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Purification mantras are very useful and even necessary tools, if you want to get rid of any negative aspects and their consequences in your life, and also start any new endeavor.

In the article:

Purification mantras and their effect

Purification mantras are designed to get rid of negativity in all its senses.
The psychological effect of such voice formulas allows you to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions that have a destructive effect on a person. They calm your mind, organize your thoughts and help you let go of everything you don't need.
In addition, such sounds also affect the energy flows that surround each person. Thus, with the help of purification mantras, you can get rid of negative programs, bad thoughts and even diseases, because most often they are caused precisely by the negative energy that is present in the body. various levels human life activity.

Reading and listening to sacred texts allows you to cleanse not only thoughts, space and energy. With their help, you can even clear karma, which can completely change a person’s health and quality of life. You can listen to cleansing mantras or chant them, both methods are good and have a positive effect.

Mantras for cleansing karma

widely known as the mantra that conquers death. It can help get rid of almost any disease, but this is far from its only property. With the help of this sacred text, which contains an appeal to Shiva, you can get rid of many problems, gain longevity and good health. It also has powerful cleansing and protective properties, sets you up for positivity, brings joy. Many people believe that this is a mantra that cleanses karma, but it only works if it is read or listened to regularly.

There are more the hard way clear karma - Vajrassattva mantra. In order for it to work, it is advisable to learn to visualize the deity to whom its text is addressed. It must be imagined as a sparkling white silhouette with a bell in the left hand and a vajra in the right. While reading the mantra, a snow-white light will emanate from the chest of the deity, which will cleanse you and take the place of the negativity that will leave.

Mantras for clearing space

It is very important to monitor not only your own energy balance, but also the condition of your home. The well-being and mood of all the people living in it depend on how pure its energy is, which is why it has such great importance. With the help of ancient Sanskrit texts, you can cleanse any room and fill it with positive energy. This can also help attract customers to your store, because customers come into a room that is pleasant to be in much more often.

One of the most powerful cleansing formulas is this. Its age is about 3-4 thousand years. This sacred text has the power to cleanse everything from unnecessary and unnecessary things - your thoughts, your life, and your home. Text and translation of this strong mantra space cleansing dedicated to Gayatri, you can find in the corresponding article.

Another option that is well suited for cleansing the home is the mula mantra. It will not only cleanse your home of any negativity, but also fill it with love, joy and warmth. in this situation it is also suitable, and its text can be found at the link. Some people believe that a house in which any Tibetan chants are regularly heard will always be filled with only positive energy. To do this, you can not only sing, but also cleanse the space.

Mantras for cleansing negativity

Mantras for cleansing negativity will help you get rid of bad thoughts and emotions, and forever erase from your life what you no longer need. In fact, almost any such vocalization has cleansing properties, but among them there are also those that are aimed specifically at cleansing.

One of these mantras that cleanses from negativity is. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of this sacred text. It harmonizes energy and mind, calms and cleanses. With its help you can get rid of the consequences of unpleasant communication or events, as well as other negative external influence on you. It is considered universal and suitable for any cleansing.

Also good for personal cleansing negative energy. With its help you can get rid of negative programs, bad thoughts, negative attitudes and many psychological problems. Since problems of this kind also affect health, it is believed that this text also helps to get rid of some diseases.

In general, these work no worse than any conspiracies or rituals, and their energy is clean and bright, and cannot carry any negativity.

Harsh words, envious thoughts, and bad deeds leave a heavy energy trace on a person. One of the solutions negative impact- mantras of Hindu origin. These are verbal formulas in Sanskrit, the repetition of which leads to the desired result and a change in reality. And it doesn’t matter whether a person listens to mantras to cleanse the chakras and aura or reads them independently.

