Rune Vunyo meaning in fortune telling of the planets. The magical meaning of the Vunyo rune. General meaning of the Vunyo rune

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Where was it committed? bounce? For women jump into the river in dream- a harbinger of Tsvetkov’s dream book that very soon there will be a place in life for new sensations and relationships. If in dream you succeded jump on the trampoline as much as possible high, literally up to the clouds, then in reality a promotion awaits you. Moreover, the reason for this will be only your merits, therefore modern dream book advises to try, and then everything will work out. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Jump – « Higher you can’t jump yourself” (the limit of possibilities), “ jump with joy”, “jumping with pain”. See Add. Jump, this is how the dream book interprets it dream. Women's dream book. Why do you dream Jump according to the dream book: Jump– Jump off in dream down from the wall - to reckless actions that bring only disappointment. Watch someone's success jumping- a harbinger of a surge of energy and strength with which you will cope with any troubles. Read more

  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Why do you dream jump? Jumping in dream is a multi-valued symbol, the interpretation of which can vary greatly depending on the context of the events of the dream. To accurately determine what the dream means jump, you need to figure out which ones exactly jumping there is a speech. Jumping from high. If a man in dream jumps down and flies for a long time, this may portend a victory won after realizing one’s duty to others. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Why do you dream jump High in dream according to the dream book? High jump- try to restrain your emotions at work; your boss will not tolerate an employee who is rude when communicating with clients or negligent in his or her official duties. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Esoteric dream book - jump in dream. According to this dream book jumping mean that a person should decide where to properly direct energy. If a person dreams that he jumps into the water, this suggests that you should think about it again by decision so that it does not become hasty and thoughtless. One should not take on unnecessary other people's affairs if a person dreams jumping into emptiness. Why am I dreaming I'm jumping or someone jumping- dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream Interpretation: Bounce in dream. Bounce into the air - You will lose your position. Dream book of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite. Assyrian dream book. Why do you dream Bounce according to the dream book: Jumping - Jump higher bounce, the greater the achievement. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Details sleep. How are you jumped in dream? Jump high according to the dream book▼. Dream, Where are you high jumping, portends a new stage in life. It will bring a surge of strength, activity, and a positive attitude. I dreamed that a man (a family friend) quite quickly and boldly accelerated and jumped out of the apartment through the window. He jumped with a very high floors. After jump he didn't survive (but I don't remember exactly, at least in dream I never saw him again). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Lewis's Dream Book. See Jump in dream: Jump or jumping over barriers (and even mountains) in a dream could mean that the dreamer is experiencing great success in his daily life. How higher bounce, the greater the achievement. Lunar dream book. See Jump in dream: Jump- Move, jump - be afraid of something or someone or lose your job. Read more

    Dream interpretation "junona"

    In dream see Jump. If a young woman sees dream, in which she jumps over an obstacle, this means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her desires after resisting fate and fighting for her luck. If in dream You jump down from the wall - dream promises you reckless actions that bring disappointment. Watch someone's success jumping- means that a surge of strength and energy awaits you, which will help you overcome fate. Dream InterpretationRead more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Jump in dream in dream successful bounce or successfully jump over an obstacle yourself - means that your determination and courage will lead you to success. Jump up, if at the same time you manage to get the object you are after jumped- means that to succeed you need to break away from everyday worries and try to take on more “ high" affairs. If, jumping up, you didn't get anything - this one dream warns against wasting energy. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    What means Jump in dream: You dreamed Jump what is this for - You will achieve the fulfillment of your desires. Imagine that you jumping high and far away. Jumping come easy to you. Phoebe's Great Dream Book. Interpretation sleep Jump: You dreamed Jump what is this for - you will achieve it high position in society, you will enter the circle of people you have always dreamed of. Imagine a large sports arena where sports competitions take place. jumping in height. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    ABC of interpretation dreams. Bounce With high buildings, rocks - speaks of your despair in some situation, overestimation of your strength. What did you dream about? Bounce in dream? jump off in dream from a low object - a sign that slander awaits you; from transport jump to success. Jumping over an abyss or a crack in the ground means that the success of a business does not require deep thought from you, happiness is in ignorance. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Jump from above in dream the dream book interprets it as not a good omen. Very much high the likelihood of future losses, grief and disappointments. Why dream bounce from a height, the dream book associates with the feeling of free flight. Dream says that one of the components of your being prevents you from moving forward and reflects your very natural desire to free yourself from ballast. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Jumping from high in dream are often warnings of some upcoming events. Jumping They dream from a great height before participating in an unusual enterprise. Jump from a height into the water means that your decisions are not thought out. If you jumping from a height into the void, dream says that you have to decide on your life goal. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "supersonnik"

    If bounce in dream was short - for example, from a chair to the floor or from the floor to any small elevation - jump in that dream should not be given importance if you jumped the way they could do it in real life. If you dreamed bounce through the abyss, or with high houses on a nearby nearby house, etc., means that in reality you will be able to avoid some major danger from the outside, or, thanks to your own decision, insight, feeling, not make an irreparable mistake - see Abyss. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Jump in dream through an obstacle - a sign of risky undertakings. See in dream successful bounce or successfully jump over an obstacle yourself - means that your determination and courage will lead you to success. Jumping out of a house window or jumping from high walls - portends betrayal and quarrels with loved ones. If in dream You jumping from an airplane and the parachute does not open - such dream portends injury as a result of an accident. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "NetuDa"

    Bounce in dream Theme for fans jump in dream from above... or from above. Bounce from a height, like a gap in descriptions – It’s not a long flight, and it’s easy... I want to jump down – dream after all, but high... Why not? After all jump down in dream safe, even from higher altitudes! And if not? If not dream! The area is so similar to the real thing. Although here for sure higher than in the real world. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Bounce, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Bounce in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I dreamed that I performed beautiful jumping in the air, pushing off from the ground (it was sand) and trying as hard as possible higher to the sky. Very nice dream was, like the emotions from jumping. I remember that in dream I understood that in real life I could never do this jump, without training. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Jump in dream down - into a hole, into an abyss. Jumping over a hole, a ditch, an obstacle - to the successful completion of an important task, overcoming an obstacle. Jump into the sea, river, pool, water - a justified risk in an important matter, unless you bounce ended happily. People jumping are a sign of overcoming difficulties and achievement, especially if by jumping they climbed more high level of something in dream. Jump on a bungee - to delay (in time) some matter. According to the waves - a period of unrest. Read more

    Dream book "sny-sonnik"

    Jump, bounce in dream If a young woman sees dream, in which she jumps over an obstacle, this means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her desires after resisting fate and fighting for her luck.See in dream Bounce Bounce With high buildings, rocks speaks of your despair in some situation, overestimation of your strength. Parachute - identifying an emergency route in a difficult situation. If bounce With high places turns into flight, which means your risk will be successful. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Jump higher dreamed of forests, why dream in dream Jump higher forests? To select an interpretation sleep dream dreams by letter free alphabetically).Imagine that you jumping high and far away. Jumping come easy to you. It's like you're flying above the ground. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Tarzan If in dream bounce someone else commits, do you feel fear for this person or does he inspire you? - Do you think this person is more courageous than you? Springboard If the springboard is very high- this means that a quick promotion awaits you. See in dream springboard for jumping into the water - a sign of...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Jump in bosein I dreamed about why I dream in dream Jump to Beaucein? To select an interpretation sleep enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams per letter free alphabetically). Jump for my own pleasure - dream promises entertainment in a cheerful company. Imagine that you jumping high and far away. Jumping come easy to you.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    To search for the image you are interested in, enter a keyword from your sleep into the search form. This way you can easily find out what they mean dreams Jumping on wood, or what does it mean in dream see Jumping on wood.Analysis sleep Airplane Sea White high houses Green trees Turtles Eagle Backpack Algae Delight Flying on a military plane. drawing in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Imagine that you jumping high and far away. Jumping come easy to you. Dream Interpretation - Jump. If you jumping in dream dream Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Imagine that you jumping high and far away. Jumping come easy to you. Dream Interpretation - Jump. If you jumping in dream, then in reality you will encounter many trials and obstacles in life; however, with hard work, courage and perseverance you will eventually overcome them. If such dream dreams of an unmarried person, then his beloved will be very attached to him, and her parents will not resist their union for long. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Bounce with a parachute in dream. Dreaming that I I'm jumping with a parachute, with some unfamiliar girl, and my parachute does not open, then I grab onto the girl and her parachute somehow opens, but we all hit the ground with terrible force but do not die... not always, but I began to notice that I have strange dreams dreams.. they are all of the same type and follow the same scenario. I somehow end up on the roof high home, I go to the edge, look around and I'm jumping.. without a second thought at all, that is, it’s not suicide and no one is pushing me, I'm jumping herself...

