How many insects exist in the world? How many insects live on Earth? Class Overview

Number of insect species. Coleoptera (Beetles). 30000. May beetle, dung beetles, woodcutters, longhorned beetles, bark beetles, ladybugs, click beetles. Lepidoptera (butterflies). 13000. Swallowtail, cabbageweed, urticaria, cutworms, bluegills, moths, silkworms. Membranous winged. 90000. Bees, wasps, bumblebees, ants, riders. Diptera. 85000. Flies, mosquitoes, gadflies, horseflies, midges. Semi-hard - winged (bugs). 40000. Soldier bugs, water striders, smoothies. Orthoptera. 20000. Locusts, grasshoppers, crickets. Characteristic species. Orders of insects. Everything on Earth.

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Biology 7th grade

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Insects of the blood-sucking type feed mainly on human blood, and therefore are capable of infecting the human body with serious and very dangerous diseases and infections. What types of insects exist? What names are there? Let's look at it in this article.

  1. The basis of nutrition for female mosquitoes is the juice of some plants, as well as human blood (for their eggs), while male mosquitoes use only plant juice as food, so only females attack humans. The lifespan of a female mosquito is 43–47 days, depending on ambient temperature air and the type of insect nutrition, males live only 19 days. The habitat of the individual is damp territories and swampy areas.
  2. With all this, female mosquitoes can cause great harm to humans - transmitting diseases such as malaria, meningitis, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and many other types of diseases.


The lifespan of a flea can reach several months. The insect's habitat is considered to be carpets, baseboards, and basements. As well as soft toys, where an individual can calmly and comfortably reproduce and raise its offspring.

Fleas can transmit to humans many infectious and quite serious diseases: hepatitis, plague, brucellosis, encephalitis, anthrax and much more.


Major pests and carriers of harmful diseases

This order of insects easily causes harm to both human housing and his health.

Cockroaches. Fast insects originating from the cockroach order. The body length of the insect reaches 1.7 - 9.5 centimeters. The main components of the insect's diet are plant and animal remains, various debris, and, in some cases, feces.

The color of cockroaches is mainly yellow-brown or black. The lifespan of a cockroach is about 30 weeks, and some individuals can live for about one month. The main habitats of cockroaches are basements, trash cans, human homes and dining rooms. Cockroaches cause the main damage to surrounding furniture, food, and book bindings.

Cockroaches are capable of spreading helminths, as well as various infectious diseases.

House ants

Small insects from the Hymenoptera family. Active in everyday life and mostly live close to humans. Body length varies from 2 to 4 millimeters. House ants can eat anything whatever comes their way, but most of all they like to use meat products, fish and sweets. The body color of ants is mainly yellow or brown. Individuals live only in large groups, sometimes the number of individuals in one such group reaches a million.

The lifespan of ants is represented by the following numbers: males about 20 days; and worker ants, as well as females, about two months; the female queen lives about 275 days. Habitat - human dwellings, commercial enterprises and public buildings fast food. Ants cause the main damage to plants and products, and also spread a large number of microbes and bacteria.


Type of insect - arthropods, order - six-legged, hidden jawed. Insect lifestyle mostly secretive and nocturnal. The body length of the double-tailed fish is 2–3 centimeters. The insect's diet consists of microscopic insects, as well as living microscopic organisms. Body color is red-brown. The lifespan of the insect is one year, they mainly live inside damp rooms(kitchen, bathroom and other similar rooms). In humans, insects cause special disdain and hostility simply because of their appearance, the insect also damages plants and surrounding furniture and can bite painfully.


woodlouse is an arthropod insect that comes from the order of isopods and the suborder of crustaceans. The lifestyle is predominantly hidden (insects prefer to hide under trees or stones) in damp areas. The total size of the insect is 20 millimeters. Lives approximately 9–12 months. The basis of nutrition is living and decaying plant species. The color is gray and the abdomen is white. Woodlice does not cause any particular harm to humans and does not carry any harmful infections.

Carpet beetle

This beetle comes from the order Coleoptera, from the family of leather beetles. Lives mainly in premises, houses and apartments, and in wildlife lives in tree hollows or nests. The length of the body varies from 2.5 to 5.5 millimeters. Most often, the insect eats organic debris left behind by dust in the home.

Fur moth from the order Lepidoptera butterflies. The length of the body varies from 5 to 8 millimeters. Leads a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. Body color is golden brown. Lives mainly from 200 to 250 days. The fur moth lives in the nests of pigeons or in human apartments. This insect can damage products made from materials such as wool and felt.

Clothes moth

Lepidopteran type insect presented in the form of a butterfly. The color of the insect is straw-yellow. The body length is 5–9 millimeters. Life expectancy on average reaches from 8 to 10 days, in warehouse premises, as well as in ordinary apartments. They actively spoil things made of wool, fur, and cotton. Destroy soft upholstery furniture, carpets, which causes great damage.


