The female name Marisa and her fate Marina. Negative character traits. Famous people named Marina

Marina is beautiful name You will learn from our article what this name means and how it affects a person’s destiny.

Marina, exact specification person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name? From the site

Origin and meaning of the name Marina

Name Marina. How the origin of the name influenced its meaning

It is assumed that the name Marina came to us from antiquity and is derived from the rare male name Marin.

Marin, in turn, comes from the Latin word “marinus” - sea.

The name Marina, the origin and meaning of this ancient name greatly influences the life of a girl. The sound of this name is associated in our minds with the image of a soft wave, sea foam. The patron saint of Marin is the Venerable Marina (Margarita) - the daughter of a priest who suffered for her religion - her adherence to the Christian faith. In the 15th century, she was beheaded after prolonged torture. The name Marina is popular in many countries. Such as England, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic. In England this name sounds like Mary, in Poland tenderly Maruna.

What kind of character can the girl Marina have?

The character of young Marina is spontaneous and open. Characteristics of the name Marina:

  • pride
  • impetuosity
  • openness
  • honesty
  • hard work
  • creative talent

She also has difficult traits. Such as

  • slight arrogance
  • touchiness
  • excitability
  • impatience
  • impulsiveness
  • ambition
  • idealism

Due to emotional instability, Marina is inclined to commit spontaneous, impetuous actions. May unexpectedly boil, pouring out indignation at loved one. Marishka grows up as a wayward girl, alien to empty gossip and intrigues. Despite her inherent egoism and selfishness in friendship, she is honest and open.

School success is subject to her unstable character and mood. If the subject is interesting and will inspire her. Marina can become an excellent student. Otherwise, he approaches his studies calmly and evenly.

What fate awaits Marina?

Characteristics of the name Marina, character traits and fate of a girl named Marina

Marina shines in any, even the most sophisticated society. She, like a bright planet, strives to outshine her rivals, to be at the center of events, and to have numerous fans constantly circling in her orbit. As a result, Marina cannot boast of an abundance of friends. Many men fall under her charm, but all her hobbies are not long-lasting. And to fill the gap, she builds friendly, short-term, easy relationships with men.

Marina is a born wife and she makes incredible efforts to arrange her personal life and create a family nest.

She prefers family comfort to a professional career. But the relationship with her husband quickly tires the wayward Marina. Relationships are losing their novelty for her, bright shades. She is irritated by family problems. And this family hearth, which she so dreamed of building, becomes a burden to her. The fickle Marina is looking for a new relationship. Trying to find a partner with high intelligence, wealth, capable of captivating her in a stormy relationship. But even here she will not calm down. She needs constant, every minute adoration from a loving person. Marina is arrogant and will not tolerate the presence of another woman next to her man. Even in the face of her mother-in-law, Marina will see a source of danger and threat.

Marina adores children, but is reluctant to raise them.

The Name Marina contains the masculine qualities of a leader. She is ambitious, hard-working, and ready to load both herself and her employees with large volumes of work. In order to achieve her goal, she is ready to work for days on end, she is exhausted. He is not afraid to develop new large-scale projects. A broad outlook, great organizational skills, and the makings of a leader allow her to climb the career ladder step by step.

Marina is a creative, purposeful, intellectual person. She is always open to new things and strives to live life to the fullest. Not afraid to experiment. In the future, she may become a talented actress, journalist, or fashion designer.

In her personal life, the horoscope promises her early marriage. which is often unsuccessful. In her companion, Marina sees a reliable shoulder, healing and support. She chooses men herself. This must be an accomplished, financially secure man with good appearance. But if the spouse does not live up to expectations, he suddenly cools down, steps aside, and switches to another candidate.

In later life she is a wonderful housewife. Her house is in order, her children and husband are well-groomed.

What will the child named Marina be like?

If a girl is named Marina, then what kind of character will a child named Marina have?

At birth, members of the household call small child Marisha, Marochka, Musya, Ina. The name Marina, the meaning of the name for a girl makes her character decisive. From early childhood, everyone adores little Marishka for her cheerfulness, openness, and emotionality. She easily finds common contact with children and becomes the initiator herself. joint games. In games he tries to take the role of a leader.

The girl loves events, emotions, and strives to make her life bright. Marina's unstable emotional character makes her strive for new acquaintances, travel, and create a festive mood for loved ones. She is distinguished by spontaneity and suddenness in her actions. She is inclined to participate in light adventures, which will often become a reason for concern for parents in childhood.

Since childhood, Marina has been decisive, brave, and straightforward. With proper upbringing, parents can instill in her more feminine traits - tenderness, softness, romanticism and slight sentimentality.

As a child, the girl loves to help her mother and take care of the household. Marina loves perfect cleanliness and order in the house, careful handling of things. He treats pets well, but without much passion. Prefers to play with peers. He often chooses boys as his playmates. If her parents do not instill in her love for women's activities- playing with girls, cooking, household chores, she can grow up to be a tomboy.

Short form of the name Marina. Marinka, Marishka, Masha, Marinushka, Mara, Marusya, Marisha, Marisya, Mari, Marya, Musya, Ina, Rina.
Synonyms for the name Marina. Maren, Marine, Marine, Marinette, Marinette, Maren, Marino, Marina, Marie, Marinus, Marinella, Martier, Marein, Merein.
Origin of the name Marina. The name Marina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Marina comes from the Latin word "marinus", meaning "sea". Used as an epithet of Venus (Venus Marina). Marina is the female form of the ancient rare name Marin. The meaning of the name Marina fully corresponds to the meaning of the name Pelageya, which is of ancient Greek origin.

There is a form of the name Marina, which has become an independent name. This is the name Marinika. The diminutives Mara, Masha and Rina are also independent names.