Help in difficult life situations

Listening to mantras is useful: you can feel peace, clear your mind, restore health, gain or develop psychic abilities. Each of them is unique and requires preparation and an appropriate attitude. In different life situations Esotericists recommend listening to a certain mantra:

  1. Healings. The prayer is directed to the Medicine Buddha. According to Tibetan legend, he gave tantras to illiterate people, which formed the basis of Tibetan medicine. Heals physical and mental illnesses, helps cleanse the aura and chakras. Enlightened practitioners listen to it for the sake of spiritual growth. Improves health for free.
  2. Victorious death. The most powerful way to open the chakras and cleanse the aura. It has a complex effect on the body’s systems; anyone can listen and read it. It affects people differently, giving a person what he lacks: getting rid of an illness, a way out difficult situation, good luck. When listening, it is advisable to sit upright, in the lotus position, with your back straight. Practiced at any time of the day.
  3. Wealth. Like a tuning fork, it tunes a person to a frequency financial well-being. Wealth and prosperity come in images, transmitted by nerve impulses throughout the human body. This mantra helps you discover your path and, following it, create a world of abundance and prosperity. Spiritual practitioners recommend listening to the money mantra in mp3 at least 108 times
  4. For a slim body. Otherwise it is called a mantra for weight loss. This is a powerful tool for combating excess weight, based on the formation of the right psychological attitude. Should be listened to 9-12 times. Next to the sound wave, water is placed in a glass container, which is drunk at the end of the session. The effect occurs within a week. Appetite and cravings for flour and sweets decrease.
  5. To attract and retain a loved one. Aimed at connecting the masculine and feminine principles of a person, opening channels of tenderness and affection. There are many options, but to achieve better effect you have to stop at one. And listen to it regularly during the full moon. The mantra for mutual love helps single people find their soulmate, find the happiness of mutual understanding and common interests. Before the ritual, it is advisable to go on a diet.
  1. To cleanse space. A powerful sound message. It is listened to at dawn in a room from which the negative is removed. The house is filled with bright, clean energy, love, tenderness, and affection come into it. It is necessary to include the mantra several times a day. Course – 30 days.
  2. To get rid of addiction. Helps cope with bad habits: alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction and others. Works with traditional methods treatment. Meditation with a mantra is performed for 40 days in a row, and you should listen to chanting for 31 minutes every day. The most favorable time is morning.
  3. From witchcraft, evil eye and damage. The strongest protection against negativity. Being among people, it is impossible to avoid negative influences. One person causes harm through negligence, another intentionally. The mantra from damage and the evil eye not only protects the biofield, but also attracts happiness, prosperity, and good luck. Depending on the combination of sounds, you can listen to them from 4 to 20 minutes.

Introduction to the great mystery

Many millennia ago, the gods gave people a great secret. No one knows when and how miraculous combinations of letters and sounds appeared in sacred texts. Images of mantras were inscribed on the arches of ancient caves. The power of these texts is so great that you need to use them very carefully so as not to harm yourself. After all, Hindu mantras are not just a set of words, but a mechanism for human interaction with the Universe. They cleanse the chakras and aura, protect and heal, attract wealth and good luck.

To avoid mistakes in pronunciation, it is better to listen to sacred texts on MP3 and quietly sing along. Then soul and space, micro- and macrocosmos will merge into one.

Ancient Tibetan messages, encrypted in special sounds and texts, are capable of influencing human consciousness and the world. The mantra for purifying the biofield and space helps to normalize the spiritual component of things and karma, and set the right direction for the movement of energy.

Tibetan mantras can cleanse the human biofield

What is the power of Tibetan mantras

Each person perceives the sounds of sacred texts in their own way. If he is determined to self-purify and renew the space around him, then the power of ancient Tibetan mantras comes to the rescue. The power of sound emitted in a certain sequence tunes every cell of the body to a wave of purification and change.

The essence of Tibetan mantras is the repetition of sound formulas. They have a beneficial effect on the structure of each human chakra, restoring his biofield. Such spiritual practices help to work with space and consciousness, cleanse them of negativity and destructive emotions. They organize, guide and consolidate results with regular practice.

The subtle energies of the sounds of the space cleansing mantra work with several areas of life at once: health, success, home, love and well-being.

Universal mantra for cleansing

One of the most famous Tibetan mantras for purification goes like this:


Universal mantras allow you to:

  1. Harmonize the general state of mind.
  2. Calm the mind.
  3. Clear the space and biofield from negative external influences.

