What does the Tatar name Adele mean? Origin of the name Adele. Origin and meaning of the name Adele

If your baby is cutting his first tooth, signs and customs will allow you to immediately find out a lot of interesting things about his next destiny and even make it better. You can get acquainted with them using this article.

Baby's first tooth - signs

Typically, babies develop their first teeth between the ages of 4 and 7 months. Our forefathers believed that if this happens before the due date, this predicts that his mother will bear another child. In all this, attention was especially directed to which one specifically arose first. If it was one of the top ones, it means that the baby will soon have a brother or sister just a year younger.

Signs about the baby's first tooth believed that later teething means that the baby will grow up to be an extraordinary person and will have any talent or inclination for a certain type of activity. But in some regions it was believed that children who developed teeth early became smart and professional.

If there was big gap, which could accommodate the edge of a coin, it was not considered bad omen. It meant that a child with such teeth would grow up to be a successful and fortunate person and would be popular with the opposite sex.

Beliefs about the first teeth say that if their appearance takes longer than expected and generally causes a huge number of problems, it means that the child will grow up to be a capricious and irritable person. He will have a tendency to depression, perhaps he will become a bore or a whiner.

From time to time, babies appear with teeth, in other words, it turns out that the first of them appeared while still in the mother’s womb. In the old days, it was believed that such children either died soon, or survived and became servants of the black forces upon reaching a suitable age. Erupting the upper canines first had a similar meaning. On at the moment However, such signs about the first tooth, which grew even before birth, are not given special significance.

1st tooth - signs and customs of the forefathers

Among the huge number of perceptions and customs associated with the appearance of a baby’s first tooth, there is an ancient belief about a silver spoon. When the baby started teething, he was given a gift - a silver spoon. The godparents usually did this, not forgetting to tap the first tooth with this spoon. This tradition is associated with the beginning of complementary feeding and the fact that very soon the child will be able to handle not only milk, and he will need a spoon.

The sign of giving a silver spoon when the first tooth comes out promises that all subsequent teeth will be strong and alert throughout the child’s life. But this is not its only meaning. It is believed that the whole life of your son or daughter will be happy and measured if you give him a silver spoon and knock on his first tooth.

From time to time, godparents or other relatives gave a spoon in advance. It is believed that it is needed not only as a table device for the baby when he grows up. This spoon was placed in the mouth when teething difficulties arose, for example, due to severe pain, difficulty sleeping. temperature increased, etc. In order for their teeth to be strong and not hurt, children were from time to time given a wolf fang to gnaw.

Our forefathers believed that at this time children were less protected from the influence of black forces, so they tried to spend as much time as possible with them, even at night. In addition, this alleviated the baby’s condition, because teething does not always occur without problems. If you don’t yet have a special baby amulet, it’s better to get one, because your baby’s energy is very weakened during the teething period.

1st milk tooth - signs

Every baby will lose their baby teeth over time. There are also some signs about this phenomenon that came to us from antiquity. Almost all nations had them, and in the near future several more modern versions were created. One of them is associated with the tooth fairy, for whom a “gift” is left under the pillow. The fairy was invented by a Spanish children's writer.

It is believed that if a lost milk tooth is lost and not given to a mouse, a brownie, or thrown into a fireplace, this promises the child a life far from his homeland and a premature start to living separately from his parents. In Great Britain they believed that if it was not set on fire, the new one would become a dog.

If your son or daughter has lost a baby tooth, he should give it up right hand over the left shoulder with these words:

Mouse, mouse, don’t give me a milk tooth for you, give me a bone tooth in return!

This needs to be done on the street, but in a place where no one can pick it up. Forests, fields and similar places are great. In the past, mothers forbade licking the place of a lost tooth, otherwise there would be nowhere to stick the one that the mouse would bring in return. It was also believed that calling a mouse accelerates the growth of other molars.

Do you think that there can’t be too many signs about teeth? Your teeth don’t itch or turn red, and if they hurt or fall out, the first thing that comes to mind is the dentist, not the observations of folk wisdom. But our ancestors were not like that, so as not to be able to create a dozen or two beliefs! Delicate milk teeth, strong molars, late “wise” ones, their location, the order of birth - everything came to the attention of those who like to find mysterious cause-and-effect relationships where logic would not suspect them.

