Denotes Jurassic. Controversial Yuri: the meaning of the name. Yuri - Taurus

About 20 years ago, children were called by any name they liked, and they did not think about anything other than the harmonious sound of this name in combination with the surname, as well as the euphony of the patronymic of future heirs. Today, many have realized that our name carries not only a set of letters, but also a certain sacred meaning, and it is not worth choosing it just like that. What will the name Yuri give to a child, and what should a man who has this name written down in his birth certificate expect from fate?

There are three versions of the etymology.

  1. Greek. This is an abbreviation of the name (“farmer”, Greek). In this case, the “brother” of this name is considered to be and - a name also created from the name.
  2. Slavic. The “mother” of the name was the word “yurit” (in modern language- “bust”, that is, “dodge”, “cunning”). In this case, this name stands for “cunning”, “dexterous”, “cunning”. Among the people, this name sounded like Yurets.
  3. Latin. IN Latin There is a word "jura" meaning "loyalty", "oath". This means, based on this version, the name can be deciphered as “true to his word.”

It's interesting that Far East, namely, in Korea and Japan, there is a name consonant with this - Yuri. It is feminine and translates as “lily”.

Friendly address: Yura, Yurchik, Yurets, Yurka, Yurik.

Surname: Yuryevich (Yurich), Yuryevna.

In other countries the name will sound differently: George (England), Georges (France), Jorge (Spain), Jiri (Czech Republic, Slovakia), Jorgen (Denmark), Jerzy (Poland).

What character does a typical Yura have?

Advantages: He loves communication. He is very curious and always open to learning, and these traits help the guy to constantly enrich himself internally. He is very purposeful and wants to take a strong position in life. He is not vindictive, so he either has no enemies at all, or has very few.

Flaws: This man (especially in his youth) can be very arrogant. He simply “explodes” if he finds out that someone got in his way or tried to take advantage of him. Sometimes he surprises even himself with some of his spontaneous decisions or actions. The guy is a pedant (although this is not always a negative character trait).

This man's fate

  • Childhood. This is a quiet, quiet baby, preferring solitary games when playing with friends. He can invent a game “world” for himself and exist very happily in it.
  • The period of character formation. The guy grows up thoughtful and serious. Before doing something, he will think ten times. He likes to relax alone - walking with the dog (Yura loves animals very much), sitting with a fishing rod, assembling a model airplane.
  • Mature years. This is a real “gray eminence” - he doesn’t like to stand out in a team, but his comrades themselves go to Yurka for advice, since he, firstly, is a master of informed decisions, and secondly, he has an “inner core” and charisma.

Talismans and astrology

  • The horoscope sign that suits Yurchik better than others: Sagittarius (birth time - from November 23 to December 21).
  • Patron planet: Jupiter.
  • Name color: blue.
  • A stone that will protect and add strength: emerald.
  • Totem animal: bull, and always white.
  • Plant name: lily of the valley and poplar.

Angel Day

  • April 23 for Catholics or May 6 for Orthodox. On this day, believers venerate the Holy Great Martyr Yuri (George) the Victorious, a Roman warrior who defended Christians.
  • November 26 for Catholics or December 9 for Christians. George of Chios, a new martyr who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, is commemorated, killed by the Turks.

In various life conflicts, Yura will do this...

  • Love. Immediately after meeting, the girls feel at ease with Yurchik. And later, when his pedantic character begins to manifest itself more clearly and the colors fade from the relationship, many become bored in the company of this guy. However, the guy does not feel the lack of attention from lovely ladies.
  • Family. He is a faithful husband and an excellent father. The only thing: the head of such a family, as a rule, becomes the wife. All important decisions that go beyond family life (buying a car, choosing a school for a child, going to a resort) are made by the spouse. Yura prefers to do small household chores.
  • Relationships with your spouse. Yuri believes that if he takes a girl to the registry office, then only the one he sincerely loves. Therefore, he can sign even with a girl who does not suit his family. He will live happily with his chosen one, and the family will finally accept their son’s choice... But Yurets is the case when gray hair gets into the beard, and the devil gets into the rib. After forty years, he may go “to the left.” And even if mom and dad beg him not to destroy their families, he (by tradition) will not listen to them.
  • Job. The more responsibility a profession involves, the more the bearer of a given name likes it. It is interesting that this socially quiet guy can choose a very public job (politics, music), and achieve heights in it. Strength This man is eloquent. And besides, Yura is often interested in the secrets hidden in the depths of our planet, so the guy may decide to become an archaeologist or geologist.

Which woman (name) is he destined to be happy with?

Namesakes who made everyone respect Yur

  1. Yuri Dolgoruky (late 11th - early 12th century) - Prince of Suzdal, Rostov. He received his nickname due to the capture of other cities (in particular, the capital Kyiv, where he died, poisoned by local boyars).
  2. Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) - the world's first cosmonaut from the USSR.
  3. Yuri Nikulin (1921-1997) - actor, mainly comedic (“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Moonshiners”, “The Diamond Arm”).
  4. Yuri Yakovlev (1928-1913) - Soviet film actor. The most famous roles: Lieutenant Rzhevsky (“The Hussar Ballad”), the house manager/tsar (“Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”), Ippolit (“The Irony of Fate…”).
  5. Yuri Olesha (1899-1960) - Soviet writer. He is the author of the children's book "Three Fat Men".
  6. Yuri Shevchuk (1957) - rock musician, songwriter, leader of the DDT group.
  7. Yuri Khoy or Klinskikh (1964-2000) - Soviet rock musician and songwriter. Known for his band Gaza Strip.
  8. Yuri Shatunov (1973) - singer from the cult group “Tender May” in the USSR. Born in Bashkortostan.
  9. Yuri Loza (1954) - Soviet, Russian composer and singer.
  10. Yuri Antonov (1945) - Soviet and Russian composer, singer. Born in Uzbekistan.
  11. Yuri Nikolaev (1948) - Russian presenter, actor. Born in Moldova.
  12. Yuri Kuznetsov (1976) - actor who starred in the films “Island”, “Count Krestovsky”, “Antikiller”, and the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”.
  13. Yuri Borisov (1992) - actor of the Satyricon theater, starred in the films "Freud's Method", "Young Guard".
  14. Yuri Luzhkov (1936) - Russian politician, former mayor of the city of Moscow.

