Sun Yat-sen. Sun Yat-sen and the Xinhai Revolution


The world learned about Sun Yat-sen (1866 - 1925) at the end of the last century. Coming from a peasant family, a doctor by training, he becomes a professional revolutionary. This is a man who has done an extraordinary amount for China, practically its liberator.

Since Sun Yat-sen was a revolutionary, it is natural that he received especially close attention from Soviet historical science. However, everything he did was interpreted from the point of view of official ideology. Those of Sun Yat-sen who did not agree with her were declared petty-bourgeois, erroneous, utopian, and hopeless. It was believed that Sun Yat-sen did not discern the essence of the revolution due to certain circumstances. Particular attention was paid to China's ties with the Soviet Union and the role of the October Revolution.

We must now approach this problem without ideological blinders. The importance of Sun Yat-sen for China should also not be underestimated. Thus, at present this problem is extremely relevant.

Hence the purpose of the work is to study the activities and political views of Sun Yat-sen.

consider key points his biography;

analyze the views of Sun Yat-sen.

Based on these tasks, the entire work, consisting of two chapters, is built on a problem principle. The chronological framework is the years of Sun Yat-sen's life.

A number of books were used in the work, the most important of which was “Testament of a Chinese revolutionary: Sun Yat-Sen: life, struggle, evolution of political views” by Tikhvinsky S. L. Tikhvinsky S. L. Testament of a Chinese revolutionary: Sun Yat-Sen: life, struggle , evolution of political views. M., 1986. It gives his biography and clearly traces the evolution of his political views.

"Sun Yat-sen is a friend Soviet Union» Tikhvinsky S. L. Sun Yat-sen is a friend of the Soviet Union. M., 1966. by the same author - a brief summary of the monograph. Some information can be gleaned from B. Borodin’s article “Hercules of China” in “New Time” for 1984. Borodin B. Hercules of China. // New time. 1984. No. 45. pp. 22 - 23. And “Father of the Republic: The Tale of Sun Yat-sen” by G. S. Matveeva G. S. Matveeva. Father of the Republic. The Tale of Sun Yat-sen. M., 1975. is a fictional story, but built on rich factual material.


Sun Yat-Sen (Sun Zhong-Shan, Sun Wen) was born on December 12, 1866 in the village of Yiyiheng, Guangdong Province, into a peasant family. From childhood he was faced with the hardships of people's life, the tyranny of Chinese landowners and the Manchu-Chinese authorities.

Sun Yat-sen's wife, Song Qingling, wrote in 1927: “Sun Yat-sen came out of the people. He told me a lot about his younger years. He came from peasants. His father was a peasant, and all the neighbors in the area were peasants. His family, until he and his brother grew up, lived on, barely making ends meet.” Tikhvinsky S. L. Testament of a Chinese revolutionary: Sun Yat-Sen: life, struggle, evolution of political views. M., 1986. P. 7.

Until 1879, Sun Yat-sen helped his parents and learned to read and write from his uncle, then due to a serious illness financial situation family was sent to his brother Sun Mei, who emigrated to the Hawaiian Islands.

With the support of his older brother, Sun Yat-sen managed to obtain a medical degree. The brother made a fortune by engaging in agriculture, animal husbandry and small trade. Sun Mei sent his brother to an English missionary school in Honolulu, where education was conducted in English. In 1881, Sn Yat-sen graduated with honors and in 1883 returned to China.

In the same year he entered the English missionary college, and in 1884 he entered Queens College, where he studied until 1886. Then Sun Yat-sen entered the medical school maintained by the English mission, and in 1887 he entered the newly opened medical university in Xiagang. He graduated with honors and a diploma as the best student.

In the Manchu Qing dynasty, Sun Yat-sen saw the personification of all troubles and the main reason for the inequality and backwardness of China.

In 1894, the young patriot created the anti-Manchu revolutionary organization Xinzhonghui (Chinese Revival Union), which launched an armed uprising against the Qing authorities on October 25, 1895 in Guangzhou (Canton). But the performance ended in failure, and Sun Yat-sen was forced to emigrate to Japan, and then to the USA and European countries. There he actively developed plans for preparing new anti-Manchu uprisings in China.