  1. Manya

    my mother is a complete pessimist in life, she is always not happy with everything, if she smiles, it is a great holiday for the whole family. Is it possible to write a runescript directly on her photo?

  2. Helga

    @Manya, yes, of course you can. I would also draw Sovulo around the edges. Firstly, Sovulo will strengthen the formula, and secondly, Sovulo gives energy to a person. Perhaps your mother is very tired, she simply does not have the strength to rejoice. In addition, being in constantly dark thoughts in itself greatly depletes the energy body, and Sovulo restores energy.

  3. Manya

    Thank you very much!!!

  4. Siena

    Dear Helga
    Could you please suggest a runic formula for this purpose: I would like the young man to feel WELL with me, freely, at ease in all respects, and so that this would subsequently influence his choice in my favor. I thought about using the Vunyo rune. I don't know what else to add.

  5. Helga

    @Siena, Laguz is the rune of good emotions and love. But you will still get a love spell. Maybe not as tough as using Nautiz, but still. And like any trouble, yours will someday stop working, and then what? You will waste your time in the wrong relationships. Or maybe, literally in a very short time you will meet your person who will feel good with you anyway, without any formulas. And you will miss it because you will be head over heels in other relationships.

  6. Siena

    @Helga, thank you very much. I'll definitely try it. I understand that this could be a love spell. I just love this person and don’t want to back down.

  7. Gulya

    Good afternoon Helga! I really want a second child. I am already 40 years old. Secondary infertility (tubal). She planned to carry out artificial insemination. But the doctors forbade me, because the scar on the uterus after a caesarean section 15 years ago was recognized as untenable. There is a risk of uterine rupture during pregnancy.. I was simply denied this procedure. Sorry for the details, but I was shocked by such a verdict. I don’t know what to do... My husband offers to reconcile, it was God’s will. Can runes help me?

  8. Helga

    @Gulya, good afternoon! The best way to find out if runes will help you is to ask them, i.e. make a schedule. But you have some serious karmic problem on your face. If only there was an obstruction, and then there was an incompetent scar. You must understand that with such physical problems, pregnancy is a serious threat to your life. Because if the uterus does rupture, it will be removed, and this is in the best case scenario. When the uterus ruptures, very heavy bleeding occurs; all the blood flows out within 20 minutes. Very often, a woman simply does not have time to be taken to the operating room. Is it worth the risk for you? You must ask yourself why you need this child so much that you are even willing to risk your life? If you find the reason and fulfill the unmet need in another way, perhaps the problems with pregnancy will resolve themselves. You feel an inner emptiness - so fill it with something else, there are many ways - a hobby, a career, helping other people. Or the relationship with the 1st child is not working out, and you hope that it will work out better with the 2nd? Or do you feel unwanted? These are all difficult questions, but you need to answer them for yourself. Then, in order to realize your desire for motherhood, you can simply adopt a child. There are so many abandoned children, and by doing this, you will accomplish a truly great cause.
    I would recommend that you make a runescript, for example, for infertility or Freya’s seal (see the topic about the Berkan rune) before pregnancy, wear them for about 3 months and go for a re-examination. Perhaps something will change and you will be able to get pregnant.

  9. Alixandra

    Good afternoon, Helga!

    Tell me, please, if in the scenario (fortune-telling Yes-no) straight Vunyo appears with inverted Algiz, how to interpret this? As I understand it, the runes say: “Yes, but there is a high probability of deception.”
    Thank you for your reply.

  10. Helga

    @Alixandra, hello! In general, in “yes, no” fortune telling, one rune is usually used. The runes say that your wish will come true, but it would be better for you to wish for something else. Some risky, ambiguous situation will arise. But in principle, you interpreted correctly.

  11. Tatiana

    Helga, please tell me, I’m not working right now and am looking for a job. I can earn good money by continuing to develop in the direction that I have been doing for the last 5 years and have success, but my soul is drawn to a completely new business ( landscape design) - although I have neither education nor practice in it. So my intuition tells me that I need to take a new path - learn and gain experience for little money. I asked a question about the runes - will I find the job I want before the New Year and I got the Vunyo rune. How should I interpret the answer?

  12. Helga

    @Tatyana, in fortune telling, runes are not very respectful of the time frame that is set. But the fact that in the end you will find the job you dream of can be said with almost 100% confidence, since Vunyo’s direct line fell out.

  13. Tatiana

    Helga, thanks for the answer and for the amendment to the time frame.
    Good health to you.

  14. Helga

    @Tatyana, please. :) All the best to you too.

  15. Tatiana

    Hello Helga!! I want to say a huge thank you for this site, for your work and attitude towards it.
    And the rune is really very, very positive. I read this article, and I smiled and rejoiced. Thanks again!!

  16. Helga

    @Tatyana, I’m glad you liked the article))) I really love the Vunyo rune.

  17. Alice

    Good day, Helga! Please tell me how to interpret Vunyo inverted in this situation:
    I made myself an amulet with the runes Laguz + Fehu + Dagaz: cash flow with a speedy change in life in better side, consecrated it, etc. On the trail. day in the morning I decided to ask the runes, was the ritual successful and what will it give me? The runes answered my first question with the SOVUL rune - the ceremony was successful. To the second question, what will this give me, they answered me with the TEYVAZ rune - victory + additional - Vunyo inverted. How can I understand this? The fact that victory is not easy and not immediately? Or that in the end I will still be disappointed? It is alarming that Vunyo lane. in the resulting position. Please tell me, do I need to get upset now or shouldn’t I just yet?
    Thank you very much in advance!

  18. Alice

    oh, yes, I forgot to say that when making the amulet, I stipulated that the action begins immediately after consecration, i.e. quickly, immediately. And Teyvaz and lane. Vunyo somehow “misses” this moment.
    And another question right away: is it possible to expand on the magical actions performed with runes? Doesn't this weaken their strength? For example, the fact that I just shared this here on the forum?

    Thank you for your answer and for your patience!

  19. Helga
  20. Helga

    @Alice, I think that Sovulo fell out because the effect of the formula began to appear and you will soon notice it. Teyvaz with Vunyo reversed most likely indicates that you will have some kind of struggle for results, but you will not achieve your goals - your desires regarding money will not be fulfilled. Or Teyvaz simply indicates that there was an action, the result of which is described by the inverted Vunyo.
    You shouldn’t have shoved the Dagaz rune here - this rune, firstly, is very unstable, and secondly, it will easily convert those runes, which were in the beginning, into the opposite meaning. If you want the runescript to work faster, then it must be installed at the beginning. Then we get a quick change in the current situation with the result, which we write down with subsequent runes.

  21. Alice

    @Helga, oh... that's it. I will burn the runescript with gratitude and make another one. Thank you for your answer and advice.

  22. Alice

    ax, just now it dawned on me: during the consecration ritual, an upside-down URUZ “stood up” in front of me in space. I paid attention to this, but thought that she was telling me that my strength was not enough. And most likely, it meant precisely that the runescript itself does not have the power that I was counting on. Interesting...

  23. Helga

    @Alice, thanks for sharing))). Yes, it very well may be.

  24. Anechka

    Helps, Hello, please tell me if when asked about the fulfillment of a wish this week, first came the direct nautiz, followed by the direct vunyo, what could this mean?

  25. Helga

    @Anechka, hello. Most likely, it will come true if you do everything necessary.

  26. Elena

    Helga Good afternoon! Thank you for your wonderful site and for helping people so much. I want to ask you this question: I haven’t been able to find the job I want for half a year now, and I don’t even have the strength... it’s not that I don’t have it, but in general, it’s as if I’ve ceased to exist in this world (that’s how I feel), I don’t have anything I can and I don’t want to.. There were ill-wishers at one time, I think they did something to me, I was even treated for damage, I don’t know, maybe there’s something left. Please advise what is the best way to proceed? first install the Solar Shield (to cleanse from damage), then maybe a “Universal Improver” (to gain strength and energy), and then make the formula for work? or stop at the Improver? will he determine what I need? Please tell me, I’ll be looking forward to your answer.