Marina is very receptive in conversation, impatient and impulsive in business. In many ways, she is driven by her increased excitability. Marina combines ice and fire. Marina is prone to severe disappointments and bouts of despair.

Marina places herself very highly. She truly has charm and magnetism, which allows her to easily manipulate people. In communication, this girl behaves relaxed and boldly, not forgetting her self-esteem. It is very important for her that her person is given due attention. At the same time, she always feels somewhat lonely.

Fate spoils Marina. Since childhood, she has been the center of attention. At school she has a lot of fans, friends and boyfriends. In all situations, Marina either remains unnoticed or attracts the attention of everyone. A girl with this name highly values ​​her personal freedom and does not tolerate restrictions.

Marina is generously gifted with imagination. Sometimes she gives the impression of an eternal child in need of protection. Faced with life's difficulties, Marina withdraws into herself. She may not keep her promises or give in to danger. But at decisive moments, the girl still subordinates her emotions to reason and begins to act thoughtfully and prudently. Sometimes Marina is attacked by a feeling of loneliness and melancholy, which she not only does not drive away, but seems to cultivate within herself.

Marina cannot see her life without heartache and suffering. She tries to hide her advantages from prying eyes, remains friendly, but distant from her interlocutor. It is very easy to upset Marina; she readily succumbs to melancholy.

Marina's intuition is very developed and helps the girl find new sources of interest in life. Often a girl with this name lives in her own world of premonitions and signs.

Marina relies little on her intellect. She acts without thinking and often makes significant mistakes. In addition, the girl often forgets about many things that are important to her.

The main thing that Marina is waiting for is love and tenderness. She does not tolerate prohibitions, she is very kind to her children, but, succumbing to a momentary impulse, she can leave them alone for a long time.

Marina is always among fans. She often falls in love, choosing handsome and wealthy men. Like many girls, Marina is looking forward to her one and only. Marriage for her is a symbol of a calm and prosperous life. The husband must pay a lot of attention to Marina, otherwise the relationship will begin to collapse. For her part, Marina will never be able to forgive her husband for cheating.

For the sake of compliments and admiration, Marina is capable of creating real miracles. If a girl is expecting guests, then there is no doubt that she will try to surprise and amaze them with unusual culinary dishes. Marina tries more to prove herself as a mother and wife than as an employee. She may be interested in medicine or education. However, she is not very concerned about success in business. Only on occasion can Marina give her idea a wide scope.