In London, agents of the Qin government set a trap for Sun Yat-sen. In 1896, he was deceived into the Manchu legation building in London, from where they intended to smuggle him into China; Only by chance did Sun Yat-sen manage to be freed from prison.

Sun's British well-wishers and the local press took an active part in his rescue. The Qing diplomats were told: if Sun Yat-sen was not released, ten thousand people would gather at the mission walls, and then the representatives of Bogdykhan would have only themselves to blame. This was one of the first effective manifestations of the solidarity of the foreign public with the struggle of the Chinese revolutionaries. Sun Yat-sen was released from prison.

Having gained freedom, he wrote the book “Kidnapped in London”, which made him famous in Europe, including in Russia. Among the people with whom Sun Yat-sen maintained contacts while in exile were Russian populist revolutionaries, Socialist Revolutionaries, and Social Democrats. Later, through them, he became acquainted with the experience of the Russian revolution of 1905 - 1907.

In the summer of 1905, he created a new, more massive than Xingzhonghoi, revolutionary organization Tongmenghui (Union League) in Japan.

The program of the Union League was the “three principles of the people” developed by Sun Yat-sen:

nationalism (overthrow of the foreign Manchu-Qing dynasty and restoration of the sovereignty of the Chinese (Han) nation;

democracy (establishment of a republic);

public welfare (equalization of land rights in the spirit of the ideas of the American bourgeois economist G. George).

Throughout 1895 - 1911, revolutionary organizations led by Sun Yat-sen carried out ten armed uprisings against the Qin monarchy, until finally, on October 10, 1911, the Xinhai Revolution began, which broke out in the city of Wuchang and proclaimed the Republic of China.

During the successful uprising against Manchu rule in Wuchang on October 10, 1911, the Republic was proclaimed and the revolutionary government of Hubei Province was created, calling on the people of the entire country to overthrow the power of the Manchu monarchy. The uprising quickly spread to the southern and eastern provinces of China, and by December the power of the Qin dynasty remained in only three provinces: Zhali, Henan and Gansu.

Upon returning to China from exile in December 1911, Sun Yat-sen was elected the first provisional President of the Republic, and officially assumed office on January 1, 1912. On this day, a solemn ceremony took place in Nanjing (Nanjing) to inaugurate Sun Yat-sen as interim President of the Republic of China. On February 12, Empress Dowager Lun Yu abdicated the throne on behalf of the last Manchu emperor, the child Pu Yi, and the entire Qing dynasty. But power was transferred to the “liberal” General Yuan Shi-kai, who became provisional president of the Republic of China on February 15, 1912.

During his short reign, Sun Yat-sen managed to pass a number of democratic laws and regulations aimed at protecting the freedom and property of citizens. A bourgeois-democratic constitution was adopted, all old acts on the purchase and sale of people, the abolition of corporal punishment were annulled, freedom of the press and assembly was proclaimed, the import of art objects abroad was prohibited, rice speculation was stopped, etc. He refused to approve his elder brother’s candidacy for prominent bureaucratic post, thus demonstrating his integrity.

However, the gains of the 1911 revolution could not be preserved. To the number objective factors, which influenced the defeat of the republican revolutionaries, should be attributed to the weakness of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The feudal lords, compradors and militarists were still strong. As a result, their protege Yuan Shih-kan became president, and Sun Yat-sen was forced to resign.

In retirement, he began promoting his plans economic development China. But among his supporters there were strong conciliatory elements. They hoped to eliminate Yuan Shi-kai by parliamentary means.

During the period of the military dictatorship of Yuan Shih-kai, Sun Yat-sen created in exile (Japan, 1914) a new revolutionary organization, the Zhonghua Gemindan (Chinese Revolutionary Party). On June 21, 1916, Suan Yat-sen returned from exile. On September 18, 1917, the official opening of parliament took place in Guangzhou. It was decided to launch a military campaign against the militaristic North.

