A historical toilet in Gum, or where else you can take a shower in the city during the heat. How to wash yourself if there is no hot water at home Where can you shower in

Those who are lucky here all year round goes to the fitness club. A monthly subscription just for the sake of washing is not a cheap pleasure, its cost can be close to the price of an annual one.

What are the options:

  1. Splurge on a monthly subscription. It's expensive, but convenient. If you want to save money, choose a non-elite club without a pool - there will also be showers there, but you won’t have to overpay for bonuses that you won’t use.
  2. Buy an annual subscription and start practicing. But take your choice of club seriously, as you are with it for a long time.
  3. Buy a subscription directly. Suddenly someone has lost the desire to study, and he will give you a card at a low price.
  4. Pay for one-time visits. They don't cost a fortune everywhere. But here you need to calculate the options, without this there is no way to evaluate the benefits. It will be the most budget-friendly if you go to the shower only for “general bathing”, and on the rest of the days you make do with basins.
  5. Come to a guest training session for free. Some fitness clubs allow you to attend introductory classes free of charge. If there are many gyms in your area, you can go to a new one every day to wash.

Other sports facilities

In some places you can do without training by sneaking straight into the shower. This includes swimming pools and water parks. Sports locker rooms with showers are available in some parks in major cities. But in some place with a dozen visitors, you’ll have to go to a class so as not to arouse suspicion. Well, or negotiate with the administrator.


Don't bet on fancy saunas with gambling and corrupt love. Your choice is municipal baths. You can even take a shower in them very cheaply - for a couple of hundred. It will most likely be dull there. But it’s not as dull as watering yourself from a ladle. However, you can boo: there are usually steam rooms there too.


It's even very suitable cheap option with a bed in common room for 100,500 people: you only need a shower. Option for the sociable: try to negotiate with the administrator for a hundred dollars only for water procedures, without check-in.

Railway station

The toilet at the station often has a shower. It's quite depressing there, but there is hot water. If you're really desperate or live close to a train station, consider this option.


Not an obvious option for the violent. Yes, the neighbors were turned off too hot water. But if they have a water heater or geyser, they also have life-giving moisture. And go with a washcloth staircase much more convenient than traveling halfway across town.

It’s probably not worth walking around apartments in search of hot water. But if you communicate with one of your neighbors, you may well take a risk. If it is very pitiful to tell you how you suffer without necessary conditions, you may be invited themselves.

Don't forget to thank with money or gifts, because next year The hot water will be turned off again, and no one likes greedy people.


This option, on the contrary, is obvious. If you don't have hot water, it's time to remember that you really miss your loved ones living in another area.

Do you know any creative ways to wash yourself during the hot water outage season?

TV channel "360" found out how you can wash yourself without using the "boiling" method.

The most obvious way to wash yourself without hot water is to boil cold water and splash around with plenty of water using basins and pots. But the thought of having to live like this for a week or two makes me sad. Alternative Methods survival without hot water - in our selection.

Historical toilet in GUM

You can take a shower in the center of the capital. Marble walls, bronze lamps with Murano glass. You can wash yourself in interiors restored according to pre-revolutionary models at GUM. For 500 rubles you will get a robe, towel, slippers, body care products and, of course, vivid impressions. An excellent alternative to a home bathroom.

Shower at the railway station

Almost every train station has a paid shower. For example, on Leningradsky they will charge a visitor 150 rubles for half an hour if you have your own toiletries. If you use the Russian Railways kit, the cost will increase to 280 rubles.

Shower and tea

There is a cozy place not far from Chistye Prudy. In one of the two bathrooms of the anti-cafe " Green door» there is a shower. The establishment operates on the principle of time is money. The first hour is three rubles per minute. After your shower, you can drink tea and read a book, which are already included in the cost of admission.

Shower and sports

You can wash in any gym or fitness center. They are available in every area, so you don’t have to go far to find hot water. A club card is not required; it is enough to pay for a one-time visit - from 200 to two thousand rubles, depending on the category of the hall. By the way, on the eve of summer, it would be nice to pump up your muscles, maybe turning off the hot water will awaken your craving for physical education.

Cosmic "shower"

There is another way of fighting for purity for the laziest - cosmic. A shower in zero-gravity conditions has not yet been invented, so the crew members dry themselves off wet wipes- some for soaping, others for rinsing. At home, you can use a wet towel. And for hair, “dry” shampoo is suitable, which does not require rinsing. The product costs an average of 200 rubles.

Inventor's Shower

You can heat water using washing machine. Yes, that’s the people’s ingenuity. Choose a fast mode with boiling (naturally, without powder and laundry). Direct the drain to the bathroom. The machine will heat the water and drain it. But in this case, it won’t be possible without ladles and basins.

Our correspondent Evgeniya Korobkova went in search of showers in the capital

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

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Of course, I’m not a lady, I can boil it in a saucepan. I can also use Porfiry Ivanov’s method - cold water on the head. But I don't want to. And I don’t want to see my friends. Last year the site booosh.me helped me. He suggested where a free shower was nearby. This year, “Bush ate too many pears,” as the site itself reported. However, he suggested paying attention to fitness centers. You can always wash in them. Thank you!

Shower in the gym

At seven in the morning there were already 23 people in the gym. Nevertheless, we managed to get into the showers. The administrator provided a towel, the shower was equipped with a soap dispenser (saving on detergents). There was a sauna available, and at the end of the procedures I even dried my hair with a government-issued hairdryer.

But there was little joy from washing, practically none. Firstly, I had to take off my clothes in the common locker room, and I don’t like that. Secondly, as I noticed, in any locker room of any gym there will definitely be an exhibitionist who will strip naked and walk around right in front of your nose, simultaneously rubbing some kind of jelly into the loins.

