Rose is the queen of all flowers. Rose is the queen of flowers. May roses of Italy and Bulgaria. So that the rose stands in a vase for a long time

If you ask a hundred people what their favorite flower is, most will probably say a rose. Few flowers can compare with her in splendor and quantity. color shades. It is the rose that is a symbol of love, and presenting a representative of the fair sex with a bouquet of roses usually indicates the sincerity of the donor’s feelings... Why is the rose given the title of “queen of flowers”?

The fact is that, perhaps, it is the most ancient flower on Earth. Judging by the discovered fossil remains, roses appeared on our planet at least 50 million years ago, long before the appearance of humans. One of ancient images This flower was found on the island of Crete and dates back to approximately 2000 BC.

The ancient Greeks called the rose the “king of flowers”, subsequently the famous poetess Sappho immortalized her as the “queen of flowers”: this “title” was assigned to her forever. In ancient Greece and Rome, the rose was considered an emblem of love, spring and beauty. It also symbolized fun, entertainment, the short duration of earthly life... The ancient Greeks decorated the heads of brides with wreaths of roses and threw roses at the feet of the winners of battles and competitions. The Romans followed the same tradition. They called wreaths made of roses “shapot” or “chapel”. This is where the word “hat” comes from.

At the same time, the rose was also a symbol of death. Garlands of roses were placed on the graves of the deceased and worn on the head and chest as a sign of mourning for loved ones. And a tightly closed rosebud, the statue of which was often placed on gravestones, represented the infinity symbol. Perhaps this is why the rose is so often present in the esoteric tradition. For example, it is an element of the Rosicrucian emblem. The coat of arms of the Knights Templar also depicts a white square frame with four rings at the corners, and in the center - a rose with six petals... The rose was also a symbol of early Christianity: the red flower symbolized the blood shed by the crucified Christ...

Oddly enough, the “pink” symbols were also adopted by the communists. The red rose in the buttonhole was a symbol of the revolution, along with the red flag or banner.

Man began to “cultivate” wild roses about 5 thousand years ago. In England, Iran and the USA it became national flower. In the 15th century The War of the Roses took place in England. The war was between two royal dynasties: a scarlet rose was on the coat of arms of the Lancaster dynasty, a white rose was on the coat of arms of the York dynasty.

The rose came to Russia only at the beginning of the 16th century, presumably from the Balkans, and initially it could only be seen at the royal court. Under Peter I, roses began to be grown in gardens. This custom became especially widespread under Catherine II. TO end of the 19th century For centuries, roses have been grown throughout the European part of Russia.

Today, about 300 species and about 30,000 varieties of roses are known. In addition to red, there are burgundy, white, pink, yellow, blue, purple, black and even multi-colored roses. Today they can be found all over to the globe. By the way, in the Arctic Circle region it grows wild rose Rosa Acicularis.

The French are considered the best rose growers in the world. The Dutch trade in roses the most. And in Bulgaria they produce the famous rose oil. It was this that formed the basis of the first ones in the world. Today, rose oil (though mostly synthetic, not natural) is included in most perfumes, especially for women. Natural oil They are usually obtained from two types of roses - Damask and Centifolia. It is incredibly expensive and is valued more than gold and platinum, because to obtain one kilogram of this elixir it takes about three tons of rose petals.

In the East, roses are still used as a healing agent.– this tradition dates back to ancient times and was widespread in medieval medicine. Rose or its oil was used for migraines, stomach disorders, liver diseases, disorders monthly cycle in women, fever, eye infections and skin ailments.

Roses have a calming effect on nervous system, tones, relieves headaches, improves immunity, normalizes pulse and blood pressure. Very useful for tuberculosis patients. It is recommended to inhale it or rub it on your temples.

In cooking, rose and its derivatives are usually used as flavorings for various dishes. They also make jam from rose petals.