Sun Yat-sen became Generalissimo of South China. But he had no real power. The troops of the “Southern Federation” belonged to various provincial militaristic cliques. And when, at the beginning of May 1918, the leader of the Guangxi group, General Lu Yong-ting, demanded the removal of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Sun Yat-sen had to resign and go to Shanghai. He decides to temporarily retreat from active revolutionary activities and completes the already partially written work “The Country Construction Program,” consisting of three independent books: “Spiritual Construction” (“Teachings of Sun Wen”), “Material Construction” (“Industrial Plan”) and “Social construction” (“First steps of democracy”). He hoped to use foreign capital to create socialism in China.

Sun Yat-sen greeted the Great October Revolution with enthusiasm. At his request, the Soviet government sent a group of military specialists to Guangzhou, the capital of the revolutionary government of South China.

In the fall of 1923, Sun Yat-sen invited the old Russian revolutionary M. M. Borodin to the post of his political adviser, with the help of whom the National Party was reorganized, becoming a coalition of all anti-feudal and anti-imperialist forces. Sun Yat-sen established close correspondence with Soviet diplomats.

In Soviet Russia, Sun Yat-sen saw a faithful and reliable ally of the fighters for freedom and independence of China. “The goals of the Chinese revolution,” he emphasized, “coincide with the goals of the Russian revolution, just as the goals of the Russian revolution coincide with the goals of the Chinese revolution. The Chinese and Russian revolutions follow the same path. Therefore, China and Russia not only have close relations, but in their revolutionary ties they truly constitute one family.” Borodin B. Hercules of China. // New time. 1984. No. 45. P. 23.

In 1924, at the First Kuomintang Congress, Sun Yat-sen

proclaimed his three main political principles - an unbreakable alliance with Soviet Russia, an alliance with the Communist Party of China, and reliance on the worker-peasant masses.

Sun Yat-sen's death on March 12, 1925 prevented him from completing the cause of national liberation in China. He died of stomach and liver cancer in Beijing, where, despite a serious illness, he came to achieve national unity, end internecine wars and unite all the forces of China to fight militarism and imperialism.

The day before his death, Sun Yat-sen drew up a Testament to the Chinese people and dictated a Message to the Soviet Union, whose texts are engraved on the white marble wall in the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Pavilion on the territory of the ancient Biyunsi Temple in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing. Sun Yat-sen's clothes and headdress are walled up in the pagoda behind the pavilion. For a long time, the Sunyat-sen jacket - zhongshanzhuang - became the favorite clothing of many Chinese. Sun Yat-sen's ashes rest in a magnificent mausoleum in Nanjing, the city where he was elected the first president of the Republic of China.


Sun Yat-sen (in Chinese lit. pronunciation - Sun Yi-hsien, other names: Sun Zhong-shan, Sun Wen) (12.XI.1866 - 12.III.1925), - Chinese. revolutionary democrat, friend of the Sov. Union. Genus. in the province Guangdong in a peasant family. From childhood I faced the hardships of people. life, arbitrariness whale. landowners and Manchu-Chinese. authorities. After graduating from Hong Kong (Hong Kong) med. institute (1892) embarked on the path of an irreconcilable struggle to overthrow the Manchu Qing dynasty, in which he saw the personification of all troubles and fundamentals. the cause of China's inequality and backwardness. In 1894 he created the anti-Manchurian revolution. organization of Xingzhonghoi, which took place on October 25. 1895 in Guangzhou (Canton) armed. action against the Qing authorities (ended in failure). Forced to emigrate to Japan, and then to the USA and European countries, S. Ya.-s. actively developed plans for preparing new anti-Manchu uprisings in China. In 1896 he was deceived into entering the building of the Manchu diplomatic office. missions in London, from where they intended to smuggle him to China; only by chance S. Ya.-s. managed to be freed from prison. In 1905, he created a more massive revolution in Japan than Xingzhonghoi. organization of Tongmenhui (Union League). The program of the Union League was developed by S. Ya.-s. “three popular principles”: nationalism (the overthrow of the foreign Manchu-Qing dynasty and the restoration of the sovereignty of the Chinese (Han) nation), democracy (the establishment of a republic) and the people. prosperity (equalization of land rights in the spirit of the ideas of the American bourgeois economist G. George).

