Why do you dream about the white dove mile? Interpretation according to various dream books. Dreams that will help you get away with it

Man has long been accustomed to believing in all sorts of miracles: predictions, damage, parallel worlds, omens, horoscopes and other fables. Dreams are no exception. Dream interpreters claim that while falling asleep a person comes as close as possible to the line separating another world.

And what happens in a dream may be some kind of sign or warning for real life. Is this true or not? No one can confirm. But there are cases when dreams actually came true or helped a person avoid trouble. Many people do not believe in night visions and shrug them off with a smile. A scary dreams they just forget. But, one way or another, we all sometimes wonder why this or that object is seen, and sometimes we are even afraid to look into the dream book.

Today we’ll figure out why pigeons dream. It’s unlikely that this cute bird can portend trouble! If you dream about pigeons, then this is almost always a good sign. Such a bird is a harbinger of some pleasant events, meetings or news. She represents trust, mutual understanding, peace, tranquility and love. But there are also dreams where a dove dreams of unpleasant events. You just need to be able to correctly interpret these visions.

So, why do you dream of white doves? Such a dream promises a person great luck in all matters, pleasant events in the very near future, success in the family and at work.

Lots of birds

If a person sees in a dream many white doves flying, gathered in flocks and circling chaotically above him, then very soon you can expect news from loved ones. For example, from distant relatives. Perhaps there will also be a meeting with friends whom he has not seen for a long time. Why do you dream of white doves? In fact, there are a lot of interpretations. The symbol of such a light bird itself suggests that the dream brings good luck in love and happiness in marriage.

When in a night vision there are many white doves, and you clearly hear their cooing and noise, then know that this promises “loud” joy, noisy fun, perhaps some kind of holiday or even the birth of children for a young couple, peace, harmony and goodness in family. This means that all bad things will pass by, and loved ones will be pleased only with good news.

Dream for a wedding

Very good sign, if young unmarried girl dreamed of pigeons, especially if they were white! This means that in real life a happy marriage awaits her very soon. In this case, pigeons promise a long and happy family life. This means that the husband will be very good. And the girl need not worry about her choice.

If white doves appeared in a dream to a future bride who is worried about her wedding, then this is a sign that everything will be fine. Therefore, she can not doubt, but calmly get married. Single men also dream of white doves for an imminent wedding. What does such a dream mean for family people? A dove in night vision is a sign that their relationship will continue to be full of respect and mutual understanding, and they will be able to live a long life together. Such birds also promise the justification of hopes and desires, as well as the implementation of all plans.

Why do you dream of white doves calmly flying across the sky? A dream in which a person saw birds flying high suggests that his dreams will soon come true. Perhaps he will be able to realize his plans. He can take on any business and endeavor. All of them will give a positive result.

Luck and luck

It’s a great sign if in a dream a person built a dovecote or he already has one, and there are many white birds in it. Such a dream promises unexpected wealth, big profits, luck in the game, good luck in work, perhaps even a sudden gift. If you had such a dream, it would be a good idea to play the lottery. Perhaps that's when Fortune will smile on you.

It is also very good if you dreamed of a white dove with chicks. This dream also promises prosperity, peace, happiness and love. Possible addition to the family.

Dream: a dove flew in. Vision interpretations

If a person saw a dream in which a bird was in his house, then this means that next to him is a very decent and important person. He is my support and closest friend. You may have another dream - a dove, for example, flying in or knocking on a window. This is a sign that good news awaits you. Perhaps your loved one will come.

If a pregnant woman has a dream in which a bird is knocking on the window, this is a “notification” of an imminent successful birth. Quite unexpected news awaits the one to whom a dove appeared, carrying something in its beak. The news may be different. But if the dove was white, then most likely they will be joyful.

Watching a pigeon drinking in a dream clean water, - to pleasant changes in life. Pure means overcoming all problems and getting rid of ill-wishers. If the water was dirty, it most likely means untidiness or poor health. Good news will be received by the one who was able to ring or catch a dove in a dream. Such a person literally caught his luck.