And in the end, we invite you to evaluate the song dedicated to this male name. Many female singers (Glukoza, “Not Angels”) perform songs dedicated to Yuri. But this composition is performed by a real man, hosted by Yuri Nikolaev, and she is truly masculine. The song is called “Yuri Island”, and it’s for you!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The meaning of the name Yuri: name for a boy is "farmer". This affects the character and fate of Yuri.

Origin of the name Yuri: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Yura, Yurochka, Yuronka, Yurasik, Yurastik, Yurushka, Yurochek, Yuranya, Yurasha, Yurakha, Yurenya, Yurchenya, Yuka, Yusha.

What does the name Yuri mean: the name came from ancient Greek name Georgios. The word is translated as "farmer". Another meaning of the name Yuri is “faithful.” Self-development is the main thing for Yura, and that’s why he has so little time to communicate with friends. However, most often he does not need this, because loneliness and the company of those closest to him suit him well. The owner of the name is characterized by spiritual wealth.

Patronymic name Yuri: Yuryevich, Yuryevna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Yuri celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • May 6 (April 23) - Holy Great Martyr Yu. Victorious - warrior; during the persecution of Christians he declared himself a follower of Christ; denounced the pagan king for wickedness and, after great torment, was beheaded in 303.
  • December 9 (November 26) - New Martyr George of Chios suffered from the Turks in 1807.

Signs: St. Yuri is prayed for the protection of girls and patronage of all rural work. May 6 - Yuri Pobedonosets, Yura the brave: “Yuri brought spring to the threshold.” St. George's dew from the evil eye, from seven ailments: they roll on the dew to get health. This day is the holiday of shepherds: the saint himself, invisible to people, rides into the field on his white horse and grazes cattle, protecting them from animals, over which he also rules. December 9 - Yuri is cold. Zimny ​​is the ruler of wolves: the beast will not touch any cattle without his command, therefore they say: “What the wolf has in its teeth, Yuri gave it!” - and they throw the bad lamb to the wolves. On Yuri's autumn snakes - birthday girls; They will not spare either sinners or saints, so you can’t go into the forest on this day!


  • Zodiac - Sagittarius
  • Planet - Jupiter
  • Color - blue
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - lily of the valley
  • The patron of the name is the white bull
  • Talisman stone Yuri - emerald

Characteristics of the name Yuri

Positive features: The name Yuri gives purposefulness, sociability, curiosity, and the desire for self-affirmation. A guy with this name strives to communicate with interesting people, tries to gain life experience and knowledge from them. He is unforgiving and able to forgive offense.

Negative features: The name Yuri brings excessive enthusiasm and arrogance. A man with this name turns out to be uncontrollable if someone decides to interfere with him or tries to use him for their own purposes. Capable of rash actions.

Personality of the name Yuri: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Yuri? He is calm, noble, restrained, reasonable - he has amazing self-control! However, at the same time, his manners are artistic - he is generally an actor by nature, life for him is a stage, people are an audience. This is a philosopher and warrior in one person, very persistent, courageous, capable of achieving a lot in life. He has been unlucky in love for a long time, he treats women condescendingly and distrustfully, however, having met his only one, he will not give up on her, especially if she doesn’t yawn either: after all, Yura is an unpredictable creature, he needs an eye and an eye!

A man named Yuri is silent, reserved, and constant in his views. A guy with this name has a tenacious and flexible mind, quick wits, and ingenuity. Critical, receptive to everything new, easy-going, active. A man does not strive for leadership; punching power and assertiveness are not characteristic of him.

Yuri and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Successful marriage of the name with Varvara, Vera, Galina, Natalya, Nina. The name Yuri is also combined with Svetlana. Difficult relationships with the name can develop with Ada, Anna, Larisa, Margarita, Marina, Raisa.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Yuri promise happiness in love? A woman finds it easy with Yura only at the first stage of acquaintance. He is amorous and not constancy, although he loves children and takes care of his family.

The man is not prone to surprises. In love, he is usually gentle with women, unable to refuse them.

It is important for him to find a woman who knows her worth and who stands on the same rung of the social ladder as him. Having fallen in love, Yura circles his chosen one with attention and warmth. Family life proceeds calmly and happily, even somewhat monotonously. Very attached to children, and then grandchildren. For Yura, the interests and well-being of the family are very important. Carefully treats his parents, especially his mother. He helps his wife with household chores. His wife gets along well with her mother-in-law. Monogamous

A guy marries for love, in defiance of his mother. Family is of particular importance to him. He is strong and prosperous, and his relatives calm down. Life in the family proceeds calmly, happily, even monotonously... until the age of forty. After forty the situation changes. The relatives who once did not accept his wife well are now on her side, but Yura begins a new life, sharply different from his previous calm existence.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Yuri is haunted by the secrets of the universe. He can prove himself as a geologist, biologist, archaeologist, or design engineer. The name Yura has a developed gift of words. He can study teaching activities. There are many talented people of art and outstanding commanders among the Yurievs.

Business and career: Yura's financial situation is unstable. He is a bright, spiritually rich person, cheerful and sociable. Yura performs well in any profession and in any leadership position. He has a philosophical type of thinking, diverse interests, and rarely confines himself to the confines of his profession. He is aristocratic, always stands out in the crowd and in any company.

The guy knows the value of his abilities and thinks through his life plans for a long time. He is very stubborn, brave, and becomes independent early. In business, Yuri knows how to show firmness and the ability to concentrate on one goal. He is an excellent worker, ambitious, and can achieve great success in his career, although he is not a leader. Yura becomes a specialist in various fields - technology, medicine, literary criticism, engineer, plasterer, electrician, trainer. He is receptive to everything new, sometimes does business and earns good money, but does not become a millionaire.

A man with this enjoys the respect of his colleagues. He is not pushy; he moves up the career ladder with calm confidence. He is a philosopher at heart, often focused on his inner life. A man named Yuri can speak well, his manners are impeccable, and he does not allow emotions to break through. He has an excellent memory and has varied interests outside of his profession.

He is an attractive object for women. Someone is always in love with him, and he has wide choice. He himself does not care about attracting someone's attention; he needs to be captivated.

Health and energy

Health and talents: The meaning of the name Yuri from a medical point of view. Yura is sociable, cheerful, always surrounded by his peers, but he has an independent nature, rarely falling under anyone’s influence. The personality of the person bearing the name is formed in childhood and changes little later. In his youth, Yura as an adult is no different, perhaps only simpler and kinder. He loves sports very much - skating, skiing, football - those that are not indoors, but outdoors.

