Marina name characteristics and meaning. Video: Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “Your Name.” Marriage and family, Marina’s compatibility with male names

Marina is always a charismatic person. She can be beautiful and not very beautiful, while always remaining attractive and even alluring. While still a girl, she knows her worth. And when she turns into a woman, she loves to find recognition of her beauty among others.

Marina is not as simple as she might seem. She is quite calculating and pragmatic. At the same time, you can’t blame her for stinginess. She knows where to get the best from life and what is the most suitable way to do it.

Meaning and origin of the name

The name Marina means “sea” (translated from Latin) and “port” (translated from Turkish language). You can often find meanings such as “mermaid”, “sea wave”, etc. Variations of the name such as Mara, Marisya, Marishka, Inna, Musya, Marya are popular.

Character of the name

Marina can sometimes overestimate herself, which does not always have a good effect on her relationships with others. However, this does not prevent her from always being the center of attention.

Moreover, the name means a willingness to make efforts so that the primacy of sympathy goes to her. And Marina succeeds in this thanks to her natural attractiveness. And although it is rare to meet a truly beautiful Marina with regular facial features, her secret charms attract fans at any age.

The main character traits are friendliness, sociability, impatience, passion. As a rule, Marinas are temperamental in all areas of life.

Marina's character helps her to be successful both in her personal life and at work. “A person of mood” is a slogan that means her not always understandable, sometimes even eccentric, behavior. She can study selflessly and be an excellent student, or she can be lazy and irresponsible about her studies. True, then he easily catches up with lost time.

Fate of the name

A girl named Marina is very demanding of life. She expects a lot from fate and gets it.

The girl shows herself best in such professions as poet, writer, actress, artist, fashion model. At the same time, Marin makes good engineers, chemists, doctors, and investigators. Possessing an analytical mind and male type behavior, Marinas often choose male professions and reach the highest heights in them.

When choosing friends, she prefers to build relationships with men. Since childhood, Marishka feels better in the company of boys.

Marina's health

Marishka's temperament, which means activity and impatience, allows her to think that she has the health of a horse. Because of this, it works for wear and tear. As a result, stress and illness often accompany her.

Compatibility and marriage for Marina

The secret of the name Marina lies in the early manifestation of sensuality. She experiences a strong attraction, and if she really likes a man, she is ready to give herself to him on the first date.

At the same time, the name does not make her frivolous. She carefully “looks after” her future husband. It is important for her that the man is handsome, smart and must openly admire her.

Marinas are very jealous women who do not tolerate betrayal. They are ready to file for divorce, even if this threatens them with financial ruin.

The best companion for Marina will be a calm and flexible man who will provide her with a decent financial level.

A favorable alliance with Denis, Mikhail, Sergei. But good relations are unlikely to develop with Nikolai, Boris and Stanislav.

Talismans, colors, zodiac signs names

Mother of pearl is of great importance to Marina, as it is her talisman stone. Colors – sea ​​wave, yellow. Zodiac sign – Taurus. But the name is also optimal for girls born under the signs of Leo, Aries and Scorpio.

Marina is a name that brings back memories of a pleasant holiday, because in its direct interpretation it means, like the ancient Greek analogue “Pelageya” - “sea”, “generated by the sea”.

Origin of the name

To your appearance female nickname Marina owes its name to the Latin adjective “marinus” (sea). Initially, the address sounded like Marin, and many later acquired a form familiar to us.

General characteristics

It is difficult to find a more cheerful child than Marisha. She loves outdoor games and is always surrounded by friends. Since childhood, the girl has self-confidence and is convinced that others admire her person. She does not shine with modesty, her self-esteem is high. If a young lady is endowed with natural beauty, then her self-esteem increases significantly.
Marina has a capricious character and does her homework according to her mood. She can be both a good student and an excellent student, but only if she wishes.

The baby is endowed with charm and charm, therefore, no matter what external characteristics she has, the opposite sex is always drawn to her. Modest and awkward courtship of boys in childhood are replaced by gallant and courteous maneuvers to win Marina’s heart from adult men.

