What does the line of fate on the hand mean? Search for marks and signs on the Head line. The main lines of fate and their meanings

Line of fate is one of the main lines that determine character and individual values. There are four of them in total, but this one is the most fickle. She is protected by the element of Fire.

Ideally fate is located under the middle finger and runs through the center of the palm, but its configuration does not have a strict standard. It could be:

  • clear (heredity is responsible for this form);
  • fuzzy (failures will follow in life);
  • torn (speaks of modesty and the need to constantly achieve the desired result);
  • broken line (there will be many difficulties, including physically);
  • bifurcated (there will be many quarrels in life, it is possible to lead a double life);
  • with a fork at the end (fate promises separation);
  • to be absent altogether (it is difficult to predict how everything will turn out; the direction of life is predetermined from birth).

This important feature in the palm determines life prospects and ways to achieve them.

How long can the fate line be?

The length of the fate line can be of three options:

  • long;
  • regular;
  • absent.

A long line that runs through the entire palm of fate is usually very clear. She speaks of firmness, strict destiny. With this position of the line, there is no possibility of changing anything - everything is predetermined.

The fate line of normal length has two options- continuous or consisting of fragments. She claims that you have yours life path, but it is very unstable and can change due to minor circumstances.

A palm without a fate line indicates the absence of a specific character. The person does not have a solid personal path. Palmistry experts believe that such a picture can be observed in alcoholics, drug addicts, or people prone to these addictions.

The relationship between the line of fate and the linelife

Whatever fate the fate line predicts, its symbolism largely depends on the life trait. Deep, clearly defined, it highlights the individual values ​​in your life that occupy a leading place. They rely on the correct family structure, a responsible attitude to work, and strict social principles.

A weakly expressed life line distorts the clearest line of fate. People with this arrangement of fateful markings have an unbalanced character, are restless, and rarely stay in one place of work.

The meaning of a clear pattern on the hand

The line of fate has a clearly drawn pattern, deep, standing out among other lines - you are a person with powerful energy and a strong character. You confidently walk through life and do not allow compromises. Your flaw is excessive self-confidence, which spoils relationships with other people who have their own opinions.

Fragmental, consisting of separate small pieces of fate- your life is divided into separate parts, each of which depends on certain circumstances. The character and events that occur are influenced by personal relationships, careers, and people around you. Any event, even a minor one, can dramatically change your worldview and way of life.

How character depends on the starting point

The line of fate is not constant. It has curved contours, varying clarity, and it does not always begin under the middle finger of the palm. How does character and attitude to life depend on the starting point?

If it starts traditionally, you tend to have a responsible attitude towards everything you undertake. It's hard to piss you off. You are calm and reasonable.

Any deviation from the standard indicates a change in character, its certain characteristics.

If the starting point is on the life line, then relationships within the family are very important to you. Her well-being is your top priority.

If the line starts between the ring finger and little finger- your life is filled with emotions, pleasant spiritual communication.

Is it possible to change fate

The line of fate does not remain unchanged throughout life. It is human nature to change. His character, habits, and lifestyle change. All this is reflected in his palm. For example, by showing persistence in achieving a goal, making your character stronger, you will notice that the fateful line has become clearer and straighter. If, on the contrary, you had to change yourself, moving away from the basic principles, a fork in the road may appear that will affect the future order of life.

In addition, on the line during the life path there appear various signs, which have their own meaning.

Line on the line of fate- not a good sign. It warns of possible theft or other types of financial difficulties.

Interruption on the line of fate- symbolizes a sharp change in financial situation. If the broken line overlaps one another, a change in the financial situation was foreseen.

Chain on the line of fate symbolizes a series of difficult moments that abound in this period of life. But it is not eternal. With effort, you can return to your previous goals and way of life.

A cross on the line of fate indicates difficulties in work, warns of financial problems. If it is located on the Mount of Saturn, you should be careful and not commit rash acts.

The lattice grid on the line of fate warns that you are wasting precious time, have no important goal, and fate will not be favorable to you.

Sister line on the line of fate. The fate trait has a double, called sister. This symbol speaks of the opportunity to work to achieve two professional positions.

Presence of squares on the fate line speaks of difficulties in life, but you have the strength and ability to get out of difficult situations.

Dot marks seen on the surface of the fate line- they talk about the problems of the inner world. An important component of life has been lost, the pillar on which your “I” was formed is missing. To survive a personal crisis, you urgently need to find a new goal for which to live.

Every day we experience emotions, perform various actions- all this is reflected on the hands, gradually forming into an order of lines, hills or rings.