Dreams that will help you get away with it

Seeing a dove drowning in water is a sign to a person that he is doing the wrong thing. In this case, you should avoid dubious, thoughtless measures. If in a dream you have to breed pigeons, it means that you are not satisfied with your work or position in the family. Most likely, you are unable to provide for your family or find a suitable business.

Why do you dream of white doves restlessly circling in the sky, screaming or worrying? After such a dream, it is better to be careful. With this behavior, birds warn you of illness or accidents. It’s bad if you dreamed of a dead dove. He talks about troubles, problems and serious trials.

If you dream that you killed a bird, it means that you will soon incur someone’s wrath or quarrel with your loved ones. A wounded dove warns of a break with loved ones. In addition, such a dream promises worry and troubles. A dream in which the sleeper released a white dove from his hands promises separation from his soulmate.

If a bird sits on a table in a dream, it means illness. And if it lands on the shoulder, it means that health problems will affect the whole family. But the dream does not so much promise illness as it warns you to be attentive not only to yourself, but also to your family. You need to take more care of them and help them.

Hunting pigeons in a dream means that you will soon become the subject of people's mistrust and contempt. It is better to monitor your behavior and actions. For family people, a dream about pigeons sitting on a tree means that it is time to take a break from problems and work. You need to take a vacation and be alone with your significant other.

White birds on the domes of a church or in the yard indicate that God knows about your problems. He will definitely help solve them.


Now you know what it means to see white doves in a dream. It should be noted that these birds rarely dream of trouble. Most often they “fly in” to notify us about something new, good and pleasant!

A dove in a dream symbolizes receiving good news, peace, blissful pleasure, wealth and success in business.

For lovers, such a dream predicts fidelity. If your lover is going on a long trip, then after such a dream you should believe that he will return to you, and his trip will be profitable.

For married people, a dream about doves predicts the devotion of the spouses.

For businessmen, a dream about doves promises an increase in wealth.

Seeing him flying in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success.

Seeing a dove in the sky is a sign of consolation in love.

Cooing doves in a dream promise happiness for lovers and a happy marriage for married people.

Feeding pigeons from your hands in a dream is a sign of big changes in life, recognition and honor. Sometimes such a dream indicates a person’s great affection for you.

If in a dream you try to close a dove in a closet or cupboard, and it falls out, then your hopes for a happy marriage with your lover will not come true.

For a mother, a dream about a dove predicts receiving news from her beloved child.

Catching pigeons in a dream means losses; kill - to separation or death of a close friend.

Pigeons flying over your house, sitting by the window or on the roof, portend receiving news from loved ones.

To see two kissing doves in a dream is a sign of your lover’s devotion, reciprocity, and affection.

Seeing a turtledove in a dream is a sign of tender affection for men and receiving good news for women.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Pigeons

A dove is a beloved woman. Whoever sees in a dream that he has caught a lot of pigeons will receive financial assistance from noble people.

Whoever sees a dove in his house or in the yard, and if the one who saw it is single, then he will marry a beautiful, loving and friendly girl.

The dove is also good news for someone who is in a difficult situation or has a missing relative.

And whoever sees that he has thrown a dove, his share will be property and female children from his wife.

Whoever sees that he is feeding a dove will instruct and teach the woman phrases and speech.

The cooing of a dove is a type of an educated, pious and pious woman.

If a dove flies away in a dream and does not return, it means divorce or the death of your spouse.

Catch one pigeon in a dream great love and soon marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from

The dove symbolizes love and peace, harmony and trust. Therefore, in dreams he never evokes negative emotions. But, nevertheless, it is always very interesting to know why doves appear in dreams at night?

The interpretation of dreams with doves depends entirely on the details of the plot. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to appearance birds. In dream books you can find many interpretations of a wide variety of subjects, so deciphering a dream based on your own intuition is not difficult.

Why do you dream of white doves?

