Training for teachers on cohesion and team building. Relaxation. Sage from the temple. Stage Development of emotional perception

Purpose of the training: To unite the newly formed teaching staff of the kindergarten.


1. Form trusting relationships in the group;

2. Association, team building;

3. Developing the ability to work in a team

4. Creating group efficiency.

Forms and methods of work:

A set of exercises is designed for teachers. Duration of the meeting is 2 hours.

The training is held in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 15-20 educators.

Expected results:

  • Teachers get to know each other better.
  • The quality of interaction between educators will improve.
  • The performance of the group will increase.
  • Teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.
  • The psychological climate in the team will improve
  • Cohesion will increase teaching staff



Petrova Yu.M.

Teacher - psychologist

MBDOU "TsRR-d/s "Luchik"

Training “Uniting Pedagogical preschool educational institution team»

Purpose of the training: To unite the newly formed teaching staff of the kindergarten.


  1. Form trusting relationships in the group;
  2. Unification, team building;
  3. Developing the ability to work in a team
  4. Creating group functionality.

Forms and methods of work:

A set of exercises is designed for teachers. Duration of the meeting is 2 hours.

The training is held in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 15-20 educators.

Expected results:

  1. Teachers get to know each other better.
  2. The quality of interaction between educators will improve.
  3. The performance of the group will increase.
  4. Teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.
  5. The psychological climate in the team will improve.
  6. The cohesion of the teaching staff will increase.

Introductory part

Exercise “Funny Train”.


  • Team building;
  • Uplifting mood;
  • Relieving tension

Time: 10 minutes

Exercise: In front of the music hall, the participants are divided into 2 “trains”: the tallest is first, the lowest is at the end. Then all the participants, except the first in the ranks, cover their eyes with scarves and, following the command, begin to move into the music room, raising their legs one by one; the task of the “locomotives” is to seat their “cars” on the chairs without colliding with each other.


Exercise “Learn by drawing”


  • help participants get to know each other better;
  • create motivation to work together.

Time: 20 minutes.

Attributes: flipchart; markers; sheets of paper;

Exercise: The psychologist asks the participants the question: “How long have you been working together and do you know each other well?”

After the participants’ answers, the following instructions are given: “Please draw in 5 (10) minutes a portrait of yourself in this team, how you see yourself in it, in order to say: “This is me.” The drawings are not signed.”

After completing the work, the psychologist collects the drawings into a common pile. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, attaches it to the flipchart (you can first pass the drawing in a circle so that everyone can take a closer look at it) and discusses it with the group on the following questions:

  • What is this person like?
  • Who could it be?

After the group has found out who the author of the drawing was, the psychologist asks him to tell something additional about himself (at the request of the participant).


Main part

Exercise. "Compliment"

Purpose of the exercise : creating a positive emotional attitude towards the interlocutor

Time 10 minutes

Exercise: come up with a compliment that matches personal qualities interlocutor.

Instructions: remember the words of B. Okudzhava

"Let's exclaim, admire each other,

There is no need to be afraid of high-flown words.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love...!

Today we will compliment each other. Choose a partner to complete the task. The exchange of compliments will take place in the form of dialogue. It is necessary not only to receive a compliment, but also to return it.

For example:

Natasha, you are such a sympathetic person!

Yes, that's right! And also, I'm kind!

And you, Olya, have such beautiful eyes!

A compliment is accepted in a certain form: Yes, it is! And I also...(added positive quality) and the compliment is returned to the speaker.


Exercise " Empire State building"

Goal: Develop the ability to act coherently.

Time: 20 minutes.

For the game you will need markers or felt-tip pens, A3 sheets, cards with tasks, namely:

Draw a building with 10 floors.

The outline of the building should be purple.

The building should have 2 windows on each floor.

A blue flag should fly on the building

There should be as many cards as there are participants. If there are too many participants, then they can be divided into groups, then fewer cards will be needed. Each participant is given a card. His task is to silently draw what he has been given. The participants also do not talk to each other. All group members draw at the same time. For the convenience of playing the game, it is better that a sheet of paper is attached to the wall, and the number of participants does not exceed 5 people. For excitement, you can arrange competitions against the clock, then you will need a stopwatch.


