Where is the lost item? How to find a lost item at home: tips

Almost everyone has experienced a situation in their life where one thing or another went missing. Many people are familiar with the feeling when the desired item was just in their hands, and then it disappeared without a trace. And sometimes it seems that a thing should be in its usual place, but it is not there. The easiest way to arrange general cleaning and turn the whole house over, but this doesn’t always help. There are several effective ways quickly remember where you went necessary thing, both psychological and not entirely scientific.

Method 1

Despite how comical this method is, you can try to appease the brownie, because he may be the culprit of the loss. Following the superstition of the brownie, you need to bribe him with something: put a glass of milk or a saucer with jam in the corner, put a sweet bun, cookies or a little honey. It is generally accepted that brownies love sweets, so they will be happy with such a delicacy and stop being naughty.

Method 2

An alternative to bribing a brownie can be a kind of game with him; superstitious people sometimes use this ancient method - turning to the brownie. As a rule, they say directly: “Play and give it away,” and the necessary thing will soon be found.

Method 3

One theory says that missing things may escape your attention in some spatial corner of the apartment or house. If you follow this logic, then the search will require more effort than just calling out to the brownie.

For example, you can buy a candle in a regular store bright color, which you need to put in front of you at home and light it. Looking at the candle flame, try to revive and visualize the lost item in your memory. It is believed that by turning to the depths of memory, one can thus remember where the thing could have gone when needed.

Method 4

If you can’t shake the feeling that the item was just in your hands and suddenly disappeared, you can try to return to its original place. Once there, you need to repeat all the same actions that were done before, go along the same route. Reconstructing your own actions can help you immediately remember where the item you are looking for is.

Method 5

If an item is lost small size, then only logic will help in this situation. You need to start thinking about where it would be logical to put it. For example, it is convenient to put a small item in a desk drawer or a small box. You need to look first of all where it would be most rational to put this very thing.

Method 6

You should imagine that the thing is now in your hands, and then remember exactly what it looked like and try to mentally repeat your actions. If you have a scheme of action “pictured” in your head, you need to go and check - what if this is exactly what happened?

Method 7

Try to think about where this item was usually stored and see if there is a pile of newspapers, laundry, children's toys or something else there. Perhaps it will be enough to lift the newspaper, and the “lost thing” covered by it will be found.

Method 8

Psychologists believe that oblivion can help in the search. Sometimes, when trying to search, we get too carried away by the smallest details and unknowingly prevent ourselves from concentrating on the main thing. Thus, we deceive our own brain, which begins to think that the thing has already been found, and falsely calms down. At the same time, the thing itself may lie right in front of our eyes, but we do not see it.

In this case, you can try to distract yourself, stop thinking about the loss, and do other things. Most likely, after some time the loss will be discovered.

Method 9

According to the old saying, you can take scissors, open them and put them open on the table. According to legend, missing things are found immediately after this. The secret is that at this moment your attention moves to the scissors, and you don’t think about the lost thing and will soon easily remember where it is.

Method 10

Take any chair in the house, tie a scarf or towel to its leg with one knot, and then go about your business. After some time, the lost item will be revealed. Approximately the same effect can be obtained by turning upside down the glass or cup that is most often used in the house.

Method 11

A pendulum helps a lot in finding missing things. It's quite simple to make - just tie a small weight to a long thread and, holding it by the top edge, walk around the apartment or other room. At this moment, mentally talk about the loss, and if in some place the pendulum begins to move, look carefully, this is probably where the missing item is waiting for its owner.

Method 12

You should stand in the same place where last time the lost item was in your hands and throw a similar item up with the exclamation: “Brother, find your brother!” Where the object falls is where you should look.

This procedure can be repeated several times, and one of the attempts will probably be successful. This method is effective when searching for round-shaped objects that could easily roll somewhere.

Method 13

You can take a thread as long as your own height, fold it into seven layers and tie it with three knots at an equal distance. Place the thread under your pillow and go to bed. It is likely that in a dream you will see where the necessary thing could have disappeared.