The midge is considered an insect that bites quite painfully and also carries diseases such as leprosy, glanders, plague, tularemia and anthrax.

Harvester spiders

Small creatures from the spider family. The body length ranges from 2 to 10 millimeters, while the insect has very long legs, reaching up to 9 centimeters. Body color is gray-brown. They are active only at night. Loves to live inside dark and damp places, but in human housing it lives in warm, dry places near windows. It eats small insects and flies, thereby bringing special help to people. They can live up to the 12 month mark. They contain toxic substances in their bodies; they use it only to kill their prey, which accidentally gets caught in the web. After the killing process, the spiders begin to eat their prey.


Flies cause only one harm to humans: they can bite painfully, they carry numerous bacteria, microorganisms, and dirt, which can often lead to the development of infectious diseases.


A small creature that does not have wings, squad - bristletail. Body length varies from 0.8 to 1.9 centimeters. The color of the insect has a silvery tint. Activity appears only at night. They like to settle in places with high humidity air (in most cases they can be found in baths, saunas, baths). They are omnivores. They do not cause serious harm or danger, and are also not capable of transmitting any infection to the person himself.

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How many species of insects are there on earth?

Do you know how many species of insects live on our planet? From 2 to 4 million various types! Scientists have described about 625,000 insect species, and there is little hope that all of them will ever be described. existing species insects No class of animals can even approach the number of species of insects.

If you try to estimate the absolute number of insects living on earth, the figure will be so huge that the human mind cannot even imagine it! The only way scientists can estimate the approximate number of insects living in the ground is to count their number in 1 square meter. m of wet soil. This number ranges from 500 to 2000.

Thus, one acre of good soil should support about 4 million insects. Most of these insects are indistinguishable to the human eye. Many of them are simply microscopic in size. And only a few thousand species of insects bother people enough for them to try to control them. If you think about it, you realize that a person is literally surrounded by insects, but has no idea how many of them there are around!

The vast majority of insects have two things in common: their body is divided into three parts and they usually have six legs, although there are exceptions to this rule.

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Insects are the most numerous class of animals on our planet.

Three quarters of all animal species known to science belong to it! Butterflies and dragonflies, beetles and flies, bees and grasshoppers - all these are insects.

Despite the fact that many of them are completely different from each other, all insects, without exception, have three identical characteristics, which distinguish them from all other living organisms.

First, all insects have six legs (and therefore centipedes are not insects!). Secondly, there are so-called notches on the body of insects: the body of any of them seems to be divided into separate segments. And the word “insects” itself means “notched,” that is, with notches. The third distinctive feature is that the insect’s body can easily be distinguished into three parts: head, chest and abdomen. All insects have this division, although sometimes you have to look really hard to spot it.
Insects live in forests and water bodies, in the air and deep underground, in deserts and in permafrost areas. True, many of them are so small that you can’t even see them without a microscope! And others like to hide in cracks and cracks, under stones and tree bark. This is why it seems to us that there are fewer insects than there actually are.

How many insects are there in the world?
Not a single scientist will undertake to answer this question, because today about a million different species of insects are known, but even more are unknown. And this only applies to species! And if we talk about the number of insects of all types, then amazing things will become clear: the total mass of all flying, swimming, crawling six-legged creatures on Earth is 30-40 times greater than the weight of all the people on our planet.
In fact, the number of insects changes all the time, because their life spans are quite short (for example, mayfly butterflies live only one day). However, most insects are unusually prolific. For example, the offspring of a common housefly can reach 5 trillion insects in one summer. If you lined them up in one line, then this line would stretch from the Earth to the Moon! According to scientists, on one hectare (area 100 x 100 m) you can find more insects than people on the entire planet.
However, if the number of insects is so huge, why don’t they cover the Earth in a continuous layer? The fact is that insects serve as food for birds, animals and even other insects. This is one of the factors limiting the uncontrolled reproduction of six-legged animals.

Why are there so many insects?
It has long been known that in nature there is nothing superfluous. This incredible number of insects on our planet is explained by the fact that they are very important for maintaining life on Earth, because they all actively work together to maintain the health of our planet.

For example, without plants there would be no life on Earth, because they serve as food for humans and many animals, and also produce oxygen necessary for the respiration of all living organisms. However, most plants will simply disappear if they do not leave seeds, and the seeds in them develop only after pollination. And no one doubts that insects are the best pollinators of plants after mammals. The harvest in our gardens, orchards, and fields also depends on pollinating insects.

Insects are also irreplaceable for the reason that they are practically the only orderlies on our planet (besides jackals, hyenas and some vulture birds): the larvae hatching from eggs quickly destroy dead plants and the corpses of dead animals. In addition, insects play a huge role in the formation of soil; they also form an important link in food chain on Earth, being food for each other, as well as for toads, fish, lizards, birds, bears and many others.

Do you know how many species of insects live on our planet? From 2 to 4 million different species! Scientists have described about 625,000 species of insects, and there is little hope that all existing insect species will ever be described. No class of animals can even approach the number of species of insects.