The text of the universal cleansing mantra contains the sound formula:


Tibetan texts for space

Gayatri is a famous powerful Tibetan text, the physical embodiment of the goddess Gayatri. Helps clear space, thoughts, consciousness, life. Regular practice provides multiple benefits: removes all negative programs; clears the mind of unnecessary dreams and illusions; enlightens and bestows wisdom; gives the ability to see the future.

Gayatri cleansing text from negativity:


The power of Gayatri does not end with the purification of space and energy. She is able to heal ailments and illnesses that appear due to damage or love spells. A person is purified from the consequences of even sinful actions.

The text of the cleansing mantra is dedicated to the goddess Gayatri

Sacred scriptures for cleansing the biofield

If you want to get rid of the negativity accumulated in your biofield, then Tibetan mantras must be read during fasting until the moment of sunrise, at least 10 times. They will help you start something new and leave behind all the negative moments in your life.

Mantra for ridding the body of negative energy and dangerous diseases. It harmonizes all processes in the body and fights chronic pathologies. It is read as protection against damage and the evil eye:


Women's mantra. Fills the biofield with femininity and sexuality, allows you to open up to subtle matters. You need to read at least 100 thousand times:


A strong text for removing all negative energy clots at each level of the biofield. This mantra is used only in cases where complete renewal and flows of light energy are needed. It eliminates all negative emotions, harmonizes the biofield, and establishes protection from the evil eye. Suitable for cleaning ritual premises:


Mantra for home

Mula mantra cleanses the house. The power of action is comparable only with the texts of Gayati:


She helps:

  1. Bring love and harmony back to your home.
  2. Remove all negativity and fill the space with kindness and warmth.
  3. Protect your living space from the evil eye and damage.

The Vajrasattva mantra will return love and light to your home. It needs to be read several times daily without distraction:


When applying healing Tibetan texts in practice, one must remember their interaction with the cosmos. The position of the Earth's satellite directly affects the strength of the mantra. Some mantras are most powerful at certain times of the day. Using moon calendar and recommendations for reading Tibetan texts can achieve the greatest beneficial effect.

Slavic mantras are known, which are called agmas, but unlike Vedic ones they do not contain more than three words, in addition, they cannot be abused, since they are extremely strong and can stop working if used regularly.

What awaits you in the near future:

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Mantra for purifying the biofield and space

A trail of anger, fatigue, jealousy and despondency often follows a person throughout his life, significantly worsening his earthly existence. It is possible to achieve something truly important only if the biofield and space are cleansed - the mantras of Tibet will allow you to get rid of energetic dirt and open your soul to happiness.

Changing the world - start with yourself

Love, career success, creating a strong family and financial well-being are ancient eastern practices can help achieve a variety of goals. You just have to remember firmly: when asking for help, To higher powers, you should first free yourself from the “deposits” of your own negativity. Otherwise, no right words will give you a chance to reach heaven.

The mantra of cleansing the biofield and the space around you is where you should start. In the process of meditation, a person must learn to expel all darkness from thoughts and feelings, let go of grievances, say goodbye to envy and destructive fears. Only after this the soul is able to sound in unison with sacred texts.

The best way to calm down, get into a complacent mood, relax and fill yourself with light is the biofield cleansing mantra:

  • Om - Mane - Padme - Hum.

The following Tibetan mantra can also transform the “black” internal energy of destruction into something creative:

  • Om - Purnam - Adah
  • Purnam - Idam - Purnat
  • Purnam - Udachyate - Purnasya
  • Purnam - Adae
  • Purnam - Eva-a - Vashishyate.

It should be noted that any mantra for cleaning the biofield is pronounced on an empty stomach, in peace and complete silence. No extraneous sounds, no fussy thoughts! It is best to choose the time to correct your internal state at sunrise or sunset.

Getting rid of negativity

Even the kindest and brightest person sometimes turns out to be a target evil forces. Negativity that comes from outside can turn life into one continuous, joyless and dark stripe. In this state, the mantra will provide excellent support - cleaning the biofield and the space around will be much more successful if you turn to the Gods for help with the right words.

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