Exercise. "Plate of Water"

Purpose of the exercise: to develop mutual understanding in the group, to understand and discuss the patterns of mutual assistance

Time 15 minutes.

Task: a group of participants, silently with their eyes closed, passes a plate of water around.

As a result, during the transfer, methods of communication develop, searching for the partner’s hands until the moment of passing the plate, and warning about the transfer by touch.


Exercise. "Who's faster?".

Goal: team building, coordination of actions, distribution of roles

Time: 10 min

Assignment: groups must build different geometric shapes from the participants (square, triangle, circle, etc.), and do this in complete silence.


Final part

Exercise “Tell a story”

The exercise shows how participants are able to effectively transfer initiative to each other, which is important in training effective communications or team building.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Description: A psychologist or group writes on a flipchart:

  • The name of any item that can be seen in the store.
  • The name of any item that can be given to your mother for her birthday.
  • Any sport.
  • I love any food.
  • Any celebrity's name.
  • Any crime.
  • I love any profession.

The psychologist explains that now the group will need to come up with a story. In this case, the first participant will have to start with the words “One day I discovered completely unusual thing..." The next one in the group continues the story. Each person must speak one sentence and include in the story the characters and objects indicated on the flipchart.

Summary behavior: For effective communication in a group, you must be able to transfer the initiative and let everyone speak.

Offer. 2 min. Everyone says one word to make a sentence.

The exercise is repeated several times. This exercise is also diagnostic. If the game stalls on any participant several times in a row, it means he is not activated enough, or he is excited about something. This is a signal to the psychologist to pay attention to him.


Exercise. "What have I learned"

Time 10 minutes

Goal: reflection

Task: complete unfinished sentences

I learned...

I found out that...

I was surprised that.....

I liked it………

I was disappointed that...

The most important thing for me was….

Completion. Discussion in a circle:

What did I learn today...

What will I use in my work...


Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood.

Time 10-15 minutes.

Instructions: Group members express wishes to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you are addressing the wish, and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn throws it to the next person, expressing his wish for today. We will carefully monitor that everyone gets the ball and try not to miss anyone.

Thank you all for your active participation!!!


  1. Fopel, K. Group cohesion. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. – M.: Genesis, 2010. – 336 p. – (All about the psychological group).
  2. Vachkov, I.V. Basics of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.
  3. Monina, G.B., Lyutova-Roberts, E.K. Communication training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007. - 224 p.: ill.
  4. Starshenbaum, G.V. Training of skills of a practical psychologist. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2008. - 416 p.

The purpose of the training: to unite the group and build effective team interaction.
“Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become one to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, only a close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.”

Training objectives:
1. formation of a favorable psychological climate in a group;
2. finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;
3. development of the ability to work in a team;
4. group cohesion.

Introducing the participants to each other, to the presenters, as well as to the goals of the training and the rules of working in the group.
Exercise 1: Swap places those who have one child, who are not happy with their pay, who are experiencing stress now, who who has a dream, who good mood those who have unfulfilled tasks, etc.

2. The “Washing Laundry” test will allow you to determine how susceptible a particular teacher is to stress. This is important because working in a preschool educational institution is associated with emotional stress.

3. Presentation.

Goal: to find out what teachers know about the preschool institution in which they work, how they can convey this information to parents and children; how educators see their role, how much information they have about the profession, how they can present themselves to parents, children, and colleagues. Props: sheets of paper, pens, a sheet of Whatman paper, colored pencils.
Presentation (translated from Latin) means “presentation”. We will now start by introducing ourselves. You have 5 minutes to put down on paper the most important information about yourself and try to tell your colleagues about them in a fun way (2-3 minutes for each presentation).

The next task is somewhat more difficult: you must talk about the merits of your partner.

Our kindergarten also needs an introduction. What do we know about him? Year of creation? What is different about the area where our garden is located? What attractions are there? What makes our garden different from others?
You have 5 minutes, let's compose an ode to our kindergarten.
Let's all draw an advertising poster for our kindergarten on a piece of Whatman paper.