Positive character traits

Marina has the ability to create; if she is seriously passionate about something, she will definitely succeed in this endeavor.

The girl's charm attracts people, and her openness and sense of humor help her make friends.

This person is courageous and honest, she will not lie, she always tells the truth straight forward, even if the latter is completely unpleasant.

Negative character traits

Marina is emotionally and mentally unstable, she good mood can change dramatically, and even members of the household cannot avoid rudeness from Marina in a bad mood. The love of this person is also fleeting: for no apparent reason, the feeling can be replaced by hatred, and it will be impossible to return to the past.

Realizing that she captivates people with her charm, the girl may try to manipulate them. A woman’s excessive enthusiasm for her victories sometimes interferes with her work. Starting a new interesting business, she throws the still unfinished previous one away, and no longer strives to finish it.

In her quest for perfection, Marusya idealizes each of her hobbies, but she is often disappointed in what just yesterday delighted her and prompted her to action.

Zodiac sign

The most harmonious zodiac sign for Marina is Pisces.
The moon, symbolizing the spiritual principle, will smooth out negative traits the character of this person.
Turquoise will attract happiness into Marinochka’s life.
Protection from negative energy will be provided by the progenitor of pearls - mother of pearl.


Marisha, Marinka, Marishka, Marinochka, Marisya, Marinushka, Mariska, Marusya.

Name options

Marin, Marino, Maryna, Maren, Marine, Mara, Mary, Morena.

Historical figures

284 – 305 – Christian Saint Marina of Antioch.
1891 – 1942 – Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.
1959 – 2000 – actress Marina Levtova.
1908 – 2003 – Soviet actress Marina Ladynina.
1908 – 2010 – ballerina Marina Semenova.
1932 – 2012 – Georgian violinist Marine Yashvili.

Popular Marinas of our time

animator Voskanyants;
actresses Neelova, Zudina, Gaizidorskaya, Maiko;
singers Khlebnikova and Kapuro;
screenwriter and director Razbezhkina;
writer Yudenich;
Honored Russian artist Turetskaya;
poetesses Temkina and Hagen;
Russian weightlifter Shainova;
film director Tsurtsumiya;
prose writer, screenwriter Vishnevetskaya.

Name day

The owner of the name Marina is such an original person that you are amazed. True woman, skilled seductress, she is at the same time often shy and emotional.

Some consider Marina selfish, and there is some truth in this. She can go over her head if she wants to achieve her goal.

Constant changes of mood do not allow her to become a gray mouse and hide behind the backs of those around her. Marina is a person with character!

Variants of name origin

The name Marina is believed to come from a masculine name that sounds roughly the same: Marin. And that, in turn, takes roots from the Latin word “marinus”, which translates as “sea”.

According to another version, the Romans had the name Venus Marina - that was the name of Venus, the sea goddess.

The meaning of the name Marina

When you pronounce the name Marina, you involuntarily think about something juicy and fresh, free and wide. No wonder Marina meaning "sea".

Name for girls

The girl Marina differs from other children in her hyperactivity. She smiles at everyone, is happy to everyone, goes into the arms of strangers. As she gets older, the girl deliberately acts in such a way as to please others. Her parents see her as an obedient and flexible child, but at the same time a daughter. may be arrogant. So that Marina does not become proud, it is important to give her the right upbringing.

Marina will not let herself be offended: she will respond according to the offender’s merits, and she will definitely use her fists. At school she shows leadership qualities, can charm anyone, and also skillfully manipulates peers.

Do not try to lie to this person, because she will immediately sense the falsehood, and you will have a hard time. Marina no way will not forgive betrayal.

The girl highly values ​​her several friends.

The girl's grades in the school magazine are not the best, but they are not all grades of two and three. In her studies, she also practices a sharp change of mood: if until now she did not tolerate classes and received bad grades, then from now on she will do all her homework and become a straight A student.