During 1895-1911, led by S. Ya.-s. revolutionary organizations conducted ten armaments. uprisings against the Qing monarchy, until, finally, 10 Oct. 1911 The Xinhai Revolution, which broke out in the city of Wuchang and proclaimed the Republic of China, did not begin. Upon returning to China from exile in Dec. 1911 S. Ya.-s. was elected the first interim President of the Republic, and officially took office on January 1. 1912. As president, he led the activities of the Nanjing Prospect, which developed a democratic, in those conditions, provisional constitution of the Republic of China. V.I. Lenin, who had great sympathy for the revolutionaries. fight whale people against the Manchurian monarchy and national liberation. movement in China, highly appreciated S. Ya.-s. He called him “... a revolutionary democrat, full of nobility and heroism...” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 21, p. 402 (vol. 18, p. 145)), but in At the same time, he also pointed out the utopianism of S. Ya.-S.’s plans. avoid the development of capitalism in China, noting the similarity of these plans with the views of the Russians. populists. After his abdication in Feb. 1912 Manchu dynasty from the throne, S. Ya.-S. was forced under pressure from internal forces. feudal-comprador reaction and imperialist. powers to relinquish their presidential powers; however, he continued to fight the reaction. forces for the creation of a democratic republican system in China, using for this purpose the Kuomintang Party (National Party), created in place of the Union League. During the war period. dictatorship of Yuan Shi-kai S. Ya.-s. created a new revolution in exile (Japan, 1914). organization of Zhonghua Gemindan (Chinese Revolutionary Party). However, before Vel. Oct. socialist revolution, he continuously suffered defeats in battles with internal forces. and ext. reactions.

Victory Oct. revolution in Russia had an impact on S. Ya.-S. huge influence. In 1918, he sent a telegram to V.I. Lenin, in which he expressed deep admiration for the difficult struggle of the revolutionaries. masses of Russia and expressed the hope that in the future the revolutionary parties of China and Russia will unite for a joint struggle. Friendly policy of the Soviet Union. countries in relation to China, renunciation of all privileges and rights received at one time in China by tsarism, active and selfless assistance to the revolutionaries. forces of the South. China, at the head of which he stood, was promoted to S. Ya.-s. indelible impression. At his request, Sov. The government sent to Guangzhou, the capital of the revolution. pr-va Yuzh. China military group. specialists. To the post of his politician. Advisor S. Ya.-s. invited the old Russian in the fall of 1923. professional revolutionary Bolshevik M. M. Borodin, with whose help the National Party was reorganized, becoming a coalition of all anti-feudos. and anti-imperialist. strength S. Ya.-s. established close correspondence with the Sov. diplomats, listened sensitively to the advice of friends from the USSR. Influenced by the ideas of Oct. revolutions and revolutionary practices of China "three people's principles" S. Ya.-s. filled with new content and became a program for creating a unified anti-imperialist. and antifeud. front. In 1924 S. Ya.-s. proclaimed his three main policies. installations - an unbreakable alliance with the Sov. Russia, alliance with the Chinese Communist Party, reliance on the workers' cross. masses. Death of S. Ya.-s. prevented him from completing the national work. liberation of China. The last document signed by S. Ya.-s. on the eve of his death, there was an appeal to the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, in which he expressed the hope that the day would come when a free and independent China would go hand in hand with the Soviet Union. Union for a bright future for humanity.