4. Increase self-esteem.

Goal: developing self-confidence and the ability to solve issues collectively. Props: sheets of paper, colored pencils.
Self-esteem is our opinion about ourselves. In early childhood, a child judges himself according to four criteria:
1) cognitive competence, i.e. ability to solve problems and achieve goals;
2) social competence, i.e. ability to maintain relationships with people;
3) physical competence - “what I can (or cannot) do” (run, play football, etc.);
4) code of conduct - “am I a good girl or boy).”

With age, self-esteem criteria become more differentiated as ideas about our attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, a sense of humor, professional suitability, etc. are formed.

Exercise 1. Now we will perform an exercise that will allow us to determine our attitude towards ourselves. You are given 5 minutes to create the most full list their merits. Who did it the most?
Exercise 2. While throwing a ball to each other, compliment your colleagues. What behavior do you think indicates low self-esteem? About overpriced? How does a person who adequately perceives himself behave? (discussion 10 min.)
Exercise 3. Postcard to a colleague. Dans keywords: intelligence, kindness, beauty, health. Use these words to sign a card for your colleague. (3-5 min.)

5. Communication with colleagues.
Goal: to develop positive, creative communication skills among teachers. Props: sheets of paper, pens, sheets of quotes.

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by needs joint activities and includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of the other person.
How do you see ideal teacher-teacher communication? what needs to be done for this? Everyone knows that you can understand a person better if you know what his gestures say. Lifted up thumb means approval, lowered means condemnation. When a person is interested in the words of the interlocutor, he slightly tilts his head to the side, shrugging his shoulders, as if we are saying: “I don’t know.”
Exercise 1. You are given 5 minutes to come up with and show signals with gestures:
- I need help;
- I have free time;
- stop making noise;
- hurry up;
- calm down;
-I'm coming to help;
- come visit. (10 minutes are allotted for the demonstration.)

Exercise 2. The most important thing for teachers of the same group is mutual understanding and a common strategy for raising and teaching children. To better understand each other, the following exercise is suggested.

Complete the sentences.
1. I think the most important thing in working with children in my group is.....
2. The most problematic child in the group….
3. The most successful classes in the group are….
4. It seems to me that children don’t like...
5. I would like to talk to my parents......
6. I would like……(speech therapist, psychologist, physical education instructor, music director, etc.) to work in the group.
7. I am ready to help my colleagues...(in celebrations, parent meetings, preparation for open classes).

Exchange sheets of paper and compare where your opinions coincide and where they differ.

Psychological exercise
Complex No. 1.
Goal: to help master relaxation and concentration techniques, help to increase the energy potential of teachers. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to charge for 15-20 minutes. Every day.

Self-reflection exercise: complete the sentences:

“I used to be...”
“Actually I...”
“Soon I will...”


Literature used:
1. Aralova M.A. Formation of a preschool educational institution team. Psychological support. LLC “TC Sfera”, 2005.
2. Monina G.B. Communicative training: teachers, psychologists, parents / G.B. Monina, E.K. Lyutova-Roberts. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007.

Samal Sadubova
Training “Uniting the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions”

Purpose of the training: To unite the newly formed teaching staff of the kindergarten.

1. Form trusting relationships in the group;

2. Association, team building;

3. Developing the ability to work in a team

4. Creating group efficiency.

Forms and methods of work:

A set of exercises designed for educators. The duration of the meeting is 45-60 minutes.

The training is held in the afternoon. The training involves working with a group of 10-15 educators.

Expected results:

1. Teachers get to know each other better.

2. The quality of interaction between educators will improve.

3. The performance of the group will increase.

4. Teachers will develop the ability to work in a team.

5. The psychological climate in the team will improve.

6. The cohesion of the teaching staff will increase.

Introductory part

1. Exercise “Funny little train”.

Team building;

Uplifting mood;

Relieving tension

Time: 10 minutes

Assignment: Participants must stand in one line in height. Highest first, lowest last. Then all participants, except the first one in the ranks, cover their eyes with scarves and, under his command, begin to move forward, raising their legs one by one.

2. Exercise “The road from childhood to adulthood.”

Unite the team;

Defining the roles of managers and subordinates;

Overcoming internal fears;

Time: 40 minutes.

Attributes: Long ropes (2 pcs., scarf.

Task: The ropes are laid out on the floor in the form of a winding path. The first participant must walk with his eyes closed between the ropes from beginning to end, without making any steps. The rest of the participants help him with verbal instructions, but do not touch him.

