bring good luck to Adeline

Adeline's birthstone is pearl, blue aquamarine and amber. A girl with that name loves flowers, and in all this there is a romantic Adeline. The meaning of the name is also translated as “lily”. And the flower that brings good luck for her is her. The colors that suit Adeline's personality are purple and blue. The number six is ​​considered a lucky number, and the planet is Venus. Venus is a proud but unapproachable planet. In appearance she is beautiful and lively, but upon close examination she is unapproachable. Like a girl named Adeline. The native element is fire. Talismans in the form of plants are represented by white lily, maple and weeping willow. The metal that brings happiness is ordinary iron. For Adeline this strong amulet who protects her. Adeline is as strong as steel. Adeline's seasons are winter and autumn. Girls with this name generally have good health. The bronchi and lungs are considered to be weak points; frequent colds and bronchitis, headaches, insomnia, spinal diseases.

Psychotype of name and relationships with people

Adeline has a melancholic character, is sometimes phlegmatic, it is difficult to unbalance her and she takes all problems into herself. She does not like to share problems with others, but she herself is ready to listen to anyone. In love, she is picky and unapproachable. He chooses his partner carefully. To win her heart, flowers alone will not be enough. She needs an interesting and intelligent interlocutor with a broad outlook. Praise her. She especially loves it when people admire her for her thriftiness and homeliness. Married and family relationships she is stable, does not cheat and is always faithful to one partner. Her husband will not be bored with her. Adeline can create coziness, gather guests for a holiday or have a picnic. Sexually, Adeline has high sensuality. Loves romantic relationships. In sex, she is flexible, gentle, loves to give pleasure to her partner, and does not dominate. She does not accept unconventional relationships and does not like to experiment in her sexual life. In the hands of her beloved man, Adeline opens up completely. In relationships with colleagues, she is cold and calculating. Doesn't strive for heights, but does his job meticulously. He achieves great success in the creative profession. Adeline's psyche is balanced, but sometimes she can flare up. Has strong intuition. It can be subjective in assessing people.

The woman named Adelina is a mystery, a real enigma. A faithful friend, an exemplary wife and mother. An excellent employee and an excellent conversationalist.

The owner of the name Adeline is endowed with generosity, responsibility, practicality, loyalty, foresight, delicacy, and optimism. Such a girl is very accommodating, friendly, and has the makings of a leader.

Origin of the name Adeline

The female name Adeline comes from the ancient Germanic language. It was formed from Adela, this is the very first form, which gave rise to its subsequent varieties. The name consists of the words “adal” and “heyd”, which together mean “from a high-born class.”

From ancient German the name Adelina is literally translated as follows: “from the high-born class”

Translated from Tatar, Adelina means “immaculate”, “pious”, “merciful”. The name is also found in eastern countries. There it has undergone changes, and Muslim girls are called:

  • Adl is one of the many names of Allah;
  • Adele - translated as “pious.”

Forms of the name Adeline

Shortened forms of the name:

  • Sharing;
  • Edel;
  • Lina.

Diminutive forms:

  • Adele;
  • Adele;
  • Alina;
  • Ethel;
  • Adela.

Photo gallery: forms named after Adeline

Adeline - the full form of the name Ada - the most popular short version of addressing Adeline Adel - a diminutive form, which also acts as an independent name, popular in Europe and the USA

Alina and Ada act as diminutive forms of this name, but at the same time they are independent. IN Latin America the related name Adelita is also often used.

When writing poems about Adeline, you can use the following rhymes: by the fireplace, spring, core, ballerina.

There is no name Adeline in the Orthodox calendar, so at baptism the child is given another name - a spiritual one, which only the closest people will know, and a secular one - Adeline.

Transliteration for international passport - ADELINA.

Table: name in different languages

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Adeline:

  • Andreevna;
  • Viktorovna;
  • Dmitrievna;
  • Sergeevna;
  • Yurievna.

Nickname options for social networks

For an Instagram account or YouTube channel, you can choose the following nicknames:

  • delia;
  • adelinka;
  • adeli;
  • adella;
  • adel.

