Do-it-yourself anti-mole spinner from a plastic bottle. Windmill made from plastic bottles. Blades made from a bottle.

Everyone likes the singing of birds, it is interesting to watch the snake in the circus and it is interesting to look at the mole in the picture. It would seem, what do moles, birds and reptiles have in common? First the bad: we don’t like the quality of them all uninvited guests. Those who read this do not need to explain why. Now about the good stuff: all these living creatures are afraid of noise!

Here I am: you probably weren’t expecting me?

Let's assume that they won't be able to reach an agreement among themselves and won't all attack at once. However, there are folk remedies, which help to get rid of all the listed pests indiscriminately in the garden.

What to do against uninvited guests?

Of course, progress has worked on this issue and offers a choice of ultrasonic repellers or chemicals. However, it is not a fact that these techniques will work in your case, but “the money was crying.”

Of course, you can record the sound of an eagle, the songs of cats in the spring, and play all this “music” for attackers. This is called a "bioacoustic installation". Note that this method is good to use in a nature reserve. In our case, it is completely unknown who will not stand it first: the moles, the neighbors or you.

So it makes sense to try to build a pest repeller for moles, snakes and birds with your own hands from auxiliary materials. If you can’t get rid of uninvited guests, then the money won’t be wasted.

Another "potential criminal"

The simplest skewer - DIY noise maker

The simplest thing is to make a pinwheel that, when rotated by the wind, creates noise. The vibration is transmitted to the ground through the stand and scares away the animals. Birds and reptiles also prefer to stay away from the unknown. It should be taken into account that “motley ribbons” indeed have a “quarrelsome” character and may be offended by an unwelcoming reception. For several days when dealing with snakes, it is better to wear secure shoes and trousers. Here is a master class on making a repeller from plastic bottles:

Another option is to make a rattle to repel pests on summer cottage from a beer can. As follows from the photo, the design is approximately the same.

The jar will emit sounds of a different frequency, which may be useful in conjunction with already made repellers. It is also useful to simply place several beer cans on metal pegs stuck in the ground. They will add new sounds to the overall “symphony”.

Beer can protects the interests of the garden

We almost forgot about " wind instruments" To control pests on the site, it will be useful to bury several glass bottles. The wind will definitely whistle in their necks, which the pests will definitely hear.

Monument good drink and mole repeller in one bottle

Strategic bomber B-52 against moles

It seems to me that anti-mole noisemakers for pest control in a summer cottage do not look very aesthetically pleasing and can be improved. At the same time, you can attract useful joint activities children. Based on this, we put together a three-engine aircraft to repel pests.

B-52 bombs mole positions

To implement the idea, eight plastic bottles were required. The master class on making crafts is as follows:

Bomber - repeller of moles, birds and reptiles can be installed in the garden. We wish you a productive and interesting time. Let this specially selected video help you.

A weather vane is a special device used to measure the strength and direction of the wind. It has long migrated from meteorological laboratories, in which more precise electronic instruments appeared, to the roofs of houses, becoming successful and useful element decor. Windmills in the shape of exotic animals or birds with moving parts driven by a light breeze look elegant and always attract attention. Complex forged products are easier to buy or order from experienced craftsman, and we will tell you how, if available creative approach And plastic bottle with your own hands with a propeller.

The weather vane was initially considered a purely meteorological instrument, with the help of which scientists monitored the speed and direction of air flows. But people who noticed beneficial properties this simple device, began to make them with their own hands from improvised materials and install windmills on the roofs of houses. Over the years, the weather vane has not changed its design, which consists of the following elements:

  • Cases. The housing is the part in which the axis of rotation of the windmill is placed. It can be cylindrical or rectangular. For steel models, a piece of pipe is used as a housing into which a bearing is inserted. For homemade wind turbines the body is made of a wooden block.
  • Cap. The cap is a funnel-shaped or round part that is placed on the axis of rotation to protect the housing from moisture penetration. In addition, it acts as a limiter, fixing the axis of the weather vane at the required height.
  • Rotation axis. This required element the design of the windmill on which the weather vane is placed. It is inserted into the body and rotates the weather vane due to the influence of gusts of wind on the weather vane. You can make an axle with your own hands from metal rods, wire, sticks or even a nail.
  • Wind rose. This term refers to a device for determining the cardinal directions. It consists of two cross-shaped sticks or sections of pipes, each of which points to a specific direction (north, south, west-east). When the wind sets the weather vane in motion, the arrow points to one of the cardinal directions, which helps determine the direction of the gust.
  • Wind vane. A wind vane is a rotating element of a windmill that indicates the direction of the wind. It consists of an arrow and a counterweight and is fixed on the axis of rotation. The weather vane can be made in the form of a simple pointer, an animal, a bird, or an entire plot. It is made of galvanized steel, copper, wood, and the easiest way to make a weather vane with your own hands is from a plastic bottle.

