Hindenburg airship plan of passenger quarters. The crash of the Hindenburg airship. Farewell to airships

Full name

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Form of government

Constitutional monarchy



Area, km 2

244 101

Population, people

60 441 000

Population density, people/km 2

Official languages



pound sterling

International dialing code

Internet zone

UK, .gb

Average life expectancy, years


Administrative division: Great Britain is divided into 4 administrative and political parts (historical provinces): England (39 counties, 6 metropolitan counties and Greater London), Wales (8 counties), Scotland (9 districts and an island territory), Northern Ireland (26 counties) .A special regime has been established for Fr. Maine and Channel Islands.

Great Britain is an island state (located in the British Isles) in northwestern Europe. Based on the terrain, the country can be divided into two zones: the so-called “High Britain” in the north and west, with a predominantly mountainous terrain, and the mostly flat “Low Britain” in the south and east. The highest point in the country is Mount Ben Nevis, 1343 meters above sea level. There are many rivers flowing through the British Isles - the Thames, Severn, Trent, Mersey, etc., and in the north there are also many mountain lakes - Loch Neagh, Loch Ness, Loch Lomond.

The name "Britain" most likely comes from the tribes of Britons who inhabited the islands in ancient times. In the middle of the first millennium AD, many British tribes moved to the territory of modern France and the area of ​​their settlement was called “Little Britain” or “Brittany”, and their historical homeland was called “Great (i.e. large) Brittany”, “Great Britain”.

The first inhabitants of the islands about which anything is reliably known are the Celtic tribes of the Britons. At the turn of our era, most of Britain became a Roman province, and after the Romans left, Anglo-Saxon tribes moved to the islands, who IX century AD and formed the Kingdom of England. The subsequent history of this kingdom, like that of many states of that time, was full of civil unrest, coups, and wars with external enemies. However, the state survived all the troubles. At the beginning XVIII century, Great Britain was formed, and a century before that, the gradual emergence of the British colonial empire began, the largest in the history of mankind - at its peak it occupied approximately a quarter of the land. At one time, Britain owned India, almost all North America, Australia, New Zealand, half of Africa, many islands - towards the middle XX centuries (some much earlier), all these territories had already gained independence, but some of them still formally remained under the authority of the English crown.

Great Britain is a member of NATO (since 1949), the European Union (since 1973)

Great Britain and England are frequently used names of countries in the media.

These are not two variants of the name of one country, but two different states, between which there is a certain difference.

United Kingdom(Russian name from English. Great Britain) or United Kingdom(United Kingdom, abbreviated UK), full official nameUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(English T he United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), is an island state located in the northwest of continental Europe.

The political unification of Scotland and England (including Wales) led to the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707.

The form of government is a parliamentary monarchy.

The state religion is the Anglican Church, Protestantism.

Form government structure- a unitary state, although Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales (3 historical provinces out of 4) have had rights of limited autonomy since the end of the 20th century.

Capital - London(English) London[ˈlʌndən]) - capital and largest city The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, one of the largest cities in Europe and one of the largest financial and economic centers in the world.

Official languages: English(actually), in Wales - Welsh.

The state religion is the Anglican Church, Protestantism.

Geographical location

The state is located on the British Isles (the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, as well as a large number of smaller islands and archipelagos, including the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands, Anglesey, Arran, White) in Atlantic Ocean. It is washed by the North, Irish, Celtic and Hebridean seas. The English Channel separates the southeast coast of Great Britain from the northern coast of France.

The area of ​​Great Britain is 243,809 km²(78th in the world), of which land - 240,579 km², inland waters- 3230 km².

UK government

Great Britain includes several large regions, with England representing the historical core of the Kingdom. State sovereignty extends to 14 territories - Bermuda, Gibraltar, St. Helena, Maine, Orkney, Hybrid, Channel Islands and others. Provinces: Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Largest cities: Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Sheffield, Liverpool, Edinburgh. Formally, the head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. Great Britain is one of the largest European countries. The high status of Great Britain among one of the largest European states is confirmed by the country's permanent membership in the UN Security Council and the presence of nuclear potential. The United Kingdom does not have a single legal system. The UK judiciary is guided in its activities by three judicial systems, in which there are significant differences: English law, Northern Irish law and Scottish law.

General information about England

England (eng. England [ˈɪŋɡlənd]) is a state (kingdom) within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Great Britain). The largest administrative and political part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England's population is 84% total number UK population.

England became a unification of once warring kingdoms in 927. The name of the country comes from the name of one of the Germanic tribes that settled there in the 5th and 6th centuries - the Angles. The capital of England is London, the largest city in Great Britain.

England - place of origin English language and the Church of England, and English law forms the basis of the legal systems of many countries; in addition, London was the center of the British Empire, and the country was the birthplace Industrial Revolution. England was the first industrialized country in the world, as well as a parliamentary democracy whose constitutional, governmental and legal innovations were adopted by other nations and countries.

The Kingdom of England, including the Principality of Wales, was a separate state until May 1, 1707, when it united with Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.

England currently consists of 9 regions and 48 ceremonial counties. Important role play in the English economy agriculture, industrial production, high-tech industry and sports industry. Form of government - parliamentary monarchy (no constitution, governed by the monarch, parliament and government of Great Britain). The state religion is Anglicanism. The names of the inhabitants are Englishman, Englishwoman, Englishmen.
Currency - pound sterling.
Telephone code - +44
Time zones are Greenwich Mean Time.

Geographical location

England occupies two thirds of the island of Great Britain. Territory - 133,396 km². The landscape of England consists mainly of rolling hills, becoming more mountainous towards the north. Highland and lowland terrain are conventionally divided along a line running between the mouth of the Teess River (Teesside) in the northeast and the mouth of the Exe River (Devon) in the southwest. In the east there is lowland marshy area, which was mainly drained for agricultural use.

In the north it borders with Scotland, in the west with Wales. The six largest cities in England (in descending order of population): London, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Liverpool and Manchester.

Thus, "Great Britain", or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, is the name of the state, while England is the dominant region of Great Britain.

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