Ancient Slavic amulets by date of birth. How to choose a stone by date of birth? - suitable talismans. The essence of palaces and their impact on humans

In this article we will talk about how to determine your rune by date of birth.

Everyone knows that runes are an ancient alphabet, a method of fortune telling. But did you know that these signs are quite closely related to astrology? Each zodiac sign has two runes. Let's try to find our symbols.

Runes for Aries man and woman

Uruz– embodies impulse, source of energy, atomic force. Under the auspices of Mars, pronounced male sign Aries harmonizes perfectly with this rune.

Aries is wrestlers from birth with superbly developed organizing abilities, independence. They have a lot of willpower and activity. These people will never wait for the favors of fate - they will go to their goal themselves.

IMPORTANT: The Uruz rune is just capable of feeding Aries with energy. Despite the fact that people were previously afraid of Uruz, she should be respected. Only in this case the rune will not allow you to burn out and will reward you with a “second wind.”

With such a talisman, Aries will be able correctly allocate your resources. Perhaps even reach a new standard of living.

Rune Uruz for Aries

Teyvaz- another bright rune with a masculine beginning. She gives to her owner courage, self-confidence. But sometimes even an active Aries lacks this.

But it’s not enough to just want to do something – you also need to be able to realize plans and dreams. And Teyvaz will help with this. She will reward energy and will.

Rune Teyvaz for Aries

Runes for Taurus man and woman

Fehu– personifies completeness of possession anything. Moreover, this means not only material wealth, but also spiritual wealth. The well-being that energetic Taurus persistently strives for is sometimes impossible to achieve without inner harmony. Definite peace of mind, comfort and satisfaction and will give Fehu.

Taurus people are stubborn to the point of obsession. They will stick to their line with truly bullish stubbornness until they either get what they want or are exhausted energetically.

IMPORTANT: Despite their amazing endurance, Taurus needs recharge that will help distribute energy evenly. The rune will just balance Taurus energetically.

Rune Fehu for Taurus

Otilla– it’s not for nothing that this rune resembles the sign of Taurus in an inverted state. She is the embodiment stable and sustainable life. But the rune also represents perseverance, perseverance, which, as we remember, are inherent in Taurus.

One of characteristic features this zodiac sign - honoring traditions. He, like no one else, realizes that a person cannot lose touch with the past, with himself. The house is perceived as a fortress. The Otilla rune is interpreted as borders, support, heritage.

Rune Otilla for Taurus

Runes for Gemini men and women

Raido– is under the auspices of Mercury, which is responsible for the mind. Geminis differ in what they prefer. develop intellectually.

IMPORTANT: Raido will give people of this sign the necessary intellectual development logic, wit, ingenuity. And, most importantly, hard work.

Such development is also impossible without developing concentration of mind, which can be compared to a long road. Raido personifies movement in time and space,believe in yourself. This rune will help you constantly move from one goal to another.

Rune Raido for Gemini

Evaz– rune change, breaking out of stagnation, transformation. The energy of Evaz is very similar to the energy of Gemini - it is also mobile, extraordinary, quirky, fresh and is capable of moving even the most hopeless case off the ground.

It is also important that this rune combines two principles– if you look closely at it, you will see an analogy with the mirror image of the Laguz rune. But it is Gemini who is distinguished by the duality of nature, which pushes both ups and downs. An enviable mind sometimes comes into conflict with a peculiar character.

IMPORTANT: It is possible that this talisman rune will help smooth out the contradictory nature of Gemini.

Rune Evaz for Gemini

Runes for Cancer man and woman

Turisaz– an extremely strong rune, embodiment of destiny. Ruled by the Moon, she is full of mysteries and is a predominantly feminine sign. The mysterious Thurisaz serves as an excellent talisman for sensitive, dreamy Cancers. It perfectly strengthens already developed hard work and memory representatives of this zodiac sign.

For Cancers, despite their success in business, they are characterized by stopping and going back. At some point, such people begin to think about whether they have done everything exactly, whether everything is in order with their priorities. Rune will help you understand what exactly is pulling you back.

Rune Thurisaz for Cancers

Perth– rune purpose, dedication. Insightful Cancers usually feel first and then use reasoning. Therefore, they will need a talisman that will enhance the ability to feel people and unpleasant events.

IMPORTANT: Considering that Cancers are often treated as excellent psychologists, the likelihood of errors in understanding what is happening should be reduced as much as possible.

