What medications to take to Israel. Trip to Israel – what should you consider? This clothing is guaranteed to protect you from burns

Some usual things cannot be obtained in Israel at all, or they cost “like a plane” here, so you should take care of packing for your trip in advance. Carefully and slowly, without fuss, collect your thoughts first, and then your suitcase. The main thing is not to miss anything in order to feel comfortable throughout the trip.


Eat famous phrase, which is considered best advice to travelers during packing: “check your money and documents, everything else can be bought.” In fact, this is only partly true, because on vacation you want to get impressions, relax on the seashore, and not run around shopping in unfamiliar city. In addition, some usual things in Israel cannot be obtained at all, or they are “as expensive as an airplane” here, so you should take care of your trip in advance. Carefully and slowly, without fuss, collect your thoughts first, and then your suitcase. The main thing is not to miss anything in order to feel comfortable throughout the trip.

What documents will you need in addition to your passport?

Although Russian tourists can stay in Israel for 90 days without a visa, in order to pass border control they must prepare an impressive package of documents. In addition to a passport, you will definitely need return tickets with a fixed date of departure from the country, confirmation of place of residence and financial solvency.

What things to take with you if you are traveling to Israel in the summer?

Summer in Israel is hot, but the proximity of the desert makes itself felt: in the evenings even in June or July it can be quite cool and windy, so warm clothes will come in handy:

  • sweater;
  • sweater;
  • closed shoes;

During the day, the sun is very aggressive, and you definitely won’t get by with just swimsuits and beach slippers.

Be sure to bring:

  • dress that covers the décolleté area;
  • thin trousers;
  • cape;
  • a scarf if you are going to visit temples,
  • sunscreens.

Covered clothing will help not only to avoid sunburn, but also to go inside many places of worship, temples, or with a tour group to neighborhoods where Hasidim live, who adhere to a strict dress code.

What things to take if you are traveling to Jerusalem in winter?

In winter in Israel, temperatures can drop to zero degrees, so it is even possible that you will see snow there. And the rains are often accompanied by strong winds, which break umbrellas. In this weather it certainly won’t hurt:

  • waterproof shoes;
  • jacket;

Please note that in Israel there is no central heating. And air conditioners set to supply warm air, they don’t always save you. Therefore, it is advisable to stock up on warm clothes, even if the air temperature seems quite comfortable.

At the same time, planning a trip to winter period, do not deny yourself the pleasure of taking a dip in the warm waters of Krasny or Dead Sea. And, therefore, feel free to put a pair of swimming trunks or swimsuits in your suitcase. You'll see, they will come in handy.

What else is important to take with you?

When visiting Israel, it is worth remembering the following important points.

Even the simplest medications are available only with a prescription, The circulation of medicines in the country is strictly controlled by the state. You can get a prescription from a Russian-speaking doctor without any problems, however, this is an additional waste of time and money.

Israel has a strict monopoly on the sale of cosmetics Therefore, products from famous foreign companies are very expensive, but cosmetics from Israeli manufacturers are quite affordable and please with their quality.

An adapter may be useful in Israel for three-pin sockets.

For a pilgrimage tour to the Holy Land, you need to prepare separately: take closed, practical clothes with a supply for several days, comfortable shoes, and a raincoat.

Israel is enough dear country, and you should have, let’s be honest, a decent amount of money with you. It is better to import dollars, the exchange rate for this currency is the most favorable. We do not recommend buying shekels in Russia; it will cost more. Of course, in Israel there are many exchange offices, ATMs, and in many stores you can pay with a plastic card.

When traveling to another country, you always need to think in advance what to take with you. This also applies to trips to Israel. The set of things is approximately the same for visiting any country. It mainly depends on climatic conditions country and the season in which you are visiting it.

But also, the reason for special attention to luggage may be the laws of the country where you are going to go on vacation. And Israel, here too, is no exception.

Documents for holidays in Israel

For Russian citizens, since 2008, Israel has formally abolished the visa regime - now our compatriots receive entry permission directly at Tel Aviv airport. But to obtain this right, you must have a package of required documents with you.

