Decorating your workplace for Halloween. How to decorate a room for Halloween. We are preparing the room for Halloween. Halloween Decor Ideas

Hello, dear readers! Spectacular decorations for Halloween are the key to a successful holiday, which is why preparations for a scary-fun night need to begin long before the date we all know - October 31. It is necessary to carefully think through all the details: choose suitable background music, create twilight in the room, make or purchase creepy decorations, buy or sew a costume, prepare appropriate snacks and drinks. As you can see, there is serious work ahead, but the process of preparing for the holiday is the most interesting and exciting pastime. Moreover, to this process you can involve all your friends, everyone will be able to offer their own interesting ideas, and then collectively you will be able to recreate a unique creepy atmosphere for the upcoming party.

You need to sit down, concentrate, and think about what is inherent in this holiday. Having analyzed the origins of Halloween, we personally came to the conclusion that the entire decorative concept should be based on the most creepy, perhaps even disgusting details. As a result of all our thoughts, we came up with the following modest list:

  • Skeletons.
  • Skulls.
  • Rats.
  • Black cats.
  • Black Raven.
  • The bats.
  • Cockroaches.
  • Snakes.
  • Worms.
  • Blood.
  • Zombie.
  • Brooms and scythes.
  • Spiders and cobwebs.
  • Witches.
  • Ghosts.
  • Vampires.
  • Werewolves.

In fact, all of the above paraphernalia can be purchased at Horror or Prank stores. There you will definitely find creepy werewolf masks, severed fingers, vampire fangs, fake blood, gouged out eyes, spiders, cockroaches, worms, snakes, zombies, etc. If the Halloween party is a tradition for your company, then every year you can chip in on nightmarish decorations, which are packed into boxes at the end of the holiday, and on next year take it out again, so after some time you will have a fairly serious collection of themed decorations. But it will be difficult to get by with just purchased jewelry; you should still take care of creating it yourself decorative elements. Below we will show you what the ideal Halloween decor should be; among the ideas presented, you will definitely find the ones that suit you. Well, let's get started, we will give examples based on ready-made compositions, all you have to do is choose suitable idea, and bring it to life.

Let's create a Halloween atmosphere.

Decor for a fireplace or wall shelf.

A composition consisting of a tray, lit candles (it is better to use LED ones), spiders and cobwebs (you can use gauze) or a bandage cut into rags suggests itself on the shelf.

The following is an example of the decor of a fireplace and fireplace wall. We find photos of vampires on the Internet, print them out on a printer, on plain paper, it is better that the pictures are black and white, and with a red felt-tip pen we draw traces of blood on their faces. We replace framed photos of relatives with photos of printed vampires. We place two three-liter jars of water colored red with food coloring on the fireplace, place candles around it, and place plastic or rubber snakes. If there is a sconce hanging on the wall, hang gauze on it, colored with tea or gray food coloring, it will imitate a hundred-year-old cobweb.

Decorative table.

We cover the table with a blood-red tablecloth, pour “gouged out eyes” into a vase, place candlesticks with red candles, here we find a place for a plastic skull, fill the empty space on the table with small pumpkins, yellowed leaves, cockroaches and spiders.

Loggia decor.

In fact, such a table can serve not just as a decorative addition, but also be used for its intended purpose; a buffet table for a party is just that. This decor loggias can be safely called ideal, because it successfully includes in its design almost half of the list of suitable attributes published above. To recreate such a composition, the table must be covered with imitation cobwebs (sold in prank stores) or gauze cut into rags and deliberately aged (dyed with food coloring in grey colour). Place the appropriate characters on the chairs - witches, skeletons, zombies. Place candlesticks with LED candles on the table to prevent fire, and also place flowerpots with candies, dishes with snacks, adding plastic cockroaches, worms and spiders to each of them. For greater effect, you can purchase stuffed crows and attach them to metal poles, which you then place on the table. Stuffed crows can be replaced with silhouettes of ravens, printed on a printer, cut out and glued to poles (in the twilight such a substitution will not be significant, the main thing is the general impression).

Main entrance.