Representatives of this zodiac sign not only see through those around them, but are also able to talk honestly with themselves, are able to shed the old self and be reborn. This is analogous to Perth, which embodies birth through death.

Rune Perth for Cancers

Runes for Leo man and woman

Soulo– this rune is associated with the Sun. Personifies victory, love of life, ability to cope with any problems. All of the above is also typical for people born under the sign of Leo.

Soulo helps Leos evaluate life situations from different sides. And this, in turn, leads to wisdom. With wisdom, the chances of representatives of this sign emerge victorious increases sharply.

IMPORTANT: However, this rune should be handled carefully. Many Leos are already guilty of increased power and great narcissism.

Rune Soulo for Leo

Dagaz– embodiment breakthrough, transformation, the beginning of something. An extremely useful and positive rune that will help as much as possible. make good use of accumulated experience for future achievements.

Perhaps the upcoming achievements will radically change your life. It is extremely important in this case understand the essence of changes, adapt to them.

Dagaz is dawn. Leo will still have to work hard for his sun to shine in full force. Only then will ambitions be satisfied.

Rune Dagaz for Leo

Runes for Virgo men and women

Yeraharvest, birth of something, implementation of plans. Both the rune and the zodiac sign are under the auspices of the purely female planet Proserpina. Proserpine embodies harmony, love.

The harvest period is characterized by the feeling that transition to new level , changes are coming. And for this it is extremely important learn from the past, part with obsolete things.

IMPORTANT: For Virgo, this is usually not easy, but the Yera talisman can help in this case. Yera is a healer rune, a guide. It will help you not get lost and bring what is happening to its logical conclusion.

Rune Yera for Virgos

Berkanaprotection and patronage, love, creativity. An extremely pure rune that completely coincides energetically with the sign of Virgo.

Representatives of this sign are always follow through even the most difficult cases, using all your intelligence and tenacious memory. This is what is being done slowly, without disturbing fuss - Virgos seem to know that some force should help them. And the Berkan talisman can become such a force.

This rune is extremely useful for the fairer sex - it will give them soft energy, which is valued by men!

Berkana rune for Virgos

Runes for Libra men and women

Ansuz- one of the most significant runes associated with higher powers. Activates processes of self-knowledge and creativity.

Libra is an extremely active zodiac sign. They are endowed charm, wins over those around you and a lot arguing. Moreover, they argue in order to enjoy the intellectual confrontation.

IMPORTANT: The Ansuz rune is indispensable where you need to apply it with dexterity in time vocabulary, show a sharp mind.

This rune allows energy and inspiration as if an avalanche were falling on a person. This will come in very handy for Libras, because they are both creative people and good scientists.

Rune Ansuz for Libra

Gebo– capable enhance oratory skills, direct self-expression in the right direction. This will be very useful for Libra, who, thanks to the laconic expression of thoughts, often find themselves involved in social activities.

Another meaning of Gebo is partnership, constructive communication, accepting interlocutors as they are. Rune frees from stereotypes, revealing a person’s inner freedom and allowing Libra, who loves relaxed and fruitful communication, fit organically into society.

Rune Gebo for Libra

Runes for Scorpio men and women

Hagalaznatural destruction that are not controlled by humans. The rune is under the protection of Pluto. Pluto, in turn, is associated with Phoenix bird. And for Scorpio, self-destruction is very common, which distinguishes it from other zodiac signs.

IMPORTANT: However, you should not be afraid, because self-destruction, oddly enough, is useful. It promotes development and self-realization. This is how the Phoenix property is embodied for Scorpio.

Rune Hagalaz for Scorpios

Isa– gives measuredness, slowness. Perhaps, at times Scorpios really lack such qualities. In order not to destroy what already exists, representatives of this zodiac sign sometimes need stop, breathe, relax.

After some time, these people can resume their activity with new strength. But thanks to the “freezing” period, all the negativity, everything unnecessary will settle to the bottom.

Rune Isa for Scorpios

Runes for Sagittarius man and woman

Kenaz– torch rune. Gives to a person impressive creativity and clarity of thought. This will be very useful for active Sagittarius. Power, splendor, honor, recognition, high social position- all this unusually attracts such people. And without an appropriate internal reserve, this cannot be achieved.