The “Queen of Flowers” ​​has long symbolized love and its various shades. Poems, poems, ballads were written about the rose... The fact that this flower was often prickly only added to the poignancy of feelings: after all, love can hurt, just like the thorns of a rose...

Roses are quite expensive, so it is believed that if a man gives you them, it means he has “serious intentions.” Remember: “pink roses for Svetka Sokolova”? However, the heroine of Andersen’s fairy tale “The Princess and the Swineherd” never appreciated such a gift from the disguised prince.

Meanwhile, in the old days there was a so-called "language of flowers". Having studied what was presented by the gentleman, the girl could understand what exactly the donor wanted to tell her. And in the same way - with the help of a flower - she could give the answer. Thus, an unopened bud of a white rose meant a heart that does not yet know love. The white rose spoke of silence. Red and white tied together - about passion. Yellow is about infidelity. So, if your chosen one presents you with white roses, he is most likely indifferent to you, say modern experts in the “language of flowers.” Red - loves you. But if he gives you a bouquet of yellow roses, you should be wary: perhaps he has another one. Although you shouldn’t take all this seriously, because not all men are aware of such subtleties.

Rose is the most amazing plant. It combines tenderness, softness, regal splendor, beauty and inaccessibility. At a superficial glance, there are many contradictions in this flower. And that’s probably why they treated the rose in different times also contradictory or multifaceted. But sooner or later everyone bowed to her beauty. How can you resist the queen?

The birthplace of the rose is Persia. And it is surprising that for some reason the first mentions of the queen are found in Indian legends. Perhaps because in India a rose was compared to a woman, and in this country there is a particularly reverent attitude towards the fair half of humanity. Indian myths say that most beautiful woman Universe - Lakshmi, embodied in our world from a blossoming rose. Therefore, it is believed that the rose is a symbol of the divine secret that it guards, and the thorns serve as protection for it. In ancient India, the rose was considered the most valuable offering.

In Egypt, the rose was dedicated to Isis; it symbolized pure love, freed from passion and carnal pleasures. This may be why rose petals were used in incredible quantities during feasts, perhaps to ward off the wrath of Isis and gain her favor. The floor of the hall where the feasts took place was covered with rose petals for a third of a meter; they stuffed the pillows on the couches, and rose water flowed from the fountains. Roses were especially popular in Egypt under Cleopatra, and once even became a weapon in her intrigues. Cleopatra, wanting to convince Mark Antony of her feelings for him, ordered poison to be sprinkled on her wreath of roses. During their conversation, Anthony, enchanted by the queen, swore his love for her, tore rose petals from her wreath, threw them into his cup of wine and wanted to drink (this meant goodwill and complete trust), but Cleopatra snatched the cup from his hands, gave it to the slave and ordered to drink the poisoned wine, saying: “Look, Anthony, how easy it was for me to get rid of you, if only I could live without you!”

Ancient Rome was not inferior to Egypt in the worship of the rose. During the Roman Republic, the rose was a symbol of morality and a reward for outstanding deeds. It was believed that the rose inspires courage and fearlessness. Roman soldiers, preparing for battle, wore wreaths of roses instead of helmets, and their shields were decorated with an image of a rose. In homes, a sprig of roses was hung above the table as a symbol of silence and secrecy. She reminded her interlocutors that not everything said at the table should be known to outsiders. This is where the expression “sub rosa dictum” came from, which means: said under the rose, or top secret. Later, during the fall of the Roman Empire, attitudes towards the rose changed. Now the rose was a luxury item. Rose petals were everywhere, pillows and mattresses were stuffed with them, the floors of the halls, tables were strewn with them, every guest was sure to be wearing a wreath of roses, and even the slaves serving at the tables were wearing pink wreaths. Some feasts were so lavish that the roses used at them cost a barrel of gold. Drinks and dishes were made from rose petals: puddings, jellies, the famous pink sugar and other sweets that are still prepared in the east.