The main document remains international passport. It must be valid for at least 6 months from the end of the trip. You must also have the original or a copy with you. booking confirmation at the hotel. It is highly desirable that the room be paid for the entire period of the planned trip.

An alternative to armor could be invitation from an organization or individual. If this person is a relative of you, then you must provide documents confirming the relationship - marriage certificates, etc.

We are going to Israel in the summer

In summer, the weather in Israel is hot and sunny, the temperature ranges from +30 o C to +40 o C. Despite the heat, due to the proximity of the desert it can be cool in the evening. Officially summer season in Israel it lasts from May to August.

When going on vacation during this period of time, you need to stock up in advance a large number sun cream- the sun in the Holy Land can be very aggressive even in the morning, not to mention the middle of the day. It's also a good idea to have several pairs of sunglasses with you.

If your vacation is planned on the sea coast, including the Dead Sea, then at least 2 sets beach suits should already be in your luggage initial stage fees. About what swimwear best to wear in Israel, the debate continues. But, due to the large number of Muslims, you should not choose provocative bikinis.

Tourists on the beaches of Israel

For fans active recreation, it's worth taking care of tracksuits. They should be made from natural fabrics - synthetics in Israeli temperatures can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

When visiting temples and other holy places, it is worth dress as strictly as possible, regardless of religion. Women's hair, shoulders and legs must be covered; when entering mosques, they must take off their shoes, so the choice of shoes will not play a role here. Men should also follow a dress code.

We are going to Israel in winter

In winter it rains in Israel, the temperature drops to 0...+5 o C. In Jerusalem it can rain or snow. Rains are often accompanied by strong winds, which can even break umbrellas. Therefore, it is advisable to take a waterproof jacket or raincoat with you, as well as waterproof shoes.

When visiting Israel in winter, you should take warm clothes and shoes with you to feel comfortable outdoors and indoors. Not in the country central heating, it is being replaced by air conditioners with heating.

Winter in Israel is much milder than in Eastern Europe. For example, in December there are warm days, when the water near the Mediterranean coast warms up, making swimming possible. In the Red and Dead Seas, the air and water temperatures allow swimming all year round.

Therefore, regardless of the time of year in which your vacation falls, you should take a swimsuit and swimwear, as well as sunscreen. In Israel you have to be careful with the sun, as you can get sunburn even in winter.

Important little things

When going to Israel, you should stock up optimal quantity medications. The fact is that the circulation of medicines here is strictly controlled, and even aspirin is sold only by prescription. However, even if something remains in your homeland, finding a Russian-speaking doctor in Israel to get a prescription is quite possible.

Israeli pharmacy

But with cosmetics the situation is much more complicated, and you should not forget it at home. The Israeli authorities have established a strict monopoly on the sale of any cosmetics and perfumes, so you can only buy famous creams, lipsticks or eye shadows here at a very high price. But the shelves are literally bursting with locally produced cosmetics.

Every time we go on a trip, we wonder what to take with us on the road?

Another country, different climate and different food habits. In this article, you will learn the 10 most important things to take with you to Israel, regardless of the month on the calendar.

TOP 10: What to take with you to Israel?

1. Documents

For residents of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus Entry into Israel does not require a visa, if your stay does not exceed 90 days.

To enter you must provide the following documents:

  • A foreign passport, valid for at least six months at the time of entry into the country;
  • Air tickets (electronic tickets, ticket reservations) with a fixed date of arrival and departure from the country;
  • Is not mandatory item, but nevertheless we recommend that you issue health insurance, for the entire duration of the trip;
  • If you are flying to visit, take a printout indicating the personal details of the host party, contact numbers and the address where you will stay. If you plan to stay in a hotel, we recommend printing out your hotel reservation confirmation.
  • If the purpose of visiting Israel is medical treatment, you must provide a letter from medical institution. We also recommend reading the article -

2. Mobile phone, camera and other gadgets

IN modern world a person can no longer imagine himself without daily access to the Internet, publications of the brightest and most colorful places of his trip on Instagram. And it’s easier to get your route in an unfamiliar city using the Maps app on your phone. In any case, here you have the right to decide what you can do without and what you can’t.