S. Ya.-s. A large literature is dedicated. Bourgeois books authors, ed. during the life of S. Ya.-S., they were, as a rule, imbued with hatred of him and his desire to turn China into a sovereign state (J. O. P. Bland, Recent events and present policies in China, L., 1912 ; B. L. Mackay, China, die Republik der Mitte. Ihre Probleme und Aussichten, Stuttg.-V., 1914; IN recent years life of S. Ya.-s. bourgeois the press viciously attacked him, calling him an “idealist,” “a blind tool in the hands of the Kremlin and the Chinese communists.” Books from the 30s and 40s. American, Western-European, Japanese and Kuomintang authors differ in their attempts to portray S. Ya.-S. supporter of imperialism. powers, a devout Christian, a fan of the Amer. and English bourgeois democracy, an enemy of the USSR (H. B. Restarick, Sun Yat-sen, New Haven - L., 1931; The triple demism of Sun Yat-sen, trad, by Paschal D "Elia, Wuchang, 1931; P. Linebarger, The political doctrines of Sun Yat-sen, Bait., 1937; St. Chen, and R. Payne, Sun Yat-sen. A portrait, N.Y., 1946, etc. ), S. Ya.-S. continues to be portrayed as a friend of the West and a “victim of communistism.” intrigue" (A. Whiting, Soviet policies in China 1917-1924, N.Y., 1954; Leng Shao-Chuan and N.D. Palmer, Sun Yat-sen and communism, N.Y., 1960). At the same time, books by progressive scientists appeared in the West, giving an objective assessment of S. Ya.-s. (J. Chesneaux, Sun Yat-sen, P., 1959; E. S. Pischel, Le origini ideologiche delle revoluzione cinese, Novara, 1958, etc.).

The founder of Marxist historiography about S. Ya.-S. there was V.I. Lenin, who in his works written in 1912-1913 gave a clear assessment of the class. the essence of the program S. Ya.-s showed by the example of the life and work of the whale. revolutionary-democrat, that in Asia the bourgeoisie has not yet exhausted the revolution. opportunities and is able to fight against feudalism and imperialism. forces (V.I. Lenin, Democracy and Populism in China, Complete collected works, 5th ed., vol. 21 (vol. 18); his, Renewed China, ibid., vol. 22 (vol. 18 ); his, The Struggle of Parties in China, ibid., vol. 2.3). Sov. historians, relying on the works of V.I. Lenin, have done a lot of work to study various sides 40-year-old revolutionary struggle S. Ya.-s. (for a list of works, see the book: Sun Yat-sen (Bibliographic Index), compiled by I.K. Glagoleva, M., 1966).

In the People's Republic of China in 1957, Chen Hsi-chi's book “Sun Yat-sen before the formation of the United Union” (Tongmenghui chengli qiandi Sun Chung-shan) was published. Whale. scientists also wrote a number of articles covering various stages of the revolution. Activities of S. Ya.-s. In connection with the 50th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution in China, numerous articles were published. memories of S. Ya.-s. (see in the collection: Xinhai gzmin hueilu (Memories of the Xinhai Revolution), vol. 1-6, Beijing, 1961-63).

Op. Sun Zhong-shan xuanji (Selected works), vol. 1-2, Beijing, 1956; in Russian lane - Fav. production, M., 1964.

Lit.: Senin N. G., Socio-political and philosophical views of Sun Yat-sen, M., 1956; Tikhvinsky S. L., Sun Yat-sen. Foreign policy views and practice, M., 1964; Sun Yat-sen. 1866-1966. To the centenary of his birth. Sat. articles, memoirs and materials, M., 1966.

S. L. Tikhvinsky. Moscow.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982 .

See what "SUN YAT-SEN" is in other dictionaries:

    See Sun Yat Sen... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"Sun Yat Sen" - monitor of the Russian and Soviet fleet, belonging to the Shkval type; one of seven monitors of this type.

Ship history

The ship was laid down in 1907 at the Baltic Shipyard in St. Petersburg as an armored river gunboat under the name Shkval. The ship was transported in parts to Far East, where it was assembled and launched in June 1909 in the village of Kokuy on the Shilka River.

The ship entered service on October 3, 1910 and became part of the Amur Military Flotilla. In 1920, Shkval was taken by Japanese invaders to Sakhalin, but on May 1, 1925, it was returned to the Soviet Union. In 1927, the ship was restored and on February 15, renamed "Sun Yat-Sen" in honor of the Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen, and on November 6, 1928, reclassified as a monitor.

From the beginning of the 1930s, the future admiral of the fleet Nikolai Sergeev served as an artilleryman on the monitor. In 1935, he was appointed assistant commander of the ship.