Probably because of this attitude of the Romans towards the “queen of flowers”, the first Christians declared the rose a pagan flower of sin, satiety and debauchery. However, the taboo did not last long: a flower cannot be responsible for human mistakes. And in the 13th century, the French Count of Champagne, Thibault VI, brought a trophy from the crusade to his castle - a double rose. The French, connoisseurs of perfection and sophistication, fell in love with the rose at first sight, and it quickly conquered Europe. In France, as in Rome, wreaths of roses came into fashion; they were called “chapels.” It is curious that “shapo” comes from this word? - hat, so we owe the origin of the name of the headdress to the rose.

In England, the rose immediately became an element of the heraldry of the royal houses, descendants of the Plantagenet dynasty. One branch of the dynasty, the Lancastrians, took into their emblem scarlet rose, and the other branch is Yorkie, white. Therefore, the war between Henry VI Lancaster and Edward IV of York was called the War of the Scarlet and White Roses (1455-1485). As a symbol of the end of such a long and senseless internecine war and the reconciliation of the warring parties, an unusual variety of rose was bred. Pink and white buds bloomed on one bush, and the rose was named York-and-Lancaster.

The rose came to our region in the 17th century, but for a long time its distribution was limited only to the gardens of the royal court and dignitaries especially close to the court. Rose growing received more extensive development during the times of Peter I and Catherine II. The rose became such a popular and valuable flower that thanks to it, one serf family was freed. The first Russian chancellor, Count G.I. Golovkin was a great connoisseur of roses. To satisfy his whims, a huge rose garden was laid out, and a special gardener, sent from England, was appointed to care for it. Of course, the Englishman alone was unable to cope with such a huge number of roses, and the count gave him several serfs to help him. One peasant turned out to be so good at this task that he surpassed the English gardener. Golovkin was so delighted that he freed the serf and his entire family. His last command was that they should be called Rozanovs and nothing else. There is an opinion that the surname Rozanov, common in Russia, came from this peasant. But the most important thing is that we now have our own masters who were able to spread knowledge on rose care. And now the queen can be found in almost any park, and in flower pavilions she stands in the first place of honor.

Where should we put the throne for the queen in our home? Wherever a rose grows, it is always in its place, with the exception of the bedroom. The point is the strong aroma of its flowers, which can cause poor health, weakness, and migraines. Therefore, it is also not recommended to leave bouquets of roses in the bedroom overnight. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. And the best sectors in the house for roses are the south and north-west. In them, the rose gives us maximum energy support. Being in the southern sector, the rose has a positive effect on our popularity, creativity and protects our reputation. In the northwestern region, it strengthens our mentality, supports firmness in decision-making, and perseverance in achieving our goals. It is favorable for owners of a private house to choose sectors of the same name on their personal plot. A good symbol is lush rose bush, or several, near the central gate or wicket. In this case, the roses should be selected according to the color relative to the sector in which the gate is located. Southwestern, northeastern - yellow, cream, pink, red. Eastern, southeastern - yellow, cream, soft pink. Southern - red, pink. Western, northwestern - white, yellow, cream. Northern - white.

We hope you enjoyed this short excursion to the land of the Queen of Flowers. Indeed, despite the huge number of newly bred lush and extravagant flowers, after seeing enough of the wonders, we always return to the rose. And this is not surprising, the queen is the queen forever!

Since ancient times, the rose has remained the unsurpassed queen of flowers, a symbol of beauty and greatness. The beauty and mystical attractiveness of the rose has always attracted human attention.
She was loved, she was worshiped, she was sung from time immemorial.
“I love you, dear rose,
When you, queen of flowers,
Tears have not yet shaken off the dew,
You bloom among the green meadows..."
(romance by M. Glinka - A. Samarin)

According to archaeological data, roses have existed on Earth for about 25 million years, and roses have been cultivated for more than 5,000 years.

It was grown in the gardens of the East several thousand years ago, and the very first information about the rose is found in ancient Indian legends, although Persia is considered its homeland.