Marina's birthday

Famous people named Marina

  • Marina Tsvetaeva ((1892 - 1941) Russian poetess, prose writer, translator, one of the largest Russian poets of the 20th century)
  • Marina Mnishek ((c.1588 - c.1614) queen, wife of False Dmitry I and False Dmitry II)
  • Marina Raskova ((1912 - 1943) nee Malinina; Soviet pilot-navigator, major, one of the first women awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Marina Voskanyants ((born 1934) Soviet animator, some of her works are “The Tsokotukha Fly”, “The Bremen Town Musicians”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog”, etc.)
  • Marina Neyolova ((born 1947) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Most creative biography came from working at the Sovremennik Theater. She played the most famous roles in such films as: “Monologue”, “Autumn Marathon”, “Faryatyev’s Fantasies” and “Dear Elena Sergeevna”. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).)
  • Marina Vladi, also known as Catherine Marina de Polyakoff-Baidaroff ((born 1938) real name - Ekaterina Marina Vladimirovna Polyakova-Baidarova; French actress and singer of Russian origin, was engaged in sculpture. She is the author of several, including fiction, books. Owner Cannes Film Festival prize for Best Actress, nominated for a Golden Globe Award.)
  • Marina Levtova ((1959 - 2000) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of Russia (1999))
  • Marina Khlebnikova ((born 1965) Soviet and Russian pop singer and TV presenter)
  • Marina Ladynina ((1908 - 2003) Soviet theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1950), winner of five Stalin Prizes (1941, 1942, 1946, 1948, 1951))
  • Marina Semyonova ((1908 - 2010) née Sheloumova; outstanding Russian Soviet ballerina, ballet teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1975). Hero of Socialist Labor (1988).)
  • Marina Zudina ((born 1965) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1995), People's Artist of Russia (2006))
  • Marina Lesko (independent journalist, media ideologist, publicist, columnist, editor. Professional pseudonyms: M. Lesko, Masha Ivanova, Maria Ivanova, Marina Ivanova. She was a columnist for the magazine "Company", writes a column in Mikhail Leontiev's weekly magazine "However". Her publications in magazines "Ogonyok" and "Profile" were replicated on Internet resources. He believes that glamorous characters, unlike political ones, are attractive due to their sincerity.)
  • Marina Kapuro ((born 1961) singer, Honored Artist of Russia (1993))
  • Marina Paley ((born 1955) Russian prose writer, screenwriter, publicist and translator)
  • Marina Razbezhkina ((born 1948) Russian screenwriter and film director)
  • Marina of Antioch (early Christian saint. Glorified among the great martyrs as one of the many victims of persecution of Christians during the reign of Emperor Diocletian (284-305).)
  • Malinche, Malineli Tenepatl, the Spaniards called her Doña Marina ((between 1496 and 1502-1529 or 1551) translator, informant and concubine of Hernan Cortes, who played important role in the Spanish conquest of Mexico)
  • Marina Yudenich ((born 1959) Russian writer. In 1994-1996, Deputy Head of the Information Department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, from January to May 1995 - Acting Head of the Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. Author of thirteen novels written in the detective genre with elements of mysticism, of which the most famous is Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois. Author of the political detective story “Oil”, named a bestseller in 2007.)
  • Marina Turetskaya ((born 1934) Russian artist, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Marina Gaizidorskaya ((born 1963) Soviet, Russian and American theater and film actress, singer)
  • Marina Dyachenko ((born 1968) Ukrainian writer, former actress)
  • Marina Zhurinskaya ((born 1943) Soviet and Russian journalist, publicist, linguist, editor of the Orthodox magazine “Alpha and Omega”. Candidate of Philological Sciences.)
  • Marina Loshak ((born 1955) Soviet and Russian curator, gallery owner, art manager, art critic, collector, museum worker. One of the leading curators of the Russian avant-garde. Co-founder, co-owner (with Maria Salina) and art director of the Proun gallery on "Winzavod" (since 2007). Art director of the Moscow museum and exhibition association "Capital" (since 2012).
  • Marina Maiko ((born 1970) Soviet and Russian actress)
  • Marina Orel ((born 1979) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Marina Tyomkina ((born 1948) Russian poet. Since 1978 in the USA. Worked as a psychologist and cultural scientist in projects related to the study personal characteristics Holocaust survivors and their families. Author of four books of poetry; was published in the magazines “Continent”, “22”, “Time and We”, “New Journal” and others, as well as in the anthologies “At the Blue Lagoon”, “Strophes of the Century”, “Ulysses Unbound”. American award “National Endowment for the Arts” (1994).)
  • Marina Hagen ((born 1974) Russian poetess. Marina Hagen is known primarily as the author of haiku and texts in genres adjacent to haiku (for example, haibun), although she also tries herself in longer verse libres that are free from genre restrictions. She has been published in anthology “Non-Capital Literature”, anthology of Russian haiku “Triton”, magazines “Ural”, “Khreshchatyk”, etc. Winner of the All-Russian haiku competition (1998).)
  • Marina Foix (Fois) ((born 1970) French theater and film actress)
  • Marine Yashvili (Iashvili) ((1932 - 2012) violinist. People's Artist of Georgia, Honored Artist of Russia (1997), professor at the Moscow Conservatory.)
  • Marina Shainova ((born 1986) Russian weightlifter, member of the Russian national team. Silver medalist Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing. Russian record holder (dated August 11, 2008 - amount 237 kg). Four-time European champion (2005-2007, 2011). She is the world champion among juniors in 2005 and 2006. In 2007, she won a silver medal at the World Championships for adults.)
  • Marina Tsurtsumiya ((born 1964) Russian film director)
  • Marina Chen-Kornilova ((born 1970) Russian poet, prose writer. Creative pseudonym - Marina Chen. Published in the magazines “Aurora”, “Koryo saram”. Author of poems that formed the basis for the songs of the groups “Night Snipers”, “Surganova and the Orchestra” "("In this city F.", "I will leave just as quietly") In 2005, the poetry album "Confession of a Feminist" was released. In 2007, two poetry collections were published: "In this city of lanterns" 2007 Moscow and "Random". views" 2007 St. Petersburg. Organizer of creative evenings. Marina Chen’s performances were successfully held in many cities of Russia.)
  • Marina Chechneva ((1922 - 1984) pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, during the Great Patriotic War commanded a squadron of the 46th Taman Guards Night Light Bomber Regiment, guard major)
  • Marina Tsvigun ((born 1960) nee Mamonova, known as “Mother of the World Maria Devi Christos”; creator of the “Great White Brotherhood Yusmalos”)
  • Marina Vishnevetskaya ((born 1955) Russian prose writer, screenwriter. She began publishing as the author of humorous stories in 1972 in the magazine “Youth”. As a prose writer - since 1991. Novels and short stories are published in the magazines “October”, “Friendship of Peoples”, “ Volga", "Znamya". Poems for children - in the magazines "Tram", "Kukumber", the weekly "Week". She has written scripts for more than 25 animated films and ten documentaries. She is the author of children's animated programs on the Ren-TV and TV channels. "TVC". Member of the Academy of Cinematic Arts "Nika". Member of the jury of the I.P. Belkin awards (2004), "Debut" (2006), "Russian Booker" (2008).
  • Marina Khrustaleva ((born 1978) Russian manager in the field of culture, journalist, translator, curator, public figure. Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Architectural Heritage (MAPS) (since 2006), coordinator of the public movement "Arkhnadzor" (since 2009).)
  • Marina Kretova (prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation since 1988)
  • Alla Dovlatova ((born 1974) real name - Marina Evstrakhina, after her first husband - Evstrakhina-Lyutaya, second husband - Alexey Boroda; Russian radio and television presenter, actress)
  • Alexandra Marinina ((born 1957) real name - Marina Alekseeva; Russian writer, author of a large number of works in the detective genre)
  • Marina Borovskaya ((born 1964) Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, since 2012 - Rector of the Southern Federal University)
  • Marina Druz ((born 1982) player on the television game show “What? Where? When?” Daughter of Alexander Druz, younger sister of Inna Druz.)

While the ball laughs with lights,

The soul will not fall asleep in peace.

But God gave me a different name:

It's sea, sea!

These lines speak as well as possible about the meaning of the name and soul of the author of the lines, poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.

The alluring hall sings with lights,

Sings and calls sparkling.

But God gave me a different soul:

She is sea, sea!

Faced with the owner female name Marina, see how much this woman resembles the sea. Just as affectionate, cheerful and boundless. At the same time, nothing prevents her from literally becoming sharp and impulsive in just a minute, like a raging sea, ready to swallow everything in its abyss. Time will pass, Marina will calm down and become a charmer again. What is the interpretation of the name Marina? What fate awaits the sea woman in life? What awaits her? Success and glory or shame and disappointment?