Pay attention! Some models determine not only the direction of the wind, but also the strength of the gusts. For this purpose the weather vane is equipped hanging part on a rope and a special scale. The suspension can be made from a metal plate or wood. This element is fixed to the weather vane. Based on the deviation from the vertical position, the strength of the blowing wind is determined using a scale.

Making from bottles

If you don’t want to spend money on an expensive metal windmill, you can make it yourself from scrap materials, for example, from plastic bottles, which country house a lot accumulates. This activity can be turned into a fun workshop for children or enjoyed creative process on one's own. To make a weather vane in the shape of an airplane with a propeller, you will need 2 large bottles with caps, wooden block, a long nail, wire, cardboard, a marker and a sharp utility knife. The work is performed in the following order:

Important! When making a weather vane, make sure that all materials used are light and moisture-resistant. A heavy windmill will spin poorly in light winds, and a cardboard craft will quickly get wet in the rain. If you want the weather vane to accurately show the direction of the wind, it must be fixed at a height of at least 4-5 meters.

Wind turbine functions

A weather vane is an invariable attribute of seaside towns and villages, where the winds blow constantly, and knowing the direction of air movement is not useless information, but a means of survival. Sailors, fishermen and other people whose lives are closely connected with the sea install windmills to know whether there will be a storm. A correctly made and installed weather vane performs the following functions:

    • Helps determine the direction and strength of air currents. This information is useful for going out to the open sea and for performing some agricultural work (sowing, treating with fungicides and other chemicals). Helps keep diaries of nature observations.
    • Is bright decorative elements that distinguishes the house from its neighbors. A weather vane complements the architectural image of a home, making it stand out and showcasing individual style homeowner. Models with moving parts depicting plot pictures immediately attract attention, and hand-made windmills made from bottles or plywood speak of the owner’s creative abilities.
    • The rotating parts and sound produced by the weather vane scare away birds. Some species of birds are malicious pests that destroy crops of fruits or berries in a matter of hours. Weather vane made from plastic bottles or sheet metal, rotating, scare away uninvited feathered guests with the help of noise and shine.
    • A windmill can serve as a sign and symbolize the occupation of the owner of the structure. For example, shoemakers often installed a weather vane in the form of a boot, millers in the form of a windmill, and a hairdresser could make a weather vane in the shape of scissors.

Interesting! In the old days, a weather vane was considered a powerful amulet that protected against the evil eye and evil spirits. Rotating parts and noise were supposed to confuse and scare away all unfriendly forces from the home. Even if superstitions are alien to you, a beautiful weather vane can become a kind of talisman or family sign.

Video instructions

What is it for? low-power wind generator? The answer is to provide yourself with a certain amount of energy: for lighting in autonomous conditions (on a hike, on a picnic, on an expedition, in the country), for powering and charging portable electronics (phone, tablet, navigator, flashlights, radio, etc.) , even in the US Army they use a traveling mobile wind generator. So homemade portable windmill also useful as a backup power source in a populated area, for example, if it is installed on a balcony, roof or pole, or even a tree, it can also power sensors and other low-voltage devices without the presence of mains voltage, and also serve as an advertising structure (kinematic sculpture ). It is also possible to check the wind capacity of installing a powerful wind generator (if a small wind turbine does not work, then there is nothing to talk about a large one).

You can make a carousel windmill from several regular bottles PET 1-1.5-2 liters. Many available and simple options, and a wind generator made from plastic bottles turned out to be the most affordable, simple and reliable option: the bottles are light and durable, have round shape, there are many of them and they are practically free. The development is based on the author's patent UA No. 59312 "Wind generator (wind turbine), Moseychuk hydrogenerator."

There is wind almost always and everywhere (especially at altitude or in the spaces between buildings or hills), and complete calm occurs only about 20 days a year, in contrast to sunny days, for example. In addition, we will make a universal wind generator that can operate as a damless mini-hydroelectric power station (mini-HPP) and even in manual mode in the absence of wind (for this our windmill has a manual dynamo generator mode)! Attractive? Read on.

Materials we will need

Thin-walled steel (wall thickness 0.8-1.1 mm) pipe with an outer diameter of 25 mm: 2 pieces of 0.5 meters (for the axis of the windmill and the base of the console), 2 pieces of 0.4-0.5 m each (for connecting axles and bases of the console above and below), one piece of 0.15 cm for attaching the generator to the lower console, in general you need about 3.0 meters of pipe (they are sold at 3 meters each). For the prototype, I used a thin-walled chrome-plated pipe with a wall thickness of 1.0-1.1 mm; it is quite strong enough for a household windmill and looks beautiful;

16 PET plastic bottles 1.25-1.5 liters, preferably cylindrical in shape, without concavities for the hands (interestingly, recycling one plastic bottle saves the energy of a 60-watt light bulb that works for three hours and up to 2 million are thrown away in the world every day plastic bottles).