In the ancient Persian language, the word "rose" literally means "spirit".

In the 17th century, the rose first came to Russia. The German ambassador brought it as a gift to Emperor Mikhail Fedorovich.

They began to plant it in gardens only under Peter the Great.

How much interesting legends dedicated to this amazing flower...

From the waves of the sea, the goddess of love Aphrodite was born.

As soon as she reached the shore, the flakes of foam sparkling on her body began to turn into bright red roses.

Another story about why the rose turned red - it blushed with pleasure when Eve, who was walking in the Garden of Eden, kissed her.

In addition, the rose is a symbol of beauty in poetry and painting.
* * *
Give me yellow roses
Not as a symbol of faded love,
Give me yellow roses
Like a piece of earthly beauty.
I love this tired color
Not screaming, not thirsty for lips,
Giving the freshness of life for free,
Shy about the gift suddenly.
I love this color for its timidity
What does dew fall on a rose...
Give me a yellow story -
I'll read it with you.

And in the “language of flowers” ​​- at all times yellow meant an active and freedom-loving beginning.

Orange roses – in the language of flowers they express the most better wishes, warm feelings and enthusiasm.
Peach roses are a sign of modesty.

The Christian Church did not recognize this flower for a long time, considering it a symbol of “shameful Roman fornication and abomination.” However, by 400 AD. e. The rose again became popular: rosaries were made from its fruits, medicines were made from its petals, and in churches they made round windows with the outline of this flower.

In England in the 15th century, under the banner of two peaceful roses - red and white - a terrible fratricidal war broke out, which lasted 30 years. The bushes from which these two historical roses were plucked were located in Temple Park in London and died only about ten years ago.

Subsequently, English gardeners developed a special variety of rose - Lancaster-York, famous for the fact that both red and white roses bloom on the same bush.

White roses have always been a symbol of admiration, purity and innocence.

The language of flowers is varied, as is the color scheme.

And today, among the variety of means for expressing our feelings that surround us, roses retain a universal leadership, undefeated for centuries.

The very first information about the rose is found in ancient Indian legends, which claim that there was a law according to which every person who brought a rose to the king could ask him for whatever he wanted.

In Ancient Iran, hundreds of volumes were written about the charms of this flower. According to one of the poets, the rose was a gift from Allah himself.

One day, all the children of Flora came to him with a request to appoint them a new ruler to replace the beautiful but sleepy Lotus, who sometimes forgot about his duties at night.

Allah heeded their request and sent down to them a virgin white rose with sharp thorns.

There are many legends about how a white rose turned red. According to one of them, it was stained with drops of Aphrodite’s blood when she, not noticing the sharp thorns, ran through the Python grove, where her mortally wounded lover Adonis lay.

Another says that during the feast of the gods on Olympus, Cupid knocked over a vessel with nectar with his red-pink wings, turning the white roses red and imparting a delicate scent to them.

Fanatically and selflessly the rose was worshiped in Ancient Rome, where it served as a symbol of courage and was considered a precious reward for outstanding deeds and heroism.

The Romans believed that this flower instilled courage in the hearts, so they embossed the image of the flower on battle shields and, when going to war, they put rose wreaths on their heads instead of helmets in order to elevate their spirit and instill confidence in their hearts of victory.

Roman patricians showered their loved ones with roses, and patrician women bathed in rose water to preserve their youth. The girls, bewitching their loved ones, fumigated themselves with pink incense.

Before the battle, gladiators anointed their bodies with rose oil, which allowed them to “slip out of the enemy’s embrace.”

During the fall of Rome, the rose served as a symbol of silence.

At that time, it was dangerous to share one’s thoughts, so during feasts, an artificial white rose was hung on the ceiling of the hall, the look of which forced many to restrain their frankness.

Rose - queen of flowers

Roses. I really like them for their tenderness and aroma. These flowers attract our eyes with their beauty. There are many myths and legends about their mystery and magical properties. You will get acquainted with some of them in this article.

