Explosion Miller's dream book. Explosion: dream book. Why see an explosion in a dream? Explosion according to the American Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about an explosion?

I dreamed of an explosion - you are haunted by discord in family life, or depression.

If you dream about how you undermine something, some hypocritical friends will encroach on your work or take advantage of your trust for selfish purposes.

If you dream of an atomic charge exploding, you will soon part with your soulmate, or some misfortune will happen to you.

If you see debris and a smoke screen, you will fail at work.

If in a dream you dream of a grenade that explodes, you will escape from trouble because of fortune suddenly turning towards you.

Seeing in a dream how buildings, cars, ships, etc. fly into pieces. - spending awaits you in reality, and fortune will leave you.

If you dreamed that you suffered greatly due to an explosion, your relatives will soon start clinging to you and competitors will appear who are very jealous of you.

If in a dream you blow up something yourself, the dream book promises you some fateful event in the near future.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

Seeing an explosion in a dream means:

Hear an explosion from afar. A dream on Monday night warns that you are about to commit a rash act that may have bad consequences; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - means that you will receive unexpected news; If you had a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday, the dream means that you are remembered by people whom you have not seen for a long time and about whom you have almost forgotten. Seeing an explosion at close range A dream on Monday night means that you will receive a warning that is worth paying attention to; this dream, occurring on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, is a sign of great danger; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means running around and troubles.

1 Explosion by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Anger; fear. Seeing explosions - people’s actions cause anxiety and anger; your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated - an unfair accusation; seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business; to be engulfed in flames or tossed by a blast wave - one’s own aggressiveness will lead to mental suffering.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Explosion by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Dreaming of an explosion means:

Seeing an explosion with great fiery radiance is favorable under any circumstances.

An explosion with solid dark smoke is bad.

1 Explosion by American dream book

Explosion dream meaning:

Personality crisis, especially in the area of ​​relationships.

1 Explosion by French dream book

Warns you of someone's deceit and hypocrisy.

A flash of light also portends deception.

An explosion of laughter promises you disappointment.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Explosion by Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of explosives, an explosion, you will be highly appreciated; news.

Explosion - information, news.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Explosion in a dream means:

You dreamed of an explosion - this means that someone around you will cause all sorts of troubles and losses; in addition, your business will decline.

If you dreamed that an explosion occurred near you and you were thrown back by the blast wave, know: your secret ill-wishers, taking advantage of your trust, are infringing on your rights.

1 Explosion by Tsvetkov's dream book

Hearing or seeing an explosion means illness.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Why does a woman dream about an explosion?

Glory, recognition; incredible news; displeasure.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Explosion by Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

Why does a woman dream about an explosion?

1. An explosion in a dream represents the release of energy by force, which will allow us to make changes in our self-expression. Usually, before the explosion, emotions are more negative, which are suppressed for some time. 2. A strong outburst of anger, fear or sexual release can bring cleansing. The dream for this is safe place. 3. An explosion in the spiritual sense presupposes some kind of revelation.

1 Explosion by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Seeing an explosion in a dream means:

Failures in business will bring grief and dissatisfaction with the actions of people around you or work colleagues.

Seeing and hearing explosions in a dream means unexpected complications and work stoppages.

Feeling a blast wave in a dream - be more careful in communicating with people around you, do not completely trust your friends and recent acquaintances, so as not to lead them into the temptation to deceive you and cause trouble.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A dream with an explosion is interpreted in the dream book as:

If a young woman or girl sees in a dream a blast wave that throws her up, this means that she should be careful when making acquaintances with men.

1 Explosion by Family dream book

Dreaming of an explosion means:

Seeing explosions means that the actions of others will displease you. If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, then you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness, and circumstances will be against you.

Seeing smoke and fragments from an explosion means failure in business.