Marina's complex character

Marina is a complex and restless person. She always wants to change, she can quit the job without completing it. Marina transfers all this to her family. For example, she quickly starts raising her son, plays with him, goes to the skating rink, helps with homework, and after a few days she suddenly cools down and leaves the child alone with himself.

If Marina thinks that her husband is showing interest in another girl, she will not be ashamed of her surroundings and will reprimand her husband right in front of everyone. What man would like this?!

Marinas, born in winter, are very fond of male representatives and are always drawn to them. Her character is restless. Autumn Marina is more peaceful and knows how to control her emotions. People like summer and can easily seduce. Well, born in the spring - a real mystery woman: very romantic nature and seems mysterious to others.

How does Marina get along with different men?

Marina's marriage is very stable. And all because the spouses respect each other.

A serious relationship with Anatoly, Boris will be unsuccessful.


Marinas, whose zodiac sign is Aquarius, are very moral natures. They strive to idealize everything and they often suffer from this. But what to do, because the world is so imperfect... On the love front, everything is usually bad for Marin-Aquarius. The fact is that they are very pure and naive and wait for the best better man. But he still doesn’t come.

Makings of a formidable Leo

Marina-Lev is selfish by nature. She craves fame, does not tolerate bad treatment, and loves praise. Lost in her dreams, this Marina refuses to work. Hence the incorrect distribution of abilities and time. As a result, dreams and plans remain unrealized. The woman will idolize the man who is next to her, which will become a big disadvantage in family life.

Libra – soft and timid

Marina, born under the sign of Libra, is very shy. To such an extent that he will not take the first step forward, will not speak out in the crowd, trying to prove that he is right. She doesn't crave fame, she tries to hush up conflict situations and often makes concessions. Such a Marina needs a calm and gentle man, like herself. A woman simply cannot get along with a boor and a brutal type.

Born under the sign of Scorpio

If a girl named Marina was born under the sign of Scorpio, she will be a very developed personality. Of course! Great imagination rich inner world– isn’t this enough to stand out from the crowd and walk faster than others along the road of life?

On the other hand, you need to be careful with such a Marina, because you never know how she will behave in next moment. The girl's mood changes instantly. Either she is kind and merciful, or, on the contrary, she is fierce and acts decisively. He can withdraw into himself for a long time, and tomorrow he will chatter incessantly. Marina-Scorpio must love and feel love, and also suffer from time to time, she gets pleasure from it. To get along with her, a man must be patient.

Scrupulous Capricorn

Marina-Capricorn is very, very demanding. She is extremely strict not only towards relatives and friends, but also towards her chosen one. It is for this reason that Marina is often left alone. No man wants to change in accordance with her wild demands. Marina-Capricorn’s mistake is that she puts herself above the rest, as if saying: “I am very original, and my gentleman should be the same.”

While the ball laughs with lights,

The soul will not fall asleep in peace.

But God gave me a different name:

It's sea, sea!

These lines speak in the best possible way about the meaning of the name and soul of the author of the lines, poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.

The alluring hall sings with lights,

Sings and calls sparkling.

But God gave me a different soul:

She is sea, sea!

Faced with the owner female name Marina, see how much this woman resembles the sea. Just as affectionate, cheerful and boundless. At the same time, nothing prevents her from literally becoming sharp and impulsive in just a minute, like a raging sea, ready to swallow everything in its abyss. Time will pass, Marina will calm down and become a charmer again. What is the interpretation of the name Marina? What fate awaits the sea woman in life? What awaits her? Success and glory or shame and disappointment?

Versions of origin and interpretation of the name

We owe the origin of the name Marina to the ancient Greeks, or more precisely, to their goddess Aphrodite. After all, as the story goes, she was the mother of Aeneas, whose descendants stood at the founding of Rome. The prototype of Aphrodite, as the goddess of beauty, carnal love, desire and prosperity, in Roman mythology was Venus. Etymology says that Marina is an interpretation of one of the names of Venus, meaning “sea”.

Another argument in favor of the Greek interpretation. In the language of the ancient Greeks there is a word “marinus”, which means sea.