  27. @Elena, hello. Try the solar shield, you can draw it with agiskjalm from 4 Algiz (), they work well together. Well, then see for yourself, maybe you won’t need any more magic at all. And so, you can use an improver, you can use some kind of monetary formula - I usually draw Fehu-Vunyo, it helps me well.

  28. Elena

    Thank you very much for the advice Helga, I will do just that. Good luck to you in everything!!!

  29. @Elena, all the best to you too:)

  30. Deadly

    Good evening Helga, a paradoxical question for you. In short, I’m trying to tell fortunes about sports using runes, more specifically in tennis, about the winner in a half. That is, I lay out two runes for each athlete and write down the results, this is how I slowly collect information. And I noticed an interesting pattern with the Vunyo rune; for some reason, so far it has all fallen 8 times to the loser, specifically to him. Very interesting, what do you think about this? Doesn't this mean that the runes deliberately give incorrect information? Or does Vunyo have some interesting meaning here that I don’t understand?

  31. @Deadloly, hello. You see, runes cannot be used for such purposes - trading on the stock exchange, etc. In this case, the runes will always give obviously incorrect answers. I myself was guilty of this at one time - I lost a lot of money :). Although in all other cases the runes helped me.

  32. Deadly

    @Helga, I see, thanks for the answer)

  33. Lel

    Please tell me, the situation is this: you broke up with your boyfriend, there is another ((
    I asked the rknam: Is it worth waiting for him, will he come back..?
    Nautiz-Perth-Vunyo fell... How to interpret this?
    Nautiz says “We must”... we need what? wait or vice versa? I don't understand...

  34. @Lel, most likely, the dropped Nautiz speaks of your strong emotional attachment to this person, which prevents you from building a normal relationship with him. As Faina Ranevskaya said: “Any wish can come true, you just need to stop wanting.” It is also possible that both of you still need this relationship and have not exhausted itself completely. The direct Perto rune may advise you to work with some subconscious attitudes in the field of relationships and men - it often appears as a rune of psychological work. Well, it can also indicate that this person will appear in your destiny. Well, I would interpret the Vunyo rune as meaning that everything will be fine with you, it is possible that you will continue communication, if, of course, you want this yourself.

  35. Lel

    Thank you very much, I really have a very strong emotional attachment to him, although we have not communicated for more than a month. Therefore, I don’t understand whether he still needs this relationship or not...
    Thanks again for the interpretation!

  36. Dana

    Dear Helga, good afternoon! Please help me interpret the meaning of inverted Vunyo in such a situation. I have an acquaintance with whom we communicate on magic and share our experiences. I treat him as a friend, but I see that he cares. I don’t respond to his attempts to woo me, but lately I’ve been feeling vaguely uneasy, I made a breakdown of how he treats me - transl. Perth; how should I behave with him - transl. Vunyo and what will happen if I follow the advice of the runes - Algiz. According to the layout, it is clear that he is using magical actions on me, and I will be protected if I follow the advice. How to interpret the advice of runes in the translation. Vunyo? I beg your help, as I would like to continue studying with him. Thank you, Dana.

  37. Sakhra_Raml

  38. @Sakhra_Raml, hello! In general, it is very strange that such things happened to Vunyo. Most likely, you have some kind of blockage on the fulfillment of desires; it is difficult for you to rejoice. It is also possible that you had a very strong subconscious desire for punishment; this may be associated with a strong internal feeling of guilt, a feeling of unworthiness. Also, such things often happen when the tradition does not suit people or there is an internal conflict, which I wrote about in the article “Runes for Beginners”:. It often occurs among people of other traditions and among people who consider magic to be a sin. I can’t advise you to repeat anything, but if you are telling fortunes using runes, then make a spread.

  39. Sakhra_Raml

    Thanks a lot. I'll try.

  40. Viska
  41. Natalia

    Please tell me. And if the question “will a person call?” - Vunyo + Inguz falls out, how can it be interpreted?

  42. luss_en

    Helga, good day!
    You mentioned in some thread here that runes have a unique sense of humor :) I’m writing to the topic :)
    I have one friend who periodically goes on serious binges... A few days ago she called in a state of “fumes” and said that she wanted to commit suicide (she really has a difficult situation in her life, but not fatal)…. It was impossible to reach her these days, she didn’t open the door... Yesterday I asked the question “What is her physical condition.” Vunyo answered - “carefree, light and joyful feelings”…. Today her neighbor reported that the girl was on a drinking binge :) So the runes answered very clearly :) and with humor :)

  43. Sabisha

    Uv. Helga) I wanted to make a gold pendant with Vunye so that good luck and support would come to me in achieving my goal (material). But I read that you can’t always wear it, otherwise it will have the opposite effect, is that true? And you will probably say that a gold pendant with Fehu would be better suited for such purposes, but I’ve probably already asked the runes 50 times whether Fehu is suitable for me as a talisman? The answer is always negative (translated by Fehu, Teivas, etc.) I decided to find an alternative, and, having read that Vunyo is also suitable for achieving success in material terms, I decided to make a talisman with her.))

  44. @Sabisha, well, do it once you decide why not. I do not give blessings or make decisions for my readers because... I think this is not correct. Vunyo is a good, positive rune. If you feel comfortable with it while wearing the pendant, then you can wear it all the time. But before making a pendant, if I were you, I would draw this rune on myself and wear it for several days to see if it suits you.

  45. Marina

    Helga, hello. Amazing site. I studied all the posts, downloaded everything about the runes, it’s not written anywhere as clearly as yours. I read the books you recommended. There is so much information that it's a little confusing. Please, explain to the “teapot” whether it is necessary to adhere to the rule that Batyushkov recommends - to write formulas on a certain day of the week, for example, family, it must be Sunday, and whether it is possible to sanctify the harmonization of relations with the hammer of the Thor, or still with the elements. Thank you in advance

  46. @Marina, hello. Thank you, I'm glad you liked my site. No, you don't have to use a specific day of the week. Regarding sanctification, everything is individual, some will work for you, some will not. I almost always consecrate all runescripts with the elements, very rarely with Thor’s hammer. It just happened that way. But that doesn't mean you should do the same. And one more small request for the future, please publish questions in the appropriate topic - there is a topic about runic formulas, and about consecration, and about the sign of Thor's hammer. It’s just inconvenient for other readers to read such scattered answers, but for me it’s difficult and time-consuming to transfer each question to the appropriate topic. Thanks for understanding.

  47. marina

    Thank you, Helga. I will take your comment into account.

  48. sabisha

    Helga, thank you for your attention) Tell me, is it necessary to accept initiation from a professional or is it possible to do it yourself, or when working with runes does a person already enter the rune egregor?) I am baptized in Orthodoxy. You yourself know Pagan traditions and Christianity...)) there may be a conflict. Is debaptism necessary and isn’t it dangerous?)

  49. Marina
  50. Yvonne

    “So Vunyo for me was one of the most terrible runes, even Hagalaz was softer. A lot of troubles and destruction, injuries and, in general, a lot of different unpleasant and somewhat unrealistic things happened.”
    When I lived the experience with Vunyo (for a day), I drew it on my hand (I’ll make a reservation, I drew it correctly, not upside down) and then wrote down the sensations in my diary. So on this day my mother broke her leg.
    I thought about this situation later. The fact is that before this, my mother had a wound on her leg (she was pushed in a vehicle, she fell), it did not heal for a month, she went to get dressings every day. And then on one of those days, when she went to get bandages, she fell on her sore leg and broke it.
    On the one hand, she ended up in the hospital, which was good, since both the wound and the fracture were treated immediately. On the other hand, if it weren’t for the wound, it would have been possible to apply a plaster cast, but otherwise it’s not possible. so they were nearby. And there was a difficult and long healing. On the one hand, the fracture pushed her to be admitted to the hospital, on the other hand, it aggravated the disease, so Vunyo did not play a positive role here, alas.

  51. @Yvonne, firstly, it’s possible that Vunyo has nothing to do with it - it didn’t happen to you, and besides, sometimes one day is not enough for the rune to show its effect. Well, and secondly, if we assume that she acted through you on another person, then how do you know what your mother would have broken if it weren’t for Vunyo? For example, a broken spine or open skull injury is much worse than a broken leg.

  52. Yvonne

    Helga, thanks for your answer. Maybe you're right. But on the other hand, my mother’s illness also affected me, since I went to the hospital every day for a month, brought food + material costs for treatment, which affected both my health and finances. On the other hand, maybe Vunyo actually weakened the effect and it would have been worse.