Method 14

Don’t be lazy to look around the places you’ve already looked. It happens that upon repeated inspection the item is found.

Method 15

If no other method helps you remember where you put the thing, then only hypnosis will help. You can go to an appointment with a hypnologist, but here you should think about whether the lost item is really needed. It may turn out that it is better to forget about it, wait a while and not spend money, and the thing will be found on its own, quite soon?

I was just holding a needle, a cup, a book, keys in my hands, I turned around, got distracted - the thing was gone. Not in your hands, not within sight range. Has this ever happened? Or someone decided to hide a valuable thing away, guided by the well-known principle “If you put it further away, you will take it closer.” I personally once “put it away” and never saw the valuable ring again. Let's see what can be done in this situation:

1. The most common way. Tie a handkerchief to a chair leg. Considered quite successful. At the same time, you can also say something like “Brownie-brownie, play and give it back!”
2. A tried and tested sign is to simply turn the glass over and the item will be found.
3. If you think that the thing is in the house, start talking to it (it’s better if you are alone, otherwise your family will decide that it’s time to call an ambulance), and at the same time clap your hands. I don’t know why it works, but the glasses were found instantly.
4. It happens that quick rituals and signs don’t work, then we’ll start using more complex ones and move on to “heavy artillery.” If you don’t have a dog in your house, at sunset on Thursday, open the window and, turning your face to the west, read the spell, while rhythmically clapping your hands: “Brother devils, come here, help me search.” Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and the other. Take away the brains, get the thoughts of the thieves. Take away the will and the share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen".
5. Before going to bed, take a thread the length of your height, fold it in three, then fold it seven more times and tie two knots, put it under the pillow. Or you will see in a dream the place where the thing lies, or, when you wake up, begin to untie the knots, then you will remember.
6. You can put dried motherwort, lavender and wormwood herbs in a copper cup (if you happen to have one in your house), add a drop of alcohol and set it on fire. Fumigate the entire apartment with smoke, and the loss will be found.
7. Place a purple candle in the center and imagine the missing item. In the direction where the melted wax will flow down is where you need to look.
8. Imagine the missing thing surrounded by a shiny silver thread, one end of which is in your hands. Mentally pull towards it, imagining that the object is approaching. That is, we will pull it to ourselves, and the loss will be revealed.
9. If you are not afraid of spiders (although why be afraid of them - domestic ones), find a spider, blow lightly on it and ask to find what you lost. In general, according to Vietnamese beliefs, a spider in the house is the guardian of the hearth.
10. Make a simple pendulum and walk around the entire apartment with it. Where the pendulum begins to rotate, look more closely.

Well, if nothing helps at all, then the old, proven method remains - to do a general cleaning, that is, wash and rearrange absolutely everything - from the screws in the pantry to flower pots on the windowsill. I personally have found almost everything that I lost over the past two years. This is probably the most effective way of all, there is no need to call on a brownie for help.


I tie a headscarf behind the table leg and say: “Damn, damn, play and give it back” - 3 times and the thing is quickly found. Oddly enough, in the place where the search was already carried out. I untie the scarf. If you didn’t find it, you won’t find it again never (from my own experience). My friends also use this method with success.

If something is missing, you can do this: Take a knife with your left hand, circle with this knife the place where the missing thing lay, and say forty times: Knife in the heart of a thief, loss in place. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. The loss is quickly found after this.

And in our house they do another ritual to find what is lost. They say, Grandfather, housekeeper, play and give back (this and that), and I’ll give you candy or a liver), you put in what you promised and the thing is quickly found). ..and the gift lies there for a couple of days, then the children find it and, as a rule, ask us if it can be done, and eat it. My grandmother suggested this method back in my childhood.

To find a lost password like “Find”, I first turn to the subconscious and say that I want to find lost item and then I repeat the password and present the thing. You can repeat “Get” with the password “Together”. This “Get” password can also be used when a girl wants a man to give gifts or not be stingy, it says: “I want to find the key that opens this man’s wallet (we call the name and introduce), and then repeat “Get.” What if someone - something useful.