The meaning of the name Yuri depends on the time of birth. Spring child with this name he is very sociable, loves a lot of cheerful company, but he rarely has the only spiritual friend. He is temperamental, but restrained in his emotions. A guy named Yuri attaches great importance to achieving his goal and will not turn away from his chosen path. “Autumn” is even cunning and calculating.

Yuri's fate in history

What does the name Yuri mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Yuri Dolgoruky (90s of the 11th century - 1157) - son of Vladimir Monomakh, Prince of Suzdal and Grand Duke Kyiv, Prince of Rostov-Suzdal. His activities were mainly aimed at building cities, strengthening churches and monasteries. Since the beginning of the 30s of the 19th century. fought for southern Pereyaslavl and Kyiv, for which he received the nickname Dolgoruky. Under him, Moscow was first mentioned in 1147, which he later fortified. In 1156, he captured Kiev for the second time, but soon died, apparently poisoned by the Kyiv boyars.
  2. Yuri F. Lisyansky (1773-1837) - Russian navigator, captain of the 1st rank. In August 1803, on the ship "Neva" (the head of the expedition and the commander of the ship "Nadezhda" was I.F. Krusenstern) left Kronstadt. The ships followed one route to the Hawaiian Islands. Next, "Nadezhda" headed to Kamchatka, and "Neva" to Alaska. Lisyansky spent over a year on this voyage. After the end of the voyage, Lisyansky continued to serve in the Baltic Fleet. An island in Hawaii, a peninsula on the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and a mountain on Sakhalin are named in his honor.
  3. Our contemporary Yuri A. Gagarin (1934-1968) is famous and will remain famous for centuries - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union. He graduated from the Air Force Academy. NOT. Zhukovsky. On April 12, 1961, the whole world saw Yuri Gagarin’s smile and heard his famous: “Let’s go!” - for the first time in the history of mankind, he flew into space on the Vostok spacecraft. Space spoke Russian! In 1968, during a training flight on an airplane, Yuri Gagarin died. A crater on the far side of the Moon is named after him.
  4. Yuri Andreevich (?) - the youngest son of Andrei Bogolyubsky. At the request of the Novgorodians, he was sent to reign in Novgorod. In 1174, after the Novgorodians learned about the murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky, they expelled their son from Novgorod. He went to the Suzdal land to visit his brother Vsevolod, but here he was unsuccessful, and in 1176 he was forced to leave Vladimir. The prince traveled throughout the country, engaging in various strife. He ended his life in Georgia, where he became the first husband of the Georgian Queen Tamara.
  5. Yuri Dolgoruky - Prince of Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Vladimir Monomakh.
  6. Yuri Vsevolodovich - Grand Duke of Vladimir.
  7. Yuri Levitan - announcer of the All-Union radio.
  8. Yuri Grigorovich - ballet dancer, choreographer, teacher (born 1927).
  9. Yuri Nikulin - circus performer, film actor (1921–1997).
  10. Yuri Bashmet is an outstanding Russian violist, conductor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  11. Yuri Senkevich - traveler, doctor, TV presenter (born 1937).
  12. E. Ramberg is a Swedish theater and film actor.
  13. Yuri Lindegren - (1900 - 1952) Finnish architect.
  14. Yuri Olesha - writer, author of the book “Three Fat Men” (1899–1960).
  15. Yuri Vizbor - playwright.
  16. Jorgen Mohr - (1640-1697) Danish mathematician.
  17. Jorgen Leth - (born 1937) Danish poet and film director.
  18. Yuri Lotman - literary critic, cultural critic, historian (1922–1994).
  19. Yuri Luzhkov - Russian politician, second mayor of Moscow (1992-2010), dean of the Faculty of Management major cities International University in Moscow.

Yuri in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English translated as George, in Spanish: Jorge, in German: Georg, in Polish: Jerzy, in Ukrainian: Yuri.

How to choose a name that would bring happiness to a child? Many parents ask a similar question when expecting the birth of a baby. Of course, this is not an easy task, but there is still a solution. First of all, before choosing a name, that is, settling on the final version, you should say it out loud in combination with the surname and patronymic, because it is very important that they are in harmony with each other. In addition, it is necessary to turn to an interpreter of names and find out what fate awaits the bearer of the chosen name, because it is not for nothing that they say that “as you name the ship, so it will sail.” Let's try to figure out what the name Yura means.

Meaning and origin

According to linguists, the name Yuri comes from the ancient Greek name George, meaning “farmer”, “cultivating the land”. For a fairly long period of time, the name Georgy was used only as a baptismal name, while Yuri was its secular form, and only after 1917 they, like many others, acquired an independent documentary status. It should also be noted that the name Yura in the 17th-19th centuries was found only among representatives of the educated classes.

Childhood years

Little Yura, the meaning of whose name will certainly interest his parents, is growing up as a calm, serious boy. Moreover, these character traits will be characteristic of him in the future. The child's decency and prudence attract the attention of others. There won't be much trouble with him. The boy treats his parents with respect, all his life feeling like a foolish child next to them.

Yura, whose name influenced his character, does not really like large groups of children; he is more focused on his inner world. Some consider him phlegmatic, but this is not so, the boy is simply philosophical about life and his place in this world. The name Yura, as a rule, belongs to a dreamy and very kind child. The boy loves to look at the clouds, the flowing river, the movement of leaves on the trees. He loves animals and can pick up a stray mongrel and selflessly care for it.

School years

What else distinguishes the boy named by the melodic, slightly feminine name Yura? The meaning of the name determines the character of the child from childhood. Yura does not show any particular zeal for studying, but his characteristic perseverance and hard work will help him achieve a lot. Yuri is often well developed physically. The boy will be happy to attend the football, martial arts or swimming sections.


What kind of health does a boy named Yura have? The meaning of the name left its mark here too. All childhood diseases will pass by, but parents should pay more attention to the boy’s vision. Yuri loves to read, and often does this without sufficient lighting, so it can damage his eyes.

Adult Yura: character

Yuri's main features are formed in childhood; subsequently his character does not change much. He is very sociable, his friends love him for his prudence and great sense of humor. If Yuri quarrels with someone, he prefers verbal attacks; he rarely resorts to physical violence, no matter how unpleasant the interlocutor is. However, this does not mean that he cannot stand up for himself. Yuri is well developed physically, he is brave, stubborn, temperamental, but knows how to restrain his emotions.