1 Explosion by Women's dream book

Explosion dream meaning:

If you dream that your own house explodes before your eyes, then in reality expect a complete collapse of your hopes. This is especially true love relationship- complete disappointments await you. If in a dream you were thrown aside by a blast wave, expect betrayal from friends who skillfully used your trust. Pay special attention to the men around you; it is quite possible that one of them will turn out to be a real Judas.

1 Explosion according to Dream Book 2012

What does it mean if a woman dreams of an explosion:

The need to get out of a crisis situation. A reflection of strong suppression of emotions, their impending explosion. Reflection of a relationship crisis.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Explosion by Gypsy dream book

What an explosion might mean:

If you dream of explosions associated with mining or tunneling, this means that laziness is a trait of your character and you would prefer to avoid work.

If you dream of explosions that destroy buildings and people, you are afraid of tough commitments, especially those affecting love relationships.

1 Explosion by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Explosion in a dream means:

Unexpected changes in life.

Nuclear explosion- breakup of relationships; tragic case.

A thermonuclear explosion means separation from a loved one, the cause of which will be his physical betrayal.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

If a girl dreams of an explosion, it means:

Personal crisis (most often a relationship crisis). (See also Eruption)

1 Explosion by Esoteric dream book

Why does a woman dream about an explosion?

Disconnection. The death of a loved one, a blow to a relationship.

1 Explosion according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an explosion in a dream means:

Seeing explosions foretells that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your dissatisfaction. Your affairs will also upset you.

If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, this means that you will be unfairly accused of being talkative, and circumstances will be against you.

Seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business.

If in a dream you are engulfed in flames or thrown high up by a blast wave, the dream predicts that your unworthy friends will violate your rights and abuse your trust.

Young women who have such a dream should be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men.

1 Explosion according to Hasse's dream book

Interpretation of a dream about an explosion:

You will be highly appreciated.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Interpretation of a dream about an explosion:

Losses, discontent; your face (or that of others) is blackened or mutilated by an explosion - you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness; smoke and debris - dissatisfaction in business circles and in society; to be engulfed in flames or tossed by a blast wave - your friends will deceive you and abuse your trust; for a girl - a warning about the need to be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men.

Also see Face.

1 Explosion by Dream book alphabetically

An explosion in a dream predicts:

Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues.

If a lamp explodes in a dream, your friends will unite with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. Exploding grenade - you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck. Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you.

To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you. If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her. Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - expect an important event.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Why do you dream about Explosion:

Big news that could change your life dramatically. You were blown up - someone from your inner circle will cause troubles and disappointments. Someone's face is stained with smoke after an explosion - he will be accused of inappropriate behavior. Smoking ruins after an explosion - you will learn about the financial collapse of your business or enterprise. A house explodes before your eyes - disappointment in love. The explosion shattered the glass into small pieces - your friends and enemies will unite against you to take revenge for the insult. An explosion destroys people - notification of the death of someone close to you.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream (you don’t want any changes), imagine that the explosion was fake: they were just filming a movie.

1 Explosion according to Rommel's Dream Book

Your presence during an explosion can mean a dead end for you, sometimes - illness.

Rarely - recognition of your merits.

Blackened faces are unfair accusations of something.

Explosions, during which you are thrown back by a blast wave, warn of the wrong actions of your friends, of abuse of your trust.

1 Explosion by Dream book for girls

Misunderstandings with strangers.

For young girls, such a dream is a warning against dubious acquaintances.

Correct sleep! You won’t answer him: “I know it myself!”

1 Explosion by Modern dream book

Seeing explosions in a dream foretells that someone from your environment will become the cause of your troubles and losses, in addition. Your business will decline.

Seeing your face or the faces of other people covered with soot or mutilated means that you will be accused of unworthy behavior and, although it will be unfair, circumstances will turn against you.

Seeing ruins smoking after an explosion in a dream means financial collapse and deterioration in relationships with people.

If a young woman dreams that a house is exploding before her eyes, she will be disappointed in love.