“The little devil played and give it back! And clap your hands three times.” It always helps me. I even find something suspected of being stolen.

Often in our lives such troubles occur as the loss of things that can be stolen, we can lose them or put them in such a prominent place so that later we can easily find them, but that’s not the case - it would be good to remember what kind of prominent place this is, where was the thing put? Sometimes, it is very sad to lose something, especially if the thing is dear, loved and necessary. How to find her? Who or what can help us in such cases? Of course, magic, which has helped out more than once in different situations. A spell for a lost item will certainly help us get it back.

Finding a missing item is a serious matter that will require maximum effort and energy. In order for the ritual to be carried out successfully, and for a positive result not to be long in coming, you must, first of all, concentrate. You can do a meditation that will give you the right mood. While reading the plot, no one should interfere. There should be no one in the room except for the ceremony being performed. Be sure to turn off your phone, doorbell, and all sound sources. You can use a conspiracy only to find a lost item, and not to take revenge on the one who stole it. Let the Higher powers deal with retribution.

Options for conspiracies for missing people in the house

How to find a lost item? If an item is lost at home, you can use the following rituals to find it:

  • sit on a chair, concentrate and read the spell for a lost object:

“The devil is a joker, a thief, stop joking, let me (name of the object) find the thing. Case in point, word for word, come true everything I said. Lord, help me find what I lost! In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen! Now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

After reading, you can start searching. Soon you will find your loss;

  • You can find a missing item by asking a brownie for help. Often, suspicion falls on him. To appease the brownie, you need to put a cup of milk somewhere in the corner of the room, around which you place seven yellow coins and say the words:

“Brownie-brownie, he took my thing for himself, played with it - give it to the owner, and he will welcome you!” After the ceremony, you will leave the house for a while, and when you return, you will immediately find the lost item;

  • if there is no brownie living in your house, then a thread will help you find the lost item. Before you go to bed, you need to measure a thread the length of your height, fold it in three, and while folding, visualize how you are looking for your loss. Then the thread is folded seven more times and two not very tight knots are tied. What comes out of the thread is placed under the pillow. At night you will have a dream in which the place where the thing you need lies will be indicated. If there is no sleep, then in the morning, when you wake up, begin to untie the knots of the thread. When untying, you will remember where you put the missing item;
  • that thing that is definitely in the house and not stolen by a thief can be found with the help of herbs. Place any dry herbs in a cast iron frying pan and set it on fire. You need to go around all the rooms like this. Soon you will come across something missing. During fumigation, the prayer “Our Father” is read;
  • A match, which is lit and extinguished halfway, will help you find what you have lost. Then they draw a cross with it right palm. After this, you need to sit for a while, doing nothing and not thinking about anything, and then the cross is washed off with a milk-containing product and the words are said:

“Everything that I lost is close to me. The Lord sees everything and will not allow anything to escape me. Even (the name of the thing) will soon be found, and I will be happy again”;

  • Archangel Chamuel will help you find what is lost; you turn to him in such cases with the following prayer:

“Archangel Chamuel, it seems to me that I have lost (name the item). I know that it is impossible to truly lose it, for the Lord is omnipresent and knows where it is. Please guide me so that I can find what I am looking for. Thank you, Chamuel."

All these are simple, but effective rituals will help you quickly find something lost at home.

Has it ever happened to you that you were just holding keys, a flash drive, a pen in your hands, you were distracted for a minute - and now it seemed to have fallen through the ground? Everything has already been inspected and double-checked ten times, all things have been moved from their places, everything on tables and bedside tables is turned upside down - and the necessary thing seems to have evaporated... And there is a more long-lasting option: sometimes you hide some particularly valuable thing so deeply, It's not like thieves - you won't find it yourself. And she lies somewhere, the scoundrel, but where? We offer you 10 folk ways that will help you find your lost item.

1. In Rus', it was believed that things disappear from sight for a reason - the brownie is playing with you, wants to joke. Try saying while searching for things: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!” and at the same time clap your hands. It’s not clear why, but most of the things that were just lost are found right there. Maybe psychologists will say something smart about concentration, or maybe the brownie really exists? It's up to you!