  53. Vladimir Bershadsky - Archaeolinguist - Archaeometer

    Rune Wunjo:
    ועוניו / Wunjo = “[ענה] will answer, fulfill the request + יו God”; “he will proclaim יו God; he will testify יו God";
    “He will answer his request if he proclaims God, will testify to God.”
    He will be humiliated, he will suffer, he will be tormented
    He will sing to God
    The initial letter ו / wav, usually translated as "and", actually means the future tense in the Bible.
    Vigna, Winn
    וייניה / Vayaniya – “there will be the wine of God”

  54. Elena

    Good afternoon, Helga, please tell me. After the Vunyo rune in a question about relationships, it was recommended to pull out more clarifying runes about the nature of events or actions after some time. And Isa-Eyvaz-Turisaz fell out. And these are the most frequently dropped runes, especially Eyvaz. Help me understand this combination. I have little experience working with runes, mostly one rune at a time. But there is already some understanding. I don’t understand Eyvaz well, which is probably why it drops out so often. In general, I already feel despair seeing the same runes in this situation. As I understand it, this combination either describes the events that will follow or it is proposed to take such an action. But there is also no need to talk about the action itself, because... These runes, in my opinion, are not deeds. I would be grateful for your help in interpretation.

  55. Sergey

    @Elena, Eyvaz can talk about conflicting feelings, maybe there is some kind of internal conflict, divisions in feelings are directly opposite

  56. Helen

    Hello Helga. I'm a novice user (if you can call it that). My problem of conceiving a child led me to turn to runes. There have been several years of unsuccessful attempts. I did the “Problem Solution” layout, 5 runes.
    1.2 - the problem itself (Eyvaz, Vunyo)
    3 — recommendations (otal)
    5.6 - what will follow (Dagaz, Inguz).
    With the help of books and your website, I deciphered the runes for myself as best I could. The main thing is that I realized that everything will be fine, since the result is the “offspring” rune. But I cannot clearly interpret the problem and recommendations. Please, I really need your help. Please give me an answer.

  57. Konstantin

    And I got this rune to fine-tune my work with runes. I went through the pantheon of gods and all the runes came out upside down. Only Skuld gave the go-ahead. It remains to be seen whether this is good or not :)

  58. Marina

    Hello, Helga, please tell me if the Vunye rune fell in the middle of the layout and it is inverted in front of Kano, and the final one is Inguz
    How would you interpret it, the inverted position somehow confuses me
    thank you in advance

  59. @Marina, other people’s layouts are already difficult to interpret, but you don’t write the question you asked, you don’t describe the situation, or how you determined the position of each rune - past, present, future or the essence of the problem, what to do, how it will all end . Therefore, I can hardly help you with anything. I'm not clairvoyant yet.

  60. Victoria

    I dreamed about the runes of Aquarius, that is, Mannas and Vunyo. I can’t interpret it correctly, since it’s usually written “in layouts for this and that.” Why this dream, can you tell me?

  61. @Victoria, without knowing what is going on in your life and the details of the dream itself, I can only assume that some person or people will come into your life who will help make your dreams come true.

  62. Victoria

    @Helga, the changes I dream about are still not happening in my life: selling an apartment, buying a house and paying off debts, and the MCH with whom I had a good relationship simply disappeared from my life. It’s not that I’m at a loss, more likely no than yes, but somehow I had never been interested in runes before, but this combination “Card of Aquarius” and the incomprehensible hieroglyphs on the tablet (my dream) stuck in my mind, and when I woke up, I began to look for a solution to what I saw!

  63. Victoria

    @Helga, Thank you, everything is probably not so rosy, but I don’t despair - the sale of the apartment is not moving and now there are financial problems, and MCH, with whom everything was fine, has simply disappeared from my life. I dreamed of a dark room (I diligently searched for it with someone unfamiliar to me in reality) with ritual paraphernalia and symbols incomprehensible to me drawn on a wooden board, I heard and remembered the words “Card of Aquarius.” Since I am not so close to magic, these words interested me and I started looking for meaning on the Internet and found about the Aquarius runes: Mannaz and Vunyo.

The symbolic meaning of the Vunyo rune is light, synthesis, joy.


Perfection, fulfillment, happiness, well-being, love, synthesis of understandings, clarity of mind, a surge of milky strength; wonderful, high spirits; success in travel, purification of feelings, enlightenment after a long stagnation, overcoming a radical turning point, the arrival of the power of light, the need to complete the transformation.

The Vunyo rune is associated with certain significant moments of an eventual rather than a psychological nature.

The Vunyo rune corresponds to the sign of Leo. It conveys a message that everything is going as it should, rather than indicating the need for any action. Both in the literal and in the opposite sense, Vunyo calls for relaxation and calm down. By its arrival, the rune indicates that there is enough strength for everything: both the completed and the upcoming stages. She encourages a person not to fuss, not to worry, not to get upset in vain because of flickering troubles, but to calm down and find the center within himself. This is the symbol of Leo: find a deep source of peace, immerse yourself in space internal balance. Vunyo’s connection with the sign of Leo suggests that the center of peace needs to be found in the heart and, in general, remember the strategy of the path, about what is happening now. This listening into the depths of one's own "I" is in some sense therapeutic in this moment.

The Vunyo rune is a symbol of light and joy. She helps a person, convinces him that he not only can, but must overcome weaknesses, limitations and empty fears. She is a good sign in every way. No matter how events unfold, when Vunyo is received, it turns out that they unfold positively. Everything works out for the better.

If the Vunyo rune comes in an upright position, this symbolizes the completion of the stage. If in the opposite position, the rune anticipates some kind of crisis, which is destined to end successfully. If you imagine life as a sinusoid, then Vunyo denotes turning points. When Vunyo is straight, something is left behind. The return Vunyo will offer something else along the way.

This rune marks milestones. When direct Vunyo comes, it means something has already happened, especially if we got it in confusion at a turning point.

Direct Vunyo says that the completion is approaching, which will end with a light synthesis, the acquisition of a new vision. and this vision will come very soon.

Vunyo does not evoke particularly heavy associations, even if she comes upside down. It is a demarcation sign, something like kilometer posts. Sometimes you drive and drive and suddenly there is a sign “Minsk”. The road is completed. Entry into the city. This is success in travel or direct Vunyo. Or you’re driving and suddenly there’s a sign: “There are so many kilometers to the city.” This is the reverse Vunyo - the most difficult thing is ahead. But in general, the stage has been planned. The man has entered the mouth of the rapids and can no longer escape the upcoming events.

The arrival of Vunyo calls for getting rid of what is unnecessary, but without analysis, but simply throwing off what is not necessary. With direct Vunyo, you need to get rid of unnecessary work to complete the process, since the process itself is already being completed. With reverse Vunyo, you need to free yourself before the next throw. One way or another, this is a liberating rune that makes movement easier.

Much of our current behavior depends on negative expectations and is violated precisely because we act on the basis of erroneous calculations and an erroneous analysis of the situation. Vunyo calls for throwing away the mind altogether, not caring about what is happening (the symbol of Leo), calming down, relaxing, letting go of yourself, not fussing, not being nervous and not trying to somehow force what is happening. It happens almost without our participation. The wheel of karma moves in a positive direction: “The wheels of love roll straight into the light.”

The meaning of this rune may seem too simple, but it is very important. Among the runic Futhark, Vunyo is one of the few positive, beneficial, harmonious signs that bring peace. If a person works with runes long enough, he learns to associate with Vunyo really good condition, good outcome and favorable resolution of situations. A person already knows that the rune does not deceive him.

Vunyo says that any activity, no matter how intense and stressful it may be, will be joyful and will bring light. It is very easy to work after receiving Vunyo, since awareness of the rune opens a connection with the heavenly world, gives clarity and understanding of what is happening. This rune does not require any feats other than the feat of peace. It does not require any effort other than that aimed at achieving balance. Strictly speaking, this is not an effort, but a natural shift to where you want to move, a natural movement to the desired state, which is subjectively the most acceptable in a given situation. Vunyo says that everything that is happening at the moment must be trusted. Events turn out to be smarter than the person himself. The rune calls not only not to interfere in events, but not to interfere with their progress, to listen to the coming signs.