Patron saints of Adeline

There are several saints in the Catholic religion who bear this name:

  • Blessed Adelinda, day of veneration - August 28;
  • Saint Adele, day of veneration - September 8;
  • Saint Adeline, day of veneration - October 20;
  • Saint Adelheide, Empress of the Roman Empire; day of veneration - December 16.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Adeline is fragile, not without grace and elegance, she will always need love, support and attention. The owner of this name is strong and purposeful, she always knows what she wants from life. She is quite independent, prudent, and before making an important decision, she thinks through everything exactly to the smallest detail.

Negative character traits:

  • moodiness;
  • waywardness;
  • arrogance;
  • selfishness.

Having done a good deed, Adeline will remind you of this more than once, expecting praise and admiration.

How does a name affect a child's character?

Since childhood, Adeline has been restless. It’s not easy for parents, as the baby is very energetic and it’s almost impossible to keep track of her. Children's pranks, of course, not approved by their parents, amuse and amuse little Adele. In the yard he prefers to play outdoor games with the boys. She finds playing with dolls and soft toys boring. With age, the girl becomes more diligent, perseverance and perseverance appear in her character.

Adeline is growing up as a smart child. Her curiosity opens up a lot of new things for the girl; her abilities begin to manifest themselves already in childhood. Parents should pay attention to what their baby is most interested in and give them the opportunity to develop their talents.

Already in childhood, Adeline begins to show bright creative abilities

During her school years, the girl is efficient, responsive and reliable. She could easily compete for the place of leader in the class, but her modesty and uncertainty about success often stop her halfway.

Among her peers, the owner of this name stands out for her friendliness. It opens up to absolutely everyone. She is often offended, and she withdraws into herself, ceasing to trust anyone. The little girl is often misunderstood, and she becomes a constant object of ridicule in the class because she cannot stand up for herself. He prefers to spend his free time from school at home with his family, rather than surrounded by friends. The love and support of loved ones is most important to her.

Teen Adeline

In adolescence, Adeline is responsible, purposeful, and takes her studies very seriously. At this time, a transformation occurs with the girl, she develops her own special style. Her passion for art helps her select interesting and vibrant images.

The owner of this name is a great dreamer and lover of daydreaming, but because of this she moves away from society and the world around her. Naivety and soft-heartedness sometimes prevent her from showing her strengths character. Bright and charming, Adeline likes to be the center of attention, but sometimes the girl feels awkward, she doesn’t know how to behave in a given situation.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult

B. Khigir identifies such positive qualities Adeline:

  • analytical mind;
  • strong will;
  • balance of character;
  • excellent intuition;
  • persistence.

At the same time, according to Higir, such girls are self-confident, prone to bouts of irritability and vindictive.

One of Adele's character traits is her strong will.

According to P. Rouget, Adeline’s calmness and prudence can protect her from rash actions. In such a girl’s life, nothing happens by chance. All her victories and achievements are the result of her efforts. The owner of this name rarely shows aggression, but if necessary, she will straightforwardly express everything she thinks.

Talents and hobbies

Adeline with childhood shines with talent at different competitions, perhaps not even in the same field. She usually has a knack for drawing, singing, or dancing. The owner of this name has limitless imagination, which she uses in her hobbies. Such a girl has wonderful taste; in her home you can find interesting collections of books, music, films, paintings.

Professions, business and career

Diligence, perseverance and scrupulousness help Adelina perfectly solve the assigned tasks, regardless of what position she occupies. The bosses can entrust such a girl with important and responsible work, and she will complete all tasks on time and efficiently.

Despite her amazing data, Adeline does not strive for career growth; she is often content with the position that was given to her. The owner of this name is a non-conflict person. When present during a quarrel, she prefers to remain on the neutral side, trying to reduce the heat of the flaring conflict.

Adeline will demonstrate her abilities to the maximum in the creative profession:

  • designer;
  • musician;
  • TV presenter;
  • top model;
  • artist;
  • photographer.