Deciphering these signs will provide their owner with a lot of useful information and will reveal secrets that he, perhaps, had no idea about.

Main lines on the human palm

Anyone can comprehend the basics of palmistry; its essence lies in the ability to determine the type of sign and understand its meaning.

Lines on the palm: meaning on right hand What the lines on the palm of the left hand mean is discussed in detail in this article.

Total There are several types of lines on a person’s hands, 6 of which are the main ones. Others are classified as secondary.

Main line What do the lines on the palm of the right hand mean? What do the lines on the palm of the left hand mean?
Life LineQuality of life in the futurePotential received from birth
Health LinePoints to possible problems with healthState of health by nature
Line of MindIntellectual achievementsInherited Potential
Heart LineEmotional state of a personThe main traits of his character
Sun LinePath to successPersonality strengths
Line of FateResult decisions taken Events that will happen naturally

Active and inactive palm

The first thing to start with is analyzing the location of the main lines.

However, their meaning can carry different information, it all depends on how exactly the lines are located on the palm: the meaning on the right hand is often different from the decoding of the features on the left.

When reading the signs of the left hand, you can find out what a person is destined for by nature, see his heredity.

The lines on the right speak about events that will be the result of decisions made; in fact, a person’s conscious actions in life will lead him to them.

Palmists call palms “active” and “inactive”, the first case is usually the right hand if the person is right-handed or left, if left-handed.

There is another way to determine hands - simply ask the person to show their palm. In most cases, everyone intuitively gives the active one.

Definition of the sign of Life

The trait of Life has the most significant meaning, which crosses the palm and originates between the thumb and index finger, goes around the hill of the thumb and ends at the wrist.

For some people it may be completely absent, this means that the person is in search of himself, his purpose in life. For the same reasons, this line may periodically appear and disappear.

A clear and pronounced line denotes stability and determination, indicates that a person sets himself specific tasks in life and tries to follow them, realizes his potential.

Breakups imply drastic changes in life, and there are big difference, on which hand it is interrupted.

When reading the meanings on the left hand, you can find out what a person is destined for by nature, see his heredity. The lines on the right palm speak of events that will result from decisions made.

If the Life line is a dotted line or is interrupted on the right hand, this means that the person himself will become the initiator of change, and if it is on the left (inactive) palm, all events will happen by themselves.

Sometimes you can notice small branches - these signs indicate important events. Whether they will be bad or good can be recognized by their direction - down or up, respectively.

A fork at the end of the Life line means a craving for long journeys, adventures, and vivid impressions.

The location of the line itself is also important; for energetic and firm individuals, it originates closer to the index finger and widely circles the hill. Shift to thumb on the contrary, it talks about weak character, about a pronounced tendency to fear and uncertainty.

Palmists also say that by the length of the Life line you can approximately determine at what age certain events will occur. To do this, its entire length should be divided into 12 parts, each of which is equal to 7 years. However, such calculations are very conditional.

Health Line

The state of health throughout life can be judged by the Health line (the meaning on the right hand, what this line means on the palm of the left hand is described below) . Usually it consists of several segments that can overlap each other or form gaps.

The sign begins with the Mount of Mercury, which is located at the base of the little finger, and ends in the middle of the palm at the wrist.

The most negative factor is her touching the Life line, this suggests that diseases will have a certain impact on a person’s fate.

For many people, this line is absent, or has only a beginning and an end - this is a good sign, it means the person has excellent health, and this applies to all areas: physical, emotional, mental.

When the line runs across the entire palm without touching other signs, this also indicates the absence of serious illnesses.

If the fragments of the line are layered on top of each other, this indicates a successful fight against any diseases, interruption indicates that the disease will periodically recede.

In this case, it is reasonable to pay special attention to your condition, take a responsible approach to treatment and follow the recommendations of doctors.

What does the Mind Line mean?

The Line of Mind or Head begins from the same point as the Line of Life or nearby, and crosses the palm horizontally.

This the sign determines the mental abilities and intellectual achievements of a person. To draw the right conclusions, you need to compare both hands. Deciphering the lines in the palm, the meaning on the right hand will characterize a person’s achievements and intellectual growth.

If the line on the left is less pronounced than the other, it means that the person is effectively realizing his natural potential; in the case where the clarity and length are the same, there is something to think about.

This arrangement indicates that the mental abilities given at birth are not developed. At a young age this may be justified and understandable, but for an adult it is a reason to change your lifestyle and try to achieve more.

There is a misconception that a deep and clear line of the Mind always speaks of impeccable intellectual capabilities. In fact, this is not always the case; the expressed sign characterizes a person who is very dedicated to his work, perhaps a professional in some industry.