Yuri loves to work and knows how to do it. Colleagues often consider him lucky, but this is not so. The guy achieves his goal thanks to hard work and well-developed intuition. This character trait helps him solve many problems. Yura is an excellent worker, he often achieves good luck in his career, although he does not have leadership qualities. A guy can become an excellent specialist in various fields, but most often he chooses working professions related to technology: tractor driver, car mechanic, mechanic, etc.

Love and family

Yuri is not deprived of the attention of women. The guy’s natural artistry endears him to the opposite sex, so there’s always some beauty hanging around him. However, in a couple, Yuri often takes a passive position, so the girl has to take the initiative into her own hands. Yuri, as a rule, is monogamous. The man is highly moral and condemns promiscuity. Of course, he appreciates female beauty, he may even flirt, but family always comes first for him.

Yuri marries late, because he takes a long time to choose a suitable candidate for himself; he would rather live alone than next to an unloved woman. Preference is given to independent, accomplished ladies. Yuri is an excellent family man. All men's work in the house will definitely be done by him. If repairs are needed, Yuri will do it with my own hands and in record time. The financial situation in Yura’s family is also excellent; he will never allow his loved ones to need anything. A man loves his children very much, but will feel special affection for his grandchildren.

Astrological characteristics

  • Patron planet - Jupiter.
  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • The talisman stone is emerald.
  • The lucky color of the name is sky blue, emerald.
  • Plant - lily of the valley, poplar.
  • Totem animal - White bull.

Name compatibility

For Yuri's marriage, Angela, Daria, Antonina, Galina, Larisa, Lyubov, Zinaida, Lydia, Olga, Natalya, Raisa, Polina, Tamara, Svetlana, Sofia are most suitable.

Relationships with Veronica, Tatyana, Alla, Elizaveta, Marina, Yulia, Karina, Christina, Maria, Alevtina will not be strong enough.

For a long time, people have been concerned about the meaning of names, interested in their origin and history. We always thought long and hard about what to name the baby and approached this issue very seriously.

Let's look at what the name Yuri means - where it came from and what character its owners have, and also find out how compatible some female names are with it.

History of the name Yuri

Communicate with him as an equal, listen to his opinion. He will be able to defend his innocence already at this age. Boys also treat others kindly and know how to empathize. The boy is unfamiliar with such a feeling as selfishness.

They love sports clubs and any sports activities. They prefer to spend time on the football field than studying textbooks. That’s why they don’t study very well, believing that what they teach in school in lessons will not really be useful in life.

At a conscious age, the bearer of the name is quite closed: you will never be able to reveal the secret of what is in his heart. He doesn't like to be frank, and heart-to-heart conversations are not for him. It is not easy to know what he really is. He may be having fun while hiding his frustration or excitement.

If you have offended an adult man, then rest assured: this man will never forget it. He will even try to take revenge. This is another secret of the name Yuri. Men in adulthood do not like change; they are mostly conservative and endure any changes with difficulty and reluctance. They like everything to be in its place, stable and unchanging.

The following characteristics are typical for the male name Yuri: positive qualities:

  • The desire to learn new things, to become involved in art.
  • Craving for self-improvement (trying to achieve an unattainable ideal).
  • The desire to achieve goals, no matter how difficult they may be.

Negative qualities:

  • Incontinence, excessive temper.
  • The ability to do rash things.
  • Narcissism.


Let's say it again full name Yuri. It is clear, sharp, bright, just like its owner. The bearers of this name are persistent and hardworking, brave and savvy. They know how to control themselves and remain silent at the right moment.

The characteristics of the name Yuri indicate that he is sensitive to everything unusual and new, but is easy-going. Strives to become a leader, but without pressure and breaking through walls. Sometimes Yura cannot exist without everyone’s attention - he is an artistic person, for whom life is like a movie, of which he is the main character.

They are rich in spirit, love to have fun and do not mind communication. The meaning of the name Yuri - “farmer” - correlates with the fact that they can prove themselves in any position, take on any work. They are respected among their colleagues. They are not pushy and move up the career ladder calmly and confidently. They are not prone to surprises and extravagant actions.

In love, such a person shows himself tenderly, but he has a predisposition to falling in love. For a long time he cannot find a life partner, but, having met the one and only, he will not let her go. Having fallen in love, Yura gives himself entirely to his chosen one, surrounding her with attention and care.

His family life will be calm and happy. These men put the interests of their family and children, to whom they are very attached, first. They take care not only of their children and wife, but also do not forget about their mother. Homely, hardworking, they will always help with housework.

The marriage promises to be successful with the chosen one bearing the name: Nina, Svetlana. The relationship between Natalie and Yuri will develop harmoniously, the marriage will be strong, love will fill the house. And if minor quarrels do not develop into big conflicts, then everything will be great.

Name compatibility with Yuri is not as strong as with Natalia. Yulias are powerful women, and Yuras are freedom-loving men. This marriage, which means a lot for both, can take place if the woman is soft and flexible, and the man is not so impulsive.

We hope that we have helped you understand the name Yuri. The meaning of the name has been deciphered. Now you can get to know your loved ones or yourself better. Of course, one description of a name and its characteristics cannot fully reveal a person’s character.

The way we are called cannot be main reason, indicating the line of development of our character. Communicate, get to know each other better! Make friends, fall in love, start families! Welfare and prosperity to you!

Name meaning

Yuri is a fickle nature: today he can talk philosophically about life and its frailty, but tomorrow he will be spun and whirled by a cycle of passions and emotions. He is sensitive to his feelings and experiences, while the feelings of those around him are of little concern or concern. This man can be calm and reasonable when it comes to someone, but as soon as his interests are touched upon, Yuri turns into an unrestrained and restless man. In general, Yuri is the owner of a contradictory character, the formation of which is influenced not only external factors and upbringing, and also the time of year in which he was born.

Characteristics of the name Yuri

Zimny ​​Yuri smart, inventive and liberated. Life for him is not a battlefield, but a tent for pleasure. He experiences troubles with ease, trying to find something positive in the most critical situation. On the one hand, such a light attitude towards life helps to stoically fight many unpleasant surprises that villainous fate presents to us from time to time. But there is also reverse side medals - lack of stability in the life of winter Yuri. He absolutely does not think about tomorrow, and certainly does not plan his future, which can negatively affect the building of family life.

Vesenny Yuri - an emotional and temperamental man. He loves big companies, he is attracted by a cheerful and carefree life, while the family routine is not just annoying, but causes real disgust. It is not surprising that he risks growing old completely alone if he does not change his attitude towards himself and his wild life. Moreover, spring Yuri has all the makings of a prosperous life - intelligence and ingenuity, not to mention the ability to earn bread, butter and red caviar. The main thing is to have a patient and devoted woman nearby who can guide him on the right path.