Israel is a modern developed country where you can buy almost everything you might need while traveling, but the cost of equipment ( mobile phones, tablets, photo-video cameras and much more) is significantly higher than anywhere else.

3. Money

Currency of Israel– shekel (or New Israeli Shekel NIS). If you are used to paying in cash, we recommend that you bring dollars or euros, which you can exchange both at Ben Gurion Airport and at any point around currency exchange without commissionsin Israel. If you are a fan of non-cash payments, we recommend that you check with your bank in advance about the possibility of withdrawing cash in other countries and a commission for each such withdrawal. Also, in 95% of Israeli stores you can freely pay with a bank card.

4. First aid kit

Israeli vacation policy medicines significantly different from Russian, Ukrainian or other CIS countries. For example, most medications in Israel are available only by prescription.

5. Hat, glasses and cream

Summer in Israel long, from April to October. And the period from July to September is the driest and hottest time of the year. Average temperatures in July are from +24 to +37 °C, in January – from +6 to +20 °C. Regardless of the season, we recommend that you bring along hat, sunglasses And cream.

6. Wardrobe

If you plan to visit holy places on your trip, we recommend taking care wardrobee. For women, visiting such places requires wearing skirts below the knees and sweaters that cover the shoulders.

Men will need kippahs, which can be purchased locally if desired.

7. Bag or backpack

Israel is a vast country. Despite her small sizes, coming to it for several years in a row, you can always find new places to travel. To make your travels more comfortable, we recommend taking with you bag or small backpack, which you will need for day excursions.

8. Comfortable shoes

It is also mandatory to have comfortable shoes: sneakers or sandals.

9. Cigarettes

If you are a heavy smoker, then travel to Israel We advise you to take a couple of blocks with you from Duty Free.

Why? The cost of one pack of middle-segment cigarettes varies from 30 to 40 shekels (average $10).

Why a couple? 2 blocks – maximum permissible norm per person crossing the Israeli border.


Pack it in your suitcase good mood 🙂 After all, this is what will allow you to get to know Israel, enjoy the unforgettable culture, and then remember your vacation by looking through colorful photographs.

Prepared the article Elena Sosnovskaya, important person in Marketing “Israel Today”

Hello everyone, my dear viewers. I am very glad to see you on my channel. Today I want to talk to you about the topic of repatriate luggage. I am often asked in the comments under the video, in the VKontakte group, they write letters to my personal email and ask me questions of this nature, they sound something like this: “What things should you take with you when you move to Israel for permanent residence, what should you keep with you?” in the country, and what makes sense to take with you to Israel?”

Let's start with the most important thing - documents. I advise you to take absolutely all the documents you can take: documents confirming your Jewishness, education documents, starting with a certificate and ending with university, graduate school, and so on. Moreover, all these documents must be complete, that is, not just a document from the university, but along with an insert. If you have the opportunity to take documents from your clinic, take them. In general, take all the documents that you can take, even if it seems to you that they are unlikely to be useful to you here, because you may well need completely unexpected documents.

The second is money. I am often asked what is the best way to export money to Israel. I don’t know which way is right, which way is wrong, I’ll tell you how I did it and how I would do it if I repatriated again. I would not carry a lot of cash with me, a maximum of 1000-1500 dollars, and I would naturally carry it in foreign currency - dollars or euros. In principle, rubles can also be exchanged here, but there are very few exchangers that exchange rubles for shekels; you still need to look for them. And dollars or euros can be exchanged almost everywhere. Remaining money if you're lucky more money, I would carry it on a bank card. When I moved to Israel, I went to the bank and made myself a debit card. bank card, which can be used to pay abroad and put all the money on this card. When I moved here, first of all, I spent this money, and the absorption basket dripped onto my Israeli bank card.