Basic transcripts:

  1. Short line - a person prefers physical work to mental work.
  2. Long across the entire palm is a sign of a logical mind and a penchant for analytics.
  3. Zigzag or wave-shaped - it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing, he often switches his attention from one object to another.
  4. If the line is reduced to the bottom, the person is overly naive and gullible.
  5. The beginning of the line does not coincide with the line of Life - a seeker, a traveler through life, a lover of exploring, learning new things.
  6. Fateful, important decisions are indicated by strokes and crosses on the line.

Meaning of the Heart line

The Heart Line gives a decoding of the emotional and psychological component of a person. Its origin comes from the edge of the palm, under the little finger and can reach the index or ring finger.

When doing fortune telling, palmists pay attention to how the line ends:

  1. Between the middle and index fingers - typical for people who are easy to communicate with. Usually these are full-fledged extroverts - positive and cheerful people. Naturally, these individuals attract the attention of others and arouse the interest of the opposite sex. However, if the meaning of the line in the palm of the left and right hands is different, this indicates that the person has consciously changed his habits.
  2. At the base of the middle finger - Before you is a self-centered person who only cares about his feelings. People with this character are attractive, but quickly tire their partner by ignoring his emotional needs.
  3. Closer to index– inherent in maximalists, they give everything, try to evaluate each situation objectively. It’s comfortable to spend time with them, they are attentive to loved ones and do not accept “half-hearted” relationships.
  4. In the area of ​​the little finger or ring finger- This is an unemotional person who keeps all his feelings under control.

It is easy to understand what the lines in the palm of the left hand mean - these character traits are inherited by a person, but he has the power to change. The active one can be used to read the future, and a comprehensive analysis should be carried out according to different signs.

Sometimes refusal to change one's character leads to negative consequences, for example, a person can lose his job or family if he is naturally selfish and does not want to change anything.

Sun Line

The line of the Sun is not often reflected on the palms of the hands, but if it is visible, it usually stretches from the middle of the wrist or palm and reaches the ring finger.

The sign will help determine how a particular person can achieve success and happiness in life. A short line reveals a subtle nature that appreciates and loves creativity. These people understand art and music.

Communication with such a person is pleasant and easy - such individuals know how to express their thoughts and willingly share them with others.

lines on the palm of the left hand - these character traits are inherited by a person, but he has the power to change.

A line in the shape of a wave also indicates a penchant for creativity. However, such a person succumbs to pessimistic moods, fear, and anxiety. Negative emotions clearly prevent him from achieving his goals or setting a specific goal.

An interesting fact is what the lines in the palm of the left hand mean - they indicate strengths character given to him from birth. The traits of the right palm help determine in which area a person can achieve success in the present and future.

Decoding the line of Fate

The Line of Fate runs vertically or with a slight deviation upward from the middle of the wrist.

Read the sign below:

  1. An even vertical line speaks of success in all endeavors, a brilliant career and self-realization.
  2. If the line is weakly expressed, it means that the person is dissatisfied with the state of affairs that he has. Perhaps this concerns your career, personal life or other important areas.
  3. Marks in the form of dashes or crosses indicate a frequent change of direction in professional activity.
  4. When the line begins where the Life line begins, this indicates life difficulties in early years life.

By reading the lines on the palm, the meaning on the right hand (or active) will reveal events that will happen in the future. All of them will become a natural result of making certain decisions, so a person should pay special attention to this trait.

By the left hand you can judge what will happen according to the will of fate, if you give in to its flow.

Secondary lines on the hands

Lines of secondary significance are not found in everyone. By deciphering the signs together with the main features, you can create a more complete and informative Life Map (as palmists call the entire process of reading hands).

For example, the line of Wealth, which forms a triangle, located between the features of Fate and Mind.

If it is clear and even, this indicates stable financial situation, and in combination with a pronounced line of Fate, it can be assumed that a person will acquire wealth through a successful career.

However, the reason for wealth can be marriage, inheritance, or a lucky coincidence, for example, a lottery. Other lines with corresponding marks will bring more clarity to the reading.

There is one more minor feature - Guardian Angel line. This sign speaks of good luck, such people are lucky in any situation, and troubles bypass them.

The mark on the hand is located parallel to the line of life, but is shifted closer to the thumb, located on its hill. It may be pronounced or barely noticeable, but the very fact of its presence is a good sign.

When the line of the Guardian Angel is on an inactive palm, this means that a person is given protection at birth and for life; if the line is on the right hand, then over time it may disappear.

This means that protection from failure is provided by fate for a time and should be used wisely.