Thanks to such a rune-amulet, Sagittarius can significantly expand their horizons, see the path that best suits them. They don’t have enough perseverance to go through such a path, but Kenaz will strengthen perseverance many times.

Rune Kenaz for Sagittarius

Nautizturns disadvantages into advantages. This is undeniable useful property is added and formation of self-sufficiency. Sagittarians are idealists, but it is difficult to accuse them of dishonesty. They live for tomorrow, but at the same time know how to plan for the future.

IMPORTANT: Sagittarians are energetic, often acting as fighters for justice. Nautiz will sometimes give them much needed calm and balance.

Rune Nautiz for Sagittarius

Runes for Capricorn men and women

Eyvazsupport, protection, provision endurance and gain perseverance. Despite the fact that Capricorns are smart and insightful, their reaction speed and decisiveness most often manifest themselves only when it is beneficial to them, and even then not always. Therefore, the Eyvaz talisman will be very useful.

Even persistent Capricorns can isolate themselves from the world if failure occurs. And then they will need the ability to learn from defeat, skill gain experience, what the rune will help.

Rune Eyvaz for Capricorns

Inguz– patronizes to the discoverers. Ambitious Capricorns often direct their energy to becoming the best in their field.

This rune can attract good luck period– all undertakings will be literally saturated energy of growth, positivity and abundance.

IMPORTANT: Prosperity will not turn away from Capricorn if he can get rid of the old and fully focus on the future. Inguz, symbolizing movement, can help with this.

Rune Inguz for Capricorns

Runes for the Aquarius man and woman

Vunyo– develops fantasy, sets a person up for fulfillment of your desires, gives him joy. Such an attitude is often necessary for idealistic Aquarius with a philosophical character.

This rune allows bring something new into an already existing worldview, to gain "second wind". Under such conditions, Aquarius does especially well realize your goals. And in this case, no competition is scary!

Runa Vunyo for Aquarius

Mannaz– personification social order, intelligence. The rune is perfect for Aquarius who are overweight progressive ideas. In most cases, these people are open in communication and attractive to others.

IMPORTANT: Mannaz helps Aquarius to show themselves in compassion for others - here representatives of this sign participate with full dedication in the life of society. With such spiritual elevation, a person is able to develop his “I”.

Rune Mannaz for Aquarius

Runes for Pisces man and woman

Algizprotection, appeal higher powers. A rune similar to Pisces will be of particular benefit, because these people are used to trust your intuition. It must be said that this is not without reason, since instinct more than once helped them in different areas life.

The rune helps to maneuver deftly in life, choosing the right course. Pisces are accustomed to expressing flexibility, adapt under different circumstances, so giving them an extra direction won’t hurt them.

Rune Algiz for Pisces

Laguz – smooth fluidity, flow. The rune will help manage what Pisces is given from birth - rich inner peace and spiritual strength. It is not always possible to manage such a force successfully, which is what a talisman will help correct.

IMPORTANT: Laguz will also help control the subconscious and correctly interpret intuition. If Pisces refuse to listen to their inner voice, they may lose their footing in life.

Rune Laguz for Pisces

As you already understand, runes can be used as talismans. By purchasing, for example, some jewelry or getting a tattoo with a rune matching the horoscope, a person will receive a powerful amulet that will help him along his path.

If you want to improve your life, select talisman stones based on your date of birth that can safely, quickly and effectively solve many problems.

In the article:

Rules for choosing amulets stones

There are several ways to decide on a talisman stone. The most common is selection. You can conduct it by date or month of birth, in the article we'll talk about this method. But first, some important tips.

The best talisman is one that is given as a gift. At the same time, the mineral needs time to get used to you and start working. The longest grinding period is for a diamond, which does not tolerate separation from its owner.

If you are going to buy an amulet, be sure to clean it and charge it after purchase. The talisman collected energy on the counter where people touched it. You can find out how to do it correctly from the relevant material on the website.

Each mineral has its own character. Wearing it indiscriminately can lead to unpleasant consequences: a change in character is not better side until the quality of life deteriorates. Not everything goes together, so be careful.

Often a person does not like the stones that are suggested by selection by zodiac or date of birth. Best option– personal feelings. The main thing is that it evokes positive emotions.

Dangerous stones by date of birth

There are minerals that have a strong effect on owners. They can only be worn by those born during a certain period. Exceptions are rare.

Opal is suitable for those born at the end of September. For others, decorations can lead to melancholy and apathy.