After Vunyo, it is recommended to draw out a new rune after a fairly short time, which clarifies the nature of the event and action. Vunyo herself doesn’t seem to be calling for anything. It is not imperative and not specific in its recommendations. This is simply a powerful good sign. If the situation turns out to be unpleasant, and direct Vunyo occurs, then the person experiences cleansing from the negative through the process of awareness. He gets the opportunity to quickly and easily give up what bothers him. Vunyo gives you the strength to get rid of unnecessary things and let go of what still won’t help the process.

The motto “This is not the king’s business” is very close to Vunyo’s energy - a kind of condescendingly patronizing and at the same time confidential accompaniment of the event. A person calmly looks at what is happening if it is direct Vunyo. And calmly awaits completion with the reverse Vunyo. He calmly faces the escalation of events, knowing that there is no way to prepare for them, except by finding a center of peace within himself.

Milk power. In paganism, there were three levels of division of forces: milk power or Yavi (Vunyo), the power of the underworld, asceticism, suffering and grief or Navi (Uruz), the power of the upper world or Rule. Reveal is the power of the manifested plan, which flows into a person through colors, aromas, living beings, landscapes, the surface of the earth, a breath of air, vibrations of the elements. Milk power is those normal energies that surround us and are perceived by the body through the channels of ordinary perceptions.

Navi or the power of the underworld (it is called the power of blood) is necessary step in the development of the initiate after he has mastered the energy of the milk force. A person is obliged to go down and learn to deal with those Powers that are much stronger than him and, as it were, are not included in the formula of ordinary life. This is where the meaning of challenges in cemeteries and dungeons comes from.

Finally, the third level of power is Rule, the power of the heavenly world, the power of life, about which nothing is known. This subtlest hypostasis of power is practically not registered. If the power of blood can still be felt during suffering, then Rule cannot be felt without mastering Navi. Many people imitate Pravi. They talk about the descent of grace, about achieving a high state of prayer, although in fact they simply absorb the milky power, the power of comfort in the manifested plane. Rule is something else. It is associated with magical objects and places and is the heritage of initiates. It is accumulated in rites, rituals, passed down from generation to generation as the highest kind of power available to man. But a person can perceive it only after passing tests of the power of blood. This is the meaning of many, at first glance strange, tests of neophytes in a variety of cults and systems of esoteric training. Outwardly, they look misanthropic and almost murderous. You can only get to Prav through the lower world, through Navi.

Everything that modern parapsychologists, telekinetics, sorcerers, magicians, healers do is all a manifestation of milk power. Vunyo indicates that it is milk power that is poured into a person. Having received this rune, we feel like a magnetic center for attracting the forces of the manifested plan. We feel good. And the longer you work with runes, the more positive Vunyo turns out to be.

As for the so-called negative Vunyo, we are talking not so much about the reverse rune, but about its incorrect interpretation and attempts to resist it. For example, a person perceives some situation as negative, pulls out Vunyo and declares: “What does Vunyo have to do with it? What improvement?”

The danger that lurks when the reverse Vunyo falls is pride. A person can foolishly destroy a relationship, although with Vunyo you need to let everything take its course, give the flow of events the opportunity to unfold itself. The danger of reverse Vunyo is that it leads to stupid destruction of relationships.

Another danger of Vunyo is the inability to reap the fruits of his efforts. Vunyo, both direct and reverse, speaks of the need to reap what you have grown, what the next stage of work has brought you. Even if the reverse Vunyo speaks of an upcoming new stage, you need to get ready for the journey. If a person does not listen to this rune, does not know how to reap the fruits of his efforts, he finds himself unarmed in the face of future trials, that is, he is simply left with nothing. And it turns out that he lived, worked and suffered in vain.

Reverse Vunyo has a subtle meaning: movement in troubled water. With reverse Vunyo, it should be taken into account that the natural course of movement will occur without much certainty. You need to be prepared for small and large surprises. But nevertheless, the movement occurs naturally. Because if the water is cloudy, this does not mean that the movement is going wrong. A person simply does not see and is not able to adequately assess what is happening in time.

Reverse Vunyo warns of the serious danger of lies and insincerity. Leo is a sign of nobility and dignity. Any attempt to be cunning and deceive oneself or circumstances (especially with reverse Vunyo) will lead to unpleasant consequences. It is impossible to follow the normal course of things by trying to flirt with or manipulate them. You can't be half pregnant. In the same way, you can’t trust half. There is either trust or there is not. An intermediate state means that it does not exist. Vunyo warns that if a person cannot trust the flow of what is happening, if he is deceitful and insincere both with himself and with events, he will end up in the wrong waters. Vunyo is the rune of honesty, openness, and sincerity. If a person does not understand something, he should say so. If he can't do something, it's better to admit it. But every game will lead to a dead end.

Reverse Vunyo, in addition to movement in troubled water, has another important meaning: it teaches you to see in the dark. If you go into a dark room on a bright sunny day, at first it is impossible to see anything. And only after some time, you gradually begin to distinguish objects and navigate in the dark. With reverse Vunyo, it is very important not so much to act as to look closely at what is indistinguishable, to try to spot signs that will help you move further in the right direction.

A crisis requires self-sacrifice. Translated from Greek, crisis is judgment. Every crisis is a change in quality. And self-sacrifice is precisely the renunciation of a previous quality in order to gain a new one. This process is spasmodic, but we want to change gradually. Nevertheless, real changes, true, deep ones, appear to us unexpectedly, violently, decisively. Therefore, it should be remembered that the difficulty that the reverse Vunyo warns about can be overcome with voluntary self-sacrifice. What exactly and to what extent is decided by the person himself. He analyzes the situation and tries to understand what God wants from him through the naturally developing flow of events.

The size of the crisis is proportional to the size of the sacrifice made. When trying to preserve everything that is his and at the same time gain a new quality, a person is thrown beyond the boundaries of his path. He gets carried away because he can't be two people at the same time. You can adhere to two positions mentally, in your mind. But the heart chooses one thing. We must understand that our real attitude to what is happening is beyond judgment and can be either one or the other. We can go up or down the ladder of hierarchical preferences, but at any given moment we are qualitatively determined. And if we pretend that we are both like this and like that, this is the very lie and insincerity about the danger of which the reverse Vunyo warns.

Reverse Vunyo speaks of difficulties in perceiving new energy. It indicates that the upcoming event will definitely bring something new. Moreover, this novelty will be unexpected and will not come from where it was expected. Being relaxed and calm, a person should be ready to accept the new things that this crisis will bring him. During a crisis period, we suffer, suffer, fall into a disharmonious state because we do not want to change our lives. This reaction is a completely natural law of self-preservation. It is inherent only in biological, mechanical systems, which are quite primitive. The spiritual nature in a person requires regular change. The readiness to let in changes and assimilate them is a requirement of reverse Vunyo. She suggests clearing your ears and rinsing your eyes before the upcoming tests, and open yourself to the ongoing changes. Changes will happen without us. We will take almost no part in them. Vunyo is not a power rune, but a rune of relaxation, a rune of light and joy. And if it comes upside down, it means light and joy are harder to find. With direct Vunyo, light and joy will surge on their own. With reverse Vunyo, we must consider them, see them, register them and then assimilate them.

There is a curious meaning hidden in the Vunyo rune, which is not indicated in the symbolic series. Power. As a rule, we associate the word power with the power of suppression and strict coordination. According to the esoteric tradition, power is the art of rest. I would like to draw your attention to the complete confusion of today's male and female situations. Modern world understands the masculine as an active, active principle, an extremely dynamic, creative, mobile principle, if not fussy. A woman is credited with such qualities as inertia, peace, relaxation, and receptivity. From the standpoint of the esoteric tradition, the situation is just the opposite. Rune Vunyo, calling to relax and calm down, is associated with male sign, with a purely masculine energy, which is rooted in a state of rest. The ancient Hindus considered masculine energy to be a super-mobile, active, fulfilling, realizing, leading to completion, formative, transformative principle. At the same time, Shiva - the male principle - represented the absoluteness of peace. A lion is good not when he growls or chases someone, but when he sits royally, doing nothing. At this moment, the principle of power, the principle of peace and being at the center of the rotating wheel of events are perfectly felt.

The sign of Leo is all about staying in focus, not implying active movement. The principle of power integrates what is happening without taking visible participation in it. By receiving Vunyo, a person finds himself at a point of balance, without making any effort and at the same time coordinating the process, oddly enough, by his non-participation in it. We understand the principle of coordination and control as intervention, influence, change in the equilibrium of the surrounding system. In fact, deeper and more harmonious integration occurs when we are in a state of peace and do nothing. And at the same time, we simultaneously keep in sight everything that is happening, and realize it as part of ourselves. Vunyo encourages you to focus on the current, on the present and not worry about the past and future. She says that we must turn to internal reserves, not in order to act, but in order to assert our power.