Already at the entrance to the house, guests should be enveloped in an atmosphere appropriate to the occasion, so we go to the market and buy pumpkins of different sizes, then cut out their faces with a knife, remove the pulp and place candles inside, placing the resulting Jack-o'-lanterns on the doorsteps. Also, to enhance the effect, you need to create ghosts, making them will not be difficult, take gauze, immerse it in a solution of PVA glue and water, take it out, create a ball from newspaper, and throw gauze on top of it, form the desired folds with your hands, maybe from wire create an imitation of hands, hang the cast from the beams, and wait for it to dry completely. This ghost retains its shape well and does not wrinkle at all.

You can hang a wreath on the door made from New Year's plastic balls strung on wire. It is better to choose the color of the balls in orange and black.

Decorating the office.

We place a plastic skeleton in a chair. We effectively arrange candles, snacks on the table, arrange spiders, eyes, vampire teeth, etc. Place a hand-drawn label on the cocktail pitcher that reads “Frog Wart Tincture,” “Bigfoot Sweat,” or “Witch’s Tears.” On the shelves we place transparent bottles with multi-colored liquids; the bottles can be bottles of baby juices or purees; the liquid can be water colored with food coloring.

Dressing table decor.

The presence of a mirror on dressing table will create a special eerie atmosphere. For decoration, figurines of ravens, owls, eagle owls, rats, various creepy masks, as well as paper ghosts are suitable. To create a ghost imprisoned behind glass, you will need a glass bell or a large transparent vase; on paper, draw the ghost’s face distorted with horror, cut it out, put it in a vase, and turn it upside down. Here we place a plastic, clay or ceramic skull, light LED candles, and hang a century-old cobweb (gauze). The decor can also be supplemented with dry branches, as well as yellow autumn leaves and plastic spiders.

Idea for creating a druid or celt with a lantern.

A structure made of plastic pipes, according to the height of a person, covered around metal mesh, from which the silhouette of a person with an outstretched arm is formed. Attached to the “hand” Street light with LED candle. A strip of gray baggy fabric is placed on top (the piece should be enough to cover the side, head and arm), and a second piece of the same fabric covers the druid’s torso.

Sofa decor.

We take gauze, cut it into rags, and throw it on the sofa; from the outside it feels like the sofa is covered with dilapidated dust and cobwebs. For greater effect, we print out bat templates, cut them out and glue them to the wall using double-sided tape.

Window decor.

On sheets of whatman paper we draw silhouettes of monsters, ghosts and witches, cut them out, and glue them onto the windows regular tape. This Halloween decor looks very impressive, we recommend it. Moreover, to create such ghosts, no special skills are required, ghosts can be very diverse, the main thing is to make the tail like Casper’s.

Spiders and cockroaches in jars.

Bloody bottles.

The simplest, but at the same time very effective decor, place red ones in the necks of bottles. paraffin candles, light the wicks, soon “bloody” drops of wax will begin to flow down the bottle.

Ghosts in jars.

Print out photos of creepy zombies, ghosts, witches, etc. Take a jar, place a printed photograph inside it, face outwards, turn the jar upside down, and put gauze on top, colored with food coloring. dark color.

Scarecrow in the yard.

Such a scarecrow can be placed indoors by securing a pole in a bucket of sand, but outdoors it will create a special flavor. To create it, you need to select long wooden poles (you can use dry branches), knocking them together crosswise. Throw baggy clothes on top of the stuffed animal and belt it with twine, make the head out of a pumpkin, carving out the nose, eyes and mouth in it.

An icy hand in a bowl of lemonade.

Take the rubber medical glove, pour water into it, tie a glove, and put it in the freezer. When the water in it freezes, simply cut the rubber layer and pull out the ice brush. In a pot of punch or lemonade, such a hand will slowly melt and float on the surface.


Buy a werewolf mask and put it on a mannequin, previously dressed in old, torn clothes. In addition, such creepy masks can simply be placed on shelves or tables.


Place a mannequin in a chair, put on a zombie mask, zombie mittens (everything for masquerade is sold in stores), a dress, place a glass of blood-colored water next to it, and also sprinkle some “gouged out eyes.”

Dish with skulls and bones.

Under transparent glass lid place skulls and bones that can be pre-painted luminescent paint, as a result, they will also glow in the dark.

Witches on the lawn.

You can sew the body of the witches yourself, but you should buy masks, or at least buy hooked noses, in extreme cases, you can hide your faces under a hat, as if the witches had their heads down. Making brooms is not difficult, you need to collect brushwood, tie it together and fasten it to a thicker branch, that’s it, the decorative broom is ready.

Giant spider.