Such a girl rarely chooses entrepreneurial activity. Family is extremely important to her. more Adeline devotes her time to her family and friends. She is not ready to sacrifice her values ​​for the sake of the cause. But if the opportunity arises to create a family business, she will cope with her responsibilities like no one else.


Adeline is especially vulnerable to the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma and other diseases associated with the respiratory system;
  • frequent headaches, insomnia;
  • problems in the vascular system;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • bone fragility.

Love, sexuality, marriage

IN love relationships Adeline is very practical and prudent. A man needs to try very hard to earn her trust. However, there are several subtleties in communicating with such a girl that will help speed up this process:

  • do not forget to thank her even for the small acts that she does for you, but do not flatter her, she will immediately recognize a lie;
  • give her gifts, give her flowers, surround her with care and attention;
  • compliment the design and comfort of her apartment.

For the sake of her loved one, Adeline is ready to sacrifice a lot, but if she believes that the chosen one is unworthy of her, she will not do anything for him. If the young man does not reciprocate, the girl will easily stop communicating and find a new partner.

At a young age, the owner of this name wants to feel the romance of relationships that are written about in books. The first love affair may not go very well. But with age, Adele approaches the choice of a partner more consciously and prudently.

To win Adeline's heart, it is important to give her sweet surprises

The girl has natural charm, men do not miss the opportunity to get to know her. Adeline also has a unique charm; youthful shyness is transformed into grace and emancipation.

The bearer of this name carefully chooses her husband. But despite this, the marriage may collapse soon after the wedding. The reason for divorce is most often the lack of love in the family, since Adele can cope with minor domestic quarrels.

The girl will easily accept her husband’s desire to be the head of the family, since showing leadership qualities is not as familiar to her as taking care of her family and loved ones. Adeline will become a wonderful loving wife and caring mother who will support her children in everything and will not let anyone offend them.

Table: compatibility with male names

AlexanderThe intense intensity of emotions never fades in this family. Most often, conflicts occur due to the husband’s infidelity and misunderstanding between partners. Such a union is doomed to divorce from the very beginning, since Adeline will not be able to put up with Alexander’s frivolity.
DmitryThe spouses completely share each other's interests, and trusting relationships reign in the family. The couple is happy to make joint plans for the future. Adeline and Dmitry enjoy spending free time together, they are also good friends who will support each other in any endeavor.
SergeyAdele is afraid of change and is often unsure of the positive outcome of things. Sergei always encourages his wife, instilling faith in her. She trusts him completely, shows him respect and sincerity. Harmony, love and mutual understanding reign in their family.
AndreyAdeline and Andrey develop a rather passionate and vibrant romance, but their ardor fades over time. The girl constantly accuses her partner of infidelity, and loving Andrei cannot say goodbye to his former life as an enviable bachelor.
AlexeyA difficult relationship, there is a place for both romance and loud scandals. Only the spouses themselves will be able to decide the future fate of the union, having finally decided whether to strengthen the marriage or get a divorce.
EvgeniyThere is a complete idyll of feelings in this family. Spouses are able to understand each other without words. Evgeniy and Adele enjoy each other’s company, they are never bored together, when they are alone, they don’t need anyone else.
MaximIn this union there are rarely outbursts of emotions; the couple’s family life is based not so much on love as on common interests. Adeline and Maxim can build a stable and strong relationship.
VladimirMutual feelings come first in this family. Partners never conflict about money; this is not the main thing for them. Their desire to overcome difficulties together leads to a strengthening of the union. Frequent holiday trips bring bright colors into their family life.
DenisAdele tries to pacify Denis's fiery temper. He tries to push her to take active action, to give her self-confidence. But over time, this couple may be overtaken by a crisis. Whether they will be able to get out of it safely or whether it will all end in a break depends only on them.
ArtyomIn this family, the spouses cannot agree and come to general decision. This becomes a frequent cause of their clashes. If Adeline and Artyom do not learn to give in to each other, their marriage will not last long.
AntonAnton is a hot man, he is prone to passionate romantic relationships. In Adeline, he is attracted by modesty, thriftiness and selflessness. But over time, he begins to lack emotions and variety in relationships, and a man can look for all this on the side. It is unlikely that such a marriage will last long.
NovelIn the relationship of this couple there is both love and a tendency to frequently clarify the relationship. However, both partners are quick-witted and cannot be offended by each other for a long time. Even when conflict arises, spouses show delicacy.
IgorIgor takes life lightly and is not particularly worried about failures. Adeline, on the contrary, is strict and disciplined. She may be annoyed by her husband's frivolous behavior. If a girl manages to come to terms with the character traits of her chosen one, the marriage can be successful.
NikitaIn their family life, everything is done by mutual consent and prior agreement. Both partners are purposeful and optimistic, they have common goals. Adele tries to support her husband in everything. Nikita strives to make all the wishes of his beloved wife come true.
VitalyAdeline tries to create home comfort, but Vitaly often disappears at work, giving her most of of its time. Due to lack of attention from her husband, a girl may become despondent. This can lead to a break in the relationship.
OlegOleg's temperament often infuriates Adele. She is usually very calm, but feelings of jealousy make her nervous. Such a marriage rarely lasts longer than three years.
YuriIn the family of Adele and Yuri there are frequent quarrels and misunderstandings. They have completely different views on basic things. To save the family, partners must, through an effort of will, accept each other as they are and try to come to a mutually beneficial solution in any issues.