Romantic relationships and marriage - reading hands

The marriage line is a horizontal line under the little finger; by the way, there can be several of them. Clear, deep signs indicate marriage or marriage, weak ones indicate a romantic relationship.

If the sign is interrupted, this indicates a divorce or temporary break in the relationship; double lines indicate a relationship with two partners at the same time.

Separation is judged by the presence of forks; the reason for this may be a long business trip or a coincidence of circumstances.

Vertical lines from this line indicate how many children a person will have. Moreover, on the left (or inactive) hand you can find out what is destined by fate, and on the right - what decision a person will make. Therefore, the number and position of signs on different palms is different.

There's another one line connected to family relationships- trait of divorce. It rings the base of the sore finger. The absence of one indicates a strong family life or its absence.

Complete information about fate can be obtained only after analyzing various lines; often different traits speak about the same thing, or, conversely, contradict each other.

Here it is worth paying attention to other signs, for example the marriage line. Moreover, the analysis must be carried out on both palms, not always, what is destined happens in life, sometimes cool decisions help to avoid annoying mistakes.

Decryption results cannot be relied upon 100%, The Fate Card should be taken as recommendations, advice, instructions. Palmistry does not belong to the list of approved sciences, but this teaching took a very long time to build.

For decades, people have been collecting and analyzing information, creating certain statistics, so it cannot be considered as some kind of fortune-telling. Thus, it has every reason to be used in practice.

What do the lines on the palm mean:

Meaning on the right hand, what do the lines on the palm of the left hand mean:

The pattern on the palm describes a person’s life, his character, habits, dangers. The line of Fate has a special meaning: it speaks about the choice made by an individual, about how a person manages the talents and inclinations given at birth.

Location of the line of Fate


The Line of Fate refers to the main arcs in the palm. To understand where it is located, you need to find the Life line. This is the longest and clearest arc, from which the pattern on the palm is read, originates from the wrist and goes along the palm, bends and ends between the thumb and index finger. The Head Line begins between the thumb and index finger, but runs horizontally under the hills (under the phalanges of the fingers).

In that part of the palm that is located between the arches of the Head and Life, you can find the line of Fate. Palmistry makes an analysis based on shape, extent and appearance lines. An atypical location is another sign that helps make a general prediction. If the line moves closer to the edge of the palm or rises towards the fingers, the person is gifted with talent. Any location of the line of Fate has its own meaning.

Right and left hand

The patterns of the left and right hands are different; no two patterns are the same. Fortune telling based on the right and left hands is not repeated either. Palmistry describes the palms as projections of what is about to happen and those events that can be prevented. Pattern differences:

  • on the left palm - the makings of a personality, its talents, character traits, strengths and weaknesses;
  • on the right palm is the fate of a person, what he chose for himself, his decisions and their consequences.

The Line of Fate runs in different positions along the right and left palms. The lines may be different or duplicated, the stripes may be completely absent on a person’s hand. It is important how the line goes next to other arcs. Any fortune telling begins with the left hand - it shows the strengths of the personality. The right hand displays the consequences of the chosen path, all victories and defeats.

Characteristics of the line of Fate


The meaning of the line of Fate is interpreted in different ways. This is thinking, habits, moral principles - all those qualities that shape a person. General value traits - life path (how successful and harmonious the path that a person chooses for himself will be). Palmistry means vertical stripe in the palm of your hand, like a mirror of the soul - these are her fears, her hopes, her thoughts that turn into actions.

The overall value depends on:

  • exact location;
  • appearance, length, depth and clarity;
  • integrity (any breaks or splits are additional information);
  • the figures that form on it;
  • nearby lines and hills.

The symbol of will on the hand speaks of the choice of priorities; the line displays attachments and family values.


The vertical strip of fate on the hand has a special role - it is the most changeable and fickle line of the main lines. It can appear and disappear. Its general meaning is determined after the period of personality formation. IN childhood there is no benefit from such a trait: while the personality grows and develops, new figures with new meanings appear on the strip.

The Line of Fate on the hand intersects neighboring arcs, strengthens or neutralizes the inclinations of a personality. Its meaning changes depending on the nearest hill. Every detail allows you to see your destiny.


A long vertical line indicates a person’s involvement in the clan. This is a sign of heredity: family is important for a person (both the one in which he was born and the one he will create). A clear strip indicates the only correct direction chosen. If a person decides what he wants to do, he will be able to achieve success in his chosen field.

An even line promises success to its owner: he is gifted with an analytical mind and a vivid imagination. Decoding the straight line of Fate is the most favorable.