Scientists are considering another meaning of the name Marina. It is considered to be a derivative of the male name Marin, meaning sea. This is a priest from Rimini who became the patron saint of the entire state of San Marino.

It should be noted that in Russia this name became very popular during the years of Soviet power and to the present day. They played a huge role in this famous people with the name Marina: poetess Tsvetaeva, writer Marinina, pilot Raskova, ballerina Semenova, actresses Ladynina and Vladi.

Patron Saint - Marina of Antioch

The girl Marina from Antioch is rightfully considered the intercessor of all Marinas. According to legend, at an early age she believed in Christianity. The girl's family worshiped pagan gods. They found her husband, also a pagan, who decided that this would not debunk her faith. But neither requests, nor persuasion, nor punishment, nor even public torture could break the will of the young woman. She did not give up Christ.

Then they decided to drown her. But at that moment everything around shook, the shackles fell to the ground, and a shining halo appeared above the head of Marina of Antioch. The gathered people believed in Christianity. However, this did not stop the pagans, but only angered them. Marina was executed, and with her another fifteen hundred innocent people who saw this miracle.

Spelling out the name Marina

The characteristics of the name Marina are hidden in the spelling and pronunciation of the word. Great value the letters that make it up play. Each of them carries information about the character and fate of the owner of the name Marina:

M - speaks of philanthropy and the ability to perceive people as they are, of curiosity, a craving for everything new and of immeasurable charm;

A – denotes Marina as a leader;

P - indicates a tendency towards dogmatism, patience, compliance and a great sense of self-esteem;

And - characterizes Marina as a subtle harmonious nature;

N - indicates a critical attitude towards the world around us, pickiness, but at the same time honesty and conscientiousness in work;

A – is associated with high self-esteem, which interferes with life.

Marina: fate and character traits

The meaning of the name Marina suggests that she is a free and laid-back person. She never thinks about what will happen next, what reaction her words or behavior will cause in others. At the same time, it is not in her rules to regret what happened. There is a certain duality in Marina’s nature, and even close people cannot know what she will do in a given situation. She is characterized by: violent expression of emotions, increased irritability, spontaneous outbursts of anger, frequent, sometimes completely unconscious, mood swings.

The character of the name Marina indicates excessive pride. She is prone to displaying harshness, expansiveness and ardor. Often falls in love, but at the same time feelings can also easily develop into hatred.

Character traits define Marina as a person who does not want to poke her nose into other people's affairs. She does not collect gossip and does not weave intrigues. Her credo is to tell the whole truth to your face, without whispering behind your back. Treats his surroundings objectively and impartially. She always has her own point of view and is not afraid even if she sometimes differs from the opinions of others.

Friends and acquaintances consider her open and sincere, however, this is far from the truth. Marina is a secretive person and practically does not say what she thinks and what she really feels. She is arrogant and has a heightened sense of self-esteem. Even her outward friendliness does not allow for close rapprochement with her interlocutor.

But she knows how to skillfully manipulate people, using friends for personal gain. It should be noted that she is surrounded by only useful acquaintances.

Marina does not know how to overcome difficulties, nor does she know how to keep her word. Decisions are often made by a quick fix without thinking much about it, the result is almost always wrong. Nevertheless, she is not vindictive and does not know how to be offended for a long time. Her outbursts end as soon as they begin. In a quarrel, it costs her nothing to insult or humiliate a person, but she will not allow herself to be offended. No one is allowed to talk bad about her.

Marina has a hard time dealing with everyday troubles. As a rule, the black streak results in a prolonged depression. She seems to be hiding from everyone and living in the most imaginary world, falling into melancholy and beginning to feel sorry for herself. From the outside, it seems that she enjoys the melancholy and mental suffering.

Marinka: the meaning of a name for a girl

Since childhood, the girl Marinka has been growing up as an energetic child. She is as mobile as a spinning top. Shows curiosity and good manners. She is a gifted and exceptional person, both intellectually and spiritually. Both peers and older children are drawn to her. The main character trait of Marinka is her sense of self-esteem and justice. She will not allow herself to be humiliated either physically or morally; she will stand up for the truth, no matter whether it concerns her or not.