Significant years of Adeline's life

Important years in Adeline's life are the periods when she turns 20 and 38 years old.

Despite the fact that Adeline is a rare name, it is mentioned in many songs. Among them are Sweet Adeline by The Fortunairs Barbershop Quartet, Ruby Adeline by the English singer Minnie Driver, Adeline by the Army of Freshmen and others.

Table: name matches

PlanetVenusPeople ruled by Venus are romantic and impressive. They try to establish friendly relations not only among their acquaintances, but also in the work sphere.
Zodiac signFishVery vulnerable. The ability to sincerely empathize with other people's problems makes such people excellent interlocutors, ready to listen and alleviate suffering. But they themselves need the support of others, since they are often unsure of themselves and are not ready to accept the changes that have occurred in their lives.
ElementFirePeople of the fire element are quick-tempered and energetic. Their actions are sometimes impossible to predict. In everyday life, these are very active and positive people.
Number6 Faithful and devoted friends who will always come to the rescue without demanding anything in return. They do this out of the goodness of their hearts, without any intent. Purposeful and strong-willed, there is no obstacle that they cannot overcome.
ColorLilacThey can start a half-turn, and then a quarrel is difficult to avoid. They are able to control their emotions, they enjoy the process of scandal itself. They quickly forget grievances. They rarely admit their mistakes, so you should not expect repentance from such people.
Totem animalElephantThoroughness, calmness, perseverance, endurance.
TreeWillowIn Europe it is a symbol of spirituality, peace, and harmony. In the East, it represents rebirth, sexual desire, determination and perseverance.
PlantLilySymbolizes chastity, youth, prosperity, rebirth, holiness.
StoneAmberAn inexhaustible source of inspiration, hope and positive energy. The stone helps its owner to be more prudent and careful, and contributes to the fulfillment of innermost desires.
MetalIronDurability and endurance. A person courageously endures all difficulties on the way to the desired goal.
Auspicious dayTuesday
Time of yearAutumn

The meaning of each letter of the name

A - a favorable beginning of something, a desire for physical and spiritual intimacy.

D - thoughtfulness, a tendency to think about future plans, a need for home comfort, a willingness to always come to the rescue. There are divination abilities.

E - the need for self-realization, the desire to unite people, share experiences. The ability to understand secret signs.

L - the desire to discover something new for yourself, to have your own vision of beauty. Artistry, revealing hidden talents for drawing and playing music. The desire to share impressions, to find the right path in life.

And - cheerfulness, spirituality, sensitivity, mercy. In life, a person opens his inner world only to those whom he can truly trust.