The individual will not have to suffer from doubts; she is confident in herself and knows the value of her abilities. A deep line speaks of awareness of everything that a person does. He sees the world differently, accepts situations differently. A deep line gives its owner good intuition: he always follows his heart and is not afraid to take risks. The clearer the vertical stripe on the right hand, the luckier the person.


A curved line indicates change. There will be many of them, and not all will be pleasant. A busy life with many unexpected turns is promised by the bends on the main line. A person is destined for ups and downs; he will be able to find a job to his liking, but will not always be able to maintain the same attitude.

A crooked line indicates frequent mood swings. A person cannot boast of a stable psycho-emotional state. He lives in the moment, feels the world around us with its inherent hyperbolism. This is a man of extremes and constant risk.


If the line of Fate is unclear or intermittent in places, a person cannot find inner harmony. He is true to his principles, but they are short-lived. Desires are short-term, a person often changes his ideas about the world and the people around him. A thread-like dash is a sign of confusion. Its owners are often tormented by doubts. It is difficult for them to find one reference point in their personal or professional life.

If there is a thread-like line on the hand, but its visible parts are deep, the person will be able to settle down. He will find something he loves and build harmonious relationships, but will not get rid of doubts. He is a perfectionist with high demands on himself and the people around him.

The thread-like line of Fate is a sign of confusion


If the line bifurcates or breaks in the middle, the person is destined for a dual fate:

  • if the split is directed to the left, the person will not be able to decide on issues of his personal life;
  • if the gap extends to the right, the individual will not be able to find work in one field.

The gap speaks of indecision. A person tries to improve his own life, but is afraid that it will become even worse. He rushes between what he wants and what he needs, what society and his close circle demand of him. They represent curves, diverging lines, trauma. The person may experience serious health problems.


A negative sign if the life path line on the hand is completely absent. He says that a person does not have a unique destiny. He is subject to the circumstances that surround him. These are weak-willed individuals: they follow the crowd, live according to someone else’s script.

Often people with a missing line on the palm suffer from addiction (alcoholism, drug addiction).

If there is no line on the left (passive hand), but there is on the right, the person will be able to overcome the danger and arrange a good future for himself. If there is no sign of fate on the active hand, but there is a thread-like line on the left hand, it will be difficult to fight habits.

Start and end of line

An important detail of the general prediction is where the line begins and where it ends.

If it runs through the center of the palm, the person is balanced and methodical. He knows how to achieve his goals and overcome obstacles.

If the line is inclined towards the little finger and runs along the line of the Heart, the person tends to exaggerate the severity of problems. She is melancholic and impressionable.

If the line reaches the ring finger, life will not be easy, but any effort invested will pay off. Connection with the middle finger indicates the individual’s confidence in own strength. These are egocentrists who seek profit and self-interest in everything.

If the line of Fate touches the line of the Heart, you will be able to find love, but the relationship will not be easy.

A line passing under the index finger indicates a strong-willed character. Such a person is endowed with good nature, he knows how to understand people and understand them.

The crossed line of the Heart makes a person softer, and the line of Life in alliance with the line of Fate speaks of a person’s important mission in this life.


The location of the line relative to the main hills of the palm is important. If the line starts from the Mount of the Moon (under the little finger at the bottom of the palm), a person’s professional life is connected with communication. He is emotional, but at the right time restrained. Such a person knows how to control his own emotions.

If the line interacts with the Mount of Saturn (under the middle finger), the person is endowed with rigidity of character. He knows how to make decisions and radically change his own life. On the Mount of Saturn there may be additional figures that soften or strengthen a hard character.

If the line ends on the Mount of Apollo, there is a lot of art in a person’s life. This is a creative person who knows how to bring benefit out of the simplest task.

When the vertical stripe ends on the Mount of Venus, the personality is changeable. She constantly changes her desires and rarely keeps her word.

Signs and interpretation of the line of Fate


A person’s life changes, he develops, his worldview is formed. All these changes are reflected on the line of Fate.

Help to see changes:

  • a dash (can be perpendicular to the main line or intersect it at an angle);
  • chain (several consecutive turns);
  • cross;
  • lattice (consists of many strips of different lengths and clarity);
  • square;
  • point (one or more);
  • star;
  • triangle;
  • island.

A person may not be aware of the influence of the signs that appear on his line of Fate. They serve as a hint about choosing a job, an activity to which you should devote your life.

There may be additional marks (breaks, dots) between the figures, or there may be only one mark along the entire line. The number of signs indicates the external influence on a person’s life.