16 caps from PET plastic bottles;

2 bearings No. 205 (GOST 180205, 6205-2RS);

2 clamps 6\4" for pipes with rubber for fastening axle bearings with 8 mm studs;

2 clamps 3\4" for pipes with rubber for attaching the wind generator to a pole, tree, wall, mast; to ensure fastening, you can simply wrap the windmill console along the entire length to the support with a rope or wire;

1 clamp 3 1\2" for mounting a dynamo or stepper motor;

9 M4*35 screws, preferably with a press head;

16 enlarged M5 washers (precisely M5, not M4 to increase the area) for attaching the plug caps to the axle;

Rubber tube 10 cm long and internal diameter 25 mm for mounting the dynamo generator handle and axle, or a sleeve in a 25 mm pipe with an 8-10 mm hole for mounting a stepper motor.

Tools we will need

Electric drill;

Pipe cutter or hacksaw for metal;

Metal drills 4.0; 8.0 mm

Phillips screwdriver;

It is advisable to use a 7mm wrench for tightening M4 nuts.

The basis of the entire wind generator design is a rectangular console made of steel pipes. The console consists of a vertical axis rotating on bearings, two crossbars on top and bottom, and a base. The axis is fixed in the jumpers with bearings. A generator is located at the bottom of the axis.

The difficulty in making the axle is that you need to drill holes to attach the bottles along two parallel helices, like in a DNA molecule. Since the holes on the pipe are small in diameter, we first mark the drilling location with a marker and then core it.

Let's start with one of the most difficult procedures. We step back 10 cm from the top of the axle and begin to drill through holes 4 mm in a spiral with a horizontal shift to the left of 2.5 mm and a vertical shift of 82 mm. Then we drill holes in the second spiral 90 degrees from the first.

To attach the bearing safety bolt, move 10 cm from the bottom of the axle and drill a 4 mm through hole.

To attach the bottles, you first need to attach the caps. First, we drill (burn) 4 mm holes in the plugs. To fasten the plugs in pairs to the axle, take a 4 mm screw, put a wide washer on it, insert this structure into the plug from the inside, and push everything through the pipe. From the other side of the pipe we place the plug on top of the pipe, put on the washer and tighten the nut inside the plug. And we repeat this 8 times.

We screw a bottle-blade tightly into each plug on the axis.


Windmill blade made from plastic bottles
and is a PET bottle with an elliptical cutout in half on the side. We get a wind turbine blade like this. We do not touch the bottom - it is needed for strength. To start cutting, it is advisable to burn the initial hole on the seam of the bottle with a hot nail or file, and then cut a semicircle from it with scissors.


As wind turbine generator you need to use something low-speed. This could be a 1, 2, 5-10 watt stepper motor, a bicycle hub dynamo, or a torch dynamo. I chose the last option - it fits very well: it has cylindrical shape with a diameter of 6 cm, convenient for clamping with a clamp and folds out, waterproof, has a built-in controller and a 380 milliampere*hour battery, can light in two modes for 1.5 or 5.5 hours, can be recharged in stable wind or in manual mode external devices through a Nokia-type output (wide, 2.5 mm) or a Nokia cord with a USB-male, onto which you can attach a USB-female-to-USB-female adapter.

We insert the dynamo lantern handle into the bottom of the rubber tube at the bottom of the axle. We center and secure the generator in a clamp, which in turn is attached in a cantilever to the lower pipe of the large console.

You will need:
-2 plastic bottles
-4 plastic bottle caps
-3 large wooden beads
-Pliers or wire cutters
-Metal wire
-Painting knife
Making a windmill from plastic bottles with your own hands
1. Cut the bottle into 2 parts with a painting knife
2. Cut the bottle in half with scissors and start cutting the “blades” of the windmill
3. Start bending the petals at an angle of about 45 degrees. You can bend the petal “blades” not only at the base of the bottle, but also in the middle.
4. After this, carefully, trying not to damage the windmill blades, smooth them out.
5. Make a hole in the middle of the wings and lid
6. Paint the blanks (bottle caps and cut out blades) of the windmill. Spray paint is best for this. Then you can paint the bottle in several colors
8. Glue gun glue bottle caps to the bottom of the prepared blades
9. If necessary, enlarge the hole in the bead with a drill
10. Bend the tip of the wire and place it on the bead.
11. Put a windmill blank, a bead, and another blank and a bead on it
12. Bend the tip of the wire and cut off the excess part with wire cutters
13. Attach to the metal pin with a clamp.

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