If you dream that you were thrown up by a blast wave or that you were engulfed in flames, false friends, taking advantage of your trust, will infringe on your rights. Having seen such a dream, girls should be especially careful about their acquaintances with men.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Big news that could change your life dramatically. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream (you do not want any changes), imagine that the explosion occurred somewhere far away, no one was hurt and nothing was destroyed.

You dreamed of an Explosion - you see an explosion - this explosion in a dream means your dissatisfaction in real life; your loved ones will do something that will make you upset and reproach them. Another interpretation of the dream: enemies threaten you. You see in a dream that someone’s face or your face has been damaged by an explosion - get ready for the fact that circumstances will not be in your favor; you will be accused of fraud, or, at best, of talkativeness; it will be unfair; you will feel that it is always much more difficult to justify yourself than to slander someone. You see smoke, hear the whistle of fragments - such a dream means failure in business; another interpretation: you lead a too independent lifestyle; you attach a lot of importance to your rights and often ignore your responsibilities; Because of this feature of yours, a scandal may break out. It’s as if you’re being hit by a blast wave - some unworthy people will try to gain your trust in order to take advantage of your capabilities. A young woman dreams of an explosion - in reality this woman should not be too trusting; dishonest people targeted her as a sacrifice; She should especially be wary of communicating with unfamiliar men.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why do you dream about Explosion:

  • An explosion in a dream usually symbolizes global and unexpected life changes.
  • If you dreamed of a nuclear explosion, this speaks of some tragic accident in your life, which will lead to a break in relations with a loved one.
  • The thermonuclear explosion that you saw also predicts a break in relationships and separation, but this time because of the betrayal of the chosen one.
  • Dreaming about explosions, your face or the faces of others being blackened or mutilated is an unfair accusation.
  • Dreaming of an explosion accompanied by smoke and shrapnel means failure in business.
  • To be engulfed in flames or tossed by a blast wave - one’s own aggressiveness will lead to mental suffering.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

The explosion that you see or hear in a dream is a symbol of various diseases that threaten you in reality. Therefore, if you saw such an image in a dream, this is a good reason to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. Remember that some diseases may not manifest themselves for a very long time until they reach a serious stage. Your health is your main wealth. However, an explosion that did not cause damage is good sign, saying that you will receive some news soon. Or - the information you need.

1 Explosion by Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

  • If you see an explosion or a flash accompanying it, this means that someone is making insidious plans against you. Or someone you know is being disingenuous with you, wanting to use you for their own purposes.
  • If you dreamed of any flash, not necessarily from an explosion, for example, a light bulb flashed and went out - this also warns of deception on someone’s part. You should trust others less.
  • If we are talking about an outburst of laughter, the dream foretells disappointment.
  • Dreaming of an explosion atomic bomb- in reality, news awaits you that can change your understanding of some people you know. Moreover, after such a dream, some large-scale events may contribute to a change in your worldview.
  • If you not only saw a nuclear explosion, but also became one of its victims, then new benefits await you. Perhaps, as a result of a reassessment of values, you will realize that you have good things in your life that you did not notice before.
  • If you dream that the atomic explosion passed without a trace for you, then the course of your life will flow as before, although you were given the chance to change a lot in it for the better.

1 Explosion by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

  • Dreaming of an explosion foretells that the people around you will do something that will displease you.
  • Smoke and flying fragments from the explosion mean failure in business.
  • If, as a result of an explosion, you are engulfed in flames or thrown up by a blast wave, your trust may be abused by your loved ones.
  • A young woman who saw an explosion should be careful around strange men.
  • A blackened or blast-damaged face means you may be unfairly accused of being a talker and will have a hard time proving your case.
  • You didn’t dream about the explosion itself, but only about explosives; you can count on being highly appreciated. Perhaps this will concern your work, and you will receive a new, higher position. Or you will be able to conclude a profitable profitable deal.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Explosion - If you dreamed of an explosion, then you will be disappointed in business; the rash actions of your friends will cause you trouble and lead to losses.