There is a complex meaning hidden in the sign of Leo and the Vunyo rune. When this rune comes, either something happens to the sign of Leo, or fate is intuited as self-will. This is the same principle of power, the principle of peace, when a person is relaxed in the center of his own events, and then the desires born in him turn out to be the dictates of fate. But in order to perceive the orders of the egregor in this way, it is necessary to slow down the internal rhythm. A fussy person is unable to hear the voice of the egregor. But a relaxed, calmed and balanced person perceives the orders of the egregor in the form of his own desires. He feels what needs to be done, does it and everything works out. He intuitively guesses the direction of the process and cannot logically explain his premonitions. Intuition in this case is not an attempt to catch some information from the heavenly world. We are talking about direct perception of the will of those forces that lead us along the line of life.

Another important principle of the Leo sign, which correlates with the Vunyo rune, is love as a guiding principle. We often mistake will, the polar opposite of love, for the guiding principle of events. But it turns out that if we relax, love and integrate what is happening within ourselves, we lead much more successfully and can direct the movement of events much calmer and more imperceptibly. This is wonderfully described in R. Bach's book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull". The flight path can change with the slightest vibration of the feather.

A person who is in a state of balance and love turns out to be very convincing and powerful. But not because he convinces or rapes anyone of something, but because something indisputable comes from him. At all times, this principle was the law for reigning persons. The more a king loves his people, the more powerful he rules over them. The more he thinks about his people, the more serious and precise his controlling influence. All this must be transferred to your destiny, to your event flow. If we, having received Vunyo, truly love those who live and act next to us, if we truly love our body, if we truly wish ourselves happiness, then we can manage all this without much effort. We don't need to exert force to move this process. If we are in conflict with ourselves, if we are unhappy with what is happening to us, if we are trying to teach someone about life or take something away from someone, then there is no love. Therefore, our efforts aimed at managing the situation become fruitless. This is the imperial philosophy of relaxation that is inherent in the Vunyo rune.

The recipient of Vunyo must consider himself as a coachman on a cart drawn by mighty horses. The coachman holds the reins in his hands. But he must be internally collected and externally dispassionate, since any mistake in control could cost the life of this crew. The coachman seems to be inactive, sitting on the box. At the same time, the entire system is rushing at terrible speed. This is the image of the Vunyo rune: if a person has relaxed, let go of events, and does not put pressure on the keys, this does not mean that the movement has stopped. Time passes, events develop, people move and, in general, something matures. After all, no gardener runs around an apple tree with a drum and shouts: “Ripen faster! My plan is on fire!” Apple doesn't care what his plan is. The apple has its own timing and rhythms. Vunyo is about the same thing: realizing that everything has its time, that any attempt to run ahead of the horses or rush them will lead to loss of control.

When receiving Vunyo, a person must delve deeper into the control center, into himself. In other words, he must realize his centrality in relation to what is happening. And only then will he become the master of the situation and will be able to look at what is happening through the eyes of a manager, through the eyes of someone who controls the movement of events. If a person truly understands the course of events, he will not interfere in vain. Maybe he doesn’t even lift a finger, because the situation doesn’t need his philosophizing.

Leo has one more trait - the ability to coordinate self-active performers and direct their movement. About the same thing happens with the cart. Everything works out on its own. All we need is our conscious presence in this flow, our contemplation of the mystery, our understanding of where we are moving. But the mystery will still happen as intended. Within the Vunyo rune, events will unfold as if on a well-worn path. With direct Vunyo there comes liberation, relief, light, joy, ecstasy, and well-being. If the reverse Vunyo is rolled, a crisis is yet to come. But it is no longer possible to avoid it. We will still be carried along this road, and if we interfere unreasonably in the course of events, we will only complicate our existence. And the more balanced and dispassionate a person turns out to be, the more positive the course of unfolding events will be for him.

The principle of power can be formulated differently: the ability to remain oneself despite all unimaginable changes, the ability to wait for the fruit to fall into your hands, but not to shake the tree, not to run around it, not to knock down the fruit.

Finding ourselves in a crisis situation, we often rush to directly clarify the relationship between us and the elements of the situation - people, money, information, etc. Receiving Vunyo reminds us that the Sun attracts planets with its radiation, and does not hold them on ropes. It symbolically attracts them as a center of radiation and grace. Under Vunyo, a person must renounce violence towards those elements that are moving away from him.

Everything you need comes by itself. What you need comes just as easily and on time. A person gets the opportunity to change and cleanse himself. He stops attaching objects, characters, people to himself, and he himself stops being attached to stereotypical plots. He lets go of the process and becomes like the Sun. He will still get his. He will still attract those who need him, truly, authentically. And those who need it will not leave it anywhere, for this affinity is determined by deeper patterns than mental and physical ones. Any attempt to intervene with hands, levers, wrenches, or to act hastily and violently necessarily violates the harmony of the situation. In events marked by the Vunyo rune, there should not be a figure. There should only be an observer, a contemplator. But this is not outside contemplation. This is contemplation from the core, from the inside, from the essential center of the event flow, which is what every person is.

We rarely think about the fact that we go through life like magnetic tricks. All kinds of energies, elements, relationships swirl around us. It’s as if we are floating along a canal, in which there is a lot of stuff besides us. And often, out of stupidity, we perceive it as not ours. In fact, the law of Karma wisely organizes our event field, our event aura, around us. And it is very important to understand that this aura is ours. And any attempt to interfere in any way in a situation will almost certainly lead to losses, as will an attempt to lie or manipulate in a situation.

The king is both the ruler of the event flow, its cause, and its servant at the same time. The sign of Leo and Vunyo correspond to sacrificing oneself to the whole. The recipient of Vunyo must consider himself as managing the focus of a whole stream of accomplishments. On the one hand, he is a contemplative coordinator, on the other, a servant of the whole. Therefore, he must treat him with incredible care, extreme tact and respect. It is very dangerous to act on your own under Vunyo.

It was said above that fate is intuited as self-will or one’s own desire. But only when the resting point has been reached. This is why it is said that revelation can be accepted by forgetting worldly knowledge. Only those who have lost everything, given up everything, and are left without anything can receive a heavenly impulse. Only wine is poured into an empty vessel. The same thing happens under Vunyo. Although no one knows how big the situation really is, the rune orders us to take responsibility for maintaining the process as it is.

Vunyo requires not external reactions, but a deep understanding of his role in what is happening. Relaxation in this case is a human dignity. He learns not to act, not to judge, not to cut from the shoulder. A person’s task is to feel a biological connection with events, a fundamental inseparability from the flow, because it is impossible to be outside the flow in which we are immersed. With our awareness we help the flow become holistic and harmonious. We purify the event that happens to us, although outwardly we are inactive. This is the principle of realization power known to modern psychology. The person just wants. Here it is, a lion's passion, combined with strength and intelligence. Realization power is the ability to relax so deeply and at the same time desire so passionately that the result will not be slow to appear. This formula becomes understandable only if a person reaches the zero mark: “I don’t need anything in this situation. I don’t want anything from it.” And after that, some new understanding descends into this emptiness: “I know how it should be.” This imperativeness forms the flow of events.

We rarely think about the fact that everything that happens in the world comes from our heart. Life in most cases is not limited to external actions and does not even imply them. The situation always requires doing something on top of external actions. This something is effort without effort, an attempt to switch off from the process of pressure on circumstances.

Power can only be gained by renouncing the world. The one who has ceased to lead has power. Vunyo’s situations gradually lead a person to understand the value of non-action. Of course, a person cannot remain in this state all the time. Our society is complex, noisy, loud. If we relax enough, we will be crushed into powder. But still, there are many situations in life when we are obliged to let ourselves go in this way, to part with aggressive guiding impulses. And when we break away from them, everything that exists falls under our feet and asks us to command it through the power of thought and desire.

Vunyo is a very deep magical rune, a very subtle sign, revealing itself to those who are able to see the principle of real, harmonious power behind the external successful resolution of the situation and relaxation. This power does not destroy, but synthesizes existing things. The entire universe consists of such focal points of power. And when we understand Vunyo’s deep call “Give up the world and it will fall at your feet” and apply it to events and internal states, it turns out that this is the subtlest and fastest path to victory over circumstances, to mastering fate and oneself. The less we wish, the sooner our few wishes will come true. The more carefully we spend the energy of desire, the more realistically those few desires that we allow ourselves will be realized. internal necessity, due to the indomitable desire to want. Against the background of internal relaxation, an internal imperative arises: we must! This is action from a point of peace, to which no one and nothing can resist.