In 1937-1938 it was carried out major renovation with modernization. Since 1937, the monitor was commanded by Captain 3rd Rank Viktor Dmitrievich Korner (1912-1984), Hero of the Soviet Union (09/14/1945)

Start Soviet-Japanese War The monitor met as part of the 1st brigade of river ships in the Srednyaya channel near the mouth of the Sungari. The ship took part in the battles on the Songhua River, landing and supporting infantry landings with fire in the area of ​​​​the villages of Tusyke, Honghedao, the cities of Fujin and Sanxing. On August 16, the ship was damaged by a medium-caliber shell, and on August 30 it was awarded the rank of guard.

"Sun Yat Sen"
“Shkval” (until 02/15/1927), “Suchan” (from 07/19/1947)
Vessel class and typeMonitor
ManufacturerBaltic Shipyard, St. Petersburg
Construction has started1907
LaunchedJune 1909
Put into operationOctober 3, 1910
Main Features
Displacement1000 t
Length70.98 m
Width12.8 m
Draft1.61 m
Crew152-156 people

Song Yang-sen Street is located in the Frunzensky district and is located from the street. Gagarina to st. Pervomaiskaya.

On March 23, 1925, at the plenum of the Vladimir City Council, the issue of renaming the streets was considered. It was decided to name the second Nikolskaya Street Sun Yat-sen, in memory of the Chinese democratic revolutionary who died on March 12, 1925. V. I. Lenin highly appreciated the work of Sun Yat-sen. He called him “...a revolutionary democrat, full of nobility and heroism.” But at the same time, he pointed out the utopianism of the Chinese comrade’s plans to avoid the development of capitalism in China, noting the similarity of these plans with the views of the Russian populists.

The victory of the October Revolution in Russia influenced the leader liberation movement huge influence in China. In 1918, he sent a telegram to V.I. Lenin, in which he expressed deep admiration for the struggle of the revolutionary masses of Russia, and expressed the hope that in the future the revolutionary parties of China and Russia would unite for a joint struggle. More than 30 years ex-son Sun Yat-sen gave the peasant to the revolutionary struggle.

The street named after the Chinese revolutionary is small. Before the revolution, it was even smaller, since it was located from Devicheskaya Street (now Krasnomilitsyskaya) to Nikitskaya (now Pervomaiskaya). There were 14 houses listed here.

Part of Sun Yat-sen Street, from the street. Gagarina to st. Krasnomilitseyskaya, belonged to Trade area cities. On its right side there were 7 stone buildings built in the 19th century. rich merchants. On the left side there were stone buildings: a trading building,

built by the merchant Muravkin, rows of butcher shops, one wooden house where the customs office was located. Closing the left row of the Trade Square was a fountain intended for dispensing water and opened on September 11, 1866 when the city water supply system came into operation.

Former 2nd Nikolskaya Street and right side The retail space remained almost unchanged. The same good stone and semi-stone mansions, the same four wooden houses. There is only no city market, it has moved to the street. Baturina. Where there used to be a market, Komsomolsky Square is located. You can see young people in it at any time of the year: these are students of secondary vocational school No. 15, which is located next to the park (Sun Yat-sen, 2). The school was founded in 1945 and was then called arts and crafts. The war has just ended. Hundreds of historical and cultural monuments were destroyed and burned. To revive them, restorers were needed. The country has begun to open up educational institutions who were supposed to train such personnel.

By decision of the city executive committee, the building of a former driving school was allocated for the school. Students of the first class of art school remember what it looked like: smoke-stained vaults, dumps of unusable car parts, oil stains, the smell of gasoline and dust. But the boys and girls were filled with enthusiasm. After classes, workshops and classrooms were cleaned, whitewashed, washed, and painted.

There were not enough books on the history of architecture, drawings, tools, valuable species wood for carving. People who were deeply concerned about the school came to help. Thus, the famous Suzdal woodcarver F.V. Kurenkov gave the children his instrument, his main wealth and asset.

With what tenacity and zeal the students listened to the fascinating lectures of Professor N.P. Sychev on the history of art of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus' or solved complex sculptural compositions under the guidance of the sculptor M.M. Sakharov.

For forty years, the art vocational school, and later the secondary vocational school No. 15, graduated many first-class specialists. His students participated in the restoration of the Kremlin cathedrals and St. Basil's Cathedral, the building of the Museum of the History of Architecture. Academician Shchusev in Moscow, monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal; made moldings in the railway and sea stations of Sochi.