N - rebellion, desire for self-expression, analytical thinking. Workaholic. The ability to create something new.

Video: the meaning of the name Adeline

When was Adeline born?

Winter Adeline is an attractive and sociable person. She gets along with people easily. On her list of friends there are many more men than women, since the girl believes that the stronger sex is in many ways more competent. Adele, who was born in winter, is a wonderful housewife. Has great talent for culinary arts. Warm and harmonious relationships always reign in her home. A wonderful friend, she is ready to help at any moment.

Spring Adele has many different talents. She may show interest in several activities at once (singing, knitting, drawing, dancing). The girl is constantly developing and discovering new and exciting activities. Adeline, born in spring, does not have the qualities of a leader, since she is very susceptible to other people's opinions and is full of doubts that prevent her from actively acting.

Adeline, born in spring, can be an excellent artist

Summer Adeline is a vulnerable and sometimes complex woman. She often succumbs to the influence of someone. She often agrees to what is unacceptable to her, so as not to hurt the feelings of her interlocutor. Adele, whose birthday falls in one of the summer months, is trusting and good-natured, and often becomes a victim of other people's manipulations.

Autumn Adele is stubborn, prudent, and does not tend to make spontaneous and rash decisions. At work, she is executive and strong-willed. He often works on his mistakes. Adeline, born in the fall, has the makings of a leader. She is rapidly moving up the career ladder. The girl’s negative qualities are intractability and stubbornness; she never gives in, and because of this she experiences difficulties in relationships with family and friends.

Name horoscope

  • Aries is a temperamental and headstrong woman. She has a strong-willed character that helps her achieve her desired goals. In her heart, Adeline-Aries believes that she will soon find the love of her life, a man who can accept her for who she is.
  • Taurus is peace-loving and sophisticated, but at the same time stubborn and resilient. Rarely compromises his beliefs and principles. This woman is not devoid of beauty and charm, which help her feel all earthly pleasures.
  • Gemini - creative, very inquisitive. He has an inexhaustible supply of all kinds of ideas that he is in a hurry to bring to life. She is very sociable and is surrounded by interesting and creative people. Adeline-Gemini is attractive, men simply cannot leave such a woman without attention. There is a need for self-expression.
  • Cancer is impulsive, prone to frequent changes in mood. Sometimes touchiness gives way to capriciousness. Adeline-Cancer is closed, complex, and needs love and support. Rarely makes decisions spontaneously. Instead of relaxing in nature with friends, he will prefer to stay at home, in peace and quiet
  • Leo is charming and spectacular. Her desire to stand out from the crowd sometimes results in large expenses, not only of time, but also of finances. The girl doesn't skimp on hers appearance, trying to regularly update your wardrobe and visit beauty salons.

    Adeline-Leo loves to stand out from the crowd and does not spare money for this

  • Virgo is shy and unsure of herself. Far-sighted and prudent, often slow, but efficient. Adeline-Virgo is distrustful of people, always waiting for a trick or deception. Has a penchant for introspection. She is responsible, punctual in her work, and will always finish what she starts.
  • Libra is attractive and friendly. She has many acquaintances, but few friends, since she is not able to open up to everyone. She is very pragmatic and efficient in her work. In the event of any problems or difficulties, he hesitates and thinks for a long time about how best to proceed. Wonderful hostess loving wife and a caring mother.
  • Scorpio is stubborn and intractable. Her opinions and beliefs are not subject to any discussion. Often this becomes the cause of loneliness, because not everyone is ready to unquestioningly accept her opinion as the ultimate truth. Adeline-Scorpio is only capable of showing her sensitivity and kindness towards close people.
  • Sagittarius is always cheerful, success accompanies her in everything. Everything comes easy to her, but the girl never brags about it. She despises self-interest, deceit and impudence. Adele-Sagittarius is almost always positive and can infect everyone around her with her optimism. She is very sociable, there are always a lot of guests in her house.