Signs and superstitions about baby teeth

Customs associated with the growth of children's teeth

Any mother knows: if the baby starts teething, the whole family will lose peace. The gums itch, drooling flows, sleep is disturbed, and yet the still toothless screamer is capricious every now and then and pulls into his mouth everything that he can get his hands on. How can one not try by any means to alleviate the suffering of one’s own child? Alas, real methods like a crust of bread or a chewing toy, which were designed to help teeth get out to the surface of the gums, worked slowly, and I wanted results as quickly as possible. And then special rituals came into play:

  • To make the process go faster and the teeth to grow strong and even, talismans made of shells and corals were hung near the child’s cradle. Of course, people in the old days hardly knew about the benefits of calcium, but they thought in the right direction. Apparently, the proximity to " building material"was supposed to help teeth get stronger.
  • For the same purpose, the baby was given a wolf fang to gnaw. Fortunately, in those distant times almost every family had its own hunters, so there was no shortage of strange “medicine”.
  • As soon as the first tooth appeared above the gum, the godparents had to give the baby a silver spoon.

When they rise at a certain speed

Caring parents did not forget to notice which teeth would erupt first and how quickly. Depending on whether the signs were successful or not, they judged the future of the child, and sometimes the whole family.

There may not be many brothers and sisters due to teething, but there will definitely be more turmoil in the family!

  • If teeth make themselves known early, very soon the baby will have a brother or sister. And if at the same time the first tooth comes out upper jaw, a new family member will be born this year. Sometimes a conclusion about the number of children was made by counting the teeth on the child’s first anniversary: ​​how many had emerged by that time, the number of offspring the parents would have.
  • Is your baby lagging behind his toothy peers and still “mumbles” with clean pink gums? Rejoice! Signs predict wealth, luck and talent for him. Which, of course, does not replace consultation with a pediatrician.
  • If teething takes a long time and is difficult, the child will grow up whiny and have a quarrelsome character. Why is not a question of signs, but rather of psychology. While the baby is not feeling well, the parents are trying to pamper him and indulge his whims. When this goes on for too long, the baby manages to learn a pattern of behavior that he is in no hurry to part with: if he cried, he got what he wanted.

What to expect if the canine is cut first

It was considered a bad omen if the first tooth to erupt was a fang. In the old days they believed that a child was associated with evil spirits and even prophesied his death at a young age. In Asia, a woman with a “fanged” baby could easily be kicked out of the village, so as not to bring bad fate to the entire village. In a word, for such a child the sign actually turned out to be very bad, but the influence of mystical forces had nothing to do with it. It's all just a matter of human prejudices.

This belief curiously echoes the custom of some African tribes, according to which both fangs of men are knocked out to emphasize their difference from animals. What has happened to two unfortunate teeth that we need for normal chewing of food...

If a child is born with teeth

A baby born with teeth was treated differently. Some considered this rare occurrence to be a bad event, hinting at the child’s witchcraft abilities. And others rejoiced - being born with a tooth was equivalent to being born in a shirt and promised incredible happiness to the baby. It should be noted that such cases, although rare, are not fantastic. And if this creates problems, it is most likely for the nursing mother (and not at all metaphysical ones).

Popular beliefs about baby teeth: keep or destroy

What to do with the first one dropped

Here it is, a mouse greedy for fallen incisors and fangs, helping to grow new and healthy teeth

Almost everywhere, it is customary to part with a child’s first lost baby tooth according to time-honored instructions. Just throwing it in the trash can is the height of negligence! At least, our Slavic and overseas ancestors would condemn such behavior in the strictest way.