To understand why pigeons dream, you should pay attention to the color of the birds’ plumage. White doves in night dreams are a very good sign. And the more there are, the better. This symbolizes that you are a very bright person by nature. There is always love and faith in your heart, and there is room in your soul for compassion and kindness.

White dove in hands

Dreamed white dove in the hands of the dreamer symbolizes his optimistic attitude in life. Such a dream can become a harbinger of significant creative success. And for a young girl, such night dreams foreshadow a happy marriage.

Dreaming of a gray dove

If you dream of a gray dove, it emphasizes the dreamer’s depressive state, due to the fact that in a person’s real life there is stagnation and decline. Such a prolonged condition is very dangerous, as it can significantly worsen your health. This dream is a warning, therefore, after it, it is very important to draw the right conclusions and change your perception of the world, and, consequently, your emotional mood.

Black dove

Not auspicious sign there is also a black dove in a dream. It indicates the dreamer's great disappointments in life. It may very well be that in reality hopes were dashed or betrayal occurred.

To correctly decipher dreams, important role The behavior of birds also plays a role. If they coo on the windowsill or fly into the house in night dreams, then this foreshadows the receipt of unexpected news in reality. They can be both positive and negative. Also, if a dove flew into the house, this may portend big changes in life. There is a high probability of changing your place of residence. It is also very possible that in your life you will meet a person with whom you will connect your destiny. Also a good sign is the plot of a dream in which a dove flew into your house and landed on your hand. It foretells good luck in business and emphasizes that at present you can successfully implement all your ideas. After such a dream, you should be sure to listen to your intuition when making important decisions.

A pair of cooing doves - dream book

If you dreamed of a pair of cooing doves in your night dreams, then this is a very good sign, which predicts that you will soon meet your love. At the same time, feelings will be bright and sincere, and the relationship will be trusting and harmonious.

Dreamed of flying pigeons

It is very good when in a dream you watch pigeons flying across the sky. This is a symbol of good hope that is present in your soul and should not leave you. This is often a sign of an upcoming engagement or wedding.

Release or feed a pigeon

If you dreamed that you were releasing a dove, then this portends a separation from your loved one. But it will not be very painful, since you will be aware of its necessity. Feeding pigeons in a dream is also not very good. Such night dreams are a harbinger of conflicts, disagreements and quarrels with loved ones.

It is very important to know why a wounded bird dreams. After all, it is the wounded dove seen in a dream that predicts a break in a relationship. But only in this case, the separation will be very painful for one of the partners. In addition, a wounded dove can symbolize the dreamer's carelessness. And if, according to the plot of the dream, the bird suffers, then this indicates the dreamer’s disappointments in life. Also, a sick dove in a dream may mean that you feel guilty about some of your actions in front of your loved ones. Perhaps it's time to rethink your life and reconsider your priorities.

Why do you dream of catching a pigeon?

If you dream that you are trying to catch a pigeon, but you are unable to do so, then in real life you should expect that various obstacles will arise on the way to your goal. But you shouldn’t give up, you need to look for new approaches to solving problems - and success will not be long in coming. And if you still managed to catch a dove in a dream, then true love awaits you in life.

Killing a pigeon in a dream

If you dreamed that you were killing a dove in a dream, then this can be interpreted in different ways. If it was a bird with black plumage, then it is not bad sign, which indicates that you will be able to successfully overcome difficulties on the way to your goal. But if you killed a light dove in a dream, then this foreshadows quarrels and conflicts with friends. In addition, such a dream indicates that a period in life has come when luck has turned away from you.

As we know from childhood, doves are a symbol of peace. Since time immemorial, they have been tamed by humans for the purpose of delivering news, because these birds always return. Bible story says that Noah, who had been waiting for a long time for the return of the doves they released, came to the conclusion that the earth was close, otherwise the doves would have returned. If you think logically, it turns out that the image of doves is directly related to news and new events. However, the dove has also always been associated with love and trust. One view of this beautiful bird evokes the most tender feelings in the soul. Since ancient times, lovers have been painted as doves sitting side by side. So what does a dove mean in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book “pigeons in a dream” examines them in sufficient detail.