Pearl Recommended for Pisces, other signs must adhere to certain rules. For example, Aquarius should not wear it during periods of sadness, so as not to aggravate the situation, and Scorpios should prefer black pearls. It threatens Virgos with the development of weak character. Absolutely not suitable for Leos and Aries.

Amber better . For those born under another constellation, it cannot become a talisman.

Amazonite Suitable for Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio, not recommended. He has a peculiar character and it is very difficult to please him. Side effect- laziness, which is difficult to fight.

Grenade it doesn't matter when you were born. He loves emotional, bright, proactive people. Negative effects - a tendency to envy, dissatisfaction with life.

Sapphire does not tolerate harm to others, deprives them of joy, love, friendship. If you are not sure of the purity of your thoughts, choose another piece of jewelry, even if it is your amulet.

Wear hematite a person who cannot resist should not own desires. It provokes cruelty and rudeness.

Amulet by date of birth - day of the month

consider the date, day of the week and month of birth separately. The following list is for determining the talisman by date of birth.

  • 1, 10, 19, 28 - coral, opal, topaz, ruby.
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 - cat's eye, jade, opal, pearl, tiger's eye.
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 - amethyst, emerald, coral, topaz.
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 - aquamarine, diamond, garnet, opal, sapphire.
  • 5, 14, 23 - diamond, light sapphire, zircon.
  • 6, 15, 24 - aquamarine, beryl, emerald, green opal, peridot.
  • 7, 16, 25 - pearls, moonstone, opal, tiger's eye.
  • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
  • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, coral, ruby, red opal.

Talisman stones by date of birth - day of the week

Day of the week plays no less important role in the selection of amulets:

  1. Monday- pearls, moonstone, opal, others white or having a light base.
  2. Tuesday- hematite, coral, lapis lazuli, ruby, sodalite, jasper, blue, red, dark minerals.
  3. Wednesday- aquamarine, turquoise, sapphire, blue topaz, and other heavenly shades.
  4. Thursday- amethyst, fluorite, charoite, other violet.
  5. Friday- emerald, malachite, jade, tourmaline, peridot, chrysoprase; green or having such inclusions.
  6. Saturday- smoky quartz, dark minerals.
  7. Sunday- topaz, carnelian, zircon, amber, and others of a warm golden color.

Amulet by month of birth

Options for choosing an amulet based on your month of birth for those who want to acquire a reliable and powerful amulet.

  1. January- pomegranate, hyacinth, cat's eye, turquoise.
  2. February- amethyst, pearls, hyacinth, hawk's eye, rock crystal.
  3. March- aquamarine, heliotrope, jasper, ruby, tourmaline.
  4. April- diamond, sapphire, agate, emerald.
  5. May- emerald, agate, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysoprase, tiger's eye.
  6. June- pearls, alexandrite, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony, aquamarine.
  7. July- ruby, turquoise, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite.
  8. August- peridot, alexandrite, sardonyx, topaz, carnelian, moonstone, ruby, citrine.
  9. September- sapphire, sardonyx, peridot, agate, smoky quartz.
  10. October- tourmaline, opal, aquamarine, beryl, lapis lazuli, garnet.
  11. November- topaz, pearls, coral, peridot.
  12. December- zircon, turquoise, heliotrope, ruby, chrysoprase, amethyst, agate.

Choosing amulets according to the season of birth

For those who are not satisfied with the distribution of talismans by month, we offer options by season.

  • Winter- diamond, turquoise, labradorite, moonstone, sapphire, quartz, crystal. Everything is light, white, blue, blue - like winter nature.
  • Spring- amethyst, green diamond, emerald, peridot, topaz, chrysoberyl, spinel; others having bright shades first green.
  • Summer- garnet, opal, topaz, ruby, chrysoberyl, zircon, spinel. Talismans differ from spring ones in their depth of color and warmer shades.
  • Autumn- hyacinth, garnet, sapphire, topaz, yellowish oriental peridot. Those born in autumn are advised to use red, blue and yellow stones.

A snowflake pendant is suitable for winter people, and a red one for autumn zodiac signs maple leaf. If you were born in the spring,

Slavic amulets have the strongest magical power. They are able to protect a person from various manifestations of evil and help attract positive things.

However, not every amulet is suitable to a certain person. You need to choose a talisman based on various parameters, which may include your date of birth.