All other participants need to go the same way, but in a limited time (the leader chooses the time himself, for example 30 minutes). The participant who has made 5 steps starts the task again.

3. Find out the drawing (do you know each other well)

Help participants get to know each other better;

Create motivation to work together.

Time: 20 minutes.

Attributes:flipchart; masking tape; markers; sheets of paper;

Assignment: The trainer asks the participants the question: “How long have you been working together and do you know each other well?”

After the participants’ answers, the following instructions are given: “Please draw in 5 (10) minutes a portrait of yourself in this team, how you see yourself in it, in order to say: “This is me.” There is no need to sign the drawings.”

After completing the work, the trainer collects the drawings into a common pile. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, attaches it to the board or flipchart (you can first pass the drawing around so that everyone can take a closer look at it) and discusses it with the group on the following questions:

What is this person like?

Who could it be?

Main part

5. Exercises “Funny Animals”

Goal: Creating a favorable psychological climate.

Time: 15 minutes

Props: cards or list with animal names: chimpanzee, giraffe, platypus, koala, sloth, armadillo, porcupine, etc.

The player is shown a card or the name of an animal, he must depict this animal without words, only sounds can be made. Whoever guesses correctly shows the next animal.

Reflection exercise.

5. “Interaction tasks”

6. “Town-tree-dog”

Goal: Develop the ability to act coherently.

Time: 15 minutes.

Props: a sheet of whatman paper, markers or felt-tip pens, a surface for drawing.

The team is divided into three groups, each of which takes on ONE marker at a time. The task of each subgroup is to draw one of the elements on a sheet of paper to create a “city-tree-dog” drawing. Participants act simultaneously; talking to each other is prohibited. The coherence and quality of the drawing are assessed. The ability to communicate, obey, manage, and act together in conditions of resource scarcity is analyzed.

Final part

7. Exercise “Tell a story”

The exercise shows how participants are able to effectively transfer initiative to each other, which is important in training effective communications or team building.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Description: The trainer or group writes on a flipchart:

The name of any item that can be seen in the store.

The name of any item that can be given to your mother for her birthday.

Any sport.

I love any food.

Any celebrity's name.

Any crime.

I love any profession.

The coach explains that now the group will need to come up with a story. In this case, the first participant will have to start with the words “Once I discovered a completely unusual thing...”. The next one in the group continues the story. Each person must speak one sentence and include in the story the characters and objects indicated on the flipchart.

Summary behavior: For effective communication in a group, you must be able to transfer the initiative and let everyone speak.

Offer. 2 min. Everyone says one word to make a sentence.

The exercise is repeated several times. This exercise is also diagnostic. If the game stalls on any participant several times in a row, it means he is not activated enough, or he is excited about something. This is a signal to the coach to pay attention to him.

8. "Wishes"

Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood.

Time 10-15 minutes.

Instructions: Group members express wishes to each other for the day. It should be short, preferably one word. You throw the ball to the person to whom you are addressing the wish, and at the same time say it. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn throws it to the next person, expressing his wish for today. We will carefully monitor that everyone gets the ball and try not to miss anyone.


1. Fopel, K. Group cohesion. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. – M.: Genesis, 2010. – 336 p. – (All about the psychological group).

2. Vachkov, I. V. Fundamentals of group training. – M.: Os-89, 2000.

3. Monina, G. B., Lyutova-Roberts, E. K. Communication training (teachers, psychologists, parents). - St. Petersburg. : Rech, 2007. - 224 p.: ill.

4. Starshenbaum, G.V. Training of skills of a practical psychologist. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2008. - 416 p.

5. 18 training programs. Guide for professionals / Under scientific. -ed. V. A. Chiker. - ( Psychological training) – M.: Rech, 2008. – 368 p.


Training to unite the teaching staff at preschool educational institutions

Purpose of the training: Uniting the teaching staff, developing communication skills, getting to know each other better.

Training objectives:

Formation of a favorable psychological climate;

Finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

Development of the ability to work in a team;

Improve the communication skills of teachers.

Required materials:

Sheets of A format – 4 according to the number of participants, simple pencils, felt-tip pens;

Calm music for relaxation;

Plates, a jug of water;

Checked leaves ballpoint pens by the number of participants.