  • Seeing pigeons in a dream means calm and peaceful family life, birth of children.
  • The girl dreamed of a dove - a quick happy marriage.
  • Hunting pigeons in a dream means your cruelty manifests itself even in business relationships. Or a dream is a warning against possible low sexual pleasures.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of pigeons flying in the sky - do not be afraid of any misunderstandings.
  • Unfortunately, Miller’s dream book does not describe “white doves,” as well as black and any others.
  • I had a dream “a dove flew into the window” - news from a good friend who lives very far from you.
  • Seeing a lonely dove in a dream, hearing its cooing - bad times will come, perhaps misfortune.
  • Seeing dead pigeons in a dream means big trouble.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The dream "Pigeons" is emotional, but does not carry any useful information.

Women's dream book

  • In a dream, you dream of a dove and it coos - a happy family life for a woman and a successful marriage in all respects for a girl.
  • I dreamed of a dove flying into the apartment - news from a distant friend, as well as a solution to the problem.
  • I dreamed of a dead dove - misfortune.
  • In a dream, catching a dove with your hands means you are very cruel to others. If you caught him for a long time and finally caught him, the actions you have planned are low and vile, think carefully before committing them.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • This dream book considers “seeing doves in a dream” as a positive sign, and if literally, then “Bereginya brought the groom,” i.e. the marriage will be happy, children will be born.
  • Seeing many doves in a dream means that you will receive good news. But the dream of a dove pecking means that there will be losses.
  • Catching a dove in a dream means big money.
  • The dream of “catching a dove” means trouble, your thoughts are dark.
  • I had a dream “a dove flew into the house” (a girl) - matchmakers will come and a quick wedding.
  • Releasing doves in a dream means missing out on opportunities, separation from a loved one.
  • Seeing pigeons flying away means death.
  • In a dream, killing pigeons means a major quarrel with a loved one, a friend.

Aesop's Dream Book

The most full interpretation The dream of pigeons was given by the world famous writer Aesop:

  • Why do dove chicks dream - changes in the family for the better, peace and quiet will come, there will be harmony between spouses, children will stop upsetting their parents.
  • Why do a dove carry something in its beak - you will receive news from a friend far away.
  • Why do you dream about pigeons? drinking water– on at the moment you feel abandoned and unhappy, soon the problems will be resolved and everything will change for the better.
  • What does it mean in a dream that a dove drowned in a river (water, sea, puddle) - rash steps taken in the heat of the moment will lead to the death of the entire business you took on, because you did not thoroughly analyze all the possible options.
  • Why do you dream of many pigeons living at home - dissatisfaction with your family, your financial situation, on a subconscious level, you want to make all household members happy, healthy and rich.
  • Why dream of catching a dove and ringing it - perhaps they themselves will bring good news, which will make everyone happy, perhaps they will bring it to you and you will be happy.
  • There are many doves in a dream, and you walk between them - unspeakable luck, possibly inheritance, wealth.
  • Why do you dream of a wounded dove - thanks to your carelessness, you will lose a friend who was truly the closest to you.

Freud's Dream Book

The dream interpretation of dreams “Pigeons” is considered unambiguously: whether you are a man or a woman, you currently have a relationship, but a strange, platonic one. Your other half is quite happy with this, but you are not. You want physical contact, sexual intimacy. If this is really the person you need, and you really want to be with him again for a long time, then take your time, otherwise you will ruin everything. Wait until he/she is ready for intimacy and let time be the judge.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Interpretation of dreams "Dove" - ​​happy news, peace and mutual understanding.
  • Dream: a dove flew into the apartment - news from a friend living far away.
  • To see white doves flying across the sky in a dream means mutual understanding between spouses, a happy family life.
  • A black dove in a dream means a time of despair, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • Why dream of catching pigeons in a dream - perhaps the chosen one will propose marriage.
  • Holding a dove in a dream means a quick date, a wedding.
  • Dream: two doves - your feelings are not unrequited.
  • See in dead person's sleep dove - disappointment in a partner, loneliness, unhappiness, depression.
  • Dream: feeding pigeons with bread means you are loved, and quite strongly.