Versions of origin and interpretation of the name

We owe the origin of the name Marina to the ancient Greeks, or more precisely, to their goddess Aphrodite. After all, as the story goes, she was the mother of Aeneas, whose descendants stood at the founding of Rome. The prototype of Aphrodite, as the goddess of beauty, carnal love, desire and prosperity, in Roman mythology was Venus. Etymology says that Marina is an interpretation of one of the names of Venus, meaning “sea”.

Another argument in favor of the Greek interpretation. In the language of the ancient Greeks there is a word “marinus”, which means sea.

Scientists are considering another meaning of the name Marina. It is considered to be a derivative of the male name Marin, meaning sea. This is a priest from Rimini who became the patron saint of the entire state of San Marino.

It should be noted that in Russia this name became very popular during the years of Soviet power and to the present day. They played a huge role in this famous people with the name Marina: poetess Tsvetaeva, writer Marinina, pilot Raskova, ballerina Semenova, actresses Ladynina and Vladi.

Patron Saint - Marina of Antioch

The girl Marina from Antioch is rightfully considered the intercessor of all Marinas. According to legend, at an early age she believed in Christianity. The girl's family worshiped pagan gods. They found her a husband, also a pagan, who decided that this would not debunk her faith. But neither requests, nor persuasion, nor punishment, nor even public torture could break the will of the young woman. She did not give up Christ.

Then they decided to drown her. But at that moment everything around shook, the shackles fell to the ground, and a shining halo appeared above the head of Marina of Antioch. The gathered people believed in Christianity. However, this did not stop the pagans, but only angered them. Marina was executed, and with her another fifteen hundred innocent people who saw this miracle.

Spelling out the name Marina

The characteristics of the name Marina are hidden in the spelling and pronunciation of the word. Great value the letters that make it up play. Each of them carries information about the character and fate of the owner of the name Marina:

M - speaks of philanthropy and the ability to perceive people as they are, of curiosity, a craving for everything new and of immeasurable charm;

A – denotes Marina as a leader;

P - indicates a tendency towards dogmatism, patience, compliance and a great sense of self-esteem;

And - characterizes Marina as a subtle harmonious nature;

N - indicates a critical attitude towards the world around us, pickiness, but at the same time honesty and conscientiousness in work;

A – is associated with high self-esteem, which interferes with life.

Marina: fate and character traits

The meaning of the name Marina suggests that she is a free and laid-back person. She never thinks about what will happen next, what reaction her words or behavior will cause in others. At the same time, it is not in her rules to regret what happened. There is a certain duality in Marina’s nature, and even close people cannot know what she will do in a given situation. She is characterized by: violent expression of emotions, increased irritability, spontaneous outbursts of anger, frequent, sometimes completely unconscious, mood swings.

The character of the name Marina indicates excessive pride. She is prone to displaying harshness, expansiveness and ardor. Often falls in love, but at the same time feelings can also easily develop into hatred.

Character traits define Marina as a person who does not want to poke her nose into other people's affairs. She does not collect gossip and does not weave intrigues. Her credo is to tell the whole truth to your face, without whispering behind your back. Treats his surroundings objectively and impartially. She always has her own point of view and is not afraid even if she sometimes differs from the opinions of others.

Friends and acquaintances consider her open and sincere, however, this is far from the truth. Marina is a secretive person and practically does not say what she thinks and what she really feels. She is arrogant and has a heightened sense of self-esteem. Even her outward friendliness does not allow for close rapprochement with her interlocutor.

But she knows how to skillfully manipulate people, using friends for personal gain. It should be noted that she is surrounded by only useful acquaintances.

Marina does not know how to overcome difficulties, nor does she know how to keep her word. Decisions are often made by a quick fix Without much thought, the result is almost always wrong. Nevertheless, she is not vindictive and does not know how to be offended for a long time. Her outbursts end as soon as they begin. In a quarrel, it costs her nothing to insult or humiliate a person, but she will not allow herself to be offended. No one is allowed to talk bad about her.

Marina has a hard time dealing with everyday troubles. As a rule, the black streak results in a prolonged depression. She seems to be hiding from everyone and living in the most imaginary world, falling into melancholy and beginning to feel sorry for herself. From the outside, it seems that she enjoys the melancholy and mental suffering.

Marinka: the meaning of a name for a girl

Since childhood, the girl Marinka has been growing up as an energetic child. She is as mobile as a spinning top. Shows curiosity and good manners. She is a gifted and exceptional person, both intellectually and spiritually. Both her peers and older children are drawn to her. The main character trait of Marinka is her sense of self-esteem and justice. She will not allow herself to be humiliated either physically or morally; she will stand up for the truth, no matter whether it concerns her or not.

Among children, Marinka is always in a leading position. She knows how to organize her peers for any task. At the same time, she demands a lot both from herself and from those around her. Therefore, few daredevils decide to make friends with a girl. And Marinka herself is not very keen on relationships. It is inherently distrustful of people. Even parents should treat her with understanding and inspire her by personal example. Otherwise, the girl will seize the initiative and begin to control them. The character and fate of a girl largely depends on her upbringing.

At school the girl has no equal. And the point is not even that Marinka, as a rule, is an excellent student. She has not only abilities, but great talent, backed by personal interest and curiosity. The main desire is that if you want, then literally in a few days you will turn from a mediocre student into an excellent student.

Marisha: the meaning of the name for a girl

With age, Marisha changes little. She is just as agile and smart, has wit and eloquence. To these traits is added sympathy and authority from the stronger half, which simply infuriates the few friends.

She doesn’t weave intrigues, women’s secrets are alien to her, which causes misunderstanding among her friends and admiration among guys. At this age, she does not accept any prohibitions, but lives, enjoying the delights of life as much as possible. Therefore, it is important at this moment not to let Marisha turn into a person who does not take into account anyone’s opinion except her own, the only correct one.