  • In Europe and America, a tooth is placed under the pillow, from where it is stolen at night by the mysterious tooth fairy, who leaves a coin in return.
  • You are not particularly sentimental and have a desire for divination, but you still don’t feel like throwing away a tooth? Sprinkle it with salt and burn it, following the example of the superstitious Englishwomen. In the land of Big Ben and the Five O'Clock Tea Party, this action killed two birds with one stone. Firstly, no one could use a burned tooth for witchcraft purposes. Secondly, a dog’s fang should no longer grow in its place. Yes, yes, there is such a belief!
  • In Rus', you had to hold the tooth in your palm, turn your back to the stove and ask: “Mouse-mouse, here’s a turnip tooth, give me a bone one,” and then throw your “burden” behind your head with a swing. No oven - no problem. A picky rodent will take a gift from the underground, a battery, and even agree to accept a tooth thrown from the balcony. The main thing is to follow the ritual to the delight of the baby. And don’t forget to warn your child not to lick the wound! Otherwise, the mouse will have nowhere to stick the promised root one.
  • In the northern regions of Russia, the tooth is given to the spirits, and in some places to the brownie. With approximately the same saying: they ask for a simple one to take away, and a bone, iron or gold one to return.
  • Sentimental mothers with a mouse and a fairy do not share, but pick up a tooth themselves and store it in a separate box. There is nothing bad in this even from the point of view of beliefs that always doubt everything.
  • Sometimes superstitions reach the point of being ridiculous. Just think about the advice to secretly sew a child’s baby tooth into your husband’s clothes, so that your husband will always be drawn to the family! If you are tempted to strengthen the fidelity of your other half with such in an original way, think three times about how you will justify yourself when your spouse accidentally discovers a “gift.” Will the family of the home-grown sorceress burst at the seams?

Want to strengthen your relationship? Don’t give up your loved one’s teeth, but rather go on another date

In some European countries for a long time They believed that after death a person cannot go to the other world until he finds his milk teeth. Therefore, prudent parents provided their children with a service for the future: the burnt tooth had to patiently wait for its owner in Eternity, and not hang around in an unknown place in its vastness. In addition, the fire destroyed the evil eye and bad thoughts that could cling to the baby.

What to do with a lost adult tooth

A tooth of an adult that somehow left its home (whether it chipped, broke, or had to be pulled out during treatment, or maybe fell out on its own, but too late) is recommended to be buried in the ground. At least in a flower pot, if the proximity to such a treasure does not bother you. They advised to do the same with crowns, but not gold ones. They should have been melted down into some kind of jewelry.

What does the chipper say?

All the signs of happiness are there!

In Russia, those with a front gap were considered from birth endowed with a cheerful disposition and the ability to effortlessly conquer the opposite sex. And someone says that it’s a flaw... They don’t understand anything!

A large gap between the teeth, into which a silver coin could fit, was considered in England a sign of wealth and good luck awaiting a person. And in general, in the European tradition rare teeth definitely promised the lucky one a life full of travel and interesting adventures. True, not too long.

Small and closely seated teeth in the gums are considered a sign of a tight-fisted, mischievous, but amorous person.

Signs about wisdom teeth

A complete set of these ever-delayed teeth is a direct greeting from the ancestors of the sixth generation. If you trust the sign, then the owner of a smile with 32 teeth can count on the help of his ancestors in any situation, and luck and the grace of fate will never leave him. Moreover, there is a deep meaning in the fact that “wise” teeth do not appear immediately. First, walk the earth yourself, get some bruises and bumps, gain experience to judge wisely... And then your ancestors will not be slow to get involved. Why not help a worthy descendant?

There are two contradictory legends associated with these complex teeth. One, the ancient Slavic one, advises not to remove molars under any circumstances, but to protect them in every possible way as a kind of talisman. People in the old days had no doubt: those who have them will certainly achieve what they want, will be rich and successful. Even painful sensations during the process of the appearance of the last teeth were considered good sign, believing: the more difficult it is for a person to get them, the more good they will bring. Moreover, the first significant turn of fate for the better should have happened already in the year when the “wise” teeth were born. It is clear that no one wanted to part with them of their own free will. Molars were even bewitched separately from the others with a special spell on the water in which the full moon was reflected - so that they would not get sick, crumble, or leave their rightful place. They drank the liquid or rinsed their mouth with it, and then began to wait for luck.

If a tooth did fall out or was knocked out in a heated fight, it was kept with them as a talisman. Everyone except the gypsies. Belief nomadic people required to bury the “wise” tooth in the cemetery, after which former owner incredible wealth was about to fall.

If your wisdom tooth really hurts, then you’ll have to say goodbye to such a talisman

Another legend relates to modern myth-making: they say that wisdom teeth are an atavism, they do not participate in chewing food, they erupt painfully, they do not respond well to a toothbrush and generally spoil the oval of the face. In short, remove them, comrades, at the first opportunity!

Both legends can easily be classified as superstitions. If your teeth are behaving exemplary, leave them alone, let them sit in your gums and slowly attract happiness. When it hurts, and the dentist clearly clicks the forceps, then trust a professional. Your happiness does not lie in your teeth, even if they are super-wise.