Well, the main drawback is the spirit of conciliarity that reigns in the showers. Doors in these establishments are considered unnecessary. The watering cans in the shower were located opposite each other, and people washing, in addition to their main occupation, had the opportunity to view each other.

Well, and most importantly, if you don’t have a gym membership, going to the shower will be very wasteful.

What? Where? How much?

Look for the nearest gyms near your home. You can sit in the shower all day long, but the cost of the service is less than 1,500 rubles per visit is difficult to find. Opening hours - from 7.00 to 22.23.

Steam room

For one and a half thousand you can go to the bathhouse. And at the same time, experience the beauty. The capital's washrooms are sung by everyone, among which Sanduny holds a special place. This word is even pronounced aspirated.

They say that Chekhov himself loved to hang out here and was afraid to meet the writer Sergeenko there.

I could not comprehend the charms of Sanduny, except for the architectural ones. The surreal began at the entrance. Due to renovations, the entrance to the women's department was through the men's department. But in principle I don't mind. It would be worse if it were the other way around.

I found myself in a huge hall, terribly similar to the famous cafe at the Kursk station, where Venichka Erofeev ate. Marble walls. High painted ceilings, statues of ancient women. Long leather sofas, tables between them. At the cafe tables, completely naked women with pink tags on their legs sat looking businesslike.

Waitresses, fully dressed in formal uniforms, walked between the tables and offered tea, coffee and a variety of food to the naked women.

From time to time one of the doors opened. “Girls, the steam room is ready,” a voice came from there. Naked ladies threw away what they had eaten and rushed inside. Then they came back and started chewing again.

Wrapping myself in a sheet (be prepared, absolutely everything in Sanduny can be purchased for money), I looked into where the naked women were walking. The bathhouse was surprisingly light, like daytime. There were shower stalls (open again), signs on the walls with calls to “save water,” a mountain of red and green basins “for feet” and “for brooms.” A naked woman and child were splashing in a small blue pool. A woman was wandering around in the steam room, vigorously sweeping something.

I somehow didn’t feel like washing. Came back. The kind waitress Anastasia, taking advantage of my awesomeness, happily sold me a bunch of unnecessary things and told me that a lot of people come here. On Thursday there were already sixty people. On weekends their number goes beyond one hundred and fifty, and is especially high on Tuesday. On this day, Sanduny offers substantial discounts for pensioners. And they take advantage of it. “So, if this is your first time, don’t come on Tuesday,” Anastasia said confidentially.

I spent a very large amount in Sanduny. But I never washed myself.

What? Where? How much?

Neglinnaya street, 14, building 3 - 7.

Open daily from 8.00 to 22.00. There is a discharge system in the bathhouse.

A three-hour session for women costs 1,800 rubles. For men, sessions are two hours long and range from 1,800 to 2,800 rubles. Washing supplies, sheets, hats, slippers and towels are available for an additional fee.

Sandunovskie baths are quite expensive. In cheaper baths, all services are much cheaper.

Shower in GUM

There is a historical toilet on the ground floor of GUM. Everyone knows this. But, in addition to the toilet, there is also a shower. Not that historical, but very cool. The cabin is full.

There are quite a lot of people. As soon as they started turning off the water, they flooded it. Therefore, sign up by phone, otherwise you won’t get in, says shower administrator Tatyana Gvozdeva.

By the way, this administrator herself is a very nice woman in a gray dress and apron. It would be hard to call her Madame PeePee, like those bad guys who sit at railway stations.

What are the cheapest public baths in Moscow? I have compiled the TOP 15 best inexpensive public baths in Moscow.

I took the cost of a cleaning hour as the reference criterion for assessing the cost, since different baths sell tickets for different times visits, I brought them to a common denominator - 1 hour, where possible. I took into account the cost of unlimited visits to the bathhouse, if such a service was available. She briefly described what services you can purchase for an additional cost, but did not take this into account.

So, the leader in my rating of inexpensive public baths in Moscow is Lublin Baths. Is it true lately Visitors began to scold them, but I hope that they will correct all the shortcomings! The cost of unlimited access to this bathhouse is much lower than the average cost of 1 washing hour in most other bathhouses. In second place - Kapotninsky baths. Despite the fact that the ticket is limited in time, its cost is very low. This bathhouse is highly praised by visitors. We got third place Ostroumovsky And Lefortovo Baths, the cost of a wash hour is slightly higher than in previous baths, but still very low. In legendary Sandunakh the highest prices for 1 washing hour, but many people go there, the service and interior there are at the highest level!

In fact, the cost of admission to a bathhouse largely depends on what it can offer you - do you want marble and chic, or just a steam bath with your soul? It all depends on the preferences of each individual person. Also, for some, it is preferable to spend the whole day in the bathhouse, and then it is beneficial to consider baths and saunas with an unlimited tariff, while for others, just a couple of hours for washing is enough.

Baths with the possibility of purchasing an unlimited ticket for the day from my TOP 15 inexpensive baths and saunas:

  • Lublin Baths
  • Koptevskie baths
  • Vorontsov baths
  • Falcon Mountain
  • Tsaritsyn baths
  • Rzhev Baths (unlimited for women only)
  • Warsaw Baths

Some bathhouses have special conditions depending on gender, and the schedule for visiting the bathhouse for men and women must be taken into account. In many baths low prices for visits on weekdays in the morning. Perhaps for some this time will be preferable. Many public baths increase the cost of admission on weekends and evenings, while others stick to a flat rate. In any case, any organization reserves the right to change visiting conditions and prices, so it is better to clarify them by phone immediately before your visit. And, of course, it makes sense to consider a bathhouse not far from home, so as not to have to get to it, and then back for several hours, and not waste potential rest time on the road.

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