The next thing is technique. The technique can be divided into two categories. The first category is expensive and small equipment. For example, these are laptops, cameras, phones, tablets, and so on. I think all this equipment should be brought to Israel. Firstly, because it is expensive in Israel, and secondly, it will be very easy for you to take this equipment out of your country to Israel, because it weighs practically nothing, and you can take all sorts of cameras and laptops with you in your hand luggage and this will not be considered as additional weight. That is, you can take a suitcase weighing 5 kg along with your things and take an additional camera, take an additional laptop with you and all this will not be considered additional weight. The second category of equipment is large and heavy. Of course, I understand that you are unlikely to bring refrigerators with you to Israel, washing machines, dishwasher and the like. But very often he asks me about such equipment as: printers, microwave ovens, multicookers, steamers, toasters and so on. I don’t think you need to take this equipment with you to Israel. Firstly, because this equipment is, as a rule, very fragile and there is a very high probability that when transporting it on an airplane, this equipment will simply be broken. Secondly, it weighs quite a lot, is quite bulky, and if you are overweight on the plane, then you will pay more for any transportation of the toaster than this toaster costs. Thirdly, all this in Israel is quite inexpensive, all this can be bought over time. I think that for the first 2-3 weeks you will be able to survive without any toaster, printer or microwave oven.

The next thing you should take with you to Israel is medications for the first time, medications that you constantly use. But there is no need for fanaticism, you don’t need to take half a pharmacy with you, because all the medicines that you may need are sold in Israel. It’s just that at first it takes time to find a pharmacy, it takes time to understand how everything works here, it takes time to sign up with the health insurance fund. In addition, many medicines in Israel are not sold without a doctor’s prescription and it takes time to make an appointment with a doctor, get an appointment with him, and so on and so forth. It's better that you have some minimum set medications for the first weeks just in case.

The next thing is clothing, what clothes are worth bringing to Israel and what not. In principle, I can advise you to bring with you the clothes that you love, only there are a few notes, so to speak. First, wear more casual clothing and less formal clothing. Here people dress much simpler than in Russia and Ukraine, probably. Women, don’t take a lot of high-heeled shoes, take your favorite 1-2 pairs, this will be enough just in case to go out, because here they almost never wear such shoes. Also, do not neglect warm clothes; it is not always hot in Israel; winters can be quite cold. Of course, you don’t need to bring fur coats with you, fur hats and felt boots, but some demi-season coats, scarves, sweaters - all this is worth taking with you, because in Israel it can be quite cold in winter. Even if you are traveling in the summer, carrying all these things and thinking that you are unlikely to need them, then when winter comes and when it is cold outside and at home, you will take out a demi-season coat or some kind of down jacket. Then you will remember my words and understand that this is real useful thing in Israel, although not very often used.

Next up is bedding. Many people advise taking bed linen with you. Personally, when I moved to Israel, I didn’t take bed linen with me, but at first I knew that I would live with my grandparents and, in principle, I wouldn’t need bed linen. But, if you know that you are going and will immediately live in some rented apartment, then I advise you to take 1-2 sets of bed linen. Also take blankets and pillows with you, again if you will be living in a rented apartment. It might also be worth taking some more with you. air mattress, because it is quite possible that your first apartment in Israel will not have furniture, because most apartments in Israel are rented unfurnished. Therefore, if you have this air mattress in your suitcase, it will make your life much easier. But, in principle, in Israel these mattresses are sold almost everywhere, they are inexpensive, about 100 shekels you can buy a double air mattress, that’s about 25 dollars. If you have enough kilograms in your luggage, then you should take this mattress. If you are overweight because of this mattress, then you should not take it.

The next thing is all sorts of tubes, creams, shampoos, and so on and so forth. There is no need to take all this, there is enough of this stuff here, it is sold here at every turn and is completely inexpensive. Maybe you should take some small tubes, samples, just in case if you don’t have the energy to go shopping on the first day, then you will have this small tube for one time. But, carry these bottle jars with you and liter jars Shampoo doesn’t cost much in Israel; here there is more than enough of this stuff and it’s inexpensive. As for decorative cosmetics and expensive skincare products, you need to take them with you, because they do not take up much space and are quite expensive in Israel. Therefore, it is better to take decorative cosmetics and some face creams, something in small tubes that does not have much weight but is expensive, with you to Israel.

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