The windows of house No. 8 on the street look out onto Komsomolsky Square. Sun Yat-sen. This two-story building has retained its memorial appearance. It is associated with the names of our outstanding fellow countrymen. Mikhail Klavdievich Tikhonravov (1900-1974) was born in this house on July 16, 1900. From the first days of the revolution of 1917, yesterday's high school student Tikhonravov joined the ranks of the fighters for Soviet power. In March 1919, he was awarded the Komsomol card No. 1 by the Pereslavl-Zalessky district committee of the RKSM. Before volunteering for the front, Tikhonravov worked as a propagandist and agitator for the district Soviet of Deputies.

In the Red Army, he attracted the attention of the command with his deep interest in aviation. He was sent to study at the newly organized (1920) Institute of Engineers of the Red Air Fleet, which was soon transformed into the Air Force Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky. After graduation (1925), Mikhail Klavdievich worked in the design bureau of N. N. Polikarpov. In 1931, he was transferred to the Central Design Bureau as the head of the motor equipment group.

Having learned about the creation of the GIRD (Group for the Study of Rocket Propulsion), he came there with his original ideas and projects. Having met understanding and support

S.P. Korolev, whose creative friendship and close cooperation continued throughout his life, Tikhonravov formed a team to develop an oxygen-kerosene liquid rocket engine (liquid rocket engine) for a rocket plane.

On August 17, 1933, the first rocket designed by Mikhail Klavdievich was launched. It marked the birth of a new branch of Soviet technology - modern rocketry. In the pre-war years, M.K. Tikhonravov took part in the creation of a jet aircraft, and then in the improvement of the Katyusha.

After the war, under the leadership of S.P. Korolev, work began on the creation of powerful liquid-propellant ballistic missiles. Tikhonravov led research related to the use of rockets for astronautics. Our fellow countryman’s considerable merit is that the country was the first in the world to launch an artificial Earth satellite and pave the way into space.

To last days Mikhail Klavdievich did not stop teaching activities- trained personnel for rocket and space technology. The services of M.K. Tikhonravov to the Motherland are great. They are appreciated. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, many medals and badges of honor. He was awarded the high titles of Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Recognition of the scientist's scientific merits was the awarding of degrees and titles of corresponding member of the Academy of Artillery Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, corresponding member of the International Academy of Astronautics.

On November 30, 1904, the future famous scientist, archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences N.N. Voronin (1904-1975) was born in house No. 8. If M.K. Tikhonravov (his cousin) devoted himself to studying new worlds, then Nikolai Nikolaevich turned to ancient times. Understanding the culture of long-gone eras in the life of the peoples of our country is also a difficult task.

Voronin's attraction to ancient monuments arose in his youth. After leaving school he worked in Vladimirsky historical museum, where I got a clear idea of ​​all the famous monuments of ancient architecture of the province. From 1920 to 1923 he studied at the Vladimir Institute of Public Education, and from 1926. - at Leningrad State University.

Voronin’s master’s thesis “Essays on the history of Russian architecture of the 16th century” is still considered a most valuable guide for historians of ancient Russian architecture. And his work “Architectural monuments of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus' of the 11th-13th centuries” became his doctoral dissertation.

After returning from the front, Nikolai Nikolaevich worked until the end of his life at the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the post-war years, research and creative activity Voronin has acquired a special scope. He discovered, studied, and described dozens of new monuments of ancient architecture throughout the northeast of our country. Thanks to him, the disappeared and forgotten monuments of ancient architecture of Tver, Staritsa, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kolomna were revived. It was as if he penetrated into the depths of centuries and shrewdly guessed the appearance of the most ancient architectural monuments. The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is deservedly presented to scientists, our fellow countrymen, as a masterpiece of world significance.

For participation in the two-volume “History of Culture” Ancient Rus'» N. N. Voronin was awarded the State Prize. For the major work “Architecture of North-Eastern Rus'”

XII-XV centuries." he was awarded the Lenin Prize.