Among children, Marinka is always in a leading position. She knows how to organize her peers for any task. At the same time, she demands a lot both from herself and from those around her. Therefore, few daredevils decide to make friends with a girl. And Marinka herself is not very keen on relationships. It is inherently distrustful of people. Even parents should treat her with understanding and inspire her by personal example. Otherwise, the girl will seize the initiative and begin to control them. The character and fate of a girl largely depends on her upbringing.

At school the girl has no equal. And the point is not even that Marinka, as a rule, is an excellent student. She has not only abilities, but great talent, backed by personal interest and curiosity. The main desire is that if you want, in just a few days you will turn from a mediocre student into an excellent student.

Marisha: the meaning of the name for a girl

With age, Marisha changes little. She is just as agile and smart, has wit and eloquence. To these traits is added sympathy and authority from the stronger half, which simply infuriates the few friends.

She does not weave intrigues, women's secrets are alien to her, which causes misunderstanding among her friends and admiration among the guys. At this age, she does not accept any prohibitions, but lives, enjoying the delights of life as much as possible. Therefore, it is important at this moment not to let Marisha turn into a person who does not take into account anyone’s opinion except her own, the only correct one.

It is worth noting that Marisha, as in childhood, is honest. Although she lives without paying much attention to other people’s opinions, she tries to do everything correctly and conscientiously. In her quest to achieve her goal, she does not use cunning or immorality. She is not interested in success for the sake of success. Therefore, if an unfair fight begins, Marisha almost always leaves the race, even in love rivalry. At the same time, no one will ever be able to catch her fleeing; she leaves the battlefield with the air of a winner.

Marina: the meaning of the name for a woman

Having entered adulthood, Marina tries to get married as quickly as possible. She sees her purpose in this. In addition, she has all the qualities to create ideal family filled with harmony. She attracts with her beauty and grooming, professionalism at work and ability to lead household. For the sake of family happiness, Marina is ready to sacrifice her career. She either puts it off for an indefinite period, or immerses herself in everyday life, devoting herself entirely to her husband and children.

But there is one small condition: a worthy man must be near her. She carefully sorts through her fans in search of an ideal, from whom there is practically no end. Many fail the test and disappear in English. But this does not scare Marina. She knows her worth and will not kill herself for a weakling.

Marriage and family

Next to her can only be a man who is close to ideal by all criteria. A successful businessman, a recognized professional in his field or foreign diplomat. Marina will not agree to anything less. Her husband must provide not only material well-being in the house, but also show attention and care for his wife.

She must definitely marry for love, otherwise she will turn her partner's life into hell. If she finds her soul mate, then a more faithful, devoted and caring wife cannot be found. Her relationship with children is good, but this also reveals her duality; today she best friend a caring mother, but for tomorrow she has completely different priorities.

Marina’s house is always clean and cozy, a delicious family lunch or dinner is prepared on the stove, and even a random guest will not take her by surprise. In addition, Marina is a hospitable hostess. Relations with mother-in-law are smooth. The husband's parents respect their daughter-in-law and love to visit her.

Marina has good compatibility for marriage with Alexey, Victor, Bogdan, Maxim.

She can create an ideal family with Mikhail, Sergei, Denis, Evgeniy, Egor, Dmitry.

Career, business and money

IN professional activities Marina slowly and steadily moves towards her goal. Nothing will block her path. But still, the main motivation in work is money. If her work does not bring her proper financial success, then she will very quickly change her field of activity.

It’s easy for Marina to make a career. She always tries to be noticed by management, makes useful connections, but to her credit, she works like an ox. She can handle any task. Marin makes talented actresses, learned writers and doctors. All doors are open for the owner of this name, but it is unlikely that she will achieve success on the entrepreneurial path.