Educational psychologist: Hello, dear colleagues, today we will take part in a training aimed at team building.

The team in which a friendly atmosphere reigns is prosperous and successful, and always remains in the lead.

But before the training begins, we will discuss the rules of working in a group, which are necessary to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and safe:

1. Listen carefully to each other, do not interrupt.

2. Respect each other's opinions.

3. Non-judgmental judgments.

4. Activity.

5. Stop rule.

6. Confidentiality.

1 exercise.

Target: relieving tension through movements, organizing playful interaction.

Teachers, at the psychologist’s signal, begin to move chaotically around the room and greet everyone they meet along the way. You have to greet yourself in a certain way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - shake hands with shoulders;

3 claps - we shake our backs.

Exercise 2.

Target: improve the communication skills of teachers.

Tell about the name, about the origin of the name: who gave you this name, do you like your name and what name do you like?

Exercise 3.

Target: allows you to understand and feel yourself, be yourself, express your thoughts and feelings freely, and also understand the uniqueness of everyone, see the place you occupy in the diversity of this world and feel part of this beautiful world.

"Beautiful Garden"

Participants sit in a circle. The psychologist invites teachers to close their eyes and imagine themselves as a flower. What kind of flower would you be, what color, size, what petals, leaves. The presenter suggests sitting quietly, you can close your eyes, and imagine yourself as a flower. Everyone is given paper, markers, and pencils.

Next, participants are invited to cut out their own flower. Then everyone sits in a circle. The presenter spreads paper inside the circle in the form of a circle and distributes glue to each participant. The paper is declared to be a garden clearing that needs to be planted with flowers. All participants take turns going out and sticking their flower.

You are invited to admire the “beautiful garden” and capture this picture in your memory so that it shares its positive energy. Note that although there were many flowers, there was enough space for everyone, everyone took only their own, the one they chose. See what kind of different people yours is growing in. But there is also something in common - some have the color, others the size or shape of the leaves. And all flowers, without exception, need sun and attention.

Exercise 4: “Trusting fall”.

Target: developing trust in each other.

The training participants are divided into pairs. The exercise is that one person from the pair will fall, and the other will catch him. The person who catches kneels or squats slightly (about 90 cm behind their partner) to break the fall before their partner hits the floor. The person who is falling stands with his back to his partner, closes his eyes, relaxes and falls back into his partner's arms, trying not to catch himself as he falls. Then the partners change roles.

Exercise 5

Target: finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them; developing the ability to work in a team.

Participants are divided into 2 teams. The task is to describe as many similarities between the participants as possible. This could be a similarity of physical qualities or any other.

Exercise 6"Present"

Target: positive completion of the training, reflection. Let's think about what you could give to our team to make interaction within it even more effective and relationships within it more cohesive? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.

Let's reward ourselves for a successful lesson with applause!

Now answer the following questions in a circle:

What was important to you today?

What feelings did you experience?

Do you need such training in the future?

Well, all the gifts have been given, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and worked well as a team.

In conclusion, the educational psychologist explains how important it is to be united, the team is a family, a small world, where everyone occupies a certain place and performs one function or another. The climate is called favorable if an atmosphere of goodwill, care for everyone, trust and exactingness reigns in the team. If team members are ready to work, show creativity and achieve high quality, working without supervision and taking responsibility for the business. If everyone in a team is protected, feels involved in everything that is happening and actively engages in communication.

“It is usually easier to change individuals
gathered in a group
than to change everyone
of them separately"
Kurt Lewin
In any team
(educational, industrial) arises
an issue related to group cohesion.
This question is important because from the level
team development, degree
its cohesion depends on its effectiveness
work of the institution, as well as psychological
comfort of each member.

The purpose of the training is to unite the team and build
effective team interaction.
Training objectives:
Increase team cohesion;
Increase mutual understanding between teachers;
Increase self-esteem of teachers;
Formation of a favorable psychological
climate in the team;
Each teacher’s awareness of his role and functions in the group;
Development of the ability to work in a team;
Increase your mood for luck, happiness, kindness and success.