Seeing the terrible consequences of the explosion means displeasure in business, confrontation with everyone and everything. Seeing yourself thrown up by an explosion means treacherous friends will take possession of your property or appropriate your intellectual property.

If a young woman dreams of an explosion, this means for her the appearance of a treacherous lover. Seeing your face disfigured by an explosion means you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness and immodesty.

See also: why do you dream of a bomb, why do you dream of a war, why do you dream of a dead person.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about an Explosion in a night dream?

Explosion - If you dreamed of an explosion, this means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in your business and relationships with colleagues.

To see that a lamp exploded means that your friends are uniting with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. An exploding grenade means you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck.

If you dreamed of explosion victims in very serious condition, then you will be accused of excessive talkativeness, circumstances will turn against you.

If you dreamed of a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion. - then you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you.

To see that you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about an Explosion - dream analysis:

If you dream about an Explosion, what does it mean:

Explosion - If you dreamed of explosions, this means that the actions of others will displease you.

To see that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, then you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness and circumstances will be against you.

If you dreamed of fragments from an explosion, you will face failure in business.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

Why do you dream of an Explosion according to the dream book:

Explosion - If in a dream you dreamed of buildings exploding, it means that soon in reality you will be destined to experience a dizzying romance. The feeling of falling in love will envelop you. All thoughts will be focused around the object of your passion. But they will subside as quickly as they appeared. Gradually, moving into an even, good relationship, you will understand that this is not love, and you will part as friends.

If something unexpectedly exploded in your stove in a dream, this means trouble with your family, a quarrel over everyday problems. Just hearing an explosion in the distance in a dream means an unexpected, but nice conversation. You may also receive long-awaited news that will make you happy.

Exploding something yourself in a dream means rash, unfounded decisions that you will regret in the future, but nothing can be corrected.

If you had a dream in which you were thrown up by a blast wave, this warns you that circumstances are gradually taking shape against you and soon, if you don’t stop pretending that nothing is happening around you, you will be thrown up so much that you will lose your favorite thing, and loved ones. Show a little initiative, and then troubles can be avoided.

If you dream about how fragments fly from an explosion and everything around is on fire, then such a dream tells you that your kindness and dependability are being abused. You need to learn to say no. After all, by taking on new and new responsibilities, you help others and completely forget about yourself. Bad sign to see people maimed by an explosion in a dream. Serious illnesses of your relatives are likely. Perhaps one of them will get into trouble. If you see children among the wounded people, then disappointment in your relationship with your loved one awaits you in life, but this will not lead you to a final separation. Just the thought that the person next to you does not quite live up to your ideal will torment you.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about an Explosion, what does it mean:

Explosion - Dreams about explosions never bring anything good. Most often they dream of some kind of misfortune, although nothing seems to foretell such a thing.

If you dreamed of an explosion, be prepared for the fact that those around you will be unhappy with your behavior. accumulated for a long time irritation will erupt like a volcano and destroy everything in its path. However, if you manage to withstand this situation, then everything will calm down and fall into place. Although you will have to say goodbye to money. Your presence during an explosion can mean a dead end for you, sometimes an illness; rarely - recognition of your merits.

Blackened faces are unfair accusations of something.

Explosions, during which you are thrown back by a blast wave, warn of the wrong actions of your friends, of abuse of your trust.

A dream in which you suffered from an explosion is also unfavorable. For example, if your face is mutilated, your enemies will begin to weave intrigues around you, even trial; get ready for lengthy processes.

To see that the clothes you are wearing or your body is engulfed in flames as a result of an explosion, this threatens an insult from someone close to you.