The runes are always right. If this point is not accepted as an axiom, you can throw away the runic bag. You can't trust runes halfway. Trust is a state of connection. The runes are absolutely right, always and in all cases. If we do not proceed from this principle, then the runic alphabet becomes useless. Misunderstanding of runic instructions is due to mental laziness or the irrelevance of the issue. We often ask questions that don't really concern us. Then comes a completely erroneous answer. It's not the runes that are wrong. Perhaps the question we asked was not actually relevant. In this case, the question needs to be reformulated.

Faith is an unreliable thing. Blind trust sooner or later ends in the collapse of connections and blasphemy of what you secretly doubt. Therefore, one point should be taken into account. If on initial stage You don’t really believe in runes and, having received one of them, you cannot understand its meaning, that is, you do not have enough potential to conduct objective meditation, then ask another question, try to reformulate the question. In this case, when clarifying the question, the rune that will help open up may fall out. But this only happens at first. In the future, runes come strictly in accordance with the need for a given situation. In addition, a person working with runes accumulates meditative energy over time, which helps him interpret and deeply understand the meaning of any rune. The meaning of the runic mantic system is that with the help of runes you can reveal any aspect of the situation. In any situation, a person can find one of the 24 essential aspects and the influence of one of the 24 Powers.

The less often you pull out the runes, the more accurate the answers will be. There is a rule: during initial study, it is recommended to guess with runes no more than once a week. Therefore, during the week you should only take one chance to ask a question, i.e. pull out one rune.

This technique disciplines and forces you to carefully select the problem. And then the runic Futhark will act more effectively.

The answer of the runes can be blurred in space and time. We often apply our earthly standards to runes. However, runes may hint at answers that are not yet visible from the present. But over time, the answer is revealed. The rune warns that an event is being prepared, but has not yet occurred.

The answer may also be blurred in space. For example, it is associated not with the focus of attention that seems important to us, but with something in the neighborhood, with something that seems distant, but is actually very close in meaning.

It is necessary to keep your diary of runes. The Runes really like this. A diary is necessary to keep track of situations in which certain runes fall. Subsequently, sets of situations will appear associated, for example, with one rune. We are talking about developing your own mantic system. No matter how developed and in-depth the external formal system may be, the runes work differently for each person. Some runes will be associated with work, some with incidents, etc. This way you will learn to track your destiny.

Runes are very subtle signs. They are quickly forgotten, erased from memory, like dreams. The physical brain does not retain subtle information for long. If you respect the wealth that comes down when working with runes, if you understand the process of interviewing them as openness to the heavenly world and a direct connection with your own unconscious, then of course it is more expedient to record the experience: asked question, rune sign and your comments about the answer.

Correct work with runes involves comprehensively pulling out runes and composing rows, the relative position of which allows you to influence the situation magically. This interesting job allows you to study hidden things that are not manifested in a specific rune. These are the so-called runic rows. It is impossible to influence the situation with one rune. If at least three runes are laid out from right to left, then you get the opportunity to intervene in the situation. And thanks to keeping a diary, you can get hidden information about what is happening to you.

If you want to stock up on the hardest-to-find information, keep a diary! You will see rather hidden areas of your life, consider the secret mechanisms of your destiny. For example, you will notice that in connection with certain people you always pull out the same rune. Or, for example, you will see the dynamics of a relationship with a person, when two runes replace each other depending on the nature of the situation. You will see how the runes vibrate, how they gather in certain groups at certain periods.

Rune Vunyo fully corresponds to the phenomenon of Shambhala. Access to it is open to anyone. Getting into the balance zone with Vunyo, a person has the opportunity to establish contact with the driver. The principle of Shambhala power is exercised through non-interference. It seems to people that the Hierarchy interferes at almost every step. In fact, her intervention in human life throughout her entire earthly journey is an exceptional phenomenon. These are very subtle, rare precious influences. They are never visible, but are recognized as an inner turn in the soul. Very few people are able to accept a direct connection with the Brotherhood. Traditionalists speak of Shambhala as an implied, rather than actually manifested, center in life. This is that same zone of peace, that same mental coordination, but not by sendings, but by understanding; it, in general, constitutes the essence of the process of managing evolution. We often imagine this center as a cabinet of curiosities, where there are many strange things, or as a house of culture, whose entertainers run around the world and give lectures. In fact, the Hierarchy rests in unshakable balance - the male principle of stabilizing existence through its own order and harmony.

If a person succeeds in life, if he continues to grow and develop, then the Hierarchy is with him. He nourishes it with juices and instructions. He perceives them as intuitive thoughts. A tree grows in a garden, bears fruit and does not care when the gardener comes or what he does with it. The tree's job is to grow and do its job. woodworking. And the gardener himself decides how to care for the pets. He may appear very rarely or send apprentices. He may not approach some of the most prosperous trees for years if everything is in order there.

Most often, conversations about contacts with the Hierarchy are associated with a person’s personal opinion about himself, with his desire to rise and assert himself. Connections with the characters of the Subtle World cannot be expressed verbally. They can be preceded by either mental crises or bright insights that take a split second, and then it seems as if they never happened. Only now life changes radically. The true ruler is invisible. He does not rule, but he is present. Talking about contacts with the ruler, about some kind of close familiar relations with him is blasphemy from a spiritual point of view. In ancient times the name of the Brotherhood was not spoken at all. It was forbidden to discuss it in vain, because there is no higher authority on the planet. There must be something sacred in life that one is afraid to say, at least out of respect, out of love for him.


Situation: end of crisis.
Challenge: new understanding.
Caution: continuation of completed programs.
Hint: Look for new light sources around you.
Advice: do not try to pay for sincere gifts, accept them just as sincerely.
Consolation: You have lost your integrity a little.


The fruitful branch goes into the hands on its own. But you need to be able to take it. We don't know how to complete programs. We don't know how to put an end to it. We drag the dirt of old roads on our boots and are surprised that our feet are filled with lead. Initiating programs is a great art. But it is no less an art to learn to close them, put a seal on them and put them in the archives. Be able to reap the benefits of the changes achieved.

Knowledge itself is transformed into understanding. Joy indicates an influx of previously blocked energy. Why does a person, at the end of a certain period, experience a rise and surge in activity? Because in completion he is freed from the past. Energy is poured into him for future work. Until the completion of the program, new energy could not enter because the previous lesson had not been completed. When they get rid of it, naturally completing a certain period, a surge of enthusiasm is felt. It can be called optimism, hope, and aspiration. A new stage pre-pumps into us the energy necessary to pass it. If it becomes easy, joyful, bright, then you have received new energy for new work.

New clarity will require abandoning former plans. After completion, it is always necessary to look around - along with past programs, the past idea of ​​​​the future goes away, i.e. we and our vision change. And we often cling to old plans. Direct Vunyo warns: do not try to continue programs that have already been completed!

Feeling the completion of the next stage, a person must learn to reconsider all his views and shake out old clothes. In the changed event reality, a new vision begins to be seen. Direct Vunyo requires the abandonment of old ideas and their revision in the light of changed circumstances. By completing a stage, we automatically become new people. The previously accumulated experience is synthesized, and we open up to the world in a new way. Unfortunately, our mind remembers old patterns and tries to remain faithful to them. And we continue to roll by inertia, despite the fact that the horoscope has changed, people have changed, nature, the country have changed - everything has changed. But we planned future life, painted, put on shelves... Sooner or later, the illusory plans will be destroyed, but with a different rune. Sooner or later the update will come, but it will be painful. Vunyo says: “Now, when you complete a stage, give up what was associated with it, leave it behind, clear yourself of the burden, don’t drag it further. You’ll have enough problems without this. Clear your perception and don’t remain faithful to what’s already outdated."


Situation: approaching crisis.
Challenge: use the play of light and shadow to reconstruct the shape of a tree.
Caution: dogmatism.
Instruction: Live here and now.
Tip: You can go out into the world with your visor open.
Consolation: the play of light and shadow is not yet a struggle between good and evil.