We put unnecessary things in a garbage bag, tie it with a rope, then separate the part for the head and tighten it in this place with another piece of rope. We form the legs from garbage bags twisted into a rope, create holes in the body and insert improvised legs into them. We cut out eyes from paper and glue them to the giant’s head.

Zombie dolls.

This decor is more suitable for the street, but in principle creepy dolls can find a place in the house. There is nothing complicated in creating them; you take old dolls, paint their hands and faces with gray gouache, and create a terrifying make-up in color - draw wounds, blood, etc.

10 more cool room decor ideas for Halloween (video):

Halloween Song:

An hour of background music for Halloween:

Frightening decorations for Halloween will help to recreate the special mysterious and creepy atmosphere inherent in this holiday. Without suitable decor the party will be empty and boring, which is why it is so important to prepare, in addition to terrible costumes, also terrible decorative elements. will tell you what to pay attention to when organizing Halloween. The holiday is very atmospheric, so every detail is extremely important.


Halloween table decor should be black and orange. Orange gives a reference to recently harvested(it’s autumn after all!), and black predictably relates to dark forces. It will be great if you choose one of these colors for the tablecloth - this will set the atmosphere. In general, you need things that are plain or at least without bright prints. However, this is an “adult” option. If you decide to organize a holiday for children, then you still shouldn’t frighten them unnecessarily - contact bright colors: orange, red, purple.


Or rather the heroine. Pumpkin should dominate not only dishes, but also table decor for Halloween. The orange beauty should be in the center of the table. Cut out the scary or funny face, and place a candle or electric garland inside the fruit. If you have mini pumpkins, then one will obviously not be enough for decoration: place them all over the table. As for the culinary uses of this berry, it makes delicious cream soup, pie and even pasta.


How to decorate a table for Halloween in a truly scary way? Remember all the horror films! Pulled out fingers or eyes - all this is appropriate only one day a year, October 31st. You can “release” all sorts of vile creatures onto the table: spiders, snakes, mice. Of course, none of this must be real. If that's too extreme for you, here you go easy option: decorate the glasses with dark ribbons, entangle the dishes with cobwebs, or rather with gauze, which will act as a cobweb for Halloween.


Cheerful colors are clearly not for this occasion. Choose dishes in dark shades and, most importantly, without patterns, flowers or stripes. Among the plates, choose the most massive ones; glass goblets are suitable for drinking.


We decorate the table for Halloween not only with decorative elements, but also with food, so the menu must be carefully thought out. And yes, this is a case where form is more important than content. Should prevail on the table autumn harvest- pumpkin and apples. The latter make excellent sweets - toffees, you can dip them in caramel or syrup. You can experiment with the type of cookies: prepare them in the shape of severed fingers, snakes or spiders. The names of the dishes should also be themed. Treat your guests to “Pogost” (a cake with tombstones made of dough), a drink with severed heads (apple compote), “Intestines” (a puff pastry pie with cherry jam). By the way, you can also call your “establishment” something: for example, “Witch’s Kitchen.”


Electric lighting is something you don't need at all for Halloween. Candles will create the right atmosphere - ominous and mysterious. You can place them in candelabra or themed candlesticks. If you don’t like a complete refusal of electricity, still don’t ignore the candles - just place them as decoration. For example, you can place them in a container of water, and put a few yellow-orange leaves next to them.


To build a DIY Halloween ghost like the one in the photo, you need white fabric and balloon, helium is better. Wrap material around it and you'll get a ghost's head. Make his eyes and mouth out of black fabric; you can draw a face with regular black paint. This is your mysterious guest!


The wrong soundtrack can ruin all your Halloween table decor efforts. Avoid radio and modern music this evening. Rock and roll hits and funny holiday songs will fit perfectly into the atmosphere. The Internet is full of ready-made collections. In addition to music, a thematic film can also frame the holiday. “Tales from the Crypt”, “Casper”, “Interview with a Vampire” - there are many options.

All these details are put together into a puzzle called “Wonderful Holiday”. Good luck!

On All Hallows' Eve, many people on our planet celebrate Halloween (although initially this holiday was relevant only among the English-speaking population); from year to year, the population of many countries prepare Halloween decorations in order to appease evil spirits. According to legends, it is believed that on the last day of October, namely the 31st, spirits return to earth, and to prevent them from attacking the living, people dress up in costumes of creepy creatures: monsters, witches, zombies, etc.