Letniy Yuri More than anything else, he is afraid of loneliness. For this reason, he either marries early and plunges headlong into family life, or gets involved with the same lone wolves, which is fraught with spree. In the first case, the life of summer Yuri can turn out well, which cannot be said about the second option. But in fairness, we note that for this man, love means a lot in life, for the sake of which he is ready to do anything, even to say goodbye to his friends and his former riotous lifestyle.

Autumn Yuri is a strong-willed, hardworking and purposeful person who is used to achieving everything on his own. He seems stern and ascetic, but in fact he is a kind and sympathetic man who is simply afraid to make mistakes in people and trust those who will betray or deceive, who will break his heart and leave an unhealed wound in it. A woman who can win the favor and love of autumn Yuri will live in happiness, harmony, understanding and care. Her home will always be a full cup.

Stone - talisman

Yuri's amulets are emerald, jade and chrysoprase.


In Ancient Egypt, this stone symbolized strength, fertility, marital fidelity and maternal love.

In the Christian tradition, emerald symbolized the victory of good over evil. In addition, legend says that it was from this stone that the cup called the Holy Grail was made, into which the blood of the crucified Jesus was collected.

The Incas and Aztecs considered emerald a sacred stone, which gave not only prosperity, wealth and good luck, but also health.

In general, emerald is a symbol of wisdom, insight, purity, honesty, calmness, composure and hope. It is designed to harmonize spirit and body, calm emotions and soberly assess everything that is happening, and, therefore, make the right and informed decision. In addition, emerald protects against despondency, negative emotions and experiences. This is a stone for creative people, as it encourages self-improvement, sharpens the mind and bestows inspiration.


Jade helps in achieving your goal, enhances insight, brings happiness and harmony to life. It is a stone of courage, compassion, justice, responsiveness, generosity and humility. Jade bestows wealth and longevity on strong-willed and open-minded people.

When determining the properties of jade, the color of the stone plays an important role.

Green jade calms, fights depression, protects against evil spirits and helps make dreams come true.

Black jade gives strength and courage.

Blue jade removes curses and slander, helps you relax and gain strength for decisive action.

Brown or grey The stone helps to calm down excessive emotionality and look at the situation, taking into account sober calculation.

Orange or pink jade calms passions and creates a favorable environment for making informed decisions.

Red Jade pacifies anger and tension.

White the stone is calming.

Yellow Jade brings understanding to relationships with a loved one.


It is a symbol of luck, success, joy, wealth and health.

Chrysoprase neutralizes negative energy and other dangers, attracting kindness, reliability and loyalty into a person’s life. This stone can be used to determine a person’s intentions, since in the hands of people with a negative attitude it becomes cloudy and may even darken.

Chrysoprase is a universal stone: it will give inspiration to creative people, and help pragmatists achieve success in business.

This stone protects against envy, damage, slander and slander.

Silver can increase the strength of the stone, and it is recommended to set chrysoprase in it.






Animal - symbol

The white bull is Yuri's totem animal. It symbolizes perseverance, stubbornness, strength and courage. The bull personifies wildness, rage and unbridledness, fertility and at the same time sacrifice.

In India, the bull is identified with the male creative force, thanks to which the Earth is renewed.

In addition, the bull is a symbol of royalty and power, perseverance and hard work.


Poplar and lily of the valley are symbolic plants of Yuri.


In China, poplar symbolizes the harmony of opposites: feminine and masculine, lunar and solar, earthly and heavenly.

The ancient Greeks and Romans associated the poplar with the kingdom of the dead.

For residents of the North, poplar is a symbol of the autumn equinox and old age.

The Slavs revere this tree as a symbol of stateliness, youth, but at the same time sadness for lost love.

Lily of the valley

For most nationalities, the lily of the valley is a symbol of purity, tenderness, beauty, love, fidelity, but at the same time sadness.

According to Christian tradition, the lily of the valley arose from the tears of the Mother of God, who mourned the crucified Christ.

In Germany, this spring flower was considered the personification of love and family happiness, while in Rus' they used fortune telling on lily of the valley flowers, just like on the petals of a daisy.

It is believed that lilies of the valley, which were collected on the eve of the new moon, can awaken sensuality and passion, which can lead to betrayal. If flowers are collected on the full moon, they will strengthen the union and protect it from infidelity. In addition, lily of the valley berries were used to prepare a witchcraft decoction, after drinking which a person was subordinated to the will of the one who offered it.


The metal named after Yuri is aluminum, symbolizing lightness and strength at the same time. This is the metal of love and devotion, luck and perseverance, helping to achieve your plans. In addition, aluminum is identified with stability, reliability and tranquility.

Auspicious day

Time of year

Origin of the name Yuri

Name translation

The name Yuri is translated from ancient Greek as “farmer”, “farmer”.

There are also several other options for translating this name from Old Russian - “spirited”, “agile”.

History of the name

The name Yuri is a Slavic form of the name George, while the latter version was practically not used in secular life, but was more ritual. But the name Yuri, on the contrary, has become quite widespread. It is not surprising that the name Yuri eventually began to be used as an independent name.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The following forms of the name Yuri are common: Yurka, Yurchik, Yurochka, Yura, Yurets, Yurakha, Yuronka, Yurasya, Yurasik, Yurochek, Yuranya, Yurasha.

The secret of the name Yuri

Patrons of the name

Those with the name Yuri are patronized by saints named George (or Egor). You can get acquainted with the patrons of these three names in the article.

Angel's Day (name day)

Yuri celebrates his name day on the days of veneration of St. George (or Yegor). You can find out on which days Yuri, Georgiy and Egora celebrate their name days from the article Egor - meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope.

The legend about the name Yuri

Christians venerate the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, who lived in the 2nd century. He was a brave and courageous warrior from Cappadocia (now one of the regions of Turkey), who accepted death for his unshakable faith. According to legend, after his death he descended to earth to fight the dragon, which brought fear and terror to the people living in the territory of modern Lebanon. George defeated the dragon, the icons that depict the Victorious on horseback tell us about this. George pierced his enemy with a spear.

Saint George is considered the patron saint of warriors, shepherds, and farmers.

Famous people

Famous politicians named Yuri:

  • Yuri Dolgoruky - son of Vladimir Monomakh;
  • Yuri Luzhkov - second mayor of Moscow;
  • Yuri Andropov - Soviet politician.