If there is a clear stripe on the main line, it speaks of a complex personality. In palmistry, such a mark is called a thief's mark. It indicates that a person is often cunning, deceives a lot, and often exaggerates his own achievements for the sake of praise. If such a mark is located at the very beginning of the line, it symbolizes improper upbringing (from early childhood the child was taught to lie or act only in his own interests).

A dash in the middle of the line with a shift to the side indicates poverty. The money you earn will quickly go away, and you won’t be able to save even a small amount. The person is wasteful and disorganized. When a line of Fate ends with such a mark, in old age a person will have to scrounge around the world.


The chain on the line of Fate speaks of failure. This is a period of stagnation when all attempts to overcome problems do not bring results. If the chain is long and takes most of vertical stripes - there will be problems in both personal and professional life. For unmarried women the chain is a symbol of loneliness, and for men - a bad match. If the line of Fate ends with a chain, in adulthood a person will have to look for new job or move to another city.


Not auspicious sign, when a cross is formed on the line of Fate. In such cases, the main vertical strip is crossed by another dash (it forms 4 right angles at once). The mark indicates a threat; the individual’s business reputation may suffer. Her skills and talents will be in doubt. The cross personifies poverty (lack of money or necessary benefits) with active hard work.

This mark warns against recklessness. If a person tries to get what he wants by cunning, he will suffer great failure.

If the top line of the line ends with a cross, a person does not know how to take care of himself or the people around him. It is difficult for him to communicate: it is easier for him to distance himself from society than to try to act in spite of fear.


A grid is formed along the line of Fate - its owner does not know how to earn money. Anything that gets into his wallet also quickly disappears. If the line of Fate on the hand is decorated with a clear, pronounced lattice, the person is gifted with simple, down-to-earth thinking. He is no stranger to base and negative feelings: greed, jealousy, envy.

The lattice speaks of wastefulness. A person wastes both time and energy. This is a lost and confused person. He seeks protection in illusions. Such people fantasize and invent a lot. In order not to suffer from apathy, they often lie and mislead their close circle.

Palmistry describes the line of Fate with a square as a favorable sign. It is easy for a person with such a mark on the palm to win the attention of others, he works hard and receives a well-deserved reward. Can see good points even in the most difficult situations. These are optimists in life who do not dwell on the negative.

Protective square on the line of fate


One dot means temporary stagnation, stopping progress. At such a period of life, any efforts are of little significance. No matter what a person does, he will not be able to achieve success. If there are many points and there is a small distance between them, the crisis will drag on. There will be little money and many problems; during the crisis, drastic, negative changes will occur. The individual will begin to doubt his own abilities. The support of your close circle will help you get out of the vicious circle of problems.


In most cases, the star is a favorable symbol, but on the line of Fate such a sign means stress, a protracted, complex psycho-emotional state. Constant difficulties, as part of the tests, will force the individual to work more and think less about himself.

The star indicates the likelihood of a nervous breakdown; it will be very difficult to recover from the stress suffered. Prolonged depression is likely.


If the line on the palm is crossed out by a triangle, in life a person will have to use his own analytical thinking. Only a clear mind will allow you to face difficulties. All tests (if you pass them and learn a valuable life lesson) will bring profit and prosperity. The triangle means a well-deserved material reward.

The triangle foretells a situation in which a clear mind will be needed


An island (curl) on the line of Fate means financial difficulties. No matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve material stability. This is a sign of constant debt. Financial stability will depend on external factors, and not from human efforts.


Chirology, also known as palmistry, deals with the interpretation of palms with pictures. The general meaning of the line of Fate is the chosen path in life. This is the character of a person, formed over the years and trials, her habits, affections, priorities. The shape and length of the arc is important, as well as any marks or shapes that form on it. Taken together, all the features of the pattern make up a general fortune telling.

If the road of Fate goes from the very wrist and at some stage the shoots come off, this indicates that at this very period of life, the owner is moving to a higher quality level of life. When the Line of Fate bifurcates and each branch goes to a certain hill, then that same hillock will indicate the sphere of activity in which the fortuneteller will begin to realize himself.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the bifurcation itself. Ideally, it would be if the main thread of Fate with “duality” does not lose its quality.

Let's look at the drawing in more detail.

Correct thread (1)

The right thread indicates a strong personality and individuality. If there are no negative signs, then he will direct you towards success and achieving goals. The gap between life and fate will tell you that the fortuneteller was not enslaved and was free to choose a profession.

Near the Road of Life (2)

If the thread of success is located close to the life line and there is a bifurcation of the line of fate towards life, then the fortuneteller at an early age depended on the desires of close relatives.