This holiday has successfully gained a foothold in Russia, but not under its fundamental understanding, but as an ordinary reason for a costume party. have a fun party. And for a themed party to be successful, you need to take care of creating the appropriate atmosphere, which is why Halloween decor is so important.

The roots of the Halloween celebration go back to the period of the existence of the Celtic tribes, who on October 31 put on animal skins, extinguished the fire in their houses, left treats outside the threshold, and themselves went to a traditional gathering of the population, where they lit sacred fire, and in pumpkins they carried a piece of it to their home. It was believed that in this way they simultaneously appease and scare away evil spirits. By the way, at that time, the Celts called the night of November 1 Samhain.

Halloween decor ideas.

1. Witch's potion.

Bottles with colored witchcraft potions placed on shelves will create an atmosphere appropriate to the occasion. To create a potion, you need to prepare various small glass bottles (from pharmaceutical tinctures or juices), pour water into each and add food coloring (it is better to create different shades). Then print out labels with the appropriate inscriptions: “Tincture of bat wings”, “Potion of cobra venom”, “Poison”, “Spider legs”, “Eyes of newt”, “Truth serum”, “Drops of fearlessness”, etc. d. Below are sketches of the labels, you can print, cut and stick them on the bottles with “potions”.

Interesting fact: on English language“All Hallows Evening” is written - All Hallows Even, abbreviated as Halloween, and this is how the name of the well-known holiday was formed.

2. Witch's feet.

The legs of a witch can be present everywhere, in the decor of a door wreath, in street flowerpot(we take the legs of a mannequin, put striped tights and old boots on them, install the structure upside down in a flowerpot), a tablecloth (we sew suitable legs from fabric and sew them to the tablecloth), in the fireplace (we sew legs from fabric, put old shoes on them and fix the product inside the fireplace, so that the legs hang down freely, it will seem as if the witch is stuck in the fireplace portal).

3. Rats.

Rat figures can be placed literally anywhere, on the floor, tables, shelves, window sills, etc. Below you can print or redraw the silhouettes of rats, which you can cut out and stick on the walls or steps.

4. Bats are vampires.

Not a single Halloween party would be complete without these bloodsuckers; it would be ideal if you purchased ready-made ones. plastic mice, faithfully repeating the outlines of a real vampire. But if you don’t succeed, just print out the templates below, cut them out and attach them to walls, trees, doors, etc.

5. Witches' brooms.

The witch's broom is also a fundamental decoration, and making it is not at all difficult. We go to the park, collect bare branches, return home, take a suitable stick or pipe (from a mop or vacuum cleaner), attach the collected branches to its end, and tie them to the base of the holder with rope or tape. That's it, the broom is ready!

The following idea for creating a broom is suitable for tabletop decor. Let's take wool threads and soft, fluffy bendable wire, cut the threads into 7 cm long pieces, apply the wire to the center of the resulting bundle and wrap it around the threads. By the way, the wire can be replaced with a table skewer, and woolen threads can be tied to it using ordinary sewing threads or the same woolen thread.

6. Creepy spiders.

You can buy ready-made spiders (sold in prank stores) or make your own. We take plasticine, form a ball out of it, wrap it with black electrical tape, create punctures around the perimeter into which we install legs made of fluffy wire, draw eyes on the paper and glue them to the body of the spider.

7. Web.

  1. Without the web, the atmosphere will clearly not be complete. To create it, you need to take several twigs or skewers (3 pcs.), place the sticks on top of each other with a cross, fix them in the center with wire, take threads, fishing line or white wire and form a web, as in the photo below.
  2. You can also take identical pieces of planks or skewers, cut a circle out of cardboard, glue skewers to it around the perimeter, take white woolen threads and create a winding around the skewers, as in the photo below.
  3. In addition, you can take a sheet of paper, fold it in half at an angle, draw the outline of a spider on it (redraw the diagram in the photo below), cut out the product and attach it to the windows.

8. Ghosts.

We create ghosts from gauze, take a deep plate, pour PVA glue into it, dilute it slightly with water, mix, soak the gauze in this solution, form balls (heads) from newspaper, on which we hang the gauze. We tighten the thread in the neck area, hang the product, and wait for the ghost to dry completely. When the cast dries, it will hold its shape well and will not be deformed.