The culture of the ancient Slavs is full and diverse with legends and myths, the main characters of which are divine beings. The Slavs have always believed in the existence of higher powers capable of influencing events occurring around them.

People's lives were full of sacred symbols, to which they attached special meaning. It was believed that each symbol was under the protection of a specific god.

That is why the symbols were endowed magical meaning. They were placed on household items, body jewelry, clothing or weapons. The Slavs tried to protect themselves as much as possible from the influence of dark forces.

Ancient amulets the following properties were attributed:

  • Attracting good luck and success;
  • Normalization of internal state;
  • Protection from magicians and witches;
  • Preservation of the family hearth;
  • Increase in cash;
  • Help with studies and work;
  • Revealing hidden skills;

What is a talisman?

The amulet was a mandatory attribute of Slavic culture. It was difficult to find a person who would not surround himself sacred symbols.

Any thing with the image of a magical symbol could act as a talisman. Its presence automatically made it sacred. It could be a wardrobe item, a body amulet, any textile product or figurine. Amulets were made from a wide variety of materials.

But most often they turned to materials with a certain natural strength. For example, stone, wood, silver, gold or bronze. Each type of material can enhance the effect of one symbol, and reduce the effectiveness of another.

The Slavs treated amulets with special honor. They believed that in these seemingly insignificant objects there was a powerful force. Warriors covered their weapons with symbols before their campaigns. Women passed on amulets to their daughters.

If a family was born small child, his parents sought to make new amulets to further protect the baby. Any amulet had a specific purpose and even a location in the apartment. There was also a division of amulets into women's and men's.

Calculate by date of birth

In Slavic culture there was a Svarog circle, which divided the sky into 16 equal parts. Each of them included certain constellations, and, accordingly, the period in which the person was born.

If we draw an analogy, we can say that the Slavic Svarog circle is a modern horoscope. And the signs of the zodiac are ancient palaces. The only difference is the number of characters available. Each period had its own name and characteristics.

In Svarog circle included the following halls:

  • Chamber of the Virgin (from August 27 to September 20);
  • Hall of the Boar (from September 20 to October 11);
  • Pike's Hall (from October 11 to November 3);
  • Hall of the Swan (from November 3 to November 24);
  • Hall of the Serpent (from December 2 to December 16);
  • Hall of the Raven (from December 16 to January 7);
  • Hall of the Bear (from January 8 to January 31);
  • Busla Palace (from February 1 to February 25);
  • Hall of the Wolf (from February 25 to March 22);
  • Hall of the Fox (from March 22 to April 14);
  • Hall of Tours (from April 14 to May 6);
  • Hall of the Elk (from May 6 to May 29);
  • Finist's Hall (from May 29 to June 20);
  • Hall of the Horse (from June to July 13);
  • Hall of the Eagle (from July 13 to August 4);
  • Hall of Ras (from August 4 to August 27);

Each palace has a specific symbol that is visually different from any other. This symbol serves a specific person personal amulet.

In addition, each palace bestows individual character traits on people born during its activity. For example, Vepr has an analytical mind. He tries with all his might to achieve his goals. The corresponding amulet will only enhance existing qualities.

Raven is the direct opposite of Vepr. He is extremely distracted and awkward. But at the same time, he is a good family man. The Fox is characterized by diplomatic skills, and the Elk is characterized by secretive nature. Charms help strengthen positive qualities each sign and reduce the negative ones.

Charms according to character and zodiac sign

Today, the approach to choosing a talisman has changed somewhat. There is nothing wrong with choosing a talisman based on your own feelings. The main thing is close contact with the amulet. This is especially true for talismans made of stone. For example, Turquoise has the ability to attract friends.

Which may not be necessary for all people. Chrysoprase is not suitable for conservatives; it will be an excellent assistant for those who want to open new doors. Jade promotes family happiness, so it will not help those who want to achieve career success.

You can choose a talisman based on your zodiac sign. Moreover, not only a stone, but also an image of a number or an animal can serve as a magical object. Each zodiac sign has certain amulets. Zircons or rubies are suitable for Aries.

Leos will feel most secure with an amethyst or diamond. The ardor of Capricorn will be able to pacify malachite. But Jasper can give financial well-being Virgos. Representatives water element Stones such as pearls or aquamarine are suitable. And agate can become a talisman for Libra.