It is worth noting that Marisha, as in childhood, is honest. Although she lives without paying much attention to other people’s opinions, she tries to do everything correctly and conscientiously. In her quest to achieve her goal, she does not use cunning or immorality. She is not interested in success for the sake of success. Therefore, if an unfair fight begins, Marisha almost always leaves the race, even in love rivalry. At the same time, no one will ever be able to catch her fleeing; she leaves the battlefield with the appearance of a winner.

Marina: the meaning of the name for a woman

Having entered adulthood, Marina tries to get married as quickly as possible. She sees her purpose in this. In addition, she has all the qualities to create ideal family filled with harmony. She attracts with her beauty and grooming, professionalism at work and ability to lead household. For the sake of family happiness, Marina is ready to sacrifice her career. She either puts it off for an indefinite period, or immerses herself in everyday life, devoting herself entirely to her husband and children.

But there is one small condition: a worthy man must be near her. She carefully sorts through her fans in search of an ideal, from whom there is practically no end. Many fail the test and disappear in English. But this does not scare Marina. She knows her worth and will not kill herself for a weakling.

Marriage and family

Next to her can only be a man who is close to ideal by all criteria. A successful businessman, a recognized professional in his field or foreign diplomat. Marina will not agree to anything less. Her husband must provide not only material well-being in the house, but also show attention and care for his wife.

She must definitely marry for love, otherwise she will turn her partner's life into hell. If she finds her soul mate, then a more faithful, devoted and caring wife cannot be found. Her relationship with children is good, but this also reveals her duality: today she is a best friend and a caring mother, but tomorrow she has completely different priorities.

Marina’s house is always clean and cozy, a delicious family lunch or dinner is prepared on the stove, and even a random guest will not take her by surprise. In addition, Marina is a hospitable hostess. Relations with mother-in-law are smooth. The husband's parents respect their daughter-in-law and love to visit her.

Marina has good compatibility for marriage with Alexey, Victor, Bogdan, Maxim.

She can create an ideal family with Mikhail, Sergei, Denis, Evgeniy, Egor, Dmitry.

Career, business and money

IN professional activities Marina slowly and steadily moves towards her goal. Nothing will block her path. But still, the main motivation in work is money. If her work does not bring her proper financial success, then she will very quickly change her field of activity.

It’s easy for Marina to make a career. She always tries to be noticed by management, makes useful connections, but to her credit, she works like an ox. She can handle any task. Marin makes talented actresses, learned writers and doctors. All doors are open for the owner of this name, but it is unlikely that she will achieve success on the entrepreneurial path.

Forms of the name Marina

In the abbreviated diminutive form, Marina’s names are: Marinka, Marishka, Masha, Marinushka, Mara, Marusya, Marisha, Marisya, Mari, Musya, Rina.

Marina: name declension

Nominative case - Marina

Genitive case – Marina

Dative case – Marina

Accusative case – Marina

Instrumental case – Marina

Prepositional case – Marina.

Name Marina in different languages

The female name Marina has ancient origins. WITH Latin language"Marinus" is translated as "sea". Marina is an epithet of the word Venus, which was considered one of the most revered greek goddesses. Historians associate the origin of this name with the ancient male Marin. This was the name given to the hermit deacon originally from Rimini, who is today considered the patron saint of the Republic of San Marin.

Women with this name have two patron saints - the Great Martyr Marina of Antioch, who became a victim of cruel torture for Christian speech, and the Venerable Virgin Marina of Beria, who lived in seclusion for about 40 years and became famous for her feat of prayer.

During the Soviet era, the name was very common and was in the top ten in terms of popularity. Today, in the post-Soviet space, many girls are still called it. It is also found in other countries - Brazil, Georgia, Spain, England, Italy.

Name Marina in other languages

Astrology named after Marina

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

Little Marina (Marisha, Marusya, Musya) has a confident and proud disposition. She loves praise and admiration, trying in every possible way to achieve it from others. The girl is touchy and proud. Her dignity cannot be belittled. This can cause the formation of complexes at a conscious age.

Marina's character clearly manifests itself during her school years. She is the undisputed leader in the team. He has a mediocre attitude towards studies, studying according to his mood.

From early childhood she has been the center of attention. Manages to acquire a lot of school fans and friends. Different situations require Marina to be invisible or to attract as many people’s gaze as possible.

In adolescence, a girl needs to be controlled in order to protect her from bad company. Marina's nature is passionate, courageous, uninhibited, and prone to adventure. Her friends are mostly guys.

The girl is confident in her desires. She believes that she deserves only the best. If necessary, young Marina shows willpower and determination. Her inner world is harmonious, which makes her whole and soft.

Marina's main character traits are pride and impetuosity. She may be very offended, but quickly moves away. He prefers not to interfere in other people's affairs, does not like gossip and intrigue. The presence or absence of physical beauty equally allows her to attract the attention of men.

Adult Marina has a fairly high self-esteem, but she tries to keep her leadership habits under strict control. She is distinguished by her sharp mind, secrecy, pride and courage. The woman makes a pleasant impression on those around her.

The bearer of this name is diplomatic in communication. But sometimes she is capable of showing strong emotions and uttering a bunch of unpleasant and offensive words in the heat of the moment. Marina's sensuality awakens at an early age. The woman has many fans. Men find her exciting and magnetic.

She has her own opinion on everything. It is impossible to change it. She herself is a good manipulator and a natural actress who can play the role of both a femme fatale and the embodiment of holy innocence.

Marina's character

The undoubted advantages of the bearers of this name include such qualities as honesty, directness, courage, hard work, the ability to empathize with loved ones, and the willingness to provide support to the latter. Marina is authoritative and fair.