Wanderer's Dream Book

What does a dove mean in a dream - which you can easily overcome. The dream “white dove” is God’s providence, a revelation. The dream “white doves” is good news, spiritual love. Dream interpretation “two white doves” is a successful marriage in all respects.

French dream book

A dream about a dove means that you will be surrounded by the love of friends, family and loved ones, and pleasant entertainment awaits you.

Ancient Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of pigeons - soon the family will become coherent, exemplary, strong and reliable.

The Russian dream book interprets catching a dove with your hands differently, depending on who saw the dream:

for a guy - a quick marriage;
for a man - a daughter will be born;
for a girl - early marriage;
a woman will have a son.

Dream Interpretation: killing a dove in a dream means insults from friends.

Autumn dream book

Dead pigeons are a negative dream, foreshadowing misfortune.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: a dove knocks on the window - betrayal of a spouse. Dream Interpretation: a dove in the house - find out the place of residence of your lover/mistress (see)

Summer dream book

What does it mean if you dream of a dove - good guests, a pleasant evening, good relationships.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a dove on the roof means joyful and kind news.
  • Feeding the pigeons in the dream book means that a godly deed done will not go unnoticed.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead dove means the imminent loss of a friend.
  • I dreamed of a dove flying into the window - you will know joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of kissing pigeons - affection from a sexual partner.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dove is fried in your hands, for food - an alarming, turbulent time is coming for the family.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book interprets dreams “Dove” based on the color of the bird.

  • Why do you dream of a white dove - your hopes will definitely come true.
  • Why do you dream of white doves - a lot of good news.
  • Why do you dream of a black dove - death.
  • Why do you dream of black doves - a “black” streak in life begins.
  • Why do gray doves dream - an unexpected letter or news will come.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

  • I dreamed about a dove - good news, changes in life.
  • The dream “a dove sat on your hand” means news will come from afar.
  • Seeing white doves in a dream means tender relationships in the family.
  • The dream “dove in hands” is unlucky.
  • In a dream, feeding a dove means doing a good deed.
  • The dream “a dove flew in the house” means joy in family life.
  • Why do you dream of a dead dove - death.
  • Why do you dream of two doves - for love and tenderness.

Generalized dream book

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book "Dove in a dream" is the personification inner purity, forgiveness and reconciliation associated with the divine principle. To the question: “Why do you dream of feeding a pigeon?” the dream book answers that your thoughts are pure, you will never be lonely, because people love you for your openness and honesty. To the question: “Why do you dream about pigeons pecking?” the answer is something like this: your affairs will be complicated, with some obstacles. This dream book interprets “a dove knocking on the window” as good news from an old friend. The dream book considers “a dove on the shoulder” as internal reconciliation, the beginning of positive changes in life. But Vanga interprets what a sick dove dreams about as a bad sign. Vanga's dream book "black doves" are considered exclusively as a negative sign bringing sadness and death.

Dream interpretation modern

Modern dream book "Pigeons" white" is considered separately, because it is a symbol of all the good things that exist in our lives:

  • White doves dream book is an extremely favorable dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: white doves - luck, love, virtue, birth of children.
  • One white dove - the dream book deciphers it like this: in the near future all events will be pleasant.
  • Dream Interpretation: a white dove in your hands - you are in control.
  • Dream Interpretation: white doves in the sky - good friends will make themselves known.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Seeing doves in a dream is joyful good news. To see a dove cooing in a dream means mutual, faithful, devoted love. Dream Interpretation: many doves flying across the sky - thanks to the good news, “wings will grow behind your back”, happiness.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the Pigeon’s dream is positive and good dream. It is especially favorable when you see white doves. This is a rather rare phenomenon in the world of dreams, when almost all interpreters agree that this is a benevolent dream.