The amulet can also be any object with the image of the zodiac sign itself. Neck pendants are the most popular. They can be made from various metals, but most often they buy gold or silver.

When choosing a talisman, you should take into account that the power of fire signs is supported by gold, while for others, a silver talisman would be more relevant.

Also, the amulet may not have a material shell, but remain in the mind of its owner all his life. Such amulets include numbers. Each zodiac sign has its own numerical patron. For example, for Taurus this is the number six. lucky number Libra is a seven. And the number three will bring happiness to Sagittarius’ life.

Rules for using amulets

Amulets remain effective only if they are used correctly. It is advisable for the magical item to always be close to its owner. Contact must be constantly maintained so that the amulet does not lose its magical properties.

Under no circumstances should you throw the amulet in front of everyone or show it to others too often. Periodically, the amulet needs to be cleaned and recharged with the help of prayers and special rites.

You can give the amulet only to close people, otherwise it will not fulfill its direct functions.

No tribute to fashion - just a return to the roots, this is how the current wide popularity of Slavic amulets is characterized. What do they mean, how to choose and not make a mistake, how to determine your talisman sign? This is a whole science, by studying the basics of which, you can gain the protection of one of the Native Gods.

Slavic zodiac

The culture of the ancient Slavs was based on harmony with nature, therefore each of the artifacts used by man had a deep divine meaning and corresponded to the individual characteristics of the owner.

To find out the character of the potential owner of the amulet and offer him the right protection, it is necessary to study his star portrait - that is, his horoscope.

But the characteristics of the traditional zodiac, Chinese, or any other horoscope are absolutely not suitable for wearing a Slavic amulet. If the artifact is not foreign, then the star calendar should be appropriate.

The ancient Russians had their own horoscope at their disposal; it still exists, but is not as widespread as others. Choosing Slavic amulet by date of birth, it would be logical to compare it not only with calendar data, but also with palaces - zodiac signs in Slavic.

The total number of protective palaces is 16. The ancient zodiac has a characteristic name - the Svarog Circle (the circle of the Heavenly God) and is significantly different from the horoscope that most modern people use.


Traditionally, the palace (sign) was depicted inside a nine-pointed star, since nine is included in the list of the most powerful and significant numbers.

The amulets were embroidered on clothes, depicted on the body and worn as a medallion. Both in ancient times and now, wearing an amulet on a leather strap was considered undesirable, since leather is an element of a killed animal that has suffered torment and suffering, and, quite possibly, this negativity will drown out all the positivity coming from the artifact.

Symbols, dates, patrons

How you can determine your patron and choose the appropriate Slavic amulet by date of birth - in the table below.

VIRGO August (27) - September (20), JEVANA (Goddess of forests and hunting)
BOAR September (20) – October (11) RAMKHAT (God of Justice)
PIKE October (11) – November (3) ROZHANA (Goddess of prosperity and comfort)
SWAN November (3) – November (24) MAKOSH (Goddess of fortune telling and places of power)
SNAKE November (2) – December (16) SEMARGL (God of fire and fertility)
CROW December (16) - January (7) VARUNA (God of fate)
BEAR January (7) – January (31) SVAROG (God the Father among the Slavs)
BUSL January (31) – February (25) ROD (First God, creator of the universe)
WOLF February (25) – March (22) VELES (God of the arts and patron of livestock)
FOX March (22) – April (14) MARENA (Goddess of winter, darkness)
TOUR April (14) - May (6) KRYSHEN (God of light and heat)
ELK May (6) – May (29) LADA (Goddess of spring, sowing, love and marriage)
FINIST May (29) – June (20) HIGH (a just God who enforces the laws)
HORSE June (20) – July (13) KUPALA (God sunlight)
EAGLE July (13) - August (4) PERUN (God of thunder and military valor)
ASD August(4) – August(27) DAZHDBOG (God of fertility and light)

What should those born at the junction of dates do?

At certain moments, namely: when doubt arises about involvement in a particular palace, there are several unmistakable ways to choose the right Slavic amulet.

First: listen to yourself. Intuition will definitely tell you which amulet will bring more benefits.

Second: move a little away from the exact date of birth and focus on the season in which the person was born. The seasons are also ruled by the gods: Kolyada (winter), Yarilo (spring), Kupalo (summer), Avsen (autumn).

Third: study the characteristics of pagan deities and determine which of them best matches the character of the person choosing the talisman.

Alexander, April 14, 2015.

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