Forms of the name Marina

In the abbreviated diminutive form, Marina’s names are: Marinka, Marishka, Masha, Marinushka, Mara, Marusya, Marisha, Marisya, Mari, Musya, Rina.

Marina: name declension

Nominative case - Marina

Genitive case – Marina

Dative case – Marina

Accusative case – Marina

Instrumental case – Marina

Prepositional case - Marina.

Name Marina in different languages

The origin of the female name Marina is associated with the Roman patrician patrician name Marinus. Translated, it means “sea”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Moon
  • Talisman stone: mother of pearl
  • Color: blue-green
  • Plant: lily, lily
  • Animal: seahorse
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character Traits

The simple, beautiful name Marina is characteristic of cheerful, lovely ladies, sociable and impulsive, capable of broad and beautiful gestures, whose character and actions cannot be predicted. Thus, a girl’s sincere enthusiasm can be replaced in a minute by apathy, and her smile can be replaced by bitter tears. Therefore, such a name for girls is inherent in natures, whom any failure can unsettle, and any victory can lift to the skies.

The secret of the name Marina hides a personality with a charming, mysterious charm and amazing magnetism, so men are simply crazy about her. Knowing this, a woman is able to allow herself to be a “thing in herself” and, filled with self-esteem, cannot bear it when someone does not pay attention to her or shows disrespect for her.

This feeling of “chosenness” shapes Marina’s character, as well as her destiny: she, like a bright arrow, flies through life, leaving behind broken men’s hearts, often playing Russian roulette with fortune. Unfortunately, sometimes this manner of behavior becomes fatal for her, devastates her soul and heart, pushes her to impartial and even criminal actions, which the girl later greatly regrets.

Interests and hobbies

Marina is not a team player, because she does not tolerate attention when attention is not paid to her personally. Therefore, intuitively, she selects for herself such hobbies and hobbies where she could be praised and admired personally - cooking, theater, painting. She likes to embroider and knit, play computer games, gardening. If she wants to go in for sports, she chooses an aesthetically beautiful variety for herself - figure skating, acrobatics, gymnastics.

Profession and business

The name Marina gives its owner intelligence, energy, intuition, which help her in professional field. But you can’t call her an active careerist. Leadership habits and ambitions are absolutely alien to her, so she chooses a field where she does not need to prove herself and strive to achieve success - medicine, pedagogy, design, and, moreover, realizing herself not in leadership, but in executive positions.

If Marina is interested in creativity, then she makes a good actress or designer, singer, or presenter. But she won’t be able to handle an independent project, so there must always be someone stronger, more dynamic and flexible behind her.

She does not have much success in business, primarily because she is not interested in doing it - she lacks toughness, cynicism, and willpower. But she can still become the manager of a finished business and, if desired, give it great scope.


As a child, Marina was often sick. The origin of most ailments depends on her psychological state. Its weak points are gastrointestinal tract and genitals, so complex diets and starvation can lead to a hospital bed.

Sex and love

The characteristics of the name Marina endow her with amazing sexual energy that attracts men of any age to her. She gives preference only to selected representatives of the stronger sex - moderately charming and beautiful. She treats intimacy calmly, so she can sleep with a young man even on the first date, driven by passion and sensuality. She tries to realize all her sexual fantasies, but at the same time does not forget about her partner, trying so that he does not feel abandoned and lonely in bed with such a luxurious woman.

Family and marriage

Despite her free sexual views, Marina believes in great and pure love. She is in no hurry to get married, but is waiting for her “prince” - calm, wealthy, attentive. A girl rather needs not a husband, but a caring father who can give her his attention and love. Getting used to her husband, she begins to trust him and even depend on him, so the betrayal of her loved one becomes a real blow for her, which the woman cannot bear. In this case, Marina will most likely immediately file for divorce.

From the bearer of this beautiful name she turns out to be a wonderful wife, capable of leaving her career for the good of the family and taking on the functions of a “reliable rear” for her other half. Marina loves children very much, so she is not only an experienced mentor for them, but also a reliable, loyal friend.

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