An explosion in a dream often symbolizes an emotional outburst. But what emotions will be: negative or positive depends on the details of the vision:

Interpretations according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation The meaning of sleep based on the situations occurring in the vision
Aesop's Dream Book See: the keeper of the dream is in danger. An accident awaits him in the future. Therefore, he should protect himself to the maximum: do not appear in dangerous places, do not engage in extreme sports, refuse to drive a car, etc.
Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov Seeing a nuclear rupture indicates the appearance of an illness.
Hearing an undermining of recognition from another person.
Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse Dreaming of exploding rockets: the dreamer will be highly valued for his achievements and talents.
Esoteric dream book A breakup symbolizes the death of a loved one.
Sonarium An explosion that destroyed the home of the keeper of the dream. The vision signifies the occurrence of long-term trials.
Getting injured in such a situation portends a deterioration in the well-being of the sleeping person.
Ukrainian dream book The person will be appreciated.
French dream book The dreamer expects deception and betrayal. There is a hypocritical person lurking around him who wants to harm him.

A very interesting interpretation of undermining is given by Gustav Hindman Miller. According to his dream book, if a rupture damaged a person’s face or body in a dream, then he would be accused of excessive talkativeness.

If fragments scatter across the ground and sky from an explosion, then you should expect failure at work or in business.

Many people are afraid of such dreams. But fear arises because they do not know what such a vision means. If the dreamer himself caused the explosion, then recognition, luck and success await him. If he sees such phenomena or the noise from them remains in his head, then he should prepare for changes in life.

A dream in which an explosion occurred or a terrorist attack occurred will be fixed in a person’s memory for a long time; it can hardly be classified as pleasant. However, dream books contain different interpretations, indicating that the sleep is not so bad. What is the foreshadowing of the image of the explosion in various sources?

General meaning of the image

The flashes and sleep that accompanied the explosion and disturbed the cozy peace of the kingdom of Morpheus indicate that serious changes are coming in the life of the person who saw them. However, they can be both favorable and not particularly favorable; a specific interpretation of what happened during the explosion will help to obtain more detailed information; details and general atmosphere sleep.

Why do you dream of an explosion according to Miller’s dream book, which is trusted by many who like to look into the mystery of the future? According to this manual, seeing a bomb explode in a dream means experiencing passion in reality, a genuine fire of feelings, and immersing yourself in the all-consuming fire of love. Another reading option is to move into a new phase of life, cut off old useless ties.

The fire accompanying the explosion indicates that a difficult situation is imminent, with the threat of job loss.

However, an explosion in your own home is a bad sign, a warning - you need to be especially careful, avoid committing ill-considered actions, the retribution for them will be too serious. Tests and problems lie ahead, for the solution of which you must mobilize all internal resources and rely only on yourself.

If you dream of demolition work, then you need to be prepared - the actions of others will only cause misunderstanding and anger.

Interpretation from various dream books

Why do you dream of an explosion according to Aesop’s dream book? If in a dream a person experiences indescribable horror before a phenomenon that he cannot influence, then in ordinary life one should expect an uncontrollable explosion of emotions. If the family is suffering from discord at that time, such a dream foreshadows - be more attentive to each other if you want to maintain the relationship.

Why do you dream of a terrorist attack in Grishina’s dream book? Such night vision is a symbol of upcoming failures that will strengthen your character and help you become stronger. There is no need to despair!

The interpretation of the image according to many sources has common features:

  • Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of an explosion, you will soon have health problems.
  • French dream book: if you have such a dream, then you should be careful: in reality you will be surrounded by deceit, hypocrisy and envy.
  • Wanderer's Dream Book offers the following interpretation: if you dream of an explosion, then fame, success, recognition, and amazing news await the person.
  • Ukrainian dream book: receive news, find out interesting information, important information.
  • Esoteric interpreter: a bomb or shell exploding in a dream means the imminent death of a loved one or a break in a relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya: such a dream foreshadows losses and losses, failure in business, the cause of which will unwittingly be a loved one.

A woman dreams

Many ladies, seeing unpleasant dream, open a dream book in which the explosion is interpreted to find out what to expect in the future. Such a vision foretells women dissatisfaction with the behavior of others, and if you dreamed of glass shards and smoke flying in all directions, you should be wary of imminent problems in business.