Still haven't gotten the teeth you need? Don't be upset. The reason for this is not at all the sins of the ancestors, as some beliefs claim. Scientists have found that today we are significantly inferior to our ancestors in the width of the dental arch. Some people simply don't have room for their last molars! Blame it on evolution.

But if you have a 33rd tooth that was not foreseen by nature, sign up for the “Battle of Psychics” and start bending spoons with your gaze. In ancient times, this anomaly was a sure sign of a powerful sorcerer.

Other beliefs about why teeth hurt, crumble, etc.

Even the condition of the teeth hints: best friends must be protected!

  • If you break a tooth, you will lose a good friend.
  • If they knock you out, you will see new opportunities where you didn’t expect.
  • Is your tooth sick, cracked, crumbled or fallen out? This means that you have to endure a serious illness. And it is better to take this sign into account, believe it and immediately consult a doctor. Dental problems usually indicate problems in the body and a lack of nutrients, so you should not ignore such a call.
  • If a woman is expecting a boy, her teeth begin to crumble. Let us add on our own behalf: the omen may not be able to guess the gender, but problems with teeth are a common occurrence for the expectant mother. That is why a pregnant woman should not neglect going to the dentist.

From time to time you hear that it is impossible to treat teeth during menstruation. Is there such a sign? Yes and no. The fact is that in the old days a woman during this period was considered unclean, and being near her was dangerous. The young lady was not supposed to leave the house again, let alone visit a healer with teeth! Any medical manipulation was automatically transferred to a “safe” day. Oddly enough, the ancient belief is partly right: during menstruation, a woman’s blood clotting worsens, so it is really undesirable for her to have her teeth removed. But treat as much as you like!

  • Do your gums around your teeth itch? Go on a date.
  • If a person grinds his teeth while eating, he is in for trouble or illness. In a conversation, he aims “for someone else’s bread,” in other words, to visit.
  • Anyone who grinds his teeth in a dream is fighting off evil spirits at this time.
  • When you hear the first thunderstorm of the year, you need to pick up a stone from the ground and gnaw it, then the toothache will subside for 12 months.
  • You can't spit out the window - your teeth will hurt. For the same reason, in the morning you need to get up not on your right leg, but on your left.

The best talismans against bad omens are a brush and paste. The most favorable sign is the habit of brushing your teeth daily! So that superstitions do not frighten you, take care of their health. And rely only on good beliefs, then these will come true.

The appearance of a child in a family is always a great joy. But at the same time, parents face many difficult periods while the baby goes through all the stages of growing up. At first, difficulties and sleepless nights are associated with, and later questions arise when they begin gradually.

Many parents are very sensitive to this moment; they begin to worry about the question of what to do with the first baby tooth that falls out, where to put it, and how to quickly calm the baby down if he suddenly becomes hysterical due to this.

When do the milky milks fall out?

The age period when a child first experiences tooth loss depends on individual characteristics. Most often, loss The first tooth occurs between six and seven years of age. However, there may be temporary deviations associated with the development of the speech apparatus.

First, the lower incisors change, and then the upper ones become loose. Next comes the turn of the premolars, after which the turn comes for the canines. And by the age of 14, all the baby teeth fall out. Moreover, this process occurs painlessly, since the “jelly” loosens on its own and simply falls out.

Common Beliefs

Most often, when a child loses his first baby tooth, parents turn to folk beliefs and signs.

The mouse waved its tail...

The most famous is the sign about a mouse, to which you need to give a fallen tooth, while telling it to bring a bone one instead of a turnip one. And this must be done immediately. The fallen baby tooth is thrown into the corner of the house or behind the stove, and the mouse must bring the child a new molar, strong and healthy.

At the same time, there is an opinion that the unnecessary tooth falls out first. Therefore, it should be buried somewhere deep so that it cannot be found. And then the rest will grow strong and healthy.

All these beliefs were created more to reassure a child for whom a lost tooth is a real tragedy. At such a moment, parents are ready to come up with different fairy tales. And one of the most interesting is the story about the fairy.

Fairy belief

There is a belief that a lost tooth can be exchanged for a coin with a fairy by placing it under your own pillow. In this case, during the night the fairy will take the tooth and leave a pretty penny for it.