- They think that if they have thorns, everyone is afraid of them... A. S. Exupery “The Little Prince”
- Friendship, like Love, is a rose with luxurious color, an intoxicating aroma, but also with prickly thorns. V.G. Belinsky

If you plunge into the history of heraldry, then amazing fact will be revealed to us - as part of the coats of arms of royalty, nobility or nobility, as well as in symbolism secret orders very often there is one flower present. And this is a rose.

The rose of love, the rose of sadness, the rose of oblivion and the rose of silence... all this is about the same flower, about the Queen of Flowers - about the Rose.
Why was the rose so popular, why did it become a symbol of kingdoms and principalities?

According to magic and astrology, a rose has the following characteristics:
Aura: cold.
Planet: Venus (according to some sources, Jupiter).
Element: water.
Gods: Gator, Gulda, Eros, Cupid, Demeter, Isis, Adonis, Harpocrates, Aurora.
Basic magical properties: love, mental strength, healing, love fortune-telling, luck, protection
Influence: absorbs the energy of laziness, gives creativity, resists aggressiveness, stops quarrels and fights, helps women become more independent.

Use of rose:

To attract love:

- beads are made from rose fruits (rose hips) and worn on threads;

- rose water is added to the bath to preserve beauty and youth.

- its petals, placed in a bag and hung around the neck, help to get pregnant.

Before preparing love mixtures, rinse your hands in rose water.

To see prophetic dreams, prepare tea from rose petals

If you burn rose petals in the bedroom before going to bed, then sleep will completely restore strength.

Petals scattered around the house will calm you down and protect you from domestic troubles.

The rose has many relatives. These include hawthorn, plum, apple, galangal and burnet, strawberries and cloudberries. And the closest relative is the rose hip. All of them are a genus of plants in the Rosaceae family.

Legends of roses

According to legend, the rose was born in Persia. Gyum was the name of the first beauty who was bred from the rose hips. Gafiz and Saadi, Persian poets, called their country “Gulistan” - “Garden of Roses”. The Chinese poet-philosopher Confucius praised her in his works.
It is said that Muslims did not allow anyone to step on even a rose petal that fell on the ground. In 1453, during the capture of Constantinople, Sultan Mohammed II ordered rose water to be brought to wash the Hagia Sophia before turning the temple into a mosque. The Koran says that the rose came from the sweat of the prophet Mohammed.

Roses - heroines of fairy tales and legends

Goddess of beauty Lakshmi ( Ancient India), according to legend, was born from a rosebud.
Aphrodite showered the paths with roses for the victorious warriors, and placed wreaths of roses on the heads of the heroes. She also decorated her temples with them.
Roman soldiers believed that the rose instilled courage in the heart, and therefore wore wreaths of roses instead of helmets
Cleopatra ordered rose petals to rain at festivals.

The gods made the rose an object of controversy. They say that Brahma argued with Vishnu that the most beautiful flower there was a lotus on the ground, but when he saw the rose he apologized to him.
Since those ancient times, the expression has come down to us - “I told you under the rose”, in Latin: “sub rosa dictum” (“sub rose dictum”). The rose was also a symbol of secrecy: everything that was said “under the rose” was considered secret. If you ever come across a picture of a rose on the ceiling in ancient buildings, then you can guess what it meant then.

Rose - mystical flower

In Catholicism, the rose symbolized the number five, this is also reflected in Catholic everyday life, where the rosary and a special prayer for them are called the “Rosary”. Also, the rose is an attribute not only of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, but also of St. George, St. Catherine, Sofia, Dorothea, Teresa and others. Hence the widespread image of a stylized open rose flower - the “mystical rose” - on the stained glass windows of medieval churches, in religious paintings - as a symbol of holiness, the passion of monasteries for growing roses

Rose - required element a variety of magical potions.