"Unity -
this is an opportunity for
team to become one
for specific achievements
goals and objectives. Everything We Need
in support, and we get it
We can only do it in our group!
After all, only the united
the team achieves many things
peaks and victories!

Commandments of a cohesive team
Show genuine interest in other people. Let the people you communicate with feel that they are you
Remember that in any language there is no sound more significant and pleasant for a person than the sound of his own name.
Be a good listener.
Encourage others to talk about themselves.
Talk about things that interest your interlocutor.
Smile more often.
Find the source of love and connect to it. Charge it like a battery from an outlet.
Love yourself. The way you think about and treat yourself is how people will think about and treat you.
Learn to imagine yourself in the “skin” of another and look at the world through his eyes.
Learn to trust people.
Don't expect much from people right away. Be patient. Don't give up spreading friendliness.
Do something nice for people. Give gifts, give compliments. Don't criticize, don't boast, don't judge.
Evaluate people's merits honestly and sincerely.
Arouse positive emotions in people through humor and jokes.
Try to hear and understand those around you, help create a friendly and cohesive team.
Respect your colleague's opinion and choice. Learn to forgive minor mistakes - it happens to everyone!
As an integral part of the team, remain a bright, extraordinary, creative person.
If the team is not what you want it to be, start changing it with yourself.
Start each day with the question: “What can I do today to benefit the group?” After answering the question, start
Everyone is talented and you too! Showcase your abilities. Participate in the staging of holidays.
Be responsible in carrying out assignments for the benefit of the team, but do not become its drag force.
Be active in the common cause and make it enjoyable and meaningful for everyone.
Remember that the joy of life depends on its diversity. Learn to enjoy work, leisure, success and difficulties.

Cohesion exercises allow training participants to
feel like one well-coordinated team. Trainings
team building traditionally involves a large number of
exercises for unity, they raise the tone of the group, increase its
involvement and focus on results, which in turn
increases the effectiveness of training. Unity exercises
quickly transform a disparate group into a single one,
a well-coordinated and well-functioning mechanism. This is why they are valued.
High-quality exercises for unity have been selected for you,
enjoy deserved popularity among trainers and practitioners. These exercises will help you participate in effective
and interesting training.

Dear colleagues!
Choose a training name for yourself,
write it down.

1. Exercise “Square” (5-10 min.)
Goal: to get a feel for each group member.
Progress of the exercise
Stand in a circle and close your eyes. Now, without opening your eyes, you need
change into a square. After the square is built,
don't open your eyes.
Is everyone sure that they are square?
There are usually a few people who are not sure about this. Square
it really should be smooth. And only after absolutely everything
agree that they are standing exactly in the square, invite them to open their eyes,
rejoice at the good result and analyze the process.
You can also build into other shapes.
During the exercises, participants experience strong emotions and do a lot
conclusions, so after each stage you can arrange a small
discussion where you can express wishes to your colleagues for improvement
The most important question here is: how could the task be done?
better and faster?

2. Exercise “Collage”
Time: 40-45 minutes.
Goal: to unite the team and get to know each group member better.
Materials: Whatman paper, glue, color pictures of animals.
Progress of the exercise
The teaching staff is divided into 2 groups, teachers sit down to
tables, and they are offered whatman paper, glue, and to draw color pictures
animals (can be used) stencil. From the suggested pictures
each group member chooses the animal that corresponds to him, as
he sees and feels himself in this team. Choosing which one
draws an animal, everyone places and glues them on whatman paper
the way he feels his position in the team. After completion
work, each participant (optional) complements his pictures with a background
using pencils.
Questions for discussion:
Why did you choose this particular animal?
Do you feel like this animal in a team?
Did you have any difficulties doing the exercise?

3. Exercise “House”
Goal: awareness of your role in the group, style of behavior.
Time: 15 minutes.
Resources: cards with images of furniture, household items, etc.
Progress of the exercise: participants are divided into 2 teams.
The facilitator gives instructions: “Each team should become
a complete home! Each person must choose who he will be in
this house - a door, a wall, or maybe wallpaper or an object
furniture, a flower or a TV? The choice is yours! But don't forget
that you should be a complete and functional home!
Build your own house!” Psychological meaning of the exercise:
Participants think about what function they perform in
this team, realize that they are all needed in their “home”, that
promotes unity.
How did the team discussions go? Were you able to immediately determine
your role in the “house”? Why did you choose this particular role? I think,
You all understood that every part of your “home” is important and needed in it,
each has its own specific function, without which the house cannot
be complete!