Fork connects to life line

This combination indicates a more pronounced constrained framework. In this case, look at the thread as a whole. If it loses its power after the head, then the fortuneteller will be greatly hampered by his attachments.

Thread and Mount of Venus (3)

Placement number three indicates a person who is deeply unhappy, nothing works out for him with the opposite sex, or he is entangled in love affairs.

The branch goes to the Moon (4)

This placement indicates a person who has freed himself from domestic influences at an early age. These people have a hectic, wandering life and love to travel a lot.

Towards Saturn or Jupiter (5-6)

The power of Fate towards the middle finger is not as powerful as when the Fate line bifurcates to the side index finger. At number (6), the owner will achieve certain success in professional field and career.

What Success Looks Like (7)

If the thread in the palm goes to the Sun, then the owner will certainly have good luck and success in public life.

Very important values

  1. If you notice that the line of fate is bifurcated towards Jupiter, the fortuneteller will have to make efforts towards claims.
  2. Towards the Sun, success, fame and achievement.
  3. To the middle finger, not a very favorable situation. The person will go too far. Everything he strived for at one moment will lose meaning for him and the situation will get out of control, and everything will turn against him. For example, his people will rise up against a leader and overthrow him.
  1. The fateful thread stops its development on the line of the mind. A career will be destroyed by strong attachment or many hobbies. The owner, out of stupidity, will destroy everything that he created with his own hands or lose it.
  2. An island on the road foreshadows quarrels and troubles during this period of time.
  3. Small lines crossing the line indicate that you will hinder your destiny in a certain period.
  1. When the line of fate bifurcates, follow the progress of the branch. It may be broken or intersect with other lines.
  2. If any damage is found, then there will be problems in the implementation of the project in the direction where it goes.

Note. In practice, you can come across a combination when the road stops at the thread of the soul or mind and at the same time the line of fate bifurcates at the end. This suggests that the owner of the palm will be faced with a choice at some point in time (the choice depends on the line with which fate comes into contact).

With the thread of Uma

If you notice that the connection touches the head, then the owner will have to make a very important decision, which will be related to:

  • place of residence;
  • work;
  • or another important decision for life.

Road of the Soul

When the line of fate bifurcates at the end and intersects with the thread of the heart, then in this case, the choice will be to resolve issues related to matters of the heart.

Note. If an island is discovered at this stage, then the fortuneteller will have an emotional breakdown associated with relationships in the love sphere.

When the outgoing process passes next to the main threads, this will indicate additional activities in life:

  • hobby;
  • entertainment;
  • additional income.

Please note that an additional lesson will be an important decision for the fortuneteller, and, accordingly, will take up most of the time.

What the double road will tell you about

Palmists often observe two lines of fate on the hand. This is a very interesting combination that should be read by the active palm. In different age categories, this combination is interpreted differently.

Value for early age up to 35 years

The combination can already be found in teenagers, for example, at 16 years old. This indicates that a person will be able to do several things at the same time and everything will work out for him. This could be a job, a hobby, or another area of ​​activity.

Note. If such a combination is visible in a girl (woman), then we can say that her husband is incredibly lucky.

Such a person can do a lot at the same time: be an ideal wife and mother in a family and at the same time move up the career ladder.

Among the four elements: fire, water, air, earth, the line of fate on the palm reflects the first element of fire. It is visually placed under the middle finger and runs vertically through the middle of the hand. It is considered the most extraordinary and changeable thread, if we consider the four main lines on the palm.

Such people are very active and active and lead an interesting lifestyle. As a rule, they don’t even have a free minute, but their whole life is on a schedule.

If there is a split towards the Sun and Jupiter, then the owner will have to do 2 things simultaneously in different directions.

Note. Sometimes this sign can indicate a double life; other signs on the hand will indicate this, for example, if Fate moves away from the Mount of Venus.

After 35 years, meaning and interpretation

There are cases when such a combination occurs already at a more mature age; it is during this period that a reassessment of one’s life values ​​and dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life begins.

This especially affects when the family constantly reproaches them with low wages or an unsuccessful career. Experiencing a midlife crisis, a person decides to radically change his lifestyle.

How can a double stripe help in life?

If a parallel thread originates from the Mount of the Moon, then this will indicate outside patronage in all new endeavors. Along the path of any project there will be a patron who will help advance your goal.

The second thread begins together with the first

This combination indicates that the fortuneteller carries out all his undertakings completely independently, without anyone’s help.

The main thing is that it is very important for a person to do everything on his own and not count on anyone. Most likely, such people will help others implement projects than ask for help themselves.