9. Creepy glowing eyes.

In the dark, such eyes will make a lasting impression. To create them, you need to cut holes in paper towel tubes in the shape of eyes, and place colored glow sticks in the tubes themselves, the effect is amazing.

10. Black raven of the witch.

A figurine of a black raven will look very impressive; in the absence of one, you can use a template, which should be printed on a printer, cut out and secured with tape on the walls, doors or windows.

11. Black cat.

A live black cat will bring a bit of mysticism to the room being decorated, but it can easily be replaced with a ceramic or clay figurine, or you can even print out a template and stick it on the walls or windows.

12. Witch's hat.

Below in the photo you can see how you can make a miniature, decorative witch hat.

13. Bloody candles.

Creepy bloody candles are made in an easy way, just drop red candle wax onto the white candles, creating very realistic “bloody” streaks.

14. Pumpkin Jack.

Of course, a holiday wouldn’t be complete without a pumpkin, but you’re already tired of the usual unremarkable faces on pumpkins, you want something more interesting, try cutting out the eyes and nose, and sewing up the mouth with thread, as in the photo below, so the pumpkin looks more intimidating. You can also take big pumpkin, cut off the cap from it, install a smaller pumpkin with an imitation brain inside, and cut out scary eyes, nose and mouth.

15. Zombie dolls.

The dolls can be given a special creepy make-up and placed in the garden or house. It is better to do makeup with regular gouache, so that all this beauty can be easily washed off later. Also, don't forget to give them messy hairstyles.

16. Bloody finger on the doorbell button.

You need to purchase a torn finger from prank stores and use glue to glue it to the doorbell button, your guests will be impressed and will highly appreciate your Halloween decor.

17. Bloody handprints.

We smear our hands in red gouache and leave terrifying prints on the windows and doors. Don’t overdo it too much, don’t forget that after the holiday you have a global spring-cleaning.

18. Zombie hands.

The hands of mannequins immersed in a pond or fountain look terrifying, which is exactly what Halloween demands. If you are spending the holiday in the house, you can decorate the bathroom this way: pour water into the bathtub, tie weights to the hands of the mannequins, and lower them into the water.

10 more cool Halloween decor ideas (video):

Street house decorations for Halloween:

A walk through a store offering visitors all sorts of creepy decorations:

13 facts about Halloween:

Halloween decorations will help create a special atmosphere inherent to this holiday; without them, the holiday will not be so interesting, exciting, fun and incendiary. Take the time, carefully consider the decor of the premises, we hope that the Halloween decor ideas presented in this review will help you prepare for the upcoming holiday.

Useful tips

Despite the fact that this holiday is not official in Russia and the CIS countries, people still like to celebrate it, because it is not only unusual, but also quite colorful and original.

Many people throw parties on Halloween. They can take place both in clubs, cafes and restaurants, and at home.

To beautifully decorate the room and cook original crafts on Halloween,We provide several interesting ideas, many of which you will definitely like.

DIY Halloween: Little Ghosts

You will need:

Styrofoam balls (found at an office supply store)

White cloth or gauze

Black pins

Thick thread.

1. Wrap each foam ball in fabric and tie a thick thread at the neck to secure the fabric.

2. Insert black pins to become eyes.

3. To hang the ghost, you can make a small loop of thread on the top of the head.

DIY Halloween Crafts: Spider Garland

You will need:

Thin brushes

Strong thread

Needle and thread or tape.

1. Prepare 4 pipe cleaners, gather them into a bunch and bend them in half.

2. Grasp the top of the head where the pipe cleaners fold, bend it slightly and twist the pipe cleaners to form the body of the spider.

3. Start straightening the spider's legs.

4. Using a thread and a needle or tape, attach the spider to the thread.

5. Make a few more spiders to create a larger garland.

DIY Halloween decor

For this project, you can use your imagination and use any objects (things, toys) to create original corner for Halloween.

In this case, a witch's locker was created. For this purpose a large wooden box, but you can use it instead cardboard box, to which you can attach several shelves and decorate with paints (gouache) and/or black adhesive tape (or electrical tape).

As decorations you can add:

Toy skulls

Bats cut from black paper

Artificial web (buy in cans or make your own from threads)

Antique books and unwanted keys

Jars and cones, painted with gouache in the desired colors.