4. Exercise “Group drawing in a circle”
All participants are given one sheet of Whatman paper and pencils (felt-tip pens,
The task is to conceive a picture (any image), draw only one of it
element, after which the sheet is transferred to the neighbor on the right. Thus,
Each participant receives a piece of paper with one element.
The task is to complete one element and pass it to the neighbor on the right. Drawings
are passed on until the circle is closed. Integrity is discussed
the resulting paintings and attractiveness. The exercise allows
develop empathy of participants, the ability to see the position of another, in
holistic action develops team cohesion.
Sign the sheet to find out whose it is.

5. Exercise “Ideal world”
Materials: 2 sheets of whatman paper; markers of different colors.
Venue and starting position of participants: teachers
are divided into 2 teams, equal in number of people. Teams
positioned in such a way that when discussing the task there is no
interfere with each other.
the first team to draw a picture “The Ideal Team”;
the second team draw a picture of “The Ideal Colleague”, and
Present the paintings to the whole team.
Time: The group has 10 minutes to complete the task.
The presentation of the paintings is carried out by 1–2 people from each team,
arguing your vision of an ideal world, no more than 2 minutes

6. Exercise “Associations”
Purpose: This very simple and interesting exercise will help every participant
training to clarify the concept of “team”.
Group size: 8–15 people
Time: 10–15 minutes
Instructions: Colleagues, our training is called team building. I suggest
everyone to clarify for themselves the meaning of the concept of “team”. An exercise that
We're going to walk you through something that seems simple, but it's not entirely true. You're in it
make sure when you see how interesting and unexpected they can be
our colleagues’ views on many issues.
1. Take pens and paper.
2. Your task is to hear my question and write down the first images associated
with him that came to your mind:
If a team is a building, then it...
If a team is a color, then it...
If the team is music, then it...
If a team is a geometric figure, then it...
If the team is the name of the film, then it...
If a team is a mood, then it...
3. Conduct a survey of participants on the associations you named...
Results of the exercise:
What did you like about this exercise?
What answers were most interesting to you?
What answers surprised you?
What does this exercise tell us?

7. Exercise “Russian Post”
Each training participant will write a telegram,
congratulations, wishes on a form, indicating instead
Full name description of the appearance and character of the other
participant, and on back side the form will draw
his portrait. All forms are put in a postal
box, then you have to guess who it’s addressed to
message. Determine who from the group will collect them

8. Exercise “Gift”
Goal: positive completion of the training, reflection.
Time: 3-5 minutes.
Description of the exercise:
Psychologist: “Let’s think about what we could give to your group,
so that interaction in it becomes even more effective, and relationships in it become
more united? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. I,
for example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Next, each of
participants express what he would like to give to the group.
"Let's reward ourselves for successful work applause!
Psychological meaning of the exercise: A ritual that allows you to complete
the training is beautiful and on a positive emotional note.

Recommendations for teachers on creating a favorable
psychological climate in the team:
Develop in yourself such a quality as tolerance towards other people,
colleagues, students. Intolerance leads to the accumulation of aggression,
which at any moment can result in innocent people, including
number on loved ones.
Avoid criticizing others, rather actually try
understand another person's behavior.
Learn to relieve emotional stress after a working day;
fight emotional burnout.
Rejoice in the successes of your colleagues, then with your success, you will
who to rejoice.
Avoid unnecessary competition. Set realistic goals
Find time for entertainment and hobbies. Meet colleagues at
informal setting - this promotes cohesion.
Lead healthy image life: do not forget about the benefits of physical
loads, walks fresh air and healthy food.

“Our training has come to an end.
I want to ask you, what new did you learn today?
What useful things did you learn for yourself and for the group?
Well, all the gifts have been given, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. Y'all
were active and worked well as a team. Don't forget that you are
a single whole, each of you is important and necessary, unique
part of this whole!
Together you are strong!
Thank you everyone for participating!”
The employees of the preschool educational institution are a close-knit team,
living by one motto:
"Our work is love with

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