    Adele-Sagittarius is positive, sociable and hospitable

  • Capricorn is versatile, has an excellent memory, well-mannered, and tactful. Often wears a mask of equanimity and indifference, hiding under it his vulnerability and self-doubt. Needs help and support from loved ones. When making decisions, the girl thinks through everything to the smallest detail.
  • Aquarius - has extraordinary thinking, persistent, strong-willed, hardy, cheerful and responsive. The mood of such a girl often changes; Adeline-Aquarius can be quick-tempered and easy to lose her temper.
  • Pisces - has a well-developed intuition, has an excellent understanding of people. A wonderful friend, such a girl is able to deeply sympathize, and, if necessary, support in difficult times. At the same time, Adele-Pisces is prone to depression, in bad mood can be whiny and capricious.

Famous people in history with this name

Famous people with this name:

  • Adele - British singer;
  • Adelina Adalis - Russian poetess and translator;
  • Adelina Jury - Soviet ballerina and teacher-choreographer;
  • Adelina Patti - Italian opera singer;
  • Adelina Sotnikova is a Russian figure skater who won gold in women's singles skating at the 2014 Olympics.

Photo gallery: famous Adelines

Adelina Adalis - Russian poetess Adelina Giuri - Soviet ballerina Adelina Patti - Italian opera singer Adele - British singer Adelina Sotnikova - Russian figure skater

Adeline is loyal, responsible, and knows how to empathize. The owner of this name becomes an excellent wife, loving, thrifty and caring. Such a girl does not have any special ambitions in a career or business, but she can be successful in creativity and sports associated with beauty and grace.

Now not every person has the idea that a name is characterized by the presence of a unique code, which predetermines the main plots of human destiny. What does the name Adeline mean for a woman and a child? What is the history of its origin and the essence of its origin? Today we will try to understand this difficult issue.

Initially, the female name Adeline was quite noble. It was given exclusively to children from noble families. However, it first enjoyed maximum popularity in ancient Greece, in fact, from where it spread throughout the earth. Since Adeline’s patron is Pisces according to her zodiac sign, as a result this gives her tenderness and sentimentality.

So what is the difference between Adeline, the meaning of the name of which will be considered today, from all other names? It should be noted that the abbreviated form of this beautiful name is the names Adele, Ida, Delya. Christianity does not have a saint with that name, for this reason Adelina does not celebrate her name day. In addition, now the name has lost its former glory and prevalence.

Characteristics of the name Adeline

At the very beginning, it should be noted that Adeline, the meaning of whose name is being studied today, born in winter, is characterized as a sociable, charming person who perfectly finds common points of contact with the opposite sex. Therefore, she has many more male comrades than women. In addition, Adeline is an excellent hostess who knows how and loves to pamper her loved ones with a delicious meal.

This nature is sincerely glad to have guests, and is also distinguished by loyalty in friendship, providing assistance both in deed and in word. The woman Adeline, the meaning of whose beautiful name is being studied, is a very talented person born in the spring. She is capable of beautiful embroidery, singing and amazing dancing. In addition, he always tries to develop himself by mastering more and more new skills.

But difficulties can knock her out of her usual rut, since Adeline, in extreme cases, is not distinguished by the presence of a fighting character or leadership qualities. Much more often, everything is quite the opposite - she is a vulnerable, receptive person who takes the opinions of strangers to heart, an indecisive woman with a lot of doubts. In turn, Adeline, the meaning rare name which is being considered, those born in summer have a rather problematic time finding a common language with people.

The main problem here is her significant lack of self-confidence. Nevertheless, a woman named Adeline has a kind, affectionate nature, who will never tolerate defending her own opinion until victory, because... afraid of offending his opponent. Distinguished by her fine mental organization, Adeline can be used by others to obtain some benefit.

What does the amazing name Adeline mean for an autumn woman? This person is reasonable, serious, calculating, assertive, and purposeful. She is characterized by the presence of a steely character, which gives her the opportunity to achieve a lot in her chosen profession. However, the presence of excessive rigidity, as well as the reluctance to find a compromise path, prevents her from building a happy family life.