Famous writers and poets named Yuri:

  • Yuri Olesha;
  • Yuri Vizbor;
  • Yuri German;
  • Yuri Boreev;
  • Yuri Vlasov;
  • Yuri Koval;
  • Yuri Lotman;
  • Yuri Nagibin.

Famous artists named Yuri:

  • Yuri Grigorovich - ballet dancer and choreographer;
  • Yuri Nikulin - circus performer and film actor;
  • Yuri Bogatyrev;
  • Yuri Yakovlev;
  • Yuri Timoshenko (pseudonym - Tarapunka);
  • Yuri Katin-Yartsev;
  • Yuri Solomin;
  • Yuri Gorny;
  • Yuri Zavadsky;
  • Yuri Lyubimov.

Famous singers and musicians named Yuri:

  • Yuri Bashmet - violist and conductor;
  • Yuri Antonov;
  • Yuri Khoy - founder of the Gaza Strip group;
  • Yuri Loza;
  • Yuri Milyutin - Soviet composer;
  • Yuri Saulsky - Soviet composer;
  • Yuri Fortunatov is a Soviet composer.

Yuri Gagarin - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut.

Yuri Levitan - Soviet announcer of the All-Union radio.

Yuri Senkevich - Soviet traveler, doctor and TV presenter

Yuri Pimenov - Soviet painter and theater artist.

Yuri Gavrilov - Soviet football player.

The meaning of the name Yuri

For a child

Yura is a calm, serious and reasonable boy who fights for justice and is not afraid to defend his opinion. His peers respect and fear him, but they are in no hurry to get closer to him and accept him into their company. And Yura himself does not strive to join the courtyard company, because he has enough of his own small world, into which he rarely lets anyone in, preferring loneliness to noisy games.

Independent Yura does not bring much trouble or worry to his parents, because he is obedient and responsible beyond his years. At the same time, he will not tolerate being treated like a small child. From an early age, he teaches his family to talk to him as equals and respect his opinion, while the boy tries not to attract undue attention to himself; selfishness and arrogance are alien to him. On the contrary, he tends to empathize with people, he is sympathetic and kind.

Yura can hardly be called a diligent student: he shows zeal and perseverance only in those subjects that he likes. In addition, the boy himself does not attach much importance to the school curriculum, believing that little of what is taught in this institution will be useful in life. But Yura attends sports sections and all kinds of clubs with great pleasure.

For a teenager

In his youth, Yuri does not lose his calm - he does everything measuredly and without fuss. His confidence and composure are enviable. He has many friends, but Yura himself does not particularly value them, because he is skeptical about such concepts as friendship and devotion, believing that many are simply not capable of sincere feelings.

Yura himself is a decent young man who tries to keep his promises. He is quite sociable, but it is difficult to call him an open person. He will always come to the aid of a friend or comrade, but he himself is unlikely to ask for it if he needs it.

This young man amazingly combines such qualities as temperament and restraint, sociability and a tendency to loneliness.

Yuri always achieves his goals in everything, and all thanks to such qualities as hard work and perseverance, but too easy victories can lead to him becoming lazy and waiting for gifts from fate. In general, ingenuity and ingenuity often help out this young man in situations where it is not possible to achieve what is planned with the help of logical conclusions alone.

For a man

Adult Yuri has a sense of purpose and curiosity. He is persistent and sociable, but he will never open his heart to anyone until the end. This man is not inclined to have frank heart-to-heart conversations - on the contrary, behind a mask of cheerfulness and lightness, he often tries to hide his experiences and failures.

It must be said that Yura is quite vindictive, so it is better not to acquire such an enemy who will definitely take revenge for the insult inflicted on him. Among Yuri's negative qualities, one can also note narcissism and incontinence (it is rash actions that become the reason that already in adulthood he can get into serious trouble).

But still, it should be noted such positive qualities of the owner of this name as hard work and prudence, relative calm and self-control. In general, Yuri is a conservative who does not like change, much less surprises. For him, such components as certainty and stability are important, but this applies more to the age “after 30,” and until then this man will be driven by impulse (life for a long time In general, he finds it a fascinating movie in which he plays the main role). Therefore, one should not be surprised at the artistry inherent in the adult Yuri.

Description of the name Yuri


Yuri cannot be called an immoral person, but one should always remember that he will always put his own interests above someone else’s, so you should not expect sacrifice from him.


Yuri needs to pay special attention to his nervous system, which is extremely vulnerable for him. In addition, he is prone to developing all sorts of bad habits, some of which are smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.


Yuri is not deprived of female attention, which he treats quite coolly, since by nature he is a monogamous man. But a lot of time may pass before he meets his one and only, since Yuri is often unlucky in love. His disadvantage is that he does not know how to show his feelings, and therefore the woman next to him often cannot understand whether he likes her or not. Yura himself is devoid of romantic impulses and believes that there is no need to shout about love near every pillar.

However, as soon as Yuri truly falls in love, all his behavior will not just testify, but scream that a new feeling has settled in his heart. His chosen one will always feel his love and support, although sometimes his feelings can take on an intrusive nature, which not all women will like (freedom-loving and independent women who are used to planning their own life schedule will not be able to put up with Yuri’s increased attention and vigilant control) .

If you want to win Yuri, then remember that he is attracted to women whose hearts you have to fight for; women who need to be conquered day after day.


Yuri always marries solely for love, but it often turns out that this feeling alone is not enough to create harmony in the family. Therefore, the first (and sometimes the second) marriage ends in divorce, while he parted with his former passions as irreconcilable enemies (for Yura, in principle, there is no such thing as friendship between a man and a woman).

If Yuri wants to build a strong and reliable family, he must learn to trust his wife, whose jealousy often goes beyond boundaries, which negatively affects the development of the family (children, who watch their parents quarrel every day, suffer from this especially).

Family relationships

The first unsuccessful experience of family life can “unsettle” Yuri for a long time and discourage him from starting a family again, but if he decides to take this step, he will not take into account the mistakes of past relationships, which can again lead to disappointment.

But not everything is as sad as it seems at first glance. With a patient, caring and gentle woman, Yura will definitely become a wonderful husband and father, an assistant in all endeavors for his wife and children. But to do this, he will have to rethink and change a lot in his life, otherwise he risks being left alone in his old age.

And one more thing: the wild and freedom-loving lifestyle characteristic of this man in his youth can cause the loss of his family, which Yuri should also remember if he wants to spend his old age surrounded by children and grandchildren.