The famous “rose” oil is made from rose petals; it is called “liquid gold”. Essential oil roses are used not only to maintain beauty and health, they can exhibit a variety of properties
When your relatives quarrel, spray all the corners of the house with water and nine drops of oil and the atmosphere at home will immediately defuse.

The rose was often depicted on talismans, not forgetting different meanings color range. There are examples in history where a talisman with the image of a white rose (a symbol of platonic love) helped girls and “restored their spiritual innocence.”

How mysterious and incredibly beautiful the rose has always been and remains. This flower is a symbol of love and passion. A large number of myths and legends are associated with it. If from the set precious stones If a woman most likely chooses a diamond, then among flowers she will prefer a rose. Because she is the queen among all flowers.

Rose the queen of flowers

Classification of rose groups

Rose belongs to the Rosaceae family. It has many wild species that are found throughout the world. It took several millennia to cultivate this plant. That is why there are many types and varieties of this beautiful flower. Among them, there are 8 main types of groups:

  • Park frost-resistant roses. This can include antique roses.
  • Shrub roses.
  • Climbing roses, rambler.
  • Hybrid tea roses or large-flowered ones.
  • Floribunda or flower bed roses.
  • Miniature roses.
  • Ground cover roses.
  • Canadian roses.

Depending on climatic conditions, landscape design and simply based on his preferences, the gardener chooses what type of rose to plant. If the plant is climbing, it is perfect for decorating an arch. It can be curled around a hedge and makes a lovely backdrop.

The climbing rose enchants from spring to frost

Hybrid tea roses will delight you with large flowers and a delicate aroma. This plant looks good in group plantings. It is also suitable for cutting.

The best varieties for cutting - hybrid tea roses

A floral carpet can be created using ground cover roses. They are suitable for both flower beds and rocky areas. The rose thickly covers the soil with its shoots. They can also be grown in containers on the balcony and terrace.

Groundcovers include not only roses with creeping shape, but also bushes with arched shoots

How to plant a rose

In order to have one like this beautiful flower in your garden, you need to remember a few rules for planting it:

  1. It is recommended to plant seedlings in the local area in which they will grow. For example, roses made in Russia or Holland will take root best in Russia. However, if the flowers grow in a heated greenhouse, then it is quite possible to purchase seedlings of southern varieties.
  2. It is preferable to plant roses in spring, on warm soil.
  3. Immediately after planting, add to the soil organic fertilizer, such as wood ash, humus, compost. The seedling must be watered abundantly before and after adding organic matter.
  4. Rose loves warmth and light. Therefore, its place should be open to the sun.
  5. If you plant several seedlings, the distance from each other should be from half a meter to a meter, depending on what kind of plant it is: medium-sized or vigorous.
  6. The plant should be planted so that the graft is on the east side.
  7. After planting, cover the seedling with mulch or sawdust.

By following simple rules, the seedling will turn into a gorgeous rose bush

How to care for a rose

The main stages in plant care are watering and pruning. It is necessary to water abundantly and at least once every two weeks. The main pruning is carried out in the fall and additional in the spring. Only strong branches are left for the winter, the rest are cut off and all leaves are removed. After winter, as a rule, dry or frozen branches are removed.

Starting in spring, do not forget to feed your rose bushes ammonium nitrate, mullein or urea. Remove faded buds along with one or two leaves. Then the rose will constantly delight you with its blooms. If you notice damaged leaves or buds affected by pests, immediately carry out chemical treatment. So that the rose can please even next year, it must be covered with sawdust, shavings or spruce branches for the winter.

So that the rose stands in a vase for a long time

A rose can delight not only in a flowerbed, but also in a vase. Cut roses also require care. If you want to preserve the gifted bouquet in winter, then before putting it in the water, you need to warm it up. Boil the water for the bouquet. The flowers should sit in the package for 15 minutes. Shorten the rose trunks a little. Then feel free to place them in a vase with cooled, prepared water. The water may simply be settled.

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