Adeline's mascot stones

A woman named Adeline should wear talismans with aquamarine, amber, and pearls. Pearl is a unique stone in jewelry that does not require special cutting or processing. The stone is perceived as a symbol of a faithful, happy, prosperous, rich life.

But amber indicates that the secret of the name Adeline is revealed here thanks to love, health, happiness, which is the personification of which is such a talisman. According to legend, it contains good spirits that protect a person from every misfortune. In turn, a talisman with aquamarine is usually worn by seers, innovators, and dreamers. It allows you to see the true meaning of life.

Delhi's childhood

Now you need to study the meaning of the name Adeline for a girl, which is important for her mother and father. From the very early years Delya shows her own restless character traits. For this reason, the child’s mother and father need to have a fair amount of patience. The child is very restless and belongs to the category of mischievous, angry children who prefer to play with boys rather than spend time with dolls.

But over time, Adeline will begin to calm down, and her character will become stubborn and strong. The girl is quite inquisitive, which is manifested in the appearance of an early thirst for knowledge. Distinguished by her sharp mind, excellent memory, and the ability to quickly analyze various information, studying at school is quite easy for her. Of course, if she manages to overcome her own shyness.

Also, the meaning of the name Adeline for a little girl suggests that this child also has disadvantages. Delya is distinguished by excessive touchiness, irritability, and vindictiveness. In addition, the child combines vanity with nobility. A child named Adeline is a creative girl who draws, sings, dances beautifully and is distinguished by the presence of a developed imagination.

He tries to take the place of leader in society. However, due to her own modesty, she can sometimes look constrained by nature. This prevents her from taking control. This secret of the rare name Adeline for a girl should be known to mom and dad.

Adeline's love relationships

Adeline chooses both love and partner extremely selectively. Therefore, a man will need all his patience to marry such a woman. True, to speed up this process you can resort to some actions. So, try to praise a woman named Adeline more often, but without excessive flattery, otherwise she will immediately see the deception, and you cannot count on further relationships.

Also, a woman named Adeline, the meaning of her name and whose fate is being studied, loves to receive flowers, as well as minor signs of attention. Delya is not indifferent to the praise of her own cozy home. In love, Adeline is ready to do everything to get a truly beloved partner. However, if a man does not live up to the expectations placed on him, a woman named Adeline will leave him immediately.

As a young girl, she is looking for romantic adventures that are found in books about love. This leads to making a large number of mistakes with your first lover. Over time, a woman will learn to set priorities correctly and choose a partner very selectively. Now let’s answer the question - what does the sonorous name Adeline mean in career and business.

Adeline's business and career

Thanks to her responsibility, decency, and diligence, Adeline will fulfill her own duties perfectly. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether Del’s boss or subordinate. Very often she is entrusted with the most difficult, mundane work, which requires a person with restraint, methodicality, patience, and perseverance.

In addition, a woman named Adeline, whose name meaning and character are being studied, is not a careerist, even if she has qualities that contribute to rapid growth in her career. Emerging conflict situations at work he tries to avoid, he can only act as a mediator, striving for reconciliation of the warring parties.

A woman will be able to find her true self, as well as achieve harmony, only by working in a creative field. The Delya woman is able to prove herself as beautiful model, fashion designer, advertising agent, artist, architect, designer, singer or actress. However, it will truly be valued in any profession due to its accuracy, reliability, and responsibility.

It should be noted that a woman bearing the name Adeline, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is being studied, will probably not achieve success in developing her own business. Here this woman will be prevented from concentrating on building family happiness, which leads to disruption of the whole matter. As a result, a woman named Adeline should not engage in business or find a reliable partner.

Psyche of Delhi

A woman named Adeline, the origin and meaning of which is discussed, is a cheerful person with unexpected bouts of irritation and anger. Delya is very vindictive and touchy. Capable of becoming irritated by human meanness, rudeness, betrayal or dishonesty.

When evaluating people and their actions, a woman named Adeline is quite subjective, because... unable to calmly react to what is happening around her. However, this woman tries to hide her own emotional impulses from others. She believes that this protects her from the cruelty of people.

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