To reveal his full sexual potential, it is important for Yuri to fall in love, since he will not simply waste his strength and energy in the intimate sphere. In addition, the desire to give warmth and tenderness awakens in him only when a loved one is nearby.

It must be said that in an intimate sense, Yuri is characterized by a certain egoism, which manifests itself in the fact that he first of all thinks about satisfying his needs, and not about how to give sensual pleasure to his partner, who should teach him to be attentive not only to himself , and also to her.

Mind (intelligence)

Yuri is the owner of a flexible and inquisitive mind, as well as an excellent memory. He easily gets out of the most difficult situations with minimal losses, and all thanks to his ingenuity.


Yuri loves to work and knows how to do it; any business is successful in his hands, and he feels great both in leadership positions and as an ordinary employee. He tries to approach the work process creatively and with full dedication, for which management appreciates him and periodically rewards him for his efforts with bonuses and promotions.

But Yuri is not an altruist, and therefore will not work “for the idea.” Moreover, as soon as his work ceases to be rewarded according to its merits, he will change his place of work without further thought or regret. He knows the value of himself and his talents, and therefore he will never sell his work cheaply.

It is interesting that Yuri does not strive for leadership, preferring to have a well-paid job, but at the same time not too nervous and responsible (this man is not ready to answer for the mistakes made by others, and he will also try to hide his own misdeeds).


Yuri dreams (no, he’s just delusional) about his personal business, but it doesn’t always work out in his hands, and all for the reason that he doesn’t know how to wait, but wants everything at once, which is why he gets involved in risky activities . In addition, he does not know how to “save for a rainy day,” so when such a day comes, Yuri turns out to be absolutely unprepared for it, which is fraught with loss of business.


Yuri's main hobby is sports. He enjoys attending sports clubs and tries to keep himself in shape, although he does not always succeed, because another of his passions is delicious food. One cannot help but say about Yuri’s love for animals.

Character type


Yuri is a dual nature, he tries to “appear” and not “be”, which often prevents him from making real friends in life and creating a strong family. He constantly tries on some masks, trying to hide loneliness and vulnerability behind them. He does not trust people, because they have deceived him more than once.

This man loves to criticize others, but does not take notice when his shortcomings are pointed out (in his own eyes he is ideal). It is quite natural that it is difficult for those around him to establish contact with him, although they make attempts, seeing Yura as an interesting and sociable person. If Yuri can go beyond his unapproachable inner world, then he will be able to live an interesting, fun and harmonious life, full of bright colors and happy moments.


Yuri has excellent intuition, and, knowing this, he successfully uses it, which, combined with intelligence and the ability to analyze the situation, bears fruit.

Horoscope named Yuri

Yuri - Aries

Cheerful, purposeful, but somewhat lazy, Yuri-Aries is open and sincere, but often his straightforwardness turns against him. He expects the same openness and honesty from people: this man does not accept hints, while duplicity can seriously anger him. Yuri-Aries will find happiness with a calm, affectionate and homely woman, whose interests will be tied primarily to the family.

Yuri - Taurus

This is a chameleon man who can be sociable and good-natured, or can show such qualities as toughness and intolerance for the shortcomings of others. He is distrustful and jealous, so his significant other will have a hard time - she will have to account for every step she takes, and a trip to the store with her friends can turn into a serious scandal. In general, Yuri-Taurus is a man of mood, and his family and friends have to take this into account.

Yuri - Gemini

Passionate, sensual and temperamental, Yuri-Gemini cannot stand loneliness and boredom. He loves to be the center of attention, he is attracted by adventures and a life in which there is no place for everyday life. Noisy companies, lack of obligations, freedom and independence - this is what this man lives by, and only a wise, patient and loving woman will help him settle down.

Yuri - Cancer

This is a melancholic, charming and romantic dreamer who dreams of true love, about a life full of adventure and danger. This is a hero who will definitely save the world.

But real life rarely provides Yuri-Cancer with the opportunity to show his heroism, and this leads him into a state of despondency. A lively, open and energetic woman will make an excellent match for this latest romantic.

Yuri - Leo

Emotional and domineering Yuri-Lev does not know how to listen. He is always right, and no one can convince him of this. It is not surprising that this man is often very lonely, because it is difficult to be friends with someone who is not interested in your thoughts, joys and sorrows. Impulsiveness prevents Yuri-Lev from building a family life: women quickly get tired of this man’s eccentricity and absurdity.

Yuri - Virgo

This is a man with an active lifestyle, ready to make compromises with himself and others. He is balanced, diplomatic, sociable and conscientious, which helps to build an excellent career. In personal relationships, he also will not tolerate disorder and ambiguity, so he is looking for an honest, fair and calm woman who will become his true friend.

Yuri - Libra

Narcissistic and vulnerable, sarcastic and trusting, kind and sympathetic, Yuri-Libra is often disappointed in people, because they are capable of betrayal and hypocrisy. He sincerely does not understand why he always meets such people who are capable of betraying and deceiving. Yuri-Libra quickly gets used to women who are not always in the mood for a serious relationship.

Yuri - Scorpio

Independent, freedom-loving, categorical and domineering, Yuri-Scorpio loves to control everything and everyone, and he often does this extremely incorrectly and harshly, so this man has many enemies. He is also rude and harsh with women, and only sincere love, which happens once in his life, can change him, make him soft and gentle.

Yuri - Sagittarius

This optimistic, energetic and ambitious man looks at everything positively. He accepts with dignity both the joys and the blows of fate, for which the latter favors him: thus, on his way he meets mainly good people, ready to come to his aid at the first call. Yuri-Sagittarius idolizes his beloved woman, and she reciprocates his feelings.

Yuri - Capricorn

This man has an extremely contradictory character: he is sympathetic and vindictive, kind and bilious. His harsh and not always correct statements make him an outcast, which irritates Yuri-Capricorn, who sees himself exclusively positive aspects. With women, Yuri can be boring and even careless, although in fact he is a passionate man who knows a lot about pleasure.

Yuri - Aquarius

The interesting and impressive Yuri-Aquarius is not deprived of attention: he is always in the center of attention, he is admired and hated, he attracts creative people and repels those who do not want to develop, but think in stereotyped ways. He will be happy only with a bright woman who is not afraid to seem funny, ridiculous and different from others.

