How to properly drill frozen soil. How to drill frozen soil correctly Buy drills for frozen soils

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The design of the BTKP series drills - a coil-free body made of high-quality steel, a powerful drill bit and reinforced cutting teeth with double fastening in a holder welded into the drill body - ensures high strength characteristics tool. Due to the use of individual geometry, the tool implements cutting and group shearing forces during the drilling process. This allows you to significantly increase drilling productivity. BTKP drills use something that has no analogues constructive solution- special removable cutting teeth original design, which allows you to secure the cutter as rigidly as possible, as an alternative to welded ones. This made it possible to significantly increase the maintainability of drills and eliminate long downtime in the event of breakage of cutters, since restoring the functionality of the drill does not require dismantling and welding work. Replacement of cutters is carried out in the shortest possible time in the field and does not require the involvement of specialists. But at the same time it is ensured reliable fastening cutting organs and their sufficient strength when cutting frozen and non-frozen soils. The cutters are positioned in the drill body in compliance with optimal angles. A special powerful drill bit has been developed for BTKP drills, which makes it possible to effectively destroy frozen soil. The drill bit is equipped with the same cutters as the drill itself. With the same diameter, the BTKP non-turn cone drill in its productivity and service life significantly (according to test results - 3-5 times) exceeds any reinforced paddle drills used in northern conditions. In addition, it reduces the load on the drilling rig, which increases its service life and saves on maintenance. Reinforced drills BTKP have long term services and are optimal for large volumes of drilling work in cases where within the framework of one project it is necessary to drill in various types soil. Drills can be used with any types of auger tools and drill rods. The tool is patented and certified.

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Universal cone BTKP drills are a reinforced version of the tool, designed to pass through non-viscous thawed soils of any type II-VI drillability categories according to SNiP IV-2-91, frozen soils IV-VI drillability categories according to SNiP IV-2-91 - frozen and icy sandy loams, sand, clays And clay soils(silts, etc.), loams, peat, including those with inclusions of gravel, pebbles or rocks (inclusions up to 20%, without boulders), as well as soft rock soils of IV-V drillability category according to SNiP IV-2-91 and soils mixed type(mudstones, marly clays, conglomerate on sand-clay cement, etc.).


With the arrival of winter, visitors to our site again have questions about drilling frozen soil because there is always a need for year-round operation of motorized drills. Frozen soil is the most difficult and unpredictable for drilling. How to choose the right motor drill for winter operation and drilling frozen soil? Even frozen sandstone, light and flowing in warm time year, in winter it can cause a lot of trouble when drilling.

The fact is that in winter the soil is bound by frozen water, which increases the density and mass of the soil, and when drilling, the water melts, and the mixture of water and soil becomes even more abrasive than dry soil. The basic principle of drilling frozen soil is that the auger drill blades do not cut frozen soil. The knives should break it into small pieces. And for this you need power and a strong transmission. The most popular mechanical motor drills for two operators - Stihl BT 360, Ground Hog C-71, Efco TR1585, Oleo-Mac MTL85, Iron Mole C-5, Hitachi da300e - definitely cannot cope with this job.

Low torque and there is a risk of transmission failure. Therefore, the only choice remains powerful ones with high torque and low revolutions of the drilling tool, for example (torque 750 Nm), (torque 1020 Nm) or Ground Hog HD 99 (torque 372 Nm). But even these heavy-duty machines cannot always cope with frozen soil, especially if it is necessary to drill holes with a diameter of more than 250 mm. Then only a drilling rig based on a tractor or other construction equipment will help you.

Drilling frozen soil requires special cutting knives which can work in an abrasive environment. Standard cutting knives Pengo 35 must be replaced with more abrasive-resistant carbide knives Pengo 1336. If pebbles or gravel are found in frozen soil, we recommend installing Pengo 5T30 knives. In order for the auger drill to start drilling, it is recommended to break open the top layer soil, to a depth of 30 cm. The time of drilling a hole in frozen soil is tens of times higher than in ordinary soil.

When drilling, it is necessary to provide significant vertical pressure on the axis of the auger drill. At the same time, the operator must monitor the excessive load on the motor-drill transmission so that the auger does not jam in the ground and there is always a reserve in the auger rotation speed and hydraulic motor power.

When operating a motor drill in winter period, you need to remember making the right choice oils for hydraulic system And gasoline engine. Suitable for the engine is synthetic oil specification 5W30, oil specification VG32, which must be used at temperatures from - 5 degrees Celsius.

As a rule, the need to drill through frozen soil may arise in different situations. This also applies to drilling wells for water, and work on the extraction of any materials, and other work. But drilling through icy soil is much more difficult than drilling into normal soil. Therefore, this matter needs to be approached more thoroughly and seriously.

Drilling wells in frozen rocks should be done slowly, as haste can lead to poor-quality drilling or tool breakage.

To drill soil with your own hands as correctly and easily as possible, you need to follow some very important rules. But keep in mind that the rules described below will apply specifically to drilling in the cold season. Consequently, for an ordinary process of this kind they can be neglected.

Preparing for drilling

Before you start drilling wells in frozen soil, you need to choose the right drilling tool. To work with this type of soil, it is necessary to purchase a drill of such length that the rope glass with the socket is 2 meters above the slurry that is in the well. In this case, it is necessary to have cross or round chisels on the tool. Experts also advise connecting required quantity drill rods to the bit. After all, this way the process will be much more productive.

Conical drill (zabornik) for frozen soils.

Before starting work, be sure to check the reliability of the cable with which you will remove the drilling tool. This is very important, because if the cable breaks, it will be very difficult to get the drill, and this will only be additional trouble.

If the well that needs to be drilled reaches one meter, then it is advisable to additionally weld plates of fairly strong steel to the working edges of the bit. Others no less good option is welding of electrodes.

It is very important to ensure good drill pressure when developing. As a rule, this is achieved by optimal performance working edges of the bit. If the edges become dull over time, then the pressure decreases accordingly. The conclusion is to sharpen the edges on time.

When drilling frozen soils, it is very important to check the degree of wear (in particular, the working edges) after each lifting of the drilling tool by cable. Typically, each type of soil has its own wear levels. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor this. Otherwise, instead of a normal hole, a funnel-shaped hole will appear during the drilling process, where the drill will constantly get stuck and deteriorate.

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