If you try to estimate the absolute number of insects living on earth, the figure will be so huge that the human mind cannot even imagine it! The only way scientists can estimate the approximate number of insects living in the ground is to count their number in 1 square meter. m of wet soil. This number ranges from 500 to 2000.

Thus, one acre of good soil should support about 4 million insects. Most of these insects are indistinguishable to the human eye. Many of them are simply microscopic in size. And only a few thousand species of insects bother people enough for them to try to control them. If you think about it, you realize that a person is literally surrounded by insects, but has no idea how many of them there are around!

The vast majority of insects have two things in common: their body is divided into three parts and they usually have six legs, although there are exceptions to this rule.

What are aphids?

Aphids (or, in other words, plant lice) are green and brownish insects no more than 6 mm in length. Aphids reproduce so quickly that if they were not destroyed by natural enemies, they would have eaten almost all the plants on Earth! Aphids can be found on the leaves, stems, and roots of all kinds of plants. These insects often cause significant harm fruit trees, flowers, vegetables and grain crops. They have an unusually strong mouth or proboscis that protrudes from a tiny head. With this proboscis, the aphid pierces the surface of the leaf and sucks out its juices, after which the plant withers and, most likely, dies.

The most curious thing about the life of aphids is that the aphid's body secretes a sweet liquid called "honeydew", and ants love to drink this liquid. The ants capture the aphids and take care of them like a farmer takes care of his cows. Having dragged aphids into their nest, the ants supply them with a sufficient amount of greenery and carefully protect them. When an ant wants to milk its “cow,” it strokes the aphid’s abdomen with its antennae, and tiny drops of honeydew are released on the edge of the abdomen. The ant drinks these drops. A person has no particular reason to protect aphids, so he often destroys them by spraying them with chemicals.

What does a butterfly eat?

As you know, the life of a butterfly goes through several cycles. First an egg, then a caterpillar, then a pupa (which sleeps all winter), and finally a butterfly emerges from the pupa. There is one period in the life of a butterfly when it eats especially a lot. This is the time when she remains a caterpillar. For some species of butterflies, the caterpillar stage is the only period of life when they eat anything at all. The caterpillar eats and grows in size until the skin bursts, which gives way to a new one, and so on many times in a row, and after a few weeks the caterpillar becomes many times larger than at first.

But in general, butterflies are quite adapted to eating: they have a head, chest, and abdomen. Those butterflies that eat have a proboscis instead of a mouth, which is coiled up between meals, like a clock spring. This proboscis can penetrate deep into the core of a flower in order to suck out its nectar.

In moths, this proboscis can reach a length of 15–20 cm, so that it is able to penetrate large tubular flowers. Some of them have incisor-like teeth at the end of their proboscis, which they can use to gnaw through the skins of fruits and drink their juice!

What do flies eat?

Due to its tiny size (1000 adult flies weigh 25–30 g), the average housefly does not need much food and will therefore find enough food for itself anywhere. Houseflies don't eat solid food because they don't have anything to chew it with. The fly's mouth is only suitable for sucking up liquid food. The role of the “tongue” is played by the proboscis, which resembles the trunk of an elephant. It is also divided into two at the end and these channels act as tubes through which liquid food is absorbed.

The common belief that houseflies bite before a thunderstorm is incorrect. It's just that in these cases, houseflies are confused with other types of flies, such as desert flies or dung flies. These flies are blood-sucking flies, and they bite people. But, if houseflies don’t bite, why then are they considered so dangerous to humans? The fact is that the legs with pads and the body of flies are covered with protruding hairs, and their tongue is coated with sticky mucus. This means that dust and dirt are constantly sticking to the fly. And since houseflies look for food everywhere, including garbage and sewage, dirt and dust that stick to the fly may contain bacteria that cause various diseases, which transfer to our food when a fly lands on it, and along with the food enter the human body.

How are flies born?

Everyone knows that flies are carriers of infection. The fly is born and spends most of your life near waste and other places favorable for the development of bacteria. In fact, this damp, decaying matter is the most optimal place for breeding flies. Here the female lays white eggs (about 1.2 mm in size), from which thin, worm-like, legless larvae emerge. This is the "feeding" stage of the fly's life. Five or six days later, the larva's skin thickens and turns brownish and the life of the fly enters a resting stage: the larva becomes a pupa.

After another 5–6 days, an adult fly emerges from the pupa shell. The size of this fly does not change in the future: large flies do not grow from small ones. Another 10 days later, the fly mates, and a little later the female lays 100 to 150 eggs! Not all types of flies reproduce like houseflies.

Some incubate eggs within themselves and give birth to live larvae, and some species lay eggs that are already in the pupal stage. Due to the fact that flies spread diseases, people constantly fight against them. The best time to kill flies is in winter or early spring. During this cold season, flies hide in dark, warm corners and are very hungry all the time, so they are easy to catch and kill.

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