Yuri - Pisces

The impetuosity and rash actions of Yuri-Ryba rarely lead to anything good, but this does not stop this temperamental and sensual person, who is guided more by feelings than by reason. He is looking for thrills, and therefore is in no hurry to start a family, realizing that this entails routine and stability.

Compatibility of the name Yuri with female names

Yuri and Olga

This union is destined for a happy future, because the passion in the relationship between Yuri and Olga not only does not fade, but also intensifies over time. The energy of her beloved man appeals to the no less active Olga, who lacks the ability to enjoy life, which Yuri will definitely teach her.

Yuri and Anna

For the owners of these names, it is very important to create a family model in which family values ​​and traditions, respect for loved ones and mutual understanding will come to the fore. There is no all-consuming passion between Yuri and Anna, but they don’t need it.

Yuri and Elena

Both love to make life bright and interesting. Therefore, it is not surprising that their family cannot be called ordinary. On the contrary, Yuri and Elena prefer to turn their house into a hostel rather than live everyday life, in which there is no future without stability.

Yuri and Yulia

Impulsive, touchy and domineering Yulia is trying by hook or by crook to re-educate the no less emotional and freedom-loving Yuri, who is not ready to sacrifice his independence for the sake of his family. These relationships can take place, but only on the condition that the woman in them loosens her grip and becomes softer.

Yuri and Anastasia

There is understanding between Yuri and Nastya. They both value independence, and therefore know how to find solutions that will not infringe on their interests. This couple, who does not accept monotony, in pursuit of new sensations can lose their sense of reality and forget about stability. As a result, the union may not take place.

Yuri and Tatiana

Yuri is an impetuous and impulsive person, he is characterized by mood swings, which Tatyana is not always ready for. If Tanya can become a patient and caring muse for her man, then this union may well take place.

Yuri and Ekaterina

Independent and bright Katya is a devoted friend and loving wife for Yuri. Both crave freedom, and therefore will not limit it to each other, which will have a positive effect on their relationship. Of course, this family cannot do without quarrels, but, as you know, after the rain there is a rainbow.

Yuri and Natalya

This is a harmonious, strong and durable union in which love reigns between partners. The main thing is that those small quarrels that periodically arise between Yuri and Natalya do not develop into large-scale conflicts with insults.

Yuri and Marina

The owners of these names create a family, guided by momentary impulse and passion. When romance gives way to everyday routine, Marina and Yuri realize that they were in a hurry.

But they still have a chance for a happy future if they learn to turn a blind eye to each other’s shortcomings.

Yuri and Margarita

Living together for Yuri and Margarita becomes a real test, which, unfortunately, they most often fail without finding common ground. Domestic conflicts end in their family with reproaches and breaking dishes.

Yuri and Maria

In this couple, passion is the driving force, and Yuri and Maria quarrel and make up with equal passion. This bright and temperamental couple may well live a long and happy life, which causes surprise and bewilderment among others. As long as love reigns between them, nothing threatens their union.

Yuri and Irina

This is a relationship whose beginning may be delayed by the moment of friendship. But if these two cross this line, then a happy family future may well await them. In general, in the couple of Yuri and Irina, it is the man who must take the initiative into his own hands if he wants to create a strong family.

Yuri and Svetlana

Such a union is generally extremely rare, because Yuri, like Svetlana, is not ready to part with his freedom, much less give up his principles for the sake of family happiness. In this couple, each partner works to achieve their own selfish goals, and this is a bad foundation for a family.

Yuri and Nadezhda

The emotionality of this tandem does not allow it to develop harmoniously. It is quite difficult to rely on Yuri as an organized partner, while Nadezhda lacks the strength of character to resist her chosen one. The prospects for this union are not very bright.

Yuri and Christina

Christina will not put up with the shortcomings of her chosen one, and therefore will try to “adjust” him to her ideal. But Yuri is not the kind of man who can be trained. Any pressure makes him uncompromising and irritable, and this threatens frequent quarrels.

Yuri and Victoria

As long as Victoria gives Yuri warmth, tenderness, love and care, she will be his best wife and most devoted friend. This tandem is woven from many disagreements, but as long as there is warmth and trust between a man and a woman, it will exist, and quite successfully.

Yuri and Ksenia

Light, sincere and cheerful Ksenia sees the world in bright colors, while it is typical for Yuri to evaluate everything in halftones. The woman in this union wants independence, but Yuri restricts her freedom in every possible way, which leads to separation.

Yuri and Alevtina

These relationships are characterized by impetuosity. Feelings between Yuri and Alya flare up instantly, but they can also “disappear” quickly. These two can build a happy marriage if their passion develops into friendship, but more often the opposite is true.

Yuri and Diana

The interesting and even extravagant union of Yuri and Diana is convenient, first of all, for a man who does not see the calm, patient and balanced Diana as a threat to his freedom. Over time, Diana ceases to be satisfied with this situation, which leads to separation.

Yuri and Daria

Stubborn and uncompromising, Yuri and Daria cannot come to terms with each other's shortcomings. Daria wants romance and care, while Yuri is somewhat selfish and thinks more about himself than about his soulmate, although he loves her. Failure to give in can lead to collapse of this union.

Yuri and Alina

Living together with Alina and Yuri is more like a storm than a paradise island. There is passion between them, there is also love, but there is no understanding and no desire for stability. Alina does not have enough patience to build a strong marriage with Yuri.

Yuri and Lyubov

It will be very difficult for the owners of these names to build harmonious relationships, which is due to the difficult nature of Yuri and the demanding nature of Lyuba, who does not tolerate irresponsibility and disorganization. In addition, they have too different views on life, which also does not bring them together.

Yuri and Lyudmila

Neither Yuri nor Lyudmila will ever forget this relationship, they will be so emotional and passionate. But, unfortunately, passion alone is not enough for them to build a stable and prosperous future. Their paths will diverge, leaving behind a bright trail.

Yuri and Alexandra

Wise and patient Alexandra is ready to forgive Yuri a lot, but he does not appreciate it at all. She is impressed by the love of freedom of her chosen one, but at some point she realizes that she is burdened by the independence of Yuri, who is not ready to fully devote himself to his family.

Yuri and Polina

The two bond primarily on sexual grounds. They feel good together, but as soon as Polina starts talking about family and serious relationships, Yuri will back down, because he is often not ready to part with his easy and interesting life.

Yuri and Olesya

There is no mutual understanding in this couple from the first meeting, which, however, does not stop Yuri and Olesya from trying to create a harmonious relationship. But time puts everything in its place, so in the end this couple breaks up, with mutual insults and claims.

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