The second line starts from the hill of Mars

When the line of Fate bifurcates in this way (on Mars), it has a very favorable meaning. This indicates that the person has found himself and is in harmony with outside world. Life changes happen smoothly, without stress and loss of energy. Personality smoothly passes from one state to another.

Note. All this smoothes out all the negative qualities that Lady Fate can present.

All the difficulties that a person may encounter with a double line of Saturn

As mentioned above, a double thread can radically change a person’s life. This also indicates the strength and will of a person, however, such a combination may entail some consequences.

A person with this combination seems to have bottomless energy. Therefore, at some point, the fortuneteller will realize that he is devoting himself entirely to work, which can lead to exhaustion.

Note. It is important here not to “burn out” at work and not to bring yourself to complete exhaustion. This especially applies to men between 35 and 40 years old.

The material will be useful to you:

A professional career can drag on so much that a person simply forgets about his family. Remember that everything in this life is good in moderation and without fanaticism. In conclusion, I would like to invite you to watch a video that will tell you in more detail what it means when the line of Fate bifurcates, and about its meaning in general, as well as its impact on a person’s life and values.

The line of fate is not found on the hands of every person. But both its presence and absence have a certain meaning. Let's figure out how to correctly decipher a person's fate from his palms.

To decipher the meaning of the fate line on your hand, carefully study your right palm. The figure shows the location of this feature from the point of view:

Ideally, this line should run strictly vertically: from the middle of the wrist to the center of the middle finger. But all people, like their hands, are different, so this option is quite rare.


After you have found the line of fate in your palm, you can begin to decipher it.

The value could be as follows:

  • If there is a line of fate in the palm of your hand, you need to study its location. To do this, mentally divide the life line into segments corresponding to certain periods of life. In those places where it intersects with Fate, it is a time when a person works very zealously to achieve his goals. This is the most favorable period for financial and personal growth
  • If the line is clearly expressed and clearly visible, we can say that the person has every chance of becoming very successful. But only if he is sufficiently motivated and will make efforts to achieve his goals. Otherwise, you shouldn't expect success
  • Some palmists believe that even a hint of the fate line of the palm is already a very favorable sign. He says that a person is the darling of Fate, lucky, lucky in life. Higher powers always support him and send him various opportunities in life

In general, a person with a fateful line is a very integral and reasonable person. He is able to find a solution to any problem, come to the most shortcut towards your goals. He rarely makes mistakes in his actions and actions.

No line of fate

What can happen if a person has no destiny line:

  • He can be a bright personality who lives an active and eventful life. But at the same time he will not become happy, because he has absolutely no goals, he does not know what he wants and where he is going
  • Such a person is like a sailboat without sailors who simply floats with the flow. He does not control his life, but surrenders to the will of circumstances. Therefore, such a sign on the palms is often found among people addicted to alcohol, drugs, and criminals.

A person without a destiny trait can be successful. But this will most likely happen by chance, without setting specific goals. Throughout life, he can rush from one thing to another, constantly change jobs, and as a result, never find himself in anything.

Start of line

Let's look at photos and pictures from different options the beginning of fate.

Such a person is very dependent on his clan, family. Most often, he grows up in a family of hyper-responsible and controlling parents who do not let him go even a step. Mom, dad and other relatives have a tremendous influence on the formation of his personality.

A very independent person and independent of the opinions of others. He strives to do only what he wants, without particularly listening to the company of close people. Most likely, it was not customary for family members of such a person to show love and express emotions towards each other.

This is a man of freedom who values ​​it above all else. Does not tolerate restrictions or boundaries, strives to be “on his own”

The calling of such a person is to serve other people, to be useful and help. Therefore, it is very important to choose a suitable profession. For example, he will make an excellent teacher, coach, trainer, social worker, volunteer.

Watch a video on the topic:

From an early age he is a very independent child. His parents raise him correctly: they allow him to make his own decisions, choose what he likes, without imposing his own point of view.

Therefore, he grows into a person who does not depend on public opinion and chooses the activity that he likes. There is every chance to be realized in all areas of life. High self-esteem, incredible self-love, but not narcissism - these qualities attract a worthy life partner, so everything will be fine in love

Line of Doom

Some palmists call the fate line the line of Doom. That is, what is given to a person from birth and what he cannot change. But not all experts agree with this opinion.

To admit that a specific future has already been formed for a person, which there is no possibility of changing, would be extremely pessimistic. So if you don't really like the deciphering of the lines on your palms, you don't necessarily have to put up with it. You can always direct your life to a different, happier reality.

You must accept what is given from birth. And then take responsibility for the events happening around you. Your every thought, every action, every deed is a choice that ultimately affects the future. You can control this and change the line of fate.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

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