2. Second no less known method: Tie a handkerchief to a chair leg. Perhaps the principle of switching attention is at work here. You concentrate on another problem for a second, and meanwhile the solution to the first one pops up in your head. The main thing is that it works!

3. Another simple way is to simply turn the glass or cup over (empty, of course). It is believed that the thing will be found instantly.

4. And we often use this method without any prompts - start talking to the “refugee”, call her and persuade her to be found. True, first make sure that no one hears us, otherwise your family may think that you are missing a couple of balls in your head.

5. Didn't work simple methods? Well, it's time to turn to real practical magic. In the evening, place a purple light in front of you, light it and mentally imagine the lost thing. If nothing comes to mind, start looking in the direction where the wax drips from the candle.

6. If you have a copper cup, ashtray or incense burner in your home, place dried motherwort, lavender and wormwood in it. Add some alcohol and set it on fire. Fumigate your apartment with this smoke and think that what you lost will be found soon.

7. If you are lucky enough to meet a pet spider (and not squeal at the same time), then ask him to find your loss and blow lightly. And then let your little helper crawl about his business. By the way, house spiders are the guardians of the hearth; they should not be afraid or offended.

8. Imagine the missing item in your mind's eye. Imagine that you are connected to her by a silver thread. Wind the silver ball in your hands and gradually get closer to your goal. The main thing is not to interfere with the mind and logic, but to allow intuition and subconscious memory to work.

9. Walk around your apartment with a pendulum in your hands, constantly asking yourself the question of where your thing is. look in the place where the pendulum begins to rotate. You will definitely find something there!

10. The most the hard way. Before going to bed, take a thread the length of your height, fold it 3 times, then another 7 times and tie 3 knots on it. Place it under your pillow. Either in a dream you will see the place you need, or after waking up, begin to untie the knots one by one - then you will remember.

What to do if none of the methods helped? The answer is simple and prosaic - general cleaning! Here you will find not only a freshly lost thing, but also everything that you have lost over the past lately. By the way, modern psychological theory says that the order in your home reflects the state of your body and soul. And this is true - if you don’t have enough energy or time to deal with the trash in your apartment, then most likely the same thing is happening in other areas of your life. So grab a broom and go ahead - clean not only your home, but also your life!

Sometimes we lose the things we need, turn the whole apartment upside down, but don’t get the desired result. It seems that there are few secluded corners in the house, but we continue to wander in search of the lost. Now you will learn how to find a lost item at home - conspiracies for this have long been used by sorcerers.

Lost items sometimes disappear without a trace, and are found after a while. There are many such cases, but you don’t have to wait forever and turn everything upside down. A lost item (or person) can be returned by using strong conspiracy. Let's get started.

To ensure that a lost item is quickly found, make friends with the keeper of your home - the brownie. This restless spirit often hides money, documents and other valuable items. Tie a handkerchief to the stool and ask the brownie for support:

“Brownie-brownie! Don't play with me anymore. Give back what you took."

If you appease the brownie with candy, then lost things will have a greater chance of being returned to the owner. Many, having read the plot, claim that the desired object was found on its own, fell “out of the void.” This is a sure sign that the wanted items were in the possession of the brownies.

Rituals with objects

An effective spell for a lost item is usually used in rituals related to household items. We use these things all the time, not realizing that they can be used to find what is missing. It is recommended to read the spell like this:

  • threads and ropes;
  • herbs;
  • handkerchief;
  • matches;
  • cup or glass;
  • purple candles.

The simplest ritual of household magic is done using a handkerchief. The name of the lost item is whispered into the handkerchief, after which one end of the fabric is tied in a knot. If you find the item, untie the magic knot and hide the scarf in the closet.