Being an attractive, enthusiastic, creatively gifted, straightforward and courageous lady, she is an object of worship. This woman knows her worth and has the ability to subjugate people.

Girls and women with this name can be wayward and selfish, stupid and forgetful. They are prone to idealism, which often leads to disappointment in people. Many representatives of the fair sex with this name have an unstable psyche and excessive emotionality.

Their temper makes them quickly turn love into hate. Carried away by a new business, Marina immediately forgets about her previous obligations. She is also capable of becoming interested in a new person and leaving her previous friend.

Marina's fate

The fate of a woman who has not committed anything stupid at a young age often turns out happily. It is important for her to find a life purpose. She will achieve it with confidence and the ability to present herself correctly. Thanks to these qualities, Marina is capable of many things - a successful career, the realization of ambitions, and the discovery of talents. In her youth, the girl is prone to rash actions. The latter can become fatal, negatively affecting future fate.

Passions have been raging around Marina since early childhood. She has many friends who are ready to help. Fans follow her even if she doesn’t have a bright appearance. A woman consciously approaches building personal happiness, carefully planning every step, watching her words and actions. Dreaming is not typical of her character. In men, she values ​​both attractive appearance and inner beauty, striving to find her ideal. Marina will not show serious intentions to a representative of the opposite sex in unkempt clothes, with excess weight and other physical disabilities.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Marina has a creative streak and good intelligence. But frequent changes of priorities do not allow her to focus on one thing. Having overcome herself, she can become an excellent artist, actress, model, writer. Excellent culinary skills at home often transfer to the professional field.

It is quite difficult to build a career for a woman. Success is guaranteed only if there are patrons. Financial condition remains at an average level. She treats money carefully, knows how to save and save.

Marriage and family

A woman is ready to get married at a young age. But he will maintain ties only with the chosen one who is able to adequately provide and pay full attention to the family. Unjustified hopes quickly end in divorce. Marina does not tolerate and does not forgive betrayal, rudeness, or humiliation. Family life with her it is bumpy and complex, which is the reason for her stubborn disposition, demandingness, and emotionality. If feelings are reciprocated, she will be a faithful and not particularly conflicted wife.

When it comes to raising children, Marina is inconsistent. One day she surrounds them with care and concern, and on the second she forgets about them, performing only primary tasks. Relationships with heirs are not always friendly. In everyday life, a woman values ​​cleanliness and order. Her home is always filled with coziness, and there is an excellent dinner on the stove. He loves to greet guests.

Sex and love

Marina is a very passionate person. Sex plays a significant role in her life. Intimate relationships she is allowed to meet a man on the first day of acquaintance. This is explained by its enormous popularity among the opposite sex. She prefers strong, tall, athletic, beautiful partners.

In bed, a woman does not feel embarrassed. She is ready to realize any of her own fantasies and please her lover. Her insatiability and desire for variety make her excellent at sex, but this quickly gets boring for serious men. For them, she remains only a mistress. Marina is in love.

In relationships, he seeks spiritual comfort. He doesn’t really know how to show tenderness and care. With the help of sex, she often tries to assert herself, win favor, and conquer a man. But having found out that it does not correspond to the ideal, it quickly cools down. This tactic makes it difficult to create a lasting alliance.


Marina’s weak point is her nervous system. Constant worries and stress can lead to serious mental disorders. The latter are fraught with problems with physical health.

Woman prone to typing excess weight. Being overweight is a consequence of poor nutrition and the habit of “eating” any troubles.

Another weak point is the teeth. You need to monitor and properly care for your oral cavity from early childhood. Otherwise, a lot of problems will appear in adulthood. There is a risk of losing some teeth during pregnancy.

Interests and hobbies

Marina is a solo player. Intuitively, she chooses only those activities that cause enthusiastic exclamations in her honor. This could be cooking, painting, performing arts, poetry.

She devotes her free time to needlework, gardening, computer games. In sports, he prefers aesthetically attractive genres - rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating and more.

1. Personality: Quiet women

2. Main features: will - sociability - activity - intelligence

3.Color: yellow

4. Totem plant: heather

5. Totem animal: carp

6. Sign: Pisces.

7. Type. Don't judge them by their name, even if their totem is carp. These people are capable of completing the most difficult and overwhelming task. As a rule, these are top-class women who evoke sympathy among people around them.

8. Psyche. Rather, they are people of action. It’s easier for them to do something than to talk about it. They have a masculine way of leading and ruling. Objective and self-confident.

9. Will. She has been very strong since childhood. There must be people around them with a balanced psyche, otherwise they will completely suppress them.

10. Excitability. You will find true friends in these women. They know how to make friends with both men and women.

11. Reaction speed. They light up easily, but always act with calculation. They love to contradict and say “no.”

12. Field of activity. These women always carry out their plans. The most important thing for them is to choose a profession. They choose a job where they need to give orders, even if it involves risk. If they become interested in art, they will definitely become sculptors or painters. In any case, they manage to deceive others.

13. Intuition. There is something hidden, unknown, shrouded in mystery, which makes others guess at their identity,

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking. However, you need to make sure that these girls do not grab at the top, but delve into the essence of the problem.

15. Receptivity. Good, but without overlap. They are characterized by restraint and do not like to put their feelings on display.

16. Morality. The morality of these women does not keep up with their actions, like the quartermaster's train with the army. If it is beneficial for them, they can change their moral principles.

17. Health. It seems to them that they have horse health, so they do not spare themselves, sleep little, eat irrationally, and work too much. Minor ailments can make their life difficult. Weak points: autonomic nervous system, genitals.

18. Sexuality. Women with this type of character feel strong attraction and strive to live life to the fullest. Their sexuality is all together: delicacy, pleasure, spiritual sex, happiness and unhappiness.