Can be used instead of a pillow bedside table or window sill. This will make it much easier for parents to make the change.

Use as an amulet

Villages and hamlets have their own special beliefs about what to do with lost baby teeth. There people try in every possible way to protect the child from dark forces and the evil eye. Therefore, the milk tooth is used as an amulet. And as soon as it falls out, it is wrapped in a piece of red cloth, which is also wrapped with red threads and a special spell is read over it.

And the baby is given a silver spoon. This item is presented godparents, and at the moment of giving, you need to knock on your teeth with a spoon. Subsequently, when the child grows up, the preserved tooth is given to him as an amulet, which must always be carried with him.

What if you just throw it away?

Many parents are also concerned about the following question: can the first baby tooth that falls out be simply thrown away? It must be said that in many countries this is considered a bad omen. It is believed that if you simply throw it out, the child will suffer from insomnia, and new teeth will begin to grow incorrectly.

And if moms and dads don’t know what to do with their children’s fallen teeth, then it’s better to bury them in the ground flower pot or throw it into the fireplace (stove, fire).

This is exactly what they do in England, where parents burn their child’s milk tooth so that evil magicians can use it for their witchcraft purposes and plans. It also protects against the appearance of fangs that change the child’s bite.

But such a people as the Romals always made a kind of conspiracy for the first milk tooth. They threw him high to the moon, which is in its growth phase, and read special words promising the baby a long and prosperous life, full of prosperity. In many Asian countries Until now, the fallen upper tooth is thrown onto the roof, and the lower one is placed under the floor.

Regarding existing folk signs, then if the child’s incisor (located on the upper gum) is the first to fall out, then the baby’s mother will soon be expecting a new pregnancy. If a tooth is accidentally lost or thrown out by mistake, this promises an early departure of the child from the parental home or his life away from his family.

In many European countries, it is customary to burn lost teeth. It is believed that after death a person's soul will search for its milk teeth. And the combustion process will contribute to this. At the same time, fire will help protect the child from bad thoughts and the evil eye.

How to help your child get through a difficult period

For the baby it is associated with fears. Especially if this process is caused by minor bleeding or a broken fragment. If parents discover that there is a splinter left in the gum, then they should contact the dentist immediately.

To save your baby from possible discomfort, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with water and soda solution. After each meal, also rinse your mouth with warm liquid and ask your child not to touch the wound with his tongue.

In other cases, when the loss is not associated with any particular unpleasant moments, you can tell the baby interesting story or a fairy tale. It could be about a mouse or a fairy who takes a tooth and in return grants a wish or brings a coin or a delicious, favorite candy. While telling a story or fairy tale, parents can show their permanent teeth so that the child understands that the smile will soon become beautiful again, as before.

Can you come up with your own unique story about a magical house-elf who collects the fallen teeth of all family members, and then compares who has the healthiest and whitest ones. By getting your child interested, you will help him get through a difficult period.

There are times when a child may accidentally swallow a lost tooth. And if parents have such suspicions, it is still recommended to consult a doctor to find out whether there is a splinter left in the gum.

And if there is slight bleeding at the wound site, then you can use a piece of gauze, from which you should form a small tourniquet, place it on the wound area and ask the baby to bite it. The bleeding will soon stop.

Parents perceive the process of growing up their own child with special trepidation. Particularly important for many is the moment when a child’s baby teeth begin to fall out. Moms and dads should try to distract the baby from the very fact of what happened so that he does not experience any fears because of what is happening. Here you can use all your ingenuity and imagination so that not the most pleasant process becomes an exciting and memorable event.

Fairy tales, stories and myths help a child overcome fear, which will add confidence and peace of mind in later life.

Parents have different attitudes towards the appearance of their baby's first teeth.

Some people are incredibly happy about this event, while others prepare in advance for sleepless nights and constant crying.

But signs associated with a baby's first teeth , few people know. Although it is with their help that you can not only determine what awaits the baby and his family in the near future, but also find out in advance about how his fate will turn out.

A child’s first tooth – signs for the whole family

One of the main signs associated with a baby’s teeth is that the longer and more painfully they grow, the more complex the child’s character will be in the future, the more difficult it will be for others to communicate with him.

Second very interesting sign, which, by the way, is almost always confirmed, is associated with the appearance of the first tooth at approximately 4-5 months. Considering that this normally occurs by six months, this phenomenon is difficult not to notice.