The white dove is a generally accepted symbol of peace. Seen in a dream, it foretells good luck, peace and love.

General value

Doves in a dream are a favorable sign, foreshadowing peace, tranquility, and good news, and the white color of the bird’s plumage only enhances this meaning. The dream could mean that you will receive a visit kind person with news that will dispel your sorrows and bad thoughts.

But the interpretation may be different. Remember the details of the dream you saw, and you will be able to decipher the dream in more detail.

Meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream

  • Seeing one snow-white dove or a whole flock means peace in the home, health of children, good luck in new endeavors.
  • A pair of white doves means a meeting with a soul mate for unmarried people, and harmony in the family for married ones.
  • I dreamed of cooing doves - to conclude a happy marriage, the birth of children.
  • Birds swimming in a puddle means monetary profit and additional income.
  • The white dove walked along the ground very slowly - to achieve the goal you will have to spend a lot of effort, but the result will please you.
  • A dove in a nest with eggs or surrounded by chicks dreams of an imminent addition to the family.
  • If you witness a hunt for birds, your cruelty is asking to come out. Try to keep her in check.
  • Caught a white dove - for a romantic acquaintance.
  • Holding a bird in your hands means good luck in business.
  • Doves circled over the church and domes - God will help you solve your problems, trust him.
  • White birds flew high in the sky - to meet old friends or receive news from them.
  • A dove sat or fluttered near the window - a loving person is thinking about you and misses you.
  • A bird flying into the window speaks of coming soon guests. You will be glad to see them.
  • See the birds in own apartment- To family well-being, joyful events in the family.
  • If the bird behaved restlessly and anxiously, this is a sign to take care of its health, perhaps the onset of an illness or its hidden course.
  • A dove sat on the shoulder - the health of the sleeping person or someone close to him requires close attention.
  • Birds pecked crumbs from the table - to financial losses.
  • If you fed pigeons on the street - do a good deed in reality.
  • If a pigeon drank water, this means pleasant changes in life, but if it, without getting drunk, fell into the water and drowned, you should not start new things and projects, they will fail.
  • A tame pigeon has flown away from you - to sad news.
  • If you kept a dovecote with white birds in your house - in reality, you are very concerned about the financial support of your family and spend a lot of effort so that your family does not need anything.
  • A sick, crippled or dead dove is an unlucky dream.
  • A wounded pigeon was grabbed by a cat - people you trust will turn out to be gossips. You will be disappointed.

Meaning for women:

  • Unmarried girls white bird promises a good groom and a quick wedding.
  • For married people, it portends a rich and calm life.

Meaning for men:

  • For men, a white dove is a sign of peace and harmony in the soul.
  • Holding it in your hands means a wedding in your home or in the family of close relatives.

Interpretation from various dream books

  • By Miller's dream book, white doves promise the dreamer good luck in all endeavors. It's time to get down to business, casting aside all doubts. A flock of these birds portends good news from an old friend, or a favorable solution to long-standing problems. Hunting and killing these birds in a dream is an unkind sign; beware of your own base instincts, you can offend the weak and defenseless.
  • According to Vange, white doves represent innocence, spiritual purity, divine origin. If in a dream white doves circled above you, life will change in better side, to peace and quiet in the soul. But the meaning is reversed if one of the birds lands on your shoulder, or turns out to be crippled or dead.
  • U Freud A white dove is a symbol of platonic love. You may already be ready for intimacy, but you shouldn’t rush your partner into it. You need to give him time to come to a new stage in your relationship on his own.
  • IN Hasse's dream book if a pigeon was sitting on the roof of a house - good news. Birds flew - to joy.

The white plumage of doves signifies purity, tenderness and a certain solemnity. Most often they are dreamed of on the eve of a wedding or an important family event. Dreams about white doves give pleasant emotions, joy and also portend something good: good news, romantic acquaintances, good luck in business and in love. True, if the birds were sick, dirty, crippled, the meaning of the dream will change to the opposite. It’s good that such dreams occur less often.

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