19. Activity. They are active and try to make a career in professions that are classified as male.

20. Sociability. They are incomparable housewives, excellent cooks and know how to entertain guests, skillfully and intelligently use advantageous acquaintances to their advantage. WITH great love They belong to the family, but are still independent in character.

21. Conclusion. These individuals have too strong a character for a woman. Such “quiet” women contain secret strength and power...

According to Mendelev

A good, reliable and joyful name for an outwardly very ordinary woman. Her advantages are hidden and invisible to an indifferent glance. She is even-tempered and friendly with those around her, but rarely does anyone manage to achieve spiritual intimacy with her (the “cold” sign). She is not very concerned about success in business, because her country is a space of the soul.

Marina Tsvetaeva gave an excellent description of her name:

Who is created from ashes, who is molded from clay,

And I turn silver and sparkle.

My business is treason, my name is Marina,

I am the mortal foam of the sea!

Marina has the highest intuition and excitability, which helps her discover new, unknown to others, sources of joy in life and interest in it. But Marina just as easily wilts and succumbs to a feeling of emptiness. By temperament, she is, perhaps, still melancholic.

Ice and fire - this is how you can define this nature.

Marina either goes through life quietly and completely unnoticed, or she flies noisily, brightly and stormily - but this flight does not last long.

The main color picture of this name is a crimson sun over a blue sea.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Marina falls in love with handsome, strong, charming men. If she likes a man, she is able to give herself to him on the very first evening after meeting him.

Marina views sex both as a means of satisfying love passion and as a way of self-expression and self-affirmation, getting rid of complexes. She can experience tender feelings for the man with whom she is close and at the same time enter into contact,

driven only by physical passion.

“Winter” Marina is sexually excitable and active. She demands a lot from her partner, but she herself is capable of sensitively monitoring his erotic experiences and meeting his desires.

Sexual relationships are an integral and not the least significant part of her life. If Marina marries for convenience, this calculation also implies the sexuality of her future husband.

“Autumn” Marina is rarely satisfied in love. She is demanding, knows her worth and wants to get what she deserves. Loves variety in emotional sphere, cannot stand boring, insipid relationships. She often makes life difficult for herself.

Marina is straightforward and open, capable of disarming her partner with the generosity of passion. At the same time, she feels a certain isolation, feeling lonely, even giving herself to her lover. Marina often cultivates her melancholy and feeling of loneliness in herself: sometimes one gets the impression that she simply revels in her love suffering, without them life seems colorless to her. She doesn’t like to feel tied down, doesn’t like limitations, it’s as if she’s always playing with her fate. In her sexual relationships, she seeks the opportunity to achieve spiritual comfort, to feel desired, loved, and this desire of hers is sometimes so frank and ingenuous that it cannot help but conquer

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Sea". IN Greek Pelagia corresponds to this name

Energy of the name and character: It is not for nothing that this name is named after the sea; there is something attractive about it, like a sea beach. Just don’t swim too far behind the buoys, otherwise the lifeguard may not have time to come to the rescue. This, of course, is a figurative expression, but in general, in its energy, the name really resembles either an oncoming surf wave, or a spring, ready to unclench and shoot at any moment. Well, besides, a sonorous and beautiful name can not only attract the attention of others, but can also endow Marina herself with highly developed ambition.

Usually, since childhood, Marina has been distinguished by her cheerfulness and mobility, and the good energy of her name gives her self-confidence. Although it also happens that due to an overly strict upbringing, everything happens just the opposite and instead of the usual confidence, an equally ordinary inferiority complex develops. Alas, this is just reverse side ambition, or rather, its unrealized side. If a person who is not indifferent to his inner qualities and to the opinions of others is constantly pointed out to his shortcomings, and even from the height of his parental position, then he, instead of immediately starting to improve for the better according to his parents’ plan, will simply begin to consider himself a kind of degenerate, or else he will hate himself. After all, love is not that far from hate. However, even if this happens, with age this situation will most likely improve and, having started an independent life, Marina will still be convinced of her merits and ability to influence men.

In a word, if not from childhood, then sooner or later she still shows the strength of her rather wayward character. At the same time, a certain impetuosity most often prevails in Marina’s behavior. She can be lively, but she can suddenly and unexpectedly lose interest in something she has just started. In the event of any conflicts, it costs her nothing to stand up for herself, although it is not in her character to remember evil and resentment for a long time. But Marina’s most useful and attractive quality is her well-developed sense of humor, which makes her quite a cheerful and cheerful person. Perhaps what she really lacks is some kind of consistency and the ability to concentrate on one specific goal. Without this, it will be quite difficult for her to make a career for herself, if, of course, this career occupies some place in her plans - after all, Marina’s ambition is often completely satisfied by the elementary respect of loved ones and others. All of the above must also be taken into account by her husband, who must pay a lot of attention to Marina and her independent self-esteem and in no case humiliate her either with words or behavior. These are the buoys behind which, oh, how dangerous it is to swim.

Secrets of communication: Often, in her emotional impulse, Marina is capable of saying a lot of unnecessary things, but this does not mean that you are now enemies forever. Most likely, tomorrow she will not even remember the quarrel, or she herself will seriously regret what she did. It is best to neutralize the outbreak of conflict with the help of good humor.

The name's trace in history:

Marina Vladi

As Eldar Ryazanov correctly noted in his program “Parisian Secrets,” the entire life of the famous French actress Marina Vladi (born 1938) can be divided into three periods: before Vysotsky, with Vysotsky and after his death. However, it should be noted that, despite all the differences, these three periods are equally full of events, movement, and some unpredictable turns of Fate. This is also evidenced by the facts of the actress’s biography. The daughter of a Russian pilot and a Russian noblewoman who married in Parisian emigration, she was thus born French - just like her three sisters. It is also interesting that each of the four sisters eventually became an independent actress, and once they even all played Chekhov’s “Three Sisters” together - and with great success.