Spell with a glass

This ritual for a missing item also involves communication with the brownie. Contact with small (often harmless) evil spirits living in the corners of the house is allowed. Remember that you cannot address a brownie by name; it is customary to call him the Master. Procedure:

  1. Go to the kitchen.
  2. Take out a cup or glass.
  3. Sit at the table, turn the cup upside down.
  4. Now you need to read the return plot three times.

After completing the ritual, leave the kitchen and pretend that you no longer need the lost item. Do some work, pointedly ignoring searches. When you return to your original place, you will discover a long-standing loss. Conspiracy text:

“Master, I lost (the name of the thing), help me find it. If you take it and play enough, then give it back. I will thank you."

Matches and water

Among the powerful conspiracies to find a lost item, the ritual with matches and water stands out. Rogue evil spirits are afraid of water and fire, so the devils can be intimidated by these elements. If an item is hopelessly lost, get the following artifacts:

  • bowl;
  • spring water;
  • matches.

Go to the kitchen and place a bowl filled with water on the table. Take turns lighting the matches, wait until they burn out, and throw the firebrands into the bowl. Things “come” back if you say the spell three times:

“The demon makes noise, brings darkness, he is a master at frightening people. He loves jokes and pranks, you won’t find things right away. You objects are, stand and roll over. Give me back my loss, evil spirits. So be it."

A ball of wool and clothing magic

If you don’t know how to find a lost item at home, wool spells will solve the problem. Get a ball of red wool threads(ideally sheep). Stand on the threshold of the room in which the item is supposedly missing and begin the ritual.

Hold the ball itself in your left hand, but the end will have to be wound around your right hand. Make sure you wrap index finger. Mentally restore the image of the lost object and throw the ball, pronouncing the words of the spell. Throw and pull several times until the ball stops - that’s where you need to look for the loss. Spell text:

“Tell me, little ball, how to find the missing thing. Where is my item (name) hidden, why is it not in my hands? Ride and find, all the merits are yours. So be it."

Purple candle

The strongest search magic can be used without spells - the usual one will be enough for you purple candle. Healers recommend keeping this artifact at home at all times, just in case. Procedure:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Place the artifact in the center of the room.
  3. When looking at the fire, think about the loss.
  4. Ask the candle for help in any form.
  5. Spend a few minutes meditating.

Soon you will have an understanding of where to look for the lost item. Observe which side of the cinder the molten paraffin flows off. This is the direction for further searches.

We are looking for a person

There are several ways to find a missing person. The most powerful rituals are performed during the full moon, so wait until then and go outside. Stand so that your shadow lies directly under your feet. Having crossed yourself, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as the shadow always runs with me, so may the moon bring my beloved person (name) home. My shadow will rise next to me, the missing person will cross the threshold again. The angel will call God's servant (name), let him return here quickly. I lead and call, I offer praise to our Lord. Amen".

How to remove the veil from your eyes

Sometimes a veil covering the eyes prevents you from discovering the desired object - many sorcerers associate it with induced damage. Having calmed down and focused on the search object, begin active actions. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Enter the room where the object is supposedly lost.
  2. Read the conspiracy prayer three times.
  3. Cross yourself and look around.

If your faith is strong, the thing is found with lightning speed. Didn't work the first time? Relax, drink some tea and repeat the ritual again. Text of the search prayer:

“Lord, great is your power, help me discover the object (name). Remove the scales from the unclean from my eyes. Jokes aside, let my word end in heavenly deeds. Amen".

Punish the thief

Things in the apartment disappear even if you are visited by a thief. To punish a criminal, break off the leg of an old chair. The three-legged chair needs to be placed outside the threshold, and more chips should be cut from the remaining leg. Place these chips into a kind of fire, then say the spell:

“Whoever asks the devil for my good will punish himself. I left (the name of the lost item) in the house, and the damned thief grabbed it. If the thief does not return my property, the unclean one will drag it into hell and will not have mercy. Amen".

Return what was stolen

There is also a simple ritual to return stolen property. Go into the room where the item was lying before it disappeared. Cast the spell:

“Whoever took my little thing lost it a hundredfold. You will not see peace and quiet until (name of the object) lies in place again. Be hungry and poor. Amen".

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