It is believed that after such a surprise, parents will have another one - the appearance of a brother or sister within a year or a year and a half.

But there is no need to be upset that your teeth are delayed. According to signs, the appearance of the first one after 8 months indicates the presence of a special talent in the child, the brightness and originality of the personality.

Sometimes a baby's front teeth grow at a distance from each other. There is no need to be afraid of this. For many peoples of the world, this is a sign of a long and happy life.

It is extremely rare for children to develop teeth even before they are born. This is a real miracle. It is immediately clear that the child was born to perform a very important mission. But at the same time, you shouldn’t expect brilliant actions from him.

His life goal can be fulfilled by him both in his middle years and later. The main thing is to understand that the child is special and treat him correctly.

A silver spoon on the first tooth is a sign

Many signs have a completely scientific explanation, and the custom of giving a silver spoon for the first tooth is one of them.

Once upon a time, this was a privilege of the upper class. It is clear that the peasants could not afford such an expensive acquisition, but strong teeth also distinguished rulers from commoners.

Perhaps at that time this was explained by issues of care, perhaps nutrition, but the sign of giving a silver spoon for a tooth dates back to those times.

Today the sign has a scientific explanation. Children’s teeth are not brushed, and to prevent the delicate enamel from being damaged by food, it is better to use silver cutlery. They disinfect food and the oral cavity additional processing provide.

Only the spoon should actually be silver, and not coated.

Well, your long-awaited baby is born. How many emotions are associated with this most important day for a young mother! Do you think it's all over?

Everything is just beginning, because your child will grow and develop, and of course his teeth will begin to cut.

By the way, many signs and beliefs are associated with teeth. You can determine your fate by the way your first teeth begin to cut. little man, his character and mental abilities.

Beliefs associated with the first tooth

Even in ancient times, the cutting of the first teeth was a special period; it was then that babies were most exposed to attacks from dark forces due to the fact that their energy was weakening.

Indeed, the process of cutting teeth took a lot of energy and was often accompanied by pain. Of course, the newborn did not want to endure such unpleasant sensations, so the parents spent their nights at the crib calming their child.

In addition, being nearby helped ward off dark forces. They also put amulets made of coral or lye on the child.

It was believed that these specially enchanted things would help the baby if he was noticed by spirits. Although, in fact, during this period, children most of all need care rather than amulets.

Signs and the first tooth

Sleepless nights have begun; your child may become very restless at this time, and often this behavior is accompanied by a rise in temperature. These are the first signs of teeth appearing, so don't panic.

It’s better to pay attention to which teeth began to erupt first. After all, it is thanks to these signs that you can determine what awaits your baby in the future.

Upper teeth mean that you will soon gain weight. In general, the appearance of teeth earlier indicates that the mother will need to start preparing for the birth of her second baby.

If there is a gap between two teeth and the edge of a coin easily fits into it, you know that your hair will grow. successful person with a light character who will be extremely popular with the opposite sex.

Late teething also indicates good luck. It also speaks of an extraordinary mind and some kind of tremendous talent. But if your baby’s teeth take a long time to cut and cause a lot of inconvenience, then the child will grow up to be very capricious and irritable. He will be whiny, depressed and boring.

Sign about silver spoons

To make the process of cutting your first teeth easier, your friends, relatives and acquaintances should give you silver spoons. In general, it is customary to give one spoon and the initiative should come from the godparents, but who would refuse a silver set?

So you can safely connect everyone who wants to participate. This tradition is associated with the beginning of the first complementary feeding, because the appearance of a tooth means that your baby is ready to consume not only milk, but also other foods.

Therefore, a spoon will come in handy. It should be silver for one simple reason, because silver has antiseptic properties and can kill various microbes, and this is very important for feeding a newborn.

Sign of birth with a tooth

It is believed that if a child is born with a tooth, then this is a sign of imminent death or a sign that the baby will be a servant of the forces of evil.

It’s a really scary omen, so we recommend not to believe in it; most likely your child just started developing early and he just wants to try to feed himself. There are also a couple more negative manifestations if a baby is born with a blood clot in his hand.

They say about these that initially there were two children in the womb, but one destroyed the other because of his selfishness. Such children usually grow up scary people, despots and tyrants. They have unique abilities, but at the same time they can destroy everything in their path.

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