Born Polyakova-Baidarova, the actress quickly realized that for a successful career she needed a successful stage name, and, shortening her father’s name in a Western manner, she received a short and memorable one from Vladimir - Vladi. Success came to her after her first films, and there was no shortage of offers: directors liked to work with a talented actress who, among other qualities, had good choreographic training. To date, Marina Vladi has starred in more than a hundred films and believes that this is not the limit. In addition, she plays in the theater, writes books, sings...

However, despite her brilliant career, not everything in life worked out the way she would have liked. For example, Marina Vladi, according to her, always wanted to have at least six children, but was able to fulfill only “half of the plan.” She, who dreamed of romantic love for the rest of her life, was married four times, and, having found long-awaited love with her third husband, Vladimir Vysotsky, after twelve years of happiness she remained a widow.

Marina Vladi likes to remember the following about her life with Vysotsky: since they often lived separately - he in Moscow, she in France - they constantly called back and, unable to stop, talked on the phone for hours. However, there was no need to pay astronomical sums for negotiations: telephone operators, recognizing their voices, often connected lovers for free...

According to Higir

The feminine form of the name Marin comes from the Latin word “marinus” - marine.

As a rule, Marina has a high opinion of herself. And the beautiful Marina often even overestimates herself. She knows how to subordinate emotions to reason, so that everything that concerns her personal fate, she does thoughtfully and prudently.

Sensuality awakens in her very early. At school, passions are always in full swing around Marina, notes are passed around, quarrels break out between the boys, and there are always those who want to carry her briefcase. It's amazing that this happens regardless of whether Marina is beautiful or ugly. From childhood to old age, these women have a mysterious charm, a certain magnetism, against which men are completely defenseless. Marina is smart, courageous, relaxed, with a highly developed sense of self-esteem; faced with the betrayal of a loved one, she will not come to terms with it, even if a divorce threatens to ruin her entire life. With such a complex combination of pride and prudence, Marina is still not stingy.

Marina will be happy with a calm person, with an easy-going character, who can provide her with the necessary standard of living. At the same time, the husband must constantly admire Marina; she will not tolerate inattention to herself. Due to her high self-esteem, Marina has a difficult relationship with her mother-in-law. In the kitchen, Marina works wonders, striving at all costs to amaze guests with her culinary skills. In caring for children, she is quite impulsive: she either rushes to fill obvious gaps in their upbringing, or leaves the children to their own devices for a long time, and is capable of creating a scene of jealousy in the presence of strangers.

Marina's first marriages are difficult.

People often choose the professions of nurses, doctors, telephone operators, engineers, hairdressers, and actresses.

Marina's patronymics are Matveevna, Andriyanovna, and Vladimirovna.

The probability of a successful marriage with Sergei, Anton, Denis, Mikhail, Valentin, Vladislav is very high. And unsuccessful - with Boris, Nikolai, Anatoly, Georgy, Stanislav.

1. Personality: those who discover the secrets of life

2.Color: green

3. Main features: excitability - receptivity - sociability - intuition

4. Totem plant: maple

5. Spirit animal: trout

6. Sign: Pisces

7. Type. Neurasthenic choleric patients with unstable nervous system. They are easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair. Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

8. Psyche. They are certainly charming, they are “women-children” whom you want to protect and protect. If life becomes too difficult for their sensitive nature, they withdraw into themselves. From childhood they must be taught to keep their word and not retreat in the face of danger.

9. Will. Very changeable.

10. Excitability. More than strong.

11. Reaction speed. These are women of unpredictable lightning-fast reactions, like their totem - trout.

12. Field of activity. They are not very active. They are interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. These are excellent mothers, gentle and devoted wives.

13. Intuition. They place excessive emphasis on intuition. They live in a mysterious world of “signs” and premonitions.

14. Intelligence. They are intellectuals, but they act so quickly that they often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget about everything in the world - from the umbrella to the husband!

15. Receptivity. Very responsive, but somewhat careless. In their attentive eyes you can read great love, tenderness and desire for a calm, problem-free life.

16. Morality. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for such a character; they can only cause harm; these women, first of all, need love and tenderness.

17. Health. Not very strong, depends on mental state. Susceptible to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

18. Sexuality. The very word scares them! They don’t know and don’t want to understand their desires, so they often deal with partners who are far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

19. Activity. It is made up of dreams, unjustified enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. They put off until tomorrow what can and should be done today.

20. Sociability. They need love and cannot stand loneliness. They are very influenced and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. Very attached to family and friends.

21. Conclusion. These are charming and attractive women. Very variable and therefore quite difficult to understand.

According to Popov

What features do the women named by this name shine with! However, born in different months, years and, naturally, from different parents, they will all have the following characteristics.

It is impossible to keep Marina close to her mother's skirt; since childhood, she has strived to touch everything in this world with her hands - this trait is born from the consonant M of the first syllable of her name. Marina is not a couch potato, not a lazy person, but she will not willingly carry out every assignment. She finds the application of her powers independently - a consequence of the influence on the character of the letter A, located in the same syllable.

The second syllable is formed by the letters P and I. The first of them makes Marina faithful to this word like a man. If Marina said that she would come on a date, she will definitely fulfill her promise. But the second letter gives a woman exquisite taste. Marina will not agree to meet with a dull person, but only with someone in whom she recognizes the zest.

In the third syllable of this name there is a consonant N and another vowel A. This means that if Marina “had her eye” on young man, then she will pursue it relentlessly, and she will not lack strength on this path. Maybe it would be wiser for the latter to capitulate?

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