Reverse Vunyo appears only when a crisis is immediately approaching. It is necessary to reflect on doubts, hesitations, uncertainties, that is, learn to see in the dark. When we find ourselves in darkness from light, we always look closely, peer, and then gradually outlines appear.

Doubts, hesitations and uncertainties need to be unraveled, because... with reverse Vunyo they turn out to be woven into a ball. On the eve of a crisis, you cannot fuss, act, or get upset, but you need to unravel the existing problems and try to calmly figure them out. For without reflection, without unraveling these uncertainties, without calmness, it is difficult to learn to see in troubled waters.

Energy will come only in response to new awareness, because without a new vision of the situation there will not be enough strength to overcome the crisis.

The test leads to new realizations.

Everything that is ours will remain with us. Everything that is not ours will definitely go away. This law has been studied for countless eons of time. A person who realizes that he carries everything that is his with him becomes happy. He understands that no one can take away his main thing, because it is hidden inside, it is he himself. This is the key to joy, light and synthesis. A person who has gone deep into himself begins to appreciate peace and inaction. But it only seems like inaction. At rest, its central, organizing, integrating function is carried out. To be human means to be at the center of events. Do not rush into the mainstream of events, but organize events around yourself, first of all, with your calmness and confidence. The basis of action is contemplation, the basis of activity is understanding, the basis of the volitional impulse is awareness of necessity, rooted in love. Love is not an earthly, but a heavenly Force, descending along the chain of Hierarchy as the main food for human hearts.

Vunyo. Climax. Joy.

Name: later Scandinavian - missing British - Wynn - “joy” Gothic - Winja - “joy” A bright, joyful rune. The magical purpose is to cause joy, a surge of energy, a feeling of elation and good mood, which is much more important than many tend to think. May cause beneficial cleansing in some people subtle body, removing energy blocks and improving well-being. The use of the Wunjo rune in magic, which belongs to the runes of thought, relates more to the external than to the inner world of a person. The action of this, as well as the previous, rune is always positive and is aimed at giving joy to those who work with it. Spells based on this rune contribute to the completion of any undertaking and, most importantly, support a person’s desire to achieve his or her goal. In addition, the Wunjo rune applied to a door frame sometimes makes a significant contribution to the creation of psychological comfort in the room. If it is applied to any -an item of clothing, it can not only improve the mood of the person who wears this clothing, but also strengthen his friendships and love relationships, eliminate alienation in relationships with loved ones, and sometimes even promote career advancement. Like the Raido rune, Wunjo brings success. traveling. Being a rune of synthesis, or, as it is also called, a “rune of communication,” Wunjo is indispensable in the manufacture of runic talismans.

This is a rune that symbolizes the often-found ending in fairy tales, "...and they lived happily ever after." It is usually used in the final position as a significator of success and happiness. Use: Satisfaction in any area, especially in love or career. Success in travel.

Magic rune.

Vunyo is the potential of the all-encompassing power of love, whose effect on the human being is a feeling of joy and well-being. Vunyo is an exclusively personal force that brings delight and encourages the struggle for perfection. It allows you to experience pure joy because it represents the harmony of existence as perceived by the human senses.

The Old Norse word "Vunjo" means "glory of perfection". It is the culmination of perfect and unconditional love, making no demands and giving oneself completely without expecting anything in return. The implication is that everything in the world is beautiful and worthy of love. This rune points us to the ideal to which we should strive.

Vunyo awakens awareness of self-worth and the perception of the divine in all beings, and therefore can also be considered as a rune of self-esteem. This strength is the basis of self-confidence - not vain pride and swaggering complacency, but a humble awareness of one's own importance among other beings.

Vunyo was considered by runic shamans to be a “wish granter”, since she contains the potential power of realization. This is the surge of joy that we experience when the deepest desires of our hearts are fulfilled. It is also the ability to recognize hidden affinities and attract them to oneself to establish harmonious relationships. It is a balm that heals wounds caused by strife and misunderstanding.

Runic shamans compared the outline of a rune with a shaman's crystal wand, which in itself served as a tool for realizing and materializing what was desired. This is a symbol of confirmation of purposeful desire.

Vunyo follows Gebo and expresses the joy of possession that follows the act of giving. This is the joy of a sincerely made sacrifice.

POTENTIAL: Correct calculation, release of energy.

KEY QUALITIES: Unconditional love, climax, orgasm, joy of satisfaction.

PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Helps determine best time For necessary actions and thus achieve the best results.

CHALLENGE: Everything in life is a lesson for your struggle for excellence. Try to see deeper, to go beyond the obvious.

The rune can help you:

    find happiness and prosperity;

    improve your self-esteem;

    heal cracks in relationships;

    bring the plan to a satisfactory result;

    strive to achieve excellence.

This rune is drawn when they wish themselves and others a holiday, Have a good mood, Health and happiness. She consoles in sadness and supports in moments of weakness. If you are waiting for the arrival (or at least news) of a distant friend, this rune will help bring the long-awaited moment closer.

The page was prepared based on materials from the works

Kenneth Meadows, Ralph Bloom.

The Vunyo rune is the most positive symbol in Futhark. It represents various favorable events - the realization of what you want, the achievement of success, joy, luck and happiness. It corresponds to the zodiac constellation Leo, the eighth lasso of the Tarot cards - Strength, the twenty-sixth hexagram from the “Book of Changes”. The patron god of the Vunyo rune is One. We bring to your attention a photo of the Vunyo rune.

To explain the meaning of the Vunyo rune, we advise you to remember the emotional experiences that you experience when you successfully complete something. Vunyo acts as a reflection emotional sphere and the integrity of man with present reality.

If you need to get rid of a depressive state and attract joy, happiness and peace into your life, use a combination of the Vunyo, and runes.

What does the Vunyo rune mean in the mantik?

When the symbol appears in direct position, it means the following:

  • sensual depth;
  • joy, satisfaction;
  • creative energy;
  • getting satisfaction from your work.

This runic symbol promises that events will turn out exactly as you need. Lady Luck has safely embraced you, all your wishes can easily come true, you have a good prospect for the situation at hand.

Those runic symbols that fell next to Vunyo will tell you about the area in which you are lucky:

  • if the rune falls out, you will go on an exciting journey;
  • – you will gain material success;
  • or - promises the emergence of a happy relationship.

However, if the runes Raido, Teyvaz or Evaz fall before Vunyo, you will be required to make some efforts to realize what you want.

If the question concerns love, then straight Vunyo means happiness in a relationship, joy, mutual feelings, as well as the satisfaction of all desires.

If the topic of the question is the attitude of one person or another towards you, the symbol shows that this person has a passionate desire towards you and feels good next to you.

This video will tell you even more about sacred meaning of this runic sign

Reversed symbol meaning

In the reverse position, the Vunyo rune changes its designation and points to:

  • disappointments in love relationships;
  • presence of obstacles on the way to your goals;
  • the emergence of various unpleasant situations;
  • various problems at work;
  • the presence of hidden enemies who can harm your career;
  • betrayal by colleagues;
  • Difficulty making serious decisions.

Also, the inverted position of the Vunyo rune indicates sadness, disappointment and melancholy. The time has not yet come for your desires to come true.

If the purpose of fortune telling is to find out how this or that person treats us, the appearance of an inverted Vunyo says that this person does not want you. But with neighboring positive runic signs, means that the person misses you.

Very often, Vunyo in an inverted position appears in readings for people who are not confident in their own abilities, suffer from self-criticism and do not have enough self-respect. In this situation, the main advice is to learn to love yourself first, and other people will treat you in the same way.

Recommendation of the inverted Vunyo: It’s worth holding off on making important decisions. Drive away any doubts from yourself, avoid displays of insincerity when communicating with people (lies are especially dangerous). You cannot overestimate those around you, idealize them, or draw sudden conclusions. Understand that temporary difficulties are also necessary - they help you rethink what is happening and teach you to “see in the darkness.”

Magical use of the Vunyo rune

In runic formulas and staves, this runic symbol is used for the following purposes:

  • to improve health, both physical and psychological
  • to get rid of depression, bad mood
  • to gain vital energy
  • Vunyo is also able to give success in the field of love and career
  • good to use when traveling
  • Vunyo harmonizes the surrounding space, creates harmony, fills with calmness
  • improves concentration on business.

Use the Vunyo rune for the benefit of yourself and those around you, following the basic principles of working with runes. Remember that runic magic is very powerful, but it has side effects if not used correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the “safety rules” - a guide to runic magic and only then begin to realize what you want in your life.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

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