  • If a young girl in a dream suffered from an explosion and the flames of a fire spread to her, then it is worth taking a closer look at her surroundings: a certain man has far from plausible intentions.
  • Getting facial burns means that in the near future you will receive an unfair and offensive accusation of talkativeness.
  • It is an unkind sign if a young girl dreams of her destruction own home due to being hit by a bomb or shell - its love disappointment awaits.

Atomic explosion

  • Universal dream book: Very significant changes are coming, life will change radically. At the same time, according to universal dream book If a person is killed or seriously injured as a result of such a terrorist attack, then he should expect trouble in reality. Therefore, it is better to develop escape routes in advance.
  • Modern dream book : I dreamed of an explosion - expect shocking news about a loved one!
  • Aesop's Dream Book: sleep wears nature of caution– you need to pay special attention on the roads, beware of disasters and accidents, fires. There is no need to panic, the main thing is to be careful.
  • Nuclear explosionharbinger of tragedy or relationship breakdown (according to To the newest dream book).

Explosion in an airplane or car

The end of the world

As a rule, such a dream foreshadows a serious scandal with the other half with a high probability of a break in the relationship.

Other special cases

A dream in which shells are exploding, the groans of the wounded are heard, and fragments are flying is not the most pleasant night vision, but anyone can dream about it. It should be remembered that it is of a warning nature, so it is important to take into account those signs that come to the kingdom of Morpheus. It will do real life more simple.

A house explosion in a dream symbolizes a crisis situation that must be resolved immediately. Why else dream of such a destructive impact? The Dream Interpretation offers the most current decryptions.

Miller's opinion

Mr. Miller is sure that an explosion of a house in a dream warns of decisive actions by people around him, which will bring a lot of worries and troubles.

Be prepared for anything!

Did you dream that your home was blown up? The interpretation of the dream depends on how much you personally suffered.

Were you able to avoid serious injury? A misfortune will happen, but you will be able to survive it without much worry.

If you are seriously injured, then be prepared that a debilitating illness will be added to a number of problems.

Trouble streak

Seeing a house explode and watching it collapse right before your eyes means that you will quarrel with your significant other, be it your husband, wife, friend or lover.

Did you dream about a house completely destroyed by an explosion? The dream book believes that a period of total troubles and bad luck is coming.

Find a way out!

Why do you dream about a house exploding from gas? You are about to meet an unpleasant person, and the consequences of this meeting will remind you for a long time.

If a building collapses in a dream due to a gas ignition, then problems will occur due to an incorrect assessment of an event or a person.

Was the gas explosion your fault? You will be able to find a non-trivial way out of a difficult situation.

Some specifics

The dream book suggests including the meaning of this or that explosive in the decoding.

  • An atomic bomb can be a dream about an accident or a break in a relationship.
  • Nuclear - to vain hopes.
  • Homemade - waste your energy to no avail.
  • Grenade - avoid danger completely by accident.
  • Dynamite - you are appreciated, but only in words.
  • Firing from guns means a scandal with neighbors.
  • Bombing - change, the end of an unfavorable period.

It’s good to see a house exploding and shining in a dream. The dream book considers this a harbinger of favorable events.

But the dark smoke enveloping the destroyed building promises real trouble. Flying fragments symbolize failures of varying severity.

Change is coming

Why does a woman dream that a woman’s house exploded? The dream book believes that she will be disappointed in love.

Did you dream that a house exploded nearby and you were literally thrown away by the blast wave? Your enemies will take advantage of your non-conflict and kindness to deliver a significant blow.

The worst thing is if your own house exploded in a dream. This is an omen of grandiose events, including forced relocation, ruin, divorce, and even the death of someone in the household.

What are you afraid of?

Why else do you dream that a residential building explodes? The dream book suspects that you are terribly afraid of commitment, especially in love relationships.

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