DIY Halloween at home: bloody candles

You will need:

Food parchment (baking paper)

White thick and thin candles

1 red candle

Pins and nails

1. First, cover work surface food parchment, and remove all stickers (if any) from the candles.

2. Light the red candle and get ready to drip red paraffin onto the thick white candle. You can insert pins and nails into the white candle in advance. Be careful, remember - paraffin is hot.

3. The same can be done with thin candles and then insert them into the candlestick.

How to make flying candles for Halloween

How to Decorate Your House for Halloween: Glow in the Dark Ghosts

Halloween Crafts: Hand

DIY Halloween Crafts: Cardboard Anti-Zombie Barricades

DIY Halloween Decorations: Eyes in the Dark

Halloween door decoration

How to make a big Halloween ghost with your own hands

You will need:

Transparent trash bags

Transparent wide and thin tape

Mannequin or volunteer

* you can use part of a mannequin (without the head) or something that has the shape of a torso, as well as a ball for the head.

Line (for hanging).

1. Torso

1.1. Place a large clear bag over the mannequin. If you have a volunteer as a mannequin, make holes in the bag for the head and arms and then put it on it.

1.2. Start wrapping thick tape around the bag. Pay special attention to the most intricate parts of the torso. Wrap around your waist, neck and shoulders. Add some tape to connect all the already wrapped parts - a couple of pieces from the neck to the shoulders and a couple from the waist to the neck.

*For more difficult places You can use thin tape.

In the picture you can see strips of blue tape - this is so that you can better understand what to do next.

1.3. Continue wrapping the tape, varying from horizontal to vertical stripes. The main thing is that the entire torso is covered.

1.4. To make the shape stronger, add another layer of tape. You can add a couple more layers if desired, but the more tape, the less transparent the ghost will be.

1.5. Using scissors (preferably with rounded ends), cut the shape from the back from the neck to the waist in a straight line. The dark tape in the picture shows exactly where this needs to be done.

1.6. Carefully remove the form from the mannequin and set it aside.

7. Nowhead.

If you don't have a head model, you can use a regular ball of the appropriate size.

*Under no circumstances use a real person for this.

7.1. Place a transparent bag over the mold.

7.2. Wrap thin tape around the neck to secure the bag at the bottom. And to secure the bag on top, wrap tape around it in the forehead area. If you are using balls, simply place some tape on the bottom and then start wrapping it around the entire ball.



Very soon funny and a little creepy autumn holiday Halloween. And if you decide to throw a party at home, to please your friends or children, then you definitely need to create an atmosphere appropriate for the holiday at home. Decorating your home may be easier than it seems at first glance. Various available materials will be used - from paper to New Year's garlands, as well as seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Pumpkin home decor

Pumpkin - main character Halloween. You can use it to make anything you want: lanterns or candlesticks, draw scary faces on pumpkins, paint pumpkins, or make dishes from it for the Halloween table. Below I suggest you look at a few photos of decor ideas with pumpkins.

Lanterns and candlesticks

If you don’t have pumpkins in your arsenal, but want to make a traditional Halloween lantern with a creepy face, then use oranges. You must first remove the pulp from them, and then cut out the face with a knife or scissors. A small candle is placed inside and the flashlight is ready.

In addition, candlesticks can be made from glass glasses or cans, painting the desired designs on them with paints or gluing silhouettes cut out of paper.

Lanterns can easily be made from any plastic cans or containers by drawing scary faces or other images on them and placing New Year's garlands inside.

Spider web and bats

These are mandatory Halloween attributes, so add them to your interior immediately. Both cobwebs and bats can be easily made from paper or thick cardboard and hung throughout the apartment: on the ceiling, doors, windows.

Flying ghosts

What would a holiday be without them? You can make small ghosts from pieces of gauze, bandage or white balloons and hang them from the ceiling, you can make larger ghosts from your own white T-shirts, or limit yourself to paper ghosts in your home decor.

Halloween table decor

Themed food and dish decor are a must-have addition to a truly mystical party. Actively use pumpkin dishes, but don’t limit yourself to them. The whole trick of Halloween baking is to turn ordinary dishes into something special with decorations. For example, you can easily turn regular chocolate muffins into spiders using chocolate sticks, and bake your friends’ or family’s favorite chocolate cookies in the shape of bats. Pancakes should be baked in the shape of a spider web, and pizza should be given a scary look with the help of olives. How to do this, see the photo below.

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