Although Sun Yat-sen's street is small, there are two more on it interesting houses. They are associated with the name of the famous Soviet poet A.I. Bezymensky (1898-1973) - one of the organizers of the Vladimir Youth Union. Bezymensky’s parents lived in a half-stone, two-story house No. 16. Here he spent his youth before leaving for Moscow in 1921. Alexander Ilyich’s parents also owned a large wooden outbuilding with seven windows along the facade (Sun Yat-sen, 16a), standing in the courtyard. It was rented out.

After their son left Vladimir, his parents sold two-story house, and they themselves moved into a wooden one-story outbuilding, where they lived until the end of their lives. From time to time, their son Alexander, who became famous, visited them here from Moscow Soviet poet. And later, after the death of his parents, Alexander Ilyich came here. These houses brought back memories of his stormy youth. How much strength, energy, and enthusiasm there was in the guy who became the leader of the Vladimir Komsomol! He managed to do a lot: edit a youth newspaper, and travel with lectures around the districts, and write... Write so that his poems were sung like songs by the Vladimir blueshirts, to which he himself belonged. It was a hot time!

(Sun Yat-sen, Sun Yi-hsiang, Sun Chung-shan, Sun Wen; 1866-1925) - Chinese democratic revolutionary and statesman, doctor by training.

In 1892 he graduated from the Medical Institute in Hong Kong, receiving the title of surgeon. He was the first Chinese to receive European honey. education. For two years, Sun Yat-sen worked in a Chinese hospital in Macau (Portuguese concession in China) and was closely associated with secret political organizations that aimed to overthrow the monarchy. Sun Yat-sen soon began to play a prominent role in the revolutionary movement. The Portuguese authorities banned him from working in the hospital. In 1894, he created the revolutionary organization Xingzhonghoi, which launched an armed uprising against the Manchu Qing dynasty on October 25, 1895, which was suppressed. Sun Yat-sen, forced to emigrate, is actively developing plans for preparing new uprisings. In 1905, he created the mass revolutionary organization Tongmenhui in Tokyo. Its revolutionary-democratic program was highly appreciated by V.I. Lenin, at the same time he criticized the populist provisions contained in it. During 1905 -1911. Tungmenhui, led by Sun Yat-sen, organized several large armed uprisings. Victorious revolution of 1911 -1912. overthrew the monarchy and proclaimed the Republic of China. In 1911, Sun Yat-sen was elected its first president. However, Chinese democracy, led by Sun Yat-sen, failed to mobilize and organize the broad masses of the people during the revolution, to put forward and implement a consistent anti-imperialist and anti-feudal program. Due to the seizure of power by supporters of the reaction, Sun Yat-sen was forced to resign from the presidency. In 1912, with the creation of the Kuomintang party, Sun Yat-sen became its chairman. While in exile in Japan from 1913 to 1916, Sun Yat-sen continued to fight reaction and foreign imperialism. In 1917, he welcomed the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia and wrote about the need for friendship between the Chinese and Soviet Republics. Calling for the creation of a national front for the struggle for independence and democratization of the country, Sun Yat-sen actively advocated cooperation between the Kuomintang party he led and the Communist Party of China.

In the early 20s. he led the armed struggle against the Chinese militarists in South China and led the revolutionary government of South China.

Sun Yat-sen is one of the outstanding revolutionary doctors. He led the Chinese people's struggle for social and national liberation against international imperialism and colonialism. The “three national principles” he put forward, in their content, along with the political ones, had great social and hygienic significance. The transformation of the Kuomintang into a counter-revolutionary party after the death of Sun Yat-sen led to the elimination of revolutionary gains in China for many years.

Essays: Notes of a Chinese Revolutionary, trans. from Chinese, M.-L., 1926; Selected Works, trans. from Chinese, M., 1964.

Bibliography: Lenin V.I. The struggle of parties in China, Complete. collection cit., 5th ed., vol. 23, p. 138; Lenin V.I. Democracy and populism in China, ibid., vol. 21, p. 400; Lenin V.I. Renewed China, ibid., vol. 22, p. 189; Efimov G.V. Sun Yat-sen, Finding the way, 1914 -1922, M., 1981, bibliogr.; Sun Yat-sen 1866 -1966, On the centenary of his birth, ed. S. L. Tikhvinsky, M., 1966.

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